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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 13, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 13, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10- Hinton News Tues. Aug. 13, 1991 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD LIGItT REUNION The family of the late John Bal- lard and Rebecca Ann Light will hold it's llth Annual Reunion Sun. Aug. 18th. at the "Graham House" near Lowell, WV. Bring along your favorite covered dish, genealogy charts, pictures, etc., alsohandicrafts and attic Treasure items to be sold at our "Fun Auction". AA.R.P. The Summers County Chapter of the A.A.R.P. will meet on Thurs. 15th. at 1:30 P.M. at the Hinton House Community Room. There wilt be a special speaker, all members are urged to attend. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING There will be an organizational meeting for all young ladies inter- ested in plabdng basketball for Hin- ton Junior High School. The meet- ing will be held at the Hinton Wa- terslide Tues. Aug. 20th. from 4:30 to 6:30 pro. Seventh Graders or any first year player are asked to bring a copy of their birth certificate. If you have already received your physical examination please bring the completed form. If you do not have a copy of the physical examina- tion form then please contact Coach Wayne Ryan at 466-0043 or pick one up at the Hinton High School Main Office between 9:00 am and 2:30 pro. REVIVAL Revival services will be held at the Church of the Nazarene Aug. 13th. thru 18th at 7:00 P.M. Special spewer will be Guy Wright. Everyone Welcome. FREE SEEDS FREE FARM SEEDS AT LOAVES AND FISHES: Sweet Corn, Mustard Greens, Pickling Cucum- bers, Yellow Onions, and Lettuce. All you need. Bring your own containers or bag. Everyone is eli- gible. MWF 10A - 2 P, 127 Ballengee St. REUNION The alumni of the Civilian Con- servation Corp will hold its 5th annual reunion at the Little Beaver State Park, Daniels, WV on Aug: 24th. Sponsored by Camp Raleigh. All persons connected with the C C C are invited to attend. Bring family and friends. For further info contact Robell B. Clark, 107 Lynn St., Daniels, WV 25832 or phone 1- 304-252-3161. WORSHIP SERVICE You are cordially invited to at- tend the 11:00 AM Worship Service at Careen Baptist Church, Sept. 1, with your Family as a group, in observance of Family Reunion Day. If you have someone special you wish to honor or a presentation to make as a group, a song or poem, etc. be prepared. Also bring a covered dish to be shared by all after the service down in the Dining Hall. We are an xi ou sly looking forward to sharing a blessed occasion, bring- ing families together in great num- ber, IN THE NAME OFTHE LORD, sharing a special worship service and fillowship. Won't you join us? You may not have this chance again. Barbara Johnson GOSPEL SING The Hinton Church of God will be hosting an outdoor old fashioned Gospel Sing on Sat. Aug. 17th from 12:00 noon till 6:00 p.m. on the Church Parking Lot at 1301 Sum- mers St. The Gospel Blue Grass Express from Montcalm, Hills of Glory, Greg Farrell, Mary Williams, Frank & Helen Brumit, and Gospel Lights are some of the singers, plus many more. Food and refreshments will be available. Pastor Cecil B.Welch in- vites everyone to attend. In case of rain the sing will be held inside the church. ENROLLMENT Enrollment fornew students in the area that will be attending Hin- ton High School for the first time will be held on Wed. Aug. 14th. You need to bring with you your birth certificate, TB test and tran- scripts. This is for only the students that are new to the area and attending H.H.S. for the first time. THE NEW RIVER V REUNION The annual New River Valley Reunion will be held at the Sum- mers County 4H Camp near Hinton on Sun. Aug. 18th. Everyone is invited to come and bring a basket lunch and enjoy a great day of fellowship, meeting old friends and making new ones. Rev. Charles P. Wood, Pres. NOTICE The Senior Class of 1992 will be holding a car wash to raise money for their Senior trip. It will be held behind Kroger's on Sat., Aug. 17 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The prices are: $2.00 per car and $4.00 per truck. Please come out and support them in their efforts for a great trip !!! SUMMERS COUNTY HEALTII DEPT. 151 Pleasant St. (Avis). Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mon.- Fri. Telephone: 466-3388. AUG. CLINICS 6 - Diabetic & Blood Pressure Testing "8:30-11:00). 8 - Pediatric & EPSDT clinic (by appointment). 12 - immunizations & TB skiff tests (9- 11 & 1-3). 15- Family Planning Clinic (by appointment). 20 - Diabetic & Blood Pressure testing (8:30 -11:00). 21 - Chest X-rays (by appointment). 22 - General Medical Clinib ( by appointment). 26 - Immunizations & TBskin tests (9 - 11 & 1-3). Health Officer - S.K. Shammaa, M.D. Health Nurse -- Sandra Ball, RN; Sanitarian - Stephen Trail; Secretary - Brenda Plumley. MICHAEL BOLTON Michael Bolton - Time, Love and Tenderness Tour, with special guest Oletta Adams will be appear on Wed. Sept. 4 at 8 PM at the Charleston Civic Center Coliseum. Ticket prices: $22.50 - lower level and $20.00 - upper level. All seats reserved. For ticket purchase call Ticket- master Charleston Area 342-5757 or Huntington Area 523-5757. Kirby Named WVVA-TV News Director !:;:i:i:!i:i! Dave Kirby Dave Kirby, a native of southern W.Va., has been named News Direc- tor at WVVA Television, Inc., in Blue field. A broadcasting veteran of more than twenty years, Kirby will be replacing Bill Huffman, who will be attending law school at West Virginia University. Born in Bluefield, Dave Kirby grew upin southern W.Va. coalfields and livedin towns such as Northfork, Oak Hill, Oceana, Sophia, and Blue- field. A 1965 graduate of Sophia High School, Kirby majored in English at West Virginia Weslyan College and began his broadcasting career at WKOYin Bluefieldin the summer of 1967. Kirby has received numerous awards and honors for his television news reporting, including the Asso- ciated Press award for Best Televi- sion News Series in both Ga. and AI. Active in many community organi- zations, Dave Kirby has been the news director/anchor at television stations in Savannah, GA., Dothan, AL., Columbus, GA., and Wheeling, WV. Married to the former Lana Mitch- ell of Bluefield, VA., Dave and his. wife have spent the past year work- ing with young people at Boys Town, NE. After being named WVVA News Director, Kirby said, "I'm so excited to be returning home. My very first television job was at W'HIS (Now WVVA) and rm thrilled to have the opportunity to work in Bluefield again. Bill Huffman has done an outstanding job at WVVA and I hope to carry on his great work. We have an outstanding pool of talent and creativity at WVVA and rm most happy to be part of such a terrific organization." Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Patterson of Hampton, Va., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception held at the Moose Lodge in Hampton given by their dilldren and g@hndchildren. The couple married June 28, 1941 in Hinton by the late Reverend Hackney. They have two daughters, Brenda Smith of Newport News and Sandra Manns f Hampton, six grandchildren ant five great-grand- children. Durwood is the son of the late Ira and Margaret Patterson of Meadow Bridge, and a brother to Florence MINISTERS, CHURCH AND CIVIC ORGANIZATION MEMBERS R.E.A.C.H. (Reaching Everyone to Assist in Creating Healthier Homes) has been formed as an advo- cacy program to assist victims of domestic violence. It's mission is to help meet the needs of victims of abuse by listening, transporting to a safe place, advocating during legal and/or medical services, and explor- ing alternatives. For more information or to in- quire about becomi nga volunteer or donor, please call 466-4659, or con- tact Loaves and Fishes, 127 Bal- lengee St., 466-2110, Men., Wed., or Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The United States produces more oranges than any other country. Rudisill of ['cic¢. Springs, and Lu- cille Bowles and the late Cline Pat- terson of Meadow Bridge. Evelyn is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Granville Mann' of Hinton. The couple enjoyed the afternoon fellowshipping with many of their friends and relatives. Their children and grandchildren entertained them with a variety of musical selections and dance routines. Their nieces Wanda Mullins of Meadow Bridge, Connie Gwinn and Bonnie Sampson of N.C. sang especially to them "Thank You Lord". Indeed both Durwood and Evelyn felt they were blessed to have been able to cele- brate with their loved ones. Mr. Patterson retired from New- port News Shipbuil dingin May 1981. FALL SCHEDULE AVAILARLE The revised class schedule for the 1991 Fall semester is available at Blue field State College. A number o! late afternoon and evening classes have been added to the schedule in an effort to be of service to those adults who must mmntain both work and home schedules. Classes at Bluefield State begin Aug. 21, with registrationset for Men. and Tues., Aug. 19 and 20. To obtain a copy of the fall sched- ule contact the Admissions Office at Bluefield State College at (304) 327- 4065 or contact the Office of Con- tinuing Education at (304) 327-4071. W. Va. residents may call toll free at 1-800-344-8892, ou t-of-state may call toll free 1-800-654-7798. Receives Scholarship Stephen Ray Shrader operatesin more than I00 countries: with over 50,000 employees. The} provide technology oil comImniet need for petroleum exploration development, and production. The also provide systems for electronic transactions, computer aided design, automatic testing of semiconduct circuits, and metering devices lot electric, gas and water industries. Stephen's stepfather, Ike Lam- bert, has been with the Beckley District, Oklahoma City I:h ¢ision ot Dowell Schlumberger for the past 13 years. Stephen will be featured i/1 the international edition of TEAM Magazine in Aug. Stephen's mother, Mary Shrader Lambert is a 2nd grade teacher at Hinton Area Ele- mentary. A 1991 graduate of Hinton High School, Stephen will begin studies at Washington & Lee University, this fall. Stephen Ray Shrader, son of Mary Shrader Lambert and the late Ivan C. Shrader, has been selected as a Conrad & Marcel Schlumberger scholar. The Scholarshipis awarded in competition between senior high school students who are dependents of North American employees of Schlumberger Ltd of Houston, Tx. The scholarship provi des $2,850 per year tbr up to 4 years of undergradu- ate studies, providing a high grade point average is mai ntai ned. Estab- lished in 1955, the award honors two sons of company founder Paul Schlumberger. The Award is based on high school scholastic records, character, qualities of leadership, and results of selected aptitude tests. Based in Paris, Schlumberger ,iiii PIPESTEM DRIVE- IN RL 20 SPEEDWAY Ph. 384-7382 FLEA MKT EVERY SUNDAY ADM. FRI. - SAT. $3.50 PERSON SUN. $6.00 CAR LOAD Aug. 16-17-18 TERMINATOR 2 Rated R Stone Cold Rated R i i T chia sial dale four pat[ Thu led pert T alon met ever Vir8 anm mel thro wi& Parl bord and wou togs rout B rout to p Corl whe: buih The line Oce seal P, bulh Cree atric men mesl Jant alle fligh Ib ing bofc, Bes beat her ] cond Jone was1 mult brok Bq sinc4 cats Vete polic been Ci Bow, m Su turQ, The,