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Letter to the Editor
Best Fireworks Show Ever Seen!
"Awesome!" "The best I've ever
seen" are the words people have
been using to describe the fireworks
show for the Bluestone Dam 50th
Anniversary on August 7th.
The fireworks show was
highlighted by a beautiful
"waterfall" display across the entire
800-foot spillway section of the dam.
The fireworks show proved to be an
event that will be long remembered.
The U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers issued a special event
permit with the West Virginia Water
Festival to allow the fireworks show
on federal property. West Virginia
Water Festival President, Ralph
Wilson was instrumental in this
work. Jack David Woodrum, Steve
Lipscolnb and Debbie Woodrum
coordinated the fireworks show.
Also: Fund raising: Jack David
Woodrum Debbie
Becky Pack, Bluestone Dining
Room, Pivont Funeral Home,
Continental Casket, Inc., Tator
Patch - Lin Goins, Twinstate Beauty
and Barber Supply, Richmond Store,
Dillons Superette, Country Road
Store, Dyne Nobel Appalachia, Inc.
- Beckley,
Grampa's General Store, Tri
Angle One Stop, Inc., Ronald
Meadows Funeral Parlor, Inc.,
Hinton Hardware, Kirks ', Kroger,
Gotta Stop, Kings Dogs & Things,
The Wright Idea,
Summers County Commission,
Summers County Chamber of
Commerce, WV Power, Bank of
Greenville (Summers Branch), City
National Bank, R. T. Rogers Oil
Company, J. L. Massie Insurance
Agency, Inc., Regina Gwinn Eckle -
State Farm Insurance, Mountain
Dining Room, Songer
Fi'ework Staff: Roger Willfa
Jack Surin, Johnny Miller, Billy Dan
Gill, Joe Adkins, Jason Gore, Mark
Ratliff, Matt Rice, Garry Wheeler,
Jonathan Adkins, Walter Pack, Dale
Pettry, Butch Ballengee, and Ray
Gill; Bluestone Dam Staff; City of
Hinton Fire Department; and
Summers County Vol. Fire Dept.
The cost of the fireworks show
was approximately $15,000. Since
fireworks are not an authorized
purchase for the Corps of Engineers,
there was no federal money spent on
buying the fireworks. All of the
fireworks were purchased through
donations. The U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers would like to
acknowledge the following donations
to the West Virginia Water Festival
for the Bluestone Dam Anniversary
Fireworks Show:
Sponsors of Bluestone Dam
Anniversary Fireworks: Madison
Coal and Supply Company, WV
American Water Company,
Pyroteellico - New Castle, PA.,
Elkem Metals Company, Alloy, WV,
First Century Bank, New River
Scenic Whitewater Tours, Big Four
Drug Store. Inc., Ann Gore -
Nationwide Insurance. Cletis &
As the Family Resource Center
gears up to launch its after school
programs this fall, it is appealing to
the community tbr donations of
small kitchen appliances. The
programs will be operating from
three different sites, in Hrhi and
at Talcott, that lack full kitchen
facilities. They are in need of
microwave ovens, toaster ovens,
electric skillets and hot plates that
children can use in preparing
nutritious snacks.
Anyone who has one of these
items to donate is asked to call 466-
Meadow Creek PSD Board
Meetings are held every 2nd.
Monday of the month at 3:00 P.M.
at the PSD Office.
Public invited to attend.
Letters are welcome, but no mere
than one letter each month will be
acxepted from tho same writer. Pref-
ervnce will be given to letterl of 300
wordsorleH. Longerletters maybe
shortened or rejected. [,otters must
he signed and murat include an ad-.
dress and phone number. The tele-
phone number will not be published.
Letters will he edited for grammar,
spelling, taste, syntax, and libel.
Names will not be withheld.
Address them to Letters to the
Editor, P. O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV
25951. ,, i
......... --By Roy C. Long
Religion and Railroading. Reprint
from The Train Dispatcher with
Ever since the first public railroad
began operating in the year 1830,
there has always been something of
a tie between railroading and
religion. It was on a religious holiday
that the steam engine, "The Best
Friend of Charleston" pulled a string
of cars in regular service for the first
time on this continent, and thus
gave birth to the railroad industry.
But in those early days of
railroading there were some
companies that refused to run their
trains on Sunday. One of these, the
Morris & Essex of New Jersey
(M&E) was nicknamed the
"Methodist & Episcopal" because of
its non-operating Policy on the
In English and Scottish churches,
railroad scenes on stained glass
windows are fairly common, but we
have been able to locate only one
instance where a stained glass
window was installed in a church in
this country. That was in the St.
Tickets for the WV Symphony
concert on September 25 at 7:30 p.
m. at James Monroe High School are
on sale at the Monroe County
Library in Union and at Peterstown
Fami]y Pharmacy. Also you may
write to Wayne Cowder, RD#1, Box
213, Lindside WV 24951. The price
of tickets is $10. The all Brahms
program will include the Academic
Festival Overture and the
Symphony No.2 in D Major.
Some other Bicentennial items of
interest are the limited edition of the
silver and gold/silver coins still
available at the Peterstown
Pharmacy, Bank of Monroe and the
Court House. If you are interested
in obtaining one, you better hurry
because they are going fast and only
exhibit atthe Petemtown Pharmacy
Wrecker Service, Holley's Catalog
and Appliance Sales, Lowell Market,
Angells Grocery, Wood's Store,
Garry's Fencing Service, Gore's
Autobody, Riverside Floral and
Monument Co., Honaker Lumber
Co., Dairy Queen, Bobcat's Den,
Save-a-lot, Summers County
Appalachian Regional Hospital, and
Hinton Area Community Center
U,S. Army Corps. of Engineers
during the month of August. If you
haven't had a chance to see it, take
this opportunity to view one very
remarkable piece of quilting.
Summers County Solid Waste
Authority meets on the 3rd. Monday
of each month at 4:30 p. m. at 211
Ballengee St., Hinton. 466-0695.
Everyone welcome to attend.
Paul's Methodist Church of Stevens
Point, Wis. The church was built in
1889. An engineer named John
Lonnan was employed on the
Wisconsin Central and he loved his
engine, Old No. 28, almost as much
as he loved his church. When he
conceived the idea for the memorial
window in the new church, it was
as much to perpetuate the "old 28"
as it was to help with the church
construction. He had unbounded
enthusiasm for the project and
secured many and considerable
contributions from railroad workers,
particularly fellow engineers. A
newspaper item about the new
church noted, "When the new church
edifice reached completion, John
realized his greatest ambition - to
immortalize his regular engine by
means of a church window - a
leaded, stained glass replica of the
28, complete with long, rakish pilot,
Yankee diamond stack and a purple
glass black smoke plume floating
away in the background."
When there were still numerous
passenger trains, and busy
The Summers County Council on
Aging, Inc., is pleased to announce
the addition of a new van to its fleet
of vehicles.
The latest van features a
Diamond Coach body shell, and its
design offers greater passenger
comfort, and easier access
capabilities for the elderly and
The Senior Programs offer
nutrition, medical appointments,
shopping, and scheduled
recreational transportation services
to the elderly and disabled.
Anyone needing additional
information regarding
-rarmpoatton needs -may cont
Daniel Ward, Transportation Co-
ordinator, at 466-4019.
passenger stations in larger cities,
a familiar sight in many of those
stations was the "Waiting Room
Pulpit." It was started in 1926 by the
Spiritual Aid Foundation, and the
pulpits ministered to the railroad
travelers through the printed word.
Each pulpit held an attractive
illustrated poster with a brief and
striking message. Just below the
lectern a suspended rack holding
four gospel messages which were
free for the taking. In recent years,
it is said that Waiting Room Pulpits
have been added to bus stations and
airports in many cities.
At least two famous hymns have
railroad origins. In 1874, Ira D.
Sankey, singer and evangelist, was
riding a train from Edinburgh to
Glasgow, Scotland, when he read
Cecelia Celephane' s poem, "The
Ninety and Nine. "That evening he
attended a service where Dwight L.
Moody preached, and Moody ended
by asking the well-known Sankey to
sing something "appropriate."
Sankey took his copy of the poem
from his pocket, improvised the tune
on the organ as he sang and gave
the world one of its best-known
hymns. The second hymn is "The
Home of the Soul." The poem was
written following a dream in which
Phillip Phillips, singer and
musician, saw two characters from
Pilgrim's Progress enter the
beautiful gates. It was set to music,
and has been sung at thousands of
There have been many railroad
evangelists who toured the high iron
and preached in switch shanties and
even hobo Jungles. One of the best
known railroaders who preached as
a sideline was David J. Fant, Sr., a
locomotive engineer on the Southern
Railway for more than 40 years. His
run was between Greenville, S.C.
and Atlanta., GA., and it said that
he had preached in every city and
hamlet along the line. His
locomotive had a copper plate
"attached to thecab o which a 'a
bible opened to John 17:17
proclaiming, "thy word is truth."
Engineer Fant retired in 1939.
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October 16, 17, 23 & 24
For more information and free brochure, contact:
Summers County Convention & Visitors Bureau
VW..I IlIA mP.IrSfvb. ¢qlm
(304) 466-5420
- Over 70 vendors will line the streets of Hinton!
- James L. Davis Railroad Photo Collection
- John Henry Woodcarving Exhibit
- Railroad Museum & Veterans Museum Tours
- Greenbrier Valley Model Railroad Club Exhibit
[nlerhlliaineaal inhiiles=
- Hinton Area Kids In Dramatic Studies, Jimmy Costa
- WVVA TV personafity Stan Sweet
- Calico & Jeans Square Dance Club
- Back Alley Band
Fibromyalgia Support Group
meetinp are held every third Friday
of the month at the. Summers
County Community Wellness
Center, located on Temple St. at 6:00
New and old members are urged
to attend. Everyone welcome.
COR. ltrd AYIL & TgMIWJg lrr.
, .,. ,...-'. ::::,. ,:
::::: " R. Ph.
Risk of Death from
Heart Failure Reduced
with Spironolactone
Congestive heart failure (often
referred to as CHF) is a serious
health problem that affects about
5 million persons in the US. CHF
may occur after a heart attack or
as a result of many years of high
blood pressure. In CHF the heart
muscle often becomes enlarged•
Yet, the heart still cannot pump
enough blood to meet the demands
of the body. Internal organs may
become engorgcd with blood;
blood vessels in the arms and legs
may protrude; the feet may swell
with "'pitting" edema. Breathing
difficuhies during rest force some
CHF sufferers to prop their heads
on pillows to ease breathing.
A stud)' conducted in 15 coun-
tries involved over 600 persons
with CHF. Many were taking one
of the newer "loop" diuretics and
an ACE inhibitor medicine. Some
were taking digoxin, an old CHF
standard. Some study participants
also were given spironolactone.
This well-established diuretic
(water pill) was approved lot use
in the US in 1960. Study partici-
pants who received spironolactone
along with their other medicines
had 30c less risk of death in gen-
eral, 31c less risk of death due to
heart problems, 30% less risk of
hoitpliza$,iMue to,heart.prob-
lems. and 3"?Pless risk of hospi-
talization due to worsening heart
Summers County's Only Independently Owned Bank/
8:30 - 4:00 Monday thru Friday
8:30 - 12:00 Saturday
Drive Thru Hours
8:30 - 4:00 Monday thu.'l'hursday
8:30 - 6:00 Friday
8:30 - 12:30 Saturday
Tomorrow's Products With
member/die Yesterday's Service//
Chevron Gas - On-Off Road Diesel Kerosene
Located at 230 Pleasant Street
The Service Center is now open to the public. Service Center hours are 8 AM - 5 PM
Monday - Friday and 8 AM - 1 PM on Saturday. Services include: oil change and
filter, grease, tires, batteries, mount and balance tires (also free rotation with purchase
of our tires), brakes, rotars, shocks and struts, tune ups, and state inspections.
To make an appointment, please call 466-0596. w.,k ins welcomel
Head Mechanic is Mike Massie, former employee of Greenbrler
Motors and Rodgers Subaru in Fairlea, WVa.