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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
November 5, 1991     The Hinton News
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November 5, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.m %" 8 - Hinton News Tues. Nov. 5, 1991 LEGAL NOTICE Notice ia h,by liven that Munlo Mining Com. Irony  SJ, O &amp; Sm, P.O. Box 1287, I0,000 ||Ighway , West, Minmmpelis, MN $440 has sub- mittod a WV/NPDES Applkation NO. WV0063771, for a WV/N'PDES Permit to the D?artmt of Euergy, 116 hulustrlal Drive,Osk Hill, West Virslnto 2B001 in erda' to * Pa.up a D4mp Mtue In tho n'. of I. The propeeed operation is to diKatlp into IAna Co. & C|aypeol Br, of Msadow River of Now River. and is toatcd 1.5 miles, Southwest ofLbrldge, WV • in On Sulphur District of Summers County lgt- .4f rude 80 52' 28" Latitude 37 48' 58" Comments on tl A icle 5A (WV/NPDES) appli- " mtlem or requests Jr publi, hearing regarding the WV?NIDES opplitn she,! be in writing and if a Imbllc hesring is requested hH etnto the ntur of the iuuee propee to be raised in the hearin Sth i writ t4m commentsor tqueeto elletdd he Nnt to theDo- lmrtment of Erf7 at the  add/m C4mmmts received by Dec. 5,1991 thirty O01 day8 film thn deto of publication, will be considered. The NPDI aliea. tion d.m permit and -t ,duet fit required) may be i inepeot0d by appointmtmt end espies dalued for u. nemtal om*t m the Delmrtmt orEuerRngiaemi Office lotod at the nddm, abev,. A eepy of tim applicot will be u tmtil Dec. 5,1991, or thirty (30) d 'om final to oflmb. lieatiov, in the Department of Euer  Iocotnd at the above adds, and in the  of the County Clerk of Summers County, Hintn, Wt Vir- ginta 259I. Telephone N 46-11 Applkation: Pile No. WV/NPDE8 WVI HN Nov. S L00rm MANLO mm. ¢Oa1€t" OICHA N'N. I P-RMIT NO. U. O. 188 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF -L ESTATE ACCOUNTS  To the Ctiitore and Beneficiaries of the within dnceued permna: I haw before me the following deceased pemms end the s.ounta of the fldtiaries of their eetota Dodont: Ray Ham rick, Pidu©iarie, Eugene Hamrick • and L, sde Bryant, Rt. 2. Box 199, Aldersun, WV; Dece- k Edward Mk, Fiduciary: Sndra Mock, Rt. I, ,. Beg 25,  Ridge. WV; Decedent: Pearl Bartgis, lhry: Wiles Jean Ray, Rt. 1, Box 110, Iiinton, WV; ]t: Fred CurTsy, Pidueiory: Kenneth Mws, Belt 18, Jumping Branch, WV; Decedent: Donna Berry, Fiducisr Runald Ber, Rt. 20, Box 0A, Plpestom, WV; Decedent: Arretta Allen, Fiduci- Ihirry Allen, Rt. I, Box 29. Millwcod, WV; dent: lsaa Martin, Fidu¢iary: Bernice Martin, Rt. 81, TA,  WV; Deden U C, eo a Spengler, Fid u- ctery: Roy Spangler, HC 73, Box 1  L 5, Aldereon, WV; • " D'lmt:]trkCanterbury, Fiduciary:JudthLong,  Bat IG, Taleett, WV; Decedent: Ilubert Vest, P/duti- eS,  Mary Vest, B 84, Jumping Branch, we; De dent' Franklin Ward, Fiduciary: Martha Ward, llix J, ., B 97. Sandsta, WV.  : Any person having 8 claim against the estate of named parson are noifled to hibit same, with , '- I}y verified vouchers, to fiduciary within 7 day or not later then January 19, 1992, or t supervisor within I20 days, st address below, not liter than March 4.1992; otherwise any or el| such claim s may be u¢luded from 811 benefits o said estate. " All beneficiaries of said estate may appear before fiduciary or supervisor by dates shown to e.amine claims and prott their interest Oiven under my hand this 23rd day of Oct. 1992. Ruth Nble Fiduciary Supervisor, County Clerk', Office IIN Nov. S, 12 RITCH ,,, LEGAL NOTICE " FIDUCIARY NOTICE I have bore me the final sattiement of Norms Btskmrlddg as Committee for Ins C. Smith, lucern* I iv under my hind this 28.h day of Otober, 11. Ruth Noble Fiduciary Supervisor IIN Nov. 5, 12 LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE P I Imvo bere me the firml eettlement of Mildred ' Richmond as Committee for Ida G. Grlmmott, Incem-  potent. Gtvem under my hand chic 28Oh day of October, ,' II. Ruth Nble • Fid'iary Sopervisor IlN NOV. 5, 12 Passes Recertiflcation Examination Dr. William C. Dressier, has been notified by the American Board of Family Practice that he successfully . passed the recertification examina- • tion given July 12, 1991, in Wash- ington, D.C. This consists of a six-hour written examination and is required of all Diplomates of the American Board , of Family Practice every six yearsin . order toretain the Diplomate status. The speciality of family practice • involves preventive medicine and treatment of the entire family from ,. the newborn to the elderly. Dressler is a native of Hinton, "" W.Va. and graduated from Marshall University and the West Virginia University School of Medicine. He iserved four years with the U.S. Air Force as a flight surgeon before . coming to Martinsburg in 1977. He . currently equally divides his prac- tice time between his oflce at 305 Clifton Court, Martinsburg, and the Inwood First Med Walk-In Clinic at 1 Sader Lane, Inwood. He also has admitting privileges at City Hospi- tal Inc. in Martinsburg. 1, HeSs the son of Mrs. W.E. Dressler ,, and the late W.E. Bill" Dressier of ,HJnton, WV. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The undersigned Trustee, by vtr toe e/'the author- icy vested in him by that certain Deed of Trust exe- cuted by RoLe Amectoto Inc., to Devid L. Zieglor and Jeseph M Blankenehtp, dated the Sth day of Ap¢t], 1990, and of resard in tho O ofti  Of the County Cmrt of Summw County, West Vlr|/nia, in Truer Deed Bo 14,  4, said Deed of ns prmty in default, the mid Trut having been requested by the bemdIm*y thqof so to de, NOW, TI[EREPORE, I, DAVID L. ZIEG/2gS, Truetue as afoid, Will  to dl the h,welnltor scribed real estate lecatod at the o,,or uf 'lNmp Street and Smd Avenue at public auction on the OOnd day of Novomb, II, st the hour of00 u.m., to the hi,beet bidder for cash tn hand at th0 front de of the Courthou of Summe C0unty, West Virginia, which real estate is Jlttmto in the City of Hintm, Sum- mere County, West Virginia, end is me perIJcularly descr'ibed as follows: FIRSt. All thet cm'tain tot, pi or pu'esl of land, with all bmldings thereon nd appurtenumme thereunto be- longing, situate in the City ofliinten, SummareCotmty, West Virginia, being twenty-five (26) feet of the uerth- arly portion of Lot No. Six (6) of Black Letter F" of the map and plan of the City oflllnton and being on the touthwest corner of Second Avenue and Temle Strm sittmta in mid City and having a frento of twenty- five (25) feet on said $cd Ave and fi/y (SO) feet on Temple Street and known lecally as the Clttmue Bak Buildind. SECOND: BEGINNING at a point on the wearily building line ofesid eceeui Avenue, twen ty-Fwe (25) feet esuth of the southerly buitdin lint ofTamp Stt in estd City, then running in a mutherly direction with the westerly building line of said S0nd Awmue .'ty-flv0 (45) feet end axtonding back in a uniform width, and in a westerly dirtlm fifty (50) feet to the lima of E.M. Meedows end othor the said lot bdng the Ime lot conveyed by John LJng and wife to JJ. O'Fa Jell end George 3. Abbott by deed dated m the 14th de7 of November, 1913, and  in tim Omes of tho Clerk of the County Court of Stmmor8 County, W Virginia, in Deed Book 36 at Im 3"/0. THERE IS RESERVED AND EXD hew. ever fl'em thie eenveyale d |ntomet in the w4mtot wall of tho said building up to the Neend sty/as heretofore ¢onveynd by the mid  a O'Parr], his wife, to E.M. Midewe and others. AND BEING the esme property convoyed unto RoLe Ammctatoe, Inc., a West Virlltnla Coqomtion, from Nell Meadows Newland, widow, by deed dated the 2nd dey of February, 1982, and of retard in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Summers County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 141, at Im 757. SAID SALE HALL BE SUBJECT TO TIIE F)LLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) Cash in hand On day of lie. 2) Subject to any and all mineral rights and reservations,stipulations, mtriettorm, rueorvat/s, eeeemonts, conditions and ,vt ento ntoiued in all former conveyances of the subject property or appsar. ing of rcord in the aforeMtd Clurk Office ovept ate pertaining to re, eelr or cued. 3) Subjt ta all real mtoto tram, ain0t mid property and any rases which omstltoto u li up0 lit i It i I ii i i tit illli : • ,.,,::.;:',:...,:...,:,::!i:::::::. ::, ...:::::.',-',%:,. :... .. ':'::...:::.i:. :::::::::::::::::::::: .::::'::::i:! ::'::;::::i;i:i; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :!:::::i !.":::::::::,:: LANDLORD WAN, D _ Two.story, each witlDms; only $8,500. RENTAL OPPORTUNITY 2 story frame on large city lot; g rental units, fully occupied; good net income; $22,000. AFFORDABLE I story frame; 10 years old, off- street parking; West EndArea; only $1"/,000. SMALL ACREAGE 11.4 wooded acres at Lerona, near Pipestom Resort; ideal building 8its ... $17,500. i AgSDMAlJ VA LOAN 1 1/2 story brick home with full basement; garage in rear. , BUY SOME INcoME Brick apartment building in Hinton Historical District; 2 units, fully occupied; $23,000. lL iii:? REAL ESTATE SERVICES AND APPRAISALS Farms, Residential, Vacation and Commercial Properties Member MLS Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5th Ave. & Commercial St. Hinton, W00/25951 304-466-1111 or 466-0736 Call and List With Us Today! illll I II I I the said property but which am not 30t due and peyable. 4) The subject pnporty will be odd in A8 IS condition. The trust shall be under no duty to cauN any istlng tenant ' poresn nccupying 010 subj,t property to vato Bid property. 6) Tho property will be conveyed by the under- signed Trustee to th* purelmsae without war't"anty 4 any kind, apre or implied. 6) The ofoeeesid0salo racy be adjourned from time to time as the underdaned Truet deems ndvisab]e, which aoummm3t maybe made by oral lamtion at the time and place of the cola or IIW sdjounment thereof. For more information, call David LT, ieJ0or at 466- 1224 or Junior Ball st the National Rank of Summoru at 46311. GIVEN under my hand on th/€ the 31 day of October, 1991. David L. Ziegiar, Trustee JONES REALTY Each Off IndependenW Owned 466-4246 .t..sox. Jumping Branch, WV 25969 IR. Eugn Jon,, Jr., Broker # 275:80 acres near 1.64 - wooded & creek - 21,000. #274:52 acres, well & elect., good farmette & • hunting- $30,000. • #272:3 BR on River at Talcott - $35,000. #221: Camper on wooded HNNov.ll.I, I lot at Indian Mills LEGAL N()TICE | $7,00oo.oo FIDUCIARY NOTICE To the Creditors and Beneficiaries of the within dmsed p,uns: 1 have boforo mo the satt*mmts of the within deesneed peruone which elmll go before the Summe County CommiHion the 18th day of November, 1991, which esttlements have been ptod by the fldti- sry of such agates and halo been approved: Dovd Huffman, Clarence Meadows, HePaert Adktne, 8ernth Meedows, Elmer Lewry and llasal Owim, James Davit Any percon having an intent may eplr at place specified or ees may be forever barred from amrting sh interest. Given under my hand thic 28th day ef Octalmr, 1991. liuth Noble Ftdtmciry Supersor HN Nov, 5 LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE I hove before me the annual settlement of Wiles J)]umh'y, Committee for Jimmie N, Williams, ,mum. petet. Giwn under my hand this  dy O' OtdF, 1991, Ruth Nble Fiduciary SuperviJor HN Nov. $, 12 I #28,1: Nice camp- Green- brzer River, Lowell, $2300. #280:1/2 acre lot. Jump- ing Branch. City Water & electric. $3,000. #273: Nice 2 BE., home near 1.64 Meadow Creek. Level Lot- trout stream. Must sell Price Reduced to $26,500. i i ii i i il i LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE T. neti* that u 10 Chevrot Truk erial Number IOCCBI4E210I4, which hat been m- pmed by default in t] tors of retention of title or lien inct.£nem, will ha  for mle rd Jd at pubes atictim to the hishsat bidder a provi d: ,y   w atl0:.30AMunthe-15thdayofNo:t' .ii ,! i blleq¢ing ptnflsas:'nltitt Nution} L.ank fili'r, 21 TJmple  |lintt, WV unlosa por o O)e said ode0 the amount now due is Imid to the unde'rsiguel, plus steep and ksalbr "me. The mteSui -sa the rtt to bid in th euctldn, and to pUrcluf. ltod this the 4th day of Novembor, I1. Rl D. Bievine Collection Mar. HN Nov.  IR LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION cllurr COUlt'r OF OUM_.._.mVlW COUNTY, Wfff VtOIN1A P/tim  Mar B,,io Per a C or Name to Maria  PIsint v. Ddmdsnt.  AeUm N II.P.104. NOT/ O CHAN OP NAM NOTEX is  sl la sism with Chnptot48,Art 5. Smtom 1 't Cad*ofWuetVtr linia  the thumttm of Iria Bq/s to dumas nam t Maria daria. T lttttmr fll uptmr in porso bedb the Jtl of tbe Ctzt Court of ummor* Couat, Wt Vi in mmmlamm with Ilia! iiii . | ii i li ..... i 321-3rd Ave. 466-1100 i NEW RIVER - Acreage. HINTON - 2 or 8 R., frame. $16,000. Wll&b-er financ- ing 10% do',. PINE HILL- Attractive 3 BR., 2 1/2 baths. Frame - split level, fireplace, carpeted. Attached 2 car garage. Large corner lot. Excellent buy at $58,000. Price Reduced. LOWELL - on Greenbrier River - 3 BR. - large new deck on 3/4 A. Garage. Priced low at 32,000. TEMPLE STREET - store building with furnished apts. $8500. NEW RIVER-2 Bit., camp with 120' frontage on By-Pass 3 and 20. 120' frpntage on the river. Good commercial property. LITTLE WOLF CREEK - farm, 105 acres, barn and shed. 2 BR., frame house. Pond. $69,000. 215 8th. AVENUE- attractive 2 story frame, 3 BE., 2 baths. Combination k:,vhen/family roe m, dinil. Ta ate fully decorated, nice quite neigh- borhood. $37,500. WILLOWWOOD ROAD -1 lot on Greenbrie r River. 50' x 242'. $32oo. MADAMS CREEK - 3 BR., 2 baths, brick, 1 car garage on 2 acres. TRUE - 39 1/2 acres, full base- ment, well. View of Lake Bluestone. $35,000. RIVERTOWNE' - Restaurant, ice cream parlor, all equip- ment. 10 apts. partially com- pleted. Can make own pay- ment. Great buy. 214 TEMPLE ST- CommP'-ll ness ,] 1 t* ..asoor. $35,000. I 153 PLEASANT ST - 2 bed- room, 1 1/2 bath, frame, re. modeled. Convenient loca- tion. MADAMS CREEK - 4 BR., 1 bath, frame, large front porch. 2 storage buildings on 1 1/2 acres. $30,000. BELLEPOINT - 4 BR., 2 story brick & cedar, 2 1/2 baths, custom built kitchen that opens into family room with fireplace. Formal dining room, 2 car garage, patio, air conditioned. 1 acre, great view. BLUESTONE PARK AREA - 50 acres. 1/2 wooded, 1/2 cleared. 2 creeks and spring. LITTLE WOLF CREEK ROAD - 50 acres including well and septic, 25 acres cleared rest wooded. Excellent hunting. J:'..:., sv n,' < $22,500. 3rd. AVENUE - Tomkies Bldg. Historic distr-#.  ..',!" . 2 business areas. $2.Lt). June McGraw, REALTOR, C.R.E.A. Home: 466.1767 Wiles Redes, Sales, 466-1118 IAnda Lyons, Sales, 466-2638 OIaLS Lyon, Sales, 466-2638 II [ ill REPORTING A CRIME: Remember to: 1. Speak clearly while describingwhat happened. 2. (:ire all details, i"h,:y . c- important ,,hen reportingacrime. 3. Stay calm. I never helps to get excited. WHEN REPORTING A CRIME, GIVE AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF THE CULPRIT:.. How tail? How old? Weight? Clothes? Hat? Color of hair, eyes, clothing? Shape of face, body, hands, feet? Voice - accent, speech impedi- ment, loud, seE? Unusual charac- teristics, scars, moles, birthmarks? Submitted by Retired Senior Vol- unteer Program. Mary Jane O'Riley, Coordinator, 322 Summers St., area. Four to five bedroom home, level lot, on bard top, family room, two story, many faa- tures including walkin clos- ets and master bath-bedroom suite. Sandstone. Modern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded acres, good game trout stream nearby, secluded with reasonable access. Meadow Creek. Twenty acres, woodland. Ramp Road. Good Price, w/ five level acres. Sandstone, on hardtop. 5 ACRES BEHIND HOSPI- TAL Nice & Level, Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. New River Road Nice 3 bedroom House or Camp. Nice Kitchen. Also big Living room with Fireplace. Lot Borders River. State St. 7 Room House. Nice carpet. Priced to sell Must see to appreciate. Willowood Road 4 room camp on Big lot. New roof and siding. Nice kitchen and carpet, also large out building and good well. 7th. Ave. and Temple Street Store Building. FuU size base- ment. 5 room apartment up- stairs with carpet. Private entrance. Forest Hill District Indian Mills Road 17.97 acres of woodlaud in. cludes, small pond, and 5 acres of small timber. follows, to-wit: BEOINNING On an I.P. ruer tJ.C.Owinn in tim northerly RfW of Wet Virgin Bm,ttt  4; thence, with mid R/W and bindin th0 8. 73-55 W. 1. fuet to an LP.; t lesvth MtJd R/w N. 30- W. nJW hot, *nmtnl the amk to u I.P. in the Rmee line on the lie ofJ.C, Om; with the n N. 8'7-23 E. 198,4,,1 fiud, ton |JO" Iphur tn the corner of the fon  to J,C, OHnn; with t he fence, Owim Une K -84 I|. |.| Jt to the BEGINNING, centoining LI0 Nms, m or ile. TERMS OF SALE: Cash in ham Im  d'slds, and subject to any 8nd all tmlId Given umior my hand this 218t. day 0/' O, fld', 1991. Mitchell Lee KI HN OCL 29, Nov. 5, 12 LEGAL NOTICE FORESTHIIAREA- Monroe , County line. Beautifu! 2 t):*y 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BR, LR, DR, FR. kitchen, g 1/2 baths, 1/2 base. mont. Completely remodeieI, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds. Developed springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. F, xeallant location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for.You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today. TALCOTT AKEA-4 BR., 1 1/2 story home. Large dining room and kitchen, bath, front porch. Garage and utility building. Situated on large lot. T.V. cable, public water. Very convenient location. Only Reduced to $30,000. TALCOTT BALLENGEE - 8 room frame home, 4 BR,, LR., FR., kitchen, DR., small basement, front and back porch, wood shed, util- ity building. Situated on ap- proximately I acre level land, fruit trees, good garden spot, on hard top road. Only 0. $30,000.00. BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 18.33 acres of mostly wood. l00'D00m Green. brier Ri'O.luded home site appxximately 5 acres cleared, on hard top road. Only$13,000.O0. BELLPOINT AREA- Nelson Street, beautiful 2 sto'y. : R. home, modern kitchen with new appliances, LR. with fire | [ place, DR., bath, hot water Behind Summers County I I baseboard heat with new fur- Hospital nace, carpeted through out, 40 acres more or less ofwood- new insulated windows, all land. Lots of good timber, new wiring, new hot water .... tank, 2 car garage plus room We need small Farms. 25 to 80 for boat, full finished base- acres, let us list your Place. meat, paved driveway. Nice .......... garden and grape arbor, plus Eldridge Ellison, Jr much more. This super nice homo must be seen to appreci- REAL ESTATE ate. Call today. BROKER PHONE 466-1127 MARm AREA - 3 or 4 BR., home with large LR., combS. HINTON nation diningroom/kitchen, Andrea Burr large bath. Screened in front Sales Person porch, aluminum siding. Situ. Phone 466-0815 atad on a large lot with car- i i i H LEGAL NOTICE port and utility bldg. Fruit trees, good garden spot. Very NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE conveniently located on hard- Notice il henby give that by virtue of authet), vestodintheundereidmlTruetoeby thlttesrtalndsad top road. $24,900. oftrust utod by Jmes K.Tmfl toJokm H. Ihmldne , and PhilipJ. Vallnsm ,/temk olthof hesfullpoworandauthnrltytout,datIthenldn' TLCOIr AREA - on Boll l ofJune, l.andmedinth,.saoftbeV|..t Noble Rd. A survey 108.55 the County Cammisaiwl of Summ W, Wt Virginia, in Trust Dsad H0k N i ,0, st pa|a , th acresapprox. 15 acres cleared, saidtrustddwa'misuedtoW"tViqJniaH°mdn8 level with beautiful view. Davelopmt Fund, by ANisnment dated JUnO 28, .by wnich we. v. to t, , m.,. , Orchard with lots of apple and ,d ha   ..tot., to  t, fruit trees. Old barn and util- poym e 0 t ofa esrtain nots eat out and 6meribed th,dm, andtheowuerandho|deofmklnete, inemdmt Sty bldg. Balance in young the right and autheritY fmntodintbeumunti v' timber with rolling and steep  trust, hving almintJ Mdtebl Lt a.Vor drm, H. M.Ior u. S..mto uem d land, with streams and creek default having been made in the poymont e/todd aet thru property. $55,000. ind the esld Mitdmll L lOdn,  lmvln/ requestodsatodabythuoaudheddefofmidtgto, ' " - - shall .u to o sat and but ur, m MARIE AREA - 3 BR., restored FRIDAY, THE 8TH DAYOP I)CSMBI, 1001 at11:00o'eleskM..attruntdetthoCou5 home. Livingroom, kitchen, ][ousaofStunmweC,unty, WstVJia, thofdto- utility room, full bath, 1/2 ing desoribl real uetat Allthsteertainlotm, por|ofrea]uetototqstt basement, front, s;tu- with the Imild[nsmiimpmwmmto  situate in New River District, Smams Cmnty, Wet V]r- ated on corner lot v,.,: gtnia, more particularly bounded and  U fruit trees, good garden sp, utility buildings. In a very convenient location. Only ,000.00. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime I:;aul "Buddy" Light ORDER OF PUBLICATION Circuit COURTOP 8ummm C.OUNTY, WIT VIRGINIA Usa £,owu Ciahm lthtlff v. I)euv Mkhedmna, cm €0 Chstlns Chapmme11 Days Brk IL winot.-.-Sds, NC /106-01 Do- fendanL Cvfl At/4m No. $1-C-lst. The olct er the ebev nttUed ut4en iate ebtah a Wvor  the lIs imm. AI It sppoarthby u andt mud  tl/8 mglm that Dmem Oahm ian  of tho Stato r Wsat VIqlinia ud hi* whemebeuto  e/0 uut Chapmm 60,1 Day8 Brook ltd., Winetoa-Jaiam, lq 27102021, itisll that Dmm Gahm do em.t.e up lard M. Ommo i/tut uttm, wsw addrees fa ,,0 Jam 8trot, Hins, WV I,/m answsr   dsam to the pls/nt SII i tb/8 on or b,m S0 dtys, otlm,- Jmkvt  defnlt will be ruben asimg y4m nt  tlm thmmf- t. A co sakl ldaim am be ddml  t unSnd Clurk at his Entomd by the 6rk of mid Cuert Oetdr iS, ! PRICED REDUCED - MUST SELL - i be,r.t,lOam.',.orne.saatM,,,Uor-.Uwbea'atb'a'arN'mam"'m"'tth" Hinton, WV phone: 466-4420. ,,I. C.mess  H ba4mJ C.nff, WV, ut ths Edith M. HN Ot . Nov. $ | NICO 2 BR. Home only 4 relies from 1-64. Thle cozy home | | borders Meadow Creek, has large levellot andnewwork | .,,,.t,,,..,,m,,.t...s-r,-,, , .,, " !1 shop building... WAS $32,000 reduced to  II ``m'ofmm"',ehIau'm`m`m'-'`-to'M'`'-pa`mem`btou"c```t'crtt|. | $26,500- -- Call now. Jones Realty. 466-4246.  II tOOL Rt. 8x Jumping Branch, WV 25969.  .M., Ch of Ct jq oct. , o,. s wing covers. Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Glodt J. Mmows, Sales Assoc. , 468.1r25 ARM 4 P.M. 1" I I IIIII I LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION Cl'nit OURTOF Summm COUNTY, WEST VItINI DborahJuenl-edm Phtintiffv, Lmnard iiGl ' P'O" B°g 57' Cleveland' N°rth Ctco" nt Civil Atio No. g1.C-189. t of the shove entitled action is to obtain a dJv*m,  th, bl, t mtrlmony. And it uppmrlnlby en affidavit filed in..this action that Lmmard  Iedom ia a nen-remaont orthe Itutl Id' Weot Viniu and his wh'esbeuts are be- Ileved to be ut PO Bat 57, Cleveland, North Carolina • 701S it is rnd that Lsamerd Ga'p Lesdom do /'ve upen David L. Pormor, plalntiffattomey, whe sl fa P.O.Bon 30, Hinton, WV 25951, an answer oruthor den0e to the mplalnt filedin thic action on or #q 80 days, othorwtu judgment by dofault will be tskm apinet------ at any timtbereafter. Acopy ufsai mpintht n be obtained fom me unoer- signsd Clerk at his offico. Entotl by the Clerk of said Court Oct. 28, 1991 F,d/th M. € C.eur HN N. , ,Z