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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
September 7, 1999     The Hinton News
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September 7, 1999
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8 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 7, 1999 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD GOSPEL SING A gospel sing will be held Sat. Sept. llth. at 7:00 p. m. at the Church of the Living God on Madams Creek. Featured singers will be The Reed Family and The Spencers. Everyone welcome. HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Summers County W. VA. Historical Society will meet on Tues. Sept. 14th. at the Graham House. Dessert will be begin at 6:P.M. Please eat dinner at homo and bring a dessert to share. Business meeting begins at 7: P.M. REVIVAL SERVICES Revival services will be held at Chestnut Mountain Missionary Baptist Church at Hix, on Sept. 16, 17 and 18th at '1:00 p. m. nightly. There will be different speakers each evening. There will also be a covered dish picnic on Sept. 18th. starting at 5:00 P.M. Special singing. Everyone welcome to attend. MONTHLY MEETING The monthly meeting of the New River Parkway Authority will be held at the Concord College Student Center, Athens, on September 13th., at 7:00 p. m. Pipestem Drive-In 384-7382 GARDEN CLUB The Bluestone Lake Garden Club will hold their monthly meeting on Sept. 13th. at 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. V. M. Redmond, 116 Central Ave. NOTICE According to West Virginia State Board Policy 4350, Procedures for the Collection, Maintenance, and Disclosure of Student Date, Summers County Schools will destroy all special education records of special education students who have exited the program on or before June 15, 1994. If you want copies of these records, please send a written request before September 30, 1999 to: Vicki Hinerman, Director of Student Services, Summers County Schools, 116 Main Street, Hinton, WV 25951. Please include your name at the time of service, birth date, social security number, and present address. SUMMERS COUNTY ARH LONG TERM CARE ACTIVITIES CALENDAR WEEK OF SEPT. 8TH MU 14TH Wed. Sept. 8th. 8:30 AM Goodmorning visit; 10:00 AM Care Plan Meeting; 11:00AM Music Hour Cheryl Allen; 1:00 PM Table Games; 2:00 PM Forest Hill Church Service (video); 4:00 PM TV Time. Thurs. Sept. 9th. 8:30 AM Goodmorning Visit; 10:15 AM Exercises; 11:15 AM Word Games; 1:30 PM Arts & Crafts with Ailene Edwards; 5:30 Ballengee Singers. Fri. Sept. 10th. 8:30 AM Goedmorning Visit; 11:00 AM Word Puzzle; 1:00 PM Table Games; 4:00 PM TV Time. Sat. Sept. 11th. 10:00 AM One-to- one; 11:00AM Bingo; 1:00 PM Table Games; 5:00 PM Pizza Party. Sun. Sept. 12th. Grandfather's Day. 10:00AM One-to-one; 10:00AM TV Church; 1:00 PM Table Games; 4:00 PM Church Service. Mon. Sept. 13th. 8:30 AM Goodmorning Visit; 11:00 AM Spelling; 1:00 PM Table Games; 2:00 PM Bible Coffee; 4:00 PM 'IV Time; 7:30 PM Popcorn Fun Night. Tues. Sept. 14th. 8:30 AM Goodmorning Visit; 10:15 AM Exercise; 10:45 AM Mystery Bingo; 1:00 PM Table Games; 4:00 PM "IV Time. CONCERT Memory Singers of Lexington, South Carolina will be in concert on Sept. 11th. at 7:00 p. m. at Lerona Methodist Church, located on Rt. 20 South (12.5 miles) of Hinton. This group has been sharing in song and testimony since 1985. Please come and share in this important event with us! START SQUARE DANCING The Star Light Promenaders will offer beginner lessons on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p. m., starting September 8th. at the Long Horn Corral located at Caldwell. First lesson free. Call (304) 425-6819 or (304) 487- 6381. CHANGING TABLE NEEDED The Family Resource Center (411-FRC) is in need of a baby changing table for use in itS Dly Care program. If you have one you are no longer using; that you would consider donating or selling, please contact the FRC at 466-2226 and ask Linda or Holli. SUMMERS COUNTY COMMUNITY WELLNESS CENTER S CHE D ULE OF EVENTS 221 Temple Street, Hinton, September 7 through September 13 Tuesday -9:00-noon Exercise Machines. Wednesday -9:00-noon Exercise Machines. Thursday -9:00-noon Exercise Machines. Friday -9:00-noon Exercise • Machines. Saturday -8:00 - 10:00 AM Body Tone with Linda and Gary. Monday - 9:00 - noon Exercise Machines; -4:30 PM Board Meeting HEALTH TIP OF THE WEEK: CAUTION WITH DIETS--Avoid crashing and popping. Studies show that people who repeatedly go on and off crash diets actually gain weight over time. The sad fact is that the only thing crash dieters ever learn is how to starve. Try suppressing your appetite with most diet pills and you risk a number of nasty side effects, such as irritability, insomnia, high blood pressure, and chemical dependency. Plus, once you stop taking them, any weight you've lost' will probably sneak right back on. Weight control is a learned behavior. From HEALTH Magazine Information Card PHOTOS TAKEN Photos of drivers licenses are taken on every Friday at the Hinton State Police Office and Lewisburg every Tuesday and Wednesday. Summers County Annual Senior Citizen' Picnic at Camp Art Lough The Hinton Senior Center will be closed on Friday, September 10, 1999, in order for all staff and Seniors to enjoy the Annual Senior Citizens' Picnic. This is a covered dish picnic. Please bring a covered dish to the picnic. In addition to the picnic, the Hinton Senior Center will provide the following menu: Barbecue Chicken, Green Beans, Macaroni Salad, Sweet Potatoes, and Banana Pudding. No buses will leave before 2 30 pro. Activities are scheduled as follows; 10:00 am - 10:45 am Bingo; 11:00 am - 11:45 am; Gospel Music: Glory Bound Singers*; 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch. Door Prize. Drawing for Quilt. 2:00 pm- 2:30 pm Music: Tinker Thornton." There will be an Ice Cream Social, Games, Pretty Leg Contest, Rolling Pin/Hammer Toss Contest. FALL SALE Mohawk Carpet Sale Replace that worn dirty carpet and get free financing until IIII I II IIIIII II II I I II II I IIII IIIIIIIIIII III Check our the huge selection in the g Carpet Studio Free Estimates* Expert Installation Vinyl * Ceramic * Witex Laminate * Hartco Wood I II I III Eli II B I I I FURNI TURE SALE Put new furniture on your new carpet and SA00IE Big Price Cuts* Special No Interest Until 2001 or No Payments Until March of 2000 Free Delivery B,J, inc., 209 Second Ave., Hlnton Ph: 466-0691 Library Celebrates International Literacy Day The Summers County Public Library will celebrate International Literacy day on Wednesday, September 8 with an open house from 5:30 p. m. - 6:30 p. m. If you would like to learn more about the library's L.A.M.P. (Literate Adults Mean Prosperity) program, please join us. Find out how to become a volunteer tutor or enroll in the program to improve your math and reading skills. International Literacy day is celebrated each year since 1966 when it was declared by the United Nations. Its purpose is to recognize institutions, organizations, and individuals which have "distinguished themselves by making an effective struggle" for literacy. L.A.M.P. is pleased to honor both its volunteer tutors and students at the open house. One such student is Velma Hicks from Talcott who enrolled in Adm. Fri. . Sat. $4.00 Children up to 10 - $1.00 Adm. Sun. $8.00 a Car Load Flea Market every Sun. II I II II Bowfinger Rated PG- 13 PLUS The Blair Witch Project Rated R I L.A.M.P. to improve her educational skills so that she could obtain a full time job with benefits. Mrs. Hicks said that the program also helped her increase her serf-confidence. She noted that "it's fun. Not only did I learn math and how to read better, but I had a good time meeting new people and going places." Mrs. Hicks recently passed the Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Care course offered at Concord College and is looking forward to working as a nursing assistant. GED GED will be given Sept. 10th. and llth. Please call 466-6000 for registration. II I I Jarrell's Exxon "Your Full-Service Service Station" 466-0133 Satday 9-81 Monday thru Friday 7-9 Mechanics on Duty Six Days a Week! BEST TIRE VALUES IN THE AREA!l! Large Inventory!!! • Struts • Front End Alignments • Air Conditioning • 0il Changes • Tire Mounting (European & American Equip) • Computerized Wheel Balances • Brake Work • Snap-On Computerized Diagnostic Equipment for Domestic & Import Vehicles • MostAuto Repairs • Full & Self Service Gasoline • Head Mechanic-- Neal Cody • Mechanic-- Tim Ward I I Bluestone Oininfi Room Pipestem Resort State Park PRIME RIB THURSDAY 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm Enjoy all you can eat served Prime Rib with soup, salad and dessert $15.95 2 clusters of Crab Legs (approximately one pound) offered for an additional price of only $4.00 Seafood Buffet FRIDAY NIGHT 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm EXAMPLE / Clam Chowder ,/Seafood Salad  / Fri Oysters ,/' Stuffed Crab ,/Bro,led Flounder / Fried Shrimp / Fried Clams / Peel n-Eat Shr,mp ,/Fried Cod ,/Hushpuppies ,/Fried Catfish ,/Steamed Spiced Shrimp / Oysters on the 1/2 Shell / Broiled Catfish / Carved Roast Beef / Assorted Vegetables / Salads / Desserts $14.95 per person (Beverage - Tax - Gratuity - are not included) Some Items may be substituted without notice SUNDAY BUFFET 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Carved Ham/Carved Roast Beef Assortment of Entrees (Fish - Fowl - Pasta) Assortment of Hot Vegetables Soup Desserts / Salad $7.95 per person Bluestone Dining Room (304) 466-1800 ext. 368 3-S & W Corporation Pipestem Resort State Park