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frozen tight and he was unable to ""
reverse it. He immediately waved
2 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 18, 1990 theengine back. The engineer on the
F ingo 'N 1 yard engine reversed and started
M0"~;n-d M%~-P~=e"ar;~a(~ ewspaper back in the other direction. Engi-
~ I~ ":"~'H~~ ~' |~ ~I neer Kilgore, seeing the yard engine~."F
coming back toward his engine at
I considerably speed and desiring to
j ~fi~ ,~'~,~.;:~,~- .~. ~.i~.'lA~~ I avoidacollision, thatseemedimpos- .~-L',
i , , ==. - sible to prevent, reversed his ~, el
Jj - -jy open. He was not quick enough,
Jj J~" ~lj3 ~ ~t~li~ ~~II~~ J ~ #~' however,engine caughtand thehisfrOntengineOftheaboutYard ' ~H
I Because a recent survey found that TheI "J
midway tearing the cab off and .-F
I knocking Mr. Kilgore to the ground. .-
I HINTON NEWS is the favored source The collision caused many of the : !~
I for three out of five for local news and steam pipes to break. With the colli-
J advertising items. I sion of the two engines, the engineer -, v
on the yard engine reversed his " ~
! [71 SIGN ME UP. ' : enginecausingittoback away, thus ~(.
releasing the passenger engine,
l Send me a ful year of THE HINTON NEWS (52 whose throttle beingopen dashedoff
I Issues) at the low basic subscription rate of $11.50 : the si de track on to the mat n li ne an d
I (in state residents add 69 cents state tax.) through Montgomery finally stop- ~ S
I : Continued on page 3 h
| I.,etters are welcomc, but only a [
I City State Zip ! | selection will be published. Prefer- J
O J wordsorless. Longerletters may be J; t~
/ shortened or rejected. Letters must J •ir
[ Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery of the first copy | be signed and must include an ad- [
J TEAR & MAIL TO: THE HINTON NEWS J / dress and phone number. Thetele- | :S
| phone number will not be published. J :a
J P. O, BOX 1000 [ J Letters will be edited for grammer, J ,.
L_ HINTON, WV 25951 j j spelling, taste, syntax, and libel. J B
J Names will not be withheld. I "~
| Address them to Letters to the [ ib~
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR / Editor, P.O. Box 1000, Hinten, WV [
! 2s951. I ~ : P
' Ot
Dear Fred; Editor Hinton News-
On Mar. 12, 1989, I was raided by
the city and state police for having
my private club open after hours. On
this same date, I waived probable
cause on the citation and was ar-
raigned before Magistrate Jefferies
upon this single charge. The next
day, I was assigned a Mr. E. Skaggs
as court appointed counsel, but when
I contacted him, he stated that he
could not see me until the date of the
trial. I fired Mr. Skaggs.
On Mar. 31, 1989, Magistrate
Jeff ries called Trooper Miller into
his office to have him file a new
complaint, upon which Jeffefies is-
sued, but did not execute, a warrant
, with twoadditilmal violations of the
Alcoholic Beverage Control
Commissioner's =Operations Regu-
lations. However, someone also
annotated on a case document that I
came in and stated that I would
represent myself.
On Apr. 12, 1989, at a pre-trial
hearing, now before Magistrate
Beasley, during which a defense
coun sel did not show, I filed a motion
to dismiss the charges because the
warrant did not state the "intent~
element required by the code.
On May 11, 1989, at an additional
pre-triat hearing, now before a
Greenbrier County magistrate, dur-
ing which a defensecounsel did not
show, I filed a motion to dismiss
because the warrant did not state
the "i ntent" elem ent required by the
On June 22, 1989, Judge Lobban
dismissed the warrant because, he
stated, "the charges should be three
separate and distinct charges, and
on June 29, 1989, Judge Jotliffe, the
"chief judge", Ordered the case back
befbre the same Greenbrier County
magistrate tbr reissuance of three
On July 20, 1989 was the date
that Prosecutor Aucremanne sched-
uled the trial before the Greenbrier
County magistrate, However, there
was no trial,in fact when I arrived at
the court room, I found no one around
or even the magistrates offices.
On July 21, 1989, I received an
eviction notice evicting me from the
club for criminal misconduct and
for failing to "acquire liability insur-
ance that no one in town would
During the month of Oct. of 1989,
the oldest charter for the American
Legion in the State was taken away
from Post 51' named after the Pack/
Parker family (Crawfords). Almost
immediately, the VFW announced a
On Jan. 9, 1990, without notice or
opportunity to challenge the array
of the grand jury members, as re-
quired by law, I was indicted for the
same "three separate and distinct=
violations against my ABCCLicense
Privileges', before a grand jury with
six to ten members who are directly
or indirectly associated with the First
National Bank of Hinton, which bank
I do business associated with my
closed licensed business" and my
From the beginning, my business
was doomed, for there was just too
much potential to make money. Legal
tipboards, poker machines, being
affiliated with the American Legion,
being black, being a Crawford all at
the same time must be too much for
the estab}ishment, for all of them
conspired to t ke private property
without paying compensation.
Our local and State Governments
are doing it to everybody, especially
those with potential, but void of ANOTHER RUNAWAY
status qua. It's really obvious and a ENGINE:
matter of public record, for the day Last week I wrote about a run-
school starts, a principle gets in- away ACL engine, No. 240, that ran
dictedforsomethingthatmighthave through five ACL switches and two
or might 'not' have happened five on the C&O to reach the main line.
years ago. I'm told she was not af- The engine then ran unattended on
fordedachancetochallengethearray a sixty-seven mile journey before it
of the grand jury either. Denial of was brought under control about one
the right to be heard is repugnant to mile east of Strathmore, Va.
Amend 1, as is denial of procedural Wordsofpriase wereheapedupon
due process is too Amend 5 and 14, all the men involved in bringing the
and for prosecutors, judges and dieselenginetoastopwithoutdoing
magistrates to make law is violative damage.
of Article 5; Division of Powers Act, At the request of C&O President
of our, State Constitution for the WalterTuohy, Mr.MiltDolingerwas
commissioned to write a ballad de-
Legielature must make law.
In addition Fred, slander, scribing how the C&Omen stopped
intimidarion,and denial of vested the ACL engine. Mr. Dolinger,
civil rights (liberty), and arbitrary manager of the news divison of the
State Action against privileges, pri- public relations department was
rate property and jobs is also elected poet laureate at the share-
Another view of the construction ofthe Overhead Bridge
1928. Paul D. Marshall & Associates, Inc. Photo.
A lot of folks from now on have
something to remember-
The sage of Two-Four-Oh and her
partner, One-Four-Eight,
A pair of lonely diesels who tried
to change their fate.
A beaming Walter Tuohy, Presi-
dent of their line,
Commended all the men involved,
saying they did fine;
He sent congratulations via West-
ern Union wire,
To Nuttycombe and Bickers for
putting out the fire;
The president of the Coast Line,
W. Thomas Rice,
Expressed his admiration in a
manner quite concise -
"The efficiency and teamwork of
C&O personnel
"Deserves highest commenda-
tions from us at ACL."
through without sounding the
whistle and vanished from view in
an instant in the east end of town.
When the writer started working
on this. division the only stations
between Handley and Deepwater
were Montgomery, Eagle and Mr.
Carbon. When the railroad first
opened for business, there were sta-
tions such as Cannelton instead of
Montgomery, Crescent instead of
Eagle, Frederick instead of Mr.
Carbon and Loup Creek instead of
Deepwater. Shortly after the turn of
the century, coal mines opened in
great number in this area. There
were nine mines within the six miles
between Montgomery and Deepwa-
ter, namely: Coal Valley Mining Co.;
W. R. Johnson Coal Co.; Carver
Brothers; Wyant Coal and Coke Co.;
The St. Clair Co.; Forest Hill Coal
CUR. Srd AVE. & ~PL~ fir.
Beta Blockers: Helpful
in These Conditions
Beta blockers, such as pro-
pranalol, atenolol, nadolol, and ti-
molol compete with adrenalin-like
substances for stimulation of the
so-called "beta receptors" in the
body. Blocking these receptor/
causes different types of effects,
depends. 911 receptor location and
type. ,
High Blood Pressure: Betablock-
ers are thought to lower elevated
=grossly"repugnent to the Republi- ownersannua] meetingin Newport A runaway on the Hinton Divi- Co.; another Wyant Coal and Coke bloodpmssarcthroughamduction
can Form of Government guaran- News in Apr. 1957. sion, preceededthisincidentbytbrty- Co.;Mt.Carbon;TheGreatKanawha inthehcartratcandadecrcasedrc-
teed by Article III of the U.S. His ballad appeared in Vol. 4 No. seven years. It was about 4:05 p.m., CollierCo Limited' Plus two mines ....
Constitution. 2,Chessie News, Jan. 15, 1960. The Wed. Jan. 15, 1912 when a wild run elthe Mr. Carbon we. Limiteo on tne
ROGER L. CRAWFORD last two verses are as follows: was made by a steam passenger Powellton and Pocahontas Railroad Angina: When used aloneor with
=Just another job," was what the locomotivefrom Hand]ey teSt. clair, up Armstrong Creek, Inter pur- nitroglycerin, beta blockers cause
Hooking Into The men from Chessie said, ~ Hundreds of persons on Front St. in chased by the C&O and named tim heart to require less o~ygcn
1 - 800 Number Asthanksandpraisewereheaped Montgomery were startled as the Powellton Subdivision. With that through their effcct on reducing
upon each and every head, mamoth engine, completelyengulfed many mines in the area, plus many blood pressure, heart rate, and the
Dear Fred: That runaway had traveled over in steam, sped through the town more west of Montgomery no doubt contractility of the heart.
TheSummersCountyConvention sixty-seven miles, going at a speed estimated at from there were hundreds of people on .
Causing lotsofworriesthatwere fifth to sixty-five miles per hour. the street when the huge "steam- Glaucoma: .While not complctct
& Visitors Bureau will soon be hook- changing now to smiles, Trains and engines passing through shrouded engine streaked through understood, It ~s thought that beta
ing into the 1-800-CaII-WVA tele- From four a.m. to half past six on Montgomery commanded very little the town. blockers lowexey¢ pressure byde-
phone number, the 30th of December, attention but this engine zipped The runaway engine got away at creasing inwaocular fluid produc
One of the services we will be Handleyin a most unusual manner. Con.
bringingup is reserving rooms for our out-of- to Summers County and '"'=...,, t ealth----- Y ~yard ....... engine wason the westbound ......
Southern W. Va. through this hook ........ Migrmne eatmcaes: Betablock-
track at the west ena at rianatey .. .
HflW ers am prcscnbcO to prevent ml-
yara aria an a~emp~ was maae ~o ......
town visitors. The Summers County '" ~it v ~o"~ ea ~u 't ack gralne ncaoacnc attacks. It is
sw~cn o er~ ~ne s~Do no r" . .,__ - .....
Convention & Visitors Bureau will ill y'" lll=-- " " ,o mougm umt acta blockers may
The passenger engine, m charge f ......
becoordinatingeffortswiththeW.V W OU be the year ..........
engnneer r~ugore was mHowmg ~ne .........
a. Department of Commerce to book " . O[ O1oo(1 vessels m me nea(1
yard engine for the purpose of get-
Pipestem°Verfl°WLynn M.reservationandsandersBluestonerequeStSparks fOrlo, l 2!1
)0? ring on the other track also. The Irre-ular Heart Beat Ablock
yard brakeman, whose duty it was -... ~ ....... It: .....
cally, in our hotels, motels, Bed & ........ ut mc ell Ct oI am nalm-ltKe
to throw the swi~cn waves ms en- -- . -
to chemicals on the heart may pre-
Breakfast's, privaterental units, etc. gine ahead before attempting ~ • -
Sincerely, • ........ was vent c rmm types of irregular heat
reverse tne sw~tcn. ~ ne sw~cn be, aL
lhe u timatc objecti c "s to improve your health.
At Weight Watchers we support our government's
guidelines for healthy Americans and want to help
Telephone you and your family achieve goals that promote
Solicitors good health- eating well, maintaining a healthy ON THE HINTON BY-PASS
weight, exercising and practicing positive lifestyle HOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS HOT DOGS
Dear Sir:
In the past few months or so I
have been inundated by very persis.
tent telephone solicitors selling one
thing or another, occasionally a
computer does the calling, but in
most cases it is done by a real live
person with a pulse. It seems as
though you can never get rid of them
without being rude and hanging up
on them.
I as well as most folks find it
easier to tell a little white lie than to
be rude, kindly tell the caller that
you are the maid or butler and that
you do not have the authority to
honor their request.
Since I am the mechanic, butler,
painter, as well as a lot of other rifles
real or imagined, it would not really
be a lie at all.
The little white lie should not
hurt anyone, it will get you off the
hook without rudeness, and it makes
Summer= County look very affluent
having all these hired servants.
I personally like playing the gar.
Yours Truly,
Leonidas R. (Leon) Moten
Route 86, Box 20-A
Jumping Branch, WV 25969
habits. The overriding
goal is to increase not only
your life span, but also
your health span. With
this in mind, for a limited
twoweekpcriod(Septem- W C-H
bet 16th thru 29th, 1990)
Weight Watchers invites 2"0:0"0
you to...
You know it makes sense.
For further information throughout West Virginia call
Outside of West Virginia call
O~r vMid tn Area 97 o~ly.
We offer a full breakfast menu.
large selection of tasty sandwiches
choice droners. Our salads
and desserts are made fresh daily.
6 am to 10:00 pm
6:00 to 11:30 am
Phone 466-1700
Below Bluestone Dam
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