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4 - Hinton News Tues. Dec. 16, 2003
The Hinton News
Published weekly on Tuesday
By The
Hinton Publishing Corporation
210 Second Avenue
Hinton, W VA. 25951
,Phone (304) 466-0005
Frank Spicer, Gen. Mgr.
Fred Long, Publ. - Ed
USPS 246-180
' Subsciipt!ons By Mail
By Carrier Out of State $30.00 per year
In Summers Co. $21.00 per year
All ether WV counties $2500 per year
50¢ Issue (wv resident pay 6% sales tax)
$26.00 Per year. U S. Poster Regulations
, Require Payments in Advance
iOSTMASTER: Send address changes to
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Hinn 'New!erve the right to
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Items for the Community Bulletin
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Monday in order to be considered for
publication in that week's paper.
Hinton News is open
Monday thru Friday
Business Hours:
Men. & Tue.: 9 am to 4 pm.
Wed.: 9 am to 12 pm.
Thurs, & Fd.: 9 am to 4 pm.
From page 3
scholarship this year would have
been turned down. According to his
report, Summers CoUnty would
have lost 38 percent of its
* A select committee studying
June Elwell playing the handbells and ministry by D. D. Elwell.
Christmas Handbells
Women Aglow Christmas
Handbells concert and ministry will
be held Dec. 19th. at the Wellness
Center in downtown Hinton.
Christmas carols with June Elwell
playing the handbells and ministry
by D. D. Elwell at 7:00.
Refreshments served at 6:30.
D. D. and June Elwell except for
two pastorates totaling about six
years (in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, and Danville,
Virginia), D. D. Elwell along with his
wife, June, has spent his life since
1953 pastoring churches in West
Virginia. He graduated from
Fayetteville High School,
Fayetteville, WV., Bob Jones
University, Greenville, S.C., and
attended Crozer Technology
Seminary and Radford Graduate
School. He also took courses from
WVU and Concord College. June
graduated from Norview High
Church of Shady Spring, First
Baptist Church in Huntersville,
Brushfork Baptist Church of
Fairlea, Northgate Baptist in
Beckley, Central Baptist in Hinton,
and Ronceverte Baptist Church, and
as Director of Missions of the Mt.
State Association in Princeton, West
June is a handbell soloist and has
participated in regional and national
clinics and festivals. She directed a
handbell choir at First Baptist
Church, Hinton, from 1989-91, and
has appeared in many churches in
West Virginia, and in Virginia,
North and South Carolina, and in
associational, convention, and civic
programs. At present she is organist
at Ronceverte Baptist Church.
D. D. and June accept invitations
to supply, preach revival, sing, and
play handbells for all occasions.
minority issues is considering School in Norfolk, Virginia, and
legislation' which would require law attended Bob Jones University and
enfoment officers to record the
race; ethnicity and gender of people
stopped for routine traffic violations.
The intent would be to help make
officers and state officials more
aware of whether people of a certain
race or ethnicity are being singled
The regulations being debated
would require law enforcement to
not only record the characteristics
Salem College, Salem, W.VA.
They have four children-- Delvin,
Jr., Vickie Parry, Becky Bates, and
Dale, twelve grandchildren, one
great granddaughter and another (?)
due July 3, 2004. Sons, Delvin and
Dale, and son-in-law, Jim Bates, are
in full-time ministry. Vickie is a
registered nurse in Front Royal,
D. D. retired from the First
of he driver, 5'16 ]'caimi 'Baptist Church of HintQn,.in+ 1993,
an durationoftr -tcto' the' :after serving a total of eighteen and
alldged violation, .'lethe"'r.and'h'ow :: 'a half years. Since that time+h has +
any searches were performed, and
what was discovered.
But' some representatives of
police agencies question whether the
proposed requirement adds
unnecessary paperwork that might
prevent officers from stopping
I welcome and appreciate your
input on these issues, or any other
legislative matter. Please call me at
(304)340-3106 Or write to Delegate
Virginia Mahan, 215-E, Capitol
Complex, Charleston, WV 25305.
Big Bend Public Service District
will hold their monthly meetings on
the second Tuesday of each month
at the water plant at 3:45 pm.
Big Bend PSD serves the areas of
Talcott, Hilldale, Pence Springs, and
Willowwood Road. The public is
invited to attend these meetings.
served as interim pastor at Burke
Memorial in Princeton, First Baptist
Church of Dunbar, First Baptist
From page 1
up these displays but we cannot
forget those who have donated their
time in preparing the floor for final
viewing. People such as Bob Moore
from HRDE McCreery Center,
Danette Vogel, Gary Allen, Curt
We're 8oing to meet again
on thatgo/'an stranaT
Where death cannotpart, us
and there'll 6e no sacl good-byes
You'll know me by the-smile q wear
qhere'll be peace and joy beyond compare
Oh, my hea-rt willbe who/e o-nce more-,
q can -hardl wait m/son ti/ our
es meet again.
e you andmiss you more eve day
Bt)j precious babj boj.
Messer, AL & Shirley Stone have
donated countless hours in stringing
lights, wrapping packages and
adding the final touches to the giant
effort. And while walking the streets
you will be serenaded by sounds of
-the season being broadcasted
through speakers and sound system
courtesy of Ralph Wilson and the
WV State Water Festival, all of
which is connected by hundreds of
feet of wire, put in place by
Councilmen Meador and Stone,
Gary Allen and Jeff from Big 4
Drugstore. The music was
contributed by many from the area,
then programmed into a computer
by Joe Garcia and Jay Vogel from
ManTech and is being broadcast
from the Big 4 Drugstore who
volunteered their facilities. And last,
but far from least, the input,
coordination, contributions and
watchful eye of Kathy Upton and
staff of the Summers County CVB.
As you can see, much effort has gone
into this year's "Holiday
Wonderland" and we encourage
everyone to visit Hinton's downtown
area for a memorable trip into
yesteryear, I think you will be
pleased you took the time. At any
rate, from all of us who have put
forth this effort, to all of you who will
view it, we wish a Most Joyous
Holiday Season and a New Year
filled with Health Happiness and
It takes 20 years to make an
overnight success.
--Eddie Cantor
The 2004 calendar published by
the Veteran's Museum will he sold
at the Summers County Public
Library and at Hellems' Store on
Temple Street through the holiday
season. Among the calendar's
features are a Mary Ingles map
showing her escape journef from
Shawnee captors, a photo of the
current USS West Virginia, photos
of Summers County veterans and a
NOTICE .. "+ *
....... • %
Alcoholics Anonymous meet
Ies., Thurs. and Sat. at 8:00 pm:
Ascension Episcopal Church, corner+
. .., <. +
of 5th and Temple St. --
W' m+
Hospice of Southern e,
Virginia Grief Support Group mee:*,
on the 4th. Tuesday of each mo n,::
map of the proposed state of at The Summers Coun::•,,:,
Kanawha (now West Virginia). Community Wellness Center, .,., ":.
Temple St., H;inton from I to 3 pp+,
The cost is $5.00 for this limited For additional information pie "z:::
ca.lh 1-800-900-6404 or 255-6404.::.
"The Truth Make YH |ree:+
(J0hn8:32] ::[]
By Fred Seavers same thing -- (Prophecy concerning
Is anybody now sitting on David's throne? Coniah) Jeremiah 22:18-30, and (Prophecy:i
We must first notice that Solomon's concerning Zedekiah)Ezekiel 21:25-27. ::
throne, which was David's throne, was really The rightful ruler would eventually come::],
God,s throne in the first place -- 1 Kings
1:46-48; 1 Kings 2:12; 1 Chronicles 29:23.
Please read for yourself the words of
Samuel the Prophet, followed by the words
of GOd, when Israel cried out for an earthly
King, and rejected their Heavenly, Spiritual
King -- 1 Samuel 8. GOd never intended
for Israel to be ruled by an earthly King. He
was mad when He gave them their first King
Saul, and just as angry when He removed
the one who most consider their last rightful
(seed line wise) King, Jehoiakim -- see
Hosea chapter 13. The throne was always
God's, and He was eventually going to prove
to sit upon the throne of David, ruling over:
the Israel of God. He would be a King and:
a Priest at the same Ume-- Zechariah 6:12-:
13. As the Bible tells us, this would not be:
on David's literal throne, in the city ()fl
Jerusalem (Judah) -- Jeremiah 22:25-3/
and Ezekiel 21:25-27 with Genesis 49:10: .
So, from where would this new King rule.
Next time we will continue our Bibl(
answers to this question by noticing the'
importance of realizing this new King ofi[ ' +
Israel would be a Priest at the same timeT
He would sit upon His throne -- and, just'l:"
exactly what Israel it is over which He would'l -'
• "l.+f
thisto Israel. Hetold Jehoiachin (Jechoniah, reign.
Coniah) that none of his seed would ever Address questions or comments to I
rule over Judah, sitting on the throne of Shockley Hill church of Christ. HC 74 Bdx I
David; He told Babylon's self appointed '57D - Hinton, WV 25951 - 466.9169:. I
puppet king, Zedekiah, pretty much the I
Paid by the Shockley Hill Church of Christ, Hinton |1
Funeral Parlors, Inc.
1 30 Temple St., Hinton, Wv. 25951
With Special Thanks 466-1179 or 1-800-538-9593
David W. Johnson, Manager
Bonnie Ward,
owner of The Hair Place,
would like to Thank everyone for all the
prayers, cards, phone calls, visitors, and
flowers during her recent illness.
She is on her way to good health again.
Again Thank You So Much
Merry ChristmaS
A special thanks to all the
churches and individuals for
their prayers, cards, and phone
calls during my cancer and heart
May God Bless All
Erie W. Adkins
q00recious Son
'T'o have had/ou so rutally eaten from
is, (ut for r grace of Godalmosr unbearable.
q(relgory Don Ward
Born pril3, 969 .
qvurdered tug. 9, 2oo
Proverbs - Capter 7 - Verses 5 thru 2 7
Psalms - Chafl'ter 6 - Verses 2 thru o
Having Served Summers and
Surrounding Counties for the Past
Eighty Six Years With Sincere and
Affordable Services.
The Funeral Parlor that
Families Have Trusted
: For+Gratlonsl
David Jonnson - Darrell Lilly
Jack DavidWoodrum - Robble Merritt
00ome to
ANGLICAN Friendship Baptist Church
Greenville Rd. from Forest Hill.
SL Mlchasl'a Pastor Joe Spencer. Sunday
Holy Eucharist: 4:30 pm 1st, 3rd, School, 10 am, Worship, 11 am
5th, SunOaysstthePrasbyterian evening worship 7 pm; Wed.
Church, corner Ballangas & 3r worship 7 pro.
Ave., Ft. Thomas McHenry, 1928 Grae Baptist Church
Book Common Prayer. Bill Ballengas, Pastor. Sunday
BAPTIST Scndol 10 a.m., Morning Worship
11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00
Beech Run Baptist Church *.m. Wed. Evening 7:00 p.m.
Orbra B. Angell,.Jr., Pastor Grlffith Creek, Aldereon
Sunday School t0 am, Morning Ronnle Cole, Pastor: Sunday
Service 11 am, Night Seneca 7 School 10 a.m. Worship Services
pm, Wed, night prayer masting 7 11:00 a.m. Evening services at
pro. 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Prayer
Bellepoint Baptist Church Service and Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Chris Brown, Pastor: Sun. Youth Masting Wednasdey at 7:00
Service: S. S. 9:45 am. Morning p.m. Classes for every age group.
Worship, 11 am. Youth Nursery available.
fellowship,5:45 pro. Evenin! Indian Mills Bsptlat Church
Service, 7 pm. Wed. Service, 7:00 Darrell Hams, Pastor: S. S. Supt.
pm. James Koatley. Sun. School 1(
Big Creek am. Classes for 11 ages. Worship.
Lovell Williams, Pastor: Sunda Service, 11 am. and 6 pro. Every
School 10 a.m. Morning Worship Sun. Preyer Meeting Wed. 7 pro.
11 a.m. each Sunday. Praye¢ Judasn FrasWlll
meeting Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F Pastor Chsdla Denials. Sunday
Sunday at 6 p.m. School tO am, Worship Service, t 1
Brooks Baptist Church am, Evening Service, 7 pm, Thurs.
Pastor Robert Merritt: Edward Service 7 pro.
Cyrus, Sunday School Kastley Springs
Supedntendent., Sun.School 1C Sunday School 10 am, Harold
a.m. Morning Worship 11 a•m. Masks, Superintendent.
Evening Service Sun. at 6 p.m. Laurel Creek Baptist Church
Prayer Meeting Thurs. at 7:0C Pastor: Melvin Wills, S. S.
p.m. Supedntendent: MerkWard. S.S.
Cslvary Baptist Church 10 am., Morning Worship It am.,
Red Sulphur: Rev. Eddie EveningService6pm. Wed.night
Howdock, Sunday School 1(: bibJo'y7pm.
A.M. Randy Hedge, Lkk Creek Baptist Church
SupedntondentMomingWorship Kenny Baker, Pastor: Sunday
11:00A.M. Evening Worship 7:3C School at 10 am, Sewice 11 am.
P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:3 Evening Service, 6 pro. Wed. night
P.M. Bible study.
Csmon Little Wolf Creek
Rev. NathenielJohnson: Sunda' Baptist Church,Buck. Psstor, Eddie
School, E. G. Crswford, Supt, 11 Harris, Sunday School 10:00 am.
a.m. Morning Worship Ever Momiug Worsh 11:00 am. Sun.
Sunday. Preaching 1st. and 3rd, Evening Worship 6:30 pro. Prayer
Sundays at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Meeng/B.Y.F. Wed, n 7 pro.
Central MmKIow Creek
Pastor Grover Morris: 9:45 a.m, Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday
Church School. il a.m. Momln School 10 am. Sunday Seice 11
Worship. 6:00 p.m. Evening era., Wednesday Evening Bible
Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday Mi¢ Study, 6 pro.
Week Service. New Balant Bptlst Church
Chestnut Grove Pastor I. E. Hatcher: Sunday
Pastor: Benny Allen, School 10:00, Church 11:00
Superintendent: Lowell Bennett !Fundamental.
Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning Nlmlt= Mlaslonery
Worship 11 a,m. Evening Service Baptist Church Pastor DoneJd L
7:00 Wed. Evening Service 7:0(; Hannah S. S. Superintendent KiYoy
p.m. Bragg, Sunday School 9:45•
Cook's Chapel Morning Worship and Children
(independent Fundamental Church 11 a.m. Sunday Morning.
Dallas Peyton Jr., Pastor:. Sunde Evening Sunday Worship 6:00.
School. Supt., Tom Lamb. prwerMastiugendYouthMeing
Service: S.S. 10a.m.Wonddp 11 7:00 Wedneeday.
a.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m., Rhond Anna Memorial
Wed. 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
Country Side
Rt. 12 Forest Hifl
Sunday Sorvice 10& 11 am, &7
pm. Wed night asnce 7 pm.
Faith BapUst Church
J D Fox, Pastor:. Sun. School lC
am, Morning Servlce, 11 am;
Night Service, 7 pm. Wed. night
prayer meeting 7 pm.
Fmmster - Freewill
Strasto, WV. Service every 2nd.,
4th. and 5th. Saturday evenings al
7:00 pm.
RIve" Valley
Rt. 12 Forest Hill Road, Bill
Jenkins, Pastor. 10 a.m. Sunday
School, Joe Spencer,
Superintendent 11 a.m. Morning
Worship. 6 pro. Evening Service.
6:00 pro. & youth meeting. Wed.
,Senorm, 7:3O pro.
Two miles north of Alderson on Rolas Clp4d Church
tbeAlta Road, Sunday Schou 10 Jeff Canterbury, Pastor:. Sunday
a.m. Baptist Youth League 6 p.m. School 10 am., Calvin Martin, Supt.
Evening cencas 7 p.m, Morning Service 11 am. Mid-weak
Rrst Bst Church Setce 7 pm.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Bruc RofllneburB
Richmond, Supt, Morning D. L. Stalneker, Pastor: 10 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m., Evening Serv Sunday School classes for all
7:00 p.m. Mid Wask Servkie 7:0C ages. Richard Holloran
p.m. iSuperintendent 11 am. Morning
For'ast Hill Baptl-t Church Worship. 7 pro. Night Service,
Pastor Jeff Canterbury: Services! one Baptist Church
2nd.&4th.Sundeyg:45,sunday Pastor Danny E. Morgan: S.
School 10:45, Evening Service S.Supt. Dale Shaffer, S. S. 10:00
7:00. am., Morning Worship 11:00 am.,
Frasdom BaptlstChurch Sunday Evening and Wed.
Poweley's Ck., Pastor George Evening 7:00 pro.
Cook. Sun. School 10 a.m,
Sences 11 a.m. Evening Service
7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m.
Seoond Baptist Church
Talcott. Pastor Earl Jackson.
Service 1st & 3rd Sun. at 11 am.
Tempe Church
Bobby Reed, Pastor: Sunday
;School, 10 am. Melvin Williams,
Supt. Preaching Services at 11:00
am. every Sunday..
Upland Baptist Church
Pastor: Cecil Cox. Sunday School
Subedntendent: Jackie R. Gill, Jr.
Sunday School 10:00, Worship
Services at - 11:00• Evening
Services 7:00. Wed. service at
7:00 p.m.
War Ridge Freewill
;Baptist Church. Sunday School
10:00 am., Morning Worship 11:00
am., Sunday Evening 6:00 pm.,
Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 pro.,
Pastor Rev. Jeffery Perdue.
Mount Plagah
Hilldale, Hilldale, Rt. 3. Pastor
Eugene Fullen, Worship 9:30 am
Sun. School 10:45 am. Oper
Church t0 - 4, Bible Study 6 Thur
New Hope
Sam Groves, Pastor: Sunda
School 10 am, Worship 1st & 3r€
Sun. 11 am & 4th Sun. at 7:3O pm
Oak Grove
Sam Groves, Pastor:. 1 st, 3rd & 5tr
Sun. Sun. S. 9:30 2nd & 4th Sun
Worship 9:30, Sun. S. at 10:30.
Forast Hill
Sam Groves, Pastor: Forest Hil
1 st & 3rd Sundays: Worship 10 am
Sun. School 11 am.
Sam Groves, Pastor: S. S. 10 err
Worship services 2nd & 4th Sun
11 am & 3rd Sun. at 7:30 pm.
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Mass
Schedule, Sunde/9 am.
Rrst Christian Church
Sunday Schoo 9:45 am, Morning
Worship 11:00 am., Sunday
Evening Bible Study, Sunday 6:00
Youth Meetings 6:00
1621 Summers St. Minister, John
VlcCain: Sunday Morning Bible
tudy 9:30 am. Sunday Morning
Worship Service 10:30 am.
Sunday Evening service 7:00 pro.
Wednesday Evening Service 7 pm.
Lane Church of Christ
st Meadow Bridge
ible study, 9:30; Sun. Worship
10:30; Sun. evening, 7:00.
shocklay Hilt
lust Outside of Hiton) Sun. Bible
.3lass 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am
md 6:00 pm; Wed. Bible Class
k00 pro. Call for info & directions
166-9169.Evangelist Fred Sasvers
/recension Epll¢opet Church
-loly Eucharist
unday 11 am
Bailepotnt Charge
:lay. Eugene Fulla, Pastor:.
iller Memorial, 109 Miller Ave.,
;un. School 10 am, Sun. Worship
I1 am. Wed. Bible Study 7 pm.
Rrot United
Msthcxllat Church
-linton, WV Kenneth Price,
inister. Sunday School 9:45 am,
ldming Worship 11:00 am. Child
;are available: Moments with
:hMdren, Wednesday Youth Club,
1:30 pro. 6:30 pm., For
rrensportation: 466-0544
James Chapel at True
qev. Tommy Mounts, Pastor:
)rvices 9 am. Sun. School 10 am.
linlater, Hubert Groves: Sam
.'rovas, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45.
Norship 11 am.
=ed Sulphur. Marshall Fowler,
=ester. Sc,ice every 2nd Sunday
;' pro. every 4th Sun. 11 am.
Mary Jane Memorial
=astor Reno H. Richmond: Sun.
choo| 10 am. Morning Worship 11
u. Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm.
Msthodlst Charge
:'at Miok, Pastor: First & 3rd.
.unday, Brooklyn 9:15. Mr. Zion
10:15 am, Sand Knob 11:30 p,
limitz 2nd. and 4th. Sun. Pluto
(artha Chapel 11:00. Madams
Creek. Pat Mick, Pastor. 2nd &
3rd Sunday.
Greenville, 10 am. Sunday School
7:45 pm, Community Worshil:
RI' Prlmbyterlsn Church
Rev.Dr. Dewey Bowen: Sunda
School 9:45 & Worship 11:00 an
Prayer Masting Wed. 7:30 pm.
Hen's Creek
Grasnvilla, 10 a.m. Sunday SchoO
7:45 pm., Community Worshil:
Keller st Lowell
Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor
Worship services held at 2:30 ptr
on 1st. and 3rd. Sundays.
Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor
Grassy Meadows,10 am. Sunda
School. Worship service held at
am on 2rid. and 4th. Sundays.
Bennett Chapel .
Tug Creek Mr, Travis Hocum
Pastor: Services, Sat. 7 pro, Sun
evening 2 pro,
Church of the Living God
Pastor Ron Iddings: Sun. SchoO
10 am Morning Worship 11am Sun
Hlnton Church of God
1301 Summers St. Pastor Cent!
Welch: Sun, School 10 am Momin
Worship 11am Sun. Night 7 prr
Wed. 7 pm
Hlnton Gospel Tabernacle
102 Main Street, Lawrenc
Bennett, Pastor. Sun. Scho lC
am. Worship 11:00 am. Youtt
meeting 6:30 pro. Evangelistk
Sen..e 7:3O pro. Bible Study Wsd,
7:30 pro.
Jehovoh'a Wltnm
Sun. 10 am Pubic Talk, Sun. 11 arr
Watchtower, Study TuB. 7:30 pm
Theoarstfo School Thum. 8:30 p
Servk tmng.
Jumping Brermh Tabernacle
Ray. Else Akmn, St., Pastor
Fronklin Bowk, SupL Sun. SchoO
9:45 am. Morning Worship 10:4
am. Youth Fellowship 6:00 pm
Evening Worship 7:00 pm. Pmye
Service Wed. 7:00 pm.
Mount Otivst Church
A community church, Madams
Crask Reed, 21/2 mllas, WUMam
A. Thornl, Pastor. 466-4299,
Sunday School 10:00 am.
Morning Worship 11:00 am,
Evening Service 7:30 pro. EDT,
Wednesday (7 pm EST winter)
1602 Tempts St. : Sunday Schoo
10 a.m. Moming Worst'alp 11 am
Evangelist Sentine Sunday Night
7 pm Thursday. Prayer and Bible
Study 7 pro.
P=m Spring=
Community Chuh
Pastor Roger Peralnger. SS 10
am, Wonddp Seice 11 am, Youth
masting 6 pro, Stm. night womhip
7 pro, Wed. night prayer mastlng
7:00 pm. Women's Christian
Fellowship meeting every first
Men. of the moeth 7 pro.
Pillar of Truth Church
Barger Spdngs: Sunday Schocd
10:00 am, Morning Worship 11:00
am, Wednesday Bible Study 70Q
Rlvervlew Chapel ,
Speakers Harry Piikington':
Sunday, 9:30 Lords Table; 11:00
Family Bible Hour; 7:00 Evening
Gospel Service.
Reeky Mr. Community Church
Indian Ridge Pipestem: Randy
Ully, Pastor. S.S. 10 am, Worship
S., 11 am; Youth S., 6 pro; Bible
Study, 7 pm. 2nd Sat./ mo.
Gospel Sing, refrashments 7pro.
Memorial Gsrdens '
466=0605 -
209 2nd Ave.
Bi4 Drug '
Store, Inc. '"
rascr/pUon and drug nasd
founM/n Nrvfoe
466..2323 ++
Co ofthe
Hlnton 466-2311
Member FDIC
13o Temple Street
Little country Church
2nd. Avenue
Rev. Ray Martin, Pastor' "
Services are held .:
FH.0 Set. & Sun. 6 p.m.
P' •
on RL 12 Near Fom HMIAfim
Froggy's Restaurant
315 2nd. Ave. 466-6166. ,
Nine Odemm lllie iM & MaMe ::
Opss 9 m..B.- a..
Bennett Chapel' "
Tug Creek Mountn '
Pastor Trm,'b
Bible Study Thurlk I p.n
ONLY $6 me. +,+
ONLY $6 me.