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November 4, 2003     The Hinton News
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November 4, 2003
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2 - Hinton News Tues. Nov. 4, 2003 r-Moreand--MorePeopare Reading our Newspaper ; " ' - it tt Because a recent survey found that The HINTON NEWS is the favored source for three out offive for local news and advertising items. Save $$$. Call Pharmacy & Your Health (304) 466-0005 Monday through Friday, or send this coupon to the address below and we will bill you for your 52 week subscription. Name (please print) Address City. State Zip. TEAR & MAIL TO: THE HINTON NEWS R O. BOX 1000 HINTON, WV 25951 J RAHALL REPORT West Virginia Offers A Shoulder To Lean On Two years ago, all the world watched in horror as a small gang of wicked men took 2,998 innocent lives in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, and tortured the lives of many more thousands of family members, and untold thousands of friends, coworkers and acquaintances, and touched the lives of every American from those moments forever. Many, since that that day, have faced an uncertain future, and little in life can be as daunting. Each and everyone of us need to know that there are others that will be there for us in times when we need a strong shoulder to lean on. For though we cherish the those who perished on that solemn day. Together, we shared some of West Virginia's greatest qualities, that of selfless human giving and warmth and kindness our residents are known for across our Nation. The selfless actions of those there to help, carries on the pure generosity of spirit that re-emerged two years ago, and evident among the heroes of Flight 93, and the firefighters, policemen, emergency responders, co-workers, friends, and families that responded to the Pentagon attack who proved themselves heroes that day. Our whole Nation suffered a grievous wound on September 11. Those who delivered the blow hoped ENGINEERS SUPERSTITIONS Of all the different classes o,f employes in the railroad industry probably the most superstitious of all, at least near the top of the list, was the locomotive engineer. We attribute that to the danger they were always exposed. We have heard of employees carrying a rabbit's foot to ward off danger while others carried good luck charms. It was a no no to walk under a ladder and if a black cat crossed your path something dreadful was going to happen. Some were made superstitious by being awakened by bad dreams, having unlucky numbers and by hoodoo dates. A few train dispatchers throughout the countr), would skip over the number thirteen when issuing train orders and those that did use it made many a trainman uneasy when they received train orders issued under that number. A reporter for the Rocky Mountain News in 1902 questioned several locomotive engineers if they were superstitious. "No, I am not superstitious," said one, "but my wife is, and I have never been in a wreck since we were married but what she predicted it was going  happen.' I remember once by her insistence in the truth of a dream she saved my life. I was to have taken out the freight in the mornin g, but she awakened me soon after Meadow Bridge Area News By Alvie Martin Rebecca Cyrus was the recipient of the Citizen of The Year Award for Meadow Bridge. Catherine Pomeroy, President of the Kiwanis Club c,f Meadow Bridge, presented Cyrus the award at the Meadow Bridge midnight. "Oh, Jim,  she said, "I have had such a dreadful dream. I thought I saw your engine plunge into another engine. I heard the crash, Jim, and the hiss of escaping steam and the cries of some poor fellow pinned un( [or the wreck. You must not go out in the morning, I know you will be injured. He had laughed and told her to go back to sleep that she was just nervous When he awoke at 6:00 a.m., she hadn't slept, was pale and haggard and he knew that if he went out she would be a nervous wreck until he returned. Because of her condition and begging him not to go out, he gave in to her plea and laid off. A substitute engineer took the train out in his place. They brought his body back that evening. There was a collision up the line. The engineer who took his place was killed. The other engineer involved in the head- on collision and both fireman were seriously injured. Another engineer regarded the number thirteen as interwoven with the tragedies of his life. On July 13, 1901 he was pulling a passenger train. At thirteen minutes past twelve, his train struck a wagon on which a man and his thirteen year old son was riding. The boy was killed instantly. The engineer was delayed thirteen minutes making a report of the accident and his conductor casually remarked there were but thirteen passengers riding NOTICE HISTORICAL CALENDAR The 2004 calendar published by the Veteran's Museum will be sold at the Summers County Public Library and at Hellems' Store on Temple Street through the holiday season. Among the calendar's features are a Mary Ingles map the train. When asked about superstitions, another engineer looked very serious and after thinking about the question for a while answered. "Well, I have no unlucky day but maybe it is my lucky day. For the past ten years something has happened to my engine or train ill work the last day of the year. So far, I have escaped injury but now, when I climb into the cab on December 31st., I always say, "Now look out, Tom, old man," and continuing he said. "It was December 31st. ten years ago when I was pounding along on a double- header about thirty miles an hour in a blinding snow storm. You couldn't see thirty feet ahead. We crashed into another double-header making about forty miles an hour. I saw the train just in time to reverse my engine and jump. I escaped without serious injury but one of the fireman was killed and the rest were banged up." An operator had failed to give him a train order. After that incident he said something always happens on December 31. Once an engine wheel snapped offbut he was able to stop his train before the engine derailed. In the past ten years he had his share of pulled drawheads, broken knuckles and hot boxes and remembers that all occurred on December 31st. And so it goes. Superstitious or not, the railroad men answered their call. Some were very lucky while others were not. Enlists In Navy Civilian Jessie R. Zimmerman, daughter of Terri E. and Donnie L. Zimmerman of Hinton, recently enlisted in the United States Navy under the Delayed Entry Program at Navy Recruiting District, Richmond, VA. Zimmerman will report for active ingenuity of each American to it would inaugurate our destruction. Homecoming event, showing her escape journey from duty to undergo basic training at the prosper, we know also that we must Instead, they inspired America's Cyrus operates the Good News Shawnee captors, a photo of the Na'cy'a Recruit Trairdng ,#te, e ngd th om um Oueaeh Mmaioi d Davy Care current US .Vest Vir nm potos - pogress  , "-'Y.?  ¢W.uat'EtImitment dqt'wii,*Ce r. Slse is ip';t, wi.t]h':":0fSmed'Cduntygs'ind a¢ .... immermn is a'1997 aua JatAJim ixaaiL wee:West .our countas bmlt .... ,, cqmmun![y:.projects,':e a  map of the propos.ed, state of of Summers County High School of Virginians were proud to offer their The survivors and the families of" c°untry officer of Community shoulder for support, as the Coolfront Foundation for the Arts & Environment, the Lions Club International Foundation, and the Friendship Ambassadors Foundation arranged and carried out a "healing through the Arts  program for survivors and victims of the Pentagon attacks in Berkeley Springs, WV. We were there for West Virginia to reach out to and welcome the survivors and family members of the victims of the Pentagon attack I met truly demonstrate the strength of the American spirit and the mettle of our souls. Americans are often at our best when our circumstances are at their worst. Looking around the room that day, and seeing the resolve I have seen in West Virginia and in West Virginians, I know this to be true. U.S. Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) represents West Virginia's 3rd District. Corps Documentary Honored at W. Va. Filmmakers Film Festival A documentary focusing on the excavation at the site of the Marmet Lock Replacement Project was honored as best Historical Documentary at the recent West Virginia Filmmakers Film Festival. Four salt furnaces dating back to the early part of the 19th century were uncovered, along with the mansion owned by John Reynolds and his family, the cabin occupied by his slaves and the cemetery where he and several members of his family were buried. The 25-minute film details the rise and fall of the Reynolds family and the local salt industry - once the largest salt producer in America, and the forerunner of the chemical industry in the Kanawha valley. Narrated by David Selby, the film was produced and directed by Danny Boyd, who was also honored at the Film Festival as the Filmmaker of the Year. Today, the area that was excavated is the site of construction to add a modern, 1,200-foot-long lock to the Marmet Locks on the Kanawha River. For more information, contact U.S. Army Corps of Engineers anthropologist Dr. Robert Maslowski at (304) 399- 5858. Try not to become a man of success, but rather, a man of value. --Albert Em To be mature means to face, and not evade, every fresh crisisthat comes. tz Kmakel Education CEOS and FEMA. The Meadow Bridge Homecoming Festival Committee wishes to thank the local retailers and small businesses of Meadow Bridge, Rainelle, Danese, Beelick Knob and surrounding areas for their continued support of our festival, we appreciated and greatly enjoyed all the wonderful door prizes that were so generously donated by you. we hope all of you will continue to support and participate in our Annual Homecoming Event. Thank you very much the Meadow Bridge Homecoming Festival Committee for the 16th. Annual Meadow Bridge Homecoming Festival. Do you Know this man? He will be 54 on Nov. 8- Last Seen Around Bluestone Dam Kanawha (now West Virginia). The cost is $5.00 for this limited collectible. Hinton. She is a 2002 graduate of - Concord College, Athens, WV. with a BA degree. LETTERS POLICY Letters are welcome, but no more than one letter each month will be accepted from the same writer. Preference will be given to letters of 300 words or less. Longer letters may be shortened or rejected. Letters must be signed and must include an address and phone number. The telephone number will not be published. Letters will be edited for grammar, spelling, taste, syntax, and libel. Names will not be withheld. Address them to Letters to the Editor, P. O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV 25951. FIND HELP WITH RETIREMENT PLANNING RIGHT IN YOUR BACKWARD. Retirement may be closer than it seems. Fortunately, I'm not far away either. So don't pat off planning your retirement finances any longer. Call m,e today for help getting started. E LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE'." Regina Gwinn Edde I Mutuai ..--dae, 304-466-3290 ds® LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE State Farm Mutual Funds are not insurance products and a re offered by prospectus through State Farm VP Management Corp., One State Farm Plaza, Bloomington, IL 61710-0001. 1-800-447-4930. Read the prospectus, which contains more complete information, carefully before investing. Consult your tax, legal or investment advisor for specific advice. P029100 10/02 FREE COMPUTER TRAINING If you're looking for computer training, the NEW Summers County Technology Opportunity Centers (TOC) is your answer. Call now for information on FREE computer training in the TOC at Summers High School. Introductory Basic, Basic and Intermediate classes will be offered. Learn Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point and Internet. For more information contact Gloria at 888- 862-0505. BIG FOUR DRUG STORE COR. 3RD AVE. & TEMPLE ST. HINTON W. VA., PHONE 466-2323 Mark Ellison, It. Ph, Exer Iu When Taking OrrC Taking an over-the-coun}er (OTC) medicine is usually ben- eficial. However, some OTC products are powerful drugs that nccd to bc monitored by your doctor and pharmacist. Americans now purchase more than 5 billion nonprcscription drugs each year. The number is expected to rise as more prescription medications .arc converted to OTC status. Sur- prisingly almost 180,000 hos- pitalizations each year in the US are associated with the useor misuse of nonprescriltion drugs. Almost half of adults recently surveyed admitted that they had taken more than the recommended OTC dose. Chock with your pharm- acist before taking OTC drugs along with prescription drugs or taking any drug when consuming alcohol. Over-the-counter pain relievers can present challenging problcrns. For example, Tylenol PM is taken by a lot of seniors to help them sleep. However, this product con- tains another ingredient called diphenhydramine that can cause sion in the elder!y, especially ith Alzheimer s. In addison, :of the OTC decongestants and cold medicines can cause a s!g- nificant and undesirable €levaticn in those with high blood prcssurd. To Our Friends and Customers: It has come to our attention that a rumor is being circulated that we are going out of business the end of this year. Please be assured that we have no such plans to close our business. We appreciate those of you who have made us "Your Furniture Center"over the past 55 years. Thank You. C. Scott Briers gJ[ 209 2nd Ave., Hinton Ph: 46S-0691 HARVES & SON Person a liz ed Boo hs afe ,.eaaqn un!! 00aa, Your Cfttffac t Srar!00 I Save 20% This Holiday Season I On Any Of Our Personalized Books! These Books Make Great Christmas Presentsl You can pick up one of our brochures at your friendly Save-A-Lot Store or check out our display with 14 sample books at Day Dreams Coffee House (Located beside Dr. Shammaa's office at 317 Second Ave.) Make this Christmas special with a personalized letter from Santal Only $2.50 each. Buy 15 or more and pay only $1.50 each. These letters make great presents for teachers to give' their students or for churches to give their young members. Don't miss out on this special offer!! - These books are one of the best most cherished gifts you could ever give a child, and priced lower than most any other gift you might buy this holiday seasonll Give your child a gift he or she will cherish for the rest of ther life and one day read to their own childrenll Harves & Son Personalized Books P.O. Box 123, Hlnton, WV 25951 i