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8 - Hinton News Tues. Dec. 17, 1991
COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Summers County Profile Kiwanis Hears Lifeline
ment officers in the county are
Anyone interested in joining a
Beagle gundog Club call Norman
Cummingham after 6 PM, 304-466-
Regular meeting of Summers
County A.A.R.P. will be Thurs. Dec.
9th, 1:30 p.m. Election of officers.
All members urged to attend.
Ifreshments will be served. No
Anyone having pictures at the
News Office please stop by the office
and pick them up. These pictures,
which have been used in the papers
over the last year, include photos of:
birthdays, weddings, births, anni-
versaries, Water Festival Queens
and Attendants, Little League and
If not picked up by Jan. 31st. they
will be disposed of.
Donations for Lee Pivont Memo-
rial Lighting Fund will be used to
light up eight new trees planted this
Give donations to Ruth Pivont or
Larry Meador.
The Pence Springs Community
Church will present their Christ-
mas program "The Light of Bethle-
hem" on Wed. Dec. 18th. at 7:00 p.m.
Everyone Welcome.
Summers Co. Health Dept, Sched-
ule For Dec.
2- Immunizations & TB skin tests
(9-11 am & 1-3 pro). 5 - General
Medical Clinic Coy appointment). 9 -
Diabetic, blood pressure & Hemo-
globin tests(8:30-11 am). 10- Mater-
nity Clinic (Dr. Pulliam) by appoint-
ment. 12 - Pediatric & EPSDT Clinic
(Dr. Shammaa) by appointment. 16
- Immunizations & TB skin tests (9-
1 am & 1.3 pro). 18 - Chest X-ray
Clinic (appointment only). 19 -
The Hinton High School Concert
Band would like to invite you to the
annual Christmas concert which will
be held on Fri. Dec. 20th. at 7:00
P.M. in the High School Auditorium.
Admission is free.
The Annual TALCO' HIGH
GAME will be held Sat. Dec. 28 at
the Talcott Gym. The girls game will
begin at 6:00 pm and the boys game
starts at 7:15 pro. All Talcott Alumni,
former teachers and students are
invited to play. Admission is $2.00
for adults and $1.00 for students.
For more information call Eugene
Jones at 466-4246.
Dear Church Pastor:
Ifyour church would like to have
the Summers County Singing Con-
vention at your church next year,
please call James Withrow at 466-
1139 and give the month you would
like, I am in the process of schedul-
ing the convention for each month
next year.
James Withrow, President
That's how your children will pros-
per in the future with your current
educational system - no way. You
deserve better. Your children de-
serve and should demand better.
Your grandchildren will demand
better. You won't have to worry then.
It will be too late. For you and for
In closing, permit me to thank
Mr. Kessler. You are doing a great
job. To you, Mathews, ifl can get you
out of the dark for a moment. Clean
by sheri benson
"Will the victim's life continue like
this or get worse? Maybe endingin a
death? If the answer is "yes", then a
call should be made to report the
The above statement was made
by Chief Magistrate J.W. Bill Jef-
fries, Jr. He was referring to a
common hindrance to law enforce-
ment, the lack of a report.
As magistrate in Summers County
for the past seven years, Bill Jeffries
understands the law from both sides,
the enforcement didsion and the
private citizen's. He has a keen
desire to see justice done for the
Prior to taking office of Chief
Magistrate, he was a deputy sheriff.
He received instruction in the rudi-
mentary principles of law and proce-
dures in 1984, in Morgantown, dur-
ing a class sponsored by the WV
Supreme Court of Appeals.
In addition to this training, Jef-
fries, on an annual basis, absorbs
additional instuction, having re-
ceived 8 certificates of completion
and a diploma of proficiency through
courses recommended to be enacted
through the Supreme Court's Chief
greatly ou tn umbered by the popul a-
tion to patrol and care for, many
violations of the law may not be in
"clear view ". Misdemeanors, unlaw-
ful entry, search & seizure, breach of
peace (public intoxication) are but a
few areas of dutyship where the
magistrate may be called to issue a
warrant. The private citizen can be
a great help by reporting to the
authorities doings against the law.
=Emotions run high during the
holidays," said Jeffries. "It's a time
,f family and friends...sometimes it
rubs tempers." Domestic violence
"Neighbors seeing child abuse,
wife batterymdomestics violence are
hesitant to report it," he said. "They
will have to continue living next to
that person after the legal part is all
over. Fear of the repercussions
prevent many report from coming
"The same with the battered wife,
he continued. "Many are hesitant to
report what's happened to them, they
want to hold the family together, or
are afraid. To know whether to report
or not--ask yourself, Tqill (the
victim's) life continue like this or get
worse, maybe ending in a death?' If
the answer is "yes", report it."
Bill Jeffries is married to wife,
Patty. They are raising three chil-
dreh: Jackie-17yr.;Justin-9yr.; and
Nathan-8yr. He is a Summers
Countian, born and raised.
Concerning his job as Summers
County's Chief" Magistrate he said,
"It's very demanding on time and
mental capacities...It's not a 9-5 job.
It's demanding, yet it's vital...We
are required to be on call around the
clock when it is our turn. He shares
this responsibility with one other
"Though I'm not a law enforce-
ment officer," he said, "I hope the
courts provide a deterrant for crime
just as much as a law enforcement
officer patrolling the streets do."
At their regular Tues. noon meet-
ing at the Diner last week, the Kiwa-
nis Club of Hinton hosted four
members of the Key Club from Hin-
ton High School. Kiwanis President
Ralph Wilson welcomed Jennifer
Hill, who introduced Elizabeth Cr-
iddle, Jason Richmond, and Lee
Whitten. Miss Hill reported that the
Key Club is collecting toys and win-
ter clothes to be given away for
Christmas. She invited members to
bring items to the next meeting, or
drop them off at the Kroger store,
and to encourage their friends to do
so too.
Job Training In Fast Food
Management Offered To
Ex-Offenders in 5 Counties
Classroom training in fast food
management is now available to ex-
offenders in Fayette, Greenbrier,
Raleigh, Summers and Wyoming
counties, the state Bureau of Em-
ployment Programs announced. The
training is being provided by the
College of W.Va.
Participants will be recruited
through the Raleigh County Adult
Probation Office and Work Release
Center and through oth'er referral
sources. The ex-offenders will be
screened and, if found eligible, en-
rolled in courses which could lead to
an associate's degree in fast food
Each student is also eligible for
up to $400, either as a financial aid
supplement or for transportation or
child care at the college's day care
The program is being financed
through a $25,500 grant from the
state's Job Training Partnership Act
funds. For more information call the
College of W.Va. at 253-5060.
After lunch, Kiwanian Marvin
Lacy introduced Roy Walthall of
Alderson and Linda Nelson of Le-
wisburg. They are volunteers active
with Lifeline, a group based at
Humana Hospital in Ronceverte.
Linda Nelson explained that their
group offers a way for people who
live alone to call for medical or other
help in an emergency, even if they
are not near a phone. She clarified
that her group is NOT affiliated
with the system often advertised on
TV. Although the name is similar,
and they use much of the same equip-
ment, her group is local, is com-
pletely non-profit, and is staffed by
volunteers. Lifeline users are usu-
ally elderly, but include others with
injuries or diseases that make them
likely to need help in a hurry. A
typical Lifeline user wears a small
case with a button on a cord. When
pressed, the button sends a message
to a base u nit connected to the phone,
like a cordless phone. However, in
this case the unit automatically dials
the Lifelife center in the hospital.
Volunteers phone back to the user (
in case of a false alarm) and then
either alert a chosen neighbor or
send an ambulance.
At the next meeting, the Kiwanis
will host Miss Debbie Combs, of
Bluefield, who won the Southern Soil
Conservation District contest in
public speaking, and was cited in the
June, 1989 issue of Readers Digest
for her work in cleaning up the envi-
Carrie L. Tslbott
Image Consullant
P O Box 196
up your act and peribrm your duties Justice, Richard Neely. "It won'tbe tolerated... thebreak-
as a responsible school board mere- AsChiefmagistrate, warrantsfor phi Talcott. WV 24981
Women's Services Clinic (Dr. Sham- ber or resign and proceed with your arrests are a feature of several du- ingofthe law. Photogra CS 304-466-0010
• ' ING 1 800 624 4573
maa) by appointment. 30- Immuni- life as a mushroom. I trust this so- ties. In issuing a warrant, there I, T/'m*r''r ,#111,,. WEDD " "
zations&TBskintests(9-11&l-3). ]i]oquy will create much clebate and mustbegoodcause. Ina"clearview" INUI'ItJJI (R' scHoo
OfficeIxation-iblPleasantSt. discord. Maybe someone will wake arrest, anofficerhasseenaviolation [ AERIAL & - Color Analysis
..... eve for "us WATER FESTIVAL MEETING lJ2B" COMMERCIAL Skin Care and Cosmetics
Office Hours - 8 am to 4 pm Mon.- up before No Way! ot the law occur, flow r, j - rJ ,. PHY °
Fri. Telephone- 466-3388. Health William R. Gill, Sr. , tics to be able to be applied over a W.Va.State Water Festivalmeet- 'I PHOTOGRAPHY • neSrtsa:tmlag:oeMlrk:fOteer
Officer-S.K.Shammaa, M.D.Henlth Hinton High School Class of 65 wider scope ofoffences occuring, the,. ingcenterSUn. Jan. 5th. 2:30 at Visitors 7/ \\; 466-5- 1081 ." Corporate Presentations
Nurse-SandraBall, RN.Sanitarian Leesburg, Va. public plays a large ana important • / ........ W0eO'SPIM; CPr
- = ," part in law enforcement. Come one come all let's get this 217 R BALLE, NGEE ST. H1NTON -
[Need Cash I Since the number °flaw enf°rce" Festival °n the way" € [ 4 --/l/l
Mike's Pawn Shop I
BUY, SALE, TRADE ! , r 00ers and Friends
I i YOU Are Inmted !
Lowell, West Virginia I
I ,, 466-1044 If lOth Annual :
Hotel Music Room
Hotel Dinning Room
Champagne Dinner for Two
at the Hotoi
Friday, December 20
9:00 am until 2:00 pm
Refreshments from 9 to 1
Cash Door Prizes: 11, 12 & 1
(Dec. 24)
4:00 - 6:00 P. M.
(Dec. 25)
12.00 - 6:00 P. M.
(Dec. 31)
6:00 -10:00 P. M.
With Owrnlght lodging & New Years Day Brunch
Six Course Dinner for two 6:00.10:00 P.M. $79.95
With Overnight st Hotel & New Yeem Day Brunch $119.95
HOTEL LOUNGE Will be open 6:00 P.M.; 1:00 A.M. on New Years Eve with
free Jukebox dandng for dinner guest & house guests.
ALL OTHERS- $5.00 Cover, Dress code, jacket and tie. No jeans.
Champagne Brunch s! Hotel 10:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. $9.95
Children under 12 one/half price at all Buffets
Fit. 3" Pence Sprirs ....... 445-2606
Santa Claus from 11:30 am to 1 pm
l In Summers County, West Virginia I 105 Years of Friendly Service
I By Sten D, Trail & Fred Long
: 25 page (8x 11)booklet containing, brief history ofthe C & :
O Railroad and many never before published photographs of THE
I railroading in Summers County from the turn of the century. I
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