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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 13, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 13, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - Hinton News Tues. Aug. 13, 1991 LEADERS HONORED Outstanding 4-H volunteer leaders who work of Meadow Creek, and Dana Carver of Freeman with youngsters in local clubs and county events receive certificates from Rachel B. Tompkina, were honored at the recent 4-H Recognition Day WestVirginia Universityasciate provot forex- at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Conference Center. tension and economic development. WVUExten- From left, Shirley Carter of Rt. 5 Sinks Grove, sion Service, sponsor of the youth program, hen- Edna Burwell ofRt. 1 Sinks Grove, Barbara Stone ored 47 leaders from 39 counties durlngthe event. BPW Holds June Meeting Area Teachers To Learn Innovative Teaching Methods Nearly 150 area teachers are learning the progressive Junior Great Books teaching methods this summer in Beckley. The Junior Great Books program 'in W.Va. is a four-year project ofthe W.Va. Humanities Council to estab- lish the innovative and proven effec- tive method for teaching humanities curriculum -- literature, history, civics, fine arts, culture--in schools throughout W.Va. The training is sponsored by the Council and supported by the W. Va. State Department of Education. The first two days, teachers learn the "shared inquiry" method which in- corporates open discussions with interpretive reading. The last two days concentrate on specialized training in creative writing and creative dramatics, presented by Poetry Alive. Beckley is one of the ten training sites in W.Va. this summer. The training is conducted by staff from the Great Books Foundation of Chi- cago. The teachers attending are from schools in Raleigh, Summers, Fay- ette, Monroe, Wyoming, Mercer, Greenbrier and Nicholas counties. They join the 624 teachers statewide who completed the training in 1989 and 1990. They are among the 653 teachers, reading specialists, librari- ans and school administrators par- ticipating statewide this year. Training for Junior Great Books is free to qualifying W.Va. teachers. The Hinton Business and Profes- Foundation corporations, and indi- sionalWomen'sClubmetatthehome viduals in each county are helping of Jeanie Kraft on June 27th., for a provide sets of classroom books to 6:30 covered dish dinner meeting, enhance and extend the humanities Mrs.JeanieKraftandFrancesDavis lessons in the schools. Locally, At- served as co-hostesees, lantic Financial, Beckley Area Foun- Afterawonderfulmeal,MrLBetty dation, Carbon Fuel Foundation, Bare called the meeting to order Herscher Foundation, Greater Ka- with the Flag Salute and the Club nawha Valley Foundation, Monon- Collect. She then introduced Kay gahelia Power, Wyomac Coal Com- Ballard, the District Chairman. pany, GTE South, Ethel Bowman Kay Ballard, the guest speaker, Foundation, Humana Hospitals, emphasized the importance ofBPW Hardees - Bluefield, Second Funeral in the working world and what a Home - Bluefield, and Blue Ridge difference theorganization hasmade Medical Center have contributed to for women in general. She also indi- the program. cated that is was crucial to each club Linda Ballard, head of RESA I to get young members involved be- staff development, is coordinating cause the young people were the the session for elementary; and sec- futureofourwor-kplace,Ms.Balla'rcI'ori'daiT tealers July 23-26 at also reported on the successful In- Woodrow Wilson High School in terium Board meeting that was held Beckley. Teachers attending are in Beckley. Her enthusiasm was PaulettAdkins, MariaArritt, Vickie enjoyed by all. Cales, Carol Crook, Pamela Lyons, Mrs. Bare urged all members to Barbara Meredith, MadelinePayne, send in their =voice  on legislative Cathy Richmond, Nancy Seldom- issues that will be discussed at the ridge, Patricia Stacklin, Kati Wade, National Convention. She then dis- LuAnn Whitaker, Patricia Jeffries, cussed committees and handed out Cathy Arritt, Lucinda Wilson, Pare the materials for each cnmittee. Williams, DoraLeighDeskins, Paula The May minutes we approved Ann Wykle, Deanna Sulesky, and a treasurer's report was given. Angelita Berry, Michelle Bowles, The meeting ended with the Bene- Patricia Fick, Glenda Hollins, June JefferyD. Furrow diction. Eldreth, Karen Houck , Brenda Eleven members and two guests Willingham, Nancy Kittle, Cather. Named To Who's Who In werepresent:ElizabsthBare.Eliza-ine Jo Fourney, Jim Pennington, both Huffman, Mattie Jean Cooper, Mary Sizemore, Gayle Mills, Linda Gloria Meadows, Jane Humphries, Hall,Janice Meadows, Mary McMil- American High School Mildred Meador, Mi,,ie Meador, lion.TerriLeaSmith, SandraToney. Frances Davis, Jeanie Kraft, Clara Elizabeth Morgan, Nancy Harrison, Mann, AmyMann, BettyMemmrand Regina Smith, Linda Mainland, Students , Ballard. Marion Tanner, Linda Boggs, Beryle Jeffery D. Furrow, son of Dewey Jeff attends War Ridge Freewill Bree n nington,Sant°n' JuneLeslieskaggs,JameS'LoisSandraGallaher,Pen" and Margaret Furrow of Marie has Baptist Church and plays guitar. He been namedWho'sWhoin American has 5 sisters Bonnie Meadows of Mr. Connie Buckland, Kimberly Lynn High School Students for his aca- Lookout, Kay Diggs, Williamsburg, Picnic Pugh, Jacqueline Ward, Catherine demicachievements.Jeffisanhonor Va., Vickie Bennett of Marie, Ka- Darling, Tilda Sharon Pugh, Joan roll student at Hinton High School. trina Fox of Wayside, and Teresa A family picnic was given for Beckett, PennyPrice, DebraSnuffer, He played in the band for two Smith of N.C.; one brother Phil Jimmy and Linda Meadows Breen Janet Smith, Rick Ware, Teresa yearsandplayedfootballlastseason Furrow of Mt. Lookout, W.Va Jeff and their children Nicholas Ray, Brown, Mary Hutchinson Stover, and will be playing this fall. will be a junior this fall. Jaime and Jessica of Vero Beach, Ronna Diane Cook, Anna Barrett, Fla. It was held at the home of Linda Hensley, Sharon England, .:, :::: ...........  .:i:i ........ Jimmy's parents, Ray and Janet Rosa Clark, Elizabeth Hollifield, !: :: Breen at Marie. Janet Jones, Jill Daniel, Elizabeth Others attending were: Linda's Reece, Dreama Newman, Karen Lee : : mother, Mrs. Golda Savage, James Short, Laura Rose Stewart, Sue Vice, i!i iiiii: and Diane Lilly, Donna Sparlm, Patricia Snead, Doris Ann Taylor, Helen, Kelly, Steve and Sam Pack, Judith Harvey, Rachella Prince, Marie Breen, Buster and Evelene Brenda Kaye Lilly, Donna Allen, i:i Westmoreland, DonnieWestermore- Rodney Brown, Carolyn Miller, Al- land, Paul, Leola, and Cathy Gra- vada Farley, Brenda Whittinghill, ham, Tammy, Anna, Steven and Susan Curry, Jill Modlin, Pare Tahitha Wright, Sonny, Nancy and Browning, Deborah Conner, Jimmy Amy Westmoreland, Steve, Teresa, Hamon, Doris McCurdy, Nancy Kevin and Jason Pettus, Okey and 'Wells, Sarah McClintic, Deborah Patty Buck]and, Robert, Wilma, Crouse, Julia Mollohan, Debby !: Angle, Andrea and Robyn Bogge, Carte, Deborah Bonner, Cheryl ! .............. .... Bud, Sherry, Marlana and Sarah Lester, RuthLievsay, SarahMulkey, :i!! Buck]and, Janice Walker, Drema Green, Ruby !i Gary and Justin Osborne, Billy, Swecker, Connie Ann Newton, Laura Janice, Peggy and Jason Breen, McKinney, Patrick McKinney, Debra, Keith, Brian and Matthew Cecilia Warden, Daniel O. Boone, Dilley, Ina Mae, Joe, Marlene and Judy Teaford, Charles Mulkey, Bobby Scott, Sonja, Matt and Gabe Barry Rupp, Virginia France, Becky : Lester, AmyandJtmtinRepass, Lucy Crabtree, Patricia Hartsog, Betsy Sayre, Jan Caye Gorby, Nancy .... Breen and Ruby Marshall, J.D,, Milam, ConnieOkes, KathrGrif- Michael and David McKinney. Ray and Janet and family want to fith' Victoria Clay, Peggy Webster, thank each ofyou for bringing the Sandra Gunter, Karen Rusyniak, delicious food and for ng the Brenda Anderson, Linch Lester, Teresa Epperly, Kathryn Carte, day so happy and memorabl e for us Marie Rogers, Chester Alexander, i all. Shelva Pennington, Paula Postrollo, .... HOMECOM]NGSERVICES Michael Burton, Johnrde Farmer, Snake Chestnut Grove Baptist Church Kay Thompson, George Vargo, It ' S Not a Hix, W.Va, will have homecoming Loretta Lafferty, Sharon Hall, Nora sorviceAug. 18th, Speaker is Pastor Robin Hall, Patricia Ann Wilson, Reno Williams of 1616 Fayette St, Hinton, stopped by the office Benny Allen. DeborahCashion, AliciaSauls, Lisa rccently to show us what at first glance looked like a green snake Summers County Sinng Con' Terry, John Blankenship, Sharon coiled up in his hand ready to strike. It was really a home-grown vention will be at 2:00 lm. Every. White, Pamela Moore and Carolyn brpless cucumber from his back yard. one welcome. Henry, IN THE LIBRARY The Library has been an extremely busy (and yes! sometimes noisy!) place this summer. Our circulation for July exceeded 17,000 items, which is more than double our average monthly circulation. Much of our business was due to our Freedom Readers' Contest, which inspired 84 children ages 3-12 to read 4,776 books! Wowl OUR WINNERS FOR EACH CATEGORY ARE: Preschool/kindergarten 1. Melinda Ronat - 533 books 2. Kerrie Barley - 254 books 3. Derrick Berry - 247 books lst/2nd grades 1. Christopher Burley - 252 books 2. Heidi Ward - 120 books 3. Bruce Creswell - 109 books 3rd/4th grades 1. Ellen Scott - 300 books 2. Melissa Buckland - 145 books 3. Vicki Reed - 124 books 5th/6th grades 1. Scott Ward - 116 books 2. Melissa Lilly - 49 books 3. Darla Evanosky - 43 books CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS! Holds Reunion Class of 1947 of Sandstone High School met July 19, at Shoney's Restaurant, Beckley, WV., for their class reunion. Those who were present were: Darrell and Velma Allen, Hopewell, Va.; Pansy Cox Leiver, Billy Leiver, Waverly, Oh.; Alice Martin Wood, Rucherville, Va.; Howard Surbaugh, Grassy Meadows; Bertie Surbaugh, Grassy Meadows; Lawrence & Glenna Crane, Elton, WV; Ross and Devota Shumate, Madison, Ind.; Bonnie Hicks Sutton, Waynesville, N.C.; Ann Fleshman White, Maple- land, Hinton; Georgia Kirk Lewis, Columbia, Pa.; James Lewis, Bart Lewis, Dustrin Lewis, Columbia, Pa.; Asa Shumate and Angela Shumate, New Albany, Ind.; Brandon Burnett, Elton; Hettie Bell Gwinn, Lockbr- idge; (she being our class sponsor). We had a very enjoyable evening along with a short program. Our class salutatorian was pres- ent and gave her speech which she had given at our graduation. MEETINGS Residents opposing the High Volt- age Powerline by APCO meet every wood; Mon. night at 7:00 P.M. at the Clayton White, Maplewd; Tom Jumping Branch Fire House. Gillian, Beaver, WV; Ann Gillian, Any person opposing to the pow- Beaver, WV; Vilma Dick Morgan, erline are asked to please attend Sandstone, WV; Myrtle Ayers Hol- these meetings. TAX N OTIC The Sheriff's Tax Office has commence the 1991 tax collections to which a 2 1/2 % discount is allowed on the 1st half installment of both real estate and personal property asses[9-3-91. Sheriff& Treasurer Thomas F. Briers Call 466-2575 Tan-Ta-Lizing End of Summer Special Aug. 12- Sept. 1 12 Sessions for $30.00 Rt. 20, Hinton By-Pass New Hours: 2 pm to 7 pm Mon. . Fri. New Bulbs / Air Conditioned Rooms 466-4115 DA IR Y QUEEN ON THE HINTON BY-PASS HOME OF THOSE DELICIOUS HOT DOGS We offer a full breakfast menu. A large selection of tasty sandwiches and choice dinners. Our salads and desserts are made fresh daily. Frozen Cakes available in a variety of shapes & sizes w00'nuMlff you IBINI '® NEW HOURS OPEN DAILY Mon. - Thurs. 6:00 am to 10:00 pm Fri., Sat. & Sun. 6:00 am to 11:00 pm Phone 466-1700 Below Bluestone Dam 4