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2 - Hinton News Tues. Nov. 5, 1991
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Water System Region I Award
Raleigh and Summers County along
" with the two County Commissions not only provided $72,850 in funds
for working together on this project, to the pi'oject, but who also provided
i' It's not easy, sometime, to get eyery- professioral stafffi, om the baal's to
one pulling together but they are." sit on the Revolving Loan Fund
But Kirkham said the state Pub- Committee toinsure the expertise is
" lic Service Commission (PSC) is available for making prudent loans.
• • muddyingupthewaterbecaus ;hey Thesebanks,'hecontinued,otonly
want us to expand the made this project possible, they
,. 3r nch / Nimitz PSD instead c "cr - assisted in making it successful and
wring a new one. It's ridiculous. The have clearlygone beyond the normal
PeopleinJumpingBranchdon'twant call oft.uty in fulfilling the require-
to go all the way to Mercer County to "n nts of the Community Reinvest-
solve a water problem. The people in n, nt'Act. These banks include, in
Irona shouldn't have to call Peg. ple alphabetical order by County:
in JumpingBranch when they have McDowell, First National Bank of
a problem., • Keystone; Meer, First National
. ( Kirkham said approval from the Bank of Bluefield, FlatTop National
state PSC is required to form a new Bank, One Valley Bank of Prince-
" public service district. =They look at ton, Peoples Bank of Bluewell;
a map and say tit isn't but this far.' Monroe, Bank of Monroe, Bank of
: They don't realize from Jumping Greenville, Raleigh, Beckley Na-
• Branch you have to drive all the way tional Bank; Summers, National
! to Hinton to get to Pipestem. A line Bank of Summers; Wyoming, Bank
':' could break at Pipestem and it could of Oceana:"
take two days to get it fixed just Leslie further expressed his ap-
because of the time involved in get- preciation to all those involved with
ting to the problem. When we hold the Region I project =for a job well
our public hearings we are going to done.
come out against the PSC's recom-
mendation in favor of creating a new
Public Service District for this area. FLU VACCINE
We have the community support on Flu vaccine will be given on Nov.
this. No one wants to consolidate 8th. at the Summers County Health
this because it doesn't make sense to Dept. from 9 a.m. - 12 and 1 p.m. - 3
do that. pm.
" Education Has Its Price
. Dear Editor, out their vengence On the schools
I, the junior class president at themselves, and holding on to that
Hinton High School, would like to last almightly dollar ¢eith every
' express my support for the proposed ounce of life inside them. A fewyears
. levy that wouldhelp fund our school ago, a levy to support 4-H, one that
system, I see so much potential in so would have cost the average tax.
-. many students, and I know that it payer $1.79, was proposed and it
., may never be realized because some failed. I ask =Well, what did every-
. people in this county, who are angry one spend their dollar and seventy-
about the recent and bitter fight ninecentsonthatwassoimportant?
between the Board of Education and Did that huge, unbelievable, and
Mr. Tassos, will go to the polls and overwhelming amount of money
vote yes to an end to fighting and n.o ($1.79) really mean that much to
to supporting our schools. I want:to "everyone7 Several .other levies that
urge everyone to not express the wouldhave supported theSummers
. anger they hold for the Board of County Public Library (which deft-
Educationbypunishingthestudents nately needs funding) also failed.
i and teachers of Summers County,, Now another levy is before us, and
but instead I would like to encour- what do we do? We find an excuse:
age everyone to vote for the pro- =They'refightingsoIlvoteno, even
posed levy. though it was ME who elected those
, Let me begin by saying that be- men." Is it not plain what years
• wathout a levy has done to our
cause I do not personally know all of " •
[d%the eople involved in the r&'ent schOols? Is it not plain that ifsome-
::Mi0ute aeecatze I dotknw ting is not dop that our schools
l of the facts that may havebeen will continue tcline?'
hidden from the general public, I Consider other school systems in
• cannot and will not name the guilty our state. Some are like Summers
; party. I will, however, say that it is County, and they too apathetically
very suspicious, on the part of the watch the support for education
members ofthe Board of Education, atrophy until there is none left ex-
," thattheyofferedMr.Tassos$60,000 cept for that of a few parents and
to drop any charges he had made teachers. Then, on the other hand,
against them. This long quarrel has there are others, with higher taxes,
cost Summers County a new high and with levies, that have powerful
i school, and even more importantly, and effective school systems. Their
; its pride. ' students become the •leaders, doc-
But, this is no real reason to vote tort, businessman, and service per-
against the levy. In a recent =Letter sonel of our area. They are people
with the real skills necessary to
to the Editor" in this very newspa-
per, a citizen wrote "Children who compete successfully in today's job
• . want to learn have the best opportu- market. In another editorial there
nity in the world." I, being a student was this quote: "Oh, you are from
: at Hinton High School and a former over there <Summers County>. You
student of Sandstone Elementary, people sure are in a mess." That is
know that this is simply not true. perfectly accurate. We are in a webb
How can somone learn about such of confusion, and we are allowing
subjects as, but not limited to, phi- everyoneandeverythingelsetopass
Iosophy, politicalscience, astrophys- us by.
ice, Asian history, or traditional Thismessisthatfewstudentsare
Americanmusicifthereisnotenough getting the eduction they need to
, funding to pay for the teaching of find employment. "the word is out
these courses? How can a student nomorenothinginSummersCounty
: even perform simple scientific ex- untiljobsmovein. Thisquote(which
,. periments in a simple chemistry or is a rut-on sentence with a double
;, physicsclasslabifthereisnotenough negative which are both improper
," funding to buy the n.ecessa.ry instru- speech, proofofthe lack of education
meats or chemicals, or even an "88 in Summers County( was found in
cents-a-pack'packageofgraphpaper another editorial, by another citi-
on which to graph the results? How zen, in this newspaper. The fact is
can I be expected to do well in Ad- that employers do not hire People
vanced Placement (college level) who do not have the proper skills.
Calculus, when the school has vio- There is a cycle, a rut that the popu-
lated Board policy by denying me lationofSummersCountyhasfallen
the right to a free textbook for the into, and that it refuses to get out of.
pas eight weeks (more'than one Perhaps there is not a large enough •
grading period) just because of a supply of skilled workers ready for
shortage of books? How can a stu- morejobs, but we can get out ofthis
dent even be motivated in a school rut, just assoonasthereareenough
where there is not even toilet paper people with the proper training,
in many restrooms? That's training that comes from access to
right.Thereis no toilet paper in many the proper learning material s, learn-
rest rooms at Hinton High School, ing materials that cost money. It is
and there hasn't been for the past hard, usually impossible, to get
four years that I have been there, something for nothing. Therefore,
Anyone who thinks that.the schools consumers, and taxpayers, usually
in Summers County have all the get What they pay for. If a school
resources they need should call a system is funded by a slim budget,
teacher or student, and ask that Continued on page 7
teacher or what he or she
thinks. I am sure that either of these,
any of these, would reply with a Lettors are welcome, but no more
quick =No. Is this truly a place for than one letter each month will be
the =best opportunity in the world" acceptedfremthesamo writer. Pref-
for educational growth? I think not. erence will be given to letters of 300
Why then is there such a shortage words or le. Longer letters may be
shortened or rejected. Letters must
ofsupplies, of resources, ofoutstand- be signed and must include an ad-
ing student achievement statistics? dre and phone number. The tele
For years levy after levy after levy phone number will not be published.
after levy has 'been brought before Letter will be edited for grammer,
people, virtually none of which spelling,, ste, syntax, and libel.
y? The answer is because Names will not be withheld.
Address them to Letters to the
fie of SummersCountywould Editor, P. O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV
rather stomp around angrily, taking .2951.
• Week of Nov. 6 thru 12
• Wed. Nov. 6
;• ____----....--.--... Juice, School Made Muffin, Mill(,
• R[CgLLLC i iUH Cereal:
• Thurs. No". v
.... Fruit or Juice, Cheese Toast, Milk.
By R C Fri. Nov. 8
oy . Long FruitorJuice, HamPatty, Bis-
cult, Milk.
MY MOST MEMORABLE returned to Hinton on the eastbound the obstruction, there was no way Mon. Nov. 1t
FREIGHT TI'AIN ENGINEER: train. That made me feel good about Mr. Gleason could stop his train VETERANS ''"
In refle,.ting )ack on forty-two Charley, knowing there were not beforecrashingintoitbecauseofthe Tues. Nov. 12
years with the ra r ta I it is hard to many he would treat in that man- clear signal indication they were Fruit or Juice, Scrambled Egg '
pick a cer-ain employee as my most ner. running on. Mr. Gleason, like a true Toast, Milk. -
memorable. Certainly there are Thursday, Feb. 26, 1959 C.R. captain ofhis ship, stayedathispost LUNCH •
many who starld out in my mind and Gleason was engineer and C.F. until the train stopped. The two lead Wed. Nov;6 -.
there ardjust'asmany that time has Hulveyfiremanpullinga westbound U nits de'.railedin somethingdfajac k- Fish On Bun, Lttuc & Toma tb
erased. But I dare say, time has not train ofempty coal cars powered by knife mannei, but did no t turn Over Broccoli, Fruit, Milk. ' : i'
erased the memory of the engineer I a four unit diesel engine when, at and Charley was uninjured. Mr. Thurs. Nov. 7. ,
speak of from the minds of anyone 1:00 p.m., they ran into a slide at Hulveyjumped offinto the mud and Spaghetti W/Meat Sauce, Cole.
that knew him as I did. Thayer, W.Va., seven miles east of was also uninjured. Slaw W/Carrots, Fruit, Milk. .:
My most memorable freight train Thurmond. When the crew was brought back Fri. Nov: 8.
engineer was born in 1891 and be- The Branch Fuel Comapny was toHinton, Mr. Gleason immediately Corn Dog, Oven Frie'Or .Tater'.
gan his railroad career as a tele- making preparation to open a new went to his home but Mr. Hulvey Tots, Banana, Milk... •
graphoperatoratThurmond, W.Va., mine above Thayer in close proxim- came into my office before going to M0n. Nov. 11 i • •
May 19, 1913. He left the service ity to a coal mine that had ceased the YMCA for a hot bath. Itwasall VETEILANSDAY ' . .
temporarily on June 25, 1913 but operation and had been sealed. The we could do to keep our composure Tues. NoV. 12
returned and was reemployed as a mine operators feared water in the asthisgentleman, coveredfromhead Pizza, Tossed Salad, Fresh Fruit,"
telegraph operator Sept. 24, 1914. abandonedminewouldposeathreat to foot with dried mud told of his Milk. :
He performed satisfactory service at to the safety of their employees in experience.Ashelandedinthemud
Quinnimont, Prince, "XN" Cabin at the new mine and went about pre- on all fours with mouth open, his
McKendree, Thurmond, Sewell, paring to drain the sealed mine. false teeth jarred loose and plunked
MontgomeryandMabscottbutagain A four inch drill was used to tap into the soupie mud. Forgetting
resigned because he was assigned a the sealed chamber and for about 45 momentarily of his own safety, he
vacancyatMeadowCreekwhichwas minutes a thin stream of water grabbed the teeth as they sank out of
not to his liking. Sometime later he coursed down the hollowabout2,000 sight and then retreated to the far
was reemployed as a fireman on the feet above the tracks and drained bank. COa.AZ.aMrZST.
Hinton Division and promoted to under the tracks into New River on It was estimated that 3,000 cubic HINTON, Wa, PHONE46&S32
engineer, the opposite side. Soon the pressure yards of mud and rocks covered both :.!!:::!t.'.,!ii]i!i!i
:.:::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::!:::::::
My most memorable freight engi- ofthe water mounted. It fi nelly burst tracks. A force ofabout 25 C&O men ii i
neer was none other than C.R. Glea- its narrow, four inch outlet and a plus additional heavy equipment Mark
son, amanwhowasastudentof, and great torrent of water rushed down fromprivateconcernswereemployed
operated by, the company's =Operat- the hollow, sending rocks, dirt, and clearing the slide from the tracks. Ellison,
ing Book of Rules." Over the years trees onto the railroad tracks. The east track was cleared at 8:00 i!i:: R, Ph. ,
Mr.Gleasonworeoutmanycopiesof The mud and debris was scat- a.m.,andthewesttrackat2:00p.m.,
the Book of Rules by highlighting tered over a wide area and when the Friday Feb. 27, 1959 having been Take Time to Discard
certain rules and adding his own trainroundedthecurveandobserved blocked for 25 hours. These Rx Medicines
personal notes. He could not be
caught up with a rule he did not fully
understa.nd and that is the way it LETTER TO THE EDITOR
...... powerful chemicals that benefit the
should be with all employees. I was lives of millions of persons every
amusedoncewhenatraindispatcher Check The Record
was critical of the"run" he had made " handled properly because of their
and he answered by reminding the . .... • potential to produce adyersc ef
fellow; "I can work yourj0b but you : . fects some jnstanccs, can
can't work mine." Yes, Mr. Gleason Dear Editor: I made a motion for board mem- be life threatening.
worked strictly by the company's I worked with Superintendent Jim bert to attend board meetings with-
rules but that is not to say he would A pharmacy association rcpre-
not go out on a limb to help a friend. TassosandMr.ClacyWilliams, Head outpayinordertohelpoutfinancial tenting the nation's 40,000 inde-
of the School BuildingAuthority, for problems. This motion died for a pendent retailpharmacists recently
CharleyandIhadanunderstanding a new high school through the school lack ofa second . . . Check the record, published prescription medicine
of each other, me being a represen- buildingauthority. Ourcountycame I voted to oppose a school levy to storage and use guidelines in the
tative of the train dispatchers over in first place for a new high school, be put on the tax payers of Summers NARD Journal. These guidelines
the C&O system and knowing first Our county board placed this plan Countywhen somanyofourcitizens contain a list of items that should
hand of the troubles some employee on hold by a vote of 3-2. This in my are on a fixed income in Summers be discarded. These items include:
got themselves in by cutting cor- opinion was the reason we did not County. I am nptin favor of spepd-
ners.BtltCharleycuta few corners receive funding. .. check the rec- ing tax payers'o]aey on maintain- I. Any nlcdicinc that is m°re than
himself to help me out of tight spots ord. ing old school buildings when, un- two years old or has changed
several times, yet I considered him color; liquid medicines that
fortunately, some will be closed in a
one of the best and safest engineers Circle of Light few years due to lack of enrollment, have a residue at the bottom of,
pulling trains on Hinton Division. aspeoplecontinue toleavethecounty the bottle.
We train dispatchers had to take
trips over our territory ever so often We are made prisoners of life by and state each year for employment 2. Aspirin tablets that are crum-
to keep fresh in mind the location of our own thoughts and words, in other states. At the rate we are bly or give off a strong vinegar
switches, motor car set off points, Each time we think or say "I going, we will be lucky to have one odor.
section foremen's tool houses, mile Can't", we create a link in a chain of high school and two elementary
postsand, infact, amentalpictureof failure that holds us bound and schools in five to ten years. 3. Nose drops that have become
the entireline. Once I was goingover limited. Just for the record, I have always cloudy or have developed a
the road With Mr. "Gleason 'on the We.must Free ourself, We do this voted for the futur.e in.terest of sediment.
west local. After completing the by thinking and .saying, =I Can. 'Summers County's students to the " ' "
Hydrogen lroxide that no
switching movements at Quinni- In doing this, you break awaythe best of my ability. Before you criti- 4. longerbubilesvigorously when
moat and ready to leave, Mr. Glee- chain and link at a time that binds cize all members of the Summers
son got up from his seat and said to you. In time you soon begin to feel County Board of Education, check applied to the skin or scalp.
me, "set down here and take her to the bindsbreak awayandyourspirit the voting record. I am one member
Thurmond. "But Charley" I said, "I is Free and limitless and success is who will not resign fromthe Board 5. Ointments that have separated,
don't know how to run an engine." yours to be had. as my record speaks for itself, developed spots, or become
"Wings of Life Respectfully submitted, discolored.
=Don't worry, about it, rll show you
what to do," he said. Maxine Ciampi J.W. =Bud Shanks
And show me he did. I had a hard COUNCIL Summers County Schools 6. Eyewash or eye drops left OVer
Board of Education member from treating an eye disorder.
time getting the thing to move but The Consumer Advocacy and
soon settled down, and following Advisory Council for Persons with
Charley'sinstructions, down the road Disabilities will meet on Nov. 12th., •The TY Networks sat back while they
we went. I made a successful stop II:00 am - 2:00 pm at Mountain
and start at Prince station and when State Centers for Independent LiT- 10st $||[|If'll t.ffllli'El} lilliliVlh, /I VIIIIIISI l,y 91,4€'-- }f @OhiO=: ""
we arrived at Thayer, an eastbound ing, 329 Prince St,, Btckley;WV..
trainwaswaitingfortts..Isaidgood- "For more.information call 255- . Now Sitting
byetomyfri.'end, Charley, ggtoffand" 0122 or 1-800-545:2245. " "
in Washington asking for a handout
DA IR Y QUEEN For morethanadecade, the NetworkTVexecU"
tives sat back and watched while cable created
better programming.
ON THE HINTON BY-PASS They sat around while cable grew, and while
HOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS HOT DOGS. Network television lost viewers for ten years
Now they're sitting in Washington trying to
SPECIALS Sale Reg. createthe biggest hitthey've had inyears: Leg-
Wed. Hamburger 99¢ $1 49 islation that could result in cable subscribers
paying for free TV.
Thurs. Ham & Cheese $1.25 $1.89 This new change, which could be added to
Fri Fish Sandwish $1.29 $1.65 your monthly cable bill, is nothing more than a
bailout for the Networks. The Chairman of CBS•
Mon. Quarter Pounder $1.25 $1 79 has admitted in testimony before members of
Congress that it could total as much as $1 billiOn
Tue Bar-B-Que $1.29 $1 69 per year, which Would be handed ove r't°•-the
Network affiliates. What you would receive in
OPEN DALLY return for paying more is the same Network TV
you're already getting now.
You can help stop the Networks from making
6 am to 10 prrF. you pay for their mistakes. Write to your Con-
B rea kfast,n in care ofthe U. S. Congress, Washing-
ton, D C. 20515, and state your opposition to ,v
6:00 to 11:30 am paying for free TV. For the name of the Senators
It=l and Representatives, call the U. S. Capitol Opera"
Phone 466-1700 tor at 1-2o2-224-3121.
ff the Networks can't stand up to the competition, that's their problem.
BI to Don't let them make you pay for it!
Below ues ne NationaI Cable Television Association