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4 - Hinton News Tues. Oct. 29, 1991
i i | ii i i
The Hinton News
Published Tuesday
Hlnton Publishing Corporation
210 Second Avenue
Hlntor W Vs. 251
r,,,t tm
Fred Long
Publisher. Editor
Phone (304) 4660005
USPS 246-180
By Carder SubecdptioM By Mall
2S€ Dally ;us wyw
u.€ ewkm
Second Class I:stage Pd At HInton, WV
Articles submitted to the Hinton
News must reach the office by Fri-
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in the following Tues-
daypaper. Please include you r name
and a phone number where you can
be reached during business hours.
The Hinton News reserves the right
to edit any material and regrets that
articles cannot be returned.
Items for the Community Bulletin
Board must reach the ofice by Mon-
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in that week's paper.
'Round Hinton
By: Shirely Garten
Looking back to Oct. 7th. Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Lane of Beech Run
celebrated their 30th anniversary.
On Oct. 8th., Susie Rollyson, now
of Hawaii, had a birthday.
On Oct. 10th., Jack Bowling of
Oak Hill celebrated a birthday.
On Oct. llth., Mr. and Mrs. Le-
onard Young of Meadow Creek cele-
brated their 53rd. anniversary.
Oct. 14th., Johnny Jones, Rhonda
Foose and Steven Adkins, 14, all had
Roxie Ayers of Sandstone had a
birthday on OCt. 15th.
James Gunner of Sandstone had
a birthday on OCt. lath.
Joseph Lester became 18 or Oct.
On Oct. 21st. Dixie Connor and
her son Rodney Cannot had a birth-
day. James Ward, 43, of True also
Nancy Allen, of Buck and Tommy
Dean Ward all had birthdays.
On Oct. 25th., Junior Williams of
Hinton, Caroline Scott, of Pipestem,
Davie Rae Cales of Beech Run, Bobby
Pitzer, now of Waynesbero, Penn.,
and Linda Wood all had birthdays.
On Oct. 26th., Ruth Gill, of Foreet
Hill, Darrell Mann Jr., 29, of Green-
brier Dr., Katherine Rogers, 79, of
Bellepoint, Ray Pivont, of Hinton,
Sherry Wills of Tug Creek Moun-
tain, Lisa Diane Ward, 23, of Chest-
nut Mountain all had birthdays. "
If you need a tutor, call 466-5787,
before 8:00 P.M.
If you have something to an-
nounce, call 466-5787 before 8:00
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thewes
Crook- Thewes
Paula Susan Crook of Hinton and
Jack Duane Thewes of Charleston
were married Aug. 24th. at First
Christian Church, Hinton.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Crook of Hinton.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack W. Thewes of Charleston.
The Rev. Gary Lewis performed
the double-ring ceremony. Given in
marriage by her parents the bride
wore a white satin floor length gow n
with a sweetheart neckline. The
bodice featured a lace V down in the
front enhanced with pastel sequins
and seed pearls and banded with
Matron of honor was Mary Jane
Humphries of H]nton.
Bridesmaids were: Pare Ward of
Hinton, Regina Keaton of Hinton,
and Candy Payne, sister of groom of
Flower girl was t]eidi Ward of
Best man was Ben McC]ung of
Ushers were Timothy Crook,
brother of the bride of Hinton and
Scott Brenner of Charleston.
The wedding was directed by
Patricia B urdette, sister of the groom
of Charleston.
Venice lace. The cathedral train The bride is a graduate of Con-
" had abirthday. " = .... r ' fdaredpleaallop edJlceclimb- c0xd College with a degree in Busi-
' On" Oct. ' 22nd., Peggy Brben, ingul to a wl:ite:-Satin:b,at:her"ness Administration. She is em-
; MargieGarten, VernieWard, of Hix, waistline. TlehouIdrs were ployed as Bureau of Employment
' trimmed in lace sprinkled with pas- Security in Charleston.
tel sequins and seed pearls and white The groom attended WV Tech with
bow on top of shoulders. The finger- a degree in Civil Engineering. He is
tip veil of illusion was attached to a employedatBattle Ridge Industries.
headpiece of seed pearls, rosebuds, Areception washeldin the church
and pastel sequins. She carried a fellowship hall.
bouquet of cascading silk bouquet of After a wedding trip to the Smokey
white and pink mini carnations Mountains in Tenn. the couple will
accented with ivy stephanotis and live in Charleston.
Pipestem Elementary School
Honor Roll Released
First Six Weeks
Mrs. Karen Edwards
Christopher Bennett, Kayla
Bo.wles, Kara Howell, Billy Knight,
Cherish McManaway, Roxanne
McManaway, Joshua Meadows,
Alisha Neely, Kemp Peterson,
Danielle Richmond, Jacob Spangler,
KrisLina Stayer, Elijah Ward.
Dabble Boone.
Mrs. Karen Edwards
Christoher Burley, Rabble
Hudson, Amy Lilly, Andrew Phil-
lips, Stephhnie Phillips.
Brian Dickenson, Chastity
TEACHER: Mrs. IAllian Sims
Charlene Hunt, Erica Martin,
Tasha Pack.
Julie McBride , Tonna Richmond,
Wendy Thompson.
TEACH-ERe Mrs. Lillian Sims
Joey Bowles, Kevin Cole, Charlie
Mann, Jessica Spang]er, Susan
Weiss, Travis Wirt.
Carrie Pack, Rhonda Phillips,
Matthew Pritt, Melena Shrader,
David Ward.
TEACHER: Mrs. Kathy Lamb
Carrie Gill, Joshua Lambeth.
Chris Adkins, Jonathan Lilly,
Darrell Meadows, Travis Pack,
Me]anie Shrader.
TEACHER: Mrs.Kathy Lamb
Valerie Hill, Kenny Howell, Al-
isha Meadows, Benjamin Patrick,
Evan Scott.
Ryan Foster, Rebecca Lilly, Elijah
McBride, Michael McManaway,
Sherry Meadows.
Help someone learn to read! Be-
come a Literacy Volunteer! Inter-
ested? Call 466-4490 Summers
County Public Library.
. ill Ill HL II Illl il
Ecumenical Church Service
3 November 1991 7:00 o'clock
Ascension Episcopal Church
Participating Churches:
Ascension Episcopal, First United
Methodist, First Presbyterian, Second
Baptist, and Saint Patrick's Catholic.
Bluestone Lake
Garden Club
Miss Ruby Holland was hostess
to the Bluestone Lake Garden Club
Man. Oct. 14h. at the Diner.
The President, Mrs. RJ. Emrich
introduced Mr. James Monroe, Jr.,
Greenbrier Nursery, who gave a most
interesting and informative talk on
Bulbs, Kinds and Culture.
FoHong his talk names were
drawn for the beautiful plants which
Mr. Monroe presented to the club.
The winners were Mrs. Donald Cords
and Mrs. Russell Miller.
The PPesident opened the busi-
ness session with the club collect,
minutes read and treasurer's report
Correspondence wm read and
discussed by club members.
The meeting adjourned with deli-
cious refreshments served to "the
following members: Mrs. L.J. Burton,
Mrs. C.E. Charlton, Mrs. Donald
Cords, Mrs. RJ. Emrich, Mrs. J.T.
Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Clifford Mead-
ows, Mrs. Russell Miller, Mrs. W.H.
Redmond, Mrs. Charles Sydnor, Miss
Anna Laura Waid, Mrs. Alvin Willey,
Mrs. C.G. Ellison, Mrs. C.C, Corker,
hostess, Miss Ruby Holland and
guest speaker, Mr. James Monroe,
The Addle Gooch Sunday School
Class will have a Rummage Sale
Sat. Nov. 2nd., 8:30 A.M. to 2:30
P.M. in the Methodist Educational
Bingo every Thurs. night, start-
ing at 7:00 P.M. at the Moo Lodge.
Concession available. Mini and
maxi jackpot.
Chiidren can play if accompanied
by an adult,
.... I lill!i lil!i'ill[ '11 •¸ i i i
Mrs. Edna Foster
To Celebrate
lOOth Birthday
Mrs. Edna Foster, Hinton, WV.,
is celebrating her 100th Birthday on
Nov. 1st. Mrs. Foster was born in
Pendleton County on Nov. 1, 1891.
Her father, Rev. George P.Hannah
was a Methodist minister and her
mother was Mrs. Leah P.Hannah.
Her children are Mrs. Leota Hig-
gins of Beckley, W.Va.; Mrs. Law-
rence (Farley) FosterofAtlanta, Ga.;
Mrs. Pauline Coins of Hintnn, W.V.;
and Mrs. Louise Barlow and Mr.
Leonard Foster, deceased.
Mrs. Foster is a member of the
Central Baptist Church and many
civic organizations. An open house
birthday party reception will be held
on Sat. Nov. 2nd. from 2:00 - 4:00 at
the Central Baptist Church.
Residents opposing the High Volt-
age Power]ine by APCO meet every
Man. night at 7:00 P,M. at the
Jumping Branch Fire House.
Any person opposing to the pow-
erline are asked to please attend
these meetings.
Fri. Nov. 1
Fruit or Juice, Dry Cereal, Toast
W/Jelly, Milk.
Man. Nov. 4
Fruit, Waffle, Pancake, Or French
Toast, Syrup-Butter, Sausage, Milk.
Tues. Nov. 5
Juice, Donut, Milk, Cereal.
Fri. Nov. 1
Macaroni & Cheese, Spinach,
Celerey W/Peanut Butter,
Cornbread, Orange, Milk.
Man. Nov. 4
Taco Salad, Corn, Fruit - Cookie,
Tues. Nov. 5
Baked Or Bar BQ Chicken, Green
Beans, Roll, Fruit, Milk.
Office Location: 151 Pleasant St.
(Avis) Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. Man.- Fri. Telephone: 466-3388.
1 - Diabetic & Blood Pressure
testing (8:30-11:00). 7 - Immuniza-
tion & TB skin tests (9-11 & 1-3). 10
- Pediatric & EPSDT (by appoint-
ment). 15 - Diabetic & Blood Pres-
sure testing (8:30 -11:00). 16 - Chest
X-rays (by appointment). 17 - Fam-
ily Planning (by appointment). 21 -
Immunization & TB skin tests (9-11
& 1-3). 24 - General Medical Clinic
(by appointment). 29 - Diabetic &
Blood Pressure testing (8:30 -11:00).
Preneed Funeral Planning
Certificate of Deposit thru you Local Bank or
Forethought Life Ins. Co.
Our competent staff has been professionally trained to assist
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those you love through the funeral experience.
Our reputation is built on serving families like yours and we
pledge that we will merit the confidence you have placed in us.
Feel free to contact us for answers to any questions you might
have.., now or in the future.
130 Temple St., Hinton Phone 466-1179
That Blessings May Shine on You...
C l Ur
Superintendent, Nice Bowyer.
Sunday School 10, Morning war.
ship 11.
Bellepo4nt Ilet Chtl¢¢h
N. Bruce Craswell, Jr., Pastor:
Sunday Service: Joe McBride,
Supl., Sunday Sohoot 9.'45 am.
Morning Worship, 11 am. Youth
fellowship,5:45prn. Evening Serv-
ice, 7 pro. Wednesday Service,
7.OO pro. Prayer Meing and Bible
Big Creek
Lovell Williarr=, Pastor: Sunday i
Schoot 10 a,m. Morning Worship
11 a.m. each Sunday. Praye
meeting Wed. al 7 p,rn. B Y
Sunday at 6 p.m.
Brooke iqd Church
Pastor D,ret! H'nm: Edwa
Cyrus. Sunday Schoo Supedn.
tandem., 10 &m.
Morning Worship 11 &m. Eve-
ning Service Sun. at 7 p.m. Prayer
Meeting Tuas. at 7:30"p.m.Wed.
Service 7 p.m.
Calvary Baptist Church
Red SuDhur: Ray. Rick Hender-
son, Sunday School 10 A.M.
Randy Hedge, Superintendent
Morning Worship 11.'00 A.M.
E veninlg Worship 7:30 P.M. Wed-
nesday Worship 7:30 P.M.
Rev. Nathanlel Johnson: Sunday
School, E. G. Crawford, Supt, 11
a. rn. Morning Worship Every Sun-
day. Preaching 1st. and 3d. Sun-
days at 11 a.m. and 6p.m.
Pastor Robefl L. Moore:9:45 &m.
Church School. 11 &m. Morning
Wship. 6:30 p.m. B Y F. 7.'00
p.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m.
Wednesday Mid. Week Service.
Chesut Grove
Pastor: Benny Allen. Suparinten.
dent: Lowefl Bennett. Sunday
School, Morning Worship
11 a.m. Evening Service 7:30
Wed. Evening Service 7:30 p.m.
Cook's Chapel
(Regular Baptist Churoh) John S.
Atkinson, Pastor: lO&m.Gunday
School SUPt. Kyle Kinzer. 11 &m.
Morning Worship. 6 p.m., B Y F 7'
p.m. Evening Worship Wed. 7 p.m.
Prayer Meeting.
Femader - FmwtH
Two miles north of Atderson on
the Atta Road. Sun6ay School 10
&m. Baptist Youth League 6 p.m.
Evening servicas 7 p.m.
Rrst B:lst Church
Sunday School 9:45 &m. Bruce
Richmond, Supt. Morning Wor-
ship 11 &rrt, Evening Servlce7:co
).m. Mid Week Serv 7.'00 p.m.
Feat Hill Bq=Uet Church
Pastor Jon E. Elardo: Services
2nd. & 4th. Sunday 11.'O0, Sun-
) day Night Sen:es7:00, Wednes-
day Nght 7:30,1st. & 3rd. Sunday
Servoas At Methodist Church At
8:30 P.M. Sen,dce Meeting.
Grace Ballet Church
Dan Spencer, Pastor. Sunday
School 10 a.m., Morning Worship
11 :OO a.m. Sunday Evening 6.'00
p.m. Wed. Evening 7.1X) p.m.
Ehvin Ray H, Jr., Paor: Sun.
day School I0 &m. S. S. Supt.
Melvin R/an. Worship Servic
At 11:00AM lat., 3rd. and 5€h.
Sundays Evening services 7DO
P.M. 2nd. and 4th. Sundays. Mid
Week Prayer Sen4ce And Youth
Meeting Each Wednesday at 7:00
Come to Church
Bi, allTe. I
Ray. Elmo AIdmen, St., Pastor
David Moon, Supt. Sun. Suho
g:45 am Morning Wohip 10:45
am youth Fellovmhip 6:30 pm
Evening Wohip 7.'30 prn Prayer
Sen4ce Wed. 7:3O pro.
D. L. Stalnak, or, Pastor:
Sunday Sofmol clasm for all
Bptlet Church
Steve I-ievock, PastOr: S.S.
Sugt. James Keky. Suy
School tO A.M. Classes for aN
age=. Worship. Sendce, 11 /LM
and 7 P.M. Every Sunday. Prayer
Meeting WIll. 7 P.M.
KeatkW Sprigs
t Church
Sunday School tO A.M.. Harok:
Meeks. SmmendanL
Laurel Creek
B=ptt Church
First and third Sunday at 11
am., Second and Forth Sunda
at 7.'00 pro., Wedneeday nigh!
Sendce 7.'00 pro., Sunday Schoo
10.0 am. Pastor, An@/Ho,,ou k
U Cmk
Ip(t Clturch
Sunday Schoof at 10 am. Preach.
ing SeP, dce,11 am. Every Sun-
day. Prayer Meeting Wednasday
7 pro, Rev, Tom MGmw, Pastor.
Utt Wolf Creek
Independent Baptist Church, Off
Rt. 12 on the Litt|a Well Creek
Road. Pester, Ooneld L. Hannah:
Sunday School Supenntendent,
Wayne Browning, SundaySchool
10.'0 am. WorshtpService 11.'00
am. Sun. Evening Service 7 pen.
i Yoth Meeting Wednesday 6:30
pro.Mid Week Service Wednes-
day 7 pm.
Meadow Creek
Pastor J. L. Jonas: Sun.10 am.
' Sunday School ; 11 am., Morning
Worship; 7 pro. Evening Worship;
7 pm.Wedr<sday, MidWeekBible
Study end Prayer Meeting,
Meadow Creek
ROy. William Caner: Sunday
School Superintendent Mrs. E. E.
Johnson. Sunday School 10 .m.
every Sunday. Prayer tamd
Wednesday 6.'30. Worship mv-
k;e third Sunday at 11 a.m.
Mr, Cldvery Freewill
Baptist Church. Sunday School
10.O0 &m., Preaching 11 .O0 a.m.,
Preaching Sunday Night 7.00
p.m.. Pray Meeting Wedday
7:CO, Pastor E. R. Buak Tyree
New Bim
Ipt Church
Pastor I. E. Hatcher: Sunday
School 10.0. Church 1 t :00 Fun-
Nlmlt= Midemey
Baptist Church P=mtor Anol
Cooper: S. S. Stpedntondent
Krby Br=gg, Sunday School 9:45.,
Morning Womlp and Chikl
Church 11 a.m. Sunday Morning,
Evaning Sunday Womhip 7:30.
Prayer Meeting and Youth Meet.
Ing 7."30 Wednesday.
• Grove
Pastor W. C. Sampson: Sunday
School Supt., Bill Hawks, Sunday
School 10 a.m. Morning Worship
11:00 A.M. Wednesday Evening
Service 7:30 p.m.
Imori Chwch
Streeter, WV. S every 2nd.,
4th. and 5h. Saturday evenings
at 7.'00 p.m.
River Valley
Ri. 12 Forest Hill Road. Bill Jen-
kins, Pastor: 10 &rr Sunday
School, OakyGdmme, Super-
Inlett,K 11 a'm. Momlng Wor.
Ihlp. 7:30 p.m. Evening S4tvloe.
7 p.m. YouthFt41owlip Thur.
Bl. Roy Lee Hon, aker. Jr.,
Pastor: Sunday School 10 KM.
Worship Servk 11 A.M. each
Sunday. Prayer Service, Bible
• Youth Meeting Wednes-
day, 7 I"m,
a0ee. Richard Hoilmen Sn-
11 a.m. Morning Wor-
ship. 7 P.M. Night Service.
Suietom Bql=t Church
PastOr Eddie Johnson: Sunday
School Supt. 81ll Dean, Sunday
School 10/LM., Morning Worship
11 AM., Evening Services 7:00
P.M., Wed. Prayer Meeting and
Youth Meeting 7 PM:
Tatcott, First Sun. Sen4ce 11 A.M.
Sunday at 3.10 P.M.
Secomt BWtlat Church
212 James St., Rev. Matthew
Saunders, Services 2nd. & 4th.
Sunday 11 A.M.. Prayer Service
Wednesday 6:::)0, Sunday School
each Sunday 9:30. Mr. James
Nickotas Supt. Mrs. Edith Goode,
Temp Church
Robert Cent)s, Pastor: Sunday
School, 10 a.m. Melvin Williams,
Supt. Preechng Services at 11:00
atom. every Sunday.
Uand Baptist Church
Pastor Mike Ballard . Sunday
School 10:00, Worship Services
, at - 11.'00. Bible Study Sunday
Evening 7.'00.
St Palrick Catholic Church
Mass Schedule, Sunda 9a.m.
Community Chrlstlen
Pastor OoJg Hatcher: Worship
Se Sun. 11 a.m, and 7:00
).m. Bbie Study 10 ll.m. Wed.
7.'00 p.m.
Fast Christiam Church
Eddie Via, Minister: Sunday
School 9:45/LM, Morning Wor-
ship 11:00 A,M., Sunday Evening
Bible Study, Sunday 6.'00 Youth I
Hinton •
1621 Summers St. Minister, Phi/-
lip Strattis: Sunday Morning Bible
Study 10 &m. Sunday Morning
WohD Service 10:45 a.m. Sun-
day Evening Service 7.'00 P.M.
Wednesday Evening Smvice 7
Lay Church of Chdt
Sunday 10.'00, Bilge Study 10:45,
Evening Sunday 7.'00 p.m., Wed-
needay Bible Study 7:00 P.M.
Sho¢ldey Hill
Tug Creek Road, Sunday Wor-
ship 11 A.M. Sunday Evening 6.'30
P.M. Wedneeday Sewicas 7:30
11 ll.m. First and Third Sundays,
HO/Communioo 11 l&fft, Sec-
ond and Fourth Sundays.
Bellepolnt Charge
Miller Memorial Church School 10
a.m. Morning Worship 11.e.n;.
Evening Service 7:30 P.M. U M Y
F Wednesday 6 p.m.
Rmt United Ilhedlst Church
Hinton,WVGard F. Dofsou, Mitt-
er: Sunday School 9:45/LM..
Momk World'tip 11:00 A.M. Chikl
careaveJlabie:Moments with chll-
drm, Wednesday Prayer Virgil
11:00 A.M.- 100 theSanc-
tuary. Wedmmday Youth Club.
4.'00 P.M. 6:C0 P.M., For Trans.
)onation: 466-0544
J cm,a4 et x
Ray. Cadten Wdson. Pastor: See/.
Ices g am. Sun. School loam
Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam
Groves. Lay Leeds'. Study: 9:45.
Worship 11 am.
Sulphur. Marshatl Fewer
Par=tore Secvice every 2nd Sun.
day 7 pm every 4th Sunday 11
Mary J=n Memed=l
Pastor Rang H. Richmond: Sun-
day School 10 am Morning Wor-
ship 11 ant. Evening Prayer Meet.
leg 7.'30 pro.
Mathodia! Charge
Rick Be&me First Sunday & 3rd.
Sunday, Brooklyn g:15. Mr. Zion
t0:15 KM.. Sand Knob 11.'30
:P.M., NimRz 2nd. and 4th. Sun-
day. Bethat 9.'30. Pluto Manha
Chapel 11:00. Madams Creek.
Mount Pbgah
Morning Worship 9.' am Church
School I0:30 am U M Y F Tues-
day 5:30 pro.
New I,,tpe
C. Franklin Ma, Pastor: Sunday'
School 10 am, Worship 1 st & 3rd
Sun. 11 am& 4th 7.'30 pro.
Oak Grove
C. Franldin Mick. Pastor: Sunday i
School at 11 am, Worship 2nd & i
4th Sun., 10am& 1st 7p
Telcott Charge
C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Forest
Hill, Ist& 3rd Sundays: Worship
10 am, Sun, SChool 11 am.
C. FrankJin Mick. Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am, WorShip services
2rid& 4th Sun. 11 am& 3rd Sun.
t, 7:30 pro.
Greenvllie. I 0 am Sunday School.
7:45 pro, Community Worship
Rat ytedmt Church
Ray.Robert H. Glaser: Sunday
School 9:45 & Wohip 11 .'00 am
Prayer Meeting Wed. 7.'30 pro.
I.lan'= Creek
Greenville. 10 am Sunday School
7:45 pro, Community Worship
Keikr et I.ow
Rev. Stewart McMunay, Pastor.
Worship Smvices held at 2:30 pm
on 1st. and 3td. Sunday=.
Ray. Stewart McMurray, Pastor.
Grassy Meadows,10 a.m. Sun.
day Sdo|.Womhip Sm he
at 9 arn on 2nd. and 4th. Sundays,
.... First Chuch el' God
Nora Keeten, Pester: Sunday
Schoot 10 am, Morn W Wohip
11 arn. Evening Womhtp 7 pro.
Wed. Evantn Study 7 pro,
215 Second Ave., Hinton.
l.lln¢on Church of God
II Oummers St. Pastor Canfl
Welch: Sunday School 10 am
Morning Wors.hip 11am Sunday
Night 7 pm Wed. Night 7 prn.
Hinton Goll Tabernacle
102 Maln Str. Lawrence Ben-
nett. Pastor: Sunday School 10
am Mornings Wondlip 11:00 am
You moino s:3o pm Ev=u'-'
iic vke 7:301 Bltde Study
Wedn/70 prn.
Jdvah's Witne
Sunday 10 am Public Talk. Sun-
day II am Watchtow, Study:
Tuesday 7:30 pro, Theocratic
Schoo/Thursday 8".30 pm Serv-
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
i BK, Sunday Worship 9.'30
am Su(:lay School 11 am, 725
D Hill Road. 252-5820 or 252 -
4793. Re,'. Kenneth L, Fray.
Mount Otivet Church
A community church, Madams
Creek Road, 2 1/2 miles, William
A. ThompSOn, Pastor: 466--4299,
Sunday SchOOl 10.'00 am Morn-
ing Worship 11,'00 am, Evening
Service 7.'30 prn EDT, Wednes.
day (7 pm EST. winter).
1602 Ternp4e St. PastorRev.
Robert Wiseman: Sunday School
10 am Morning Worship 11 am
Evangelist Service Sunday Nbht
7 pm Thursday. Prayer and Bille
Study 7 Pm.
Pitier o# Truth Church i
rger Springs Pastor Orvidle
At Ba -- nda' ' "
MeadowS: Su y Schoof 10.'00
am Morning Worship 11:00 am, I
W:lnesday Bible Study 7.'00 )rn!
River,'iew Ch=pel
Speakers Harry. PilkJ'ngton: S in-!
day, g'30 Lord's'[able 11 0
Family Bible Hour. 4.'00 Junior
Yocg people. 7.'. Evening
Gog SvCe.
S Ch,
On Rt. 12 near Forest Hill. Area
Pastor: Earl H;ssom, Jr. SS 10 an
Morning WorshiP 11 am, Gospel
Service Fri. 7:30 Pro.
iii i
209 2od Ave,
drg ed
fountain service
of the
Member FDIC
130 Temple St.