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4 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 16, 2003
The Hinton News
Published weekly on Tuesday
By The
Hlnton Publishing Corporatiofi
210 Second Avenue
Hinton, W VA. 25951
Phone (304)466-0005
Frank Spicer, Gen. Mgr.
Fred Long, Publ. - Ed
USPS 246-180
Subscriptions By Mail
Out of Stats $30.00 per year
By Carrier • Summers co. $21.00 per year
All oer WV counties $25.G0 per year
50¢ Issue (wv resident pay 6% sales tax)
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Require Payments in Advance
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Ped0dical Postage Paid At Hinton, WV
Articles submitted to the Hinton
News must reach the office by Friday
noon in order to be considered for
publication in the following Tuesday
paper. Please include your name and
a phone number where you can be
reached during business hours. The
Hinton News reserves the right to
edit any material and regrets that
articles cannot be returned.
Items for the Community Bulletin
Board must reach the office by 11 am
Monday in order to be considered for
publication in that week's paper.
Hinton News is open
Monday thru Friday
Business Hours:
Men. & Tue.: 9 am to 4 pm.
Wed.: 9 am to 12 pm.
Thurs. & Fri.: 9 am to 4 pm.
To Conduct
/ MountainHeart Child Care
:.Services, a program of the
• MountainHeart Community
• ' Services, Inc. will be conducting
training on September 18 from 11
a.m. until I p.m. at the Hinton City
Hall for all family daycare providers,
:ii day care center staff, and potential
! day care providers. Tlae topic of the
training will be "Emergent Literacy:
: It's never to early to begin."
The training meets the mandated
safety and health requirements for
state registered family day care
providers and state licensed day care
centers. Certificates stating
successful completion of each session
i attended will be issued to each
participant-. There is no charge for
Fall Restricted Fire
Season Opens
October 1st.
DandyLions and Ladybugs Day
Care Center Holds Open House
Pictured are Shawna Merriam and Blake Belcher getting their
faces painted by Concord College Social Work student Laura
Stokes at the Open House held on Thursday August 28th. from
5:30 to 7:30 pm at the REACHH.Family Resource Center located
at 411 1mple Street. Participants had the opportunity to talk with
Center staff and enjoy an assortment of refreshments, while their
children were entertained with a variety of activities. For more
information about DandyLions and Ladybugs Day Care call 466-
Byrd's-Eye View
By U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd
Improving Treatment of Citizen-Soldiers
Nearly each day of the ongo-
ing military occupation in Iraq
brings news of the death or injury
of American soldiers. President
Bush's May I declared end to major
combat operations .has not stopped
the bloodshed. Thousands of West
Vir=inia Guardsmen and Reservists
still serve in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and more could be called to serve in
a growing number of international
but spots.
I have heard from many fami-
lies anxious to know when their
deployed loved ones might return
home. All of these families ex-
curity missions. Then, after a three
month rest, the unit was sent to the
Persian Gulf in February 2003,
where it remains. There has been
no word as to when this unit will
return home.
While the nation's citizen-sol-
diers are proud to serve their coun-
try overseas, they also have obliga-
tions at home. These part-time sol-
diers are full-time doctors, firemen.
policemen, and a host of other roles
which are critical to the security of
American communities.
I recently contacted Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to
Craig ekes, Service Forester
The West Virginia Division of
Forestry wishes to advise everyone
that the Fall Restricted Fire Season
goes into effect as of October 1 and
will remain in effect through
December 31. During this time it is
unlawful to burn between the hours
of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. without a
permit. Burning permits are
available through any Division of
Forestry office but are available
for commercial/industrial use only.
After 4:00 p.m. open burning is
allowed but, regardless of the time
burning takes place, the following
laws are in effect 24 hours a day:
1. All outdoor fires must have a
10 ft. "safety strip" cleared of all
burnable materials around them!
2. All outdoor fires must have
someone attending them at all,,
3. All outdoor fires must be
extinguished by 7:00 a.m. of the
following day!
Residents should try to burn all
debris that they intend on burning
before October 1. Anyone burning
in dry fields must remember to
install a plow or dozer line of a
minimum 10 ft. wide all the way
around the material to be burned
before burning begins. This should
help reduce the number of Forest &
Grass Fires caused by debris
burning. Restricted Fire Seasons
have been established to regulate
burning during the seasons of the
year in which forest & grass fires are
the most likely to occur. Even during
lawful burning hours, the risk of a
forest or grass fire is still there, so
please try to avoid burning during
restricted fire seasons.
If anyone has any questions or
needs a burning permit in Summers
County, contact 466-2799 between
the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
or contact Craig Okes, Service
Forester at 466-2495 after 5:00 p.m.
Summers County Solid Waste
Authority meets on the 3rd. Monday
of each month at 4:30 pm at the
Memorial Bldg., Hinton. 466-0695.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
:' the training and pre-registration is pressed a deep frustration with the ask that he review and address Clothes Closet at Grace Baptist
notneceltr.Ahrltoat: opdednnfocused'deploynnt the extended deploymeats; lack of ..... .h3JJ'b,,.a, gd--Kneb.J/P,,-_itz,
::[ wzll be a',Ila ,/ n'tl,whe of-urd-nd.Rcsee units. AJlte wnli.ltned,mstma6ported , X9 ,lq q PaY..1. l
:; participate, rcvmwm*, wlat 'ome of (hese udits rationing of'bsic suppile. Uncle : ¢/,Qt9 I " :,,i;t-:
; MountainHeart Chiid care has
; contracted services with the West
-Virginia Department of Health and
, Human Resources, Office of Social
:. Services since 1992 and offers ease
, management/brokering, application
for day care services, day care
resource and referral, health and
" safety training to day care center
staff and family providers, loan and
: grant program, and technical
- assistance in Wyoming, Mercer,
: McDowell, Monroe, Raleigh•
Fayette, Webster, Summers,
Nicholas, Pocahontas, Greenbrier,
and Braxton Counties.
: For additional information,
: please call 682-8271 or 1-800-834-
:: Servicemen In The
:' U.S. Marine Corps Master
: Sergeant Tim R. Plumley was
!: promoted to his current rank on
:i Sept. 1. MSgt. Plumley is stationed
:" at Camp Lejeune, N.C. where he is
,: assigned to the 10th Marine
i: Regiment, 2nd Marine Division.
'" He is the son of Tom and Wilma
:: Plumley of Hinton. He is married to
:: the former Pamela Davis, also
! originally from Hinton. They live in
Jacksonville N.C. along with their
'. son Jarred.
:: The Summers County Health
; Department would like to remind all
residents in Summers County that
: before any installation or
! modification to individually own
septic systems, a valid permit must
be obtained from the health
! department.
• : A certified installer licensed by
the State of West' Virginia must be
used to do all work relating to the
installation or modification of the
sewage system. This is a state law
and individuals not abiding by this
rule can be subject for fines.
The regular monthly meeting of
• the jumping Branch-Nimitz PSD is
i: held the first Monday of each month
:.' at 5 pro. the meetings are open to
the public,
Help Someone Overcome
." Addiction. Call Narconon today at'
" 1-800-468-6933 or go to
; nGw for
your free information packet or a
" free assessment or referral to
rehabilitation centers nationwide.
have experienced, I understand the
One West Virginia National
Gtmrd engineering unit, after ship-
ping out in January 2003, advanced
deep into Iraq with front-line fight-
ing forces, bridging a river under
heavy Iraqi fire. I have several re-
ports that unit members are able to
call home only once every several
weeks, and that they now are only
helping to haul Iraqi ammunition.
Another Guard unit has
struggled through back-to-back-
to-back deployments. This unit
was mobilized for state duty in
response to flooding in West Vir-
ginia in the summer of 2001. After
September 11, 2001, this unit spent
one year performing homeland se-
"Shm odght to better serve the inter-
ests of Guardsmen and Reservists
who lay their lives on the line each
time they are called to duty.
West Virginians have a proud
tradition of service to America, and
our troops should be commended
for their courage and sacrifice. But
National Guardsmen and Reservists
also have important responsibilities
to their families, their employers,
and their communities. It is unrea-
sonable to dip into the Guard and
Reserves so frequently and expect
them to serve with no indication
of when their missions will end.
We must do better to balance their
commitments at home with their
deployments overseas.
Call 466-1615 -for . more
information or appointment for
other days. A church that cares
because Jesus Cares.
Guest Speaker:: Larry Henderson
With Special Singing Each Nightll
Pastor Melvin Wills and Congregation
Invites Everyone to Attend •
00m's illmw
Women's Aglow will be having an
outdoor concert in the City Park
on Sept. 1 9 at 7 p.m.
Higher Ground Praise Band
From Beckley, W. Va.
Derek Gwinn in Solo and
Praise and Worship
(Drinks will be provided)
Come Praise God
in the Park With Us
Never te a letter while you are angry.
--Chinese proverb
'00he Truth Shall Make You Free"
By Fred Beavers given today for such changes. We could
"God didn't say easily call it the demand for Noise, Nickels,
not to do It....."-- part two and Numbem,
As we noticed last week, a person can Is there anything that has been changed
be condemned for his actions when God has where you worship? Do you Give, and take
specified a certain way to do something, yet
the individual finds his own way of doing
things, the way he prefers them to be done.
Two such individuals are found in
Leviticus 10:1- 2; they are Nadab and Abihu,
priests of GOd. God had specified the fire
upon which he would have the priests to
bum incense. Nadab and Abihu took it upon
themselves to use a different fire than the
one prescribed by God. They could easily
have said, "Well we knew He said to use
THIS fire, but we decided to use THAT fire;
After all, God never told us we couldn't do it
that way." Don't you see the silliness in using
such a defense for doing that which one
cannot find in the Bible? Odce again, when
GOd tells us what to do, and the way to do
it, it isn't required of Him to tell us all of the
ways we can't do those things.
Jereboam changed the way God would
have things done• Read for yourselves 1
Kings 12. You will find that Jereboam
changed the place God said for them to
worship; He changed the priesthood,
appointing those not prescribed by God; He
changed the object of worship from God to
golden calves; He changed the time of the
ceremonies from the 7th month where God
placed them to the 8th month• The Bible
says Jereboam was evil for doing such• His
big plea for such was Convenience, and
Numbers• We see the very .same excuses
Paid by the Shockley Hill Church of Christ, Hinton
the Lord's supper only upon every first &y
of the week as the first century Chdstians
did -- 1Codnthians 16:1-2; Acts 20:7? DO
you have bake sales to support your
religious group in addition to the Bible bes
first day of the week collection. Matthew
15:97 Do you play organs, pianos, etc.
rather than just'sing" as the New Tastarnet
teaches us to do Ephesians 5:19,
Colossians 3:16, Do you use the
Lord's money for things such as craft
classes, pizza dinners, ball teams,
gymnasiums, and other forms ef
entertainment and recreation, etc., as
opposed to the commands, examples, and
expediencies found in the New Teslamet
of using the Lord's money for things such
as spreading the Gospel - 1 Codnthias
9:14, 2 Codnthians 11:8, Philippians 4:10-
16, etc. -- Caring for needy saint's
1Corinthians 16:1-2, Romans 15:25-31 .z_
Caring for "WidoWs Indeed' 1 Timothy 5:1-
16-- and support of Eiders 1 Timothy 5:17-
18? Maybe it is time to look al wh,11
happened to those in times past who chose
to substitute for, add to, or subtract from
word of GOd. It does make a difference o
Address questions or comments to
Shockley Hill church of Chdst - HC 74 Bbx
57D - Hinlon, WV 25951- 466-9169-
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ANGLICAN Friendship Baptist Church Second Baptist Church Mount Plagah Pillar of Truth Chwch
Greenville Rd. from Forest Hill.iTalcott. Pastor Earl Jackson. Hilldala, Hilldala, Rt. 3. Pastoi Barger Springs: Sunday
SL Michael's Pastor Joe Spencer. Sunda Service 1st & 3rd Sun. at 11 am. Eugene Fullen, Worship 9:30 am. 10:00am, Morning Worship 11:00
Holy Euchadst: 4:30pro lst,3rd, School, 10 am, Worship, 11 art Tampa Church Sun. School 10:45 am. Open arn, WednesdayBiblaStudyT0
5th, Sundays at the Presbyterian evening worship 7 pro; Wed Bobby Reed, Pastor: Sunday Chumh 10-4, Bible Study 6Thur. pm,
Church, comer Ballangas & 3rd worship 7 pm. School, 10 am. Melvin Williams New Hope
Ave., Ft. Thomas MeHenry, 1928 Grace Baptist Church Supt. Preaching Services at 11:00 Sam Groves, Pastor: Sunday Rlvorvlew Chapel -
Book Common Prayer. Bill Ball'angee, Pastor. Sunda am. every Sunday. School 10 am, Worship 1st & 3rd Speakers Harry PIIklngton:
BAPTIST School 10 a.m., Morning WorshiF Upland Baptlat Church Sun. 11 am & 4th Sun. at 7:30 pro. Sunday, 9:30 Lord's Table; 11:00
11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:0(; Pastor: Cecil Cox. Sunday School Oak'Grove Family Bible Hour; 7:00 Evening
Beech Run BapUst Churoh p.m. Wed. Evening 7:00 p.m. Supedntendent: Jackie R. Gill, Jr. Sam Groves, Pastor:. 1 st, 3n:l & 581 Gospel Service.
Orbra B. Angell, Jr., Pastor Grlfflth Creek, Alderaon Sunday School 10:00, Worship Sun. Sun. S. 9:30 2nd & 4th Sun. '
Sunday School 10 am, Morning Rennin Cole, Pastor: Sunda Services at - 11:00. Evening Horshipg:30, Sun. S. at 10:30. RookyMt. CommunltyChurch
Service 11 am, Night Service 7 School 10 a.m. Worship Services Services 7:00. Wed. service at Forest Hill Indian Ridge Pipastem: Ra
pm, Wed. night prayer meeting 7 1 t :00 a.m. Evening sarvicas al 7:00 p.m. Sam Groves, Pastor: Forest Hill Lilly, Pastor. S.S. 10 am, Worship
pm. 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Prayel War RldgeFreewlll Ist&3rdSundays:Womhipl0am, S.,11 am;YouthS.,epm;Bile
Beilepolnt SepUst Church Service and Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Baptist Church• Sunday School Sun. School 11 am.
Chris Brown, Pastor: Sun. Youth Meeting Wednesday at 7:0(] tO:O0 am., Morning Worship 11:00 Trinity
Service: S. S. 9:45 am. Morning p.m. Classes for avery age group, tm., Sunday Evening 6:00 pm,, Sam Groves, Pastor;. S. S. tO am
Worship, tl am. Youth Nursary available. Ned. Prayer Meeting 7:00 pro., Norship asrvices.2nd & 4th Sun.
fellowship,5:45 pro. Evening Indian Mills Blptlst Chumh Pastor Rev. Jaffery Perdua. i 1 am & 3rd Sun. at 7:30 pro.
Serdce, 7 pro. Wed. Service, 7:00 Darrell Harem, Pastor: S. S. Supt.
pro. James Keatley. Sun. School 10 CATHOLIC PRESBYTERIAN
Big Creak am.Claases for all ages. Worship, St. Patrick Catholic Church, Mass Centorvltla
Lovell Williams, Pastor, Sunday Service, 11 am. and 6 pro. Ever -'hedule, Sunday 9 am. 3reanville, 10am. SundaySohooL
Schoof 10 a.m. Morning Worship Sun. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7 pm. r:45 pm, Community Worahil
11 a.m. each Sunday• Prayer Judson FrwWlli CHRISTIAN arv
meeting wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F Pastor Chadie Daniels. Sunday Community Christian First Presbyterian Church
Sunday at 6 p.m. School 10 am, Worship Service. 11 Norship Services Sun, 11 am. and Rev.Dr. Dewey Bowen: Sunday
Brook= Baptllt Church am, EvanlngService,7pm, Thurs. :00pm. Bible Study l0 am. Wed. School9:45 & Worship 11:00 art
Pastor Robert Merdtt: Edwar¢ Service 7 pro. t:O0 pm. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 pm.
Cyrus, Sunday ' School: Kestley Slxlngs Flrat ChrlsUsn Church Hen's Creek
Superintendent., Sun.School 1C Sunday School 10 am, Harold Sunday School 9:45 am, Morning Greenville, 10a.m. SundaySchoo Big 4, ]Dm ,':
a.m. Morning Worship 11 a,m, Masks, Superintendent. Norship 11:00 am., Sunday 7:45 pm,, Community Worsht Store, In©.
Evening Service Sun. at 6 p.m. Laurel Creek Baptist Church :vening Bible Study, Sunday 6:00 Service.
Prayer Mooting Thurs. at 7:0(; Pastor: Melvin Wills, S, S, ¢outh Meetings 6:00 Kellarat Lowell Jelmr/anddllRin
Burnt: Mark Ward. S.S. Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor t,n mk=e
P'mC.,elvsry Baptist Church 10 am., Mordlng Worship 11 am., CHURCH OF Worship Services held at 2:30 prr 4=
Red Sulphur: Rev. Eddie EvanlngService6pm. Wed. night
Howdock, Sunday School IC biblestsdyTpm. CHBIST oolst, and3rd. Sundays. , , , "
McEllenny s
A.M. Randy Hodga, IJck Creek Baptlat Church Htoton Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor FIRST '
Supedntecdent MomtngWorshil Kenny Baker, Pastor: Sunday 11621 Summers St. Minister, John Grassy Meedowl,lO am. Sunda
11:00A.M.EvenWohipr:X Scho at 10 am. 11 am ,cC,m Sunday Mo,ng SiS. See= Wo=secehe, at CENTURY BANK
P.M, Wednesday Worship 7:3¢ EveningService,6pm.Wsd.night Study 9:30 am, Sunday Morning am on 2nd. and 4th. Sundays. Hlnton 4(NI-2911
P.M. Bible study. Worship Service 10:30 am.
Canton Little Wolf Creek Sunday Evening Service 7:00 pm. OTHERS Mam FD¢
Rev. Nathaniel Johnson: Sunday Independent Baptist Church, Off Wednesday Evening Service 7 pro. Bennett Chapel RONALD MEADOWS.'
SchooI, E.G.Crawford, Supt, 11 RL 12 on the UttteWoff Creek Lane Church of Chrlat Tug Creek MI. Travls Hocurr FUNERAL PARLORS
e.m. Morning Worship Every Road. Pastor, Eddie Harris st Meadow Bridge Pastor: Services, Sat. 7 pre, Sun.
Sunday. Preaching 1st. and 3KI. Sunday Schoof 10:00 am• Worship Bible study, 9:30; Sun. Worship evening 2 pro. 466-11 79 :"
Sundaysatlla.m. andTp.m. Service11:00 am. Sun. Evaninglo:30;Sun. averdng, 7:00. Church of the Uvlng God
Central & Aware Club 6 pm. Mid Week Shoofdey Hill Pastor Run Iddings: Sun. SOhoO 130 Temple Street :,,
Pastor Grovor Morals: 9:45 a.m. Service Wed. 7 pm. Just Outside of Hinton) Sun. Bible 10 am Morning Worship 1 tam Sun. Little Countw QmrFh
Church School. 11 a.m. Morning Meadow Creek
Ctaas 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am 6pro
Worship. 6:00 p.m. Evening Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday Hlnton Churoh of God 2rid. Avenue r,
Worship. 7 p.m.Wednasday Mid School 10 am. Sunday Service 11 and 6:00 pm; Wed. Bible Class 1301 Summers St. Pastor Cecil Rev. SayMartln, Pasto,-
6:00pm. Call for info & directions Weich:Sun.Schooll0amMoming Servk:es are held ;,
- Week ServiCe.chestnut Grove Study,am" WednesdaY6 pro. Evening Bible 466-9169.Evangelist Fred Seevers Worship 11am Sun. Night 7 pm Ffl. Set. &Sun. 6 p.m.
Pastor: Benny Allen. New Salem Baptist Church EPISCOPAL wed. 7 pm , ,
Supadntandant: Lowell Bennett. Pastor I. E. Hatcher: Sunday Hlnton Golpel Talxmnecla
Ascension F.plecopal Churoh 102 Main Street, Lawrence Bennett Chapel
Worshipsunday Schoo,11 a.m. Eveningl0a'm' MorningService FundamentaI.SCh°°l 10:00• Church 11:00 Holy Eucharist Bennett, Pastor:. Sun. School 10 Tug Crack Mounlekl i"
7:00 Wed. Evening Service 7:00 Nlmttz Mlaslonery Sunday 11 am
p.m. Saptist Church Pastor Donald L. am. Worship 11:00 am. Youth PastorTravteHocum L,
Cook'sCh : mnehS.S.SupednlendantKirby METHODIST meeting 6:30 pro. Evangelistic BndestudyThurL1 p.m
Service 7:00 pro. Bible StudyWed. urvlm 9 pm Sun. 2
(Independent Fundamental) Bragg, Sunday School 9:45. Ballepolnt Charge 7:30 pro.
Dallas Peylon Jr., Pastor:. Sunday Morning Worship and Children Rev. Eugene Fulls, Pastor:. Jehovah's Wltmme
School. Supt., Tom Lamb: 3humh 11 a.m. Sunday Morning. Miller Memorial, 109 Miller Ave. Sun. 10amPubiicTalk, Sun. tl am
Service: S. S. 10 a.m. Worship t 1 Evening Sunday Worship 6:00. SUn. School 10 am. SUn. Worship Watchtower, Study Tue. 7:30 pro,
a.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m., rsyor MesSing and Youth Mooting 11 am. Wed. Bible Study 7pro. Theocratic SchoolThurs. 8:30 pm
Wed. 7 p.m. Prayar Meeting. F:00 Wednesday. First United Service Mooting.
Country Side Rhonds Anna Memorial Methodist Church Jumping Branch Tebernanle
Rt. 12 Forest Hill 3traster, WV, Service every 2nd., Hinton, WV Kenneth. Price Rev. Elmo Alderman, St., Pester:
Sunday Service 10 & 11 am, & 7, tth. and 5th. Saturday evenings at Minister. Sunday Schoo 9:45 am Franklin Bowles. Supl. Sun. Scho
pro. Wed night service 7 pIt i7:00 pro. Momleg Worship 11:00 am. Chik 9:45 am. Momklg Worahip 10:45
Fetth BNpUst Churoh Rivw Valley care available: Moments with sm. Youth Fellewchip 6:00 pro.
JDFox, Pastor" Sun.School'S( Rt. 12 Forest Hill Road, Bill:childran, WsdnesdayYouth Club, EvaningWorohipT:0Opm. Prayer YOUR BUSINESS C
am, Morning Sarvtce, i Tem Jenkins, Pastor: 10 a.m. Sundayi 4:30 pro. 6:30 pm., For Service Wed. 7:00 In.
Night Service, 7 pm. Wed. night School, JOB Spencer Transportation: 466-0544 Mount Olivet Cburoh ADVERTIsMENT ',
prayer meeting 7 pro. Suprintendant 11 a.m. Momir James Chapel st True t community church, Made ONLY'F6 mo.
Fesmatr. Freewill Worship. 6 pm Evening Service. Rev. Tommy Mounts, Pastor: CraekRoed,2 1/2milas,WiUiam
Two miles north of AIderson on T:O0 pm.&youthmeeting. Wed Services9am.Sun.Sohooll0am. ,, , , ,
the Alia Road, Sunday School 10 Servicas, 7:00 pro. Johneon a,. Thompson, Pastor. 466-4299, THIS SPACE IS FOR
Sunday School t0:00 am.
a.m.BaptistYouthLasgue6p.m. Roles Chapel Churrh Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam ornlng Worship 11:00 am, YOUR BUSINESS
Evening services 7 p.m. Jeff Cantarbury, Pastor: Sunda 3rovse, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Evening Service 7:30 pro. EDT,
Flrat BapUst Churoh School10am.,CalvinMartin, Supt. Worship 11 am. Nednesdsy (7pro ESTwinler). ADVERTIsMENT
Sunday Sohedl 9:45.a.m, Bruce Morning Service 11 am. Mid-week Undslde NazKene ONLY $6 me.
Richmond',' SupL Morning SewiceTpm. Red Sulphur. Marshall Fowler i3¢2TempleSL:SundaySchool
wor=p t, a.m.. Evl P, ottlnah=ql Pastor: Service every 2nd Sunday to am Morning Wolp 11 am THis SPACE IS F "'Ur
7:00p.m.MidWaskSene7:00 D. L. Ststneker, Pastor:. 10 a.m, ? pro. every4th Sun. 11 am. .evangelist Service Sunday Night
p.m. Sunday School classes for all Mary Jsne Memor'lel
pm Thursday. Pray d Bib YOUR BUSINESS':
Forest Hill Baptist Churoh ages. Richard Holloran Pastor Rano H. Richmond: Sun, dy 7
Pastor Jeff Canterbury: Services Supedntandent 11 am. Morning hoo 10 am Morning Worship 11 Slng= ADVERTIsMENT ."
2nd. & 4th. Sunday 9:45, Sunday Worship. 7 pro. Night Service. lm. Prayer Meeting 7:30 pm. Community Churoh ONLY $6 me. ,
School 10:45, Evening Service Sandstone BapUslChuroh Methodist Charge Pastor Roger Perslnger. SS 10
7:00. Pastor Danny E. Morgan: S. =at Mick, Pastor: First & 3rd.
Freedom Blptlet Chuh S.Supt Dale Sheffor, S. S. 10:00 3unday, Brooklyn 9:15. Mt. Zion am, WoedlipSendce tiara, Youth THIS SPACE IS FOII
masng 8 pro, Sen. nm woeo
Powaiay's Ck., Pastor Gaorg am., Morning Worship 11:00 am., 10:15 am, Sand Knob 11:30 pro, 7pro, Wed. night prayer meeUng YOUR BUSINESS
Cook. Sun. School 10 a.m Sunday Evening and Wad. l|mitz 2nd. and 4th. Sun. Ptuto 7:00 pro. Women's Christian ADVERTIsMENT
Sennces 11 a.m. Evening Service Evening 7:00 pro. dartha Chapel 11:00. Madams Fellowship meeting every first
7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. 3reek. Pat Mick, Pastor. 2nd & Men, Of the month 7 pro. ONLY $6 mo.
;3rd Sunday.
Study, 7 pm. 2nd Sat./me. '
Go,pal Sing, refreshments 7 pro.
Memorial Gsrdan s :
smm# I, mm €m.€m/ •
209 2nd Ave.
• 466,0691
ONLY $6 me.