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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
November 5, 1991     The Hinton News
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November 5, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i . • : • smos¢ Tues,N0v, 511• 1991 Hinton News -9 PlPESTEM-38beautifulacres i BPw H0 s : • ;i{. ' ' I SAVAILA wit:, rusty 2 story, 3 BIL, 2 3 BI, brock and MONROE COUNTY 149acres August baths, Hvingroom with fire- frame split level. 2 1/2 baths land.with 4 BR., brick. Beautiful FIREWOOD-oak and popular on PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. place, family room. Covered and screened sundeck, 2 car garage, barn, out bldg., in- ground swimming pool. Eve. rythingin excellent condition. Perfect horse farm or retire- ment. den with fireplace, living room, eat-in kitchen, finished" • i basement with den-bar, bath  and laundry room. Intercom and central vac. 3 car garage on 1 1/4 acre. Beautiful scruberry and landscaping. HILLDAI - 3 BIt., livin- 207 CHESTNUT HILL groom, kitchen, utility room, CIRCLE - 3 BR., brick, 2 1/2 bath, S24,000. baths, living room, ' kitchen, finished basement, -wooand near 52 Oj hunting, garage, patio. Wayside, $19,000. HH.IJ1AI.F.. 3 BR. cottage on Main Highway. Beautiful lot. Owner financing¶ $29;000. NIMITz. Robin Roost Road. acres, 2 BR. cottage, Hvin groom , dining, kitchen, util Sty reom, cellar/well house, storage bldg., private. Nice place out. $38,000. HILLDALE - 12 acres, With quality built 3 BR., split level. Livingroom with fireplace, den, kitchen-dining room, utility room, 1 1/2 bafhs. Ga- rage. Home has hardwood floors and oak trim through. out, satellite anntenna, pri- vate. r HIIJJ)ALE . like new 3 BR. mobile home. Very private on beautiful level lot. App!iances and partly furnished, 2 cov- ered porches. Fruit and nut trees. Priced to sell now. Re- cently Reduced. FOREST HILL AREA. 4 1/2 acres with furnished log house. 11/2 bath, 3 BR., living room, kitchen, basement. Priced to sell now. 1018 SUMMERS STREET - 3 BR., 2 baths, living room, din- ing, kitchen, den, basement, off street parking. This home in excellent condition-Re- duced. BARGER SPRINGS AREA - Greenbrier River, beautiful year around cottage, livin- groom with fireplace. rover frontage. Lske new. JUMPING BRANCH- Colonial Manor Estates. Nice 1/2 acre building lot. DOWNTOWN HINTON 2 story brick buildingsuitable for •business or apt. Level off area. JUMPING BRANCH. 3 BR. brick, 1 1/2 baths, livin¢r-m| I PENDING. ! I dcV'1 ',, '. ..... vezeway, priate. ZION MOUNTAIN . 21 acres with 1 1/2 story, 3 BI, room, kitchen,bath,part base- ment. Garage, equipment shed, workshop• Neat place otlt on hardroad. 3 1/2 miles from Hinton. BELLEPOINT Chestnut Road. 3 BR., frame, living room with fireplace, family room with exposed beams, dining room, 2 baths, utility room, modern kitchen, patio, black top driveway. WILLOWWOOD ROAD - 2 story 4 BR., home. Living room, modern kitchen, en- closed porch, 2 baths. MADAMS CREEK - 12 acres with 4 BR., split level, 2 1/2 baths, hwng room. with fLre- place. Garage & patio. James Kerr, REALTOR B 0fficelocat at Rt. 3 Hilidale, RE,Lto Hinton, W V Equal Housing tlunfly Phone 4..66 4369 Anytime LENDER" 1108 GREENBRIER DRIVE-2 story, 3 BR., 1 1/2 baths, dining room, kitchen, living room with fireplace, -rtral air, new carpett0JK'. Garage ith river fontage. Home in excellent condition and loca- tion. 209 SUMMERS STREET - 2 story 3 BR., 1 1/2 baths, nice kitchen, living room with fire- place, basement, sundeck, off- street parking. Home in ex- cellent condition. 308 IIILL STREET - 2 story, 3 BR., livingroom, diningroom, utility room, bath, modern kitchen. BELLEPOINT- 3 BR., kitchen, dining room, livingroom, bath, utility room, sun porch, base- ment Beautiful lot. Reduced to $20,000. BARGER SPRINGS - fur- nished 3 BR. year around home, livingroom, bath, den large eat-in kitchen. Extra lot. HILLDALE - 18 acres on main highway. 1 1/2 ACRES. Greenbrier River lot. Rifle's Bottom near Alder- - HALLORAN'S BOTTOM- large river lot. Well and sep- tic, plus travel trailer. 43 acres near Judson. Land all fenced with 3 BR., modern kitchen, 2 baths, family room with stone fireplace. Also large addition unfinished. Barn. BEECH RUN - 2 story, 4 BR., stone home, 2 baths, beautiful kitchen, den, full basement. Fine home. Must see to appre- ciate. Also 2 car garage and 2 acres. Reduced to $42,500. 102GREENBRIER DRIVE - 4 BR., Brick, living room, din- ing room, modern kitchen with dishwasher and stove, 2 1/2 baths, f|asement with family .OJ.,h '- wood stove.  New c.,:-pet and roof: Large carport and ptio. Level lot. Home and location excellent. $70,000. HILLDALE - 3 BR., living room, bath, modern kitchen, large lot. BROOKS AREA - 3 nice acres with fish pond and rights to New River. James Kerr, REALTOR B Office located at Rt. 3 Hilldale, z^:o. Hinton, W V Equal Housing Opportunity I Phone 466.4369 | | Anytime | mts I The residents and staffofShenn- doah Manor are planning a bazaar on Nov. 9th. for the benefit of resi- dents activities. The bazaar will be held at Shenandoah Manor, 608 Greenbrier Ave., Ronceverte, WV. A few of the items being offered for sale will be: hand-made earrings, cambs, placemats, ceramics(a wide variety). Abake sale with salt-rising bread, homemade cakes and pies. We will also have homemade apple butter, wild grape jelly, and local honey. We will have a table of hand- made wood and metal crafts. There will also be a flea market. • We invite you to attend our sale and assist our residents in this en- deavor. PETERSTOWN. Stanley Hill, FmHA approved. 3 BR., livin- groom, kltchen bath, nice lot. $40,000. PETERSTOWN. Mill St. , BR., livingroom with fireple e insert, kitchen, lth, sun deck, utility building, PETERSTOWN . Orchard Addition, Haurger Rd. FmHA 3 BP., Uvin- groom, L;',hen, bath, base- ment, eorner lot. $29,500. UNION - Pine St. FmHA ap- proved, brick & frame. 3 BR., 2 baths, kitchen, livingroom, sun deck, basement with wood stove. $32,000. BELLEPOINT - fine building lot. BARGER SPRINGS - 12 acres. FOREST HILL GREENVIIXJE ROAD - 25 acres, 1 1/2 story, 2 BR., living room with fire- place, bath. Beautiful land with roads and hardroad frontage. HILLDALE - 3 BR., rancher, eat-in kitchen, living room with cathedral ceiling, den with wood stove, bath, also extra lot. This home in excel- lent condition. Reduced to $37,000. 40 acres woodland, hardroad frontage joins Bl'Jestone State Park. Ideal for hunting and fishing' " " " " " " 148 CROSS STREET- Com- pletely remodeled with alu- minum siding and new roof• 3 BR., dining room, living room with fireplace, basement. 2 sun decks, fenced yard. 1 car garage. House in excellent condition and features plenty of storage space. V i GREENBRIER RiVR ' Log Cabin, 3 BR., 2 baths, kitchen, diningroom, living room with fireplace. Screened in porch. BELLEPOINT- Walnut Street. 3 BR., living room,kitchen, bath, basement. $23,000. 1305 TEMPLE STREET - 3 BR., living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room, garage. On 2 !/2 lts. $20,000. Meeting the ground, you cut and haul $5.00 per load. Ronald Gunter, t. eter Rd. 253-5383 or 466-1167. HN Oct. 29-Nov. 5p Over 8,000 used paperback books The Hinton Business and Profes- sional Woman's Club wet on Aug. 22, at the camp of Barbara Parmer for a 6:30 covered dish meeting. After the meal, Mrs. EFzaboth are introduced the guest s aker, Ma W Pearl Compton. M:s. omp- m a delegate representin } omoe ana Summers Counties, spoe on :he process of how a bill becomes a .aw. She also emphasized the imper: tance of people communicating with their delegates and senators. She gave some insight into what goes on in Charleston while the Legislators are in session. Mrs. Compton also spoke on the redistricting decisions that will be dealt with during the Special Session which will be held the first part of Oct. Mrs. Bare opened business meet- ing with the Flag Salute and Club Collect. She then announced that Oct. 20th thru the 26th will be Na. tional Business Women's Week. The July minutes were read and approved and a treasurer's report was given. Mrs. Bare asked if any- one was interested in attending the District Meeting in Charleston on Oct. 6th. She also invited everyone to a library celebration TO be held at the Summers County Library on Wed. the 28th from 2-4. The meeting ended with the Benediction. Fourteen members and four guests were present: Elizabeth Bare, Elizabeth Huffman, Frances Bowman, Donna Pivont, Connie Wi]]ey, Mattie Jean Cooper, Bar- bara Parmer, Millie Meador, Gloria Meadows, Mildred Meador, Jeanie Kraft, Jane Humphries, Clara Mann, Amy Mann, Barbara Bowling, Wilma Redes, Betty Messer and Mary Pearl Compton. :. • SUMMERS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE Ofce Location: 151 Pleasant St. (Avis). Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mon-Fri. Telephone: 466- 3388. f r ale or trade. Must take all. Have all" classifications, Make s . offer. Call 466-1124. • • HNOct. 15-TFN ': i! ' .: • ,, : : . FOR SALEi "The-Long Family, I-liJtorf', by Roy C. Long.: $30.{)0 plus $1.50 for mailing and postage. W.Va., residents add $1.80. W.Va. State Tax. Write; Roy C. Long, 818 Summers St., Hinton, WV 25951. HN July 30-TFN FirewOod, well "seasoned. $-25.00 pick up load at farm. 466-3492. HN June 25-TFN APPLIANCES Used refrigerators, washers, dryers and electric ranges. Use fur- niture. Call 466-3039 dr 466-4524. HY May 21 - TFN TRAILER FOR RENT: 2 bedroom HUD Approved. Call 466. 1243. HN Oct. 29 - TFN All types of investigations. mestic-Body-Guard. Licensed & Bonded. 466-2546. HN Oct. 22-TFN APPLIANCES SERVICES Sid Humphreys Call 466-5500 HN Oct. 22-TFN Income tax and beokkeeping sdPvo ices. Doris Thompson. 445-7997. HN Oct. 22-TFN PHONE SERVICE Ray K. Rudisill i 466-1427 HN Oct,22-TFN Appliance Service, Specializingilt Sears Appliances. We stock partS. Tom's Repair Service. Tom Talbott, 466-2449. HN Oct. 22-TFN Jimmy R. Wheeler Licensed Contractor Home repairs, remodeling, build- ing. REASONABLE. 466-4121 r 445-7830. HN Oct. 22-TFN Rosemary's Pedicure Cosmetic Care of Feet. Trim an Smooth Toenails, Corns anl Callouses. IN HOME CARE. Gillt ........................................ ' .... Certificates available. For Ren t: House, Bellepeint Area. Deposit/Reference $550. me. Write P.O.Box 522 Ashland, Va. 23005. HN Aug. 16, Sept. 3, Oct. 1, Nov. 5, Dec. 3, Jan. 6p rApt. For Rent. HUD Approved. Call 466.-1243: HN Oct. 15-TFN For Rent: I and 3 bedroom houses for rent in BeRepoint area. HUD Accepted. Also have several apts. for rent. Call 466 - 3696 days or 466 - 5953 evenings. HN Oct. 15-TFN Call 466-3842 HN Nov. 5-12p Will do contracting work, inside and out, plumbing and heating. We will meet or beat any price. Stab wood and hardwo , fir sa]e We also have firewood, cut and delivered, Call 466-5576 or 466-5093. • HN June 4-TFN Reliance Electric, State Certified; Commercial, Residential. 466-0619. HN pt. 17-TFN FOR RENT: 1-2 bedroom apts., Lady will stay v:ith elderly day o with or without utilities furnished, night. 20.00  i!  :,;'ren:eI Nov. 1991 (9-11 & 1:3). 7-' Dihgnflc CffiC (by ' ...... :HN,Apr. 9N appointment). 12 - Diabetic & Blood Pressure Testing (8:30-11:00). 14 - Pediatric & EPSDT clinic (by ap- pointment). 18 - Immunization & TB skin tests (9-11 & 1-3). 21 - Family Planning (by appointment). 26 - Diabetic & Blood Pressure Testing (8:30 -11:00). NoPets.WillAcceptHUD.466-4132 available. (" ,:i4;6 ; HN Nov. 5p : SPAGHETT.I DINNER The Volunther Staff of Shenan- doah Manor will be having a Spa- ghetti Dinner 0n Sat.N0v. 16th. from 1, 3 and 4 bedroom apts. for rent. Call 466 - 2020. HN Oct. 22-TFN FOR RENT: New apartments. 1 bedroom, effiency, furnished. 466- 1100. HN Nov. 5-TFN Garage $20. Big, bright five room apartment, 4111/2 Temple U pstairs. HUD approved. 466-4022. HN Nov. 5-TFN WANTED TO BUY By Joey Hartwell  " Buying antiques, old furniture, The Green Sulphur Springs FOR'ALL•YOUR old toys, glassware, quilts, pottery, pie safe, cupboards. Phone 466-5212 Mohawk 4-H Club began its new BUILDING NEEDS 445-2897. club year with a covered dish dinner .... or awards ceremony, and installation Lowest prices & we deliver HN Oct. 15.TFN TUG .C00EE00.=2 G basCOTRAC] 2p!Pov d: 4:00pm to 6:30pm'"Price °f admis" [ 41 ESTATE[ JameS Kerr, REALTOR sion $4.oo-00or adults REAL • -r' ,Office Iocatedat Children under'5 eating free. Ad- vance tickets may be purchased for . • Rt. 3 Hilldale, ShenandoahManorStafforcal1645.  Hinton, W V 7270 r reservations. • Equal Housing Opportunity Phone 466-4369 • .... .. Anytime - ,\\; \\; ." . : 4-H NEWS Summers/Monroe/Greenbrier - FREE Computer Training to qualified individuals. Upgrade your job skills. Job placemet assistance that nets results with ravel allow. ance. Mu:t have b :h , :,×>I diplomaf G.E.D,, ype 20wmp and J,T.P.A. eligible. Register now for July 1st. c]asses. Call 647-3222. E.O.EJM.F.H. HN June 18-TFN $60.00 PER HUNDRED PAID for processing mail at home. Send self-addressed stamped envelope for details to: P.O. Box 7000-B, Co]onia, NJ 07067-7000. HN Oct. 22 - Nov. 26p Summers Co. Services Councilt Inc. Home Repair Project One Carpenters Position. 5 years experience. Applicant must provide prior work hi story must have refer. ,n:'es from ' ,-wp':,yer. Appli- cant must have WV drivers license. Applicant must be able to superv helpers. Final date of accept-g application Nov. 8, 1991. Send reso ume to: Summers County Services Council, P.O. Box 242, Hinton, W.Va. 25951. HN Nov. 5p URGENTLY NEED DEPEND- ABLE PERSON to work without of officers on Sept. 29th., from 2 till 4 p.m. at the Lick Creek Baptist Church. After the dinner, a regular busi- ness meeting was conducted, and aRerwards, various awards and pins were given out, such as officer pins and teen leader pins for the previous year. As the final event of the gath- ering, the new officers were installed. The officers for the 1991-92 year are as follows: President- Tara Scott; Vice-Presi- dent - Stacy Martin; Secretary - Rgnele Livesay; Treasurer - Kim Harjell; Reporter - Joey Hartwell; Song Leaders - Sonya Bragg, An- drea Mansfield; Recreation Leaders - Brock Lively, Charlotte Mansfield; Sgt. at Arms - Regina Martin. The Mohawk 4-H Club would like to invite anyone who is interested learning nore about 4-H to attend a local 4-H meeting. 4-H is open TO all young people ages nine through twenty-one. Through 4-H, young people can gain important skills and make new friendships that will last throughout their lives. 645-1351 S. J. Neathawk Lumber, Inc. U.S.219 N. Lewisburg Classified Ads ONLY 20 cents .A Word Deadline 11:00 MONDAY. NOTICE" ! FREEAsbestos certification train- ing. Nov. llth. J.T.PJ eligible, job placement. Women urged to train. Call Now 647-3222. E.O.E. M/F/V/H HN Nov. 5p I i-PUBLIC AUCTION ! • supervision for Texas oil co. in Hin- ton area. We train. Write T.I. Dick- erson, Pres., SWEPCO, Box 961005, Ft. Worth, Tx 76161. HN Nov. 5p For Sale: For parts, 1972 Volkswagen window van. Excellent body and very good interior. New tires. Only recently stopped running; 466-1770. Make offer. Antique Auction HN Nov. 5-TFN .  Cave, W.Va. I NOTICE J Corner cupboard, several pie safes, farm table, decorated stone- ware, everial pieces oak furniture, AFer's Auoticn Service Huser cabinets, walnut stop-back cupboard, depression glass. Heisoy. Imperial Cambridge, plus many other antique "and collectibles. Riv- erbend Auctiqn Company, W.V, License No. 927.466-5212 or 1-800. 310-2897. HN Nov. Gp Household, business, farm or commercial. We sell it all. No Sale tooidg or too small. IAovd av:,-, ::,. .: ....... I , /\\; ..... . . . " . . . . . . . , .. . ... . ': .