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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
September 18, 1990     The Hinton News
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September 18, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I 1 • , ISAAC D. FRAZIER - ~ Isaac Dale Frazier, age 59, died .~ Fri. Sept. 7 at his home, at Bozoo. - • He was the son of EunaLee Mann . Frazier ofBozoo, W. Va. and the late Isaac H. Frazier. He was retired , employee of the Hoechst-Celanese Corp. in Narrows. * He is survived by his wife, Phyllis -Keatley Frazier; brother, Daniel. Frazier, Rich Creek, Va. .- Services were held at 2:00 p.m. .: Sun. Sept. 9 at the Broyles Funeral ; .'Home Chapel in Peterstown, W. Va., ,, with MinistersTom Brown and Jack . Knight. : Burial followed at the Peterstown ^ Cemetery. I ASA E. G~ Asa E. "Jack" Gulley, 90, died Sun. Sept. 16 at 1 p.m., in a Fairlea hosp}tal, following a short illness. Born Nov. 15, 1900, in Lewis • ~ County, Ky., he was the son of the • : late Charles Henry and Cassie Jones Gulley. Mr. Gulley lived most of his life in Summers County, was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Hinton and former assessor of Summers County. Mr. Gulley was also a Navy veteran. Survivors include his wife, Orpha Bennett Gulley; three daughters, Mrs. George (Joy) Stones of St. A1- bans, Mrs. Cletus (Jean) Morris of Pinch and Mrs. W. C. (Phyllis) Parker ofHinton; six grandchildren and four :great-grandchildren. ; : Servcies will be Tues. at 2 p.m. at =the First United Methodist Church *a%" ;~4n Hinton with the Rev. Gerald ' Dotson officiating. Burial will be in J the Restwood Memorial Gardens • near Hinton. , The body was at the Ronald • Meadows Funeral Parlors in Hinton , and at the church one hour prior to the services. Pallbearers will be John Mann, n Gene Davis, Roy Brown, Jack Stone, , Tom Stone, Jerry Morris, Mike Crow- .~ ~er, and Ray Talley. Honorary pall- ' t~earers will be members of the John ' Wesley Men's Bible Class of the First ' United M~thodist Church. ~ • GEORGIA R. MARTIN ' ~ Georgia Ruth Martin, 60,tbrmerly of Cyclone, died Sun. Sept. 9, in a ~an hospital, following a short ill- !,:~' B~ WIar: :27, 19~0!~t~Cyelone, ~he was the daugh~z~Sf the late Rolston and Zona Bailey Osborne. , Mrs. Martin was a lifelong resi- ," ~ent of Wyoming and Summers The body was at the Melton Mor- tuary in Beckley. THOMAS M. RATLIFF Thomas Marion Ratliff, 66, for- merly of Hinton, died Thurs. Sept. 13, in a Petersburg hospital, follow- ing a long illness. Born July 13, 1924, at Hinton, he was the son of the late J.W. and Lucy Vest Ratliff. Mr. Ratliff was retired from the U.S. Army, was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church in Colonial Heights, Va. and was a 38-year resi- dent of Virginia. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia B. Ratliffin 1969. Survivors include a son, Thomas Ratli ffJr. of Petersburg and a sister, Elizabeth Beasley of Hinton. Memorial services were held Sat. Sept. 15 at 1 p.m. at the E.M. Mead- ows Funeral Home in Hinton. Bur- ial followed in the South Lawn Cemetery in Petersburg. Any donations of sympathy may be made to the American Cancer Society. DONA P. RICHMOND Mrs. Dona Pearl Richmond, 69, formerly of Hinton, died Sat. Sept. 15, in a Fairlea hospital, following a long illness. Born Sept. 12, 1921, in Summers County, she was the daughter of the late Meredith Price and Hattie Frances Plumley Bennett. Mrs. Richmond spent most of her life in Summers County. She was preceded in death by her husband, Percy Richmond. Survivors include two daughters, Louise Kelly of Kensington, Md. and Wanda Smith of Norfolk, Va.; three sisters, Nerma Graham of Rupert, Verna Adkins and Hattie Sears, both of Hinton and five grandchildren. Services'were held Men. Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with the Hey. Eddie Johnson officiating. Burial followed in the Bennett Cemetery on Tug Creek Mountain. The body was at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Home in Hinton. W. Va. Water Festival Quilt Show Winners Announced The 1990 W. Va. Water Festival Quilt Show had 38 entries in 7 dif- ferent catagories. The winners were as follows: "(~ounty, was a member of the Bright No. 1 - Hand pieced and hand "Prospect Missionary Baptist Church quilted at Cyclone and was a homemaker. First place - Mary Frances Tal- She was preceded in death by bert- Calendar Quilt three sisters, Polly Osborne, Opal Second place - Mary Grace Sur- ,~ Turner and Tessie Workman and a bough - Log Cabin ~. brother, Beecher Osborne. Third place - Tommy Trail - Maple Survivors include her husband, Leaf : Arnold Martin; a son, Donald Mar- No. 2 - Applique - All hand Work - tin of Hinton; four daughters, Vir- First place - Elaine Rudisill - " ginia Lusk of Fairlea, Ruth Moran of Maple Leaf i MathenyandPollyLyonsandNellieSecond place - Kennamae Lilly - Toler, both of Cyclone; a sister, Tulips LithonaJefferyofCyclone;abrother, Third place - Mary Newsome- SesterOsborneofCyclone;14grand-Colonial Girl children, and four great-grandchil- No. 3 - Combination Work dren. Second place - Jane Turner - Services were held Wed. Sept. 12 Double Wedding Ring at 1 p.m. at the' Evans Memorial Third Place-Ninajean Honaker- Chapel in Oceana with the Rev. Guy Lincoln's Platform Walls officiating. Burial followed in No. 4 - Kits the Blue Ridge Memorial GardensFirst place - Lula Sholes - Dres- at Prosperity. den Plate The body was at the Evans and Third place - Dorothy Miller - Evans Funeral Directors in Oceana. Flower Basket • Grandsons served as pallbearers. No. 5 - Baby Quilts & Wall Hang- ings JOHN E. PATRICK First Place - Margaret Woodrum John E. Patrick, 74, of 201 -BabyArim~IQuilt ~ellevue Lane, Beckley, died Thurs. Third Place - Mabel Bennett - ~ept. 13, at 9:15 a.m., in a Beckley Bunny Rabbits hospital, following a long illness. No. 6 - Miscellaneous ~B:h/~Yas~tth:91~6'i;Bth:ff~:~.Quilt First Place - Chase Cobb Family Marion and Anna Kozub Patrick. Second place - Geneva Johnson, Mr.Patrickspenthischildhoodin Virginia Vaughn - Cathedral Win- ~inding Gulf, was a graduate ofdew Collins High School, had worked in Third place - Clara Burton - Vie- many area coal mines, including l~opperston, had played in a semi- l~ro baseball league for the coal ~ompanies, was retired from the ~eckley Cab Co. in 1978, and had ~mpired for the Beckley Little ~,eague for many years. He was preceded in death by a i~ister, Mary Czerwiec. ~ Survivors include his wife, Mary Patrick; two daughters, Mrs. : ohn (Patricia) Roles of Jumping :~ranch and Brenda Wurst of Gar- i~and, Texas; four stepdaughters, !~inda M. Elmore of Charlotte, N.C., i~rs. Larry (Donna) Stover of Spra- *~ue, Mrs. John (Marilyn) Allen of "~eaver, Mrs. Jeffrey (Joyce) Hall o ',~eckley; a stepson, Charles Plum of :~rlando, Fla.; a brother, Joe Patrick ~fHamburg, N Y.; 14 grandchildren ~d six great-grandchildren. ',~ Serwces were held Men. Sept. 17 1 p.m. at the Melton Mortuary :L~hapel with Captain James E. ~dmonds officiating. Burial followed the Sunset Memorial Park Ceme- ~ry at Beckley. let Cross Stitch No. 7 - Old Quilts First place - Barbara & Jim Bowling - Minature flower garden Second place - Teresa Perry - Double Wedding Ring Third place - Mary Bower Upton - Love Chain The winner of the $50.00 Savings Bond was Mary Neely with =Best of Show~ - Dahlia. The winner of the tote cooler was I~ Timberlake. The winner of the quilt batting was Lula Foster. This quilt show was sponsored by the J.B. - Nimitz Extension Home- makers Club. NOTICE 3 tables were borrowed from St. Patrick Church early this summer and were not returned. If you have these tables or have any knowledge of their whereabouts, please call Rev. Dave Schmitt at St. Patrick Church, 466-3966. From page 2 ping at St. Clair, a distance of five vniles, when all steam had escaped out of the broken pipes. A double- header freight westbound soon ar- rived and shoved the engine back to Handley. LIVESTOCK MARKET Alderson Livestock Market Report of Livestock Auction sale held Fri. Aug. 31, amounting to $61,592.29. 248 head of livestock was sold by 56 different consignors, and 27 buyers. Stockers & Feeders: Heifers: Under 500 lb. Choice 70.00-82.50; 500 - 700 Good 65.00 - 77.50; Over 700 Medium 58.00 - 74.50. Stockers & Feeders: Steers: Under Choice 500• lb. 70.00- 101.00; 500-700 Good 71.00 - 94.00; Over 700 Medium 69.00-79.00. Stockers & Feeders Bull: 62.00 - 96.00. Baby Calves: 75.00. Hogs: 40.50 - 51.50; Sows 43.00. Cows: Commercial 48.00-50.00; Utility 45.00-53.00; Canner & Cutter 43.00- 44.00; Cows & Clvs: 595.00 - 620.00. Bulls: Commercial & Good 55.00-64.00. NATIONAL AWARD WINNER Eugenia Thompson The U. S. Achievement Academy announced today that Eugenia Th- ompson has been named a U. S. National Award winner in English. This award is a prestigious honor very few students can ever hope to attain. In fact, the Academy recognizes less than 10% of all American high school students. Eugenia, who attends Hinton High School was nominated for this National Award by Mary Nudge, an English teacher at the school. Eugenia's biography will appear in the U. S. Achievement Academy Official Yearbook, published nation- ally. Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 Hinton News - 3 "Recognizing and supporting our youth is more important than ever before in America's hi story. Certainly U. S. Achievement Academy award winners should be congratulated and appreciated for their dedication to excellence and achievement,~ said Dr. George Stevens, Executive Di- rector of the U. S. Achievement Academy. The Academy selects USAA win- ners upon the exclusive recommen- dation of teachers, coaches, counsel- ors or other school sponsors and upon the Standards of Selection set forth by the Academy. The criteria for selection are a student's academic performance, interest and aptitude, leadership qualities, responsibility, enthusiasm, motivation tolearn and academic performance, interest and aptitude, leadership qualities, re- sponsibility, enthusiasm,motivation to learn and improve, citizenship, attitude and cooperative spirit, de- pendability, and recommendation from a teacher or director. Eugenia is the daughter of Eu- gene and Judy Thompson. The grandparents are Stanfred and Christine Thompson oflndian Mills, W. Va. and the late Frank and Sallie Thompson of Buck Rt., Hinton, W. Va. COMBINED REVIVAL First Christian Church, Sept. 16- 17 - 18 and Community Christian Church Sept. 19 - 20 - 21. Evangelist: Tony Reed. 7:00 o'clock nightly. Special music. Nursery provided. Everyone Welcon~e. Fox Photographics ~,~ WEDDING SCHOOL //lk.JIFi , " AERIAL & /JJ~ COMMERCIAL 21 7 R BALLENGEE ST. HINTON II Bluestone Satellite Systems We sell the Best! Pipestem, W.V. General Instrument Drake Uniden and Sales & Service Descramblers Benny Wills 466-5409 It's our annual inventory time again...and we'd rather give you some great buys than have to count everything=. Save thru September 29th=. I GET A U.S. SAVINGS ............ BOND WITH ANY IN-STOCK PURCHASE OF S200 OR MOREl (E53746) OUTFIT $' includes VHS camera, light, $17 MONTHLY* telephoto & zoom lenses, case and more! BUY THE PAIR FOR ONLY ........... • $15 MONTHLY* ' ,,1 4-temp. dryer.** 44 (E28721 ) (E68721 ) PLUS a month's worth of detergent free! $65 Less than similar models. Cat. Number 20P20391 57BW49201 57BW53473 57BW53003 22P89447 22E89349 26JL29801 26JL69801 46AT60821 46AT60151 Oescdplten Sale Price* Save 3.9HP Kenmore Canister vac with $199.88$30 FREE Power Mate Jr. for tight spots Magnavox 25~ MTS Console 499.87 60 LXIMTS StereoVCR 269.97 30 PonasonicVCR 291.99 30 Kenmore 1.4 cu. ft. Microwave 272,47 20 Kenmore 1,3 cu. ft. Microwave 188.87 21 10-cycle Kenmore Washer 435.81 22 5-temp. Kenmore Elec. Dryer 349.69** 22 Kenmore 18 cu. ft. Refrigerator 499.82 50 Kenmore 20.6 cu, ft. Refrigerator 599.88 85 t" MANAGER'S SPECIALS 49028 Side-by Side Refrigerator $634.00 10s0~ Gas Gri, $229.87 10492 Gas Grill $150,00 9540 iagnavox Stereo $699.99 13.CU. FT. Manufacturer's reduction lets you from our everyday low price FREEZER 87 $11 MONTHLY* (Y20328} KENMORE MICROWAVE • Turntable 88 • Auto defrost SAVE slO s,0 MONTHLY* (E89435) • Remote • CD player • Graphic Equalizer Sl00 LESS $20 MONTHLY* (E95501) )e NO PAYMENTS 'TIL MARCH 1991 on any SearsCharge Purchase of $100 or more. Ask for details. HURRY...SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER 23rd "On SearsCharge (or SearsCharge PLUS credit plan ovoilab e on most purchases totaling $699,99 or more, Actual payments depend on ex stinct account balance. ~hipping to store included. *'Electric dryer requ res corc~ Al~ionce~ ore white; colors extra. Most items available to take home• See store for warranty details. Temple St., Downtown Hinton STORE HOURS: 8 am - 5 pm Man. to F ri. 8 a rn--12 am Sat. STORE PHONE: 466-2211 • L ~JlJ