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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
December 18, 1990     The Hinton News
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December 18, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - B Hinton News Tues. Dec. 18, 1990 ~e • o""~ • oO .,--,-w o ~.-w-" -a Every holiday season, children OO][' • ~ V .• ..-- Jl. ~ dream about the ~ olsda y $ t). to receive. Sadly, not all kids areneWt°ystheyh°pe _ ,,fort. te e ou , to o* ~ ~ Marine Corps Reserve has helped , " ~l~ay$ by collecting toys for needy chil- Whether you re searching for gift;, dren. decorating or entertaining ideas, This year, the Toys for Tots pro- look to California table grapes to gram has a new twist: the Toys for help celebrate the merriest season Tots Foundation. To supplementthe of the year. , toy donations received at bins in Some of California s favorite communities across the country, the e~.--e ~----~ ~ou~aio wi oct a~ on ~~:! yourgrocer'sshelves throughout the tions, using the money to buy toys. holiday season. And grapes come in The Foundation enables comps- vibrant red and green colors, which nies to donate money instead of toys. are perfect for Christmas time! For example, The Mennen Com- pany, as a founding sponsor of the point of buying the newest and most Foundation, is committing up to popular toys--for the age groups $300,000 to the Toys for Tots pro- that need them. gram. So now, in addition to the toys "Even though local Marine Re-received in collection bins across servists collect 8,000,000 toys a year the country, the Toys for Tots pro- for underprivileged children, the gram is getting increased support need for toys exceeds the supply,' from corporate America. That can said Jerry King, Chairman, Marine mean a lot of toys, and a lot of joy! Corps Reserve Toys fbr Tots Foun- And if you want to make a cash dation. Support from corporations contribution to the Toys for Tots For yuletide gifts, consider fresh, nutrient-packed grapes-- * Buy a unique basket made from grapevines, fill it with bunches of green, red and blue/black Califor- nia grapes, and top it with a bright holiday bow. • Instead of filling children's stockings with sugary candies, bag bunches of grapes, tie them with colorful ribbons, and watch kids enjoy one of their favorite snacks. When it comes to decking ~our halls, bunches of grapes are the perfect accent to arrangements of natural garlands, fresh fruits and vegetables- *Use bunches of multicolor grapes to make spectacular--and edible--centerpieces. Your family members and guests will appreci- ate having delicious, low-calorie snacks available after eating fat- tening holiday goodies. Grapes are also great comple- ments to recipes and make colorful, healthy garnishes to holiday dishes-- • Freeze your grapes and use them as ice cubes in your punch bowl. • Serve fresh, sweet grapes with a fruit and cheese platter. • Toss together a fruit salad made from green, red and blue/black grape varieties. However you decorate with or serve California table grapes, you'll be maintaining a holiday tradition. In many Eastern cities where Euro- pean traditions are still practiced, fall grapes, with their reddish and often purplish color, are important for both Christian and Jewish cel- ebrations. This year, start your own Christ- mas tradition--instead of leaving cookies for Santa, leave a nutritious bunch of California table grapes. It takes the average person six-tenths of a second to walk one pace. such as The Mennen Company, a third year participant, helps fill the gap." Also, the kinds of toys donated at random don't necessarily meet the needs of the kids eligible to receive Foundation, send it to: U.S. Marine Corps; Toys for Tots Foundation; 36 Audubon Drive; Snyder, NY 14226. Or call 1-900-446-5505. The call costs $5.00 and the proceeds will be used to purchase toys. I %,: Wise Me/l sought a sacred Manger in the little town of Bethlehem, where the Christ Child was born. This Christmas, let the light of Ills message shine into all our lives, spreading "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." The Goliath frog of West Africa measures more than 30 inches and weighs 8bout seven pounds. . ~ * ~ ~i" ~- and good health in this holiday season, as well as our grate[ul thanks to all. 9 i May this sacred holidab, bring its finest blessings to our many loyal patrons. (THE HUB) ,7° .... Tot,,,-,/'Tr,,-,,,/, ,,,,,/ ~, ...... "9"/,a,,k ~4°"." ~, Summers County ~ntinuous Care Center / i¸ ......... ~:iii~iiiiill ;: !~: k:::: ~> ~i~i~~ i The sounds of Santa's sleigh- bells fill the air with music, and every home is kindled with the warmth of good cheer. May you and your family enjoy all the blessings of this happy holiday season. Heartfelt thanks tO Servinq up a tray of cheer and happiness to you and yours. We appreciate your patronage. Thanks. 4t ¢ :: :: wonderful holiday "~:;;~ !~