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Area Sports ....
By Lin Goins ii',,
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J l
The Hinton Jr. High Lady Bobcats currently have Summers-Monroe Conference Tournament Cham-
a 15-0 record andmthe Hinton Jr. High Girls Pro- piormhip next week. The Summers-Monroe Con-
gram including 7th. and 8th. Grades have now ference Tournament will be held at Hinton High
won 58 consecutive games. The Jr. High Lady School Fri. Nov. I at 20 p.m., and Nov. 4, 5, and 7
Bobcats will be seeking their 5th. Consecutive with game times being 6:30 and 8.0 each night.
SUMMERS - MONROE ule and format will be as follows: Hinton: Celena Angell 6, Melissa
TOURNAMENT Fri. Nov. 1, 2:00 p.m. #6 Seed vs. Rollyson 4, Melanie Humphrey 4,
The Summers-Monroe Jr. High #7 Seed; Janette Yopp 3, and Tabitha Lilly 2.
Girls Basketball Tournament will Mon. Nov. 4, 6:30 p.m. Winner of The 2nd. win came by beating
be held Nov. 1, 4, 5 and 7 at Hinton Friday's Game vs. #3 Seed; Peterstown 74 to 36. Metanie Bru-
High School. Members of the Sum- Mon. Nov. 4, 8:00 p.m. #4 Seed vs. mit led Hinton with 20 points. Kris-
mers-Monroe Conference are Tal- #5 Seed; ten Keaton had 19 points and Jenny
cott, Sandstone, Hinton, Peterstown, Tues. Nov. 5, 6:30 p.m. #3 vs. #6 or Mann 12 points to help with the win.
Greenville, Gap Mills, and Mercer #7 winner vs. #2 Seed; Kim Robertson had 6 points, Mich-
Christian Academy. Seeds for this Tues. Nov. 5, 8:00 p.m. #4 vs. #5 elle Williams 4, Tabitha Lilly 4,
tournament won't be determined winner vs. #1 Seed; Janette Yopp 4, Me]anie Humphrey
until all regular season schedules Thurs. Nov. 7, 6:30 p.m. Console- 2, Melissa Rollyson 2, and Celena
are completed this week. The sched- tion; Angell 1.
Thurs. Nov. 7, 8:00 p.m. Champi- VARSITY CHEERLEADERS
onship. Hinton High School Varsity
HINTON BOBCATS Cheerleaders had a busy schedule
The Bobcats picked up a winXri, last week, performing at two college
night tifig Shiidy spring 15'o 8. eventswhile strengtheningtheirown
Hinton scored on two blocked punts skills. Thurs. evening the squad
::: in the 1st. half. The 1st. blocked traveled to Athens to participate in
:' punt resulted in a safety for 2 points Concord's homecoming parade.
Shelly Newton 4, and Amy Eller 3
The 2nd. game Talcott beat
Athens 47 to 20. Patricia Sea had 18
points and 5 steals to lead the team.
Susan Turner scored 12 points with
3 rebounds and 5 steals. Other scor-
ers: Erica Williams 5 points, Janet
Stewart 5, Shelly Newton 2, Valerie
Hedrick 2, Amy Eller 2, and Christy
Barker i point.
Game 3 Talcott beat Sandstone
66 to 32. PatHcia Sea had 15 points,
Janet Stewart 14 points, EricaWil-
liams 13 points and Susan Turner
10 points. Shelly Newton 6 points,
and Robin Mitchem 4 points. Sand-
stone scorers were Lori Shafer with
24 points, Christina Miller 3, Me-
linda Gwinn 4 and Joni Ward 1.
Sandstone beat Greenville 42 to
19 last week to have a record of 9 and
4 for the year.
Lori Sharer had 31 points to lead
her team. Joni Ward had 9 and Joni
Stone had 2 points. Christina Miller
had 10 steals.
Talcott beat Athens 7th. grade 50
to 22. Talcott was led by Jordi Legal
16 points, Sherry Mize 11 points,
Tabitha Fox 6 points, Christy Barker
6 points, Melissa Standard 4 points,
Amy Eller 3 points, Marlena Hicks 2
points and Rhesa Wanger 2 points.
Talcott won game 2 over Mercer
26 to 13. Leading Taicott was Mar.
lene Hicks 8 points, Christy Barker
4 points, Valerie Hedrick 4 points,
Amy Eller 4 points, Sherry Mize 4
points and Rhesa Wanger 1 point.
John O'Neal will be teaching the
American Coaching Effectiveness
Program at Hin ton High School Nov.
4, 5 and 6th. The class is for non
teaching personnel who would like
to coach Jr. High and High School
sports. The fee is $50.00 and you
may call John at 466-2530 for more
The Hinton Jr. High Lady Bob-
cats improved to 15-0 and the Hin-
ton Jr. High girls basketball pro-
gram has now won 58 consecutive
games after the Jr. High Bobcats
defeated Shady Springs 73 to 24 and
downed Peterstown 56 to 8 last week.
In the Shady contest, the Bobcats
were behind midway through the
first quarter for the first time this
season before rallying over the last
three minutes to grab a 21 to 10 lead
after one period of play. In 'the sec-
ond quarter Hinton received a wake
up call and outscored Shady 26 to 2
to take a 47 to 12 lead into the locker
room at the half. The second half
saw the Bobcats maintain control
receiving good play from all 15 play-
The Peterstown game was the Jr.
High's worst performance of the
season despite winning the game 56
to 8. The 8th. Grade Lady Bobcats
...:. :..
Tues. Oct. 29, 1991 Hinton News - 5
played a key role in this game " 54 to 24. Against Nuttall Hinton
they outscored Peterstown Jr. High
17 to 4 in the 2nd. quarter and 15 to
0 in the final quarter.
Hinton: 21 26 14 12 - 73
Shady: 10 2 4 8 - 24
Scoring: Hinton - Joetta Cales 20,
Farrah Lilly 19, Stephanie Mead-
ows 10, Sharon Yopp 8, Lindsay
Keaton 8, Andrea Crook 4, Jennifer
Smith 2, and Kristi Clark 2.
Leading Rebounders: Hinton -
Joetta Caleb 10.
Assist Leaders: HJnton - Sharon
Yopp 6, Farrah Lilly 4.
Steals: Hinton. Sharon Yopp 4,
Lindsay Keaton 4.
Hinton: 16 17 6 15 - 56
Peterstown: 1 4 3 0 - 8
Scoring: Hinton - Stephanie
Meadows 12, Lndsay Keaton 8,
Farrah Lilly 8, Erin Cox 6, Sharon
Yopp 6, Andrea Crook 6, Joetta Cales
2, Beth Farley 2, Fatih Fortner 2,
Sharon Kessler 2.
Leading Rebounders: Hinton .
Farrah Lilly 10, Andrea Crook 8.
Assist Leaders: Hinton. Lindsay
Keaton 4.
Steals: Hinton - Sharon Yopp 7.
The 7th Grade Lady Bobcats
improved to 7-0 last week with a 38
to 10 victory over Athens. Jessica
Bragg led Hinton in scoring with 17
points followed by Leslie Cyrus with
7, Laura Rollyson with 6 and Char-
lotte Mansfield with 2 points. The
7th Grade Lady Bobcats outre-
bounded Athens 42 to 24 as Jessica
Bragg pulled down 11 rebounds fol-
lowed by Shannon Gills with 10 and
Leslie Cyrus with 9. Laura Rollyson
and Jessica Bragg each dished out 2
assists for Hinton.
Hinton: 14 11 11 2 - 38
Athens: 2 0 4 4 - 10
The 8th. Grade Lady Bobcats
picked up three wins last week
downing Nuttall Middle School 51-
jumped out to a 24 to 4 lead after one
period of play and never looked back
using 19 different players in the
contest. Lindsay Keaton scored 17
points in two quarters of play and
Stephanie Meadows added 10 points
in one quarter of play to lead the
Lady Bobcats offense. Erin Cox also
had 7 points in the contest and Jes-
sica Meadows led Hinton in rebound-
ing with 7.
The Shady Spring contest was no
different as Hinton led 24 to 0 after
one period of play and led 38 to 4 at
the half. Jessica Bragg led Hinton's
scoring with 12 points followed by
Beth Farley with 10. Kristi Clark,
Faith Fortner, and Laura Rollyson
each added 8 point. Faith Former,
and Laura Rollyson each added 8
points. Faith Fornter led the Bob-
cats in rebounding with 5 while
Laura Rollyson dished out 4 assists
and Beth Farley came away with 8
The Athens game saw Hinton hold
a 27 to 12 lead at the half before
outscoring Athens 20 to 4 to take
control in the third quarter. Lindsay
Keaton led Hinton's trio of double
figure scorers with 15, followed by
Faith Fortner wit 13, and Stepha-
nie Meadows with 11. Kristi Clark,
Jessica Meadows, and Faith Fort-
ner each had 5 rebounds to lead
Hnton: 24 9 15 3 - 51
Nuttalh 4 10 5 14 - 33
HINTON: 24 14 8 12 - 58
SHADY: 0 4 2 7 - 13
HINTON: 13 14 20 7 - 54
ATHENS: 3 9 4 8 - 24
Tues. Oct. 29: Hinton Jr. High
Hosts Sandstone 5:00. Hinton Var-
sity hosts Midland Trail 7:00.
Wed. Oct. 30: Hinton Jr. High
Hosts Park 5:00.
Thurs. Oct. 31: Hinton Varsity
Hosts Glen Rogers 1:30. Hinton 8th.
Grade Travels to Huttall 6:00.
33, Shady Springs 58-13, and Athens
University Women
The Hinton Branch ofthe AAUW
met at the home of Elizabeth Bare
on the 21st. of Oct. Co-hostesses were
Myra Ziegler and Barbara Parrner.
The president, Hazel Davidson
reers by talking with professional
women. The amendments to the By-
laws were read by Mrs. Davidson
and were approved.
Following the business meeting,
effort to =Celebrate Women" led to
the renomination'of Kayetta Mead-
ows and the invitation to submit the
names of other members..The Nov.
meeting will be held at the High
School in conjunction with the Delta
Kappa Gamma and BPW to help the
junior and senior girls to select ca-
called the meeting to order. Follow- aninnovative appreachtotheunder-
ing the reading of the minutes and ptncling of the handicaps 0filliter-
the treasurer's report the state's acy was introduced by Carolyn
Mathena, Director of the Adult Basic
for the Bobcats. Lamont Smith re-
covered the other blocked punt and Thecheerleadersmarchedbehind
ran for 3 yards for the touchdown. HHS band while doing pore pon
MikeHarshawkickedtheextrapoint routines. After the Bobcats game at
to make the score 9 to 0 in the 1st. Richwood, the cheerleaders rose
half. bright and early Sat. morning to
Bruce Jackson ran a touchdown attendaclinicatVirginiaTech.Along
from the 5 yard line in the 3rd. withover100othergirlsfromschools
quarter to move the score to 15-0 throughout W.Va. and Va., HHS
Hinton. Shady Spring took over in Varsity improved their techniques ........................... :
and stunts with the guidance of VPI ..............................
the 4th. quarter and made the game cheerleaders.
close with a touchdown and 2 point Following the instructional ses-
conversion. Shady was driving for
their 2nd. downtown when Lamont siGn, the squad cheered at Techs
football game against Cincinnati.
:: .... Smith intercepted a pass to save the
game. Mike Harshaw also had an MembersattendingincludedJessica
interception in the game and Philip Reich, Kim Ward, Renee Brandon,
Pettit recovered a fumble for Hin- JamieBeasley, StaceyNewton,Trish
ton. Bobby Fox led the team with 8 Koenig, Helen Boone, Stella Har-
tackles.BruceJacksonhad136yards vey, Emma Chanlett-Avery and
rushing on 18 carriers for Hinton. Becky Arthur, sponsor.
Special thanks to Amber Beasley
Hinton'slastgameoftheyearwillbe and Francis Boone for transporta-
againstMidlandTrailathome.Game tion.
time 7:30.
:::i!i::i::i:i!iii:iiiS!:::i! iiii!:ii::iiiii:iS:ii!!:!i::i::i:!:!ii:::::i!:i::iii:::ii!i:i:iii!i:: Forthe Ist. time in Hinton High TalcottJHGirlsBasketballpicked Photographics
::::::::;::::::C:::::::: :::: ............................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::::::::: intheStateTournament.TherewereSChoolhistory°urG°lfteamplayed their record to 11 wins and41osses, up three wins last week toimproveThe 1st. game Talcott beat Mer- 8TH = GRADE LADY BOBCATS gdlF" ..l )IoN:
10teamsitheA-AADivisionofthe cer Christian 56 to 40. Erica Wil- The Hinton 8th. Grade Lady Bobeats recently won the Oceana |,//-: ERIAL &
:!!!!ii[i!iiJ!i!!iii!!iiii!!iii!ii!!ii!!i tournment being held in Hunting- liamshadl4pointsandl0rebounds Gino's Invitational Tournament with wine over BaileysviIle and [ COMMERCIAL
ton. Hinton finished 4th. the 1st.
to lead her team. Susan Turner had Oceana. Members of the " 8th Grade Lady Bobcats are = (Front j pile
day and could not move up the 2nd. 9 points, 3 rebounds and 3 steals RowLtoR)ErinCox, KristiClark, MikaMeadow,LauraRollyon, /
day but finished 4th. over all. also for Talcott. Other scorers were Jessica Bragg. Back Row (L to R) Beth Farley, Lindsay Kcaton, / I
The team stated they had a big Patricia Sea 8, Robin Mitchem 8, Stephanie Meadows, Faith Fornter, Jeseica Meadows. Not Pie- 217 R BALLENGEE ST. NTON
crowd following them on every hole Christy Barker 6, Valerie Hedrick 4, tured: Stacy Turner, Sherri Mansfield. [] ammm
that made them nervous but really
o xc 00ight Classes
Job well done, men." il T
Hinton beat Shady Spring Thurs.
night 33 to 14. Hinton's record now
stands at 5 wins and 21osses. Hinton
Pictured (top to bottom ) Shawna
Carter, Trudy Long, Jessie Zim-
merman, and Roaxann Cline.
These young ladies arc members
of the 74} 7th. Grade Lady Bob-
cats Basketball Team. The 7th.
Grad ; ats Lpe to
Summers County Career Center
Education branch of the Princeton
Learning Center. Three skits were
presented by members of the group
demonstrating physical abuse, loss
of position, and loss ofopportunity to
advance. Questions, comments and
suggestions by the members of
AAUW followed each skit. It was a
memorable way to present pertinent
data concerning the importance of
literacy in every day life.
A delightful plate was served to
12 members and 6 guests. Guests:
Carolyn Mathens, Samuel T.
Campbell, Thelma Jean Stone, Betti
Sue Hedrick, Sherry L. Auton and
Marcia Ware. Members: Elizabeth
Bare, Charlene Crook, Hazel
Davidson, Mae Dodd, Lee Emrich,
Hettie Belle Gwinn, Janice Gwinn,
Jane Humphries, Catherine Mack,
Barbara Parmer, Pat Stacklin, and
Myra Ziegler.
Hix RL Box 11-A
Phone: 466-0621 Summers County Career Center
10 (3 baskets) $45.00 ONE DEC 20
36 (home wiring) $75.00 TWO JAN 17
20 $40.00 TWO JAN 10
20 $40.00 ONE JAN 17
72 $135.00 TWO FEB 28
15 $40.00 TWO DEC 20
(includes text)
November 19, 1991.
A minimum enrollment of 10 students per class is required before classes can begin.
complete .:. a. regular season each had 18 points while Jenny Mann
undefeated if they can defeat 12 and Kim Robertson added 10
Mercer Mon.ight. points. Other players scoring for
their last game of the year. For
Hinton the scoring came from Scott
Jackson on a 48 yard run for a touch-
down. Jason Pack ran for the two
point conversion. Scott Jack,on
picked up his 2nd. touchdown with a
60 yard run and John Crawford
kicked the extra point. Jason Pack
ran his first touchdown from 30 yards
away and his 2nd. touchdown of 85
yards just before half time.
To finish the night Hinton's Ja-
son Pack ran for 15 yards for his 3rd.
touchdown. Joe Blankenship, Tom
Honaker, and Chad Meador played
well on defense.
Hinton won two games last week
to improve to 11-2 this season. The
Ist. game Hinton beat Princeton 77
to 50, Tues. afternoon. Four players
scored in double figures for Hinton.
will play Glenwood Tues. night for
:, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
'.': i}i: i i:: ..'.'.-:!:iilii::
The following classes will bc of:%red at the Summers County Career Center. Persons interested in
taking these classes should enroll at the Career Center each week day between 9 am and 3 pm before