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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
November 6, 1990     The Hinton News
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November 6, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eL I. 7 ome (Continuing the Hinton Daily News & The Weekend Leader) of the W. Va. Water Festival 89 No. 28 Hinton, West Virginia Tuesday Nov. 6, 1990 25 Cents Work is progressing nicely on the new bridge over Laurel Creek, at Sandstone. When the new bridge is completed, which is expected to be sometime before the end of the year, the temporary bridge, now in use, will be removed. The new bridge is being constructed by Heavy Structures, Inc. of Lewisburg with a bid of $1~70,797. The new bridge will use 241,000 pounds of structural steel. Charges that a county man bru- tally beat another man in the alley behind 3rd Ave. early last month were dismissed by County Magis- trate James E. %Vootie~ Beasleylast week because, he said, =I could not find probable cause to bound him over to the Grand Jury.~ Christopher Dan Forren, 19, of Pluto Rt., was charged with alleg- ediy beating Charles Bailey, 35, of Buck Rt., on the night of Oct. 2, according to a complaint filed by police. " Beasley said when =the state's star witness gave his testimony,~ REGISTRATION: duringapreliminaryhearingbefore remember much.~ According to damage from the injuries and his himlastMonday,"itdidn'teven come Beasley he remembered going hack family will be placing him in a nurs- close to matching the statement he in that alley and walking away. ing home." gave to the police the night the beat- When he went back Charles Bailey "He wouldn't hurt a mouse,~ ing supposedly happened.~ had been beat. q-le testified that he Beasley said. "When I saw the pic- According to Beasley, thewitness, didn't see the beating and that tures of his head, the way he was "wasinanintoxicatedcondition. He someone else could have been in the beat on both sides, they made me testified thathebegan drinking that alley besides the three of them. He want to do something, but I didn't dayataroundllandhedrankahalf said he didn't see a thing. I didn't have anything to work with. Some- a fifth of Jack Daniels, a halfa pint have any choice but to dismiss the one didn't do their homework." of vodka, a case of beer and some complaint.~ Beasley said he felt the charges other stuff.~ According to Hinton Police Chief wouldstill gobeforetheGrandJury. Beasley said %he witness couldn't JohnPlumley, Baileysuffered%rain "I don't think it is over yet.~ . / !:i Voter registration in Summers County is up from the total for the May 8th primary, but the books show a decrease of 759 from the 1988 Helen Mock Hedrick, Sec.-Treas. be available to assist business ex- general election count, according to of the 4-C Economic Development pending within the 4-C area and Secretary of State Ken Hechler. Authority, announced the award of those that are locating new facili- According to voter registration a $35,000 grant to the 4-C EDAfrom ties. at comparisons, compiled by the Secre- the Claude Worthington Benedum Helen Mock Hedrick stated th tary of State's Office, in 1988 Sum- Foundation. the labor study be a vital tool in mers County had 7,919 registered The grant includes $20,000 to be the organization s economic devel- voters. Today the county has 7,160 used to conduct a labor study of the opment marketing plans and =lwl registered voters, a decrease of 9.6 four county region including Fay- assist in locating companies no percent. ette, Nicholas, Raleigh and Sum- considering Summers County and In 1986 to total number of eligible uA YEAR OF EMPHASIS FOR OUR CHII~REN" signing (L to R) is Rev. Gerald Dotson, Nola Lilly, rners.Theremaining$15,000 will be other counties within the 4-C area. voters totaled 7,877. in Summers County began with the signing of a James Martin and Father Dave Schmitt. The Voter registration on October 9 proclamation by Hinton Mayor James A. Leslie, proclamation is sponsored by the Committee on Jr. and County Commission President HelenMock Child Advocacy and is printed on page 12 in this used todevelopaplantoassist small In confirming the grant, David shows that Summers County has Hedrick last Tuesday at the First United Method. paper. businesses and communities within Wagner, Vice President and Tress- 5,784 Democrats, 1,270 Republicans the 4-C area. urer of the Claude Worthington and 106 Independents eligible tovote ist Church in Hinton. Shown above during the ' The labor study will determine Benedum Foundation, recognized in the election today. = pn.,"m--'-a-" " laboravailabilitywithincommuting theconsiderableprogreesofthe4-C IS for Our (;h=ldren distance of the 4-C area, character- Economic Development Authority Fewerthand0percentisexpected istics and quality of the labor force, and cited the multi~ounty economic to vote. i completed within 120 days and will example of regional cooperation for County Commissioner Helen Mock ice will be held Nov. 20 at 7 at the the public about what the Child others to emulate. Hedrick, last Tuesday, signed a First United Methodist Church. Advocacy groups are trying to do for ~:~::~~:::~:~::~::~:~::~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~;~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~:~:::~:~:~::~::~::::~::~:::~::~:~:::::::~:~:~:::~ proclamation declaring this year "A Shirley Thompson of the Beckley the children in Summers County. ....... ::::::-:z::'.::::;::::::::::::::-:::::::::z:::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ............. ........... ii i!!~:~ .................. i ........ ~:~:i:.: ........... ~ ....... :~-':.: ~" Year of Emphasis for Our Children" Child Care Center will be the guest The next meeting will be held at ::~.. < ........... :,: :,:.,.-..-...+:.::::::::::: ::::: :,~:::: : : : : : : ::: ::: : : ,: ............ ::::::::::::::::::::: ............. : :+:.:.:.:+ =============================== ............ : : ::~::: :::;::::::::,~ .@ :!~::~.!i~iiii:E:!::~i::!.~!:: ........ ............... i:~:!~!!::!.:.:.~iii::ii~i~!i~!,::'~ii~i~i~i!~'~:'.:, ~1 in Summers County. The signing speaker usingthe theme =Our Chil- theSummersCountyLibraryat4on ~iiii!!i::!iii::~i~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ............... ~::ii :::::::ii :.~:, i !i: i: i:::::::i::ii:::: :/:::::!::::i ~iii~I .... ~i::::i::::i!i::i::iiiiii!iiiii::f:i~i~iii~i ~::~:::: ~;~;~:~:~ '~;;~;~-~;~;i~ The Summers County Health ceremony was held at the First dren- Consider the Possibilities.~ Nov. 26. ~i~iiii~f' ..======================================================.======ff; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::: "::::::))::!::~ii)::::ii::)i!~-".':1!~!ii Dept. has announced that they will United Methodist Church with All are invited The group is getting excited that :~!~! ~;;;~:~;~: :~ ::~ ~: ~ ~ :~;;;~;~!:~-~ be giving out more flu vaccinations members of the Committee on Child their efforts and commitments are :i:ii~:iil on Friday, Nov. 9th, in the Memorial Advocacy group. Present for the Materials are also being sent to beginningtoshow progress andthat Building auditorium between the signing were: Rev. Gerald Dotson, area churches and local organiza- thecomingyearmaytrulybeayear hours of 9 and 12 and again between Nola Lilly, James Martin and Fa- tions in the county showing the dif- of =Emphasis for Our Children of I and 2.~ ther Dave Schmitt. ferent themes for the coming year. Summers County. ,.=... ~ ...=,.== =m=,==== .==~.,,.~~~ ~~ .... ................. ::::::::::::::::::::::: ........ ! :. ::i!:. :% ..... ... ~~iii!ii~i:~;~ii!i~: ;~:~!i~':'~ii~:~ As many of you know our Cham- The Summers County Chem. with local businesses and places of input on this issue. ber ofcommerce has been in hiatus ber office served as a satellite for the interest featured for visitors to use **The Chamber was set up to since Mar. of this Spring. The most Small Business Administrationduring their time in Summers serve as a contact agency for the important reason .being our inabil- through Concord College and ~on. County. National Park Service andthe South- ity to finance and staffthe Chamber sored SBA Seminars for business **The Chamber hosted town ern W. Va. Convention and Visitors' off~ce. We now need to see how our ownersandthoseinterestedinstart- meetings for Congressional 'and Bureau. citizens and the business commu- ing new businesses. Senatorial representatives. Seeking to increase public nity feel about a Summers County Labor surveys were conducted.**Working with Ashby Berkley,awareness, the Chamber, alon~gwith Chamber. To help you make your one which resulted in the opening of the Chamber assisted him in his local clubs and organizations, spon- decisionwewouldliketoremindyou alocalbusineesduetothsChamberefforts to acquire Pence Springs sored political candidate forums. ofsomeofthepastaccomplishments providing information for the 4- Hotel. Additionalinputfromandforcounty our Chamber has made With your County Economic Development **The Chamber staff answered residents was obtained through support.Theywillnotnecessarilybe Authoritythatencouragedthisbusi- inquiriesofbusineesesandindividu- Chamhar retreats and annual meet. listed in order of their importance, nese to locate in Summers County. als concerning our area. Summers ings. **The New River Parkway Au- **The Chamber was responsibleCountyisalwayspromotedasagood**The Chamber sponsored High thority and the Draft Management for the Hinton Historic Task Force place to open a business or for a School Symposiums tohe]p students Plan for Sandstone Park originated which, in conjunction with the Na- vacation, better understand the business in the Chamber office, tional Park Service, published the **By hosting a writers' tour sev- world. L~cal merchants were invited **The Chamber obtained and book Historic Hinton Ready for ths eral national newspaper and maga- to assist in this endeavor. arranged the transfer of a C & O Future. zines articles publicizing our area This list is an incomplete reflec- CabeosetoBluestoneDamtobeused **Working With Va. Electric were published, tionoftheproductivityandsuccosses as a Visitor Information Center. In Power Company, the Chamber did **A Chamber Newsletter was of the local Chamber of Commerce. one summer from Memorial Day to an indepth survey of Summers publishedandfrequentnewsarticles We feel our County Chambercan be Labor Day, 9382 visitors registered Countywhichcanbedistributedwith writtenbychamberrepresentatives a viable organization and has had andwereprovidedinformationabout inquiries about the are& to advertise local events and Chain- many talented people working in its our county area. **Volunteers working the Chem. ber issues, behalf over the years and can con- **In conjunction with the City of ber office developed a community **The Chamber worked with thetinue to do so. There is so much more Hinton, the Chamber sponsored ALL calendar and clearing house for Corps of Engineers concerning hy- to be done and the Chamber can WVCITY. Hintonhashaennamed county orgardzations and activities, dro power being installed on accomplish goals set by its mem- an -All W.Va. City~ for the past four **A City/County Map was pro- Bluestone Dam. It sponsored a pub- bers, TheChamberofCommercecan years, duced by the Chamber ofCommerce lic meeting for debate and public be an asset in this county. S ! Hint ~perty owners in the National Hinton Historic District will be l~ble to obtain loans at an interest rate two percentage points below t~e New York prime rate, aecording to a joint announcement, Tuesday, by the First National Bank of Hinton, the National Bank of Summers and Main Street Hinton. Both banks have agreed to &Uocate a total of $50,000 annually in a loan pool for the rehabillta- ~ion of historic property in downtown Hinton, said Karla Gunnoe, 4irector of the Main Street Hinton. Eligible activities, Gunnoe enid, include rehabilitation of exteriors, interiors of vacant build- • rags and furnishings or equipment for new businesses, ~This is our ~nd year with the special loan program,~ she said. ~Itze first round of money went toward the rebuilding of the Tobacco Leaf azid relocation of June's Beauty Salon. Both obtained $25,000 from tlie 1990 funding pool.~ Applications for the second round of money are available at both banks and at the Main Street office on Temple St. in the restored Cox Building. Completed applications will be reviewed by the Main Street Design Committee who will verify that each application is in compliance with the purpose of the program and that the rehabilitation work follows the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation ofhlstoric property. Shown in the photo (L to R) is Bob Richmond, president of the First National Bank of Hinton, Karia Gunnoe and Paul Hess, president ~fthe National Bank of Summers. 1