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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
September 7, 1999     The Hinton News
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September 7, 1999
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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E 2) IE [ES will hold ptember [eraona] sed New )7 p.m., tunity to rdon.s on in 1998 we-lane acilitiee fll be oa lic input n and will be dsion of wisbttrg &apos;arkway mce in g and n. P E., gh ays. mlevard my send r before e Wet sion f A- 14. L Wet 8. 1999 d read of the U345- 'den !t End: ed and that on is not be6re Lth the hain. Uon 12 ltUng flowing ropoal Check r wlt ehgbie ".Auon. r. delay" ,penmg n ths g such ;ddmg clay or wtll be Tauon. rs uat ..n tared amr,.e lubmit not be • color. t'or  OF IES oP within r. L999. t. Clair, tel Ray durray, ;amuel A pLtce ,ertmg mber. ,nay W. Minor, ounty mber, II IEw M .% - C J r, 2 + i ! i k i i I i t i i ! ,% 7,,. ,2 .A' L+ +: e.+ q • . 4 .(+ 2% .;% ,4 500 MILLER AVENUE BPOINT- 2 br. den, large modern eat-in-kitchen, bath, living room, central heat and air, 2 car garage. Completely remodeled, excellent condi- tion and location. REDUCED BELIPOINT- Taylor Street. 2 br, modern kitchen, living room, bath, large lot. $28,000, LIGHTFOOT ROAD - 81 acres with 1200+ft. of river front- age, balance in woods with 4 br. farm house. Unattached garage in excellendt condi- tion. Plus rental camp in woods. (This is the first time this place has been for sale). 105 PARK AVENUE - 2 story, 4 br., 1 1/2 baths, part basement, new furnace. 2 car garage, off- street parking, level lot. NIM]TZ - 3 br. brick, study with fireplace, den w/%- - . <1t..zr place, 8 b at hsk :..  -. , sun dect' "'_" o., Z car car- po,,.,ul home. Quality buL:'., excellent location. Ap- proximately 1 1/2 acre lot. 218 5TH AVENUE - 2 story, 3 br. large modern kitchen, 2 baths. Carpet and oak trim throughout. Full basement, patio, garage. A [ a finest condition. 1z neigh- borhood. 116 HERMAN STREET - Up- per street-level: Living room, den, 2 br., kitchen with appli- ances, bath. Lower-level: Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath.. $22,500. 1720 TEMPLE STREET - 2 story, 4 br., brick, family room, living room, kitchen and bath. 1/2 basement. Large lot. $32,000. 14 plus acres Chestnut Knob Road, Fayette County. $35,000. GREENBRIER RIVER - 2 br. furnished cottage, nw+ k/tchen with appliances. Eiv-- ing room, bath, hardwood floors. Central air, sun deck, level river lot. Plus a like new 35 foot travel trailer. Will sen with or without travel trailer. REDUCED. 215 TEMPLE STREET- double front commercialbld, with 5 rental apts.b-  nt, garage. One of tl buildings downtown. 321 3RD AVENUE - former doctor's complex with 2 rental units. Centrp  and heat. Comple' _OJt.emo deled. $48,500. CAMEO CLUB-- Bar and all equipment, 2 year old build- ing in excellent condition. Plus 1997 mobile home. Road and river frontage. Ready to occupy. Excellent business opportunity. REDUCED. BIG CREEK AREA - 1 1/2 story 4 br., living room with fire- place, dining room, modern eat-in kitchen. Enclosed back porch, garage, cellar, work- shop, large lot. 1739 TEMPLE STREET - 3 br., 1 1/2 baths, livingroom, dining room, modern ki . ..r[n vitS- ., +Itlver. :'-- -- Home comph, t(,ly remodeled. In excellent condition. WILLOWWOOD ROAD - 3 plus acres. Greenbrier River front- age, Power on property and out bldg. $24,000. BROOKS AREA - 2 br. year around cottage, bath, living room and dining room comb,. nation, wood stove. All furni- ture and a ppliances. Screened in back porch. Satellite and 3 out buildings. River right. $47,500. SUMMERS COUNTY - 150 acres of mountain woodland, plus access to Greenbrier River. REDUCED. JAMES S. KERR-REALTOR Phone 466-4369 Ronnie H. Shuck, Sales B Associate i ...tro, ' LENDER i TALC(TI - 8 br. brick, "iv,n- groom with fireplace, 1 1/2 baths, dining room, eat-in- kitchen, 2 car carport, garage. Large lot, all in top condition. NIMIITZ - Ell, son Ridge Road - Bluestone River Road. 6 plus acres with 2 story, 4 br., 2 1/2 baths. Large kitchen, great room with exposed beams. Porch, deck, barn, shed, art,s- ,an well, excellent hunting area. Private. BELIJPOINT - Pine Street. 3 br. brick, 2 baths, living room with fireplace. Kitc&rth appliance Y't+ n, - P b,L ) -S. Home in ex 'nt condition and good neighborhood+ 3 acres woods overlooking Greenbrier River. Approx. 100 acres War Ridge, Monroe County. NIMITZ- Robin Roost Road - 8 hr. brick, 2 baths, on large lot. REDUCED. C JONES REALTY 466-4246 No One Knom The Country IAke We Do, Visit us on the INTERNET at #638 -31414th AVE. 4B R - 2 bath w/full bam't -Natural Hardwood trim, beautiful view of New River $39,500. . #655 30 Acre Farm - Jumping Branch - Prime location end property, 3 br. brick home. Baem't, garage, workshop, barns. This is a working farm for cattle or horses. Must see to appreciate this quality property. $195,000. Call today for an appointment to see+ "1 #652 Forest Hill 5 3/4 Acres - Beautiful i'Somd view. $14,000. #677 Jumping Branch, 3 br., 2 bath home, with full basment. 5 acres, mostly wooded and private. $49,500. #658 Talcott - 3 BR. home overlooking Greenbrier River. Newly remodeled, large level lot, storage bldg. $57,500. #662 Barger Springs - Year round cottage or camp, 1/2 acre lot, screened porch. $35,000• #663 - 64 acres vacant land - some wooded, some cleared. Private. Has spectacular view. BELI.EPOINT CEDAR AVE- New survey - en outstanding NUE - 2 br. remodeled home. New furnace, nw-,---# -'--  property $99.500. PENDING.00 #668 3.6 acres woodland• Nice ring. private campsite. Overlooks Greenbrier River• $7,000. MONROE ] r. #669 Private Home on " a, . . Greenbrier River. Beautiful, s n I I guite setting. 100 ft. frontage. L t Camp Lightfoot area. $65,000. t- , 4 s t. , ;o '#639HILLDALE-'+ "- Cozy 2 BR. on I I large lot, partial basm't., II attached garage, close to John ,? ,. Henry Statue...$25,000 a d #651 412 4TH AVENUE - 2 story, 4 br. home, new furnace and • 2 wiring and porch. Full basement and attic• Convenient location. $42,000. ;_. -,k,,I, Yreet parking. MARIE AREA COUNTY- 5 acres with 2 hr. home, living room, kitchen, dining area, utility room, sun deck, front porch. Excellent hunting area. HI]J.ALE ' 3 br., bath, eat- lh-kitcllen, ivin #-.-Q ch c&th2.  C6..  ' den L}_.,veway, extra lot. AVIS. Grace Street. 2 story 4 br. brick, 2 baths, basement. Recently renovated. See to appreciate. REDUCED. BALLENGEE STREET EXT. - 2 br. cottage, new carpet and roof. $20.000. GREENBRIER DRIVE story, 3 br., 2 baths, living room with fireplace, hard- wood floors, part basement, garage, large lot with off- street parking overlooking Greenbrier River. BELLEPOINT - Miller Ave. 1 story brick, former school bldg. 9,000 sq. ft. level lot. REDUCED. 46 Acres - Wayside Area near Greenville, Monroe County. 19 ft. travel trailer and approx. 4 acres cleared. $44,000. BECKLEY AREA - Grandview Rd. 2 miles from 1-64.9 plus acres, wooded level lots. $118.000.00 JAMES S. KERR-REALTOR Phone 466-4369 Ronnie H. Shuck, Sales B 5" rIBBI RE^tTOP JOB LISTING The Job Service Statewide Job I,isting, along with Job Service applications, are available at the Umbrellaing Tomorrow resource room at 411-The Family Resource Center for Summers County (411 FRC) Current local job listings from the Ronceverte/Lewisburg and Bluefield Jobs Services offices are received every Wednesday at the Hinton and Talcott Family Resource Centers. It s recommended that job seekers follow up on any jobs they may be interested to prior to the weekend. The resource loom also features area newspapers, college catalogs, and other employment and education related resources. 411-FRC is located at 411 Temple St. in Hinton, with operating hours from 8am to 4pm. For additional information call 466-2226. D,V. MEETINGS D.A.V. meets every 2nd. Tuesday, 7 pm at Summers County Memorial Building. #645 HIX MOUNTAIN...65 acre FARM. Has 4 BR home, 3 baths, large fam. rm with stone fireplace, GREAT VIEW and private. Pond, springs, creeks, some cleared and some woods. Pole barn. $119,500. #601 GREEN SULPHUR SPRINGS... 2.95 acres off Rt. 20, close to i-64 .. between Beckley & Lewisburg ..... $17,500. #578 OLD TOMKIES BUILDING, 3rd. Ave., Hinton. Historic building has 2 retail store fronts and 4 apartments ..... GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY ..... $59,500. #656 - Hinton - 98 Herman St. 3 BR., 2 story home, off street parking, patio, great view overlooking town. $49,500. #665 - Pine Hill - 3 BR. on corner lot. Niclandscaping and sundeck. ]:10. $44,000. #667 Jumping Branch - 4 BR. brick on 4 acres, private, 2 baths, spacious kitchen/great room. Garage and storage bldg. $120,000. #672 819 TEMPLE ST. "BRICK ROW" Antique town house, 3 br., mostly original interior, old house charm, hardwood floors and trim ... bsm't and attic .... $25,000.00. R. Eugene Jones, Jr. BROKER .... 466-4246 Diannla Perdue, Sales Associate .... 466-3046 We have buyers calling dally .... we want to SELL YOUR PROPERTY! CALL TODAY. UNITED COUNTRY/ JONES REALTY HC 85 Box 99 Jumping Branch, WV 26969 Phone 466-4246 i DANCERS AND VENDORS Tues. Sept. 7, 1999 Hinton News - 7 WANTED the Mountains Country/Western Dance Festival will be held on October 23rd., from 1:00 p. m. until 11:30 p. m. at the West Virginia Building located at the West Virginia State Fair Grounds, I Fairlea. The event is sponsored by W00mEO+OSU00 [ the S°le Destr°yers Line Dance Club I  ESTATE II' based in Caldwell. REAL If you or your country/western groups are interested in attending Maxwell Woods three-story the event or you are a vender and townhouse. EC. $99,500. 1-800-475- wish to sell country/western items 6328 Ext. 1114. Terry. during the event, please contact the HN Aug 31-Sept. 7p Sole Destroyers Line Dance Club at P. O. Box 94, Caldwell, WV 24925, telephone number (304) 645-4790, or For Sale By Owner: Mountain visit them at their web site Hideaway: 96 wooded acres, passive solar house. Call 466-3459. 3144 to receive additional PINApr. 27-TFN information. Ifyou or your group would like to FOR SALE: Small farms, feature a dance, the deadline to residential andrecreationallotstwo register for same is Sept• 20th. acres and up in Monroe, Summers and Mercer Counties. Owner will finance with low down payment. Call Greg at 304-832-6126. MIHOW WISH LIST HN Sept. 7-28p The MIHOW Program is a m°ther't°'m°therinf°rmati°nand I  WANTED I support program serving parents of children up to three years of age. The program operates out of the Family Resource Center at 411 Temple Street• The MIHOW Home Visitors will be reaching out to up to 24 families throughout Summers County. The Visitors currently have need of the following baby equipment for the families they have been visiting: Baby walker, stroller, high chair, baby car seat, bassinet, crib, playpen, port-a-crib, diapers, baby bottles, baby blankets and quilts, baby toys, simple puzzles, cloth diapers• If you have any of these items to donate to this worthwhile program, please contact Peggy at 466-2226. Your donation is sure to make a big difference in the life of a young family. WANTED: STANDING TIMBER, : TIMBERLAND, LOGS. Call Grist : Lumber, Inc. 392-6453 or nights,  392-6087. Ask for Richard Grist. • FIN July 20-TFN i i i I" S00"V'C00S'V"L'BLEI PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR - All types of investigations - Domestic. Licensed & Bonded. 466-2546. HN June 29-TFN J. L. GILBERT & SON House moving, hazing, leveling, shiting and shoring. 304-425-1730. HN June 29-TFN Mary Kay Cosmetics Linda Rider Babysitter needed to come to my home. Day shift, references 466-4335 after 5 p.m. required. 466-1662. weekends. HN Aug. 10-TFN HN June 29-TFN and APPLIANCES APPLIANCE SERVICES Used refrigerators, washers, 466-5500 dryers and electric ranges. Used HN July 13-TFN furniture. Call 466-4524. HN June 29-TFN I00FORRENTI 5 room apt. for rent. Call 466- 5338. PT Bookkeeper, 8+ hours/wk., HN Sept. 7p $250-$350 per month. Submit resume and cover letter to 411 For Rent: Store front for retail Temple Street, Hinton by 4pro 9/15/ space located on Temple St. in Hinton. 304-466-5514. 99. An E.O.E. HN Sept. 7-TFN ii i .... I EP NOTICi= l 2 homes for rent or sale, alsoapt. I ......... ! for rent. 466-2020. Dr. Perrine. ,- ' HN July 20-TFN ..... i, ABORTION ALTERNATIVE _. - ,.Alloranos . | Pregnant and need help. FREE Hose" fo'-rent---'i:---u-p;er app.ances00ervcel PREGENCY TESTS. Birthright Bellepoint 2 bedroom, full Cares 1 800 550 4900 For in home appliance| .... . basement 4"66 1382 repair licensed, insured,| |' . ' ' HNAug 31Sept'7p experienced. I I CI " .... - ...... °" -'-] .... " I Facto trained for all majoJ I - assmeo For Rent a be:u't Ii brands Parts available for i.:czl • Okll I/ ., .... in Hinton, on 7th. Ave. 304-466- d t " + *+mUIqi'l oa;aw0re 5s14 [ oJ oursefers +  .,, ,, ,,..,  ; Call 466-5733 J:l • ..... HN Sept. 7+,- TFN Deadline + r or 466-1198 For Rent: 3 br. house located on - - | 11:00 a.m. MONDAY Streeter Road in Jumping Branch. II B,t • a- Will sell land contract to qualified buyer 304-466-5514 I FOR ALL YOUR I I UUslness Aas • I I001111 nlM00 MI=I=nc I I HNSept. 7-TFN I Lo='sY;;c;&'w:el"iv;r, I I Deadline I , ...... I II The Hinton Lions Club is in need I I i 4:00 p.m. FRIDAY of used'eye glasses. I Q _I Klfh,^tb I I a... illInl Ifyouh_aveanypleasedropoffat | ,. v. ,=,,,.AL,=,,A.w=, II II l,llllmtl|]|l.l'l Briers, Don s Sports Shop, orGarrfs  I .... = Used Car Lot. EYEGLASSES or Hearing Aids 466-2020 Rt. 12 Red Sulphur Springs NEW HOURS Thurs. 6 pm - 11 pm Fri. & Sat. 4 pm - 2:30 am Fri., & Sat. Sept. I0 & II Trigger Happy GARRY'S FENCING SERVICE Specializing In Cemetery Fencing And Yard Fencing. No Job Too Big Or Too Small. FREE ESTIMATES. * Will Also Wash & Clean Vinyl Siding * Pruning And Cutting Of Shrubbery. GARRY WHEELER 466-5412 Fox 217 R BALLENGEE ST. HINTON New Chocolate Classics for Chocoholics (NAPS)---There are sweet ways to get chock-full of ideas on desserts made with chocolate. A new recipe book, New Choco- late Classics (W.W. Norton, $14.95) by Diana Dalsass, fea- tures chocolate versions of classic recipes including Apple Brown Betty, Strawberry Shortcake and Tiramisu. Dalsass, a food columnist and author of several cookbooks, offers more than lO0 original recipes for a variety of rich, chocolatey cakes, breads, muffins, pies, puddings and pastries. New Chocolate Classics in- cludes special chocolate versions of international dishes, as well, such as Mexican Jiricalla, French Madeleines and Polish Babka.' Dalsass also revives once-popular desserts like Baked Alaska, Icebox Cake and Jefferson Davis Pie with the creative addition of chocolate. The author also gives the his- tory of the dishes, what meals they would best accompany and hints for preparation. One traditional recipe to try, Ambrosia, is enhanced with cocoa powder. Whipped cream is often added, as is crushed pineapple. The recipe is perfect for a lite end- ing to a heavy meal or any other wam weather meals: Ambrosia Yeld: 4 to 6 servings  2 oranges I cup shredded coconut 1 cup heavy or whipping crealn /+ cup confectioners' eugar Here'a a recipe for a success- ful dessert: Turn to a new book featuring more than 100 ideas for sweet endings to meals. V4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted if lumpy 1. Peel the oranges. Cut off the tough inner membrane cov- ering the outside of the peeled orange. Cut the oranges into slices about V4 inch thick. Toss with the coconut. 2. In a large bowl, beat the cream until thick. Beat in the confectioners' sugar and cocoa, continuing to beat until the mixture has the consistency of whipped cream. Gently fold in the orange-coconut mixture. Serve immediately. Whether you're cooking to impress your guests or just treat yourself, chocoholics can find New Chocolate Classics at most major bookstores or through the Inter- net at . You may want to call a lawyer about this: the word "attorney" comes from the French, meaning "to turn over to another."