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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
November 4, 2003     The Hinton News
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November 4, 2003
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state Sale GREAT INVESTMENT PROPERTY ! SUPER LOCATION ! LARGE LOT ! GREAT SITE ! ' i li' the Coalfield Conference Championship and Independence was the-runner-up. Westside finished in third place. Summers County placed fiRh. Named to the all tournament team were Nikki Mackey (MVP), Autumn Mitchell, Kelly Lilly and Tiffany Underwood from Shady Spring. Crystal White, Liz Rice and Taryn Shiffiet from Independence. Sheena Taler and Bobby Jo Taler from Westside. Also on tlle all tournament team were Allison Rumberg from Pike View and Keilah Brogan from Summers County, Candace Richardson from Liberty and Hope Campbell from James Monroe. SUPPORT GROUP Attention Support group for parents with children that have ADD/ADHD meets every 1st. Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM at the CAC Building/411 Temple Street. Food and baby sitting wil be provided. Questions call 466-2226. MIHOW PROGRAM IN NEED The MIHOW Program is in need of Maternity clothes. If you have anything to donate please call 466- 2226 and ask for Peggy or Pare. Kelly Reed spikes on Westside in the opening round of the Coalfield Conference Tournament. Summers County won their opening match over Westside before dropping matches to Independence and Pike View. Julia Durnan serves for Summers County during Coalfield Conference Tournament play. Coalfield Co]lference Summers County High School teams that participated including and the Lady Bobcats Volleyball Wyoming East, James Monroe, Teams hosted the 2003 AACoalfield Shady Spring, Westside, Liberty, Conference Tournament on Independence, Pike View and Saturday Oct. 18. There were eight Summers County. Shady Springwon ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE Summers County Volunteer Fire Dept. 13 is conducting aluminum drive. Please save all' your cans for the Fire Dept. Drop offat the station or call 466-2389 for pickup. • - NOTICE PLEASE- • OUR PUBLICATION POLICY ...does not permit us to publish items of commercial nature which would be classified as paid advertising. Higher newsprint and other costs; plus longer press runs for circulation; dictate that stdct editorial judgement must prevail. Unsolicited items which enter this office become our property, but can usually be retrieved upon publication. Guest editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hinton News. Publisher reserves right to reject or cartel any advertisement at any time. Cancellations will not be accepted by publisher alter the closing date. The closing date and the deadline for placing business advertisements is Friday at 4:00 p.m. The closing date and the deadline "for placing classified advertisements is Monday at 11:00 a.m. Publisher not bound by any terms or conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on order blanks, advertiser's forms or copy instructions when in conflict with terms and Advertiser and 'advertising agency will' indemnify and hold harmless this newspaper;, its officers, agents, employees and contractors, for all contents supplied to publisher, including text; representations and illustrations of advertisements printed, and for any claims arising from contents including, but not limited to defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and in the case of a preprinted insert, deficient postage. This newspaper shall not be liable for failure to print, publish or circulate all or any part of any issue in which an advertisement accepted by the publisher is contained if failure is due to acts of God or government, strikes, accidents, lack of newsprint or other circumstances beyond our control. • Public Auction SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 8TH, 10:59 A.M. 217 MONTVUE DRIVE, LEWISBURG, WV 24901 Good starter/rental 3 bedroom. home in very convenient location. Close to Lewisburg, Medical school, WaI-Mart, college, businesses, 1-64, just to name a few. Home has approx. 1,024 square feet of living space, 3 bedroom, bath.. Large lot (approx. 3/4 acre) offers lots of potential for the new owner! Don't miss this auction! Utilities available include city water and sewer, natural gas, and cable. For information on beautiful Greenbrier County and historic Lewisburg visit Visit our website Directions: From Lewisburg take U.S. Rt. 219 North. From Interstate 64 take exit 169 onto U.S. Route 219 North and travel a few hundred feet to street beside "former S.J. Neathawk Lumber." Turn right and travel past Calvary Baptist Church, home is 6th house on right past Church. This property is identified on the tax assessor's map. i Lewisburg Munic. map 13, parcels 51, 52 and 53 I Terms: NO BUYER'S PREMIUM. Highly motivated seller ready to move this property before winter. Property will convey by a General Warranty deed free and clear. Deposit due on day of auction is $2.350.00. Additional details available on day of auction. Inspection 2 hours prior, or contact us for a viewing. Randy S.Burdette, cA= 927 ,] Mary G. Felosa, Broker 00_/AUC'nON 445-2897 or 1-800-726-2897  P.O. Sox 8oo Aklcrmn, Wcct Virginia 24910 m Email / Web-page Thinking of selling? Let the RBA Team consult with you at no obligation. We provide writtefiproposals and PRE- AUCTION estimates for your assets, plus the most flexible terms by offering the buyers premium option to reduce expenses to every seller. DIABETES PROGRAM Take control of your diabetes rather than diabetes controlling you. Summers County ARH Rural Health Clinic is sponsoring a free =Diabetes Self-Mangement Program." Call 466-2905 for more lifesaving information. Knowledge is power. FEES FOR SERVICE The Summers County Board of Health (DBA the Summers County Health Department) will be submitting a request to the Director of the WV Division of Health for a 5% increase in fees for medical services. A copy of the purposed fees is posted at the Summers County Health Department for public review and comment. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Summers County - The 4th. Tuesday of each month - 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Summers County Wellness Center, 221 Temple St., Hinton, WV. *Please call ahead to check for any change or cancellations.* IT RIO! Tues. Nov. 4, 2003 Hinton News - 9 Notice GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council is beginning another program year. There are troops LEGAL NOTICE - NOTICE OF TRUSTEEJ SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of a certain Deed of Trust dated April 7th., 2000, and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Couhty meeting throughout the county. If Commission of Summers County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book No. 171, at page 221, made by Lisa you have a daughter who is in W,l,,toVeryE. Mann and Aaron E. Judy,'a, Grades K - 12 and is interested in joining Girl Scouts, or would like more information about the organization, contact Gall Ronat at 466-6016. Trustees, to secure the Bank of Greenvi]le, now Fb'st Community Bank, N. A., in the payment of the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/ I00 ($7,500.00), evidenced by a negotiable note bea'ng even date therewith, and pursuant to the Deed of Continued on page 10 A,UCTION Sat. Nov. 8 10 a.m. At Old Forest Hill School, Rt. 12 Between Hinton and Peterstown, WV McCoy, White House Vinegar Jug, Old Waltham 17 Jewel Pocket Watch, Costume Jewelry, Harmonicas, Cooper Music Boxes, NFL Football signed by Otto Graham and Paul Tagliabue, Desk Signed by Dante "Gluefingers" Lavelli, Furniture, Appliances, Tools, "Action Cat" Mobility Scooter, Troy Bilt Tiller, Pro Form Treadmill. Sale for Herb Hancock Lloyd Gene "Sarge" Ayers, Auctioneer WV Lic#946 Ph: 304-253-1391 at the home of the late Fred W. Thompson, Sr. on Stoney Creek Road at Ballengee, WV located near Oak Grove Methodist Church Fri. & Sat. Nov. 7 and 8 Furniture, including old bedroom suites, old solid wood Kitchen table and chairs, old 78 records, old 78 record player, old dishes, marbles, Pony harness, holmes, old horse collars, old quilts & needlework, horse shoes, harness parts and accessories, saddles, logging chains, logging grabs, strap hinges, old tobacco cans, old wooden boxes, feed boxes, old toy wagon, Hand tools, horseshoing tools, brass buckles, and rings forHamesses, Shenandoah WoOd burning  stove, pots and pans, And kitchen utensils, old Avon bottles, Old Progressive Farmer magazines (circa T93os), old feed sacks, and many other old items. Priced to sell. Saturday, November 8 10:00 A.M. RAINELLE, WV. From Lewisburg take 1-64 to Sam Black. Take Rt. 60 to Rainelle. Turn left at Dollar Store and Capital Bank onto WV Avenue at Highland Church Community Building. Watch for signs. Antioues: Solid Oak Round Front Chest of Drawers- Solid Oak Wash Stand-Solid Oak (pigeon hole) Secretary Desk-Solid Oak Library Table-Solid Oak hall Table-Carbide Cannon-Glass Figurines (donkey& cart, dogs, cats, etc. -Rocking Chair-Cedar Chest w/Drawer- ButterPrinters-Crystal Glass-Green Depression-Asst. Solid Oak Chest of Old Dishes-Straight Razors-Asst. of Old Oil Lamps- u Hand Beaded Pocketbook-Flat Irons-Shucking Pins- Tiffany Lamp Shades-5 pc. Bedroom Suite (queen stze bed) by Bassett-Trunk w/drawers-3 Piece Solid Oak Bedroom Suite (single bed)-Oid Picture Frames-Box of Ladies Old Gloves and Handkerchiefs-1800 Handmade Dresser w/Mirror from Germany-Solid oak dressing table w/3 way mirror-Old Cortland Crown #1 Fishing Rod & Reel-aid Metal Cars-Asst. of Beanie Babies. Guns." Remington 760 30-06 auto. rifle w/3x9 scope- Custom Made .22-250 Rifle w/3x9 Scope-Winchester 300 mag. model 70 bolt action w/3x9 scope-Stevens model 93 - .22 mag. Bolt Action w/scope-1868 Australian military rifle-30-40 Craig Sporterized Bolt Action Rifle-Marlin Model 19.S'12 gauge pump shotgun- Savage 12 gauge pump gun for slugs-410 single barrel- Remington .22 rifle model 511 Bolt action w/clip-Custom made 30-06 bolt action w/clip-single shot 12 gauge from Norwich-10 gauge single shot made in 1981 w/s de hammer-old powder horns - 32 pistol (damaged). Household items: Pad locks w/keys-plan0 w/double keyboard-portable sewing machme-U.S. Calvary saddle-deep seat saddle western-rocking horse-doll cr  (wicker)-2 odd tables-2 old chairs (swivel rocker)- St ight organ-Entertainment center- Gun safe w/ key-Couch and chair-8 day wall clock, cookie jars - crock bean pot w/lid-console colored "IV Zenith w/ remote-iron skillets-maple dining room table w/4 chairs- knick-knack shelves-fish aquarium w/access.- cast iron lamp-dinette table w/6 chairs-asst, of birdhouses-2 end tables-blue jars-several pieces Of sold brass (bookends, napkin holders, etc.)-Fishing supplies-asst, of garden tools-drill bits-3 push mower-steel weedeater- Craftsman tool boxes-Craftsman tools-battery charger- asst. of drills-B & D sander-log chains-miter saw- hydraulic jacks-3 ton floor jack-old wooden plane- Craftsman chain saw-silver dollars-l/2 dollars, etc.- 1989 4 speed Isuzu pickup. Winchester-Case-Remington-Boker-Schrade- I (Collectible Sets): Dizzy Dean set by Case-West Marlin Safety set-Randy Travis-George Jones. Sold b v confirmation; Wells Fargo double barrel 12 I gauge shotgun w/side hammer-double barrel rifle shotgun made in Germany w/wing hammers inlaid w/ Ge "t silver. Sale conducted for Windon by. ...... Antique Gun Case w/claw feet/lions head Caisson Replica Solid Oak Secretary Desk 4 pc. Bassett Solid Oak Bedroom Suite Wash Stand Asst. of Guns w/Chest of BRADLEY" $ 1800 Handmade Dresser TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale. No Buyer's Premium Lunch Served. Not responsible for accidents. • Everything so/d aS I$ whim is. Announcements sale day takes precedence over written material REAL ESTATE & AUCTION SERVICE MARION BRADLEY, Broker & Auctioneer #600 JEFF MUL/INS I A 269