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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 13, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 13, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tle in sis ion mp ,ug. rill tool rlce 'er- in- mic i. .2 .r ?÷ .T :& 2 Shop our weekly specials a i I ! t t 1 i | Area Sports By Lin Goins Captures 3rd Place In Tournament Hinton's 9 & 10 year old tournament team f'mished 4-2 in tourna- ment play to achieve third place for the 1991 tournament season. Members of the team are:Bow 1: Chipper Fortner, Mark Cales, Todd Brown, Brian Cooper, D.F. Mock, Brett Crowder, Matthew Durnan. Row 2: Brad Hutchison, Jesse Miller, Tony Gore, Derek Mann, Jason Meadows, Dermic Zimmerman. Coach - Norman Farley, Coach - Howard Crowder (not pictured). Appointed District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler David L. Huffman of Hi nton Lodge #821 has been appointed to the posi- tion of District Deputy Grand Ex- alted Ruler. David L. Huffman was officially deputized at the 127th National Convention of the Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks in St. Louis, July 14-18. There are over 250 districts in the U.S. and David L. Huffman will assist the national leader of the Elks in promoting and coordinating the many progranm for charity, scholar- ship, drug awess, veterans and patriotism. By being appointed to the posi- tion of District Deputy from a mem- bership of the almost 1.5 million Elks, David L. Huffman has demon- strated his commitment to the na- tional and state programs. Lester C. Hess, Jr., of Wheeling, W.Va., the newly installed national leader of the Elks, stated that "by being able to call on people such as David L. Huffman, we will be able to continue the proud tradition of the Elks, to succeed in all of our pro- grams, and to continue to grow and demonstrate ELKDOM- A WAY TO SHARE". FREE PROGRAMS OFFERED The Corps of Engineers at Bluestone Lake is offering free pro- grams for area young people. The programs will be offered every Fri. at 1 pm throughout the summer. These programs are for 6-12 year olds and will be held at the Belle- point Park Visitor Center. Project Wild, a wildlife/environ- mental program, Project Learning Tree, Junior Ranger, and Water Safety are just a few of the topics which will be offered. The programs will last approximately one hour and are guaranteed to be fun for all kids. For more information, call the Resources Manager's Office at Bluestone Lake (304) 466-1234. APPLICATIONS AVAILABI FOR STERNWIIEEL BIRI TOUR Applications are now available for the 12th Annual Sternwheel Regatta Bike Tour, to be held Sat., Aug. 24th. Cyclists can choose from rides of 100, 56 and 32 miles. Food stop, lag wagons and first aid will be avail- able on the way, and T-hirt will be given to all riders. The rides, through Kanawha, Putnam and Jackson Counties, are on paved, scenic roads with little traffic. Last year, over 400 riders took part. The start and finish has been moved this year to the Elkview K mart. The 100- and 56- miles rides begin at 7:30 a.m. and cost $9. The 32-mile ride start at 9 a.m. and costs $7. (There is a $3 late fee aRer Aug. 19th.) Cyclists can also register at the Holiday Inn Civic Center from 6 to9 p.m. on Fri., Aug. 23rd., the night before the ride, or from 6 a.m. on at K mart on the 24th. For an application, please write to: The Mountain State Wheelers, P.O. Box 8161, South Charleston, WV 25303. HUNTER EDUCATION CLASS TO BE OFFERED The Dept. of Natural Resources will sponsor a Hunter Education Course 23,24,25 Sept. 1991, 7-10:30 PM at Summers CO. Career Ctr., Hinton. Included in the training will be basic gun safety, information about firearms and ammunition, the role of the hunter and huntingin wildlife management and conservation, hunter responsibilities, game care and the wildlife laws. Persons successfully completing the 10 hour cour will receive a Hunter Education Certification card from the W.Va. Dept. of Natural Resources. W.Va. law now requires persons who purchase their first huting license aRer Jan. 1, 1990, to succesTully :e6mple "the-: Hunter Education Course. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. For further information and reg- istration details, please contact: Leonard Smith at 466-2071. The temperature of the serth'a in- terior incrselma by one degree for every 60 feet down. Home Security Survey DOORS 1. Does door have 180 degree peep hole? 2. Are locks that can be opened from Inside at least 40 inches from glass? 3. Are entrance doors solid core? 4. Do they have dead bolt locks? 5. If hinge pins are outside, are they nonremovalbe? 6. Does door securely fit door Jamb? 7. Is door Jamb tightly fastened? 8. Is strike plate security fastened to door Jamb? 9. Does bolt extend sufficiently Into strike plate? 10. Have locks been re-keyed since you moved In? WINDOWS: 11. Have double hung windows been pinned? 12. Do metal windows have auxiliary locks? 13. Can windows left open for ventilation be secured? 14. Do basement windows have auxiliary locks? 15. Do curtains or drapes fully cover window? 16. Is window air conditioner secured from inside? GARAGE." 17. Does door close tightly? 18. Does overhead door have a track padlock? 19. is padlock of high quality? 20. Is hasp of high quality, Installed without screws showing? 21. Do you keep overhead door closed and locked now not in use? 22. Do you remove vehicle keys when garage is locked? 23. Can garage light be turned on from Inside home? II I YES NO YES NO 24. Do you being to a NEIGHBOR- HOOD WATCH Program? 25. Are shrubs cut below window level? 26. Are tree limbs cut above window level? 27. Is residence number visible from street? 28. Can mailbox be locked? 29. is front door well lit? 30. Is back door well lit? 31. Are bicycles, mowers, laddera kept Inside? 32. Have you engraved property and put up stickers? VACATIONS: 33. Do you stop deliveries? 34. Do you notify police? 35. Do you notify neighbors? 36. Do you set light timers? 37. Is you yard taken care of? 38. Do you arrange for hand bills to be picked up? ADDITIONAL CRIME CHECKS: 39. If you need a non-lethal weapon for self-protection, do you have a safe, chemical device? 40. If you have a gun, Is it kept secured? 41. Do you keep most of your ¢alh in the bank? ---.- __ 42. Do you keep a list of all valuable property, credit cards and serial numbers? 43. DO you keep  list in s safe place? .... " 44. Do you avoid q)leylng valuables to strangers? 45. Have you memorized the telephone number of your police? {This survey is for your own private use only} RSVP Program Coordinator Mary Jane O'Riley 322 Summers St., Hinton, WV 25951 Phone: 466-4420 i W.Va. Office of Crime Prevention I I I I '/lit' INFANTRY DIVISION REUNION The #Farthest East" 71st Infan- try Division, which met with Rus- sian forces at the Enns River near Steyr, Atmtria in 1945, will hold a Reunion in Columbus, Ga. Sept. 26- 29. Men and mules who served with: the Division at Fort Carson, Hunter Liggett, Fort Banning, in Europe can get details of the reunion and association membership from 71st Division Association, 14801 Grapeland Av, Cleveland, OH. Tues. Aug. 44111. Units of the Division included: 5th, 14th, and 66th Infantry Regi- ments, 607th, 608th, 609th, and 564th Field Artillery Battaltions, 71st Division Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 71st Cav- alry Recon Troop, 57qst Signal Company, 251st Quartermaster Company, 581st Anti-Tank Battery, 271st Engineer Battalion, 731st AAAMG Battalion, 371st Medical Battalion, and 771st Ordnance Company. 13, 1991 Hinton News - 5 Fox Photographics ,., WEDDING SCHOOL Iff,R-., COMME.CAL // _4,6,6'5!08 ] 2'17 FI BALLENGEE ST H1NTON School They're right around the comer and so is Rite Aid, with back-to-school supplies! ays CREST TOOTHPASTE 229 SQUEEZE 6OZ. BAUSCH & LOMB SALINE SOLUTION ,00oz 239 BIC SHAVER ,os 12 9 MARBLED COVER COMPOSITION BOOK 1o0 SHEETS PORTFOLIO BY LISA FRANK SCOTCH BRAND CELLO TAPE 2 ROLLS - I/2" x 500" EACH 99 59 59 BRUT 33 STICK DEODORANT/ FLEXIBLEPLASTIC 89 ANTI-PERSPIRANT THREE RING BINDER REGULAR OR 149 I/2 INCH OVAL -2.5 OZ. PAPERMATEFLEXGRIP 69' FINE POINT PENS CENTRUM WTAMINS fJ Zl O 100'S PLUS ]p -r  30 FREE RITE AID PLUS MAXI PADS REGULAR OR 11R_q NIGHT-24'S  "  ocVE SHAMPOO OO,r,o , OZ. CURLREVITALIZEROR i s"'T"°"99 c MOUSSE - 6 OZ. OR GEL -4 OZ. - " NEOSPO.KIN  NEosPo " Oy  KODAK GOLD FILM 35ram -  O0 S'PE-ED  )ft OR I10 200SPEE_D  24 EXP LEAF CANDLES ASSORT D 79 c VA RIE TIE 7 TO 95 OZ NEOSPORIN OINTMENT 2" OR CREAM -1/20Z OXY CLEAN PADS REGULAR 5o  7 9 MAXIMUM 249 STRENGTH -5o's NUPRIN "U IBUPROFEN CAPLETS 24'S 1 / Look for the Rite Buy and low, low prices JJ[ /" on hundred of your favorite brands. ii::JI CONDITIONER Ii zdwoT;--'o'z [ ] GLASS WIPES "i1/ ¢1 "Now 69 " 99 PRICES ON WEEKLY SPECIALS EFFECTIVE AUGUST 12 THROUGH 18, 1991 • SOME ITEMS MAY NOT q!: %':,, U' : " : :" ;! " Our Pharmacists Go "Over-the-Counter" It's easy to choose from our wide selection of non-prcription medications when you ask your Rite Aid pharmacist. Save on over 1,200 Rite Aid Brand Products. [l Rite Aid accepts all manufacturers' coupons. lid Rite Aid Pharmacy accepts most malor prescription plans. Jl Rite Aid Pharmacy, there's a location near you. RITE AID DISCOUNT PHARMACY HINTON, WV COUNTRY ROADS, PLAZA, WV RT. 107 PHONE- 466-5069