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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
September 18, 1990     The Hinton News
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September 18, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 [I [ I Jlll ROMANELLO Six rooms, 3 br., closet. Gara ge a pt, remodeled to live in, with hot water, br., living room and dining room combination. Wall to wall carpet, electric heat. For- merly the Thompson place, on Keatley Springs/Elk Knob Road, 3 miles from Court- House. REDUCED TO $30,000. 7 rooms, 3 br., 1/2 basement with oil furnace with 50 gal., enclosed front porch with storm windows and doors. Good insulation. Wall to wall carpet. Mountain spring water in house, hot and cold water. Double garage with full size basement under it. 5 stall barn with feed way, hay loft. 3 other out buildings, good condition; with 25 acres of land. 16 wooded and bal- ance is cleared. Elk Knob Road, Earnest Whitaker property. See to appreciate.. Call Jesse Romanello Real Estate Broker ii REAL ESTATE SERVICES AND APPRAISALS Farms, Residential, Vacation and Commercial Properties Member MLS Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5th Ave. & Commercial St. Hinton, WV 25951 304-466-1111 or 466-0736 Call and List With Us Today/ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The undersigned Substitute Trustee, by virtue of the eutherity vested in him by that certain document ofrac0¢d in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of smnm~ County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed ~ l~A~ge 436, whereby he was appe!nted al ubstitute Trustee in the place of P, W. Sawyers in that certain Deed of Trust executed by BONNIE J RICHMOND and KIMBERLY RICIIMOND, his wife, to P. W. Sawyore, dated March 22, I ~8, and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Sum- morsCounty, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 117, page 75|, said Deed of Trust being presently in de- fault, the said Substitute Trustee having been re. qtmtq~d by the beneficiary thereof ao to do, NGW, TUEREFOBE, I, DAVID L. Z|EGLER, Substitute TrusU.,e as aforesaid, will proceed to sell the hereinaf- ter described real estate at public auction on the 4th day of October, 1990, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the front dt~r of the Courthou ~e of Summers Coon ty, West Virg~ nia, w hich real estate is situate in the Green Sulphur District, Summers County, West Virginia, and is mere pttrt]cu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pm by a gate post and on the east right of wry line of the Ch~.stnut Mountain Road, ~id iron pin being N. 45-19 E~ 6G,6;t ft~t from en old fence post on the west right of way line of the Chestnut Mountain Read, s common corner between the pr0pertte~ of D. A. "l~ylor and Gc~)rge Bailey; thence running with the east tight of way line in southwest direction 2"2,5 feet to an iron pin on the fight of way line; thencelooving the right of way N. 70-27 W. 200 feet to an iron pin in an open field; thence N. 19-33 W. 225 feet to an iron pin near small drain; thence N. 70-27 E. 200 feet to the point Of B~,'GINN|NG. SECOND: BEGINNING at on iron pin by a gate post, said post being on the west fight of way line of Chestnut Mountain ]~ad, end being the northeast and heg~n, ning ~mer of a parcel of land conveyed to Thomas g. Ball and wife, by Cad Bragg and Bessie Bragg, his wife, by it former deed; thence forming with the west right of way line of Chestnut Mountain Road in a northwest direction 455 feet tea 12"Iorust treeon ~id fight Of way, said I~ust tree being N, 34 dog. 40 W. 453.00 feet from the point of begin ning; thence leaving the right of way and running down the hill S. 5,5 d~, 11 W. 200,00 feet to an iron pin; thence around the rode nfthe hill S. 35 dog. 07 E. 400.35 ft~t to a n iron pin, said pin being the northwest corner of the aferementmned Themes E. Ball property; thence with the north line of .the Thomas E. Bal| property N. 70 deg. 27 E. 200.~D feet to the point of IlL'GINNING. AND BEING the mine property conveyed to T.onnie J. Richmond and KimbeHy Richmond, his wife. -by deed datod July 22, 1986, from Bobby J. Lugs and Genevieve S~ Laces. his wife, Of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Sumnmrs County, Welt Virginia, in I)ccd Book N¢~ 154, page 619. TIllS 8ALE IS MAD£ sublet te ouch oosemente. elghte of woys, reseryations and agrmments ~ are contained and st forth in plier deeds of conweyanee pertaining to ~id real estate. TERM S OF SALE: Cash in hand on day of eale and -subject to tax~ for the year 1990 and for all subw- quen¢ ),ears, SAID SALE SIIALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOW|NG CONDITIONS: I) Cash in hand on day of sale. 2) Subject to any and all mineral righte and reser- vations, stipolations, restrictions, reservaUone, ease* monte, conditions and covenant= contained in all for- mer conveyar~os of the subject property or aplmaring of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office except any pcrteinin8 to race. color or creed. 3) Subject to all reel estate taxes against said property and uny taxes w~ch constitute a lien upon the said property but which are not yet due and payable. 4) The sub.!ect property will be Bold in AS IS condition. The Substitute Trustee shall be under no duty to caus~ any existing tenant or person occuwing the lubject property to vacate said property, 5) Th~ property will be conveyed by the urider- , signed Substitute 2Yustoe to the purchaser without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. 6) The eforesaid sa|¢ mey be adjournod from time to time us the undersigned Substitute Trustoe deems advisable, which adjournment may be made by oral proclamation ut the time and place of the tale or any ac~ournment th e~%v, ff: GIVEN under my hand on this the 13th day of ,~'h~ptembur, 1990. I)uwd L Ziegler, Substitute Trustee ]IN ,~pt. 18, ~r~, Oct. 2 LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE 10~.SCOBDS PULPWOOD, BLUESTONE WM~, ~IUM MKRSCO. BARTONSRIDGE. VIRGINIA PINE ~.? COItDS, R~MAINDER MAPLF, YELLOW I~DPl2gR, AND ~UST, SI,Lt~L.ED i} ID S REQU IR~D BEFOIL~ OCT, I, 1990. CONTACTIAILRYBE_RRY, DNR. QEN. DEL.. MACARTIIUIf~ 2F,~73. (304) IIN Sept` 11, IB Jerry L. Cooper EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY LISTEN TO THE QUIET i Enjoy the refreshing evening I breeze this summer in the gazebo in the rear yard of the shaded, 2.10 acre lot that is the setting of this ranch-style home at Hilldala- only rain- utes from the Golf Course;S75,000.00 TEXAS SIZED More than 2,500 square feet of heated livingarea, plus a two- car, built-in garage; many extras, such as a private powder room off the bath for the master bedroom; conven- ient location on a large level lot,,in lower Bellepoint, $98,000.00 - call for an appoint- ment. EASY TO BUY Affordable starter home or good rental investment . . . one-story, frame home on level lot... MAKE A OFFER ! ! t ! ASSOCIATED PROPERTIES ASSOCIATED PROPERTIES Athens, West Virginia New River Rd. - 4 bedroom brick, 2 baths, family room, fireplace, 2 decks. New 2 car garage, 3 level lots on New River. Madams Creek - 4 bedroom, 2 story house. Small cellar, alu- minum outbuilding. Very clean. 1 1/2 acres. Pipestem . 61.5 acres moan- tain land. Some level land suitable for campsites. Owner will finance. Situated on Rt. 20, 2 miles below Pipestem State Park. $18,000.00. Jumping Branch. 3 bedroom fireplace, carpeted. Built in kitchen with dishwasher, range. 2nd house for rental property. 3 outbuildings. 15 acres land. Price Reduced. Madams Creek - 5 room house and bath. 52 acres land. Make good hunting camp. $30,000.00. 136 CROSS STREET 3 bedroom, frame home with full basement, in very neat condition; near Hinton Area Elementary; $20's. Lerona - Pine Grove Rd. Double wide mobile home, fireplace in LR. 2 wells, large garden. 1.4 acres. $47,900.00. MAIN LINE QUALITY Discover the quality of this two- story, frame home with brick front and full b~ in excellent condition, and Gravely Point Rd. - 5 room conveniently located on a house, 2 acres, garage con- level lot, Temple Street near vetted to 4 re~ a ~" ~k'~-~" ~artment" Hinton High School; Large g rt~Y..trd is fenced, $37,500.00; A rare value; call screened porch. Close to Bull today. Falls. Make nice summer , camp. $28,000.00. LIKE TO FISH? We've got your wish! ! Inex- True Rd. - 4 BR., brick, 2 fire- pensive river lot fronting places, level lot 200 x 200. Well 100 ft. on Greenbrier kept home. $79,500.00. only $2,000. Now offering complete auc- tion services; call now to book your home, farm, business, or estate auctions.., Sell yours by "The Sound That Sells". FULL _SERVICE.FULL q ME Lerona - Sunset Dr. - 3 bed- rooms, carport, landscaped level corner lot. All appliance s go. $45,000.00. Bent Mt. Rd. - Lerona. 2 story colonial with 10 acres land, barn. Too beautiful for words. Must see to appreciate. $110,000.00. Little Wolf Creek . 105 acre farm, 5 room house, barn, pond, satellite dish. $69,900. 466-3760 JERRY L. COOPER, GRI REALTOR - AUCTIONEER OR CHARLES W. SAUNDERS REALTOR . ASSOCIATE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Temporary voter registration office, will he estab- lished in the f~lowin~ locstlon* in Summers County for the eanveninnce of voter registration or eerroction ofe~i~lr~ r~stratkm dufing the period of Septomber 27, 28 and 29, 1990'. Lowry=' Trading Pint - Talcott Diatfict, Blumes' Kwik ShepConvanetnce Stem - Forost~ilill Distrkt ,II. W, MeeksP,~tde~ - Oreenbrier Rural District, New River Trading Poet • Green Sulphur Diet fist, Pipestem KOA - Pipm~tom Distfict, Celortial Country Stere - Jumping Branch Dial fit~. The hem will be oa follows: Thureday, September 2?th - l:00 p.m. - ~:00 p.m. Pfiday, September 2~th - 4:00 p.m. - &q}0 p.m.; Saturday, September 29th - 9:00 a.m. - 1.~0 p.m. Tuesday, Oetebe~ 9, 1990 il the final date for ~stration or corre~U~ of reglstmtien prier to the November 6, 1990 General Election. Any resident who has marfied,moved te a different aroo ~( the county, er moved Into the oounty ~ouid check to make aura that their registration is in order. BARBARA N. CA~ Clerk Summers County Commission HN Sepk 11, 1&25 Lowell on Greenbrier River - 6 room house, garage, 3/4 acre yard, shade trees, garden spot. $32,000. Hinton Brick Row - Town house living. 1600 sq. ft. of living space, 3 bedroom, new kitchen, microwave, new car- pet throughout, dining room, utility room, paved driveway. $62,000. R. W. Whittaker. - Broker 384-9261 Linda Forren - Agent 466-2638 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Take notice that a 1989 Mercury Tracer Serial Number 3MABMI254KR627640, which has been r~pea~sad by reaaon of default in the terms of reten- tion of title or lien in strumont, will he offered for sale and sold et public ruction to the highest bidder as providod by law st 10.'30 AM on the 28th day el'Sep- tember, 1990 at the following premises: The First National Bank of lfinton 321 Temple St. Hinten, WV , unless prier to the maid sate, the amount now due is ¢Glenn's Towing Service- -mepaidtetheundc i 'pl°sst geand k=p, ngof 466-5950 Damage. Free Towing When you 'need a wrecker, we are the closest wrecker serivce in any direction you go from Hinton. We are the only available wrecker serv. ice in Hinton. Owner. Glenn Ennis ,, The undersigned re~rvoat the right to bid in au¢tien~ld to purcha~ Dated this the 14th day of Soptembe,. 1990. Rick D. Blevins, Collection Mgr. the fIN Sept, 18, 2,5 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Take nott~e that a 1986 llonda N~ghthawk serial number JU2PC543GM401568, which has been repos- sesla~ by reaaon of default in the terms of retention of title or lion instrument, will be offered for sale and sold at public suction to the highest bidder as provided by law at 10:30 AM on the 2sth day of September, 1990 at the following premises: The First National Bank of ilinten 32 ! Temple St. Hinton, WV, unle~ prior to the said sale, the amount new due is paid to the under. sqpled, plus sterase and keeping of same. The undermgned reserves the right to bid in the auction, and to purchase. Dated this the 14th day of September, 1990, Rick D. Blevins Collection Mgr. HN SepL 18.2,5 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Pursuant te Section 46-9-504 of the We~t Virginia Uniform Commercial Code. the National Bank of Summers will sell at public sale to the highest bidder on the 26th day of September. 1990 at 10:00 a.m.. on the parking lot of the J~a|lengee Drive-In of the Na- ti0rml Bank of Sammers in lighten. West Virginia de~¢r~bed repo~d vehicle: 1982 Subaru Serial No. JFIAB43B4CB216483 The sate of the abov~ d~ribod vehicle wilt be made W ITI I0 UT WAILIL~ NTY and the bank reserves the right to: (l) Bid at the p~bllc sale; t2) l~ct Bids at the public male; (3) Con tin ue such sale to any other time and place by announcemen t of such continuance at the time and place set forth herein. The vehicle to be sold may be inspected September 25, 1990 between 9:00 a.m. and noon on the parkinglot of the Ballengee Street l)riv~ln of the National Bank of Summere in 1 linten. West Virginia. Dated this the 14th day of September, 1990 at |listen, West Virhqnia, NATIONAl, BANK OF SUMMEI~S I]Y A. E. ltul| dr Collection Officer IIN ~pt 18. 2,5 I The Summem County Services Council Inc. is accepting bids on a variety of tools and equipment These Items may be seen betwee the houm of 8am & loam Men. thru Ffi. No Phone Calls Please. Terms of Sale Bids accepted until Sept 25, 1990. S.C.$.C. reserves the fight to ref- use any bids. Bids will be accepted Individually or in lots. All Items sold as iS. 2- 8 Ft. Stepladder= 2 - 6 FL Stepladders 3- ExL Ladders 1 - U S Fiber410 Insulation 1 - U S Fiber 510 Insulation 1 - Lot of Steel I Beam CO. Services COUI il 5 Grace Street, Hinton I TEMPLE STREEI' - Older frame two story home, 14 rooms - 2 baths. Wrap around porch. Reduced For Sale.VA Loan Assumable. NEW RIVER - Acreage. HINTON 6th AVE. - 4 BR., 2 story, 1 1/2 baths, spacious rooms. Good Condition. Good Buy. $20,000. HINTON-3rd & Ballengee. 3 story apt. bldg., 6 apts. not completed. Business on ground floor completely reno- vated. Central ~r and extras on the gro~,or. Leased. Large park~W-tot included. Great Opportunity ! Let in- come pay mortage payment $35,000. TALCOTT - 200 acres 75% rolling rest mountainous, goes to Greenbrier River. Great view of river and surround. mg mountains. Excellent for hunting and or developing. HINTON. 4 BR., 3 baths, brick and frame home on overlook- ing river. Spacious rooms, beautifully decorated. Price Reduced. AVIS - the o1~¢~I .~gn Build- ers Building~~ WILLOWWOOD ROAD. River lot. 50'x 242? Price is $3,100. Firm. AVIS - 3 BR., 2 story frame fireplace, formal dining room, large front porch. Older home with character. Good Loca- tion. Price Reduced. $35,000. AVIS- 3 BR frame, older home. Beautiful lot from street to street. $45,000. HlX - 50 acre farm. Lots of fruit trees and many Christ- mas pines. 2 BR., remodeled home. $48,000. BEAUTIFUL FARM- 140 acres more or less. Acres negotiable. Includes 2 story house, 3 BR., 1 1/2 baths, good condition, formal dining room, family room, wood burning fireplace, side porch. Includes 2 barns. Overlooking picturesque landscape. PIPESTEM POINT - 2 BR. Rustic home. Double garage, 1 1/4 acre adjacent to Pipestem State Park. $50,000. GREENBRIER DRIVE - 2 BR., frame. Good Condition. Over- looking Greenbrier River, Ample parking in back. $35,000. FOREST IIILL - 3 BR., frame with 114 acres. Call for other listings. June McGraw, REALTOR, C.1LEa . Home: 466-1767 George Rudge,Associate Broker, 466-2726 Wilma Redes, Sales, 466-1118 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA R1CIIARI) T MCPAIJ,, Plaintiff Vs. PAUL WITIW, JB.. PAt/l, WITIW, SR. and IIERMINA WITIW Defendants. Civil Action No, 90-C-153 GliDER OP PUllLICATIONS The Object of this suit being to set aside and declare void that cerha/n deed o f Ik,¢cwn bc r 27th, 1976, executed by Clarie Marie McPall to the defendants, Paul Witiw. Sr and Ilermina Witiw. ofrecord in the Office of the Clerk of the Summons County Commis- sion in Deed Book 165at page Iil. It appearing by affidavit filed in this action that PAUL WITIW. JR., PAUL WITIW, Sit. and tIER. M1NA WITIW, his wife, are non.residents of the State of West Virginia. it is hereby ordered that PAUL WIT[W, JR., PAUI,WITIW, SR. and IIERMINA W[T[W serve upon JOSEPI[ AUCREMANNE, Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is P. O, Box 669, Hinton, We~t Virginia, an answer, including eny re+ lated countercloim or defence you may have to the complaint £ilc~ in this action on or before October 15, 1990. If you fad to do so, thereaD, vr judglnent, upon proper h~ring end trial, may be taken age/nat you for the relier demanded in the complainL A copy or said complaint can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at her office, Entered by the Clerk of the said Court on this the l 1 th day of September, 1990. Edith M, Meador CLERK OP COURT lIN Sept. In, 25, Oct. 2 LEGAL NOTICE PLEASE BE ADVISED that the following and Pinal Settlement is new hereto me fer mttlementd Bobb~ P. Orahum, as Committ~ for Dem Therea~ m~ incompetent. Given under my hand this the 1 lth day Of Septem- ber, 1990. DAVID L. PARMER t Commlsaionor of A~munte Summers County, West Virg/nia fIN Sept. 18,114 E. "WHITEY" ELLISQN Tunnel Hill. New Listing. 5 Room Cottage with bath. Good well and septic tank. This is on 2 Lots. Must see to appreciate. Summers St. 7 Room House full basement. Garage with Basement on big Lot. Seen by Appointment. Robin Roost Road Nice split level 3 Bed room. Big Family Room. 2 Full Baths. Must see to appreciate Behind Summers County Hos- pital 46 Acres of woodland. Lot of Good Timber. New River Road 3 bedroom camp on big Lot 110 x 180 ft. Also has excess to 400 ft. of River Bank. Green Sulphur Acre 4 Room House Fenced Water. 4 miles from 1 64. Good Field, Fenced. GREENBRIER RIVER 120 ft. frontage w/golf course view gen. store near by excel. lent location for camp. RETIREMENT / STARTER LOW MAINTENANCE MOVE IN CONDITION. 5 ACRE BEHIND HOSPITAL Nice & Level. Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. Ideal Summer Recreational Property. Hix Mountain, 4 Room House on 1 Acre. Good well. Hard top. Great View. 4 Miles From I 64 At Sand- stone. 4 wooded Acres. 3 yr. old Double wide, 3 bedroom, 2 baths. Trout Stream. Near by Ciaypool. 35 Plus overlooking Sand- stone Falls. Log Cabin. Springs. Great Investment Commercial Property Down- town IIinton. 2 Rental units. 1 Residence Above. Great Res- taurant. Club Site. Very Rea- sonable Priced. Madam's Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime location/w big five rm house. Sandstone Falls 2 New Log Cabins. 1 - 2 bed- room, 1 - 3 bedrooms. Bath, septic system, good well. Fire place. Good lot. Good view of Sandstone Falls." llandyman Special Circa 1990 Log Cabin fronts Greenbrier River. Must See ! $7000. 2.5 Acres on Greenbrier River. Prime location - Great Fish- ing Shallow Area For Swim- ming. Property Is High Land /w Spring... Excellent Invest- ment. 12th. Ave. 6 Room Cottage, Good Car- pet, New Kitchen. Must See To Appreciate. Eldridge Ellison, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Barr Sales Person Phone 466-0815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 468-5429 Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, W.Va. 24918 BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 BR., house, with living room, bath, kitchen, utility room, sewing room or den, storm windows and doors, oil stove land tank. Out buildinginclude ;washer or canning room, eel- lar, storage building, grape harbor, located on approxi- mately 2 acres of land or 8 lots. Near Greenbrier River with river rights. Only to BALLARD AREA. 140 acre farm with large 5 BR., fur- nished frame home; Two barns, hay shed, equipment shed, tool house, 6 ponds. One stocked with fi ' '0 acres of meadow lan~,~t~.~cres of wood land, remaimng in pasture. Plus 2 tractors and other farm equipment to operate the farm. Very Private. Located at end of hard top road. Eve- rything sallin! Reduced to $105,000.00 SANDSTONE - Green Sulphur Area near 1-64.2 or 3 br., liv- ing room, dining room, large kitchen, bath, utility room, enclosed front porch and patio. Carpeted throughout. Situated on approx. 70 acres of land. 15 to 20 acres cleared. Balance in woodland, lIouse is located on a nice level lot with good garden spot. Lots of hard road, on U.S. Rt. 20. Easy access to 1-64. TALCOTT AREA - Beautiful 3 BR., Home. Large LR., comb. DR. and Kitchen with built in ( berch cabinets), 2 full baths, full size finished basement with den or family room, car- peted through out, wood and elect, heat, city water, cable T.V.. Plus satellite dish, paved i driveway, car port, patio. Brick & wood paneling. Plus much more in a very good location with large lot. Priced reduced ~'$~8,000.00. ......... ~ PIPESTEI~ ~EA- Between Pipestem State Pa~k and Bluestone Dam. 11 acres land with house, 2 car new garage, 2 or 3 bedrooms, and full rm/shed basement. Modern kitchen and nook. Bath and full shower.Wood stove, hard- wood and carpeted floors. New furnace. Very nice in a popular location off U.S. Rt. 20. Only $35,000.00. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy" Lighti Broker & Auctioneer I Licensed No. 478 Gloria J. Meadows, Sales Assoc. 466-1925 After 4 RM. SENIOR CITIZENS OUTREACH TO BE CONDUCTED Beginning the month of Sept. 1990, Pat McDanie], Executive Director,and other staff of the Hha- ton Senior Center will be conducting outreach visits to the homes of Sen- ior Citizens in the County. The purpose of these visits is to make seniors aware of the range of services available to them through the Senior Programs, and to ~nvite seniors to participate in activities at any of the Senior Citi zens Centers i n the county. If you would like to be visited, or would like to submit the name of someone you would like for us to visit, please contact Pat' McDanieI at 466-4019. The Summers County Senior Citizens program services are avail- able to all persons age 60 and over, and their eligible spouses. SELLING YOUR ::i:::i:i:i:i:i:i:!?i: REAL ESTATE? UNITED NATIONAL/ JONES REALTY IRi 0k N Jumping Dranch, WV ..... "-" OFFICE: 1 MLE OUTBROOIdSTRAW ROAD/MADAMS CREEK ROAD