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Hinton, West Virginia
September 4, 2018     The Hinton News
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September 4, 2018
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4 - Hinton News Tues. Sept. 4, 2018 The Hinton News Published weekly on Tuesday By The Hlnton Publishing Corporation 210 Second Avenue Hinton, W VA. 25951 Phone (304) 466-0005 Dawn Cravvford Business Manager USPS 246-180 Subscriptions By Mail Out of Stale $37.50 per year By CarrierIn s=~r~rs co. ~.e0 ~ 50 Issue A, o~er WV counties $30,00 par year (WV resident pay 6% sales tax) ~.00 Per Year U.S. Postal Regutstions Require Payments in Advance POSTMASTER: Send address changes to publication name end mailing address Periodical Postage Paid At Lewisburg, WV Articles submitted to the Hinton News must reach the office by Thursday noon in order to be considered for publication in the following Tuesday paper. Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached during business hours. The Hinton News reserves the right to edit any material and regrets that articles cannot be returned. Items for the Bulletin Board must reach the office by 11 am Monday in order to be considered for publication. OFFICE HOURS Hinton News is open Monday thru Thursday Business Hours: Men. & Tue.: 9 am to 4 pm. Wed.: 9 am to 12 pro. Thurs.: 9 am to 4 pro. Dec " ons Following the full repeal of West As noted in the study, public Virginia's prevailing wage law in school construction ccsts in West 2016, a study conducted by theVirginia were slowly rising between UniversityofKentucky(UZ)Center2008 and 2016. When the repeal for Business and Economic Research went in to affect, that continual rise (CBER) found that total costs for in costs stopped and started to public school construction in the decline. When the CBER at UK Mountain State declined by over compared the gradual rise in costs seven percent. Additionally, the of West Virginia's school CBER found no evidence that construc~tion,to surrounding states, repealing this mandate had anythey remained in every state apart impacts on safety or quality of from West Virginia. construction. Showing a clear correlation "What we have with this study is between a decrease in the cost of a very close and thorough public school construction and the examination of what is ultimately a repeal of the state's prevailing wage very difficult topic to properly law. evaluate. The CBER took the time "These findings equate to roughly to look at the effects this policy one million dollars taxpayers have decision has had from a variety of saved and will continue to save on angles and under an impartial lens. each new elementary school built in The evidence here clearly speaks for West Virginia. That's substantial." itself." Stated Bryan Hoylman,Hoylman Continued. President & CEO of the Associated This is the first major study to be Builders and Contractors of West completed on the topic since the Virginia (ABCWV) 2016 Legislative Session when :S lawmakers debated intensely about the effects this policy decision would have in West Virginia. While opponents claimed the consequences would be dire to the workforce, safety and quality Of public construction, proponents claimed their intent was to remove the bureaucracy associated with determining public construction costs and hand that responsibility over the free market by bidding projcct~ similarly to that of the private sector." "West Virginia lawmakers stood by their promise to side with the state's taxpayers over wealthy and powerful special interest groups when they repealed the requirement to pay prevailing wage on public improvements in 2016. Despite the amount of heated rhetoric and baseless claims from those who opposed their efforts, everything we knew to be true about the outcome of this momentous reform is coming to light," Holyman Concluded NOTICE - Anyone having relatives buried in Sunset View Cemetery or who own MEADOW CREEK NOTICE : plots themselves are asked to make Meadow Creek Cemetery would a donation to the upkeep and like to thank you for your help this maintenance of the cemetery. Pre- past year in getting the cemetery addressed envelops are available on cleaned up by mowing and removing the gate at the cemetery for you to' some fallen tree's. Your support pick up or you may mail a donation would be greatly appreciated for this . made out to Sunset View Cemetery years mowing season. Meadow cJo Betty Turner, Treasurer, Bozoo; Creek Cemetery, PO Box 85, 'Ruritan Club, 317 Shumate Rd Meadow Creek WV 25977. Peterstown, WV, 24963. Mona & Tue.: 9 aem. to 4 pem. Wed.: 9 aem. to 12 p.m. Thurs.: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Paid for by the Summer County Democratic Exective Committee at the GREEN SULPHUR DISTRICT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT 8 3 to 7PM "' Hosted'by the Summers County Dcm. Exec. I September 9-13, 2018 Sunday services: 9:30 a.m. Bible Study; Worship 10:30 AM and Sunday. Evening 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday services will be at 7 p.m. nightly. Guest speaker will be Eddy Craft. Eddy Craft has a Weekly television program, "Biblical Viewpoints" which is seen on Suddenlink Channel's 14 & 18 (depending on your locatiOn). It is also seen in TN, KY, MS and on GBNTV. Eddy is a full-time instructor at the Tri-Cities School of Preachirlg and Christian Development where he also serves as co-director. All welcome- We hope to see you there! 1621 Summers Street Hinton, WV 25951 That ][essings Sbin 0n p0u C0m to C ur,:b BAPTIST Beech Run BaPtist Church Orbre B. Angefl, Jr Pastel Sunday School 10 am, Morning Service 11 am, Night Service 7 pro, Wed. nigM preyer meeting 7 PmBetlepotht Baptist Church Sun. Service: S. S. 9:45 am. Morning Worship, 11 am. Yout~ fellowship, 7:00 p.m. Evening Service, 6 pro. Wed. Service, 6:0(; p.m. Pastor Gary Trout. Big Creek Lynn Maddy, Pastor: Sunda) School 10 a.m. Momibg Womhi~ It a.m. each Sunday. Praye, meeting Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F Sunday at 6 p.m. Jay Meadows, Stmday Scho~ Superintendent Sun.School 1(] a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m, Evening Service Sun. at 6 p.m, Prayer Meeting Wed. at 7:00 p.m, Calvary Baptist Church Red Sulphur: Rev. Eddie Howdock, Sunday School 10 A.M. Randy Hedge, Superintendent Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship 7:3~ P.M. Wednesday Worship 7:3C RM. Central Pastor Robble Merdtt: 9:45 a.m, Church School. It a.m. Morninf Worship. 6:00 p,m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m. Wednesday Mi - Week Sor~ce. Chestnut Motmlaln Baptist !kurch Sen,4,ces Even/T~lumday at 7:00 p.m. Pasto~ Bobby C,~les. Chestnut Grove Pastor: Benny Allen Superintendent: Maynard Blankenship. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Ev~oln~ Service 7:00 Wed Evening Service 7;00 p.m. Clayton Baptist Church (3 t/2 miles up Clayton Rd frorr Pence Springs) Pastor: Gran~ Petitt, Jr. Sun. service 10 a.m. Womhip t 1 a.m. Wed. evening 7 I P.m. Ph: 466-5052 |(Independent Fundamental) Dallas Peyton Jr Pastor: Sunday School. Supt Tom Lamb. Se~ice: S. S. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship. 7 p.m Wed. 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Coumw Side RL 12 Forest Hill Sunday Series 10 & 11 am, & 7 pro. Wed night asrvice 7 pro. Folrvlew Baptist Church Forest Hill, Pastor: Michael McCoy; Worship ,~P~c~s, 9:45 am; Sunday School, 11:00 am; Evening Services, 7:00 pro; Choir Practice, Wed 6:30 pm; Mid- Week Sen#re, 7:30 pro, Faith Baptist Church J D Fox, Pastor: Sun. ~ 10 am, Morning Service, 11 am; Night Sentice, 6 pro. Wed. night praym meeting 6 pro. F~t~r - F~I Two miles north of Alderson on the Alta Road. sunday School 10 a.m. Baptist Youth League 6 p.m. I Eveming sendces 7 p m. Rrst Ballet Chumh Sunday Sd'mol 9:45 a.m. Eugene Jonee, Supt. Mom~g Worship 11 a.m Evening Sewica 7:00 p.m. Mid Week Service 7:00 p.m. Forest Rill Baptist Church Pastm Jeff C~: Ser~ces 2nd. & 4th. Sunday 9:.45, Sunday School 10:45, Evening Service 7.1)0. Freedom I~ll~llst Church Poweley's Creet~, Pas~r John Offenberger: Sun. School 10 a.m Services 11 a.m. Evening Service 6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. ' Friendship Baptist Church Two ndlas north, of Forest Hill OnRL 12. Pastor Joe Spencer. Sunday School, 10 am, Worship, 11 am evening worship 7 pro; Wed. worship 7 pm. Greoe Baptist Church Bill Ballengee, Pastor. Sunday School 10 a.m,Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m. Wed. Evening 7:00 p.m. GHfflth Creek. Aldereon Audie Sorg, Pastor: Sunday School 10 a.m Worship San/ices 11:00 a.m. Evening services at 7:00 p.m. Wed. Mid Week Prayer and Bible Study 6:30 p.m. You~ Meeting Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Classes for every age group. Nursery available. IrKIkm Mills Baptist Church Herb Miller. Pastor: S.S. Supt. James Keetley. SUn. School 10 am. Classes for all ages. Worship. Service, 11 am. and 6 pm. Every Sun. Prayer Meeting Wed. 7pm. Judeen Free Will Pastor Chadle eaniels. Sunday School 10 am, Worship Service, 11 am, Evening Service, 7 pro, Thurs. Se~ 7 pro. Keatley Slxlngs Sunday School 10 am Laurel Creek Baptist Chur=h Pastor: Melvin Wills. S.S. Superintendent: Robed W~Is. S. S. 10 am Morning Worship 11 am Evening ServiCe 6 pm. We(I. Mgllt bible study 7 pro. IJ~k C~ek eeptlat Church Green Sulphur: Speaker Bob Meadows: Services Sunday 10 to 11 am. Sun. Night, 7 Ixn. Wed. night 7 pro Lltlie Wolf Creek Baptist Church,Buck, Pastor, Edd~ Harris, Sunday School t0:00 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am. Sun. Evening Worship e:0o prn. Prayer MeeB1/ B.Y.F. Wad. night 7 pro. Pastor Ha~'~yry A Ce nr~k: Sunday School 10 am. Mornmg Worship 11 am Evening Wo~hip 7 pro, Wed. Night Bible Study, 7 pro. New Salem eaptist Church Pastor I. E. Hatcher. Sunday School 10:00. Church 11:00 Fundamental. Nlmltz Ml~lonmy Baptist Cl~Jrs~ Pastor Donald L Hannah S S Superintendent Mark Elllaon, Sunday School e:45. Morniog Worship and Children Chumh 11 aJ~ Sunday Morning. Evening Sunday Wo~htp e:0o. Prays' Meeting and Youth Meeting 7:00 Wednesday, Plpe~tam seuUt 'n 2 1/2 miles past Madna, RL 20, midway between Pi~em St Park and Hinton. Pastor Roy B Caner, Sunday School 10 ~m Morning Worship 11:00 a.m Wdd. Night prayer and eibte Study 7:00 p.m Rhonda Anna Memorial Streeter, WV. Service every 2nd 4th. and 5th. Saturday at 7:00 pro. Rlver Valley Rt. 12 F~est Hill Road, Lowell O'Dall, Pastor: 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 6 pro. Evening Service. 6:00 pro & youth meeting. Wed, Services, 7:00 pm Chapel Choroh Re,ski Cot~, Pastor; Sunday SchOol, 10 I.e Morning Worsl~. 11 e.m. Web. Bible Study, 7 Pl~linstx~ D. L. Stekada~, Pealer: 10 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages. Richard Holloran Superintendent 11 am. Momin ~/orship. 7 pm. Night ~ervice. Sandstone Baptist Church Sunday School 10 am Momi~ )reaching Service 11 am & ) m.Sunday Night. Mid Wee mrvios 7:00 pm. Pastor Jack Wan Seeend Bal~l~t Church =lev. Matthew Saundem, Pastor Supt. Vicky Caul. Worship at 11:0C every Sunday. SS 10:00 a.m Orgsinat, Margaret Nelson. Second Bal~lst Church Telcott, Pastor Bryan Copmey Sewica 1st & 3rd Sun. at 11 am. Trope Church Bobby Reed, Pastor: SS, 10 am. Melvin Williams, Supt Preaching Se#,oss every Sunday at 11:00 am Upland Baptist Chinch Pastor:Eddie Wills. Sunday School ~upedntendent:Mike Brandan.SS 10:00, Worship Services at - 11:00. Evening Services 6:00. Wed. service at 6:00 p.m. War Ridge Freewill Baptist Chumh. Sunday School 10:00 am Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening 6:00 pm , ~/ed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm Rev Joseph Swiney. CATHOLIC Mount Plagah United Betty Shields, Pastor: Worship 9:30 am, Sunday School 10:30 am; Wed. Bible Study 4:30 pm Hilldale, Rt. 3; 304,327-6494. Mt Zlon United On Mt. Zion Rd, Patncla Wodes, Pastor; Sunday School 10:00 a.m Worship 11:00 a.m every Sunday. For infer call Melissa Cook at 304- 466 3456 New Hope Linda Peyton, Pastor: Sunday School 10 am, Worship 1st & 3rd Sun. 11 am & 4th Sun. at 7:30 pm. 304-466-9850 Oak Grove Unda Payton, Pastor:. Worship at 9:30 am, Sunday School 10:30 am, Fifth Sunday Worship rotates between Oak Grove, Trinity, and New Hips. Call 304-466-9850. Send Knob United Patncla Wodes, Pastor: Sand Knob Worship 9:30, SS 10:30. Sand Know Rd; 304-392*2448, Trinity United Methodist Linda Payton, Pastor: Sunday School 9:45 am, Worship seMces every Sun 11 am, Bible study Wed 7 pro. Ph: 304-466-9850 PRESBYTERIAN St Patrick Catholic Chumh, HolyI Centervllle Mass Schedule: SaturdaYIGresnvllle,10am;SundayschooL Sunday Vigil Mass) 5p.m.; (MAY-17:45 pro, eommunlty Worship September) Sunday 9 a m Vednesday - 6 p.m Friday - s.m. CHRISTIAN Flrst Christian Church Sunday School 9:45 am, Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Bible Study, Sunday 6:00 Youth Meetings 6:00 CHURCH OF CHRIST Hlnton 1621 Summers St. Minister,Walter Dekle: Sunday Morning Bible Study.9:30 a.m, Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening 6.'~ p.m. Sh~my Hm church of Christ Sun. Assembly Worship 9:30 am Bible Class 10:30 am. Worship 11:15 am. Wed Bible Class 6:30 I~t Call lot into & dircclio~ 466- 5907 or 253-9570. EPISCOPAL Aseenolon Episcopal Chumh 5th & Temple St.Wo~hip 11 am Sunday. Holy Eucharist 3 time a month. Ph: 304-627-1232 METHODIST Rrct United Msthodlet Chur~'h Molisse White, Minister. SS 9:45 am, Morning Worship 11:00 am. Child cere evalleble: Momant~ with children, Wed. Youth Club, 4:30 0~:30 pro Trsnspodation: 466- Fo~t Hill Linda Payton, Pastor:. 1st & 3rd Sundays: Wonddp 9:45 am, SUn. School 10:45 am. eth Sunday Roation, Bible Study Sundays at 6 ~.m. 304-466-9650 James Chapel At True lev. David Dameweed, Pastor: Services 9 am. Sun. Schce110 am. Johnson Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam Groves, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Worship 11 ~am. Martha Chapel United Ed Dolphin, Pastor; SS 10, Worship 11; Madams Ck Rd;~M- 466-1994. Mary Jane Memorial Pastor Ernest Callas: Sunday Schod 10 am. Morning Wmd~p 11 am. Prayer Meeting 7:30 pro. Mlltor Memorial UnlkKI Brian Daugherty, Pastor; Sun, School 8:30.; Worship 9:30 a.m.; Follow us Facebook. 111 Miilel Ave. Bnilepolnt, Hinton, WV 25951 Sannne First Pmebytmlan Church James Irwin, Intorim Pastor Sunday Worship 11 am,Wed. Bible Study 6 pm, Prayer Meeting 7pro. Hem's Creek 3menville, 10a.m. Sunday Schobl ?:45 pro Community Worship Service. Keller st Lowell Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor. Horship Services held at 2:30 pm ~n 1st. and 3rd. Sundays. McBlenny Rev. Stewart McMurray, Pastor. 3rassy Meadows,10 am. Sunday School Worship Service held at e am on 2nd. and 4th. Sundays OTHERS Bennett Chapel rug Creek Mt. Travis Hocum, Pastor: Services, Sat. 7 p.m. Sunday evening 2 p.m. Church of the Uvlng God Pastor Ron Iddings: Sun. School 10 am Morning Worship 11 am Sun. 6--Pmulnton Geep~ Tabernacle 102 Main Street, Teny Weathedy, Pastor: Sun. School 10 am. Worship 11:00 am. Evangelistic SaUce 7:00 pro. Bil0le Study Wed. 7:00 ~thovsh'a Wltem Sun. 10am Public Talk, Sun. 11 am Watchtower, Study Tue. 7:30 pro, Theeerati School Thum. 8:30 pm Service Meeting. Jumping Branch Tabernacle . Tam & Darlene Coffman, Pastor: Franklin Bowles, Supt. Sun. School 9:45 am. Morning Worship 10:45 am. Youth Fellowship 6:00 pm. Evening Worship 7:00 pro. Prayer Service Wed. 7:00 pm. Ufbllna Church 505 Stokes Dr. Hinton Sundays 11a.m Wednesday 7 m. Pastor Mark Bayle Mount Olivet Church community church, Madams ;reek Reed, 2 1/2 miles, Daniel E Harris, Pastor: 466-0640, Sunday School 10:00 am. Morning Worship 11:00 am', Evening Service 7:30 pm. EDT, Wednesday (7 pm ESTwlntor) New Hope Church or the Nazarena 1301 Summers St. : Sunday School 10 a.m Mon~ng Worship 11 am Sunday Evening 6 pm Wed. Kids CIOb 7 pro. Pence Spdngs Community Church Pastor Roger Pemnger. SS 10 am, Worship Servica 11am, Youth meeting 6 pro, Sun. rdght worship 7 pm, Wed. night prayer meeting 7:00 pro. Women's Christian Fellowship meeting every first Men. of the month 7 pro. Pltlar of Truth Church larger Springs: Sunday School 10:00 am. Morning Worship 11:00 lm, Wed. Bible Study 7:00 pm. Rlvervlew Chapel 2,omer of Temple St. & 16th Ave. ~astoc Scott Ross.304-466-0769 .~unday: 11 a.m. Family Bible -lout:7 p.m. Lord's Supper of lowed by Bible Study. ~londay: 6:30 p.m. Men's Bible -~tudy:6:30 p.m. Women's Bible .~tudy Wednesday: 7 p.m. ~ldweek Prayer & Bible Study Rocky Mr. Community Church ndian Ridge Pipestem: Buck Seedwin, Pastor. S.S. 10 am, Norship, 11 am; Youth S 6 pro; Bible Study, 7 pro. 2nd SUtJ me 3asp~ Sing, refreshments 7 pro. Big 4 Drug Store, Inc. prescr/ption and drug needs fountain service 466-232.3 THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTISMENT ONLY $72 a year. "H EAR Pastor Donald Hannah on WMLJoFM 90.5 & 96.7 M - F at 2:05 p.m. Sunday 8:15 a,m. or anytime at ~rmonaudlo. om/ IwBmhannah RONALD MEADOWS FUNERAL PARLORS 466-1179 130 Temple Street THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT ONLY $72 a year. THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT ONLY $72 a year. THIS SPACE IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT ONLY $72 a year. THIS SPACE IS FoR YOUR BUSINESS ADVERTIsMENT ONLY $72 a year r i: