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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 13, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 13, 1991
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8 - Hinton News Tues. Aug. 13, 1991 Guidelines REAL ESTATE SE'RVICES [ d AND APPRAISALS Farms, Residential, Vacation Announce and co•martial p ropartle$ Member M'I.S PUblic Release of County or the person does not possess one; npublic School or Child AndAdult participants income and Cre Sponsor On Free and Reduced dependent(s) andspouse'sincome, if ced Meals and Free Milk. . The Summers County Board of 'ducation (or the Institution, Con- tel Home, or Nonpublic School) .tday announced its policy for (free aod reduced price meals) (free milk) participants who are unable to py the full price for meals or milk served in schools, centers, institu- tions or homes which participate in the National School Lunch or Break- fa#t Programs the Child and Adult are Food Program Grin the Special Milk Program only. The County Board of Education (or the Nonpuhlic School, Institu- tion, Center or Home) has adopted t, he following family size income cri- ria for use in determining the eli- g)lhty of participants for free and rduced priced meals and free milk: GUIDELINES TO DETERMINE PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY FOR eREE AND REDUCED PRICE EALS School Year 1991-92 B.EIANNUAL FAMILY. INCOME FORE DEDUCTIONS * FAMILYSIZE. ONE; ELIGIBLE lOR FREE MEALS OR FREE MILK - $ 8,606; E IGIBLE FOR REDUCED PRICE MEALS. $12,247. FAMILYSIZE- TWO; ELIGIBLE F.QR FREE MEALS OR FREE MILK -,11,544; ELIGIBLE FOR RE- DJCED PRICE MEALS- 16,428. FAMILY SIZE- THREE; ELI- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE MILK- 14,482; ELIGIBLE R REDUCED PRICE MEALS - 609. AMILY SIZE- FOUR; ELI. BLE FOR FREE MEALS OR FEE MILK - 17,420; ELIGIBLE FOR REDUCED PRICE MEALS - 24,790. FAMILY SIZE- FIVE; ELI- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE MILK- 20,358; ELIGIBLE 2FR REDUCED PRICE MEALS- :971. FAMILY SIZE - SIX; ELIGIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE MILK - 6; ELIGIBLE FOR FREE REd'riCED PRICE MEALS- 33' 152. FAMILY SIZE - SEVEN; ELI- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR ]EE MILK - 26,234; ELIGIBLE FQR REDUCED PRICE MEALS - 3,333. FAMILY SIZE- EIGHT; ELI- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE MILK - 29,172; ELIGIBLE FOR REDUCED PRICE MEALS - 41,514. FOR EACH ADDITIONAL FAMILY MEMBER, ADD ELI- residing with the participant; and the signature of participant or adult household member. Households including the participant applying, currently receiving food stamps, AFDC, SSI or Medicaid benefits for participants may submit their Food Stamp, AFDC Program Case Num- ber, SSI or Medicaid number instead of income information. Households are required to report increases in household income of over $50 per month or $600 peryear and decreases in household size. Food stamp, AFDC, SSI and Medicaid households only have to provide the participant's name and current and correct food stamp, AFDC case number, SSI and Medi- caid number and an adult household member's signature. In certain cases, foster children are also eligible for these benefits. Ifa family has foster children living with them and wishes to apply for free or reduced price meals and milk for them the school principal or program director should be contacted. Under the provision of the free and reduced price meal and free milk policy the school principal or pro- gram director will review applica- tions and determine eligibility. If a parent, guardian, or adult house- hold member is dissatisfied with the decision, he/she may wish to discuss the decision with the principal or director on an informal basis. If the parent, guardian or adult household member wishes to make a formal complaint, he/she may make a re- quest either orally or in writing to: Name Charles R. Redes, Telephone 466-6006, Address P.O. Box 430, Hinton, WV 25951 for a hearing to appeal the decision. The county (or private school, institution, center or home) policy contains an outline of the hearing procedures. If during the school year a family member becomes unemployed or if family size changes, the family should contact the school, institu- tion, center or home to file an appli- caticn. ......... In the operation ofUSDA fedfng programs, no participant will be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap. If any member of a household believes he/she has been discriminated agianst, he/she should write to the Secretary of Agricul- ture, Washington, D.C. 20250. Each school, child and adult care center, institution or home and the office of the county board of educa- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR tion has a copy ofthe complete policy FREE MILK 2,938; ELIGIBLE FOR which may be reviewed by any inter- REDUCED PRICE MEALS 4,181. ested party. Participants from household whose income is at or below the lev- els shown are eligible for free and reduced price meals (or for free milk). Application forms are being sent to some homes with a letter to par- ents, guardians or adult household members. All parents, guardians or adult household members wishing to apply for free or reduced price meals or free milk may fill out the application form sent home by the school, center, institution or home. Additional copies of the application are available at all sites and county ofllces. The information provided on th application is confidential infor- mation to be used only for the pur- poses of determining eligibility of the participant. An application may be submitted at any time during the school year, but must be submitted an73ually for continued eligibility. Information given on the applica- tion may be verified at any time during the school year by school or program officials. So that the school or program officials can determine eligibility for free or reduced price benefits, the ttousehold applying for a child must lrovide all of the following informa- on listed on the application: Names all household members; social security number of either the pri- mary wage earner or the household member who signs the application or a statement that the household member does not possess one; amount and source of income re- ceived by each household member; and the signature ofan adult house- hld member certifying that the information provided is correct. To determine eligibility for free or re- duced price benefits for adult par- ticipants, the  household or adult participant must provide the follow- ing information on the application: name of adult participant and adult particiant's dependent(s) and spouse residing with the participant; social security number of either the pri- mary wage earner, adult household member who signs the application, the partidpant or a statement that Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5th Ave. & Commercial St, Hinton, WV 25951 304-466.1111 or 4664)736 Call and List With Us Today/ Hll I 1I I 'iHif " JONES REALTY Each Office Inclqmndemlly Owned 466-4246 RL 86 - Box 99 Jumping Branch, WV 25969 R. Eugene Jones, Jr., Broker I #26% Jumping Branch - 3BR on 1 Acre- private $39,5oo #270-2 story farmhouse & 8 acres - Beech Run $45,000 #271- 50 acres - 2 older homes, very private $39,500 #269- G4 acres woodland w/ 3 BR home, $39,500 #268- Jumping Branch, 15 acre farmette - 2 homes $55,000 #273- Near 1-64 Sandstone, 2 BR home, Workshop. trout stream $32,000 I U.S. GOVERNMENT COMMODITIES AVAILABLE Loaves and Fishes (127 Ballengee St.) is authorized to give out the remaining four items (raisins, rice, corn meal and pears) once a month to income eligible residents of Sum- mers County. Return each month until the supply ends. Bring a bag or box. Quantity given is based upon num- ber of family members. Bring proof of income. CORRECTION The Multiple Sclerosis Support Group will meet on Aug. 19, 6-8 P.M., at the Mountain State Centers for Independent Living, 329 Prince St., Beckley, WV. Patty Snodgrass, Director of the WV Multiple Sclerosis Society, will be guest speaker. Topic: 'qV/anage- meet of MS." For more information call 255- 0122 or 1-800-545-2245. Circle of Light Even though we live in a world of illusion. We can remove the veil of illusion by beginning the day with prayer. Then as we go within our self in Silent Meditation, we listen to the quiet voice of spirit. We can find understanding of our life and our experiences. Within our Hearts dwells the Truth and the Keys to our existence and purpose for being. "Wings of Life" Maxine Ciampi LEGAL NOTICE II III :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :iiiii::i!i::iiiiLiiii!oople r!iiiiiiiiii)ili i::::::i::k . :. .....,,.,...::,. ::: ,.::!::::::. :::.:.:.::!::.:.::!...:.,.::::..,:.;::.:.,::J.?,i:::i ................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iiii:::.!i!i!::iT:!::iiiii::!ii::::::::::::.!iii::i HOME AND INCOME Live comfortably downstairs and enjoy rental income from upstairs efficiency unit; con- venient Ballengee Street Io- cation, near high school; S22,0OO. WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Only $17,000. for a ranch-style frame, approx. 10 yrs. old, in town. with off-street parking! Check it out! SMALL ACREAGE 11.4 wooded acres at Lerona, near Pipestem Resort; ideal building site... $17,500. RARE OPPORTUNITY Assumable, low-income VA Loan to help you buy this 1 1/2 story brick home with full basement; $37,500; Investigate Today! BUY SOME INCOME Brick apartment building in Hinton Historical District; 2 units, fully occupied; $23,000. " "": "  ' .... - : :.::.' : ::::: ,i;il i00iii00;0000i!iiiiiii: !iiii:!iiiiii!!!i!ii2iiii ii::i::!::i::i!!::i::i::::::i::iii::ili::i:: i:i::i::ii NOTICE OF FILING OF ESTATE ACCOUNTS To the Credita and Bem¢larlee of the within d,msed persom t: Dwight Horri*, Pidr. John Harris, E. 11918 Skyview Av, Spokane, WA 99206; Dedent: Rdmrt McCoy, I, PidulaHee: Mar/lye MLsn and Wfl!lam M¢C@y, U, 2{)1 Milior Aw.,Hnton, WV; dent: Uia Parker, Ftdtlartas: W.C. Parker, Jr. and Pbyll/e Rico, Sex 148. Hinten, WV; t: Robert Pix, Fidudaw: Betty Pix. RL I, Box 118, Hinton, WV; Decedont Beulo Nicke]l, Fidurlary: Newton Nickell, 44S BruceW•y, Lilbum, Ca. 3024'/; Decedemt rank Rusaell, Fiduciary: Helen Rumudl, Rt. I, Bog I,A, Hinton,WV;l)edent: Rdmrt Wb, Pldtwiaty: Hazel Dvidn, Box 41 l,Hinton, WV;I)ecodent: Mona Mad- owl, F/duelar. Bonnia Sue Adkin*, Rt. 0, Bo 199, Pip•tom, WV; Decedent: H•nle Noble, Ftdudary: Miliord Wilio, P.O. Elea 127, HInton, WV. Any pormn having a claim aainst the estate any Immed person are notifl te exhibit mmo, with legally verified vouchers, to fiduciary within 75 deys, or not later than October 20, I! ar to suporvimr within 120 day,, at Iddrul. below, not lat than December 4, 1991; otberwtm any ee all ouch chims may be excluded om a|l benefit# of said rotate. All benofldarim of said ,tats my appear before fiduciary or on;mrvtsor by dates shom to •amine elates and is•teat their interest& Giv under my hand this 3let day dJuly. 1991. Ruth Nohle Pidu¢iary porvisor, County Clerk's omm HN Aug. 6, 13 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Take notice that a 1986 Ford Mustang GT Seriel Number IFABIW28MSGFI731, which has been re. pc•mead by reason of default in the term• of retention of title or lit• instrument, will be offered for ale and sold •t pub|/€ •uction to the h/ghost bidder •s provided by law at 10:30 AM on .he 23rd day of August, 1991 at the following promises: The Rret National Bank of Hinton, 321 Temple St.,Hinton,WV unlees prior to the *mid sol, the •mount now due is ;mid to the under- signed, plus storage and keeping of •me. The undereied m'v the right to bid in the auction, end to purchase. Dted this the 12th day of August, 1991. Rick D. Blevins, ColleCtion Mgr. HN Aug. 13, 20 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE THE UNDERSIGNED, David I Pormer,Trustee under Deed• of Trust executed by Robert A. Turner and Polly Ann Turner, hi• wife, to David L. Parm er and Darmld F. Mock, Jr., Trustee•, of record in the Sum- mere County Clerk's Office in Tco•t Deed Book 119 at ;rage 707 and Trust De Book 127 •t ;age 323, roports that default having been made in the ;my•one of the fetes and obligatione aoeerured by the • foreeeid deeds of trust and the undersigned trustee having been raqueeted by thebenofi¢iary and holder of the note and oldigations  ured by said deeds of tru st so to do, I will offer for salo at public • uction unto the highest bidder at the front door of tho Sum•ere County Corthouee in the City of ilinton, Sum•ors County, Weet Vir. ginia, on the 18th day of September, 199I, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., all of them trtatn erects or percol• of I have before me the follinlg dmamd persons land. together with improvements thereunto belong- and the accounts of tho fldtwlariso of the/r estates: ing, mtuate in the City of llinton, Summers County, LEGAL NOTICE APPENDIX A PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON CASE NO. 91 -3-E-30D WEST VIRGINIA POWER Applkation under Rule 0-D to change rate per kilowatt hour for •djnstment ;mriod enmonn| O€ tubor 1,1991, hamd upon chanipmin t he ftml lattice of tho whelmla rate charged by Appalachian Powor Corn;any, its supplier of powor. _ - _,. _ .:-- _ : -- On AuguM, !, 1991, Wut Virginia Power, • divi- sion of UtiliCorp United, Ir., L@wlsburg, Grsonbrlor County, filed an app.•UGh, pummnt to Ruio 30-D of the Corn minion'• Ru)ea and, ule tiorm fro" the Goy. ommnt of the Contim and Pilinr of Tariffs 6f Puhile Utllittmt and Camman(errim by Motor Vehieh_ to changolta rate per kilowatt henr for the adjustment period common,leg r 1, lgel, baeed upon elumlee in the fuel port/o of tha wholesale rato charged by Appalachian P@wer Company, its eupplior ofpow. In tom pilenm with Rule 30-D,Wmt Virginia Powor'• •ppliti •retained tbe szttml fuel ot rate charged to it by Appalachian Powor Corn;any, the actual volume of power Imrehamd m Ap;mlachian Power Cnlny and West Vlri$l Por mnthiy cumulative muior/evermmvy et'tel penm The mortars Involved In Weet Virg/nie Po's applisati have been sot fr bering b Chief Admlniatratlve Law Judp MMIm K. Mar'land to he held in Hsarlna Itaem N L blio Sstf Commie- lion. 201 B StmL Cha Wrest Virante. ms Tumdev. tombor . 1991. at 1:30 o.m.. at which time and plaee Wast VirInla Powor shall appear and offor avi&m in mIN't of lle ati Anyone intmuted may appear at the h,mr/ng and make such tkm te West Viinla Puwor'e applkation as may be deemed pmpor, WEST VIRGINIA POWER HN Aug. 13 King Louis XV! popo|lr|zed the l \\; cultivation of potatoes in France by Cork  from the bllrk of t wearing potato flow• in his but- cork W. I  tl  in@ tonhole, yellr8 to procIuo@ o11@ hlys¢ of rk. Wsot Virsinio, more perticularly described as follow*c FIRST: BEGINNING at the corner of Pleasant Street at tha south mul of said tmd an the wem, •id r , eetd street; thence, in a weM*rly direction 70 feet to a peint thence in a northerly dirtio 37 I/2 feet to a point on the CIore J. Willey tot line (now formerly FiKhor) and with the Same 70 feet to Pleasant Street; thonco with *aid street 37 !/2 feet to BEGINNING, and bing e lot frentin437 1/2 feet on Pleeeent Street and ex-.snding back between parallel line* for o dis- tanco of 170 feet. AND BEING the same real estate conveyed unto Robert A. Turner and Polly Ann Turner, his wife, by deed of James E. Egg}colon, Jr., et el, dated the 17th day of October, 1987. of record in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Summers County, West Vir- ginia in Deed Book 168 at page 562. SECOND: IN THAT PART of said city known es "Avis" BEGINNING at • point on Pleesant Street, eighty (80) feet m the John Heisar upper emmet (now Wyant's corn) thence 40 feet with the mid street, running hak in the direction of the Railroad to or near • brench tetha Old Hugh•• line; thent down with said branch 40 filet to the old J,H. Allen line, thonco with said Allen's line to the BEGINNING, on said Pleasant Strut. AND BEING the same real estate conveyed unto Robert A.Turnor and Polly Ann Turner, his Wife, by of Arm Lambert Dilto. divorced end single, dated February 23, 1979, of rorord in the aforesaid Clerk's oflt in Deed Book N 133 at Page 313. REPERENCE i• hereby made to *aid deeds and all prior deeds of conveyance of said real estate for It more ;mrticular description ofeeid property,any eeesments, and rights of way for all pertinent purposes. THIS SALE is mmle sobjet to such easements, right• of ways, reservations, and agreements as are contained end set forth in prier deeds of conveyance pertaining to said real estate. TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand on day of sale and sub to tm for the yeer 1990 and for ell subse- quent years. SAID SALE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, I) Cash in hand on day of eels 2) Subject to any and all mineral rights and reeer- ration,, M.ipulationo, restrictions, reservations, ease- ment*, conditions and covenants contained in all for- mer conveyaee of the subject property or appearing of •cord in the aformaid Clerk's oco except any pertaining to coco, color or creed. $) Subject to all real estate tease against said property and any loxes, which constitute • lion upon the said property but which are not yet due and pey. abl 4) The subject property will be sold in AS IS condition. The Trustee shell be under no duty to couso any gigin tenant or person ompying the subject property to vate *aid property. 5) '/'he property will be conveyed by the under. Tntm to the purchaser without warranty of any kind, express implied. 6) The aforesaid *ale may be adjoined from time to tima as the undmtt, m,d Trm*toe donms adviMbb, whl¢,h oumnumt any be made by oral p¢orlamation at the time and place of the sale or any adjournment theof. , IVID L. P THIS INSTRUMENT PRIAR]gD BY: L. Panner Attorney at Law 104 James Street PO Box  Hinter% WV 151 HN Aug, 13,20.27 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA INRE: APPLr.,ATION OF DANNY LEE FOSTER AS BONDSMAN N-O-T-I-C-E NOTIC] le hereby Idvm that the underrnod DANNY LI INYff]N a ei of the United Stotee ofAmsri unda rexit  Summw County, West Virglnla, will m th 2d day of Atqrst, 19@I, at the hem, e/l I:l)0 kill or  mm  u ha m, he hem lmUtion the Circuit Court of Summe County, W**t Vtrginht, for nutherlty te he a qualified bend•. mar  tlm Circuit Court of Summ Ct@. DANNY LEE POffrER ny couasol PgRRY E. MANN, Attom at Law P. O. BOa 1418 Hlnto Weet Virginia 25961 HN Au IS, SO .... Rt. 1 Box 86 321-3rd Ave. Ballard, WoVa. 24918 466-1100 NEW RIVER - Acreage. BLUESTONE PARK AREA. 60A. 2 creeks, 2 springs excel- lent hunting. 1/2 level to roll. ing, rest woodland. I RT. 20 to P J_ICD, Pip•stem Creek BOWLING HAYNES THE- ATRE BLDG. - 2 apts., 2 Busi. nesses plus theatre. 66,000 . Good income property. BOWLING HAYNES APT. BLDG.- 16 apts., 3 Businesses All occupied. Good condition - Good income property. SANDSTONE - lovely 3 BR., 2 baths, on 2 acres. Pond. 8 minutes from 1-64. FORESTHILLARFJk- approx. 11/2 acre lot. Overlooks Green- brier River. HINTON - 2 or 3 BR., frame. $16,000. Will do owner financ- ing 10% down. PINE HILL. Attractive 3 BR., 2 1/2 baths. Frame - split level, fireplace, carpeted. Attached 2 car garage. Large corner lot. Excellent buy at $58,000. BARGER SPRINGS - near Greenbrier River. Large lot, 2 BR. - 200 yds. ft'. new" boat launch. Great fishing. Nice starter home or summ#rcamp. $28,500. LOWELL . on Greenhrier River - 8 BR. - large new deck on 3/4 A. Garage. Priced low at 32,000. MADAMS CREEK - Davis Rd. Nice 4 BR., 2 story frame on 1 1.2 A. 30,000. BEI.LEPOINT. Pine St. 13A. Prime bldg. sites. A Bargain at $12,000. TEMPLE STREET . store building with furnished apts. $s00. NEW RIVER.2 BR, camp with 120' frontage on By-Pass 3 and 20. 120' frontage on the river. Good commercial property. LITTLE WOLF CREEK- farm, 105 acres, barn and shed. 2 BR., frame house, pond. $69,000. 215 8th AVENUE. attractive story frame, 3 BR., 1 1/2 baths. Combination kitchen]dining room. Tastefully decorated, nice quite neighborhood. $37,500. Call for other listings. June McGraw, REALTOR, C.R.E.A. Home: 488-1787 Wflma Rodu, Sales, 486-1116 Lends Lyons, Sale ,16-2838 Claim Lyon& Slu, LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA DAVID L. PARMER, Sulm#.ltute Admini.rator of tha Estato of H.W. Balh rd, 8€. plain. tiffv. H.W. BALLARD, JR., sin|is, JO ANN BABER and RONALD M. BABER, her husband; DONALD R. BALLARD and DORIS BALLARD, his wife; VIR- GINIA GILL and EDWARD L. GILL, her huMxmd DOUGLAS BALLARD and PATRICIA ANN LARD, his wife; and NORMA J. BECIfJP.R, w/dew, Bas;mndoute. Civil Action No, }-P-II0, The object oftha dmve entitled at.tim Is to obtain an authorisation fvem the Circuit Court of Summurs County to pay creditors ofAnnio nllard and to make distribution of the remaining eetste ueet& It appearing by an affidavit  In thisaction that Mm Edward Gi} iaa non-rula oftha StetgofWut Virginia and ridee at 3I Hormdswd Frankfort, Kentucky 0606., it Is  that Reopen- dents do sva upon David L. Par•or, plaintiffattor- nay, wh a is I30 Beg , InWn, WV 2561. an anowor er other ddfons to tim mplaint filedin this action m or be/ 30 da,, thet'wim judsmrtt by default will be taken against mqaendonte at any time therea[tor. A copy of tmid complaint elm be Mtalm fl'om the undersigned Clerk at his € Entered by the Clerk of eeld Court Ju 30, IL Edith M. Moudor ork of Court HN Au¢ 6,13, 20 LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE I have beam me tha eeeeunla of Kenneth K]neaid u Cemm Jttee Ibr Bern M. Oaf tar, Ineempet4mt, snd ef Pmre* Curkw. Cmnmittoe for Eulania Hall, Inmm- petm Given ambr my hand this  day Jub', IWl. Ruth Nbio llula Sup•rye•or HN Au 8. 6, IS LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCAIRY NOTICE I have before me the mate ef Mfilml m, Batty Wi]• Committee for Hanio Nb, Ineomlmtmtt. UtVOn at' hal th0th davafJl, ,ml Ruth Nebio  -v, .... lua Supervor HN Aug. S, 13  County line. Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BIL Lit, DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- ment. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds. Developed springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. Excellent location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for. You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today. TALCO'IT AREA-4 BR., 1 1/2 story home. Large dining room and kitchen, bath, front porch. Garage and utility building. Situated on large lot. T.V. cable, public water. Very convenient location. Only to $30,000. PENCE SPRINGS AREA. approximately 17 acres, mostly woodland. Overlook- ing Greenbrier River. A good place to build camp, home, etc. Priced at only $11,000. :FOREST HILL AREA - 3 BR., brick home, kitchen with built in cabinets. DR., LR., 1 1/2 baths, full basement, base- board hot water heat, quality built home with all oak trim situated on approximately 1 acre land in good location. Home is unfinished but sell- ing at reduced price, only $39,000.00. TALCOTT BALLENGEE AREA - 8 room frame home, 4 BR., LR;, FR., kitchen, DR., small basement, front and bask porch, wood shed, util- ity building. Situated on ap- proximately I acre level land, fruit trees, good garden spot, on hard: *.l oad. Only BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 163 acres of mostly wood- land. Only I mile from Green- brier River. Secluded home site approximately 5 acres cleared, on hard top road. Only $14,000.00. TALCOTT BALLENGEE - Approximately 4 acre tract of land, good location with fruit trees. Read front- age on two sides. Will sell in two tracts or as a whole. $12,000.00. BELLPOINT AREA - Nelson Street, beautiful 2 story 3 BR home, modern kitchen with new appliances, LR with fire place, DR, hath, hotwater baseboard heat with new fur- nace, carpeted throughout, new insulated windows, all new wiring, new hot water tank, 2 car garage plus room for boat, full finished base- ment, paved driveway. Nice garden and grape arbor, plus much more. This super nice home must be seen to appreci- ate. Call today. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy" Light Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Gioda J. Meadows, Sales Aeso¢. 4-1gg$ Aft 4 PJK LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE melee'that a lff/ Winnohege Motor He•o, which him  mpmmmmdby nmmn ofdofault in the Meats el' ratentim d' title or lla instrumont, will be e.qored for mlaaml mid at labile •uettm to the hilrhest ee ImWi't'd bylaw ut 10:,30 AM or the 23rd day of Au@ust, 11101 ut the flmrlng premi,- The First Natiud BankofHthM S! Temla 8*,. Hintan, WV., uaia lt¢lor to the mid  the 8meet now due is ts the  Ida s and keeping of mmL Ybe  m the right te bid in the • ttlm, sml to pan, u-- Dattd this tbe h d, of Aulpmt. 1991. Rlek DJ$_lavim Cdlecttun M. HN Au. 18, A homing pigeon can fly at e speed of up to 60 re|lee en hour over s dis- tunes of 78 miles.