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4 - A Hinton News Tues. Dec. 18, 1990
I The Hinton News I I Nilm "
I lime
Hlnton Pub~ishlng CorporaUon Dedicated To People Who WiLl Not Have A Christmas
I 210 ~o~ A.,u, I i M,::]
i HlntOnr~ Vl_.2f~51 On this Christmas I wish not
i IWe ....... arelhopingO'--~-~.~toOhavel ~lit at~lthe Va.~~~,sAscension_WithLove,=. __ ,.o___._ ,.v ....... Church reserved- $20.50advanceand *21.50~,master Charleston area 342-5757 or" ' --t I as[Ill ngs ^.#p,t,y to receive giRs, only the gifl;n¢ 0n
"l ,--, li/m that Christmas was meant for me.
Christ came to give us Love and
Hope; Sence then you and our
children have come to live to
give us Love and Hope.
Too many people have forgotten
about the true meaning of
Christmas, and the meaning
• of Love and Hope.
I have no gifts to give like the
, ~" wise men of old; Yet I will
always give you my love and Hope.
' Roy Sydenetrieker Steve Smith
', ["""""'" ........ [ .... Celebrates
: 87th Senior
t~rtnaay- ACTIVITIES AT THE HINTON A©tivitie. Christina, Dinner
Roy Sydenstricker recently cele- Located on the corner of _ . I~.. 24and25 .ffi,
on Riverside Dr. He was born in Partially funded by the West LIEAP
' - .................... Greenbrier Co. in 1903 and has been Virginia Commission on Aging Effective Dec. 1, low income per-
a resident of Summers Co. for the sons over age 60 may apply for ~he
schools in areas such as Hix, Elk carrots, lemon pudding, gram is for the purpose of assisting
He also served as deputy assessor in Menu: Hamburger Veg. soup, heating bius.
Those present to help him cele- Activities: Bingo for prizes aRer proo. fofthelrtotall~ousenom_mcome
gme perso m x: " ,
," red Lon ome oln us in a
I p.V,sh=.Ea,= I i iI
I I i i i
: I usPs=4 . I i in
I By Carder Subs6dption, By M,,l i i i
$,J l~)mr
I"°=' --,-= I ili
• u.w. ~ h~=,== • --
I S oadCmm PompP A|X on, WVI |
| !!: Y()I' %~()1 I~l) I IKI'~ I'() i ....
I ;. i i i Pi=t d to ight are: Syb. Ught, Syd. t. ke.,
;)',', i','. {," .~ ',',', ~" and Helen Peaco.
' r~.... - :--..~.~ Lucy Sydenstricker recently cele- She has published a booklet of her
Articms iuomitted to the Hinton ....
[ ~~tot~ H].nto_n J hrated herb]rthdayw]thfamflyand poems entitled "Nuggets of Verse
INCWS mug macn the Olll~ Dy .ell- . . .
! ~%mc~ns~'~:r~ I friends at her home on Riverside andhashadherlx>etrypublishedby
[ f~m-thefollowingTues- I Drive m Hinton. World of Poetry and the American
] d~aseincludeyourname [ LueyhasbeenaresidentofSum- PoetryAssociation.Shehasreceived
[ and a phone uumber where you can [ mersCo, for the past S0 years. She one Golden Poetry Award and two
[ ~. u'rmg bu~ine~, he.u?: [ was born in Pembroke, Ky. and in Silver Poetry Awarc~s from Worldof hratedhis87thbirthdayathishome Second Ave. and Summers St. C, en~er cloture ~U¢,JLUA~
I The Hinton News reservee the right I 1938camot~WVtobe~inaten#.hln# peetrv
to at ~ -- o ....... ~ -- --~ •
to edit any ma rial and regrets th .....
[ ~~nJmgretsthat [ career In buslness commercla] Those attending her ce]ebratlon
I "'~~n~;Bvlletin [ courses, were her husband, Roy; her daugh-
I Board muit ~sch the oflce by Men- I Lucy's hobby is writing poetry, ter and ~on-in-law, Mary Carol and
[ da~ be _~ide_red i Carroll Jones; and friends- Syldl past 60 years. During that time, he Wed. Dec. 19 Low Energy Assistance Program at
I f~tion infer publication in thatthat week'sweek s paper....paper. [ COOKBOOKS ON SALE Light and Helen Peace. taught school in rural one-roomMenu: Hot dog, coleslaw, peas/ the Hinton Senior Center. This pro-
YT. -- ,-~ • , Just in time for Christmas, the
x-Jt]nl;on ~ervlce ~nto, Woman', Cl,h ~s selming SENIOR NEWS Knoh, Clayton, JudsonandTalcott. . Thurs. Dec. 20 !ow income pereons with their home
If~]~ ~ ]~[~-¢s =Cooking in the 90's" cookbooks. Summers Co. for six years, mustard greens, apple crackers. Persons applying need ~.provide
• .~Jtlbltl~ ~V.L~;:~C;~ Limited supply. Wbuld make nice VOLUNTEERS DRIVERS
Christmas gifts. NEEDED brate were his wife, Lucy; his long lunch. _ .- _. and a statement ~ receipt showing
The Hinton Service Club met Dec. Please contact Nadine Vase at The Summers County Council on .. n-- friend Marion O'Brian FrL ~ zl your account number for gas or elec-
6, with Mrs. David Parmer at her 466-0232 for more information. Aging is in the need of volunteer and Ve,~de O'Brien" His dauohter Menu: Turkey/dressing/gravy, tric heating costs.
home on Ballengee St. drivers to assist in providing escort Ma-~ ~rol Jones and her husband mashed potatoes, shellie beans, For additional information call
Preceding the business meeting services to Senior Citizens, and to Ca~oll; and friends - Sybil Light, banana ice box dessert, fruit salad, the Hinton Senior Center at 466-
and program - the hostess welcomed ~. .. DONATIONS " d ° transport meals to the satillite Sen- Helen Peace and Frances Neely. cranberry sauce. 4019.
uonauons are Demg accep~e mror t s a to bound
, the members. A lovely tribute in ............ i Ci izens site nd home Many of his school students still
.......... s ~ne ~nnum Leon tnvon~ ~nr)s~mas elderl- in Summers Count-"
memory o! mrs. rmrry wa1~ wa ....... y Y" are living in the area. lfyouwerea II D~H ]~lln~| D|~nrtinrl ]l[
readbyMrs. William Meador. ,.,gnang.vuna.. . Volunteers interested in assist- studentofhisandwouldliketoshare II r-i t:i it:t:u rul it:i r l¢II II III ill
Donations will be used for hght e
" mg of the Christmas trees to
" Levissy introduced students from ........ • .... required to use their personal au - and send him a funny school story o~" I[ ~,-,,~, ....... I" ........ ~_ 1,,,, .._ .......... I|]
~ena aona~lons ix) Nits Kucn
HintonAreaSchool,Amylrwin, Mog ......... : ". mobile, andwouldbereimbursed20 something particular that you re- II Foreth ife Ins.Co. .... Ill
Ziegler, TrudyLong, andMarthaI~L ~von~, ~ox ~u~, t~]_nmn or barry cents per mile according to our member about "Your school days in Ill O~ytrainedt°assist [[[
~v~eaaor, Ave, Hmton, W Va e 1
Livesay. The group presented a se- • " • • ag ncy gu'delines, his class room." Address them to: ~n.sel and help you or III
' lectionofbeautifulChristmascarols 25951. For more information, pleasecali 121 Riverside Dr., Hinton, W.Va. [[[ th~ralexperlence. "" Ill
: andMrs,readingS.Parmer thanked" each one Pat McDanie, at 466-4019. 2595, rl)~:~zz~w: III
. and presented them with a gift; of CONCERT Ill ~u.t,o~.voum,oht III
' appreciation for their participation. SECOND ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS K~ith Sweat, Johnny Gill, BBD III future. " ' " - Ill
• rs were then led b Mrs ........
, Membe y . ' and More will, be appearing on Sat. Ill •, i =.- • III
RobertGlaserastheyrecalledfavor- Dec. 29 at 7:3O PM at the Coliseum Ill HE IN I I ! Nil"/.tllt)W:' Ill
ire or raemmmb]e tmas's of TheContractorsAssoc~aJ~onofW. - based on academic performance, Charleston Civic Center. seatsill • "V • 11" 111 ,lllI ,=-- . " III
i times past, ...... sponsoring its s dannua] extracurricular and employment Ill ..... --.-. • --..-- • -- -.- .,- III
' Thd:hostess inviteffguast~ and scholarship to promota the entry of activities, financial need and a DayofShow. III I~1 I1~11~1~/1 1 I~/1 i~1 (1Nt,; III
For ticket purchase call Ticket- tll | ~|IL'-I |1"~- | r'~| |L==VB'|~ Ill
! members into the beautifully deco- qualifiedpeopleintoWestVirginia's demonstratedinterestinaconstruc-
rated dining room for delicious holi- construction industry, tion career.
day treats. A $2,000 scholarship will be Applications will be accepted toll free in W.Va., Oh., and Ky. 1- [11 130 l t0n Pn0ne 40~-11/9 Ill
The ladies later toured the lovely awarded to a college sophomore or through Jan. 15, 1991. The scholar- 800-877-1212.
'. home whose decor portrayed thejunior enrolled or planning to enroll ship wi]] be awarded at tbe CAWV's
season's beauty, inacivilengineeringoraconstruc. SLate Meeting on Mar. 1. Interested B-e Sht
: On departure, the hostess pre- tion-related four year degree pro- persons should contact the CAWV Tha m.
sented guests with a Christmas gram at a W. Va. college or univer- office at 2114 Kanawha Boulevard,
' favor, sity. The student must bed state East, Charleston, WV 25311 orcall Come to Church
' Present: Honorary members, Mrs. resident. 342-I166. "
i J.C. Wise, Mrs. WJL Brown, Mrs.The scholarship will be awarded .,a,~oT ~ m,. ~.t c~=~ .o~g .,,m~ c~,t~ ~ ' ~.~m
g~tr I I~S s Steve Howdock. Pastor: S.S. O.L. Stalnal~r. Pastor: 10 ~Lm. R~v.Ca~o~W~=mn.Pardoc,~m~- GoodShepherdLutheranChurck
C.E. Fife. Seech Run Sa~tlsl Chwch Supt. James Keatley. Sunday Sunday Schoo~ cta.~,es for all k~s 9 a.m. Sun. School 10 a.m. Bectdey, Sunday Wo~hip 9.'30
) Guests: Amy Irwin, MegZiegler, A iflllLJAl tll O Su~rintend~t, ~ ~)wye¢, Schoo410/LM.C~asses~ora~ ages. RichardHo,oranSupedn- Johnson Lm,,sundlySchooH1&m.0725
i ,"h, udyLong, andMarthaILLivesay. ~[~ IMUIE ur in/41~i1%0 so=,,~,,,o,o~,~,_ ages, Wo~hlp. Ser~.ioe, llA.M, lender~ 11 a.m. MomingWor- Minisler, Hubert Grove=: Sam Dry Hii Road. 252-5820 or 252 .
ship11, and7P.M.EverySunday.Prayer ship. 7P.M. NightSer~ice. C.~o~ LayLeader.~tudy:9:45. 4"/1~l.,Rev. KennethL. Frey
Members: Mrs. Bobby Basham, - .................. Bell~tB~Ch~dt Meeting Wed. TP.M. ~md~ton~Bal~istChurdt Wocship11Lm. MotmlOIb~l(~urcb
' Miss Dorothy Jean Boley, Mrs. The family of Eva May Welder Light wishes to thank N C.*.,, J,, F...*,, S=nd. *
Sunday Servia: Joe McBride. Church Scho~ SulX. Bill Dean, Sunday Red Sulphur. Mlua, hall Fowler Creek RO,KI, 21/2 ml~, Willia~ $.
James Bowling, Mrs. James Dillon, everyone for the food and flowers, and all who belpad in any P= Pro,:
MomtngWotlhlp, ll~n. Youth School 10.'00 o' ck~ck. Every 11A.M,, Evening Services T.'00 Sunday 7 p.m. everyfourmStm- Sundaysuhooll0.'00a.m. Mom,
Mrs. Michael CTore~ Mrs. Richard . feNo~r, hip,5:45pm.EventngSecv. Sunday. Services Sunday Ntght P.M, Wed. Prayec Meeting and day11&m, ingWo~hip11:(~a.m, Evenlng
i Gmmoe, Mrs James Leslie, Mrs way~ ouring her illness and death. A, o' ..., =.,,. S. o,7 p. EOT,
7:00pm.Pray~rMe~ingandBibte Sunday School Superintendent. Second PMto¢ Reno H. Richmond: Sun- day ( 7 p.m. EST. wlnte¢)
GlennLivesa;,Mrs.W.P.Mathewsl We especlally want to thank the staff of Ronald Meedows s, y. S=o= ,0
~ Mrs. Larry Meador, Miss Edith Funeral Parlor; the pastors; New Hope Church; Dr. Steve q =.. = P... W.h=...m. Pr. T,.=. S,.
Lynn Maddy, Putor: Sunday Sunday School 10 A.M., Harold Second Baptist Church Meeting 7.'30 P.M. RobenWbeman:SundaySchool
Meador, Mrs. David Parmer, Mrs.L. . . Scl~oo~10Lm, Momir~Wo~hlp M~ks, Supe~ntlmdent. 212 James St,, Rev. Matthew MellmdiltCtmr~l 10a.m, MomlngWondllptla.m,
: n p..,-..,t u..= R/chman, Dr. C. Sharma, Dr. Shammaa, and the staffof 111.m.e~cll Sundly. Evonl~g LaurelCm~Bap~tChurch Saund~l, Sewic~2nd.&4m. RtckBeam:FimtSundayK3m. Evange~stSendceSundwNlght
....................... ) ..=.-. Se~'km,$undayalTp.rn.Prayef; Flint and third Sunday at 11:Q0 Sunday 11 KM., Pr~y~ Se~tce Sunday, Brooklyn 9:18. ML ~ 7P.M.Thumdly.Pral~randBIb~
' AiG.Tim~rl~e, Mrs.HerbertVass, Summers County,HospitaL ,,~ Wed. at 7p.m. B Y F am., ~ and Fo~lh Sunday Wedn~day6:30,SundaySchool 10:15 A.M., Sand Knob 11:30 Study TP.M.
Sun~ly at 6 p.m. I ~ 7:00 pro., Wednesday night each Sunday 9:30, Mr. James P.M., Nlmitz ~t¢l. and 4th. Sun- ~ ~ Tnll~
Mrs C S Weaver, Jr and Mrs W G t ~[' nk " Mr Ri h rd unnoe
....... A so.aspec" Tha you toMr.& s. c a G .....
Pasto~ Darrell Harem: Eo~l.,tl; lO.'001rn.Putor, Andy~ Aubt. Cl~11.'00. MadlmsCr~pk. AIBargerSp¢ingl, Put~-,Ondlkl
" Meador
Cyril, Sunday ~ Supedn-I U¢;k ~ Beptiet Church Teml~ Church Mount Pi~lah Meadows: Sunday ~hoo110.'tX~
, " for their hospitality. May God bless each one.
Morning Wofl.hlp 11 a.m. Eve-I )rig Sefvlce ,11 am. Every Sun- School 10 Lm. MeNin WllSams, [ChurchSchootlO:301Lm. UMY A.M.Wednesd atdl tudy7.'0C
nlngSendclSun.lt7p.m.Prayeri day. PrlyerMeeti~gWednesday Supt.PreachingSe/vlcesat11:00 [FTuesdayS~0P.M. P.M.
: ance Joy & Buzzy Klncaid Martha Gilbert T,.=
S4m~¢e 7 p.m. ~ WoH Creek Uldand Baptist C~urch C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Sunday Nora K~on, P~or Sunday
D Deb and family Vince, Tim, DaVid, and families s.,o o,
" Red Sulphur: Rev. Rickl-kmd~- Rt. 12onthe L~leWolfCmek SundayWomhip-lt.'00, SupL Sun. 11am&dthSun.at7:30pm 11am, Ev~dngWo~hip7pm,
' son, Sunday School 10 A.M. ~.PastoLDonaldL.Hannah: RudyAIlen Slevenson, Asistant O~Grove Wld. EvoningBibieStudy7pm.
lqlndy Hodge, Supednlendenl Sunday School Suped~tendem. SupL Rei3eccl RomanelloBit~,e C, Frlmld~Mick.PutocSunday 215 Second Ave., Hinton.
, The Esquire Club is planningto Mo~ng Wofllhlp 11.'00 A.M. WayneBtowning, SundaySchool Study Sunday Evening 7:00 Sdmol Ii111 am, Worship 2rid & RIv~rdlew
have a Christmas Dance during the Evonln0 Worlhlp 7:30P.M. Wed- 10.'00in.WorshipServtce 11.'00 Youth Meeting 7.'00 Sunday. 4thSun., 10am& lltSun.it7pm
' ne~kty Wo~htp 7:30 P.M. am. Sun. Evening Servtce7pm. CATHOLIC Tli¢ott ~wge ~ Hmry Pilkington: Sun-
y .......... ,
holidays and raise money for the f~ • ~ • CIm~n ou~hMeetingWedne~day6:30 ~ C. Frantdin Mick, PIBto¢:FocNt day, 0.~10 Lo~s Table 11.O0
..... " & Su ocsh F 4 nh~'
Esquire Cemetery. P~v. NalhimlelJohr~on: Sunday pm.MidWeekSe~iceWed.7pm. ~u'-~:"~..~"_"n~a ~9~'m Hill. 1st 3,'¢1 nd~y=: W Ip ~ ~ Hour..'00 Ju
I S¢flOOI, E. GLCrlwfoKI, Supt, 11 Mem:lowCnmk ,..,,~..,~ • 10~%Sun. sutx~11 am.Young People. 7:30. Evening
&n~MomlngWo~hlPEv~ySun- P~-I~ J. L Jones: Sun.lO am. i ~l.;rlMl~ I IAN Tdnlty Go~oel S~vlct.
dav..Pmachlng 1st. and ~1. Sundaysuhool;lla~m.,.Morning CommunltyChr~tim C. FranldinMick, P~lor:Sundly ;
MemoriaIBuilding.Wehopetohave __ 1 1 . " P /"~1 " --9 ~unoa~,*llL~lm(lep.m. Wo~J~m;7.1~M(~v~mingwo~htP;I Pa~ Dot~ H~,~f: Womh~ ,.~;~oollOig~Wo~,hlpll~4¢l~,l
a band to play the old timer music celebration oI ~nrlst S pm.Wed...idWeekBibieStud, ise do Sm1.111u .and7. O 2nd&4thStm. •
P~Ro~L.I~:9~5~nt ind Praye~Mee~ieg. I p.m. Bible Study 10 Lm. Wed. m7~opm
]ike in the 60tI~. and 70th. or we wi]l Ch~ Sc~. ~ ~ ~ m~C~ I 7.O0~n~ PRESBYTERIAN rJrr~t rnn~ ~t r
have a Disco record playmg our old ~kllr'f~ Wotlhlp, S:30p.m, SYF.7:00 Rev. V.~llt~n Catty: Sundayi R~l(~lsti~tC~wch .... ,,f~i.LyJ[ ~,/,ZY
I~nt Even~ Worship. 7 p.m. School Sup~tnt~don! Mm. E.E. Eddie Via. Mtniste~: Sunday n~vll~"','n" ~'~ a,md ........
; records back during the older days. UJLJL t, JLl W~MV-W==S~k~. JolmiM:m.SundaySchooll0Lm.' Schootg:45KM MomlngWot- --' 7"." "~:~ ...... ~t~ AIi,r'lA/Ik,~
ChNInul~ve every Sunday. Prayer service s~.,11:00KM.0~u~l~,,E,,en=,,,., :SOlool, :4~p.rrt,ly A~L~
~ "~ •" "'1' WonmlpServloe
1 Watch for our date. Price will be s~mch~=~ W~dnudw 6:30. Worship ~v- Bible Study, Sunday 6:00 Youth First ~,n Cau~ A~n~tg
! very small for admission at the door. - ..... dent:Phi°c: Bonny A/~n. SU~mon-LowM Bonn~L Surely/ k~ th#d 8und~y a111 &nt Mr. C~hm/FIm~dll Me~ings 6.~0 t~.HI IRP.H ftF ~.~.~ = w~..~. ~-x =,, ~'H:--~ .... "~t~#~JP'~J~l.J~Vl#
Chairman Rudie Gore is one of " " Schont. 10&m.MomlngWonmlp BalX~ Church. Su~ySct~ol ........... ."~_..'~__.";_-":_.,'__".":_":'%'=.L"%"..--"
the members of the Esquire Club. " FlSCOFa ......
i 11 &m. E~mlnlt ~loe 7:30 10.'001Lrrc, Preaching11:(X)a_m., CHRIST m.'s .........
~; WId. EvonlngSlcvk~7:30p.m. Prlla~in~ Sunday Night 7.'00 ~ ........ Z%,~,~.l~ MHIi':HH 1111:
ecember 24,7 p.m. ' . ,,~ s~-= ~,,. ,, ,,, ,.. ~.-~. ..........
; Holiday Food D ,u ., ,-,=:='=_:= ==
( .R .uW_ l l=Church)!otmS. 7. O.,Pmto E_R. Suc Tym?. llpStrams:SundayM(xnlngBible ' ) FuRnITuRE
: Drive Serwce of Holy Euchar st Su . s.==.,,..,..=, BY I ,~o~ 10.'00. Chul'~111:00Fun- ~p, Event,',,', Service 7:00 P M "'"'" Y"- • " "'"/'--- " ~0~ ~nd l¢lVl
,~ -,-= .... ::..: ............. .~_..._ . • Wednesday ~ven)ng ~v~e 7 on lm an~3~l Sun¢la~ d~_l'l~ t
~, 995 WJLS FM is conducting a ...... I~at~. r Nlmitlllesmnlry P.M " McB~I~" ' lug Ug~A
r.eameW. Fmewls Ba~l~ Church Plto¢ A.~kl ' I.~y ~ el Christ r,,--. ~.-..,,,., ,,~',,'.'~.. ,~,,..._
;' holidaYarea of W. V~ through the holidays.feeddrive in a six county &m.---'ilt Y~n.IP4A I Roa¢ITWO_~. hOlth, y oi"&Ido~ons.m.On10 M--'I~gt)YP agg:~J.nd, ay Suhooi9:4 .C°°P~:rwo¢IS" S...... Supe¢i onck c, nm5 Evening Sunday 7:00 p r S Y" ,0 Om . ........ BIG 4 DRUG
7 m. Ch 1 • - m9|u'nOn2nd Ind4th SundlPtl.
Evontr~ son~ p. utah I Lm Sunday Uorn~. ,u.,,.~,,, X~ ............. .(~r~j~]~ !i~_
Holiday Food Drive signs with the TJJ('~l"~h';'r~ ~/Cbll"'%I~P~(~"c ~ ,...~..,r..,s p ..... ~ ,,,~ ..... nudayBib~Study7:00PM -" r
RI'M I~ Chwcb Evonlng Sunday Womhip 7:30. Tue Cr~k t~d----'Sun~v Wo~.~ OTHER5 ...... ) ....
i WJLS FM logo are placed in s es ~ 1" Su~d~ Suhocd 9:45 &nt B~ Pray~rl~leflngand Youth Meet- I~ip11A.M.Su~lvEwmt~35::30 i HkldmnOttm~ ~Ged prcmcr~o~io~ and
in Raleigh, Fayette, Greenbrier, ~ 11 a.m ~.~..,~: Ing7~lOW~dmN~y. P.M. Wedm~kty~m/k:~'7:30! 1301summ~m~t. PIt~Ce~ dru@~ed~
sn~p'rll.m..~-vlmmg~corx~ Imme~wow PM W~k:h: Sunday ~ 10 am - , .
Wyoming, Summers and Mercer . . n ,,~ ~ e~ . ,r.r • "r',, . • txm.MIdW~mk~7~)01xrft P~to~W.'C.~am~on: SucKlay "' i~Pl~f~.l,.tp&/ ' M0mlngWond~lp 1lira Sunday fo~/~ice
" counties ISt ~Z ~ro unaays - l-1Oly u, ucnarlst _~mm__~.~ s~$~,~F~. :~u~ay _ - ........ N~7~W~.N~7~ 466-2323
• 995 /VJLS FM is asking People 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays - Morning Prayer .
2n(:L&4th. Sundayll:00, Stm. 11~X)A.M. WedmmdlyEvening 11LntFImlandTNfdSundty~, 102Ma~,t.~mm~Bin- ~------~------~.
i while shopping, to pick up an extra d.yN~S~mT~O.W~dn~ Secv~l 7:30p.rrt I~..Communk~1 11 a.m., See- r~t0 Pa~to¢: Sur~ ~ 10 w--~,_mumm~,~
box or can of non-perishable food -- _- . ~ u~ ct=~ . METHODIST Youth m~ s~0,.,t E~ ~IRST NATIONAL
: n ;on ~pmropa! ~q q"-urr" ,=,....,.,,,.,.,,,,. ,s"'s'v='= _._.____,_ ...... .- ,,,=..,=,,...,.-
and place it in the designated box ,~1"~ ~" " _ ~_~hpt.tC~w~h t~. ~ r.,~. s=u~ =,~ M,,=Chur~S~0 Stu~/W~7~P.M. BANK OF HINTON
insidethestore.Throughoutthefood -- . -- ^ -- ~ .~i~', P~....Sufl~.. atT:0Op.l~_. . _ Lm. Momlna Wo~h~ 11 &m. .lllh~'eWiln~Nl ~l:~_e#qlt
i drive, several community action Temple trcct & bth Ave. ..v.,. ..v ......
11 ,t. 6 1 F t ......................
::00 rft~urdlyEvonklg :00 RI. 20m~ HHRo~d, BilIJ~- l=W~v~nm day 11 am WlllChtO~, $1t~fII~md~rlPl~C ;
i groups wi]] pick up the food to dis- Hinton, West Virginia ~.~..~_%~7=~.~ , ~ Pitoc 10.I.m. Sunda~ "R~tU~t~l"--"----'~Chmdt Tuelda~ 7:30 pro, Theoe~
tribute to the needy in their particu- B P /H= J .,Pmmc.Sun. m i. RONALDMEADOWS
iar community, ud'If~Sc~°~l=,,..~OL~_~,S'S~ ~mT~.L,.~S~. • M~Wo~0A.U.Ch;; Jumpi~ema~TiIM_ c.M=n., nan.emv
..-7~_.'"%--." :'--'_'Y ~'?_.~'. ~._,,~ ,~,,,, _-~y_-,.w ..... ca~vBJlab4e:Mom~lswllhch~ R~v.ElmoAIdemln,~.Plmo~. ru,~;n~w, rmn~un~
For more information on howyou The Episcopal Church Welcomes You ""=" ._ s®,
Sun.Eye--If7:00 Roy Lee I-Ic d w. Jr., &M 1.nn P U in hO(N 0".45 Lm, M0mlng WOe- HI/
can help during the1990 WJLS FM PAt~.a~14m.~ndays.M~li Pamo¢:Sun.Sctmo410A.M.Wo~. ~m~/':"W.~n~ Yo~hst~10"ASs~.You~hF~ow~p 1.q~TemnlIRt
Holiday Food Drive, call Bob West w~/~S~v~yo~ idiD~wvi~ 11/~M. uchSun- Club 4~)O PM 6:00PM F0¢ 8~10p.rrLEmlnlngWomhlpT~O --- "-'r"~--
_.MINl~InliEachWIdnmdlyll7:00' .(kly.Pmy~r ~e~e, ~ ~ Tr ' il~:~ " p.m. P~ ~ w~. 7~ Himon
during business hours at :253-7311. ~. ~hM~w~.~ , ~ , P.M. .....