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COL mO E Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 Hinton News - 7
TOTAL COUNTY JAIL $ 70~6. ~.l.. ~o, n o..I;., ol.;..r. Ag~ Bobby W. Cox $II,I00.00
OTHEIIEXP. 4-HCamp "~.~.;~n'/.~""~'o~n. ~""~ NationalBankofSummen. FICA 841.38Topping, Jemes&RohortJr,&J~ L~tl4Aer2,01Ae, BiiCrnek 153,73
) ' S o mJLL ~,.~r~g onu~.~U
I ersona| Serwce ( 1- I0) 9 9,538. unl r~...,--.--. Aro, Safer- s~ r~ WV Public Employoos Retlramont 9ystem 1,054f~6
Contractual ( l I- 0) 9,643 ............. Bluegrass Printinr 22900 Topping, James & Rohert Jr & J Spa~e 1~t | A or 2.01Ac, Big Crnek 152.19
"~o edities'4I 5.5 ...... ~tstmsAmProR1onsrnntmg ~.~ .... :~- _ . ' Topplng, Jamea&E~mrtJr&JSpenco LotIBer~L41Az, BigCnmk 152`19
~.~.f.~ ~.-, .~v~..~r ~ ~. mm t - J ~u,uowm,_~....p.4n.... I14~ uaner~amtary~upply, mc. 492.49Topping, Jemus&P.~bertJr&J~emm 2A¢,BigCreek 167-54
I" U J~LdL It; 11Jl~n~L£ l.'J~ Capital Outlay (56.59). 272` ~" "¶~ "" ~'~ '~'~-'umn ~'- "~'~ Central Prlnting Co~ 79.00Topplng, Jamus E 2.03 Ac or Peril 14 B, Rig Crk 19.90
.qi~.]:)~..~TYIM./~_ TOTAL OTI [ER EXPENDITURE $ 36,108. '~'rAT. O~n~ ~nl~ W~torn Auto Aes~late Store 79.55Topping, James E 2 Ac, Bi8 Cr~k 19.90
- "''~'-'~*; ~" "T . . OTHER EXP. Statowide Computer NTWK "" ~R~E~"~ O" "l~Fi';-~. ~ n~2 Dayton Legal Blank, Ins. 570.89Topping, James Robert Jr & J Spruce Jr 2 Ac, Big Creek or Lot 13A 179.04
The Humana Seniors AsSoclatlon Contractual (I 1-401 260. """" O'FI~CE~F ~leRJ~m .... Tri.Stoto Maint~Isnce Supply Corp. ~ Topping, James Robert Jr & J Spore• Jr 2.62 Ac or parcel 4 A, Big Crk 146.22
lti 41 "'" " ""------"
~.~A ILT.~ ~..~(. LT~...~;+ol (~_~-~.~.~-;~- Caromed es ( -55) 10,760. wn..-- r~ ~ar~.~ • ~os8 ~ TOTAL COURTHOUSE $14~27.12
~"'~ ~'~"'~ ~'~°I~ ~"'~ TOTAL OTIIER EXPENDITURE all~ ............... • ~-',*" "" c,~r*r,~rnr~.a Tunmr, Rd~rtA. 0.9483Ac,BigCrc~k 24.74
" """ Ill 1 36 .............
Valley are Eponsoring a public healthOWEIIEX~. Economle DevelopmentjI~, ~r~ S:/HI ton ,~'~,o'~Park Avon ua Exxon Station $235.18 Wm/e, Steve & Helena pain~toin 40 Ac, Powioys Creek 39.49
" " " 7 .................... GREEN ~LPHU~ DISTRICT
_ ..- ...'..-- .... OA..~. o~ ~ t'g~A s t~,,'~ ContnbaUens ( 6 -70) 16.688. n.~.. v ,v, ...... ~m.30 Riverside One Stop 34.00 Brooks, Raymond R & Nora 164 A¢ (Off & Gas), Lick Creek 18.94
m;l~lul|~; U~I ~b. ~J.~ Anne, J.V.OV TOTAL OTIIER EXPENDITURE $16,188.~"~'"'u~"~',"~" ~.~n RakerSanRarySupply, lnc. 494.25
ER si .................
ti • at " OTH. EXP. Vi toveBuroau ' WsatornAutoANo~iatoStore 22.07Cra~,GeraidP&CaralJesn 83Ac&TAc, Lauvo/Creek 60.64
a.m. un l 2.00 p.m., the H.inton ....... 67 ........ NutionsIRankofSummere-FICA 4,068.06 ~sr ~n.~r~)m~.n.~-c .qoer.~Gwlnn, HerieyC&SadieL 7.42A~,HumpMtn 329.60
nlor ('- nter MI .MBERS fthe ~a, n~,.~,~,Yr~-~nr~m~,~ a~.~qqoWVPublicEmpleysasRetiromentSystom 4,682~4vr~.~ mq.~,mwrqr,a • Hubbard, BiHyE&Sharon 20Ac, lauraICreek 19.78
......................................... "" ..... 1"~ rm ~qu[pment Gui--oe 2495. . . .......... ..v..
~I~'A~A R~'~J~TT('~ A.~L(~(~(~.|A~'/~ OTHER EXP. Travel Counsel . ~ p,..*,...~.. ~ a~,~ o~ V~tol Registration Office S 200.~ Mi~, Carl Richard &M/chul Woyn~
............................. Contribotions (67.70) 6,080. ~vada~iil~am'een Conf Coordinator "'160 ~)TOTALVrrAL STATISTICS $200.00 "L|~,Vora, juanlto M|." 80As, Lick Creek Wetore 149,74
Phelps, Stuart & Christine & Etals ~0 Ac & SO Pel~s, Laurel Creek 56,97
willreceive FREE cholesterol, bloodTOTAL OTIIER EXPENDITURES $6,080. Sh~ratonMarUnsbur~~ 568"48 OFFICE OF ~E[ERIFF, LAWENFORCEME~
Tuck, Pr~nk}Jr~ D Jr & Leonom C lff;' As, We|low Hale Mtn (Men) 19,10
......... .I t.1.,~A ......... GRAND TOTAL - Fund Expenditures $ 829.328.. ~,..,~. ~.t..~,~.M'" r~'o• Virginia K. Stonnett $10,1{]6.25 JUMPING BRANCH DlffYRICT
I~ I$~ ' w Paul W. Hdl 14 700.00
• Chariosten Mamott To n Cant~" 139.31 . , Brngg, Alle. 2 Ac, Whit~ O~k Mtn 12,75
]nJ~. - a~m~.~ ~.u~irrn~ ~-rn,rr,,= Blue--as Printin- ~9 In aamsa D. Willis S,12S.00 Harmon, Daniel & Eva 4 As, Sand Knob, liT , 131,02
4k KKNNKL IFUNU ' ' " ' WV Public m I s
.... "' "~c~ E " E poyoo ReUramantSystom 3,873.78
a $4.00 fee. Ind/wdua]s deanna to Un~umberedBalnnea, 7-1.89 (194.1 F: ~ • qu~pment Co., Inc. 142.54~.wU,v .............. Kouton, Ch~r~R 9A~,BeechRun'Min" I07~
"'a ~ -- l .... ~a~ n ...... ~er~ce ~tauon Lilly, Bobby G & Mildred I $ Ac, Madams Creek • 85,.~
• Do Taxne 3,877.~ y' ~ ~ga arena, tne. ,~o,,~
enroll in the Humane Semors Asso- n~v~.Ml"rl~g t s 4a.~ Less than $50 Agg~'eDta 34.14 Two-Way Rain, Inc. 763.65Lilly, Bobby G & Mildred I I Ac 144 Pates, Madams Creek 9.82
. • . .v. ............. , ...v. ___ cmn~'s AUto ~,ervice 3,844 08
that rl v ~'~emve a com- gx~n~orruP~8 TOTAL A SSESSOR3 OFFICE 8@7,078.28 ......... '.^ Lilly, Robert F 500 Ac M/L, Fk~t Top "Min" 25.42
...... Personal Services ( I- I0) $ 2 420 COUNTY AGRICULTURE AGENT ......... r.^McHu[h, P~v Warren & Evelyn P~O lot 28, Msdums Creek 10.62
• ~ ! , • ~--ore • u,o~y ~nop Z;17.~v
pumen Ty nng. .... contmc . i(I1.40) 24a.~y~d~sll~.q, C LTLTUBE AGE NT ~ National Rifle A esoc~ation 25.00 Pack, Mary J. "Life" & Ma,ia J &
For Iurther lnlormatson, csJ| Commomtiea (41-KS) 360. Pt]RCHASING DEPARTMENT ~ " Poet•aster 250 00 Jem~ D L/sly 3.26 Ac, Jumping Branch 17.12
u-__.~..--;, ux~ e^.;orsAdvisor TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,026.._ ,=° . ...... WVSheri{rsAeso¢iation 150'00M~d~r, SherryE 0.91Ac, Jumping Branch ~29.94
u~J~my ~x~tt~% x~.~'% ,..~u ~ Endin~Balance 6-30-90 457 Aie~T ai,wLo~ ......... '.~ Paulay, RandallL~&K~renLynna Lot27erS,03Ac, liTOakRidp
--o , ' . . I~.laus vxxlce r~qulpment, inc. 144.O~
• " " 7 ~wm~s A T & T Credit Corporation 2,012.00. S/D "Surff 122.3.8
HumanaSemorsAssociation, at64 - -- .~. .......... ~" & P "%l.-~hene Co ~,~q~ c~Honaker Lumber Company 32.40Patrick, Thomas Sr I Ac m' Lot 10Gxl00x40Oxl06 12`7~
S S ' he Neti hal Target Co. 26.57
6096, or the Hlnton Semor Center atUnencumbered Balance, 7.1-89704. U.. pnnt 770.33 G~l's Inc e.~ ~Phlegar, Wands Mae 1/4 Ac, Stroeter 8¢hool, Ltl, Biotn 17.52
466-4019. r.nd, IS4~• ~KARmU~,~L Wu~r C~ 4~52~ Sbe~ff, .Sum•ere County 43.08Spade, ChriotienL&AmendeR L~t A- ] or |.01A~: "Sur~, Coin.
nial Manor Estates 46.57
WE CARE ABOUT YOUR zoTX~RE~WdES ,Ig . Moun~]ineerynitationsarvice 741.87 6~e~c;~sue' 23~6"20Stokes, JW Lst$1orl.02Ac, Cottu~Ac 25.48
RXPENDrruRF~ Cityo Hinto 156.68 ' Weikle, Danny & SU~n l lot, C.ave litdge 10.24
HEALTH! v, , • Ashland Petroleum Co. 1,570.20
• Contractual (11-40) IS 789.West ~r~ma Power 11,004 81Exxon Co ~SA ~ n.~ oo P~PEffrEM DlffI'RICT
Capital Outlay (56-59) '494 Sanitary l~mrd City of II nton 3 072 00. . ." ..._ - , . .,~.,~,~o Blonkenship, Gerald R & Nova L~ Pipestam Creek liT 32.83
• ', ' " Appalachian nre Pr~ucts, lnc 9G~ 40
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,253 Cabot CerporaUon 7,571.04~ .t.~.~ ~- - , • " _. '__Camerex, Dorothy Jane Lot C, Sun Valioy lake 38. I I
Ending Balanee, 6-30-90 Oi WV Power Gas Service * 12,022`96e,.a.,...,~ ,~n .terl~nsoo, inc, z4.~b Hatcher, Jeckie R & MarID' Ann 0.'P28 Ac, Pipostem Waters 613.49
T AT 'lkTf~rlNT#'N TN ]KEV~ Carter Heating & Refrigeration178.00mar• ~upply ,,~o. 29.~ Land Of Canaan Vocation Resort, i~ 42.~ Ac, Simmons Fork ~,84
J.~ J. . , . Bluegrass Printing 30 00
Jl.JJ~J~.~ ~ J'~"~J~ gUMM. CO. PROGIL4J~A~CCT. PTJ]~D Orkin ExtermmaUngC(~,lne. I00.00WVUniforms Ins 1 108'73 LandOfCanaen VacetionRosart, [nc IS.68Ac, Pipostom Cre~k 1,022,05
AI~'~JIrTAT. I~/'~T~ Unencumbered Balance, 7.1-89 $2,111.Ilintan Ilardware 170.49Less than ~'A~.....,. ' ~'~ Looter, Larry , SAc 19.I0
.... w.~,m.ooea -, ..o ........................... e. Lyon, Cletis Pip~te~n Wutors, I AC 40 Polos 12.75
FINANCIAL STATEMENT To'r~ REVENUES $ 6,884. tlonaker Lumber Company 50~.74 ~ ~ .~*n ' " Lyon, Ciotis Lot 2, ~ R, l'ipestom lit & l~it 56.96
' is ..........
~...-~...~,v.-,,r..,,~ ...-...,--~. ~NDITUREI$ Appalaehmn Contro Company 256.04 "- - W .......... Lyon, Cletis Lot 3, S~ li, Th~pmn Division 73.91
• • ~nay . uucamna $'~ b4~ O0
J~'UJ~ J~'JI~l.;.qIJL~ I ~ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 Day d L. Wh~te, Sanders & ......... '._ '~ Lyon, Ciotis Lot 4, S~ Ii, Thompson Division 14.87
' " 7 ~ OO¢Kle L,Ge waro 14 4~d.UU
'~J~Tr~l'~d'it~..~l'~]%,r]k'~..oJ't IGG~ Ending Balance 6-30-90 6,884 Watson, AttyaatLaw 3,702 ~; ......... ' .....MeBr]de, LanTDale&LoisLoo I/2Ae, PipestomCrook 96.85
• .~...,~.~... v .-.. ---. vvt a.~.~v , • , . uq~vla L~. AoKIns t I U~4 UU
................ REVENUE~ Edwin B W ley, Attorney at Law 345 00 " - W . _'_,_'__ Stokes, Jam~ W Jr & Doris S 9 At, Pipestm~ Wetore (KOA Bld~) ~.98
UJ~NKIf.AL, FUINU It~¥1~NUff, J~ u~.i~rt.~t*~v~"*~ o~.nw~.'~*~'~'w~' rmn'r~v~,., ..,C...-~' ~.-r,~ ~ ~.u,,,,,. .~ .~, ....o.....;~'t ~,...~ a.*L-w.~ .~new~,.....-,--.. ' Ja:t°Y A.. "oengor-- - Iz,'~34 U'J Tester•an, Gary & l'h~mela , I Ac, Pipestarn Watora 17.52
[.hmn¢~ Fund Balance - ' w ace t~ ug~enneur 9.883.50
....... . ....... Unencumbered Balance 7-1-89 $0 GeorgeA M, s, lIl,AttarneyatLe620.60 ........... Testormen, Gery& Pamela 0.60Ac, pip~m Watura II.UG
• t~U~l es o[.x;ow ~ ~.~,eo-~o ... ' ' "--'' W POX s t~ O0 dames r. dellnes, Jr. 1 .~;|~.00
TAX COLLECTIONS [Ln~,.Fees, Chargea 38,3~3. ~o~y.,.:..~ :~'~'.,. National Rank of Sum•ore - PICA 4 000 05 TAL~OTT Dlffl'lt ICT
AdValorsmta~s~urrentyear 507.382,~°TAI"REVEI~D S..S~.. ......$38.363.~lor?~L=l~rin A ;~'~ WVPubll¢Empl0yeesRoti .... ntSystem 4,831.27 AMFMOfSummersCeunty;Bankof
............ 08 n~.~-~r,u~*.r~ffi~ po ggency " KleeaOmceE ui ment" ~ c ]n~ WhitoSulphurSprtng"'Tru~toes" 8A¢,Tunnelil/ll 19J~7.00
. ,~ vm~sm tam.~pnor year axes u,~ , p .. . ,, • ~.~. , ,eraWV Worker's P--.~en-~ti,-~ ~,,.a ~ ~86 7q q p i.e., .n ...... Baldwin, Paul Owen A Sabrena P/O lot 1~ & LG. Airport I ime 66.18
~n(~e~mtal taxes 8,, ~ ~.-.,v~ .,w. .. :.~,,,r o,..,.. ~,..,. ='7..~'~'."~~. US Pest•aster 2.5 00
- - - _ ........ ., Commodities (41-55) 37,896. ucpertment el Fmployment ~,ecunty o,t.'t~.vo oi. .,v o .- ~. ..... ".,.Bantan, William F & Donne S Lots 42.43, Airport l lames ~ 42.34
"l'l13g pl~llli$~e ling Into~st O.vo~. V . • oiien,l, oumme~s ~ounty I .t.'q.I lu
.......... TOTAL EXPEND [TURES $ 38t.363, W i)ub h¢ F~'m pioyees Insurance Agor~y 176.00n;,. p,., r r~ . S...~" ~ Berkley, Orace P/O lot, Khan/hout~ 35.70
~nlm~l Contr~ MitXeS U, ~,~ ......... S'"te p..,...I ^To: ~. m. "s ...... s "~'~ o-,.,o
Bberiff~ eommiesi~ 0 ~namg~ammm,~;~v-tm u. . .- . ..... ;..,s,,.. ........ BluegrassPrinting 3800 Berldey, Graee 8GAc 14 Pol~, Gbr River 47.97
• REVENUES insurance Management tb,~u¢.uu S " Basham, Wanda Lots 42.43, Airport I|o~e~ .q./D 49,34
x MatKvelhklalieaneefess 6,177.. ~n.~.-...,=.~-...*.~.m,ffim J L. Massiel ....... a..... ~em~m BakorSanitary upply, lnc. 2,625.94 Berk]ey, AAshby 6.27Ac, GbrRivar,'.%rf&Min" 225,26
uva~r.u ~v nJ~,U~l n r u~u - ,,o-.-,,~-~ ni'~"~,~ *"~'~"* r "n Extarrninatin
Buiklinglmrmlt fees 20. WV 'u ' "m ' O ~ g Co., Inc. 500.00
~rma 0 UneneumberedBalomm,7.1-89 $('/49,) I bhcE ployeesRetirementSystam 2~0.00 SUmmmret~u~tY|l.~,t~t~ 'l~.qq~Berkley, OAshbey 2AcG2poles, lAG, Nourponce
~., *.,.,,~r... *.. lo lW~ Contributions from other Entities 104,140. W~ ,rn Auta Asso©lato Stat~ 19 79 ~t~,.,4*~l Poffee ~,'~-- o~, 9~ Barkley, O Ashbny ~ Springs 27.56
r..,v---a ..... Pi ,%~ .......... ' .......
....... ' TOTALREVEN'UES $ I03 91AIS re&, ety Inc. 36.00 . "-- Berldey, OAshbey [ It, I Ac& 311)01as, l,t4
]H~le~W~kq|][hl~'Ingtax 0. ~vn,~ffi~r. .... .3 ' Annaluchian lh-o~l l|~.~;t~ ~e ~ Belcom Industries, Inc. 93,20
~,.,,,,nmu,u,. ,~.,...;,. 474 m,*~rw*.'~u~ • U~ "'rr "~e, .....V ......... Wamt*.m A,,~ Aa~;ot. q~t .*.~'., or:. at. I~rk]ey, O Athbcy N~ar Fanes Springs 16.96
~ ..... m rs Con ...................... ')
N~ ~ Tu 72 677 Contractual (11.40) 96 747Sum e nty Ambulance Service418.50 Bo o Inc -~ "-'~'-~ Rerk]ey, O Athbey I Ac & 32 Ihdei, I.t 3, Ntmr
' " ~ ' ' rVo . . I~ , , ~.35
~'-'~EI"~I"-~R'~I~-q~.~M ,ni~;, ~p.AL G OVERN tt~. ~ ~, TOTAL EXPEND~'URES $96,747.Oreenbnc Iley Uralosy Aesocm tion 383.00 Am,,. n,m..qtnre ~c.n qq BerkJey, O Ashby Ponce Spring" 16.96
~m~'~'~r-~w~v'- ............ "'0.EndingRelance 6-30-90 6,644 Rech, Seidleman& Janck Co 49100 ='"'=-,'~" = .......... Berk]ey, OAthby 12~Poles, l.t l, Neorl'ence Spring"
o . • .... Coun,,Commi..ion 000 o ,,,.2,
n,,,~a ~a~ ksu~ .... . ~)~.~.,.~, n' FmUCL4~Y FUND SI,eriff. Sum mare Coun ty 7200 .......... ~,~gl0; ~g~. ~ 125 PoI~, iA 2, Near Ponce Sprg" 21.19
............ , .............. ' " ~.~.v~,~, ,.su~ e.v,o75.55 Berkley OAshby ll2Ac41 Poles GbrRvr l/2int men 12.95
~n ~h,,v I~.,I ~.~.t. 0 Unencumbered Balance, 7-1-89 $1 073.Alhod & As~iotes 316.00 ~ u *~. u~ Berk]ey, O Ashby 2 .~ 62`G POlos" Ponce Springs 27.56
Federal ........ Imymmta'in-liou-0f taxes14,837.Pines, Fees, Charl~es I0 705. Princeton CommunitYa ) In I lospital 471 ,92 Carol J, Rud~mll", -.-.....r~,. • 84,G97,54 Rork]ey, O Ashby 23.73 Ac, Gbr Rvr, "Surf & Min" 59.25
I~FRNL~R IPltt'~M 'l'ltl~ ~'rA'l~. TOTAL REVENUES $11,778.S. K,Shamm a, M[ c. 870.00.r .... H m.,,,,. ~. ue~ ~ Rerkley, O Ashby 34 Ac 40 I)oles, Gbr Rvr 33.88
;-~;n-~ for'~"y .......... 0 EX~PENDITURE~ New River Internal Medicine 155.00~.'"'f" ""~T .......... ~o.w Berkley, O Ashby " 31.506 Ac, Feneo Spring" . 67,60
~tate ~ i|~. ~e " "" ..... I@ ......... ~ "ani MI) cr.~ ~ rauletto a~ms 1,1,)2.00
Matlanal fQrelt rUM 1711~tnl • 0 i~el~a| ;3er~¢~ul ~.|- i a ~ ..~t~yu 1 • I$ . • ~'~,w ~m~l I. ~,~';mrno|l ~ ~U; Reridey, O Ashby 24 Poles, Taleott 9.74
Hnelth delcertment •'ants 0 Contractual (I 1-40 756 [ Jlraxton Anders#Jn MI) 2.50 00 "" " w ""'"" Berkley, O Ashby 120 Poles, Ttdcott 14.73
-- ' ' ' -- ' " ' Si~armu'Ml) Inc ' Barbara D, Mmdo s 72,00
" "~----" re:ants "- 0 Commed~Ues (41-5~ 2,066.Chandra I. ,. • 590.00 .............. Rerk]ey, O Ashby Lt $109.1 Ft, Gbr Rivor 14.87
t~m'ary gra " " .... ~" "" ....... " " ")O l _.._ ^_l|aro|o|ne r~. ~ancey l ,qnu,t~
"'-'-----re--" -- 0 t.ontnDuUons to~*~u) bTb. ~t~ven tt|cnman, | no. W~:q,t~ .............. Bark]ey, O Ashby Lto 1-2-3, Quilhm Cemwfite 37.93
W~ Imp~ m~t ~renL8 ' *,..~.~. .....*m~'~e m~o * ...... ~" "'" d I)O - .,,.^ ^^ i~JIty ;N. iloHano ~qv,uU
P~mttmlononto~n~o~..nta 0 IU/'AL.I~At'r~L~ALUtl~,i)onu, woo ,| ~)U.U~J ~|~lalC Talbott 91~,oJI Berk]eyOAshby Ltlg, Gbr 12.75
~le-"&- ~"~;';~" ~'~v'~l ..... t t, rants O' End ng Balar~e~ 6-30.90 1~49 Raleigh Generel Ilespital 391.7S ~.,a"k-~.-.=:l~" ~'nn'~Va~ -O~'9"n Rorkley, O Alhby Lt 18, Gbr 12.75
................. Y ...... ~ -- ' " MD ...........................
m...~.~..,.~-~.,. 0 ENTERPRI~EIrt~qD~ T. li.M~r~a 60,00 ........ fo me• FC'" 6 ...... RorkleyOAshby " LtlT, Gbr 12.75
wl.~----------- s ...... • -......n...~ ....... MD In¢ ..... l~atlona| L~anKo ~um r - t/~ uJ.~Z
0 lt[JSVI~I~UI~ Jaca IJ, WOOOrum, . ~qO,t~J . •
Other •to IIrantl ' -- ................. s "no .... ^. WV Pubhc Employees Ret|rement System 81 .ill Berkley O Ashby Lt 16, Gbr 12.75
........ u -- 1 886 WOKTH'-I~m~ ~.- r umu |, L$ x~,eeove~ ,~ys~m , | . tt~.~t ........ 7 ..... Rerk]ey O Ashby Lt 16, Gbr 14.87
R/at~ mt~mmta in 1tin, ^f*=,.~= unencumoerea ~|anca, ~-~-o~ $ U. tne ~reger ~.o. ~o. x~ w~.* v|.~;,.|o P~w.,r 5 ~ n9 Berk]ey, O Ashby Lt 14, Cbr 14,87
~q~lemlR"" --]~,~'M'~IT.'~.R--~'CAL Transfers from other Funds 410. Big Four Drug Store 2,360.40~^';:.*'~|'~':~'o~i,:ti~n .~,,~vle. 'r.9- "~'~ Rork]ey, 0 Ashby Lt Pt 13, Gbr 14.87
"" "--'" "-- .............. o8 ' 6 ...................................
.......... S TOTAL REVENUES $ 410 Summers County l I pltul 2 140.38 ........... Berk]ey, O Ashby P/O Lt 13 & 5' Strip, (~br Rvr 44,68
t.eJvr.4~M~x ...... .*...'m.'.,~ " o,. ~ .~, ~- o trice o',mo7^ tTean'lEqulpment:y~rvlce |'
Mmlth and be~oital~ 0 I~Xl']~u~ t un~e,~ ou~nuaru t.onee ae • ~,~,~. v~tl,, r ...... ~, ~ I~. ~ lne ~t 1 a~ RerkJey, O Alhby 80 Poles" Gbr River 86.60
........... ' S .................. ' ..........
• r.....~-.....~ u~.~- ----..-~ 0 Contractual (11-40) 4 I0James C. M,ller [)l). 50 00 ............... ~erkley, O Ashby l Lt. 49xIG2, Gbr Spring. 12.7,5
ise~m,q~--.,- ,~,in=.ewm • ' ~ ' ' )o w,w, ura|ner Inc. oqo,~u
........... 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 410.State Agency for Surplus I r party 2,000.00 .... .'" ....... r. Rerk]ey, O Ashby l I,t 200 X Riverside 204.89
~'MI ~,rmP purlms~e ' n .. ~. -- ~ ~o 7s /Ionager Lumocr UO., |he. OZq ,.~.)
~M'r'~RPRISE ~AR~.t~ PaR SERVICES|ng ~alance 6-30-90 U. . , ra v~. , .......... Bcrk]ey, O Ashby 3At & 1.1', GIIR. RVR 200.66
"-- -'-'---- ........ ~'- "--- " r. r ~ ~ ~upp|y, me. ~u.uo
AIrvort charR'es 0 PERSONNEL EXPENDITURE8 • Of the totalLe.s thun $50 Aggregste 18":58I li."o- |~o.awo,-~ 1G'l G5 Berldey. O Ashby 29 A¢, Gbr 25.42
"-"'-- -- " • TO " ' ..... ' T E' ,'T ...............
Hmeltal char~me 0. expond|tures reported, include h~e the amount q AI. I UR(.I IASING I)Ei AR M .N ~ ~ .^ Bower, Ronald E & Deborah 0,50 Ac, Stoney Croek 163,09
;~.-=.t. ,~.,.=.;, ~o o spent by your county for saleriea end wales only. Don's Apphance ltep~irs =r~.~JColes, Glend~n M & Shirley 9 Ac, 96 Poles" Uig l~end 253,46
l,.,n,., .., -.--• ¢,..rgee .... , , , . ,
OTHER CHARGES Include ma]aries and wegee pard to any entarpness KEG IO~- n~ew~.nlp, bl~N'll' AUTHORITY Illume.. F:qulpment Co, 80.93 Carl Sylvestor & Marie Lta 1.2.3-4-fi-6.7.8, lllk 3 " 33.88
r,..-..;,,.t,.,,, f..t. ~,~*~. otc ~ 541 operated by your county as well as salaries and Re,don I Ple-.,i,,U &Dev Authority 11.914.38 F tither AuLo Parts, Inc. 20.83 Carr, Sylvester & Marie L~ 10-11-12-13-14.1~-1~.17-|&
Jailfsa~foodingorieenera 1.694.wngeschargedtaconetrucUonpraJe¢~. Report TOTAL REGIONAL DEV. AUTHORITY $I.914.~Omahal'r"pcr!Y&C"su".!tY ,3~0.00 19.20,111k4 3,3.88
Cometary ehar~ 0 salaries end wages before deductions mr retirement, ELECTION8 woltern Auto nsso~mte a~ore _~'.~" CarT, Sylvestor G 18 Ac, Eagle Brunch 31.01
--- -- ) " ~8 88
--"-- --" -- ~- " see'a ' TCENTS -- -. ,~ ~-~I B & S Chvm~cul Co Inc . CarT, Sylvester G & Marie Lto 10.11-12.13-14, |Ilk 1 " ~1,88
Parks & recreation charges 50,116, I ] escurtty, etc. OMI • Uetty McNeer ,~.,.w ...... • ' .~o =~
Sheriff's earnings .fl,842. Salaries and woge~ .... $ 467,~.L (FA)O) ~lend~ra Jones 99.00 ~ n~roger L:O: • ~,~."~ Cook, Bu~'l C & Florence L Lt. Gbr River 24.27
Count clerk e~rni ~6,148 CASH AND INVESTMENT ~ A~ UF • DUP~)~9~ 99.00~. !~ ~gc~ O|I Co. .. ..,,., ~'~.~ Crawford Edna Mee Lts 22-2,3 Fountain Addn 16,48
y n~ ' r r. ,. _n ~)a"s~ ~ ~RO .."n_;. • • ". : ...... . ....~t/*.oo, e. Equ|pment ~o. o|wv~ ' C~wf~Ed~a Mx '" "~ ~ .... " "L~0'& 31,'F~ntaih' Addn " ' * > ~ ' 16.48
L~rouit clerk earnings u )4,~ -.--. --- y ~.t~l~t z:~ ~t; 7
" ' " .... ': "'" 150 _u~. , .. ; ~ ~ Ames DepL Stores Inc. 1.69 Craw/'o~. ! Edna Mus Lt. 19. Fountain Addn 13~01
Sala of matorials 0. GENERAL FUND, Cash-¢hec mug ~o~, Sharon Mann o..w . , .
~..l. ~f fl~d as,mr. 0 COAL SEVERANCE FUND Caoh-¢hecking $3,~ Elieab~th Martin 99 00 Pork Avenue Exxon Stat|on 328.16 Croush~ Rupert E Jr & Anna Lta 14.1G, ~-:C I, Wast Alderaon 29.6.5
....... . ' rv~:wo cw,~r,~ t : or-.,~.=,~'~,~ t~U~DS (TOTAL) .......... ~'r.,,l'epm Cola General Bottlers, Inc, 480.00 Crouch, Rupert Eugene & Anna Ruth Lts 12-13, Sac 1, West Alderaon 31.79
~ting attorney's eam|np 220. ~,~ ;xr.~. ~, r~tn~ t~r~.r~,.~.~. *- ~ommous J~ay UIII ul~.w Ceea Cola ConsolidaU~d 1~0~0
Emergsney mrvice fesl 0 e=,too _ Enele Saunderl 99.00 [ ' " " "~ .- ~ [....... o [ o o . ~n Duncan, James 11enry & Prances Morie Lt 20, Airpert 110rnes Addn 41.71
' CE to certi that the date b|gn~ .~ t.ompany .,~,o,.w
l~mteand ooncessions(other than royuities) 15049 RTIFICAT1ON . This |sfY Chario|J. Saundera 99.00 .... ) -- .~ enUqR~ Duncan, James llenry& Fntnces MarieWcstarly [/2 lt21,Airport I[msAdd 2,5.16
~ento and ravaltios (minoral righ ta) ' 0' contained in this repert are accurate ta the be~t of mY Ruth McGuire 99.00~mox t 'ro~, uce ~o. ~,~o.~,~. Farr, W R & Donna J 0.20~ Ac, Gbr Rvr 10.78
" ............. N, ,~valley tticn |)uiry • tmu,=,o Fort, W R & Donna J 0,69 Ac, Gbr Rvr 28.78
LTbmT'~e~ ........... 0' SIGNED: Dorothy Lambert 99.00:~av-A-t~ot .e.~r..ou Gerrett. Parr/ok & Marleno I It, 152x72x144, Gbr Rvr 70,64
"~'"; " ~.r. ................. nn ~ Tri-County Wholesale bb.00 Gil]ian, Carey & Barbara I,t~ I & 2, Jlilldole 2, liT ll9,11
Refuse eellactiem fees 0. '~UU~ 1 I ~l.*r~'t.%: ~l|ta meaoowl ~.w ....., .. o,¢ nq
.............. 990 Uillon s :~upcrettc o~.~u Graham, Edwin II & Lois June 1.92 A¢, Gri~th Creek 44.68
Landfill fees 0 Barbara N. Carr, DATE September I I, 1 Katherine Willey 99.00 ................. o
........... .' ~ ~ ~" P~u ur~a~v~, l.ini~n U|..~.,. out, r, r~owers|somngt.o, olwv so,on Guntor, Charios Vance Jr & Tenya Nee} 0.ill Ac, Gbr Rvr, lIT 78.15
Char~s for Utiht|es
' " aude I e~rlcss I ucking Co lnc 1 739.22}larvoy, Dresa & Jomoe Anthony 3/4 Ac, Ilung"rUt Crk, Grg & 1 [ m 36.88
Charm• ta ath~r funds 0 IIelen Meek-llednck, DATE: 9/11/90 M Burdetto 99.00 ....... ) ",,. • , . %^, ,,~
~,~...--..',~.:--e::: ....... 0' Lennie ]EL MuSlins DATE: 9/11/90 Di¢ie Eoone 99.00~cven uWur. i eppor |$otthng Co. ~•,w IIv~vy Structures In¢, ]siond In Cbr Rvr 33.88
Other (emeNd- 0. R,¢hard L Meador, DATE: 9/I 1/90 John W. O|ll 99.00~r~, an ~,,0 Ag~reg'~te ~ IIouchins" John Q. Jr. & Vicki S P/O its |-2, Gbr Rvr 210.02
----- " ~----'- i this report' -~., ,-, -, -, ) ~,~n,- .o~,.~,..~ Jones, Curtis L 0.50 Ac, Gbr, Lt I l, Orville
Other (~iN~- 0, Name el" penon to contact concern ng • Sarah E. Gill 99.00 ,~/,,,~.tu,,~,,~ .................. .~..,.,.~ov
MI- --~RIJ~ I~" Ol Lq IIEVEN UE Joyce M. Ritter, phone numher. 466-4236 Opal Rodeo 99.00 ..... ~.~ ..... ~, .urn ~vn, ,-unroof v,~ •. ~ .,~.~ ~ Danicia Fiold .59.11
................. - ., Edith l~w,~ 99.00t~.~ ~orporut~on $z6o,o~ Lilly, Caro/yn J Lt 16, Williams S/D, Gbr Rvr 17.~2
~iC~tiOns from Other fanes ~' GENERAL COUNTY F _Ul~. __ Viola ~kland 99.00State TuX ])epartment ~ Lilly, Carolyn J Lt 17, Gbr River 29,97
~' " 72.5"' FY1988.80 EXPENDITUIQ~;~ VeldaPleohman 9900 TOTALSTATEWIDE COM. NTWK $11,020.04 Lilly,Caralyn J 20Pt|t, GbrRvr 11.95
/n .~rust earned on •vest•onto ' ~' OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMI~|ON Mildred Miller 99"00 VISITOItS BUREAU Mann, Ph/lltp Edwin Jr & Mary Ruth 0,54 Ac Uig Bend 167.75
rang le~ ' IS-' --,~-w I! d~ ~ $I0 104 76 Wilma m M;|! ao'r,~ Sauthorn WV Convention & McDaniels, Ludlnda Ayera 22.0G9 Ac, l l'oworde Rranch 140,60
• ' O 6 727 men m....-..e ..c.. ' " . ....... er ......
C to ~her onUt|es - C BRA ' n' Lennie R. Mulline 9,999.96 Ca]lie Vines 99 00 V~mters Ilure~u ~ McDanieio, Ludinde AFore I Lt. 0.249 A¢, llow~rds Rraneh 10.V8
Amoumnce lee* 0"'.~,~rmru°:-t'- _~ ~.) muauor~" -~- 10,023.67 ~.~,,tm"~'--"- n,-..~-o,evml m~.b~J~'"" TOTAL VISITORS/]UHFAU. $36 ,.'J'~8., 50 Miller, Jaclde L & Eugene A Lt 28, Gbr Spring. 15~27
Astng program ^' J'~¢e M re'tar 11 166.25 M"v~ M Avers a~ e.~ ECONOMIC DEVEI.OPMENT Miller, Jackte L & Eugene A Lt 10, Gbr River 20.97
• U --a • --,. ' ---a • / u~,w , ,
lnaurance elatms ^' Na*;---o~ n..b ^r~ ..... FICA 3 119.88 Bett" J Rewli"- *'~- t~ 4-C Economic I)eve opment Corp, ~ Newton, Teny & Beverly Lt 10, Wtlllems S/I) G6,01
~ - Refundl u... WV ......................... ~,,~,);. ~,--.~...... ~ ...... c,, A~onev G 727.00 o-ontina ......... r..,~..... ~ N~ TOTAl, F;CONOMIC I)EVEI.OI)MF:NT $16,668,00 Newton, Terry & Beverly I,t ! I Wi|liems S/D 6~.01
Dog pore1 ^ WV ~,a.u. t-_..~--.,.. ~,,,;.~ment gvstem 2 960.16 -I,-..,ife- PI);---- na ~ TRAVEL COUNCIL Parker, Paul D & LJte Gayo 6.0~ Ac, 'lCug]e IIranch liT 38.99
HousinI Progntm revenues u, U ......... v.-: ........... . ' 76.00 .......... ,,~w WV Water Festival CommitLee $I 00000 Pence Spring"Asm¢iatus 2`t A¢,SO Poles, Gbr Sprgs" IIr[~' I16.35
3 1 . S. Pest'nestor lte|on L. Peck 99.00 ' '
Other lnim:ellaneoua ,,o,^02, llintn. M~w. ~.~ Ruth E Pack outm Summers County Chumber of Commerce 1.2,~)0,00 Ponce Springl Aeso~ates 47,7 Ac, Obr Springs 241,05
• ts on on2, ........................ ~'- ......
Other (ipeeify) - Re|mburaemen ' .~ ........ 83 24'~-bra ' "n- C .... lhghlands of the V|rgmms 830,00Pence Springs Anociatus 39.0 Ac, Gbr Rvr 118~5
FUND EEVENUES S 818.207~mey ~ewspepere, mc. • ~.~ ~y . u|a m~.w .. , ' • r.
TOTALGENTRAL ~ " • We.__)_., .~ ~ 1.- 18337 va;thU ~_ .... F~rstNatmnull~unkof/hnton 150000
COAL SEVERANCE FUND REVENUES ,m,,, ~.~ge a, ~g|e~y ,,~'nn ~'' ~. "-,;-7 ~,~.wu..:. ~'-e-' |linto" ,' * Pence Springs Aseo©iates 28.2875 A¢, Poncu Springs 289.88
nee Leveda Will amson Conf Coordinator ~v.~ Helen A. billy 174 00-,,- ...... '~, •,, ~ Pence SpringS Asm¢iatsa ~6,712`5 302.88
Unencumbered Fund Bala - Canaan V " =-" ~" Pa'k 99 00Linda L Reed M'~. TOTAl, TRAVEl. COU NC iL $6 080 00 Porter, Char]an Jr & Marianlani L SO Poles, Gbr River 4 I.~3
Actual ae of 7/I/89 $ 0. .~ . a||ey r,~t r 236'50...__ 7''.. ~r~.w , '
Co~d esveranea tax from ate te24,342.~narmstan Marriott Town Center..^- V|rlPnm t'ettrey 99.00 ........~.~,~,D.) ~,~.,~.~v ~. . Porter, Charlsa Jr & Marianiani L . I It. Gbr Rvr 79.(~;
^ WVAesot'iationofCounties oqu.w OladvsMe~lows o~on /tJ/.'~l.t~r...r..u~t .... ~,~.*.FUND $829~26,7~ Rogers" Debro Lynn P/OIt2oril,016sqR, Rgbend 19.10
Interest earm~l on inveatment# ~' National Aes~iation of Counties 260.00 Merumt L Davis ~'~.~ COAl. SEVERANCE FUND Scott, W P & May¢io O 0.7 Ac, llungerto Cnmk 9,74
]nouranea claims u, Klaus Oflle~ E ui ment Co Inc 52 37 NorSe Keata'~ .~:['~FY 1988 • 90 EXPENDITUREE Stars, Gary W & Carol 8 Lt 112, Far•side 46.91
Rofunds 0. St~ta T " q P.~..^. " ' 4,84 I~Wanda Neelv 'ou'~ I>LqtCHA~ING DEPAJtTMENT Simmons, ChaHes D & Sharon Lt 23 IIB[I S/D, Obr Springs 16.|0
• 0 83; ~om m o..0.. .......
Beimburmmenta ' • .......... x KO --____ • ~:__ .Z: ..St~to heard ofRisk &
ui l'- us 0 ~ trmn av~ Aggeegete ~ AWn~m ~'~/~rgs 174UO . .. _ Simmons, Charles D & Sharon L~ 22 & 21,Gbr Springs 47.97
m ~ anon ' 'e,'~,*~ ,~...,,,~o .~.~..~..oo..~.~ ~t'~ICMT0,878 42 ~_.*.. Aa~,..I ....'~. msurance management $20 204 00
- Smith, Glen P & Opal Mario 60 R Strip, Ta}cott 9.7?.
..... ,24 2 OF COuNTy CLE X J,ck.. ,. ..,e,neura.*e ^gSn.
--'--'-'18 ' Barbara N. Cart $24,000,00 Dohra Martin 99.00TOTAL COAL SEVE'KANCE FUND $20.374.00StClair, Jim•is J & l]~bbie 33.238 Ac, Orimth cro~ 44.68
CENERAL FUND EXPEN_U/~:U~t Vera G. Epling 8,227.25 Ratty Mann 99.00 W Ol I .TH- L-F-A~- C H K C K F LrND Stools, Christlne L 12.96 A¢, Parrel}a gddy 46.72
COUNTY cOMMI~/O~ "83 966 Rachel J. Adkine 8,216,00 Marion Telbstt 99.00 ..... FY 18t~ ~0 .KXPEND1TURES Steele, Christine L 3 Ac Furr~Is Eddy 30.79
peroonaIServi~(l-10) ~ 6" "' WilmaL. Plumley 69.74 Vsdonl~Teber, Jr. 9900 ~neru!,~ummersuounty ~ Topping, JamesE&DonnaK 0.14Ac, Tah:ott 9,@6
Contractual (11-40) ,~" Mary E. Merritt 225.53Cotheflne K Mack 9{}'00 TOTAl. WORTI {l,E~q C~ ~CK FUND $820.00 Topping, James E & Donna K 1,96 Ac, Big I~md 51.~
• • 55 on Ru f,O 00 • ' ,,~., r~,
Commod|Ues ( 41- ) ...... th L. Noble • Diane tlednck 99.00 ....... )- _ Via James Edward 0,F~3 Ac, Gbr River 2~,~6
TOTAL COUNTY COMMISSION $60,b-/5.NationalBankofSummere. FICA 3,091.37 KarenS. l~aUey 99.99 . ..._FYI~-~o KXIKNDITURES Wilson, MerehallW&Peulir~ 1.18SAc, AirpertllomoAddnllT 108.11
COUNTY CLERK ...... WV Public Employees Retirement System 3,846.79 Clara 1, Mitchell 99 00jerry t;..wn|m~e~ .. . _ $2,496.00Wolford, Shelby D & Catherine J i Lt. Gbr River 15,27
Pereonal Services (1-10) ~ .%~,~o. Postmaster 429.00Betty Rulmer 76 00~at!ona~ ~mnx o, ~ummcr~ -/. ]CA 170,07 Wootan, |larry & Rerhera K Lt 10, Gbr River 15.27
0 t,vd$. • 27380 " t ne ~roger t;omp~ny ~ Wynes, Edwin I I,t, l Ac, Tul¢ott , 37.93
Contr~tual (I 1-4 ) c ,~o, U.S. Postal Sarv~ce • Conrad Graham 99.00 ............ U'")
55 o,~os. • 25217 TOTAl. I)LK~ [" ~1 $3026.14
Coramedlties ( 41- ) ...... Hlnton News • Joy~ Rittor 99.00 GENERA/ SCHOOL F' r~ne, ' H INTON COIU~ORATION ,
CLERK a on,am Co 60 00 C "~""
TOTAL COUNTY " unty&CircuitC~rk'sAssee of WV -_ MsttioJean ooper 84.00 FY" 19~ ~() EXPENDITURES Adkina, G~mr~eW Lt72,QuessFarm 63.97
Bauer, Wilma B Lt 34, Upper I [inton, Avis 135,55
~y1'tl. ~IRCUIT CLERK $ $2,203. TOTAl./'~n~.v r.~ ~nkA~ ~t-p~P~. $53~14.ro0 n,.,t,~ ~me ~g'N~llonaker Lumber Co. Inc. 67.94 BrasweU, K~r~m Lynn Wtst P/O Lt 3, Rlk N, Eummera St 110.13
o... ............... ..4az.~n. o ............ ,-.-w • a Wure
SHERIFF- TREA~LrRER,, , OFFICE OF CHtCUIT CLERK CalvlnRudisill 79.00~'mW'n~urd era- t __ 37._72 Brawn, Charles'Chu~kie'&Ddxx~hK ILt,~IPoles, U|qxwllinton|IT 140~0
peraonalServi¢os(l-10) a~.~o. EdithM. Me~dor $24,000.00 H.W. Msake 75.00:slwnr~,:s mm uouny ~lT,aws.r~ 'Brow~,Chm'las'Ohu~kio'&DeborshK ILt, E0x140,UpporHinton ~:,~/
Contractual (11-40) 6 8~16" Mattes Jean Cooper 11,160.00 Nova B, ~ 75.00Less than ~J;0 Aggregate 26.40 Cqark, John S & 'r~rrl O P~O Lt IE, ~[x70, Middle Hinton ~ 64
Commaditiea(41-~) ........ 6" LethaKayC~ 8,100.00 B. Ev,lynSmlth 16.00TOTALG~u~;'~L,S(~OO~L~Dm~r~;~G3"43 Perrls, 0w*n P/OLt&l~(106xl40),UthAve 47"17
TOTAL StlERIFF-TREASURFAt _. __. "°"a~ " National Bank of Summers. FICA 3,061.72 Edith V. Williams 76.00 ~-' ~19'1~':~'~0 ' ~'1~;,~ Harmon, Daniel & Eve Lt ~3, Su.mor~ St 8"/'78
PROSECUTINGATTOK~Kx .63o,,,, WVPublicEmpleyeasBatiramentSygem 3~10~ El~tionWorlum, PsJdLaesThan$50 2,924~0. .. FYly .~ xi t~s ...... Hereman, WrileyChrlttopher&Twyla lLt, Blkl2,2ndAve, Oldpalt~w I"/4156
DaNn~*l ~rvi~s (I-10) • ,o~,;.A~:lminist~-*;.-. r~m.. P......, ^r ~....~io ~).w ~.*m. Pt,..d-- m nfi dames r;. ~eamey a~. Iu
....... 3 ooe .................... re-- ............... • .. ............ He~m~m, WH~ ChrlV~opher & Tv~|a 1 Lt, ~Ik 12, 2nd Ave, Odd Fellow 140.84
-40 '°'!° Pestma l 462 ~ A "]I ~ " ] " a ~ U "[ 0
Contractual ( 11 ) 936' star , • Lena Turner 99.00 ....... '. Humphrlsa, M~ttio O I St~dp, Upper Hinton 37 00
CommodiUea(41-Sb') ........ 68073' Th~MiehieComl~ny 609.19AS•eL Sweaney 99.00 C&P1'emp~one~:o. ~_~'~ Kennedy, Hi]daL Blk4,P/OIA4.TempieSt ~O7~
TOTAL PROSECUTING ATruu.~/Isz ~ , • Nina B Buehan~ 25.00Maw ~aml Humnhrtas ~ r~ J. Wi!lium ueffrios ~o/,uOL~Aridi~ Jam~ & Juanita 1 Lt, 39x209, ~mmlidatod 142.&1
:: :
p :mnal Se,.dces (1.1A 0)EssOR $632 . ent Co., Inc "8 mero- PICA unty Lively, R lake Eto], Cent Ml,ha Smith Lt 74 & 73, paystte St 1,'S7
Contractual (11-40) , .~' Cesta & llarris, Inc 2,642.64 WV Public Employees Retirement ~ystom 25 ~6 Y ' ' ~ Lively, R Luke Etal, C~nt Michu; Smith IA 72. I/2 o/'?3, Fa,yetto St, liT 199"$2
" 55 t,,,o,11o Sa ' 42:} 43 " TOTM, MAGISTRATe; causer FUND $16,2~3.04
CommodiUes(41- ) *~7075 pho lus, lnc. ". H0n~korLumborC~ 16.75 ................ I~w, Mlel~mlMon ' PK)Lt4, P&PAddn, E0x47141 193~1
o , . ~ r~JUt~L~uSz rtJP~
TOTAL ASSESSOR ...... sthan~OABgeel~to ~ Miles/~.PellWerke~ 72"/.00 "~''il~ "0 "')END ..... Malar, Andnnv, And~w&A]ieaIWella LtG, Bikll, G0xl40,JamuSt IS884
ULTURALAu~ TOT 67 r~ ~ • ~ .~.~e.
AGRIC 227 AL C [RCU1T CLERK'S OFFICE $52,20~. Es~t F. Whitsk~ • 150.00auO" L Noble" $5 749 02Mead0we, Mary Mad~dine Lto i 14 & l~ d ! 15, F~ystto 8t 8G'~I
ContribuUone (67-70) ...... " OFFICE OF SHERIFF, TAX DEPARTMENT _Lick Cmk Baptist Chtm:h 80 00~.,.~',~:,~) n~.~ ^r e, " ,-ors FICA 'a~o'~/New Rive#' Off Co 0.41 A~, Upper Hlnton, Rt 3 & ~0 347'40
LAG NT • "~ ~. . 41~0 " " ....................... " ....... Patrlck. Honry Jamn ~LSA~,'I'~|L"r~k If'SO
' 108 46"/ " ' Uremmn umne t~J~w
. • Melimm 001 16 Pmtmastur 150.00
Contractual ( l 1-401 73 969 L. Jones |, ' ~[Inton N~vl | ,93~.L~ .......... Petr~, Gilb~t UpFer PK) LA G, Blk 7, 11th Ave I~8G
• . n , Patricl 900 00 r~|nton r~ews o~a w~
Commod!Ues(41-55) o~n . aA, Bannett ~ 9, • B~]deyNewqmpe~ 380.82.~ ~.u...;or....m~A.~m.~ xgr~ Plumlw, Gm~Wa.l~m&KathyStm l?2~Lt~,MlddlaHlntcm 82@3
Capital Outlay (56-69) ....... NT $184..545 t|onal.I~nk of Summers- FICA 3,524. Training & .Education. Poll Wo~ 2,190.00 Charles Lestor 50 00 Qu~m~, Faye Lto 84-38-36, BIm~ cfl'~/rmlt~ ~/|S
TOTAI, PURCIIASINGD~Y~ttm.~,.~. " WVPubhcEmploye~eRotirementSyetom 4,162~6parkAHnueEmm~n 16.00m-,^~,-,i,-.~entP~, lnc 2a'g~ RolaAsaoWmto~.Ine. BIkT, PK)Lt6,Toml~eSt&2nd 496"~
IURCHASINGD ____ CentntIPrintlngC~ 81.38 JerryWhsalor SO~0 ~'~.~es~'nnti.~ ' " 30'24 Roletumd" .In¢ BlkT, l OLt6, ndAve, S0 /S ele: s
Tax D|v Sham•u, Sahib K & Brenda B1k 11, P/O Its 11-12, 3rd Ave 203.$2
Skldmora, Sharon g Lt 48, WMnut St 287.90
8toksa, J W Jr Blk ii, P/O Lie 1.2 & 8trip,
O 10x40, Pt ~t 2 S~mora 461 28
~J~ Taylor, Jam~ W & Betty Jean Lt 6, Payetta St 198"92
TOTALCnn" REG( DEe ^u ,oR worm. 00 6. LK(JAL NOT][ E,*.mh,,Lt ^.. ii-;;
..... ELKCTIONS W",= Lod '2tOe L . I,. DELINQUENT- ESTATE Tmn u, MD&San, ,L ,0 ,Summ ,St
:r ' ~ _'~lm~m~L. u~ 11,3~4 .......~_lf,~tpmentuo. mc. ~,._. ~`t~eiahe~hv8/venthatthefenewin~descr~kedt~erl~tsel.landorundividedint~muttsthminb1the ToppinI, JamelE&DnnnaK IAEO, Qu~,e~nborryAddn,4Oxl00 l~j~'~
t.;ontraetuol(11-~v~ 3~;i2 .. . ~gry 124. _~`-~.-~-rSummerswhicharadalinqmmtfncthenenpaymont~f~fertheyear~989~wi~lbe~erodfersa~e Topping, JamtsE&DonnsK LtIG&P/OLtlS, SummwsSt l~'m~
Comm~liUes(41-6f~) eo~'~-~ ~asm~Itarrls,Ine. IB0.F,6 ~'-~..~--,,~ffatpubHcat~tlonatflu,~r~ntdoorofthe~mrth~a~ottheoounWb~t~h~ Topplng, JamuE&D~rmaK WOLtl2,mk],2ndAve .... ~'~',~
• w ..-,----* FirM. " • Dy ~ t,smm.. --~.-"
Topping, Jama* E & Donna K BIk P/O IA 7, Srd Ave
Topping, Jamts E & Donna K Lt 51, Qusaanberty Addn. 40x1(X) 2t.34
I w~orml :~erm~ ( l-]t~ 1,531 - u r ~ at;g OF PRO~KCUT/NG ATTORNEY-.-qsnd~. Edward I18 Ae I~8 Poles" Tower Hills ~2.13 Turner, lh)bert & paullne pt IA 44, Upl~r llin~
Comm~diUes(41-r~) *~r~7"/'J0~pnAucranmnne 1126499.96 _~" "-'--_.. .~.oun N~wRivrHills la4a 'l~rtmr, RohertA&Polly ~Ikl, Lt84,P1emmntSt 12';@@
T ALCOU I|OUSE ...... DonneL. Wood 7',917.48
OTHE||RU~LD~GE "/~e PerryE, Mann 16,83~11 w~.~k~r_'~am.u.~',ru,,,,~k~ LotlS~'B CherakneST~n 12"76.Wfl]e~%Ml~.~&Marsh~R - Northe~I/2IA42,B~|a/~nt (M.~T
...... UOnlri walker ~smu~ ~ ~*~"~-•v * r •
C0mm~d|Ues ( 41-55) K. West 3,810~9 ' . WaS, Aennem ~ ausnRa & Edgar tt
$786 Am L. M Wm'rkk,CGu~Y , 14.20Ac, Forest IIill 42,42Janet R~ Lt~30, Main Strost 9375
VITAL B'rATIS~rlC~ ~ Natieanl Bal~ of Emamm~. PICA4,1~7.48 ...... "~=-rm & Barlmra Sue 3 A= & 134 P~sa Z/on Mtn 1277I Wflla, L,Ulhor G B}k 10, Lt 3. Sammers St ~'~98
• ~' WV Public • " Ad]Orm, usvm wm.~ , .
Contnbutlon|(67-70) __ $200. -~ ..-- gml~R~UromentByst@m 4,9"B0.0~ .... a~M l~vidWo)~e&~wb~raSoe l.llAeonhlliaboveBurke II.00Each unmdmm`~tntitorl~kore~*chunrodmmm~xt~thenmferund/vided|nterastthmin~vdl~b¢m~dat~
TOTAL V ITAI, STATIST ICS__ ..... ,mnsa i~qmpment Co,, inc. 1108.41 ' *~;,"~' ~ E & Ruth A : 0A~6 Ae, Tug Craok 169.~9o,x,t~ p ,t.he h!lrhsst hiddor .for ash m ~n s~ount wh~h shslhq,~, be ~ .than uq~ tm~&into~.e~t and ehsq~s
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Cora, tual(11-40) ichtsC"mPa ..... " .... 1 7Ac 0brmve:" ""
' Commodit~ea(41-r~) , .;~M~. MatthewlI4mder&Co. 1no 150.66 _Uatl~.,~u~'~:.'" ;'~ tn ~,T..m..." "~'~ ~xtym~mttothetmd~r1i~nedshor[~(orsa~le=t~"r)~dbrem~O'Ofthetotolamount~tmme~intoroetandc~
ME~ I at ~-~. ' ' H~S~,~ - ................... ,w.,,due thenmn up the date of~pt/on.
TOTAl. SI I KRI FF-LAW ENFORCE .Rep~ Sales" Inc. 222.43. ~. "L._- ) ..~.. L a,~, A,~. p/ot~t t~&g n~9 ...o
COUN'rYdA-q, *"'i9 ~tion~lUl.~tctAtt~n~,sAimxiution I~O.00 .J~.e[~~&"]~'ma"~" " 0~"L':dl;"C'reek" :~.;;G|vonundor.yhandt~dothlrtee~tkdayoflbptombor, l~O,
I'ereonaIS~rvleea( ] 10) •''" " --vl~ou~utingAtt~,n~.iAsoociution 150,00 ~. ..~..___ ~.- m.~,.~ mww~ ~ . ThemuF. Bdors, Shsdff
1033. 8u ~:4mU. ,~sa ~ m mmm," "~ *- olo~ & Tremor ef ~umm0m Coum~
Contraetue! ( I 1-40) ., . .. p~me Court of Appeaia 100 00 ........... '.~. ~. ~'.".~ "" .'7".''.." ".. .....
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