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4 - Hinton News Tues. Aug. 13, 1991
The Hinton News
Published Tuesday
Hinton Publishing Corporation
210 Second Avenue
Hlnton, W Vs. 25951
Fred Long
Publisher - Editor
Phone (304) 466-0005
USPS 246-180
By Carder Sub=cris By Mail
25¢ Daily st3.,w wyw
lCus ;S€ WV Is
ttdm NlSmmt ta .ehmm
Soad Clms Poeta Paid At Hlnton, WV
Articles submitted to the Hinton
News must reach the office by Fri.
day noon in order to be considered
for publication i n the following Tues-
day paper. Please include your name
and a phone number where you can
be reached during business hours.
The Hinton News reserves the right
to edit any material and regrets that
articles cannot be returned.
Items for the Community Bulletin
Board must reach the oflco by Mon-
day noon in order to be considered
for publication in that week's paper.
'Round Hinton
By: Shirley Garten Jolliffe
Aug. 4, Peter Martin Meadows of
Madams Creek had a birthday.
Aug. 5, Ruby Martin became 23.
She lives in Avis. John W. Burdette
was 15. He lives at Sandstone.
Aug. 6, Terri MeadorofNew River
Road had a birthday. So did John W.
Bragg, 60, of Meadow Bridge, Edith
Sears of Hinton was 64. Miss Melinda Jane Vandall,
Aug. 7 Donna Bragg of Wayside daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Danny B.
became 32 and Nancy Buckland of Vandall, of Sandstone, WV., became
Hinton also had a birthday, the bride of James Jason Gore, son of
Recently Hattie Belle and Jack Mr. and Mrs. William R. =Bill" Gore,
Graham and Master David of Hinton, WV., in a double ring
Richmond visited Hinton. They are ceremony on Sat. June 22. The two
now from Woodbridge, Vs. p.m. ceremony took place at Sand-
Aug. 6, Hettie Belle Qrahnm had stone Baptist Church with Rever-
s birthday, end George =Pete" Cook performing
On Aug. 7, Faye JoUiffe had a the ceremony.
Mr. & Mrs. James Jason Gore
Vandall- Gore
were decorated with baskets of fresh
flowers of white snapdragons, peach
stargazers, lillies, white pompons
and miniature peach carnations. Two
fifteen branch spiral candelabras
with white candles accented with
fresh ivy and baby's breath were
also featured. The lighting of the
unity candle by the bride and groom
was held to symbolize the unity of
their love as one. White aisle cloth
A program of nuptial music was
presented by Ann Gore, of Hinton,
cousin of the groom was the pianist.
Lora Bennett, of Beaver, friend of
the bride, was soloist, she sang
=Nobody Knows Me Like You Do"
and 'he Rose'.
Escorted by her father and given
in marriage by her parents, the bride
wore a formal gown of white satin,
designed by her Aunt Dixie Hall of
True, WV. The gown featured a fit-
ted bodice trimmed with venice lace
and seed pearls and a Queen Anne
neckline with tulle netting and
embroidery trim.
The long full length sleeves were
over-laid with embroidered appli-
ques trimmed with venice lace and
seed pearls.
The full expansive train featured
large embroidered appliques
trimmed in venice lace and seed
pearls. Encircling the skirt and
hemline was a band of scalloped lace
which surrounded the entire skirt
around the train.
Topping her wedding attire was a
waist length veil with satin trim and
topped with a satin bow and simu-
lated pearl drops. She carried a cas-
cade bouquet of sonya roses, mini-
ature carnations, pinocchio, pom-
poms, baby's breath, pearls and ivy.
The only jewelry she wore was a
single pearl drop necklace, a gift
from the groom.
Lori Foster Cales, ofHickory, N.C.,
cousin of the bride, served as Matron
of Honor. She carried a white satin
fan with miniature peach carnations,
ivy, baby's breath and peach ribbon.
She wore a tea-length dress of peach
taffeta and lace with matching shoes
and white lace gloves.
The bridemaids who were dressed
identical to the Matron of Honor
were Sonya Murrell, friend of the
and cummerbund. His boutonnier
was a peach rose.
William R. =Bill" Gore, father of
the groom served as best man. His
attire was white with peach bow tie
and cummerbund. His boutonnier
was a miniature peach carnation.
Groomsmen were Gordy Hardy,
friend of bride and groom, Jackson
L. Scott, Jr. brother-in-law of groom,
both of Hinton and Danny Wayne
Vandall, brother of the bride of
Sandstone, WV. Their attire was also
white with peach bow ties and
cummberbund. Their boutonnieres
were miniature peach carnations.
The bride's mother wore a street
length dress of pink chiffon with
long sleeves.
The groom's mother wore a cham-
pagne colored street length dress
made of chiffon with longl ace sleeves.
Both mothers wore gamilla cor-
The wedding was directed by Kelly
Kirk Henthorn of Charleston, W.Va.
and the photography was done by
Fox's Photography of Hinton, WV.
The flow ers were done by Hinton
Floral Shop.
Andrea Gore, cousin of the groom,
of Hinton, attended the bride's book.
Programs were distributed by
Stephanie Marie Lemon, cousin of
the bride of Hinton.
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion was held in the church fellow-
ship hall. The bride's lace covered
table was centered with a three tiered
cake with stairs leading to the two
tiers on both sides decorated with
peach roses, white bells andlillies. It
also featured a peach colored flow-
ing water fountain. Topping the cake
was a porcelin bride and groom. The
cake was baked and decorated by
Alma Jo Lowry of Daniels. After
bride and groom, and Kristi Gore cutting the cake Linda Roberts of
Meadow Creek, Anneta Phillips and
Scott, sister of the groom both of Shirlene Smith, both of Pipestem
Hinton, and Andrea Johnson, cousin
of the bride, of Pence Springs. All
bridesmaids carried matching nose-
gays of miniature carnations, pinoc-
chio ponpoms and baby's breath with
peach ribbon.
Jennifer Michelle Lemon, cousin
of the bride, of Hinton, was flower
girl and was dressed identical to
that ofthe attendants. She carried a
white lace basket with peach ribbon
containing peach rose pedals.
. Michael William Gore, cousin of
the groom of Hinton, served as ring
bearer. His attire was white tails,
served as hostesses.
After a honeymoon trip to Myrtle
Beach, S.C., the couple will reside in
Fort Myers, Fla., where the groom is
The Lilly Reunion held at the Lilly
Reunion Grounds - Flat Top, W.Va.
Aug. 16, 17, 18. No admission
charges. Everyone is welcome.
Tentative program: Singers, en-
tertainers, etc. but not complete.
Lilly Reunion Family ])inner Fri.
16th. 6:30 pro. The Acord Family
Band, Dr. Neri singer and enter-
tainer. Mountain Creek Gospel Sing-
ers,"Earl of Elkview" George Daugh-
erty. Johnny McCarty =One man
Show" Country Cream singers duet.
The Palmetts State Quartet featur-
ing Hovie Lister. Summersville
Cloggers, The Nobleman Quartet.
Speakers: Honorable N. Joe Re-
hall, Congressman; Honorable Wil-
liam R. Wooton, Senator; Honorable
Bob Wise, Congressman; Dr. Edwin
H. Welch, President University of
Charleston; Dr. Henry Marockie,
W.Va. State Superintendent of
Schools; Major General Joseph J.
Skaff; and Honorable Billie Wayne
Bailey, Jr. Senator.
The 14th Annual CCC Reunion
Chapter #1 will be held at Camp
Woodbine, Richwood, W.V. Sat. Aug.
17th. this year. In case of rain it will
be switched to Richwood High School
same day.
All CCC alumni, all forest service
and dept. of Natural Resources Per-
sonell, families and friends are in-
vited to attend, please bring picnic
Come on down and enjoy the food,
fun, live band entertainment and
above all Good Fellowship.
Preneed Funeral Planning
Certificate of Deposit thru you Local Bank or
Forethought Life Ins. Co.
Our competent staff has been professibnally trained to assist
you in funeral planning, as well as counsel and help you or
those you love through the funeral experience.
Our reputation is built on sewing families like yours and ws
pledge that we will merit the confidence you have placed in us.
Feel free to contact us for answers to any questions you might
have.., now or in the future.
Looking back Kenneth Meadows
had a birthday July 15.
Bonnie Meadows Woody had a
birthday Aug. 7th. also. She is for-
merly of Hinton and she now lives in
The first week of Aug. Christina
Jo]liffe, Regina Jordan, Rodney Rne
Jot|life and Douglas Edward Ayers
all had birthdays.
Anyone with anything to an-
nounce, please call 466.5787 before
8:00 P.M.
Partially funded by the W.Va.
Commission on Aging
Wed. Aug. 14
Menu: Brown Beans/Onions,
Cabbage, Watermelon, Cornbread,
Thurs. Aug. lS
Menu: Chicken Livers, Buttered
Potatoes, Mustard Greens, Choco-
late Pudding, Bread, Milk/Butter.
Activities: Bingo for prizes after
Fri. Aug. 16
Menu: Baked Ham, Fried Apples,
Sweet Potatoes, Lemon Pudding,
Biscuits, Milk/Butter.
Activities: Gospel sing at 11:15.
Mo Aug. 19
Menu: White Beans/Ham, Toma-
toes, Sliced Peaches, Cornbread,
Activities: Bible Study with Ed-
die Johnson, at 11:15.
Tuel. Aug. 20
Menu: Hamburger, Lettucs/To-
mato/Onion, Tater Tots, Apple Cob-
bler, Bun, Milk.
, , , ,,,
Menu changes may occur due to
the Unavailability of foods or due to
circumstances beyond our control.
Scheduled Bus Tripe
Aug. 16 -- Mercer Mall
Aug. 21 -- Pence Springs to Hin-
Blood Pressure Clinics
Sandstone Aug. 14
Hinton House Aug. 19
The Consumer Advocacy and
Advisory Council for persons with
disabilities will meet on Aug. 13, at
6:00 PM, at Mountain State Centers;
For Independent Living, 329 Prince
St. Beckley, WV.
For more information call 255 -
0122 or 1-800-545-2245.
The candle lit ceremony and altar completed the setting, with peach bow tie and cummer- RONALD MEADOWS
r , ;;. , ,- : -!bund*I-l.ieboutonnier was a mini-
t.. i I ;. ttre,pelu}h: ,carnati°n" . .... ; ,: oo bn ..... .
THANK YOU .. , I, The bride s,father attire was also i=HMI::00A/
As parade chairman for the 1991 WV State Water II white with black bow tie and cure- |V | • L.. | |r=lL.. | #'It I | lim V | |le/
Festival Parade, I would like to thank all you, thell merbund. His boutonniere was a .......
....... • ___J_ _ eL_" ..... II miniature peach carnation lU iemple St., Hinton Phone 466-1179
paraae pamc]pants, those WhO Joaneu us incur d[ II -- .... " ...
• Jne groom was ac=rea ]n wn]¢e
and especially the many, m any people who hned our[I tails by after six, with peach bow tie
streets. II ! , -
With°uty°utheparadew°uldn°thavebeenp°s'll • That Blessings Mau Shme on You...
sible. I can't fail to mention my committee. Youll .. . ..., .,
helped me more than you will ever know. II 0me to 00Ourco
Let's dota am next ear Iho eever one will
g Y • P Y [I aAPTiO.,- nd=n Mille Rollimbur 9 Jlmel Chapel et True Jumping Branch Tabernacle
,nma frier€that fn h,ln mnkp fhp naradP bi,Pr andl] Dtr I Ig I et Church D.L. Stalnaker, Pastor: 10 a.m. Rev.CaritonWitson,Pastor:Serv. Ray. ElmoAklerman.St., Pastor:
.,J==. ,,(:.,.=,= .v ''=]L" ........... r ....... OO .... | 15eeFu qtlt;Ur¢l Steve Howdoak, Pester: S.S. Sunday School classes 1or a icesSam. Sun. School loam Dax4d Moran, Supt. Sun. School
,tF&,, Ti- ,,}n '1 II I Superintorldent, /UIce Bowyer, SupL J Keatley. Sunday ages. Richard Hooran Supenn. Johnson 9:45 am Morning Worship 10:45!
lu,;tt:x. L ,z¢ L/r,, .tuz=-.. II I Sunday Schoo110. Morning wor. Sctmol 10 A.M. Classes for aft tender 11 a.m. Morning Wor- Minister, Hubert Groves: Sam am Youth Fellowship 6:30 pm
incrlv II shlptl, agee. Worship. Sewice, 11A.M. ship, 7P.M. Night Service. Groves, Lay Leader. Study: 9:45. Evening Worship 7:30 pm Prayar'
....... J' II Betleldnl elNll Church and 7 P.M. Every Surday. Prayer Slndston Baptist Church Worship 11 am. Service Wed. 7:30 pro. i
Uoh,,,,c Thn m ngon I I N. Bruce CreswaiL Jr., Pastor: Meeting Wed. 7 P.M. Pastor Eddie Johnson: Sunday Undaide Lutheran
=__-- . r II[ Sunday Service: Joe McBride, KleSeySim'Ingl SchootSupt, Bill Dean, Sunday Red Sulphur. Marshall Fowler, GoodShepherdLutheranChurch.!
Parade Chairman ) SUpt., Sunday School 9:4.5 am. Baptllt Church Schoolt0A.M. MomingWorshlp" Pastor: S'vice every 2nd Sun- Beckley, Sunday Worship 9.'30
, Morning Worship, 11 am. YOUth Sunday School 10 A.M., Harold 1t A.M., Evening Services 7.'00 day 7 pm ever? 4th Sunday 11 am, Sunday SCho 11 am, 725:
' le41owshlp,5:45pm.EvenServ- Masks, Superintendent. P.M., Wed. Prayer Meeting and am. Dry Hill Road. 252-5820 or 252.
Happy Birthday To Mother and Daddy
167 Pleasant St. Hlnton, W.Va.
George B. Haynes, 93, Aug. 20, 1991
Ellen E. Haynes, 88, Aug. 16, 1991
We Love You!
From All Your Children
In Loving Memory of
Betty Jean Johnson
On her birthday Aug. 14 -
Who passed away Oct. 7, 1990
There is a family who misses you badly.
But we try to be brave and content for the tears
we shed in silence.
And we breathe a sigh of regret for you were
Ours and we remember.
Though all the world forgets a light from our
house is gone. A voice we loved is still. A place
is vacant in our home, which never can be filled.
Some may think you are forgotten. Though on
earth you are no more. But in memory you are
with us, as you were always before.
Sadly Missed by Mother Elsie Lilly
Brothers & Sisters & Nieces
Barbara K. Groves
k;e, 7 pro. Wedmmday Servk:o,
70pm. Payer Moeling and Bible
m¢ Creek
Lovail WHllarm, Pastor: Sunday
School 10 ll.m. Morning Worship
11 e.rr each Sunday. Preyer
meing Wed. at 7 p.m. B Y F
Sunday at 6 p.m.
Orm Church
Pastor Edward
Cyml, Sumy School Surtn-
leaderlt,, Sun.Scho 10 Lm.
Morning Wo41ip 11 iLm. Eve,
nng Sewioe 7 p,m. Prayer
Meeting Tues. at 7:30 p.m.Wed.
SeMoe 7 p.m.
Calvmy Bepiat Church
Red Sulphur: Ray. Rick Hender.
m, Sunday School 10 &M.
Randy HO. Supedntenbent
Morning Wohlp 11.'00 &.M,
Evening Wohlp 7:30 P.M. Wed-
nesday Wohip 7::30 P.M.
Roy. Nhimlel Johnson: Sunday
School. E. O. Col, Sulx, 11
e.m. MomlngWorsh D Every Sun-
day. Preaching I st. and 3rd. Sun-
days at tl Lm. Ind S p.m.
Pior RoL. Moora:S'.5 Lm.
Chumh SChooL 11 &m. Morning
Wo#llp. 80 p.m. BY F .NDO
p.m. Eln 9 Womhip. 7 p.m.
Wednaeda Mid - Week SenSe.
(l'-,zthm Grove
Pa:. eany Atom. Supnum-
dS: bnne¢ Sunday
School, 0 a.m. Momm 9 Womhlp
11 ILm. Evening SeNile 7:30
Wed, Evening Selce 7:30 p.m.
Cook'e Cql
(Regular BaetblChurch) John S.
Alklnon, Plier: 10 a.m. Snday;
SuPt. KyleKInzer. 11 l.m.i
Morning Wend'alp. 6 p.m.. B Y F 7
p.m. Evea Womhip Wed. 7p.m.
Prlym' Meaing.
To noah ot Ai on
the/dUt Reed, Sund/Sctnool I0
Lm. Batilt Youlh Leegue 8 p.nt
Evening xrkm 7 p.m.
Fk eqxl chch
Sunday 9:45 =.m, Bruoe
Rk;hmod. Su Momtng Wor-
ship 11L m.. Evening Son,ice 7:0C
).m. Mid Week Se,wIoe 7;00 p.m. Hm e=qlet Church
Pamor Jon E. Elelo: mlaas
2rid. & 4th, Sley 11;00, eta-
day Night SeMON7:00, Wedr4- '
day Night 7:30,1at. & 3rd. Sunday,
AI Me Church At
60 P.M. ,.. Meeting.
Gm Ilalill Church
Dan 1oer, Pastor. Sunday
SOP 10 .m.,Momlng Womhlp
11:00 Lm. Sunday Eveg S:O0
).m. Wed. Evonlr 7:00 Im
OHtI Creek
E@n Rly Hatl &., Pastor: Sun-
day S=o110 m. S. S. Sul.
Ayan. W Svm
sunda Eveaservk ,, o
Wwk Prayer m4oe And Youth
U=g E=: at 'h00
Llund Creek
Baptbt Church
Firm and third Sunday at 11:00
am.. Second and Foh Sunday
at 7.'00 pro., Wednesday night
Sen/k 7.'00 p., Sunday School
10:00 Ira. Pattor, Andy Howdoak
Uak Creek
Batll Church
Sunday School at 10 am. Preach-
ing Seri,11 am. Every Sun-
day. Preyer Meeting Wednesday
7 pm. Ray. Tom McGraw, Pastor.
Uttle Woff Creek
tpert B&otst Church, Off
Rt. 12 on the Llllle Wolf Creek
Road. Pastor, Donald L. Hannah:
Sunday School Superintendent.
Wayne Browning, Sunday School
10,'00 am. We€ship Service 11:00
am. Sun. Evening Service 7 pro.
Youth Meeting Wednesday 6:30
pro.Mid Week Service Wddnee-
day 7 pro,
Meadow Cnmk
Pastor J. L. Jorle: Sun.10 am.
Sunday School; 11 am.. Morning
Worship; 7 Evening Worship;
7 wn.Wednasday, Mkl Week Bible
study and Prayer Meeting.
Iodow Crk
Ray, William Certor: Sunda,
SChool Supednterident Mrs. E. E,
Johnson. Snday Schoo} lOe.m
m..-'y Sunday. Prayer servioe
Wedmmday 60. Worship serv.
k third Sunday at 11 e.rR
Calvary Freewill
Baptist Church. Sunday School
10:00 a.rrt. Preaching 11 ,0 a.,
preaching Sunday Night 7.'OC
p.m., Prayer Mee(ing Wednsda¥
7:00, Pastor E. R. Buck Tyrae
New Salem
t Church
Pestm, L E. Hahor: Sunda
School 10.0. Church 11 .'00 Fun.
Mira.= Weeionory
Bal Church Pastor Amok
Cooper. S, S. Sntendem
gldf Dry, Sunday Schoa19:45.,
Morning Worship and Chlldmr
Church 11 z.m. Sunday Morning.
Everdng Sunday Worship 7:30,
Pmyor Mee(ing and Youth Meet.
InO 7:3O Wedrday.
Pine Grove
Plto¢ W; C. Semper: Sunda
SUI., Bill Hav/, Sunda
lOam. Morning Wohlp
11;O0 KM. Wed Evening
7:30 p.m.
Rlnda Anne
Ideerlai Church
Ster, WV. Son4ce ery 2ed.,
4th. and h. Saturday evening=
at 7:00 Im.
River Vley
I=11. 12 Forest Hill Road, Bill Jen.
Pastor: 10 &m. Sunday
Scoot gamey Gdmm. S,per.
Intenderd I 1 Lm. MomPn Wo.
ship. 7:30 Im. Evening SerVe,
7 p.m. Youth FwId'dp The.
R Ch, mdunery j
Ba4, Roy Lee Honakm', Jr..!
Pastor: Jnday School 10 KM.
Worhtp SenS 11 A.M. each i
Sunday. Prayer Service. Bible!
SeNk, Youth Meet|rig Wednas,
day, 7 p.m,
Youth Meeting 7 P.M.
Taicoll, First Sun. Sauce 11 A,M,,
Sunday at 3.'00 P.M.
Second Baptist Church
212 James St., Rev. Matthew
Saunders, Services 2nd. & 4th.
Sunday 11 A.M., Prayer Sevk:e
Wednesday 6:30, Sunday School
each Sunday 9:30, Mr, James
Nickoles Supt. Mrs. Edith Gcode,
Ten'qa Church
Robert Combs, Pastor: Sunday
School, 10 a.m. MeMn Williams.
Supt. Preaching Services at 11:00
=.m. every Sunday.
UINlnd BapUst Church
Pastor Mike Ballard - Sunday
School 10:00, Worship Services
at - 11.'00. Bible Study Sunday
Evening 7:00.
St. Patrick Catholic Chch,
Mass Schedule, Sunday 9 a.m.
Community Chdatlm
Pastor Doug Hatche: Worship
Servas Sun. 11 a.m. and 7.'00
p.m. Bible Study 10 a.m. Wed.
7:00 p.m.
Rrst Christian Church
Eddie Via, Minister: Sunday
School 9:45 KM., Morning Wor.
ship 11 CO A.M., Sunday Evening
Bble Study, Sunday 6:00 Youth
Meetings 6:00
1621 Summers St. Minister, Phil.
lip Strattis: Sunday Morning Bible
Study 10 a.m. Sunday Morning
We*ship Service t 0:45 a.m. Sun-
day Evening Service 7:00 P.M.
Wedmmday Evening Sl'vk 7
Lay Church of
Sunday 10.'00, Bible Study 10:45,
Evening Sunday 7.'00 p.m., Wed-
nesday Bible Study 7:00 P.M.
ShocUey Hm
Tug Creek Road, Sunday Wor-
ship 11 A.M. Sunday Evening 6:30
P.M. Wednesday Service 730
11 a.m. First and Thkd Sundays,
Holy Communion 11 a.m., Sec-
ond and Fourth Sundats.
Miller MamodaiChurcb School 10
a.m. Morning Worship 11 Lm.
Evening Service 7:30 P.M. U M Y
F Wednesday 6 p.m.
RIll ted Mndltst Church
Hinton,WVGeraid F. DotlKm, Min-
ister: Sunday Scmot 9:45 A.M.
Maming Womhip 1 l:t00A.M. Chad
€m avble: M Ornems wire chil-
dren. Wednesday Prayer VinDII
11:00 A.M.- 1:00 the Sat'¢-
tuay. Wednesday Youth Club,
4.t)0 P.M. 6.1)0 P.M., For Trans-
polation: 466-0544
Ma W Jane Memorial
Pastor Rang H. Richmond: Sun-
day School t0 am Morning Wor-
ship 11 am. Evening Prayer Meet.
ing 7:30 pm.
llhedlt Charge
Rick Bem: Fk'st Sunday & 3rd.
Sunday, Brooldyn 9:15. Mt. Zio
10:15 A.M., Sand Knob 11:3
P.M,, Nimilz 2nd. and 4th. Sun-
day. Bathai 9.', Pluto Martha
Chapel 11,1:)0. Madams Creek.
Mount Piagxh
Morning Worsho 9:30 am Church
School 10:30 am U M Y F Tues-
day 5:30 pro.
New Hope
C. Franklin Mic, Pastor: Sunday
School 10am.Wurship Ist& 3rd;
Sun. 11 a/n& 4th Sun. at 7.'30 p.
Oak Grove
C. F rankSn M k;K, Pastor; Sunday'
School at 11 am, Womhip 2nd &
4th Sun., lOam& 1st 7pro
Tolcott Charge
C. Franklin Mick, Pastor: Forest
Hil, 1= & 3€d Sundays:Worship
10 am, Sun. School 11 am.
C. Franklin MicK. Pastor: Sunday
School 10 am. Worship sewicas
2nd & 4th Sun. 11 am & 3d Sun.
at 7:30pro
GmanvHle, 10 am Sunday School
7:45 pm, Community Womhip
Rrst Preebytedan Church
Rev.Robed H. Gles: Sunday
School 9:45 & Womhip 11 ."{30 am
Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 pro.
Hen's Crk
Greenville, I0 am Sunday School
75 pro. Community Worship
Keller el
Ray. stewart McMurray, Pastor,
Worship Sorvlc hd at 2:30 pm
m 1st. and 3rd. Sunday=.
Rev. e,m McMur,my. Pastor.
Gray Meadow,lO iLm. Sun-
day ,.:hooL Womhrp Seh4oe hekl
at 9amon
Nora KeetOn. Purer: Sunday
School 10 am, Morning Wohip
11 am, Evening Wohip 7 pro,
Wed. Eyeing elblo Study 7 pro.
215 Second Ave., Hlntoa.
Mimert Chuh o(Ged
1301 Su St. Pester Cedl
Welch: Sunday School 10 am
Morning Worship tlam Sunday
NIgM 7 pm Wed. Night 7 pro.
Hlmun Gop Tnnec
102 Main $1ra. Lmvnoe Ben.
natl. Pastor: Sunday ,School 10
am MorlIngS Worship 11:00 am
You m so prn Evung
lsllc Sorvkle 7:30 pm Bib study
Wedmmday 7:30 pro.
Jchomh'e Wimm
Sunday 10 am Putc Talk, Sun-
day 11 am Wat0Mowor, Study
Tuesday 7:30 pro, Theemmic
Schoo Thursday 8:30 I Sw-
k Meetg.
4793, Rev. Kenneth L. Fay.
Mount Olivet Church
A community church, Madams
Creek Road, 2 1/2 miles, Wlliam
A. Thompson, Pastor: 466-4299,
Sunday School 10:00 am Morn-
ing Worship 11.'O0 am, Evening
Service 7:30 pm EDT. Wednas-
day (7 pm EST. winter).
1602 Temple St. PastorRev.
Robert Wiseman: Sunday Schee
10 am Morning Worship 11 am
Evangelist Sorvae Sunday Night
7 pm Thursday, Praye and Bible
Study 7 pm.
Pillar o1 Truth Church
At 8arger Springs, Pastor, Orvillle
Meadows: Sunday School 10.'00
am, Morning We€ship 11 am,
Wednesday Bible Study 7.'00 In
Riverew Chalet
Speakers Harry Pilkington: Sun-
day, 9:30 Lord's Table 11.'00
Famdy Bibte Hour. 4.'00 Junim
Young People. 7:30. Evening
Spruce Run Chapel
On Fit, 12 near Forest Hill. Area-
Pastor: Earl Hissom, Jr. SS 10 am
Morning Worship 11 am.
Sedce Fd. 7:30 pm.
209 2rid Ave.
prescription and
drug nerds
fountain service
• of the
Member FDIC
130 Temple St.