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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
September 18, 1990     The Hinton News
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September 18, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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?" Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 Hinton News - 9 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATE NIMITZ - 3 BR., brick and ~Lone. 3 baths, kitchen with all appliances, family room with fireplace, great room with fireplace, like new con- dition on 1 1/2 acre lot. Fruit trees and out buildings. BELLEPOINT. Quality built 4 BR, home. 3 baths, den with fireplace, living room, formal dining room, beautiful kitchen, 2 car garage. Central heat and air. On 1 acre with beautiful view. Private. 908 GREEN'BRIER DRIVE - 2 story, 3 BR., brick. Large liv- ing room with fireplace, din- ing room, kitchen, breakfast room, 1 1/2 baths, basement, 2 porches, garage/carport. This home has beautiful wood work and lot goes to river. Reduced to $48,000. 315 5th.AVEI~ SOLD, brick. HILLDALE - large lot on main highway. Excellent commer- cial location. Beautiful 200 ft. river lot with 3BR., furnished mobile home. 2 baths, fireplace, everything like new. TALCOTT AREA 3 BR.,furnished mobile home with appliances. Bath, situ- ated on I acre with river front- age. PIPESTEM- FmHAApproved. 3BR., living room, kitchen, 1 1/ 2 baths, garage. 1 acre level lot. AVIS - Commercial Building. Excellent Condition. 12,000 sq. ft. For sale or lease. 712 TEMPLE STREET- 2 story, 4 BR., bath, brick, living room, dining room, foyer, basement, new roof, outside patio.Reduced. 75 acres with 5 r~6~m c6ttage / barn. ~: 103 MAIN STREET- 2 story, 2 family dwelling. Excellent rental property. $27,500. MADAMS CREEK- 3 BIL,bath, living room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen, sun deck, out building, large lot. Excellent condition. WILLOWWOOD ROAD ACROSS FROM SUMMERS COUNTY HOSPITAL - 2 BR., bath, living room, kitchen. HILLDALE- 3BR., split level, kitchen, living room, den with fireplace. 2 1/2 baths, great room with bar. 3 car garage, beautiful landscaping and shrubs. Home like new on approximately I acre. .....o 1106 TEMPLE STREET- nice 3 BR., bath, living room with fireplace, kitchen, dining room, basement, 2 car garage. Completely remodeled. $35,000. 309 lOth AVENUE - 2 story, 4 BR., home. 2 baths, utility room, dining room, large liv- ing room, new modern kitchen. Part basement, large lot with nice view. $35,000. HILLDALE-,3 BR., living room, kitchen, 2 baths, base- ment, fenced lot. $30,000. 1011 BALLENGEp 'rREET- 2 story, ~ BR. $15,000. HILLDALE - Pine Hill. 3 BR. living room with fireplace, kitchen and bath. FmHA Fi- nancing. $36,000. James Kerr, REALTOR Office located at Rt. 3 Hilldale, Re* TO Hinton, W V Equal Housing Opportunity Phone 466-4369 Anytime I. DBI HOST "Dry" Carpet Cleaner The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Easy-To-Use HOST MACHINE. BRIERS, INC. 209 2nd Avenue Hinton, West Virginia Phone 466-0691 415 TEMPLE sTREET- 2 story, 1 or 2 family dwelling. Com- pletely remodeled, 5 bed- rooms, 3 baths, living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen and dinette. New wiring, new plumbing, new furnace. Off street park- ing. Must see to appreciate. BEECH RUN - 2 story, 4 BR., stone home, 2 baths, beautiful kitchen, den, full basement. Fine home. Must see to appre- ciate. Also 2 car garage and 2 acres. CHESTNUT MT. - like new 2 BR., home. Living room, kitchen, water and bath on 3 acres. Very private. 102 GREENBRIER DRIVE - 4 BR., Brick, living room, din- ing room, modern kitchen with dishwasher and stove, 2 1/2 baths, full basement with family room and wood stove. New carpet and roof. Large carport and patio. Level lot. Home and location excellent. PIPESTEM - 3 BR., 3 baths, living room, kitchen, heat pump - cellar. 2 car garage with utility room on ! acre. 39 acres, 1/2 cleared. 6 rooms and bath, tS 0 L D ,s, springs, 3 ponds. $4a,vuu. CROSS STREET- 4 BR. brick, living room, formal dining rqom, large kitchen with exposed beams, base- ment, brick, garage, fine ho me in excellent condition. 249 MAIN STREET- 3 BR., frame, livingroom, kitchen, utility room, bath. Central heat and air, enclosed porch on level fenced lot.Excellent location. 41 ACRES - Beautiful land, new fencing, fish pond, 2 barns, equipment shed with 2 car garage- 3 BR., brick home, living room, dining room, kitchen and den combination with fireplace. 3 baths, base- ment, 2 car garage. Home and buildings like new. Perfect for retirement. RT. 3 Overlooking Greenbrier River. Nice 3 BR., home, bath, kitchen with appliances, din- ing room, l~ving room with fireplace, basement, carport, sun deck, fruit trees, paved drive-way 3/4 acre with river frontage. $57,000. FORESTHILLAREA- quality built 3 BR., living room, 2 baths, kitchen and dining combination, family room, fireplace and cathederal ceil- ing. Full basement, 2 car ga- rage, sun deck, patio, like new condition on 1 1/2 acre lot with beautiful view. 106 JAMES STREET - 2 story, 4 BR., brick, den, living room with fireplace. Dining room, kitchen, sewing room, 2 baths, full basement, garage. GREENBRIER RlVER - Log Cabin, 3 BR., 2 baths, kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace. Screened in porch. Over 2 acres mostly woods. NIMITZ - 3 BR., frame, living room with fireplace, bath - sky Hght andja gOLD> 1/2 bath modern ki~en, central air, sun deck. 3/4 acre lot. $49,500. HILLDALE - 3 BR., living room, bath, modern kitchen, large lot. FmHA Financing. BALLENGEE AREA- 7 1/2 level acres. BROOKS AREA - 3 1/2 nice acres with 1 acre fish pond and rights to New River. BELLEPOINT - Chestnut Road. 3 BR. frame, living room with fireplace, family room with exposed beams, dining room, 2 baths, utility room; modern kitchen, patio, black top driveway. 512 2nd. AVE. Excellent business front with nice 3 BR. apt. BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 BR., living room, kitchen, bath, on nice 1/3 acre lot. Pri- vate. $42,000. Nice place out. 148 CROSS STREET- Com~ pletely remodeled with alu- minum siding and new roof. 3 BR., dining room, living room with fireplace, basement. 2 sun decks, fenced yard. 1 car garage. House in excellent condition and features plenty of storage space. BELLEPOINT- Walnut Street. 3 BR., living room,kitchen, bath, basement. $23,000. IIILIJ)ALE - 3 BR., rancher, cat-in kitchen, living room FORESTtlILIJGREENT1LLE with cathedral ceiling, den ROAD- nice 1 1/2 acre building with wood stove, bath, also 1ot.$4500. extra lot. This home in excel. -~--------~-----------'------- lent condition. $42,500. 1018 SUMMERS STREET - completely remodeled 2 story, JUMPING BRANCH Col_,-~" al 3 BR., home. 2 baths, new Manor F~'~'~_.~g modern kitchen with oak Brat~Ti.,~ r,~o~;. Will sell cabinets, den, living room, one~J~''~,ot or both. new wiring, new plumbing , new windows, plus off street 1107 TEMPLE STREET - parking, duplex on the level, each apts. has 2 BR., bath I~chen, living 10 ACRES JUMPING room and room, 3 ga- BRANCIl-EllisonRidgeRoad, rages, grea'~ rental property. 3 BR., living room, new mod- Reduced to $20,000. ern oak kitchen, new appli- ances, including washer and 1305 TEMPLE STREET - 3 dryer, new bath, wood stove BR., living room, dining room, and electric heat. New wiring kitchen, bath, utility room, and plumbing. $25,000. garage. On 2 1/2 lots. $20,000. 92 ACRES Ballengee Area with 2 BR. camp, creek through property, fenced. HILLDALE- 3 BR., living room, kitchen, bath, den, out building. $37,000. NIMITZ - Ellison Ridge Road - 3 BR., 2 baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, wood stove, out building, 1/3 acre lot. $35,000. HALLORAN OTTOM River lot. ~] ~,11.I WILLOWWOOD ROAD - 2 story, 4 br., home. Living room, modern kitchen, enclosed porch, 2 baths. James Kerr, REALTOR Office located at Rt. 3 Hiildale, Hinton, W V Equal Housing Opportunity Phone 466-4369 Anytime James Kerr, REALTOR Office located at Rt. 3 Hilldale, E, LTO Hinton, W V Equal Housing Opportunity Phone 466-4369 Anytime A Word 11: WANTED TO BUY Buying antiques, old furniture, old toys, glassware, quilts, pottery, pie safe, cupboards. Phone 466-5212 or 445-2897. HN June 19 - TFN REAL EftATE i- Land for sale. 25 and 10 acres lot in Monroe, Summers, and Mercer Counties. Owner financing with some payments as low as $80.00 per month. 1 - 772-3510. HN July 17 - TFN WANTED TO BUY Hinton Hardwoods wants to buy sound splated wood, minimum 3' logs, or l"x 5.5" wide lumber. Sample available at HHI. $400 per pickup truck load possible. HN Sept. 18p WANTED TO BUY Wild Ginseng Roots. Paying Top Dollar. Phone 466- 1936. HN Sept. 18 - Oct. 9p FOR RENT Pence Spring Alderson Area. Modern 3 bedroom house, heat and water furnished. Rent in exchange for part-time work. Echo Valley Farm. House shown this Sat. and Sun. 9-22 and 9-23. HN Sept. 18p 01RFAL ESTATEi For Sale: 7 room, 2 story house ocated at 1200 Fayette St. in Hin- ton. 3 Bedrooms, bath, new kitchen Cabinets, new gas hot water base- board heating system, new storm d~xn's and storm windows. (2) large lots. Being sold to settle estate. Phone 466-4934 or 466-2638. HN Sept. 18 - Oct. 9p Hinton Chain Saw Service now has Poulan & McCllough Chain Saws, parts, chains and accessories in stock. Also Briggs parts. CLOSED MONDAYS Open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8:00 - 4:30 Thursdays and Fridays 8:00 - 5:00 Saturdays 8 - 12:00 I mile up Madams Creek on PI u to Road. 466.5338. Now having special sale on chain saw chains and bar oil. Come in and register for 3 prizes to be given away Oct. 6th. HN Sept 11 - TFN Locally owned logging company wants to purchase standing timber. Special prices for veneer qualitylogs. Call any time 304-466-1351. HN Sept. ll-TFN Nutrena Feeds Available at Avis'Feed and Sup- ply. Shop and compare price and quality. HN Aug. 14 - Oct. 30p SEnlCES AVALAeU:_ We sell dump truck loads ofstone, coal, wood, etc. and will buy wood, cut and split. Call 304-466-1351. HN Sept. 11 - TFN R &JPumbing & Home 466.4243. HN Sept. ll-Oct. 2p Repairs. R & J Small Engine Repairs And Lawn Service. 466 - ,t243. HN Sept. II - Oct. 2p Septic tanks cleaned and or re- paired. Locally owned and operated. 466-0851. HN Sept. 11 - Oct. 2p B.A.C. Used Appliances We buy, sell, or trade. 466-3039 or 46~-;524. HN ] 4 - TFN PI]ONE SERVICE Ray K. Rud~sill 466-1427 HN July 3 I-TFN Appliance Service, Speciati zing in Sears Appliances. We stock parts Tom's Repair Service. Tom Tatbot~,. 466-2449. HN July 31-TFN Jimmy R. Wheeler I, icensed Coutractor Home repairs, rem