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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
December 18, 1990     The Hinton News
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December 18, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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- A HinteR News Tues. Dec. 18. 1990 sm mmm ll I I REAL ESTATE SERVICES , , = AND APPRAISALS I v-oo JONES REALTY [ I and Commercial Properties Each Office Independently Owned I I Mem r MLS 466-4246 J ] Autrey..R.,tch, Broker Rt..Box 99 | [ GRI, Cerhfled Real Estate Jumping Branch, WV 25969 I I Appraiser R. Eugene Jones, Jr., Br0ker lath Ave. & Commercial St. #255 Mob.e Home on U4 I I HateR, WV 25951 acres at R/vers/de Rest. |I Close to Greenbrier River. [ [ 304-466-1111 or 466-0736 $15,000 # 10acres HAxMt 11075~ I I CallandList With Us Today! - " • $ , '50. I # 7 acres - Between Chyton [ • .,// & Griffiths Creek-$10,000. | ~-'-" ~-.,.~/.~'~'~~4'~.~ # 518 Summers Street - I ~/f~.-~-.~ ~ .~'~--'~ $12,6oo. - I @ By Tom Rubin Forces personnel keep their families Social Security Manager intogether. Prior tothis, their disabled Beckley children had to remain in the U.S. or There have been a couple of re- give up SSI benefits. cent changes in the Supplemental The SSI program pays monthly Security Income (SSI) law that af- checks to people with little income fect SSI payments paid to disabled and few resources who are 65 and children, older and to people of any age who One of the changes allows for the are blind or disabled. And most continued payment of a $30 per- people who get SSI are also eligible sonal needs allowance to disabled for Medicaid which helps payhealth children who leave a medical insti- care expenses. tUtion to receive care at home. The For SSI purposes, achildisunder ~: .~, children will then also keep their 18 and neither married or head of a ~{~ ~edicaid eligibility, household, or under 22 and a stu- '!*~ :r'~" ~nder the old law, children often dent regularly pursuing a course of became ineligible for SSI and Medi- studyin an educational orvocational caid when they went home from an training institution expected to re- institution because oftheir parents' suit in gainful employment. income and resources. If you know a blind or disabled Another change continues eligi- child who may qualify for SSI, refer bility for disabled children of Armed the chil d, parents, or guardian to the Forces personnel who live with their Social Security office at 214 N. parents, while on permanent duty Kan~wha St: inB~kley. Or~] our assignments outside the U.S. The toll-free phone nurhber 1=800-2345- children must be U.S. citizens and SSA (1-800-234-5772)between 7:00 must have been eligible for SSI in a.m. and 7:00 p.m. weekdays. The the month before their parents re- best times to call are early in the ported for overseas duty. morning and late in the afternoon. This change will help Armed The sixth edition of the W. Va. The calendar contains prints of Wildlife Resources' award winning original wildlife paintings by W. Va. wildlife calendar will depart from artists, monthly hunting and fish- tradition and begin following a Jan. ing information and facts of interest to Dec; format, said Bob Miles, chief to all outdoorenthusiasts.There also of theWildlife Resources Section. is a six-page section on West The starting date change, re-Virginia's wildlife programs. quested by calendar purchasers, Calendar purchasers not only should better accomodate its use as receive an attractive and functional a Christmas gift, Miles said. Prior calendar, but proceeds from calen- years calendars followed a Sept. 1 to dar sales contribute to the funding Aug, 31 format, of the W. Va. Nongame Wildlife "The wildlife calendar is unques- Program. tionably the best outdoor theme Treat yourselforyouremployees calendar available to West Virgini- to a wildlife calendar and support ans,~ Miles said. "It is attractive, West Virginia's wildlife resources. interesting and highly functional. Corporate orders for bulk purchases "Frankly, coupled with the may be arranged. To order, contact calendar's extremelymodest $6 cost, the Nongm~eWildlife Program, P.O. it cannot be beet as a thoughtful and Box 67, Elkins, WV, 26241. appreciated gift," he said, at Pi The W.Va. Home Extension Serv- ice Fall Conference was held at .:Pipestem Nov. 13th and Nov. 14th. The meeting was called to order by planning chairman, Ernestine * Harris. Welcome byGreta Johnson, Beck- ley Representative. Speaker Clean W.Va, Maxine Scarbaro W.Va. Dept. of Natural Resources. The 1st. class Nov. 13th was'Don't Let Food Bug You" conducted by Dr. Robert Anderson. 2nd. class, "Your Niche in the 90's~ by Andrea Gainer. 3rd. class, MJorowave Magic, by Mary Lou Schmidt. Nov. 14th. The Educational Cri- sis in the Nineties. Mary Pearl Compton Delegate - 21st. District. Thanks from the J.B. Nimitz - Summers Co. Home Extension Club. Enjoying all the classes and lunch was: Wilma Meadows, Mary Neely, Reva Lilly, Ruby Lester, Vs. Rippe. toe, Erma Meadows, Vs. Vaughn, Juanita Basham and Vs. Wilcox. Gladys Gooding played for the New York Rangers, New York Kni©ka and Brooklyn Dodgers in a single season--as organist, The attractive rosewood that is seen often in fine furniture, does not (:ome from rose plants, it's the name of several types of wood of the botanical genus Dalbt, rl~ia, Jerry L. Cooper EAL E !STATI EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EASY PRICE TO LIVE WITH 1 1/2 story, brick home; full basement and detached ga- rage; assumable VA Loan; $37,500. APARTMENT BUILDING Good investment; 2 units with private entrances; fully occu- pied; $16,500. 2-story, brick apartment building in Hinton Historical District; fully occupied; $23,000. 201 MAIN STREET One-story frame; level lot; CHEAP !.q $8,000. A REAL GEM. "" Spacious tri-level home with two-car, built-in garage; large, level lot in lower Bellepoint area; shown by appointment; $98,000• COMMERCIAL Two-story, brick building; rich in history and in need of restoration; $12,000. 136 CROSS STREET 1 1/2-story, frame home; full basement; good condition... 20's. ACREAGE 9-24 acres; 5 to 6 acres cleared •.. $10,000. FULL SERVICE-FULL TIME JERRY L. COOPER, GRI REALTOR - AUCTIONEER OR CHARLES W. SAUNDERS REALTOR - ASSOCIATE 466-4274 LEGAL NOTICE ABSENTEE VOTING IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO CAST YOUR V OTE IN THE JANUARY 8, 1991 CITYOP H1NTON SPECIAL ELECTION DUE TO ANY OF TIlE POII,OWING REAsoNS: 1) Absent from the county during tbe entJ~e Lime the polls are open 2) Committmsnt to a hespita] or other can fi nement 3) Have been appointed as a poll worked in a pre¢ir~t in which you are not registered 4) Your reg~,la r polling place is inaccessible due to a disability YOU MAY VOTE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT AT THE CII.RK/RECORDER~JoPPICE ATCITY IIALL, TIlE LAST DAY TO VOTE ABSENTEE IS SATUR- DAY, Jantmry 5,1991 from 10:00A.M until 2:00P,M. fIN Dec. 18, 26 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION CIRCUIT COURT OP SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA ELMER ADKINS, ELDON ADKINS, E LDRIDGE ADKINS and EDSELADKINS Plaintiffs v, ANTOINETTE NORDELLA FARI~Y, JOHN PARLEy, CARL FARLEY, DELORES PAR- LEY MORRIS and CLARA PARLEY KOEPF DefeR- dart Civil Action No. 90-C.232. Tim obj~t of the above entitled action is topetition for partition of raal a~ta. And it aPlmmring by an afndevit flied in this artien that all of the Defendants live in other states outside efWemt Virginia to.wit: 1. AN']~INETTE NORDELLA PARLEY 712 Court Street. Scranton, PA 18508. 2. JOHN PARLEY 2516 N. Main Avenue, Scranton, PA 18508. 3. CARL FARLEY Rear 714 Court St., Scran- ton, PA 18G08. 4. DELOREs PARLEY MORRIS 39 Chadae Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003. & CLARA PARLEY KOEPP 922 Poreot Glen ltd., Balt/m~, MD 20910 it is ordered that alive Defendants do serve upon Kelly K. Kemp of ZIEGLER & GUNNOE, plaintiffs attorney, whose address is II0 James St., HinteR, WV, 25961, an answer or other defense to the ~mplaint filed in this action on or before January 19, 1991, otherwise judgment by default will be taken a~ainot above Defendants at any time thereafter. A copy afraid complaint can be obtained from the under. signed Clerk at his office. Entered by the Clerk of said Court December 13. 1950. Edith M. Mondor Clerk of Court HN Dec. 18.26 PUBLIC NOTICE The Summers County Services Coun- cil e non/profit organization Is now offering in the form of sealed bids the sale of the following. Terw~ of sale: 1-All items sold as/is. 2-Cash in hand no later than alter openi ng of bide, 12-19.1990 at 4:00 PM, 3-Last day bide will be accepted Is Dec. 19, 1990 4:00 PM. 4-The Summers County Services Coun- cil reserves the right to refuse any, and all bide. SAIl Items must be bided separately. t lten may be seen Men. / Fdday 8. 4pm A- 1/1980 Dodge Truck. B - 1/1980 Ford FourMhe~ Drlve. C • 1/1 77 Chevy Cube Van. D - 1-US Rber 510 Insulation Machine. E - 2-US Fiber 410 Insulation Machine. F- 1 - 24 FL Extentlon Ladder. G - 1.28 FL Extention Ladder. H - 1- 6 Foot Step Ladder ( Marked A Ladder I - 1 • 6 Foot Step Ladder (Marked B Ladder). J o 6 - 6 21Foot I Beams. Any pflor bids on old sealed bids pre- vioml advertisements ere now void and muef be resubmitted. For any eddltlonal informtlon contact Cantata MaGulre WX. Coordinator. .At 466-5010. TEMPLE STREET . Older frame two story home, 14 rooms - 2 baths. Wrap around porch. Reduced For SaIe.VA Loan Assumable. HINTON 6th AVE. - 4 BR., 2 story, 1 L/2 baths, spacious rooms. Good Condition. Good Buy. Price Reduced To $18,500. AVIS - 3 BR., 2 story frame, fireplace, formal dining room, large front porch. Older home with character. Good Loca- tion. Price Reduced. $35,000. HIX . 50 acre farm. Lots of fruit trees and many Christ- mas pines. 2 BR., remodeled home• $48,000. GREENBRIER DRIVE ~ frame. Good Condition. Over. looking Greenbrier River. Ample parking in back. $35,000. FOREST HILL - 3 BI~, frame with 1/4 acres. 40 acres of land in Madams Creek Area. Good hunting. Some level land. GREENBRIER RIVER - 3 BI~, rustic log cottage. Natural fireplace, screened in porch. Includes 3 lots. Private, lovely setting. BLUESTONE PARK AREA - 26 acres mostly wood,~off Cave Ridge Ro~-~,~ood timber .~¢, ~}~f~tt~ through proit?j~l..'~tce building lots. $10,000. MADAMS CREEK - 53 acre farm, 1/2 beautiful clear level land, bordering Madams Creek Road. Rest is wooded. Old 2 story house on prem- ises. $40,000. BLUESTONE PARK AREA, 50 acres on Cave Ridge Road• Nice land and timber. $33,000. PIPESTEM AREA - on Rt. 2 BR., framed home, includes 2 lots and big deck. ,1100 Call for other listings. June McGraw, REALTOR, C.R.E.A. Home: 466-1767 George Rudge,Associate 466-2726 Wilma Redes, Sales, 466-1118 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA ROBERTJ. TEST,Trustee Plaintiff v. JOHN lI. HAMILTON Defendant Civil Action No. go-C-228. The object efthe above entitled action is to parlor t a Virginia Judgment in West Virginia, And it appe~r~ngby an affidavit filed in this action that Defendant is not a resident ~West Virginia, but is a resident of Virginia to wit: John II. Hamilton 1325 Sparrow Court Harriaonburg, VA 22801 it is ordered that John H. Hamilton do serve upon David L. Ziegior, plaintiffs attorney, wh~ addr~m is II0 James Street, HinteR, WV 25961, an answer or olher defense to the complaint filed in this action on or before January 4, 1990, otherwise judgment by default will be taken against John H.Hamilton at any time theresRer. A copy of Nid complaint can he obtained from the undersigned Clerk at his office. F~,,~ r~ b'. U~e Clerk of ~aid Court December ~, 90 F~. M. Meador Clerk of Court. tN D~. 11, 18 LEGAL NOTICE PLrBLIC AUCTION OF VALUABLE LAND David L. Parmer, Attorney for the heirs ef Frank Kesler, Deceased, will ~duct a public auoti~ of the following valuable real eotata, partly in Summers County and pertly tn Monroe County, at th~ frmlt door of the Sum mere Courthouse in Hinton, Weot Virginia, on December 21, 1990 at 11:00 a.m.: Talcott District, Summers County 121 Aeree, mere er lam, known ~ the Geoq|e Dunn Tract and deserfl~sd in Deed Book 33 at page 438. Sprin~eld District, Monroe County 133 Acres, mere or lese, known as the Dawson Tract and da~rib~d in Deed Book 48 at page 451. 88 seres, mote at" le~. known as the Atkl~ & Perkins LumberCom peny traet and da~n~d ln Deed Book 49 at page I07. 76 Acres, 142 pol~t, maraor Ices, aiR.known u the Acklse & Perkins Lumber Company ~'a~ and d~ Krihod in D~d Book 62 at p~q~ 148. 80 arras, 80 pel~, m~ er ]tu, krmwn as the W.R. Meddy Tract a.d d~¢dbed in Deed Bo~ 63, ~ 206. gO acre,mere or l~ known u the Nelela Grim- mett Tract and de~ibed in Deed Bouk E6 at 1~ SJ~. l0 acre=, 16 Ixde~, mere or ~ km~n'u the J.P.Maddy Tract and des¢ .r.1~l In Dee& B~k S8 at paga 3~I. 3 acre, 6~ pks, m~ or leu,. known ask the S.A. Ford Tract and da~¢rihod in Deed Book 76 at pale 377, The laid real estate will be offered in er~trato tract=and theft sea whole tmot for the hi|rhest ¢ummu. lat/ve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Cash or oherJt on day efcok fer full amount. 8ale shall be subj~t to confirmation by Margarat Router, Attonmy at Pact, for KMler Hairs. Sa~e may ho Im~t p0~md onacoount otrin¢l~munt wmther. HN D~. $, II, 18 The electric eel can E. "WHITEY" ELLISON "AL EI TATE Tunnel Hill. New Listing. 5 Room Cottage with bath. Good well and septic tank. This is on 2 Lots. Must see to Rt. 1 Box 86 appreciate. Ballard, W.Va. 24918 Behind Summers County BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 Hospital BR., house, with Hying room, 46 Acres of woodland. LOt of bath, kitchen, utility room, Good Timber. sewing room or den, ~torm windows and doora_~tove and tank. Out bu~clude New River Road washer or cp~,~%~ room, eel- 3 bedroom camp on big Lot 110 x 180 R. Also has excess to 400 lar, stor~ _~ailding, grape ft. of River Bank. harbr~,~t,~ated on approxi- mate.~ 2 acres of land or 8 GREENBRIER RIVER lots. Near Greenbrier River 120 ft. frontage w/golf course with river rights. Only Reduced to view gen. store near by excel- ~~_~$21,000.00. lent location for camp. TALCOTT AREA - Beautiful 3 LOW MAINTENANCE BR., Home. Large LR., comb• MOVE IN CONDITION. DR., and Kitchen with built in ( birch cabinets), 2 full baths, 5ACRE BEHIND HOSPITAL full size finished basement Nice & Level. Border Walnut with den or family room, car- St. about 400 ft. peted throughout, wood and elect, heat, city water, cable Ideal Summer Recreational T.V. Plus satellite dish, paved driveway, carport, patio. Property. Hix Mountain, 4 Room House on 1 Acre. Good well. Hard top. Great View. 4 Miles From I 64 At Sand- stone. 4 wooded Acres. 3 yr. old Double wide, 3 bedroom, 2 baths• Trout Stream. Near by Claypool. 35 Plus overlooking Sand- stone Falls. Log Cabin. Springs. Great Investment Commercial Property Down. town Hinton. 2 Rental units. 1 Residence Above. Great Res- "taurant. Club Site. Very Rea- sonable Priced. Madam's Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime location/w big five rm house. Sandstone Falls 2 New Log Cabins. 1 - 2 bed- room, 1 - 3 bedrooms. Bath, septic system, good well. Fire place. Good lot. Good view of Sandstone Falls. 2.5 Acres on Greenbrier River. Prime location - Great Fish- ing Shallow Area For Swim- ming. Property Is High Land / w Spring ... Excellent Invest- ment. 12th. Ave. 6 Room Cottage, Good Car- pet, New Kitchen. Must See To Appreciate. Thirty Eight acres more or less with five bedroom, two bath home. Built in kitchen, handmade wood floors, some parquet. Good well and rea- sonable access. Close to 1-64. Sandstone. Four to five bedroom home on level lot, on hardtop, near 1-64 at Sandstone. Many features including walkin closet and bath in master bedroom. Two story, pretty setting. Modern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded areas. Trout stream nearby, game. Secluded area with falls, rhododendron and woodlands. Claypool area of Meadow Creek. ,v Taylor St. 3 Bedroom Brick, Nice Family Room. Nice Kitchen on Big lot. We need small Farms. 25 to 80 acres, let us list your Place. Eldridge Ellison, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Barr Sales Person Phone 466-0815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 466-5429 Brick & wood paneling. Plus much more in a very good location with large lot. Price reduced to $58,000.00. PIPESTEM AREA - Between Pipestem State Park and Bluestone Dam. 11 acres land with house, 2 car new garage, 2 or 3 bedrooms, and full fin- ished basement. Modern kitchen and nook, bath and full shower. Wood stove, hard- wood and carpeted floors, new furnace. Very nice in a popu- lar location offU.S Rt. 20. Only $35,000.00. PENCE SPRINGS AREA- on Greenbrier River. Extra nice 2 BR., furnished camp with front room, family room, kitchen, bath, electric and wood or coal heat. Situated on large mostly level lot. 130 ft. front and all the way back to river with good fishing and boating. Also utility building, shade trees, picnic tables, etc. This is the camp you must see to appreciate. ALDERSON BLUE SULPHUR AREA - Greenbrier County. 110 A. farm secluded with rough reads and gates before entry but worth the effort after you get there, with good pasture. Plenty of water Muddy Creek running through property. Some tim- ber. Plenty of wildlife. Priced only ... ~41,000. FORESTHILLAREA- Monroe County line. Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BR, LP~ DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- ment. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds, Developed springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop, i Excellent location with hard. top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for. You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today• Priced ... $98,000. GAP MILLS AREA -, 30 ~crcs woodland near Moncove State Park. All kinds of wildlife. Priced for quick sale at ... $15,000. BALLENGEE AREA MONROE COUNTY Approximately 80 acres land, with barn and other outbuild- ings ( in need of repair) situ- ated on hardtop read with lots of road frontage. Plenty of water with Big Stoney Creek running through property. App. 20 acres cleared, bal- anced with bottom of rolling land. App. 10 acres of wood- land and planted pine trees. Late of deer and wild turkey. Only $28,oo0.oo. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy" Light Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Glofla J. Meadows, Sales Assoc. 466-1925 After 4 P.M. " give off enough power to light a small light bulb.