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2 - Hinton News Tues. Sept, 4. 1990
More and M'om-P 'e'are Reading 0ur-Ne'ws-paper
Because a recent survey found that The
HINTON NEWS is the favored source
for three out of five for local news and
advertising items.
Send me a full year of THE HINTON NEWS (52
Issues) at the low basic subscription rate of $11.50
(In slate residents add 69 cents slate tax.)
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Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery of the first copy
P. O. BOX 1000
HINTON, WV 25951
Dear Sir:
What happens to the money?
Reportedly, there is no money for
the jail, fire departments and or
equipment, dogcatcher wages, sher-
iffcars and deputy salaries, or other
*essentials" or necessities, condu-
cive to the day to day operation and
good management of local affairs.
There is a law called ~reedom of
information act" which does work in
obtaining information from the fed-
era] government concerning it's
operation. Is our local politicians
immune or above this law? It seems
as though in our county all or most of
the funds for it's operation are fun-
neled through the County Commis-
sion even though part timers. Are
they still getting their full salaries?
I would like to see a financial report
for Summers County. Just how much
money, and how does it get spent or
rather allocated by our commission-
Another line of thought on our jail
situtation is, since it is so inhumane
to incarcerate drug abusers, intoxi-
cated drivers, and other offenders of
society in such a facility that is lack-
ing in educational advantages, a
library, and hot and cold running-
water, lovers, and others, it is deemed
inadequate and illegal.
There could be a major tax levy
IIIN'PON, WVm, l~iON]g 411-11Ibis
R. Ph.
Analgesic Rubs for
Muscle Aches & Pain
Muscle aches and pains can be
cm=cd by exc siv ysical ac.
dvity, viral in_fecdons, stress, poor
postm'¢, andodcrfaclms. Muscle
pain may show up/n any area of the
body that is near muscle - in the
head neck, low back area, legsr
arms, and shoulders.
Cold e apy (e.g., ice packs) is
rv mmmmuled initially for many
spot.related muscleinjtuics. Heat
therapy (e.g., hot water boule and
healing pads) often is recom-
mended for aches and pain that
occur one to two days following
muscle injury.
Analgesic rubs are applied to
the skin to helprelieve musclepain.
These me mmescription prod-
uczs that produce "wmnth" and a
sensation of slight "itching" in the
skin. Tl se smsations serve to
dislract the individual from deeper
muscle pain. Ingredients that pro-
duce this effect in the skin are called
counto rnmnts. Countefim'tant
product ingredients include methyl
salicylate, campkor , eucalyptus oil,
and volatile oil of nmstard.
enacted and build a fine new modern
county correctional facility like some
other municipalities have done. Then
HOT DOGGY the does gooder bleed-
ing hearts will be happy and these
(jails) have an average two year
waiting period to get in. There is
more advantage in jail than out?
There has to be something wrong
with this scenario. You think that
this is just a scenario. Tell it to the
folks around Cincinnati as well as
There has to be answers, but it
will take someone smarter than I.
What happens to the money? Dear
Commissioners if you would cooper-
ate by showing us, the tax payers,
where and how you have spent the
money ( a financial report), you might
expect or at least hope for our coop-
eration, at election time too.
Leonidas R. (Leon) Moten
Route 86, Box 20-A
Jumping Branch, WV 25969
For several years there has been
no American Legion Post in Hinton.
There is a need for strong veterans
organizations to help retain the
benefits for all veterans. The Post
would be very beneficial to the com-
munity through the many programs
the American Legion supports.
Any one interested in helping to
reactivate the Cook Beasley Farr
Post American Legion in Hinton call
Charles Skidmore. Phone 466-5090.
A meeting will be set up soon for
veterans interested.
WVU Pharmacy Fall
The West Virginia University
School of Pharmacy has accepted 71
students, out of the 193 candidates
who applied, to be members of its fall
Students selected from the Hin-
ton area were:HINTON -- Leslie D.
We offer a full
and desserts are
Vasodilamzs such as/u ta 'ne
dihydrochloride and methyl
n/cot/m e ate included in some
rub products for their ability to
increase blood flow to the affected
area and produce a feeling of
warmth and comfo Analges/c
rutm available as car.ares, gels,
oinunents, and lotions.
Roy C. Long
Constructing the overhead bridge 1929.
HINTON GETS AN Judge Ward made the injunction toward construction of this impor-
OVERHEAD BRIDGE AFTER permanent or until the city paid the tant improvement. (Hinton Daily
MANY YEARS OF $2,000. judgment granted Mr. Dick News, Jan. 25, 1931).
DISCUSSION; by jury at the Apr. term of court. The plaque located at the south
Part 5: Fate of the closing of the crossing end of the bridge read as follows:
G. K. Dick, in his own name but and collection of funds due the city "Avisoverheadbridgeconstructed
supported by other businessmen in for the bridge was now in the hands jointly by the.C. & O. Railway and
the area of Avis Hill and Avis Cross- of the Appealate Court. On Nov. 25, the City of Hinton.
ing, seekinganinjunctiontoprevent 1930 the Appealate Court in Char- Avis Bridge 1928.
the dosing of the crossing was leston, W. Va., in their decision said, (The plaque had been made many
granted a temporary restraining "If the property abutted on a street months before the bridge was corn-
order by Judge C. M. Ward on June suffers damage from the action of a plete.)
28, 1929. The case was docketed to part of the street, he is ordinarily Mayor E. M. Meadows.
be heard during Apr. 1930 term of limited to an action at law for his E.N. Blackwood and C. M.Gilsan
Circuit Court in Hinton. compensation", and held the Circuit Resident Engineers.
Judge Ward, in a written opinion Court was without jurisdiction to Councilmen: S. A. Comer, J. L.
onFeb, l, 1930, held that the City of proceed in the case. The Supreme Crush, W.M. Daugherty, L.D. Elli-
Hinton had the right to close the Court, Christmas Day 1930, dis- son, H. F. Glass, E.F. Hiner, M.
crossing and that the order passed missed the action and cancelled the Hutchison, H. Lawrence, C. H. Laws,
by City Council was sufficient, but Circuit Court damage award. (Hin- C.R. Maddy, F. B. Neely, W. C.
that if Mr. Dick, and others, had ton Daily News Nov. 25, 1930). Neely, W. H. Roberts, P. E. Rollyson,
suffereddamagesorinjury, hewould If the opening of the overhead W.B. Skaggs, J. D. Stinnett.
continue the injunction until the bridge on June 28, 1929 was cause Designed and built by Luten
amount of damages could be deter- for celebration, city officials must Bridge Company, York, Pa."
mined by a jury. have felt a celebration at this time It is ironic, but typical of what
Becauseoftheinjunctionprevent- would have been most welcome. The often happens. A man who had as
ing the crossing from being closed, gloom that was felt by Officers of the much to do with getting the work
the railway company withheld their City of Hinton and the C. & O. Rail- under way, and probably more than
final payment of $40,000, having way lifted and no time was lost put- anyone listed, was not mentioned on
previously paid $35,000., pending ring up barriers and permanently the plaque. I refer to Hume K.
outcome of the law suit by Mr. Dick. closing Avis Crossing. Signal main- Nowlan, Hinton City Manager.
This delay cost the City of Hinton tainers for the railway company
approximately $200.00 a month in hastened to remove the short post HHLC MEETING
penaltywaitingforthepaymentfrom with the little bell on top which The Hinton Historic Landmark
the railway company, announced the approach of trains Commission will meet ;rhursday at
A jury heard the case at the Apr. ending its almost constant ringing, the Summers County Board of Edu-
1930 term of Circuit Court in the After a long series of conferences cation office at 3:30 pro.
City of Hinton and after consider- between the City Council and offi- BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC
able evidence had been heard from cials of the C. & O. Railway Corn- Sept. 5 and 12 at the Hinton
both sides, the jury, after deliberat- pany relative to completion of the Center.
ingnearlyonehourandahalf, deliv- payment to the city for construction Sept. 13 at the Kruger Store 10
ered a judgment in favor of Mr. Dick of the bridge, the railway delivered until 2:00pro.
for $2,000. to the city a check in the amount of Sept. 11 at the Sandstone Center
Following the decision, attorneys $40,602.48 on Jan. 23, 1931. This' 10:00 until 1:00.
for the city asked that the verdict be was the full balance due from the C. Sandstone Senior Center will have
set aside, but the motion was over- & O. on the $75,000. they promised an exercise session every Tues.
ruled. The City Council instructed
their attorneys, P. J. Carr and R. F.
Dunlap, to appeal the case to the
State Supreme Court which was
promptly done.
On the morning of July 30th,
breakfast menu.
made fresh daily.
6 am to 10:00 pm
6:00 to 11:30 am
Phone 466-1700
Bluestone Dam
HEROS OF ttcustOm ,
3 i
Light Family
The family of the late John Bal-
lard and Rebecca Ann Light held ~
their 10th annual reunion Sun. Aug.
19th at Summers County 4-H Camp i
on the Greenbrier.
After a delicious picnic lunch the
afternoon was spent in renewing
friendships, catching up on family
activities and taking pictures.
The door prize, a beautiful shadow
box made by Pat Light, was won by '
Barbara Webb. An interesting Aue:
tion Sale was held by Buddy (Paul)
and Jack Light.
Those present for the reunion
were: Grace Garten, Vernon Maire,
Marie Sharps, Paul (Buddy) Light,
Leo Poteet, Anna Swepston and
Gladys Lilly, all from Marie, W.Va.
Connie and Blanche Tabor, Bal-
lengee, W.Va~, Sadie Meadows, Cecil
and Ruth Lively, Princeton, W.Va.,
Jack and Pat Light, Harry and Sandy
Mackey, Maxwelton, W.Va., Irene
and Charlie Waldron, Roanoke, Va.,
Douglas, Becky, Gavin and Erin,
Gollehan, Raleigh, N.C., Clarence
and Mildred Wegman, Salem, Va.,
Houston and Elizabeth Mosley,
Ronald and Rosalie Ingrain, Char-
leston, W.Va., Margaret and Meghan
Workman, Lost Creek, W. Va., Ar-
nold and Pat Light, Pennsville, NJ.,
Ronnie, Patty Ann and Mollie Gard-
ner, Salem, N. J., Stanley and Eliza-
beth Light and Bernice Epi~po,
Wilmington, Del., Fred and Barbara
Webb, Boone, N.C., Ann Webb
Blacksburg, Va., Beatrice Light,
Toledo, Ohio, Sadie Light, Sand-
stone, WVa., Shelby Thompson,
Debbie Matheny and Geraldine
Thompson Athens, W. Va. and Cassie
Haynes, Hinton.
Aug. 17 speaker was Roger Sher-
man from Charles Ryan Inc. He
spoke on Economics in W.Va.
Aug. 24: Members informed that
Something Special will be closing
doors. So as of next week Rotary
Club will meet at The Diner across
from National Bank of Summers
(Aug. 31).
Aug. 24:~ Speakers were Bill &
Nena Hensley from Appliachain Folk
Center. Located at Pipestem.
We are priviledged to have infor-
mative speakers. Pray for Peace.
Maxine Ciampi
white with red tips and black laces.
Shoe lost after Water Festival Pa-
rade on 11 Aug.
Please call 466-1234 or contact
Bluestone Lake.
Letters am welcome, but onlY a
selection will be published. Prefer-
ence will be given to letters o{ ,v
words or less. Longerletters mayb~
shortened or rejected. Letters must
be signed and must include an ad-
dress and phone number. The tele-
phone number will not be published.
Letters will be edited for grammer,
spelling, taste, syntax, and libel.
Names will not be withheld.
Address them to Letters to the
Editor, 13. O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV