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m HINTON 26, Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 Hinton News - 5
e The Hinton 7th. and 8th. Grade
Lady Bobcats defeated Rainelle LADY BOBCATS
Tues. night Sept. 11 to capture their
~,: ( first victory of the 1990 season. The
} ~, ~ ( ~ ::::: LadyBobcatsgotofftoafaststartby Sept. 24Mercer Away 6~00 & 7:30
grabbing a 13-2 lead after one quar- Sept. 25Gap Mille Home 12:00 & 1:30
t ! ter of play. Cheryl Cooper led the Sept. 27Peterstown Away 7:30
• early offensive attack with six first
t ,~'" Oct. 1 Shady Spring Home 6.'00 & 7:30
1 1 1 f:. [ quarter points. • Oct. 2 Welch Home 6:00
"~" L ~ The second quarter and the rest Oct. 4 Talcott Home 4:00 & 5:30
.v: of the game was played evenly for Oct. 8 Park Home 6:00
~. ~ HINTON BOBCAT FOOTBALL TO LADY BOBCATS the most part as Hinton did add oneOct. 9 Greenville Away 7=00
The Bobcats defeated Baileysville Hinton Lady Bobcats picked up pointtotheir total marginofvictory.Oct. 15 Gap Mille Away 12.'00 & 1:30
Fri. night by a score of 21-0. The two victoriesin last weeks action. In The 7th. and 8th Grade Lady Bob- Oct. 18 Peterstown Home 6.'00
if ] ~ season record now stands 2-2 by the first game Hinton defeated a cats sawseventeenplayersgetplay- Oct. 23 Greenville Home 5:30 .
r ~ ~ winning theirlast two games. Fresh- strong Greenbrier West team 66-63. ing time and ten players got into the Oct. 24 Shady Spring Away 6:00 & 7:30
Y ~ :~ man runningback Bruce JacksonKim Wynes continues to lead the scoring column in raising their rec- Oct. 25 Welch Away 5:30
. ). scored two touchdowns, rushed 103 Lady Cats in scoring with 39 points ord to one and one on the season. Oct. 29 Mercer Home 6:00 & 7:30
~" . , yds. on 24 carries. Quarterback against West. Wynes had 7 steals HINTON - 13 3 6 4 - 26 Oct. 31 Park Away 6:00
d , ~. Steven Brown had 152 yds. total and 13reboundsinthegame.Sopho- RAINELLE - 2 3 5 4 - 14 Nov. 1 Sandstone Home 4:00 & 5:30
¢ j ~ offense. Brown completed a touch- more Kristen Keaton added 20 points Leading Scorers - Hinton - Cheryl SUMMERS. MONROE CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT
down pass to Freshman Mike and 14 rebounds. With the win Cooper 8, Crystal Yancey 4, Andrea (Nov. 5, 7, & 8) Greenville Jr. High School
k ;,. Harshaw to add to the scoring for Hinton's record went to 2-2. Crook 2, Lindsay Keaton 2, Jennifer
¢ ~ the Bobcats. Inthesecondgameoftheweekfor Smith 2, Beth Farley 2, Sharon Family Get To,ether
• ":,~ ...... ;~:: ~~ the Lady Cats. Kim Wynes had 11 Kessler 2, Faith Fortner 2, Stacy
ii:;i;ii~i;~iiii!ii;iii:: :i::::iiii::;::i::iiiil)i::i::i::~i; rebounds, 8 steals and 32 points to Turner 1, Tonya Allen 1.
t: :i::)::~!!::~i~::!ili! Rainelle - Allison Rider - 8
iiiiiii~i)i)i::iiii)iiiiiiit~ii~i~!iii lead the Lady Cats over visiting Mt. The home of the late Carl and Meador all of Galax Va.
iii!:~iiiii~~i)i)l))ililil )iiii) View 69-56. Sophomore Kim LeadingRebounders-Hinton-LinnieHarveyMeadoronMadams Mr. and Mrs.'Jack Dennis
Robertson scored 11 points, for her
, Lindsay Keaton 5, Cheryl Cooper 4, Creek was the scene of a family get- Roanoke, Ca.; Muriel Kincaid, Mr'.
" ii~il)i~~ ii:.:i iseason high, and added 6 steals. Jessica Meadows 4. together Men. Sept. 3. Everyone and Mrs. Keith Kincaid, Oscar P.
r. "~, !::)!!!!!iii::::!!i!iii!!!ii!:)i!!!i!:i!iii~ii~i::~:i:i~ii .... ~:iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~iiiiili~i Kristen Keaton had 5 assists, 11 present enjoyed the day taking pic- Meador Jr. and Wilma Fitzpatrick,
d i • ii!~i;~i!i~!ii:~i: ":".:!: !:!~i!~ii~L~iii~ii~: rebounds and scored her 8 points by YATES Joins tures, playing games and visiting all ofMacArthur, W. Va.; Mr. and
)iii;;i;)i);ii::i::i)i.:-:i;)~ii~i~!;!~)~ii!~ making 8 of 8 from the foul line. among themselves. Mrs. Mark Willis, Jeremy, Shelly
1-; iiii::ili~~i~i~!:..i)ii~ Other scoring: Melanie Brumit - 4, Navy The oldest person to attend was and Justin, of Wayside, W. Va.; Mr.
• p Mrs.
~. MichelleWilliams-2, CelenaAngell Ethel Meador Jackson of Chris- and Mrs Ronald Them son
- 5, Sara Miller - 2, Jan Lilly - 2, tiansburg, Virginia, and the young- CharleneKeaton, RonnieThompson,
t.. BRUCE JACKSON Shem Saskins - 2 and Renee' HerbertE.Yatesrecentlyenlisted est was Megan Kimberly Mountsof Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith, Mrs.
Livesay- 1. in the U.S. Navy for guaranteed Beckley, W. Va. Geneva Farthing, Mrs. Gladys Pc-
Sophomore J W Ward kicked
1- . • " . . " . The Lady Cats shot 67% from the Joetta Caies scoring seven consecu- training in the Mess Management,Mrs. Pauline Meador Ball pre- ters and Mr. and Mrs. Grog Mounts,
three extra points Fri mght, hm
• foul line making 33 of 49 attempts tive points to tie the game at nine Specialist School. sented her siser and husband, Mr. Adam and Megan, all ofBeckley, W.
season mark is now 5 for 6 in extra ......... "
........ lnenex~scneou~eagamem ~uesuay and grabbed a ll-101eadastherirstYates, the son of Linda Ball of and Mrs. Bill Jackson a beautiful Va.
points. Delenmve s~anaou~r.~reg ~ ~ ~+ w~,~ .... w~°^n ~,~ quarter ended. Hinton, is a1988 graduate ofHinton cake marking their 61 Wedding Angle B~tsham, Shady Springs,
Carr, #33, was all over the field in :~Y'" ,'~.~" ^'~ ...... :', ""~" "~'~"
"nst Baile sville and ~cnoom a~ ~:uu p.m. A~so lnursaay, After this the Jr. High Lady Bob- High School in Hinton, W. Va. Yates Anniversary. W. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Meador,
,.:~ the game ?::d7assists~Jratotalof Sept. 20 the Lady Cats will travel to catsneverlookedbackingoingonto will report to Recruit Training Cen- Bill Jackson offered the inveca- Mrs. DebraCole, Tim and Sarah, all
m ., naa ~ sore . Greenbrier East post a 72-37 victory over Sandstone ter, San Diego, CA., in Nov. for ac- tion and a bountiful picnic dinner of Jumping Branch, W. Va.; Mr. and
r. " 18 tackles Carr played one of the
• ATItLETIC DIRECTOR Jr. High• In the second quarter tire duty, where he will undergo was served on the lawn at 1:00. Mrs. Martin L. Meador, Parkers-
best defensive games I have ever .............
~ll : , : ~onn ~ ~em nas oeen appom~ea Hinton outscored Sandstone 19 to 6 basic training. Attending were: Steve and Patri- burg, W.Va.;Jim Meador, Oakridge,
w~tnessed Look for No 33 m the
at : ~ : " . " . " ' athletic director fbr Hinton High receiving balanced scoring led by Following basic training, he will cia Mounts, Hudson, N.C.; Phyllis Tenn.;
upcoming game agmnst Peterstown
• School. Mr. O Neal can be reached Joetta Cales with 8 points, Janette begin 7 weeks of school in San Diego, and Thomas Ratcliffe, Nimitz, W. Lark A. Meador, Mrs. John Ball,
~~ from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Monday Yoppwithh, andCherylCooperwithCA. to prepare him for his job in the Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gilpin and Mr. and Mrs. David Gilpin and
; ~ ~~!! through Friday at the high school. 4. At that halfHinton held a 30 to 16 Mess Management Specialist field. Brian, Shirrills Ford, N. C.; Mr. and Matthew, Pare Lilly, Todd Mounts,
% ~~ii The phone numbers are 466-6030 or lead. Mess Management Specialists' op- Mrs. Bill Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Billv Mr.andMrs. Norman Farley, Bingi,
i!~:'~ 466-6033.JohnO~ealwillhelpwith Thethirdquartersawbothteams crate and manage Navy dining fa- Carl Jackson, Christiansburg, Ca.; JonandNiel;MarkMeador, Mr.and
~ill game scheduling fbr sports activi- experiencing foul problems andcilities and bachelor enlisted quar- Mr. and Mrs. Al Novell, Jeremy and Mrs. Kenny Gilpin, Mr. and Mrs.
~:t"i ~! HINTONJR. HIGH FOOTBALL Cheryl CooperbuttheLadyBobcatsNavy diningfacilitiesashoreand W~itaker, Laura and Jarrad, Tal- and Mrs. SammyBall, Mr. andMrs.
~i ties at Hinton High. Hinton playing without an injured ters. They are cooks and bakers in Andrew, Salem, Va.; Mrs. Lu Ann Junior Ball, Brian and Jeffrey, Mr.
:.~, ~~:i~ TheHintonJr.HighBobcatswere had a little more offensive power as afloat, and order, inspect, and stow cott, W. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tommy Mounts, John Blankenship,
~.! ~ii defeated by Stoco Jr. High 22-6. freshmanJanetteYoppscored8third food. They maintain food prepara- Meador, Anthony Meador, Stanley all ofHinton, W. Va.
-~ ..... ~ "~" Hinten's score came from a 6 yd. run quarter points, and eight graders tion spaces and equipment, andkeep ....
"i: _ /~:: .... by Chad Meador. The next Jr. High Farrah Lilly and Joetta Cales added records of transactions and budgets Boosters Meet
ii! .............. ~ame will be Thursday, Sept. 20 at 7 and h points each in pacingHinton forthefoodserviceinlivingquarters ii i
GREG CARR ~eterstown. The Jr. High Bobcats toah0to291eadafterthreequarters ashore•
,~' Also receiving decals for their are now 0-2 for the season, of play. Sandstone was led in this Petty Officer First Class Doug Bobcat Boosters met Men. night LARGE HOUSE
°~ helmets from the Hinton Elks Lodge TALCOTT JR. HIGH quarter and for the game by Lori Long, of the Beckley Navy Recruit- Sept. 10 at the City Sidetrack Park.
i!i ~2A wil~ Char~ov~ ~ft~mble .... FOOTBALL Shafer as she would tally 13 points ing Station, Yates' recruiter, said tweenRememberHintontheandf°°tballpeterstowngame be-on FOR SALE
recovery, Ron Pack 'and Mike Robert Cook, an 8th. grader at in the contest. . after successfuIly completing his Sept:21st. atHintonFootbnllfield. 10 Rms., 3 baths: 419 James
!II Harshaw- pass~i,t~¢ceptions. The TalcottJr. High, scored three touch- The ,final quarter of play wasadvanced school, Yates may go on to
Bobcats will no~ ~i~e on the Peter- downs Thursday night against Ren- dominated by Hinton asJoetta Cales additional schools, or be assigned to The, following members were St., Hinton, W.V.
I stown Pirates Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. ick. Touchdown runs of 10 yds., 30 exploded for 16 of her game high 33 any one of the Navy's duty stations present: Howard Cashwell, Willie $29,000.00; $1,000 Down
at the Summers County Athletic yds., lyd.andanextrapointconver- points in this quarter. Cales also around the world• Weber, DavidBallard, ChaseRodes,
Johnny O'Neal, J. H. Noel, E.L. Payment, $400.00 per month.
Facility. sion gave him a total of 20 points tor was thegame leadingrebounder with
Peterstown, a power in single A, the night• Talcott's other scoring 10. Sharon Yopp, Tabitha Lilly, and Hold Bingo Party Loomis.C°bb'J°eG°ins'andWalter"St°ney" f0r 15 yrs.
is now 4-0 As they defeated Mt came from a Brad Wykle pass to FarrahLillyalsogotintothescoring NOClosing costs. Available
Hope last week. Peterstown fans will Shawn Mann. Final score was Ren- column in this quarter but more A bingo party was held at the NOTICE TO HUMMING BIRD immediately. 466-2020
rt Now is the time to empty the
[r feeders and put them away until
~_... next year. You should not feed the
~ birds after Labor Day to force the
~ ~¢ birds to start their journey to South
~ ~ America.
If you feed them later they will
~ '~.~ strave on the way.
fill the stands Fri. ick 28 - Talcott 26. The next game for
Let's not be outnumbered by them the football Jr. High Talcott Pirates
- so Bobcat fans - come on out. will be Sept. 21 at Union against
Greenville at 7:30 pm. T~lcott is now
"Fan of the Game" 0-2 forthe season.
Brad Hutchison, a fourth grade GOLF TOURNAMENT
student at Bellepoint Elementary WWCC annual Club Champion-
was recently recognized as the Bal- ships
timore Oriole =Fan of the Game~. Champion- Richie Hannah
Brad traveled to Baltimore with his Runner - Up - Steve Ulaki
father Tom and brother Shane, 1st flight winner: Darrell Mann
friends Matt Durnan andD.F. Mock, Runner-up: Rusty Lowry
and little league coach Kit Durnan. 2nd flight winner: Guy Ray
Brad was escorted by Oriole person- Runner-up: Kenneth Brookman
nel to the playing field and intro- 3rd. flight winner: Bill Dillon
duced to various Baltimore Oriole Runner-up: Melvin Thompson
players• 4th. flight winner: Bill Seldom-
The thrill of his lifetime was ridge
meeting Jim Abbott, a member of Runner-up: Lee Farley
the California Angel pitching staff. 5th.flightwinner: FrankieAdkins
Brad was able to spend about 10 Runner up: Johnny Dillon
minutes with Jim to get autographs There were 54 golfers in the 2 day
and discuss baseball. "I was so nerv- event held Sat. Sept. 15 and Sun.
ous that I didn't know what to say to Sept. 16.
him," commented Brad. "I've always OTHER GOLF NEWS
wanted to meet him but when I did, Patrick Jordan of Hinton won the
I forgot almost everything I wanted first annual Pipestem Park Left-
to ask him.~ handed Golf Tournament. There
Brad and Jim have a similar were 15 golfers that competed on
condition in that they were born Aug. 26. Patrick shot a 75 to take
with only one hand. Both have over- home the championship.
come great obstacles and lead a ARCHERY CONTEST
normal life. Jim has been Brad's role The eecond annual state 3-D arch-
model for the last 3 years• cry shoot will be held on Sat. Sept.
"When I see Jim Abbott play so 22 and Sun. Sept. 23 at the Dawn
well in the major league with only Sportsman Club on WillowWood
one hand I know that with a lot of Road. Registration will be from 10
hard work I can do the same,~ said AM to 2:00 PM both days. Entry fee
Brad when he returned home. is $10.00 per range. There are two
The entire trip'was arranged by rangesconsistingof28 targets each.
Jay Durnan brother of Kit Durnan Fifty-six targets will be scored. There
who is a friend of the owner of the will be a bow given away by Doffs
Orioles. Sport Shop in Hinton and also a bow
Brad Hutchison & Jim Abbott
impressively Sharon Yopp and Ta-
bitha Lilly each had seven assists in
the contest. Farrah Lilly also had
four assists as well as three steals.
The Bobcats saw 12 players con-
tribute to the victory receiving key
play from Andrea Crook, Chasity
Battengee, Jennifer Smith, Melissa
Rollyson, Heidi Bragg, and Sharon
HINTON 11 19 20 22 - 72
SANDSTONE 10 6 13 8 - 37
The Hinton 7th and 8th grade
Lady Bobcats picked up their second
win of the season Sept. 13 with a 34-
18 win over Sandstone 7th and 8th
graders. Hinton led 6 to 5 after one
period as Lindsay Keaton led Hin-
ton with 4 points followed by Jessica
Meadows with 2. In the second quar-
ter Beth Farley, Crystal Yancey, and
Tonya Allen all got into the scoring
column as Hinton led 13 to 11 at the
In the third quarter the young
Lady Bobcats pulled away outscoring
Sandstone 12 to 4. Jennifer Smith
the games leadi ng scorer led the way
with six points followed by Erin Cox
with 4, and Beth Farley with 2. In
the final quarter Andrea Crook,
Kristi Clark, Heidi Bragg, and Stacy
Turner all got into the scoring col-
umn as Hinton captured the 34 to 18
victory raising their record to 2 and
1 on the season.
HINTON - 6 7 12 9 - 34
SANDSTONE - 5 6 4 3 - 18
TON- Crystal Yancey 8, Faith Fort-
ner 6, Lindsay Keaton 5, Jeseica
Meadows 5.
STEALS - HINTON. Erin Cox 3,
Andrea Crook 3.
Join a National Park Service
Ranger at Grandview (formerly
Grandview State Park) on Sundays,
Sept. 23rd, and 30th at 2 p.m., for a
leisurely 1 1/2 to 2 hour walk along
the Canyon Rim Trail. The hike will
begin at the Amphitheater box of.
The walk offers spectacular views
of the gorge and river plus informa-
tion on the natural and cultural
history of New River Gorge National
River's newest addition.
Veteran's Hospital in Beckley on
Men. night Aug. 27.
Twenty-nine patients enjoyed
playing bingo and the food that was
served after the game. Serving the
food were women from the D.A.V.A.
Auxiliary #30 of Hinton.
Those serving were: Irene Lilly,
Va Rippitoe, Garnett Meadows, Cora
Lee Arthur, Anna Sowder, Helen
Turman, and Rhonda Willey.
Those sending food was Charlott
Next bingo party will be Sept. 24.
This will be our last Bingo Party for
the year.
An overnight retreat is being
planned for Oct. 5-6th (Fd.-Sat.) with
the general theme of"Balancing the
Inner Family," based on Robert
Subby's work Healing the Family
For more information on this,
please call 466-0626.
Also 3 bedroom Apt. For rent;
All Utilities Pd. $350.00 Per
Classes started Mort. Sept. lOth but we are still taking
students for classes. Ages are 4 years to 6 years - classes
from 4:00 til 5:00. Ages 7 thru 9 - classes from 5:00 til 6:00.
13 year old to High School. classes from 7:00 til 8:00. Adult
Stretch Dance Class from 8:00 til 9:00.
Classes for 4 year olds to 12 year o/ds need tap shoes.
Classes offered are: tap, ballet, and jazz for students and
ballet and jazz for adults.
Anyone wanting to attend a class, report at your schedule
time and enroll then. Fee is $20.00 a month.
Classes are held every Monday upstairs at City Hall. For
more information call 255-4016.
I • I
Monday, September 24, 8:00 P.M.
Monday, October 1, 8:00 P.M.
8 8:00 P.M.