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4 - Hinton News Tues. Oct. 2, 2018
The Hinton News
Published weekly on Tuesday
By The
Hinton Publishing Corporation
210 Second Avenue
Hinton, W VA. 25951
Phone (304) 466-0005
Dawn Cra Nford
Business Manager
USPS 246-180
Subscriptions By Mail
Out of State $37.50 per year
By Carrier In summers co. $23.60 per year
50 Issue All other WV counties $30,00 per year
(WV resident pay 6% sales tax)
$26.00 Per Year U.S. Postal Regulations
Require Payments in Advance
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
publication name and mailing address.
Periodical Postage Paid At Lewisburg, WV
Articles submitted to the Hinton
News must reach the office by
Thursday noon in order to be
considered for publication in the
following Tuesday paper. Please
include your name and a phone
number where you can be reached
during business hours. The Hinton
News reserves the right to edit any
material and regrets that articles
cannot be returned. Items for the
Bulletin Board must reach the office
by 11 am Monday in order to be
considered for publication
Hinton News is open
Monday thru Thursday
Business Hours:
Men. & Wed.: 9 am to 12
Tue. & Thurs.: 9 am to 4 pm.
ONLY 35 ,word
12 N Thursday
(The paper is responsible for
only one Incorrect Insertion.)
12 N Thursday
This is a weekly publication of the
Summers County Council on Aging
inc 120 Second Ave Hinton.
Funded in part by the WV Bureau
manchin flpplouds Bill Renaming
IlflSfl facility for tUest Uirginion
Xotherine Johson
Wednesday, September 26, Sen.
Joe Manchin (D-WV) applauded the
Senate passage of legislation he
cosponsored honoring the life,
legacy, and scientific contributions
of famed mathematician and West
Virginian Katherine Johnson. The
bill would rename the National
Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA)
Independent Verification and
Validation (IV&V) Facility in
Fairmont, West Virginia, after Mrs.
"I applaud my Senate colleagues
for passing this legislation, which I
was proud to cosponsor, to rename
Fairmont's NASA IV&V facility. Not
only did Katherine Johnson,
broaden our nation's perceived
physical limitations with her
contributions to the space program,
she also broke down discriminatory
barriers that stood in the way of so
many other women and people of
color advancing in the workplace.
Katherine Johnson is one of West
Virginia's finest and a
groundbreaking, brilliant
mathematician. No individual is
more worthy of this honor thhn her.
Through her brilliance, strength,
and courage, she proved to the
country that anyone, regardless of
race, gender, or background can
touch the stars," Senator Manchin
Katherine Johnson, of White
Sulphur Springs, graduated with
degrees in mathematics and French
at the age of just 18 from West
Virginia State, before becoming the
first African American woman to
attend graduate school at West
Virginia University. Katherine
Johnson calculated trajectories for
multiple NASA space missions
including the first human space
flight by an American, Alan
Shepard's Freedom 7 mission. She
also calculated trajectories for John
Glenn's Friendship 7 mission to
orbit the earth. During her time at
NASA, she became the first woman
recognized as an author of a report
from the Flight Research Division.
In May 2016, she was awarded a
Presidential Honorary Doctorate of
Humane Letters from WVU for
"attaining national and
international preeminence in the
field of astrophysics and providing
distinguished leadership and service
in her field."
Political Advertising
Keep Jeffrey Pack
House of Delegatex
Pro- ndAmendment
Air Force Veteran
Concord UhiverMty Graduate
Pol. Ad. Paid by Committee to Elect Jeflery Pack,
Pam Pack Treasurer
5hocldeg Hill church of Ehrlst
Cmllk Mou aat
Xlnlon, Wee1 Vhlilnl=
Meeting Times
Morning LUorshlg 9:~0 ilem,
of Senior Services, Appalachian Area Blble:cla-",= 10:30 m.m.
Agency on Aging, other grant and
; nd tuomhl 15 lilt.
local resources and donations. Any
older persons is encouraged to LUednesda~l ~
participate in the program BIbleClass 6.30" p.m.
regardless of race, creed, handicap
or national origin. The Summers
County Council onAging is an equal If have aa l quesllan - need dll ctlo I
opportunity employer, a dd - to an l of dods of um lp
Wednesday, October 3, "
Seasoned Oven Baked Chicken,
Baked Potatoes, Seasoned Vegetable
Medley, Orange Pineapple Gelatin, 304-466-5907
Whole Wheat Bread, Margarine/
Milk. Activity: Summers County ad~alq,J~ ~,=~,~ ~ =~'ll~ II~d~'aM~ ~,=~/v=.
Senior Center Quilters Will Quilt
Today at 10:00 a.m. Bingo at 10:00
Thursday, October 4, Bean
Soup w/Ham, Egg Salad sandwich
on Whole Wheat Bread, Fruit Salad
w/Strawberries, Milk. Activity:
Blood Pressure Clinic at 10:45 a.m.
Bingo at 10:15 a.m.
Friday, October 5, Roast Beef,
Creamier Mashed Potatoes, Green
Beans, Pineapple Chunks, Whole
Wheat Bred, Margarine/Milk.
Activity: "Birthday Party" Special
Singing By: The Dosier's - Kenneth
& Brenda at 11:00 a.m. No Bingo
Monday, October 8, Columbus
Day Holiday Center Closed.
Tuesday, October 9, Creole
Baked Pork Chop, Creamier Mashed
Petatoes, Golden Pork Gravy,
Mustard Greens, Banana, Whole
Wheat Bread, Margarine/Milk.
Activity: Healthy Steps at 10:00 a.m.
Bible Study with Rev. Scott Ross at
11:00 a.m. No Bingo.
Menu changes may occur due to
availability of food or due to
circumstances beyond our control.
When we are no longer able
to change a situation we are
challenged to change ourselves.
key to
let "
October 7th
Sunday -
at 4:00PM
-- Willowwood Rd.
to powley creek rd.
thru the tunnel.
Come and enjoy a
a message from
God's Word
Pastor John
the message
join us in our
fellowship hall and
'and enjoy with us
and ice cream
ACWP is a non-profit all
volunteer group of individuals
whose goals are to rehome pets and
assist families who need help paying
for spay and neuter of dogs and Cats.
We will rehome entire litters of
puppies who will receive veterinary
care before going to their forever
homes. If you would like us to visit
your educational event please give
us a call. 855-984-7387.
For spay/neuter assistance go to and fill out a
Voucher Request Form. If you see a
dog or cat in a neglectful situation
please call the sheriff. If you see a
stray dog on the road please call the
Animal Control Officer.
Narconon New Life Retreat
wants you to be aware to look for the
following signs when it comes to
methamphetamine addiction.
Hyperactivity, Insomnia, Weight
loss, Tooth decay.
Report suspicious activity to law
enforcement officials and keep your
loved ones safe from the dangers of
meth addiction. To learn more about
meth addiction, visit: http://
The Summers County Adult
Education Program has received
many tutoring inquiries from young
people in our community. Adult
education programs are prohibited
from serving those in public schools
and/or home schooled. The Summers
County Public Library is asking for
members of the community to
volunteer to assist these young
people that are falling through the
Please call the library for more
information, 304-466-4490.
Hinton High School Class of 1968
Is Celebrating our 50TH Year Class
Reunion Friday evening October 19,
and Saturday October 20, 2018. We
need addresses and or address
updates of our classmates. Please
send your address information to:
a~.lai~.e, W--u~ine Barnett~ P: 0 Bo,x
~,: 1 ~i96, .So "~i,V,W~V- 25921 :
Planning Committee have great
reunion plans in place and want to
make sure all classmates are
Anyone having relatives buried in
Sunset View Cemetery or who own
plots themselves are asked to make
a donation to the upkeep and
maintenance of the cemetery. Pre-
addressed envelops are available on
the gate at the cemetery for you to
pick up or you may mail a donation
made out to Sunset View Cemetery
c/o Betty Turner, Treasurer, Bozoo
Ruritan Club, 317 Shumate Rd
Peterstown, WV, 24963.
Mon. & Wed.: 9 a.m. to 12 pem.
Tue. & Thurs : 9 asm. to 4 pam.
to ;l)urd
Beech Run Baptist Church
Orbra B. Angell, Jr Pastor
Sunday School 10 am, Morning
Service 11 am, Night Service 7
pm, Wed. night prayer meeting 7
Bellepoint Baptist Church
Sun. Service: S. S. 9:45 am,
Morning Worship, 11 am. Youth
fellowship, 7:00 p.m. Evening
Service. 6 pm. Wed. Service, 6:0~
p.m. Pastor Gary Trout.
Big Creek
Lynn Maddy, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 a.m. Morning Worship
11 a.m. each Sunday. Prayel
meeting Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F
Sunday at 6 p.m.
Brooks Baptist Church
Jay Meadows, Sunday School
Supenntendent Sun.School 10
a.r ~. Morning Worship 11 a.m,
Evening Service Sun. at 6 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Wed. at 7:00 p.m
Calvary Baptist Church
Red Sulphur: Rev. Eddie
Howdock, Sunday School 1C
A.M. Randy Hodge,
Supedntandent Moming Worshil:
11:00 A.M. Evening Worship 7:3C
P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:3C
Pastor Robbie Merritt: 9:45 a.m
Church School. 11 a.m. Morning
Worship. 6:00 p.m. Evening
Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday Mi
- Week Service.
Chestnut Mountain Baptist
Services Every Thursday at
7:00 p.m. Pastor Bobby Cales.
Chestnut Grove
Pastor: Benny Allen.
Superintendent: Maynard
Blankenship. Sunday School, 10
a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Evening Service 7:00 Wed.
Evening Service 7:00 p.m.
Clayton Baptist Church
(3 112 miles up Clayton Rd from
Pence Springs) Pastor: Granl
Petitt, Jr. Sun. service 10 a.m.
Worship 11 a.m. Wed. evening 7
p.m. Ph: 466-5052
Cook's Chapel
(independent Fundamental}
Dallas Peyton Jr Pastor:. Sunday
School. Supt Tom Lamb.
Service: S. S. I O a.m. Womhip It
a.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m
Wed. 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
Country Side
RI. 12 Forest Hill
Sunday Service 10 & 11 am, & 7
pro. Wed night service 7 pm.
Fsirvlew Baptist Church
Forest Hill, Pastor: Michael
McCoy; Worship Services, 9:45
am; Sunday School, 11:00 am;
Evening Services, 7:00 pro; Choir
Practice, Wed 6:30 pm; Mid-
Week Service, 7:30 pm,
Faith Baptist Church
J D Fox, PBI(x: Sun. School 10
am, Morning Service, 11 am;
Night Seneca, 6 pro. Wed. night
prayer meeting 6 pm.
Feemster - Freewill
Two miles north of Alderson on
the AIta Road, Sunday School 10
a.m, Baptist Youth League 6 p.m.
Evening services 7 p.m.
First Baptist Church
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Eugenei
Jones, Supt. Moming Worship 11
a.m Evening Service 7:00 p.m. i
Mid Weak Service 7:00 p.m. i
Forest Hill [
Baptilt Chm'ch
Past(x Jeff Canted)ury: Services
2nd. & 4th. Sunday 9:45, Sunday
7:S~ 10:45, Evening Service
" Freedom
BapUst Church
Poweley's Creek, Pastor John
O|fenberger. Sun. School t0
a.m Services tl a.m. Evening
Service 6 p.m Wed. 7 p.m,
Friendship Baptist Church
Two miles norlh of Forest Hill
on Rt. 12. Pastor Joe Spencer.
Sunday School, 10 am,
Worship, 11 am evening
worship 7 pro; Wed. worship 7
Grace Baptist Church
Bill Ballengee, Pastor. Sunday
School 10 a.m Morning
Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday
Evening 6:00 p.m. Wed. Evening
7:00 p.m.
Griffith Creek, Alderson
Audie Sorg, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 a.m. Worship
11:00 a.m. Evening services at
7:00 p.m. Wed. Mid Week
Prayer and Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
Youth Meeting Wednesday at
6:30 p.m. Classes for every age
group. Nursery available.
Indian Mills Baptist Church
Herb Miller, Pastor: SI S. Supt.
James Keatley. Sun. School 10
am. Classes for all ages.
Worship. Service, 11 am. and 6
pm. Every Sun. Prayer Meeting
Wed. 7 pro.
Judson Free Will
Pastor Chadie Daniels. Sunday
School 10 am, Worship Service,
11 am, Evening Service, 7 pro,
Thurs. Service 7 pm.
Kestley Springs
Sunday School 10 am.
Laurel Creek Baptist Church
Pastor: Melvin Wills, S.S.
Superintendent: Robert Wills. S.
S. 10 am, Morning Worship 11
am Evening Service 6 pro,
Wed. night bible study 7 pro.
Lick Creek aptlat Church
Green Sulphur: Pastor: Dan
Spencer. Services Sunday 10 to
11 am. Sun. Night, 6 pro. Wed.
night 7 pm.
Little Wolf Creek
Baptist Church,Buck, Pastor,
Eddie Harris, Sunday School
10:00 am. Morning Worship
11:00 am. Sun. Evening
Worship 6:00 pro. Prayer Meetin/
B.Y.F. Wed. night 7 pro.
Meadow Creak
Pastor Harry Allen: Sunday
School 10 am. Morning Worship
11 am Evening Worship 7 pro,
Wed. Night Bible Study, 7 pro.
New Salem Baptist Church
Pastor I. E. Hatcher: Sunday
School t0:00. Church 11:00
Nimitz Missionary
Baptist Church Pastor Donald L.
Hannah S. S. Superintendent
Mark Ellison, Sunday School
9:45. Morning Worship and
Children Church 11 a.m. Sunday
Morning. Evening Sunday
Worship 6:00. Prayer Meeting
and Youth Meeting 7:00
Pipestem Southern
2 112 miles past Madna, Rt. 20,
midway between Pipestem St
Park and Hinton Pastor Roy B.
Cad(x, Sunday School 10 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wed. Night Prayer and Bible
Study 7:00 p.m.
Rhonds Anna Memorlsl
Streeter, WV. Service every
2nd 4th. and 5th. Saturday at
7:00 pm.
Rlv(x Valley
Rt. t2 Forest Hill Road, Lowell
O'Defl, Pastor: 10 a.m. Sunday
School, 11 a.m. Morning
Worship. 6 pm. Evening
Service. 6:00 pm. & youth
meeting. Wed. Services, 7:00
Roles Chapel Church
Ronald Cobb, Pastor; Sunday
School, 10 a.m Morning
Worship, 11 a.m. Web. Bible
Study, 7 p.m.
D. L. Stalnaker, Pastor: 10a.m.
Sunday School classes for all
ages. Richard Holloran
Superintendent 11 am. Morning
Worship. 7 pm. Night Service.
Sandstone Baptist Church
Sunday School 10 am Morning
Preaching Service 11 am & 6
p.m.Sunday Night. Mid Week
service 7:00 pm. Pastor Jack Ward
Second Baptist Church
Rev. Matthew Saunders, Pastor;
Supt. Vicky Caul. Worship at 11:00
every Sunday. SS 10:00 a.m.
Orgainst, Margaret Nelson.
Second Baptist Church
Talcott. Pastor Bryan Copmey.
Service 1st & 3rd Sun. at tl am.
Temps Church
Bobby Reed, Pastor: SS, 10 am.
Melvin Williams, Supt. Preaching
Services every Sunday at 11 :O0 am
Upland Baptist Church
Pastor:Eddie Wills. Sunday School
Superintendent:Mike Brandon.SS
10:00. Worship Services at - 11:00.
Evening Services 6:00. Wed,
service at 6:00 p.m.
War Ridge Freewill
Baptist Church. Sunday School
10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00
am Sunday Evening 6:00 pro
Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 pro
Mount PIsgsh United
Betty Shields, Pastor: Worship
9:30 am, Sunday School 10:30 am
Wed. Bible Study 4:30 pm Hilldale,
Rt. 3; 304-327-6494.
Mt Zion United
On Mr, Zion R~. Patricia Wor[es,
Pastor; Sunday School 10:00 a.m
Worship 11:00 a.m every Sunday.
For infer call Melissa Cook at 304-
466 3456 New Hope
Linda Payton, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am, Worship 1st & 3rd
S~'n, 11 am & 4th Sun. at 7:30 pm.
Oak Grove
Linda Payton, Pastor: Worship at
9:30 am, Sunday School 10:30 am,
Fifth Sunday Worship rotates
between Oak Grove, Trinity, and
New Hipe. Call 304-466-98501
Sand Knob United
Patricia Worles, Pastor: Sand Knob
Worship 9:30, SS 10:30. Sand
Know Rd; 304-392-2448.
Trinity United Methodist
Linda Payton, Pastor: Sunday
School 9:45 am, Worship services
every Sun. 11 am, Bible study Wed
Rev. Joseph Swiney. 7 pm. Ph: 304-466-9850
St. Patrick Catholic Chumh, Holy
Mass Schedule: Saturday
(Sunday Vigil Mass) 5p.m.; (May-
* September) Sunday 9 a.m
Wednesday - 6 p.m Friday - 8
Sunday School 9:45 am, Morning
Worship 11:00 am Sunday
Evening Bible Study, Sunday 6:00
Youth Meetings 6:00
1621 Summers St. Minister,Walter
Dekle: Sunday Morning Bible
Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning
Worship Service 10:30 a.m, Wed.
Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Sunday
Evening 6:00 p.m.
Shockley Hill
church of Christ
Sun. Assembly Worship 9:30 am
Bible Class 10:30 am. Worship
11:15 am. Wed. Bible Class 6:30
pm. Call for into & directions 466-
5907 or 253 9570.
Ascension Episcopal Church
5th & Temple St.Worship 11 am
Sunday. Holy Eucharist 3 time a
month. Ph: 304-627-1232
First United Methodist Church
Melissa White, Minister: SS 9:45
am, Morning Worship 11:00 am.
Child care available: Moments with
children, Wed. Youth Club, 4:30
pm 6:30 pm Transpodalion: 466-
Forest Hill
Linda Payton, Pastor: 1st & 3rd
Sundays: Worship 9:45 am, Sun.
School 10:45 am. 5th Sunday
Roation, Bible Study Sundays at 6
p.m. 304-466.9850
Greenville, 10 am. Sunday School.
7:45 pro, Community Worship
First Presbyterian Church
James Irwin, Interim Pastor
Sunday Worship 11 am,Wed. Bible
Study 6 pro, Prayer Meeting 7 pm.
Hen's Creek
Greenville, 10 a.m. Sunday School
7:45 pro Community Worship
Keller at Lowell
Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor.
Worship Services held at 2:30 pm
on 1st. and 3rd. Sundays.
Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor.
Grassy Meadows,10 am. Sunday
School. Worship Service held at 9
am on 2nd. and 4th. Sundays.
Bennett Chapel
Tug Creek Mt. Travis Hocum,
Pastor: Services, Sat. 7 p.m.
Sunday evening 2 p.m.
Church of the
Living God
Pastor Ron Iddings: Sun. School
10 am Morning Worship 11 am
Sun. 6 pm
Hlnton Gospel
102 Main Street, Terry Weatherly,
Pastor: Sun. School t0 am.
Worship 11:00 am. Evangelistic
Service 7:00 pro. Bible Study Wed.
7:00 pro.
Jehovah's Witness
Sun. 10 am Public Talk, Sun. 11 am
Watchtower, Study Tue. 7:30 pm,
Theceratic School Thurs. 8:30 pm
Service Meeting.
Jumping Branch
Tom & Darlene Coffman. Pastor:
Franklin Bowles, SupL Sun. School
9:45 am. Morning Worship 10:45
am. Youth Fellowship 6:00 pm.
James Chapel Evening Worship 7:00 pm. Prayer
At True Service Wed. 7:00 pm.
Rev. David Damewood, Pastor:Lifeline Church
Services 9 am. Sun. School 10 am. 505 Stokes Dr. Hinton
Johnson Sundays 11a.m Wednesday 7
Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam p,m. Pastor Mark Bayle
Groves, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Mount Olivet
Worship 11 am. Church
Mlrthe Chapel United A community church. Madams
Ed Dolphin, Pastor; SS 10, CreekRoad, 21/2 miles,Daniel
Worship 11; Madams Ck Rd; 304- E Harris, Pastor: 466-0640,
466-1994. Sunday School 10:00 am.
Mary Jane Memorial Morning Worship 11:00 am,
Pastor Emest Calfee: Sunday Evening Service 7:30 pm. EDT,
School 10 am, Morning Worship 11 Wednesday (7 pm EST winter)
am. Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm.New Hope Church ,
Miller Memorial United of the Nazarene
Brian Daugherty,Pastor; Sun. 1301 Summers St. : Sunday
School 8:30.; Worship 9:30 a,m.; School 10 a.m. Morning Worship
Follow us Facebook. 111 Miller'11 am Sunday Evening 6 pm
Ave, ellepoint, Hinton, WV25951 Wed. Kids Club 7 pro.
Pence Springs
Community Church
~astor Roger Persinger. SS 10
~m, Worship Service 11 am, Youth
"neeting 6 pro, Sun, night worship
? pro, Wed. night prayer meeting
?:00 pro. Women's Christian
=ellowship meeting every first
~lon, of the month 7 pm.
Pillar of Truth Church
3arger Springs: Sunday School
,10:00 am, Morning Worship 11:00
am, Wed, ibla Study 7:00 pm.
Riverview Chapel
3orner of Temple St. & 16th Ave.
=astor: Scott Ross.304-466.0769
Sunday: 11 a.m. Family Bible
-(our:7 p.m. Lord's Supper
!oltowed by Bible Study.
~londay: 6:30 p.m. Men's Bible
Study:6:30 p.m. Women's Bible
Study . Wednesday: 7 p.m.
Viidweek Prayer & Bible Study
Rocky Mr.
Community Church
Indian Ridge Pipestem: Buck
3oodwin, Pastor. S. S. 10 am,
~Vorship, 11 am; Youth S 6 pm;
Bible Study, 7 pm. 2nd SatJ me.
~ospel Sing, refreshments 7 pro.
Big 4 Drug
Store, Inc.
prescription and drug needs
fountain .service
ONLY $72 a year.
Pastor Donald Hannah on
WMLJ-FM 90.5 8, 96.7
M - F at 2:05 p.m.
Sunday 8:15 a.m.
or anytime at
130 Temple Street
ONLY $72 a year.
ONLY $72 a year.
ONLY $72 a year.
ONLY $72 a year.