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Hinton, West Virginia
September 18, 1990     The Hinton News
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September 18, 1990
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r 6 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 Pictured is Noah F. Fleshman of George Garten present- ing a check to Marie Maddy, President of the Summers County Hospital Auxiliary and one of the Treasurers for the Task Force, for the hosptial Sprinkler System. PRESENTS CHECK Pictured is the Grand Prize winner of the First Annual Rubber Ducky Race Linda Emrich and Richard Lawrence presenting her with her winning check. Dinner The annual covered dish dinner of the Hinton Woman's Club was held Man. Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. in the • Memorial Building. Autumn colors of bright orange, gold and yellow predominated in the table floral decorations accented by was the best thing that ever hap- with Ducky cart, in the Fireman's dark orange napkins, pened to me" and Hoby ambassa-Parade on Thurs. night andagainin Mrs. Bobby Basham club presi- dots have kept in touch fro" the GrandParadeonSat. dent, welcomed the gathering and yearsJackets, T-shirts and ptctures We concluded our week's activi- led the invocation preceding a dell- from the seminar were displayed, ties at the Water Festival on Sat. claus dinner. Kathy a junior at Hinton High Aug. 11, with the First Annual During the business period, plans School, is a member ofSADD, Tri Hi Rubber Ducky Race. 285 ducks were • were completed for the Southern Y, the Cats Club and Flag corp. dumpedoffofthe Bellepoint Bridge, District convention to be hosted by Attending were Mrs. Alma Rodes, buttheygotofftoaslow start.They :~theHintonclubSept.29atthePence Mrs. Marion Forren, Mrs. Dianna got caught in an eddy and swam in a Springs Hotel. Adkins, Miss Kathy Adkins, Mrs. circle, some even tried to go back up "Cookin in the 90's",cookbooks Pauline Meadows, Mrs. Katherine the river. Five strong swimmers compiled by W. Vs. club membersHolt, Miss Eleanor Meadows, Mrs. pulled out of the crowd and and are available for sale from Mrs. Bertha Goddard, Mrs. Inn Coffman, made it to the finish line. The rest Herbert Vass for $6. Mrs. Brenda Cooper, Mrs. Opal were rescued by Richard Lawrence :. Miss Dorothy Jean Boley, chair- Rodes, Mrs.MarjorieBurdette, Mrs. and Mickey Gill and got a ride home man ofthe day, introduced the club's Gerald Dotson, Mrs. John Bryant, in a big rubber ducky loaned by ambassador to the Hugh O'Brien Mrs. Ashby Mann, Mrs. Thomas Cantrell's Canoes. Linda Emrich of :YouthFreedom SeminaratJacksonsHunter, Mrs. Stephen Jones, Mrs. Brooks was the Grand Prize winner, receiving a check for $356.25 (25% of Mill Miss Kathy Adkins and her Mary Ellen Honaker, Mrs. Betty ourgross);theweekendatPipestem mother Ms. Diana Adkins. Basham, Mrs. Claude Davidson, Park second prize went to Jimmy :: Miss Adkins spoke of the experi- Miss Dorothy Jean Boley, Mrs. Mary Boiling of Lowell. The third prize of ence of interacting with other out- F.Talbert, Mrs.TommyJayneLowe, a raft trip with Centrell s Canoes standing sophomores from W.Va. Miss Mary Morgan, Mrs. Lena :high schools. Delegates were chosen Wilson, Mrs. Connie Willey, Mrs. went to Levohn Riggers of Talcott. on the basis ofscholarship and lead- Brenda McCoy, and Mrs. Herbert And the q~ooby prize" for last place ( a last year's WV Water Festival hat .~rship-potential.Kathy, daughterof Vass. and t-shirt) was won by Mathew ' BPW Holds Meeting t Contributions BlevinsofTrue Congratulations to ' all of the winners! Campbell-Flannagan-Murrell- House Has Successful Water Festival Week The CFM House helped kick off On Wed. at George Garten Ford- tel. She stated that the installation the 1990 W. Vs. Water Festival with Mercury, Inc., a check for $1,100 of the Sprinkler System is nearing an open house reception on Aug. 4, was presented to Marie Maddy, completion.Thisprojectfor$150,000 featuring the photo exhibit "Hard President of the Summers County was an enormous undertaking byWork Was All We Knew', by local Hospital Auxiliary and one of the the Task Force and Auxiliary with photographer, Andy Yale. The fifty Treasurers for the Task Force, for contributionscomingfromindividu- plus people who visited us during the hospital Sprinkler System. The als, churches, businesses, and or- that time alsohadan opportunity to presentation was made by Noah F. ganizations ofthe county and neigh- celebrate the opening of the muse- Fleshman,Jr.,SalesRepresentative boring areas. The caring and re- urns'consignment gift shop. on behalf of George Garten, owner, sponse was overwhelming, to save That evening from 6-9 p.m. the RogerMullins, GeneralManagerand our hospital with donations coming House was open for the Main Street all company employees. The contri, from many friends, relatives and Hinton's Annual Homes Tour. An- bution was from a stated amount former residents living in other other 21 people visited with us that per car in a recent sales promotion states and London, England. evening. Thank you to everyone who given to benefit the Sprinkler Sys- Mrs.Maddysaid,~Wewantpeople stopped by to say "hello" and to see tern at Summers County Hospital. to know how much we appreciatewhat we are all about. We hope to Mrs. Maddy extended her thanks, their caring and that Summers see allofyouagain. on behalf of the Task Force and County Hospital is alive and is here Starting this week, we will be Auxiliary to the Company for their to stay." open on a limited schedule of 1-4 interest and concern for the hospi- p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays only. Wo b Ifanyone would like to tour the House Hinton man's u at any other time, they can contact Becky Gill at 466-1224 (weekdays) Holds Covered Dish or 466-5088 (evenings)to make an '. appointment. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in working in the museum and gift shop. If you might be interested, Mr. and Mrs. James Adkins of Hix, please call Becky. is the sixth student the Woman's On Wed. Aug. 8, we set up a table club has sponsored in cooperation at the Water Festival Street Fair with the Wednesday Club. She ex- and began selli ng tickets for the First pressed appreciation to the Hinton Annual Rubber Ducky Race. We club for sponsoring her stating "It enteredourlife-sizeDucky, complete AVE SAVE SAVE SAV! :~ The Hinton Business and Profes-! This was CFM House's first year sional Women's Club met at 6:30 Contributio~ to Summers for the Rubber Ducky Race and we P.M. on Aug. 24, at Something Spe-i County Hospita~.~prinkler System have learned a lot about what to do cial July 12 - Sept. 4 and especially about what NOT to do ": Mrs. Betty Bare, Club President, Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Garten 10.00,next year. We hope that our experi- : opened the meeting with the Club Hospital Sweet Shop (Auxiliary) ences this year (both good and bad) ..,Collect and Flag Salute. After the 10.00, Payroll Deductions $161.18, will help us make next year's race meal, Mrs. Bare called the business Mike Copolo For Hoescht Phar- bigger,better and more successful. : meeting to order, macudicals $100.00, Freddie & Rita CFM House would like to thank The district picnic, Aug. 26th,and Plumley 50.00, George Garten Ford everyone who bought tickets, sold )thedistrictmeeting, Sept.9th, were Mercury, Inc. $1,100.00, and tickets or worked with us in any ~iscussed and plans to attend were Nadine Hichman Circle, 1st. Rapt. other way to help with the race. :made by some members. Church 100.00. We would like to give two very Mrs. Bare reported on the In- speciaI"ThanksYous".Thefirstisto terium Board and National Conven- the Ronceverte River Festival and :tion. Shereviewedsomerevisionsin Braswell Will Pete Piercy who contributed their 'policy that will affect the Hinton technicalassistance, duckycostume, :club. The club voted to study and Attend West ducky cart and rented us the racing vote on these revisions and by-law Virgi ducks. The s ond is to g)langes at the next meeting. The nia Hannah. Kristie, who worked for ' ] xr CFM House this summer through meeting was ended with the Bens- Wes, y an diction, the Concord College work program, el" helped to coordinate all three events Seventeenmembersandoneguest Collese were present: Donna Pivont, Clara and worked many hours over and Mann, Mary Garrison, Elizabeth above what was expected of her. She Huffman, Frances Davis, Jeannie Wendy S. Braswell, the daughter worked to take care of ticket distri- Kraft,Jean Pack, Connie Willey, Lisa of Carols Cox of Hilldale, will attend bution and collection, advertising Graham, Mildred Meador, Judy WestVirginiaWesleyan College this and was our life-size duck for the Gore, Gloria Meadows, Frances fall, according to John Fluke, direc- race. She also worked tirelessly in Bowman, Ruth Pivont, Elizabeth torofadmiuionatthecol!ege, helping to ready the museum for the Bare, Jane Humphries, Amy Mann Agraduate of Hinton High School, open house and house tour. Kristie's and Betty Messer. Wendy was recipient of the Shirley last day at CFM House was Aug. 17. ANNUAL REUNION Individualism Award. She is back at school now, but we The Alumni of Greenbrier Mill. West Virginia Wesleyan College hope to see her smiling face back tary School will have its annual isafour-year, coeducationalinstitu- during Railroad Days. We are sure reunion in Lewisburg, W.Va., Oct. 4- tion that offers more than 150 ace- she will never forget her summer at 6~ For details contact the G.M.S. demic majors in the liberal arts and the museum. Thanks Kristie, we Alumni Association, P.O. Box 922, career-related fields of study. It has couldn't have done it without you. Lewisburg, WV 24901. been recognized as one of the finest CFM House would like to give a The GMS Alumni Association liberal arts colleges of its size in the bigthankyou tothe following people continues its search for former stu- mid-Atlantic region. Affiliated with who helped make our WV Water dents. Anyone knowing a former the United Methodist Church, Festival week successful: Richard cadet is encouraged to contact the Wesleyan has an enrollment ofap- Lawrence, who coordinated the Alumni Association in Lewisburg. proximately 1,500. Ducky Race, 7-U store, The HotDog Stand, Hinton Seafood, Nancy Richmond of First National Bank, Jack Hellems of National Bank of Summers, Rivertowne Restaurant, Moose Lodge, Cantrell's Canoes, Willowwood Country Club, River- side Exxon, City Sidetrack Park, Don Array Shop, Western Auto, Sum- mers County Public Library, Hinton Floral Shop, Big Four Drug Store, Greenbrier Respiratory Care, Carol Ramsey and the staff of Pizza Hut, Kathy Liakos, Bobby Cox, Bobby Wheeler, Lori McDaniel, Fred McDanie], Bud Shanks, J. C. Johnson, Mickey Gill, Sam Richmond, David Cole, Nadine Woodrum, Orpha Haselwood, Linda Harvey, Jen nie Sciortino, Alice York, Pearl Chamberlain, Dwight Emrich, Andy Yale, Jan Darrah, Adam Gill, James Cox, Jimmy Romanello, Rich- ard Gunnoe, Chris Chanlett, Miller Murrell, Karla Gunnoe, Jane Duf- field, Joan Krakower, David Ziegler, Donald Bragg, Pipestem State Park, WV Water Festival Committee, and The WV Foundation for the Humani- ties. We hope we haven't left anyone out. So many people helped in so many ways that it is difficult to list you all, but your help is certainly appreciated very much. We are already working on plans for upcoming events for this fall and early winter. The museum will be open during Railroad Days in Oct. We will also have a duck pond(what else?) set up at the street fair. We will be doing the second annual Chamber of Chills (this year it will be the Museum of Madness) during the last week of Oct. We also hope to have an entry in the Christmas Parade sponsored by Main Street Hinton. Anyone who would like more in- formation about CFM House, or would like to help with any of our upcoming events, or become a mu- seum member, please contact Becky Gill or any of the members. Thanks again to everyone who helped to make our week so success- ful and we look forward to working with all of you again. MERCURY on a SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE 240 Main Street I • • Hinton High School has initiated a North Central Association evalu- ation program. Principal G. Lynn Crowder ex- plained,"Thisis the first NCAevalu- ation of our school under my admini- stration. The school expects to reap- ply for full accreditation after an On- Site visit in 1991-92." Hinton High School was last evaluated in 1984-85. The NCA requires each member school to undertake a comprehensive evalu- ation once during each seven-year cycle, as a major impetus for school improvement. There are several phases of the full evaluation. First, the school will conduct a self-study on programs and procedures. Every aspect of the school will be reviewed - curriculum, student activities, personnel serv- ices, health services, instructional materials, physical facilities, finan- cial support and control. The self- study will result in suggestions for changes that will help the school do a better job of meeting school goals and educating students. Mrs. Crowder estimates that the self-study will take about six to eight months. Mrs. Connie Newton has been assigned the task of organizing faculty reports from various sub- committees and developing a needs assessment. Parents, students, administra- tors, and citizens will also have opportunities to identify strengths and weaknesses of each segment of the school. After the self-study is completed a steering committee wi]l determine school goals and develop a plan of improvement. During the study, school personnel will confer with students, teachers, and par- ents. Accordi ng to Mrs. Crowder, "This study and the On-Site visit next year will help to make Hinton High School stronger. The evaluation process involves a great deal of work and planning by many people, but we thi nk the rewards are equally great ." If any Summers County citizen is interested in participating in the North Central self-study evaluation, please contact Mrs. Connie Newton at Hinton High School at 466-6033 between 2:30-3:30 pro. 1990 HINTON 7TH & 8TH GRADE LADY BOBCAT BASKETBALL Sept. 24 Mercer Away 6:00 Sept. 25 Gap Mill Home 12:00 Oct. 1 Shady Springs Home 6:00 Oct. 2 Greenbrier Home 4:30 Oct. 3 Fayetteville Away 6:30 Oct. 4 Talcott Home 4:00 Oct. 15 Gap Mills Away 12:00 Oct. 17 Nuttall Away 6:00 Oct. 24 Shady Spring Away 6:00 Oct. 29 Mercer Home 6:00 Oct. 30 Rainelle Away 4:00 Nov. 1 Sandstone Itome 4:00 ******Additional Games Will Be Added ******* CABLE ' is your r| I SON TIC: ,.e NFL ESPN Sa~Jr~y, August 4 ~000PM - ET BRONCOS vs SEAHAWKS al Towyo ESPN Satut0ay, August 18 8O0PM - ET ,, GIANTS at HOUSIOn OILERS TNT Sunday, AuguSt 19 8O0PM. ET I VIKINGS at Cleveland BROWNS TNT Sut~ay, August 25 8O0PI ESPN Thu~day, A.~JSt 30 8001 TNT Fnday, A~St 31 RAMS at Wa~LrKjIon REDSKINS TNT Sunday. Septernioer 9 TNT S,,..,n~y. Seplember 16 TNT Sunday. September 23 8~PM, TNT Sunc~y, Seg~emt~e~ 30 800PM , TNT Sur~ay. O(:lober 7 7:30PM • TNT Sunday, C,¢~t:ef i4 TNT Thu~day, O~e~er 18 ESPN Surday, NovemOer I ! 8~ F.~PN Sut, day, November 18 ESPN Surx~ ESPN ESPN Sun~ ESPN ESPN 8' E T ESPN 8OCPM - ET \ , ~'Iph,a EAGLES at New vOr~ GIANTS ~"t OILERS at Pinsbu, gh STEELERS Deb'~t UONS at Tampa Ba~' BUCCANEERS Washington REDSKINS at Phoenix CARDINALS Lo~/v~etes RAMS al Buffalo BILLS ESPN (Sunday, February 3)(8:00PM-ET)AFC-NFC PRO BOWL from Honolulu. Hawa. or You are invited to drive any of our cars which you wish to test. Then when you select your favorite, we will give you a price which will make yOU squeal with | I Hinton, WV 25950 I 1-304-466-1212 ,f