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6 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 4, 2018
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Playing Motherhood
For Laughs
(NAPS)--If any of America's esti-
mated 74 million kids are yours, an
uproarious new book may be for you (and
make a great gift tbr any mom you know).
As you may have found, parent-
hond is not for the fainthearted. It~
often a mayhem marathon filled with
exhausting days, punctuated by public
outbursts, poison control phone calls,
and poop (everywhere). But you're not
Parenting can be really hard--but
often hilarious, a new book shows.
en '
About The Book
'lhe book, "Parentally Incorrect:
True "Idles by Real Morns About the
F'"ked-Up 'lhings 'lheir Kids Have
I)one" (HCI), comes straight fi'om
Tracey Tee and Shayna Ferm~ irreverent
inonl-to-nlonl comedy tour, 'lhe Pump
and l)ump Show.
Created mostly fronl cards by women
across the country who confessed the
craziest, nlost exasperating, unforgetta-
ble things tlaeir kids have done, it also
features Sad Cake moments--those
little bummers that deflate you; Stump
the Breeder trivia questions; Awesome
MOMents drinking games; and Lies We
Tell Ourselves I',etore We Have Kids.
'lhe idea behind the book is to help
parents everywhere realize that the
insanity that can happen is in no way a
reflection of their worth or skills.
Where To Find it
It's available in stores everywhere and
on Amazon at
The Cure For AIDS
Ron, former Hinton High School College, and Concord University. Is In Your Hands
Class of 1958 graduatewas inducted Made All Conference in football. (NAI'- ,S)--wnat ~o a motorcycle ride"
into the West Virginia Sports on offense and defense. Also won the taking place August 6 through August
Legends at the groups annual high jump at the conference 10, a hand cream, an Instagram photo,
Tournament in Track 1962 Concord an exercise class and a skincare company
banquet in Beckley, July 7. r.r ~- h -,~,~ ~, nati.n,ql~, have in common? Surprisingly, they can
This organization has been doing ~'". :~"';" "" ~" "'"~':~'~ ". . """ ", all help fight I IIV/AII)S.
this since 2009 and now has grown cerunea sports memcme crmner and Here's How
to over 600 that attend the event. Athletic Trainer. Over the years he "lhe Motorcycles: Kiehl's Since 1851,
Famfl~and guest were invited this earned Three degrees and worked as purveyor of fine-quality skin and
b " ~ '1 ~" '''!Q~r ~ " I~ * r~ " : ~:'~*~are
hasal?t~&-Sf.ahd[ngacominit~ent ~0 :
yearT0i- the first fi~,~ i a head Atfil~tic ~ali~ er at ~i~dn ' < ":, ' ' ' n
T " " ~ " ' ' ' 1 * ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~'''; SUuoOrfin tlIV/AIDS eflarloes, o:nu a
Run was the only athlete tonigh ~enoor, cc/neora umv'ersd~y; ~" g hi with amfAR 'lhe
graduate from Hinton High School WV Tech and the Roanoke Rush enduring partners p .
. ,~ . . l,oundatmn for AIDS Research 1o that
"ever" to make All State in three t'romsstonm football Team. end Kiehl's Brand Ambassador Chris
sports, football, basketball, and Run Says- whatever success he Salgardo and amfAR's CEO Kevin Rob-
ert Frost will ride their motorcycles for
baseball (2 times). He went on to has achieved, he credits his family, five days, along with actor Giiles Marini,
play in college at VA Teeh, Beeldey wife, Topsy 53 years, sons Scott,
Chris, Pat and his faith in God.
anc in
wlce in
Not only can a special hand salve
restore dry skin, buying it can help
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) nevertheless, he overcame them. So fight AIDS.
attended a memorial service for the it was no surprise to me, and my
late Senator John McCain (R-AZ) on colleagues on both sides of the aisle, men's style influencer Blake Scott, tattoo
artist Luke Wcssman, and music photog-
Thursday, August 30 at North that he stood up for what he believed rapherTravis Shinn, in the ninth annual
Phoenix Baptist Church in Phoenix, in, no matter what the cost. Kiehl's LifeRidc for amfAR. Since 2010,
Arizona. John lived the lives of at least 10 this project has raised nearly $2 million
"Senator John McCain lived his people and throughout it all, he for cure-related research.
The Hand Cream: One hundred
life with the upmost integrity and always came out stronger, percent of the purchase price from the
he held the rest of us to that same "Even in the face of cancer, he sale of Kichrs Limited Edition Ultimate
standard. His commitment to our stood tall and fought bravely. For Strength lland Salve, up to $25,000, will
nation is unparalleled and we are all those us of who have been privileged benefit amfAR.
better for the example he set. John enough to know John, we expected The Photo: You can also fight IIIVI
AIDS by sharing a photo of a heart
was a man of character and nothing less. He always fought for made from your hands on Instagram
conviction. He was a traditionalist and believed in the bigger picture and Twitter, and tagging @Kiehls and
and held the belief that the United and lived his life serving something #LifeRideg. "the company donates $30 a
States Senate should operate the bigger than himself. And that is the post, up to $125,000 as part of its overall
donation to amfAR.
way our Founding Fathers intended, example he set for all of us to live by The Exercise Class: Supporters will
This conviction and his preference and will be his legacy. My heart goes be able to ride alongwith the ride, cour-
for bipartisanship led both out to Cindy and the McCain tesy of CycleBar, the premium indoor
Republicans and Democrats in times children as they mourn this cycling brand. Select CycleBar studios
when political discourse grew ugly. unimaginable Ioss. nationwide will host Kiehl's LifeRide
for amfAR classes, with Kiehrs donat-
"When it came to dealing with Gayle and I join a grateful and ing $30 per bike in one of these classes,
dysfunction in Washington, John appreciative nation in praying for up to $125,000, as part of its overall
had been through much worse. Some their comfort as they mourn the loss donation to amfAR. Sign up for one
of the challenges he faced in his life of this tremendous man, husband of these classes at
kieblsride foraidsresearch.
were insurmountable but and father." The Stores: All Kiehrs retail stores
The Hinton Lions Club is asking
for the Communities support in
helping to provide those who need,
eye examinations or eye glasses.
The Hinton Lions have been
providing assistance for over 18
years and are asking community
organizations and businesses as well
as citizens for monetary donations
to continue providing help to those
in need in our community. As news
spreads of the help being provided,
requests are now outnumbering the
Lions Club's ability to help.
Once a request is received, the
individual's application is screened
to insure that other avenues of
assistance are pursued before the
Lions Club provides help.
Donations can be mailed to: Lions
Club, Sight Assistance Program,
P,O. Box 1321, Hinton, WV 25951.
Checks shouid be made out to:
ttinton Lions Club.
Bingo every Friday night at the
Hinton Senior Citizens Building on
Second Ave. Doors open at 4:00 p.m.
starts at 6:00 p.m.
Are you troubled by someone's
drinking? AI-Anon Family Group
can help. To help them, you have to
help yourself first.
Meetings every Monday nights
7:00 p.m. behind the Child Advocacy
Center at 411 Temple Street. For
more information call: 466-2760.
Open meetings in the basement
of Ascension Episcopal Church,
corner of 5th Ave. & Temple St
Hinton at 8:00 p.m. every Tues
Thurs & Sat.
For more information call 1-800-
accept donations for amfAR through
August 13.
Learn More
For additional information, to find
a store or order products, visit www. Products are also at
Kichl's stores, (800) KIEItI.S-2 and spe-
cialty retailers.
Beyond Addiction is a support
group for family and friends of
people struggling with addictions.
Meetings are held every Tlaesday
evening from 6-7:30 at the Lifeline
Church at ~05 Stokes Drive, Hinton.
The groups is designed to help
family members and friends develop
good self care, to teach skills that can
be used to help loved ones to change
'and to support reduced substance
use in loved ones.
For more information call:
Barbara Romfo at 304-660 -9661.
Richmond Cemetery at
Sandstone New Caretakers. Please
direct all donations and inquiries to:
Keith and Stephanie Holland 219
Ramp Rd. Sandstone WV 25985.
Thank You, David & Mary
"Peggy" Tabor.
Veterans Museum Hours
The Museum will be open each
Saturday from 12 noon to 4:00pro.
Historical Displays range from
Early frontier days, the
Revolutionary War, the Civil War,
World War I, World War II, Korea
Viet Nam, and to the Present
Tour guides are present.
Admission is free.
The Campbell-Flannagan-
MurreU House Museum will be Olplm
each Saturday until Labor Day
1to 4 P.M. The guided tours are ~m.
Tours may also be arranged by
calling the Museum at 304-446-
5769. Leave a message and your lfll
will Ide returned.
The Capitol Report
Jeff Campbell
August28, 2018
On June 26, Governor Jim Justice
called the second extraordinary
session of the 2018 West Virginia
Legislature. The governor's
proclamation, House Resolution 201,
called "for the limited purpose of
considering and acting upon the
following matters: Matters relating
to the removal of one or more
Justices of the Supreme Court of
Appeals of West Virginia, including,
but not limited to, censure,
impeachment, trial, conviction and
disqualification " When a special
session is called, the governor sets
the agenda, and only those bills on
the call are up for debate. The House
Judiciary Committee met nine times
from July 12 to August 7, when
Articles of Impeachment were voted
on by the members. That led to the
continuation of the second
extraordinary session on August 13
and 14. All four remaining Justices -
Robin Davis, Allen Loughry, Beth
gain in violation of West Virginia
Code. I voted yes, and this article was
adopted, 96-0 4
Article 10 - Providing false
testimony to the House Finance
Committee. Loughry made
statements under oath before the
West Virginia House of Delegates
Finance Committee with
the deliberate intent to deceive,
regarding renovations and purchases
for his office, asserting that he had
no knowledge and involvement in
these renovations. I voted yes, and
this article was adopted, 94-2-4.
Article 11 - Directed that personal
pictures and items be placed in
customized picture frames and be
paid for by state monies, with these
items later being removed from his
state office and converted to his
personal use and benefit. House
Judiciary chairman John Shott
withdrew this article, so there was
no vote. Loughry was suspended
from the West Virginia Supreme
Court in June following a 32-count
statement of charges by the state's
Judicial Investigation Commission
following alleged violations of the
Judicial Code of Conduct. His false
testimony to the House Finance
Committee, moving the Cass Gilbert
desk from the capitol (on West
Virginia Day 2013) for his home
office for over four years, along with
using state vehicles and gas cards to
make trips to promote his book, and
using Court computers for his
its money, but it should not be the
basis for impeachment.
On November 9, I took an oath on
the House floor to uphold the
Constitution of the State of West
Virginia. My votes on these articles
refects my respect for the oath I
swore to uphold. Impeachment is
serious and should be used for high
crimes. Overspending in these cases
is poor judgment, but it's not a crime.
Should the ability to impeach be
determined by a disagreement in
personal taste or the amount on the
price tag? This is dangerous territory
and should not be used as a complete
takeover of separate branch of
government. On November 6, West
Virginia voters will have a chance to
amend the Constitution through
Amendment 2, which will give the
constitutional authority for
legislative oversight on the Supreme
Court's budget. I will vote yes on
Amendment 2 on Election Day.
Senior Status Circuit Judges- Article
4 - In their role as Chief Justice,
Justice Davis and Justice Workman
are accused of signing offon skirting
the law regarding a cap on payments
to senior status circuit judges. I voted
no, and this article was adopted, 62-
34-4. Article 5 - In her role as Chief
Justice, Justice Davis is accused of
signing 'off on skirting the law
regarding a cap on payments to
senior status mrcuit judges. I vote4
no, and this article was adopted, 61-
35-4. Article 6 - In her role as Chief
Walker, and Margaret Workman- family's personal use are all Justice, Justice Workman is accused
faced impeachment charges. Justice impeachable offenses. During the of signing off on skirting the law
Menis Ketchum resigned on July27, investigation that led to these regarding a cap on payments to
prior to the House Judiciary impeachment hearings, Loughryhas senior statuscircuitjudges. Ivoted
hearings, and was not investigated been less than cooperative, while no, and this article was adopted, 63-
to face impeachment. The day pleading not guilty to the federal 33-4. Article 7 - In his role as Chief
started on Monday at 10am and charges. Justice, Justice Loughry isaccused
concluded at 1:44am Tuesday. It was Office Spending - of signing off on skirting the law
a day full of debate and votes on Article 1 - Justice Loughry spent regarding a cap on payments to
Articles of Impeachment, approximately $363,000 to renovate senior status circuit judges. I voted
Amendments, and Resolutions. To and remodel his personal office, no, aqd this article was adopted, 51-
i h~ep these summaries organized, I'll which~'ir/eiuded a $31",924 COuch add: 45-4. ~Phese artict~s~ c4aim the three
.br'eak down the Articles of a $33,750 floor with a West Virginia r'justicesall0wedseniaPW~A~uscircuit
Impeachment into three parts - map that includes Tucker County, judges te be paid higher than allowed
Justice Allen Loughry, Office Laughry's home county, inlaid in wages, in violation of state law. Thil
Spending, and Senior Status Circuit granite, l voted no, and this article practice was stopped aRer an IRS
Judges. Justice Allen Loughry was adopted, 64-33-3. Article 2 - audit. Senior status circuit judges
Article 3 - Taking home an Justice Davis spent approximately are appointed to vacancies when a
antique Cass Gilbert desk. Gilbert is
the architect who designed our state
capitol. On June 20, 2013, six months
into his term on the bench, Loughry
had one of these antique desks
removed from the capitol and taken
to his home in Charleston, where it
stayed for four and a half years. This
violated a West Virginia Code which
prohibiting the removal of original
furnishings of the state capitol from
the premises. I voted yes, and this
article was adopted, 97-0-3. Article
8 - Using state vehicles for personal
Beginning in December 2012,
Loughry intentionally acquired state
vehicles for personal use, including
the use of a state-issued fuel card to
travel to, among other places, The
Greenbrier on one or more occasions
for book signing and sales of the book
he authored, "Don't Buy Another
Vote, I Won't Pay for a Landslide: The
Sordid And Continuing History of
Political Corruption in West
Virginia." This charge constitutes the
use of state resources and property
for personal gain in violation of West
Virginia Code. I voted yes, and this
article was adopted, 96-0-4. Article
9 - Using state computers for
personal use. Loughry used state
resources, such as computer
equipment and hardware for
predominantly personal use,
including a computer not intended to
be connected to the court's network,
utilized state resources to install
computer access services as his home
for predominantly personal use, and
utilized state resources to provide
maintenance and repair of computer
services for his residence.
This acts as the use of state
resources and property for personal
$500,000 to renovate and remodel
her personal office, which included
a $20,500 oval rug, an $8,000 desk
chair, and over $23,000 in design
services. I voted no, and this article
was adopted, 56-41-3.
Article 12 - Justice Walker spent
approximately $131,000 to renovate
and remodel her personal office,
which included $27,000 in items
listed as office furnishings and
wallpaper, l voted no, and this article
was rejected, 51-44-5.
Article 13 - Justice Workman
spent $111,000 to renovate and
remodel her personal office, which
included the purchase of wide plank
cherry flooring. Using the dollar
amount standard set in rejecting
Article 12, Chairman Shott withdrew
this article, so there was no vote.
Article 14 - The four justices - Davis,
Loughry, Walker, and Workman -
failed to hold each other accountable
including remodeling offices,
unaccountable personal use of state
vehicles, regular lunches from
restaurants, framing of personal
items, etc. Article 14 charges the
justices failed to provide reasonable
and proper supervisory oversigkt of
the operations of the Supreme Court.
I voted no, and this article was
adopted, 51.-44-5.
I voted no on these articles
because, as much as I disapprove of
the lavish spending, the legislative
branch has no authority over the
judicial branch's budget. In fact, the
Court controls its own budget and is
provided that authority under our
Constitution. Therefore, no law was
broken. I don't agree with the Court
purchasing a $32,000 couch, but it's
not illegal. I cannot and will not
defend the way the Court has spent
sitting judge is sick, suspended, or
not available to do their job. State
law limits the amount of money a
senior status circuit judge can make.
The Court converted senior status
circuit judges who were close to the
gap to independent contractors, so
they receive a 1099 instead ofa W2.
This allowed some judges to make
more than the cap. I voted no on
these articles because the
Constitution REQUIRES the Court
to make sure courts across our state
has judges to hear cases. The
Constitution trumps the statute. The
justices have a duty to make sure
circuit courts in West Virginia are
open. Most recently, senior status
circuit judges have been appointed
in Kanawha, McDowell, Nicholas
County, and Randolph counties.
Post Script -
The day after impeachment
proceedings ended, Davis resigned
from the Supreme Court. Walker and
Workman said they would not resign
and will face a Senate trial, expected
to begin in September. Last
Saturday, Governor Justice
appointed former Speaker ot the
House Tim Armstead and former 3rd
District Congressman Evan Jenkins
to fill the seats vacated by Ketchum
and Davis. Both seats on the bench
will be up for election of the
unexpired terms on the November 6
General Election ballot. Proudly
serving my hometown 42nd District
counties of Greenbrier, Monroe and
Delegate Jeff Campbell
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