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8 - Hlnton News Tues. Sept 17, 1991
rybeth Itarmon had 12 for Oeeana
In tonight's consolation finals.
Oceana squares offwith Buffalo at 6
p.m. while Hinton challenges St.
Marys at 8 p.m.
All games are at Hinton High
Oceana (2-1) 2 14 7 12 - 35
St. Marys (2,1) 12 15 11 23- 61
Oceana - MaryBeth Harmon 12,
Roxsee Stover 8, Jackie Bradford 8,
Renee Castle 3, Rikki Elkins 2, Julie
Rollins 2. SM - Andrea Eaton 12,
Krysta] Weaver 12, Kristina Miller
8, Laura Hammett 6, Shannon Lough
7, Donna Westbrook 4, Heather
Straight. 4, Francis Wilson 4, Becky
Childers 2, Diana Higgins 2.
Buffao 12 11 7 5- 35
Hinton (2-0) 13 18 13 20 - 64
BW - Rita Mercy 6, Dawna Lewis
2, Shelly Gikerson 6, Stacy Lamber
4 Sara Tomlin 16, Amy Thompson
1. l tinton - Metanie Brumit 18, Kris-
ten Keaton 17, Jenny Mann 16,
Michelle Williams 4, Kim Robertson
4, Janett Yopp 2, Melissa Rollyson
2, Celena Angel 1.
ttinton High School Girls Basket.
ball Team won their first game of the
year. The Lady Cats beat Meadow
Bridge Wildcats 76 to 38. Soph. Jenny
Mann lead ttinton with 19 pointsin
her first game as a Lady Cat. Jenny
played fbr Talcott Jr. High the last
few years and played AAU basket-
ball in the summer.
Also leading the club were Jun-
iors Kristen Keaton with 16 points
and Kim Robertson with 12 points. 9
out of 10 players scored for Coach
Ron Williams, who used his bench a
great deal.
Jenny Mann alsohad 13 rebounds
and three blocked shots with a big
game on he boards. Other scorers for
Hinton were Me]anie Brumit 8,
Celena Angell 8, Tabitha Lilly 6,
Janette Yopp 3, MeIanie Humphreys
2, and Melissa Rollyson 2 points.
Hinton attempted 17 foul shots and
made 14 for 82%, Kristen Keaton
shot 6 for 6 from the foul line.
HINTON 21 25 20 10 76
MEADOW BRIDGE 9 3 13 23 48
Parallel to the football teams'
recent success, the Varsity Cheer-
leaders are striving to perform bet-
turin 1991-92. Anenthusiastic squad
of 5 seniors, 3 juniors, and 3 sopho -t
mores is setting and already attain-
ing several goals for the upcoming
The most challenging of these
goals is fund-raising for new uni-
forms to create a sharper-looking
image for the 10 cheerleaders, 1
mascot team. Having already pur-
chased sweaters and skirts for the
football season, the girls are now
working to buy a new set of basket-
ball uniforms. Car washes, bake
sales, rummage sales, raffles, and
clinics have all been held to contrib-
ute to the effort. The cheerleaders
would like to thank all of those who
helped them and encourage you to
continue your support.
Inspired by the success of the
cheerleading clinic held last spring,
the squad is planning a follow.up
clinic. This gives younger students
the opportunity to improve their
skills and get to know the Varsity
squad. Any student is invited to
attend. Forms will be sent to the
elementary schools shortly.
Another priority for this year's
squad is to build-school spirit and
support to football players through
crowd encouragement. Please make
an effort to attend games and pep
rallies and participate in the cheer-
leaders yells. By doing so, the cheer-
leaders, the football team, and the
entire community will benefit.
St. Mary's beat host Hinton in the
Pizza Hut Classic Tournament
championship game Sat. 56-42.
St. Mary's held Hinton to single
digits scoring in the first and last
quarters and were sparked by tour-
nament MVP Crystal Weaver's 20
The Lady Bobcats received 13
points from Kristen Keatona nd 10
from Celena Angell.
Hinton fell for the first time this
season against two victories and will
play Tues. night at Greenbrier West
at 7:00.
St.- Mary's(4-1)'t0 16 iitf4[ ' ::
Hinton (2-1) 9 11 13 8 -:2 ''' :
St. Mary's Crystal Weaver 20,
Laura Hammett 9, Andrea Eaton 9,
Diana Higgins 8, Francis Wilson 7,
Bobbie Steele 2, Shannon Lough 1.
Each Offloe Independently Owned
\\; Rt 86- BOX 99
Jumping Branch, WV 25969
R. Eugene Jones, Jr., Broker
# 275:30 acres near 1-64.
wooded & creek - 21,000.
#274:52 acres, well &
elect., good farmette &
hunting. $30,000.
#272:3 BR on River at
Talcott - $35,000.
#257: Nice year round
home near Greenbrier
River 55,000.
#221: Camper on wooded
lot at Indian Mills
#201:2.11 Acres Jumping
Branch (well & elect. &
sePtiC) $7,500.00
Totals: 15-24-31-56. Hinton - Kris-
ten Keaton 13, Celena Angel 20,
Jenny Mann 7, Melanie Brumit 6,
Michelle Williams 2, Tabitha Lilly 2.
Totals: 15 11-21 42.
Buffalo Wayne 68
Oceana 56
Buffalo-Wayne overcame a slow
six point first quarter start to beat
Oceana in the Hinton Pizza Hut
Classic consolation game Sat.
Sara Tomlin laid in 15 points,
while Rite Murphy and Shelley
Gikerson scored 14 each for the vic-
Mary Beth Harmon scored 14 and
Roxsee Stover 12 for Oceana.
The All Tourney team cvonsisted
of: Oceana's Mary Beth Harman;
Buffalo-Wayne's Sarah Tomlin and
Shelley Gi]kerson; Hinton's Celene
Angell and Kristen Keaton; St.
Mary's Andrea Eaton, Laura Ham-
mond and MVP Crystal Weaver.
Buffalo-Wayne 0 6 17 20 25 - 68
Oceana 0 15 9 16 15 - 56
Buffalo Wayne. Rite Murphy 14,
Shelly Gilkerson 14, Stacy Lamber
10, Sara Tomlin 15, Stacey Wilson 8,
Bert Staley 3, Dawna Lewis 2, Amy
Thompson 2. Totals: 28 8-22 68.
Oceana - Mary Beth Harman 14,
Top Row L to R: Courtney Leslie, Megan Cole, to R: Rebecca Dillon, Rochelle Richmond, Shan-
ShannonPayne, TamaraIlarshaw.Bottom RowL non Richman, and Krista Gules.
Pictured left to right: Top Row: Jeasica Reich, Ward, Stella Harvey, Helen Boone, Jaime Bee.
Emma Chanlett,Avery, Trisha Koenig, Anna sley, ReneeBrandoLMascot.rlcaKe4ton.
Ziegler, Stacy Newton. Bottom Row L - R: Kim
::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:+:.:.:.:,: :: .: : :.:: ::: ::: :::::::::-:-:::.:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::
I:il :!i: ::i::: !!!-. ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::IQ iiiiiii::iiiii::i::ii:::!;!;ii :::ii::i!:: :i:.:/:/
:i ::ii::iii:.::::::::::! : : :: i::!::':!::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Live comfortably downstairs
and enjoy rental income from
upstairs efficiency unit; con-
venient Rellengee Street lo-
cation, near high school;
Only $17,000. for a ranch-style
frame, approx. 10 yrs. old, in
town- with off-street parking!
Check it out!
11.4 wooded acres at Lerona,
near Pipestem Resort; ideal
building site... $17,500.
Assumable, low-income VA
Loan to help you buy this 1 1/2
story brick home with full
basement; $37,500; Investigate
Brick apartment building in
Hinton Historical District; 2
units, fully occupied; $23,000.
al =====================
Farms, Residential, Vacation
and Commercial Properties
Member MLS •
Autrey Ritch, Broker
GRI, Certified Real Estate
Roxsse Stover 12,Jackie Bradford 8, 5th Ave. & Commercial St.
Mary ]]ankenship 7 BeckyDay 7 ....
Renee Cassell 4, Lynneia Price 2, Hinton, WY 20051
Lulie Rollins l. Totals:1918 - 34 56. 304-466-1111 0r466-0736
Call and List With Us Today!
By virhm oft he authority vasted in the hereina P, er
named Spial Commissiom by 'tue of the Order
entered by the Circuit Court of Summ County by
tbe Honable Reber t A. Bum dde on April 22,1991,1
Jmeph Zak, Special Commissioner, will conduct the
sale of certain rml tat deErflmd folhiwng, at
public sale to the highest bidder in astidaction ofm
certain judmont lien in favor ofHn Bdm Caraway
against Bby Lamar Caraway.
The undersigned will od'Sar for sale ut public uuc-
tion te the higtmmt bidder at tim front dose of the
County Courthotme of Summers County, West Vir-
ginia, located in Hinten, Welt Virginia on the 23rd day
of September, 1991, at !:00 P.M. em that day, in its
entirety and undivided, the following dmilmd real
That certain tract or parcel orhmd known as the
Place" cen.dsting of 70 ecru, being situate in
Talcott District, Summers Centy. Wast Virginia. And
is the tame land cenveyed to Helen B. Caraway by
Alfred H. Fox, Jr. and his wife by dated July 3,
1971, recorded in the Office e4"theClerk oftbe County
Court of Summer* County, Wast Virginia, in Deed
Beet 108, st Page 396 and moreparticuledy desflmd
Tho*e ertam untimuo tmcA or panmle or land
kmwn as the "Bailey Place" ¢ondCdng of appr
mutely 503 aires, being situate partly in Talcett Di-
tri¢t and partly in Gonbrler Dletrkt, Summorm
County, Wt Virginia.
And being the same land cenveyed to Helen B.
Cureway by J.W. WaRarm and his wife und J.W. Word,
Jr. and hi, wife and the J.W.W. Company by deed
dated June 24,1970, rerorded in tbe Offi or the Clerk
ef the County Cotwt Summ County, Weg Vir-
ginia, in I)d Book I0, at Page 71, and m psrticu-
lady deacribed there/n.
And being the same lends conveyed to Helen B.
Caraway by Woodrow qumenb*rry and his wife by
dasd dated June 12,1979, meordedin tbe Office oftbe
Clerk of the County Ceurt of Summers C4mnty, Wmt
Virginia, in Deed Book 134, at Page 226, and mum Imf-
tieularly described therein.
And being the ume iandm cenveyed H,den B.
Caraway, by Paul Peyte and hit wi by dated
February 7,1973, recerded in the Office ofth Clerk of
the County Court of Summerm County, West Virginia,
in Dend Book 113, at P 421, and mm' imrtitdariy
dcribed there/n.
That m'tain trat or of lend k4mwn as the
"Richmond lace', cundetlng of 37 40 pa/,
being situate in the hesdmsler of Hunprt'| Creek,
Tukott Dlgrict, Summltm County, WViqlInlm. And
being the unto lands omveysd to Hdm B.Caraway by
C J). Richmond and Richmemi, by demd dated
October 20,1971. recorded in the Ofltm oftbe Cik of
the County Cwt of Smnmers Coun,Wmt Viinla,
in Del B4mk I0, at pnl 39, aad m rtiauhtrly
4e,eibed tham/a,
Them ¢rtaln mtlgtum treats w panmle of lend
knewa u tim "Wmdrum/Me.Klnm Plae esmttng
of 116 mem, b situntl i Tmtt DINdct, um.
men Couaty, Wt Virginia.
And beiallthm ram. t Hmlen B.
Cam by Asem w dot,4 may 3,
I t I, rmdl la th Oiflcut tl Clm tlm County
of Cum, Wt Vlrn, in Deed
iok 10't, mt P CtS, 1 m lm-ulmrly d-
Ks4bed ti.
tJmm lS, lfl, tu t0mesor
.t'rk of thin C.z Curt Cmt,
Wmt Vttgiakda De i IW. mtt4e,
• paUlmrl mSmd tlmmi
TJgB OF ALE: mh in hamhm d mJe,
suet to my ud d ummkt tm
le the intont of tho (.ler ot tlw Ciredt Court of
r8 Ceen dated April 22, !9914dmt the 1
ertim b* eskl tit tbelr inflmt te iltt tl jt
lira etHelm Bej qr.
Gtvm ml a hand th Kth 4 d'Sidml-,
IL Je*qh Zak
Sped CaiBi*r
HN 8t!1€ 10, i?
32 l-3rd Ave.
NEW RIVER - Acreage.
SANDSTONE - lovely 3 BR, 2
baths, on 2 acres. Pond. 5
minutes from 1-64.
I $16,000_ y ¢, financ-
ing .'b,, n.
| PINE HILL- Attractive 3 BR.
| 2 1/2 bathe. Frame. split level,
| fireplace, carpeted. Attached
2 car garage. Large corner lot.
Excellent buy at $58,000.
Greenbrier River. Large lot, 2
BR. - 200 yds. ft'. new boat
launch. Great fishing. Nice
starter home or summer camp.
LOWELL - on Greenbrier
River - 3 BR. - large new deck
on 3/4 A. Garage. Priced low at
building with furnished apts.
NEW RIVER. 2 BR., camp with
120' frontage on By-Pass 3 and
20. 120' frontage on the river.
Good commercial property.
105 acres, barn and shed. 2
BR., frame house. Pond.
215 8th. AVENUE- attractive 2
story frame, 3 BR., 2 baths.
Combination kitchen/family
room, dining room. Tastefully
decorated, nice quite neigh-
borhood. $37,500.
on Greenbrier River0'x242'.
baths, brick, 1 car garage on 2
TRUE - 39 1/2 acres, full base-
ment, well. View of Lake
Bluestone. $35,000.
RIVERTOWNE - Restaurant,
ice cream parlor, all equip-
ment. 10 apts. partailly com-
pleted. Can make own pay-
ment. Great buy.
214 TEMPLE ST - Commer-
cial rental, includes 4 apts.,
business on ground floor.
412 - 4th. AVENUE - frame, 4
BR., 2 1/2 baths. $23,500.
June McGraw, -
Home: 466-1767
Wilton Rodeo, Sales. 488-1118
IAnda Lyorm, Sale, 466.2638
Olaus Lyons, Sales, 466.2638
STATE PROJECT X241-125-0.00
The Wmt Virginia Dtvidm of HIghwmym, in p
eration with the New River Parkway Authori, will
held a public meeting Tuasdmy, Suptmbor 24, 1991
and a publk bern'leg WImday, Octeb 9, 1991 on
the propod mtruction oft, be New Rbr Parkmy,
a new two-lan read frm the intenmetiao of deigh
County 2 and WV 20 nr Hinton mh to I-4.
Each of tbe mtin, mcJluld to begin st 7 lm.
at the Summers Mmorial Building at First Argue
and James Street in Hinte. will be peseed by Im
tleaul epea beum frem I p.m. to 6 Fro. at the
same lecatn toallew intemstad dtiaens to view phme
and auk qumtiuns about the Inject The ptped
rood, which will parallel the New River far about 10
milas and provide a park-lik d d
threuh d© lendmals, will onlm m,w und ,ffi-
igtng ltgnmunt.
A DraR Envirenmuntal Impact Statemunt is avail-
able for publicirmpestion at thm O/mth Srehu
of State, Charitun; Office of the Raleigh Cstmty*
Clerk, Baskiay; Offias of the Summere Cunty Cle,
Hinton; New River Parkway At Ofm, Unim
8tront, Hintm; O of the Dletrkt NiM Hihw
wa , r lanni ,m/
Dºwuloffimt Coundl, and Publk AffaL
O, West Vlmln/m t d,.,C/.
t C Bulldin I CbKlt. WV SS.
A mpy th dum,mt mn be dgaim I writiM
te d Eppdy. Jr.. of tlm Dig
V/vi,/o Wt D/ilen orHihw
Cma BUlMa c wlt
5306. Any perume or 8rupe wimhin to file vrltton
statemta on the project or jroupa wlehinj to file
wrtttcm mtutments en tim prqjest or tim Drq lvi-
ronmuntal Impact 8tatemmt m dem by writing to
tbe rome eddrees m or befum Deem:bor 2,190t.
HN Sept. 10,17
Rt. 1 Box 86
Batlard, W.Va. 24918
County line. Beautiful 2 story
7 room home with 2 large
hallways, 4 BIL LR, DR, FR,
kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base-
taunt. Completely remodele d,
situated on approx. 30 acres
of beautiful level to rolling
land with stocked fish ponds.
Developed springs. 5 acres
woodland with large trees,
barn, machine and hay shed,
: other outbuildings, plus 40x80
craft shop with a combina-
t/on cabinet and workshop.
Excellent location with hard-
top road fl'ontage. This might
be the one you have been look-
ing for. You must see to appre-
ciate the quality. Call today.
TALCOTY AREA-4 BR., 1 1/'2
story home. Large dining
room and kitchen, bath, front
porch. Garage and utility
building. Situated on large lot.
T.V. cable, public water. Very
onvenient location. Only
to $30,000.
approximately 17 acres,
mostly woodland. Overlook-
ing Greenbrier River. A good
place to build camp, home, etc.
Priced at only $11,000.
brick home, kitchen with built
in cabinets. DR., LR., 1 1/2
baths, full basement, base-
board hot water heat, quality
built home with all oak trim
situated on approximately 1
acre land in good location.
Home is unfinished but sell-
ing at reduced price, only
Reduced to
AREA - 8 room frame home, 4
BR., LR., FR., kitchen, DR.,
small basement, front and
back perch, wood shed, util-
ity building. Situated on ap-
proximately,1 acre level land,
fruit trees, d g'/-d t;
on hard p road. Only
16.33 acres of mostly wood-
land. Only I mile from Green-
brier River. Secluded home
site approximately 5 acres
cleared, on hard top road.
AREA - Approximately 4 acre
tract of land, good location
with fruit trees. Road front-
age on two sides. Will sell in
two tracts or as a whole.
Street, beautiful 2 story 3 BR
home, modern kitchen with
new appliances, LR with fire
place, DR, bath, hotwater
baseboard heat with new fur-
nae, carpeted throughout,
new insulated windows, all
new wiring, new hot water
tank, 2 car garage plus rooln
for boat, full finished base-
ment, paved driveway. Nice
garden and grape arbor, plus
much more. This super nice
home must be seen to appreci-
ate. Call today.
MARIEAREA- 3 or 4BR. home
with large LP, combination
diningroom/kitchen, large
bath. Screened in front porch,
aluminum siding. Situated on
a large lot with good garden
spot. Very conveniently lo-
cated on hardtop road.
TALCOTr AREA . on Boll
Noble Rd. A survey 108.55
acres approx. 15 acres cleared,
level with beautiful view.
Orchard with lots of apple and
fruit trees. Old barn and util-
ity bldg. Balance in young tim-
her with rolling and steep
land, with streams and creek
thmi property. $65,000.
ListingsOr hUc'Uoh Sales
Call 466-3210!me
Paul "Buddy" Light
Broker & Auctioneer
- Ul
• CI
. 'lm