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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 13, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 13, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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k J Obituaries HAROLD M. ALLEN Harold M. Allen, 48, of Union, Monroe Co., died Aug. 7, 1991, of injuries received in a car accident. He was a member of Pence Springs Community Church, Summers County, and was employed as a mechanic. Surviving: wife, Violet Weikle Allen; sons, William Matthew at home, Harold M., Harvey M.; daugh- ters, Dorothy Jean Allen, Drema Jane Allen, Lorretta Mac Allen, all of Phoenix, Ariz.; brothers, Gene of Talcott, Donald, Rodney, both of Union, Ronald of Manassas, Va.; sisters, Dessie Cox, Mildred Wright, both of Talcott; Dorothy Mac Allen of Council Bluff, Iowa; seven grand- chidren. Services were held at I p.m. Sat. Aug. 10 at the E.M. Meadows Fu- neral Home, Hinton, with the Rewlimmy Allen officiating. Burial followed in the New Lebanon Ceme- tery, Pickaway, Monroe Co. LARK A. MEAl)OR Lark A. Meador, 79, of Madams Creek, Hinton, died at 2:10 p.m. Aug. 8,1991, at Veterans Administration Medical Center, Beckley, of a long illness. Born May 21, 1912, at Madams Creek, he was the son of the late W.C. and Lena Simmons Meador. He was a lifelong resident of Summers County, a member of Cooks Chapel, Pipestem, and a retired surgical technician from the old Hinton Hospital. He was a member of 101st Airborne Medical Unit, a World War II veteran and a prisoner of war. He received the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Paw medals. He was a member of VFW, a charter member of Country Roads Chapter of Ex-POWs of W.Va., a 45 year member of the DAV, a member of Purple Heart Association and Ameri- can Legion. He was preceded in death by his wife, Wilma Martin Meador on Mar. 4, 1980; and three brothers, Wil- liam, Walter and Leonard Meador. Surviving: three nephews, Mark W. of Madams Creek, Hinton; Walt Johnson of Covington, Va.; and Darren Scruggs of Shady Spring; five nieces, Carmella Cole, Tina Cole, both of Madams Creek, Hinton, Diafia Sciuggs, Vicki Scruggs, both bfhady Spring,6anette Johnson of Covington. ....... Services were held at 2 p.m. Sun. Aug. 11 at Ronald Meadows Funeral Home, Hi,nton, with the Rev. Carl Edwards and the Rev. John S. At- kinson officiating. Burial followed in the Meador Family. Cemetery, Madams Creek, with graveside mili- tary rites conducted by the DAV. Pallbearers were Jackie Rose, Elwood Cales, Charles Ratliff, David Reed, Patrick Scruggs, John Mead- ows, and Ernest Adkins RUBY McMILLION Ruby McMillion, 78, of 315 Hedrick St., Beckley, died at 3 a.m. Man. Aug. 5, at a Beckley hospital, following a short illness. Born Feb. 24, 1913, at Ramp, she was the daughter of the late Baxter and Eva Jane Hicks. Mrs. McMillion was a homemaker and was of the Protestant faith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dewey McMillion. Survivors include four sons, James Jefferies of Glen Jean, Char- les Robert Hicks of Warsaw, Ind., William Joe Hicks of Bradley and Elmer A. Jeff•ties of East Gastonia, N.C.; six daughters, Audrey Walker of Tallahassee, Fla., Nora Power of Mamouth Junction, N.J., Jeann Summers and Ruby Jewell Burgess, both of Gastonia, N.C., Della Mac Ocie Hall of Prestonburg, Ky., and Mary Coalson of Hop•well, Va.; a brother, Robert Hicks of Hinton; a sister, Anna Underwood of Rain•lie; 29 grandchildren, and several great- grandchildren. Services were held at 11 a.m. Thurs. Aug. 8 at the Highland Mountain Community Church, with the Rev. Ernest Bailey officiating. Burial followed in the Highland Mountain Cemetery. The body was at the Rose and Quesenberry Funeral Home, Beck- ley, and one hour prior to the serv- ices at the church. ROSALIE HOWARD UNDERWOOD Mrs. Rosalie Howard Underwood, 81, died Sun. Aug. 4, in a Fairlea hospital, following a short illness. Born Oct. 27, 1909, in Summers County, she was the daughter of the late George and Mamie Ramsey Howard. Mrs. Underwood was a lifelong resident of Ronceverte, was an ac- tive member of the Ronceverte Bap- tist Church and was a member of the /LB,W. and the Mutual Improve- ment Club of Ronceverte,Ketron Extension Homemakers Club, Sal- vation Army Service Unit of Green- brier County and was retired from the Federal Reformatory of Alder- son and was a homemaker. She was precededin death by her husband, Robert Jackson Under- wood; a son, James Darrell Under- wood; a sister, Gladys Dunn and two brothers, Clarence and Clayton Howard. Survivors include two daughrs, Betty West and Margaret Morgan, both of Ronceverte; two sisters, Mary Alice Reaser of Princeton and Vir- ginia Overholt of Roanoke, Va.; nine grandchildren, and eight great- grandchildren. Services were held at 2 p.m. Wed. Aug. 7 at the Ronceverte Baptist Church with the Rev. Houston Boothe officiating. Burial followed in the Ketron Cemetery , Roncev- erle. The body was at the I_nganacre Funeral Home, Fort Spring and one hour prior to the services at the church. Men of the Ronceverte Baptist Church served as pallbearers. Donations of sympathy may be made to the Salvation Army or the Ketron Cemetery Association. HUBERT JACKSON VEST Hubert Jackson Vest, 40, died Sat. Aug. 3, at his home, at White Oak. Born June 16, 1951, in Summers County, he was the son of Georgia Vest Vest of White Oak and the late Claude Raymond Vest. Mr. Vest was a lifelong resident of Summers and Raleigh Counties. Other survivors include his wife, Mary Vest Vest. Services'were held at 2 p.m. Wed. Aug. 7 at the Ronald Meadows Tues. Aug. 13, 1991 Hinton News - 3 FIRE NEWS By Ray Gill Donations on paying expense work on Summers Co. Vol. Fire Dept. pumper truck: 8-1-91 - Mary Jane O'Riley - 25.00.8-2-91 - George H. & Geneva B. Sowder - 10.00. PARADE NEWS 8-2 - Summers Co. Vol. Fire Dept. & Rescue Squad won 2nd place an- tique truck took trophy and check for 50.00. Plus won 2nd place rescue. They recei red a trophy an d check for 50.00 in the Hinton Fireman's Pa- rade. FIRE CALL 8-2 - Power lines down in the road Funeral Parlors Chapel, Hinton with at Fox Addition at Brooks near Gene the Rev. Darrell Wood officiating.' Mills. Fire Dept. got there to direct Burial followed in the Simmons traffic. No power on the line. RESCUE CALL 8-4 - Summers Co. Vol. Fire Dept. & Rescue Squad called to Southside Raleigh Co. for boys in water. 2 play- ing, then 1 came out when members gots there the boy's that were play- ing came out pig backing one on the other, looked liked 1 instead of 2 that was in the water. They were from Va. visiting. Cemetery on the Mt. View Road. The body was at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors, Hinton. SINGING SCHOOL Singing School will be held at Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Hix, WV. Aug. 19-30, 7:00 P.M. Everyone Welcome. 8-4- Summers Co. Vol. Fire Dept. & Rescue Squad members helped in the Rubber Ducky Contest by in- stalling the finish line, plus after- wards catching the ducks. Donations - 8-5 - Nancy Martin - 5.00. FILLING POOLS 8-8-1 load water to Forest Hill to Anna M. McNser. I II I I IIII III *Kesler's fc,r Children 212 Temple St. Will Be Accepting WV Clothing Vouchers I mt -- [No00Touc. ' Tire Care Filters Each / Mb #PHSA, PH25 PH3387A, PH30, PH 43, PH 13 Cleaner & Protectant [ .H.igh-Tech Uquld Car Wax 2.49 *3 99 ALL OTHER FRAM 0% Each / 15 Oz. Z"£:':== OILFILTERS .......... ! oH ....... , . Each / Mfg Bc 0 ILL j : Valve - s,.tp_ tight, Cover Clutch . Oil Pressure, Gaskets - Bearings TeswkPe srC ture x,, 10% 20%00 4.44 ALL OTHER Prices Everyday Low Prices ' GASKETS .... 10% Off -,-- ICH ,  Brake " '-.- Radiator Rotors .jj Caps 14.$$' '" 20% 0ff / Law Prices Clutch Discs ;re Plates 10% 0ff Each / Reg. To 26.99 ALL OTHER | BRAKE ROTORS.. | 0% Off Fan Belts k WiL:r Blades Magnetic 003.44 *ubleLight ....o*--- 22 99 s,0000nN, 10% 0ff e e BELTS ............ Blades Each / Refills Pair Each / M, #2008 Car [Cal.Va,. Care. .... Tools )it Repair Brite Touch , ,, Manuals Primers Each M. #BT49, BTS0, BT5 / UMIT 4 20% 9.88 low Prices Each / Includes Wiring Diagrams I A d v-- Y'I* A Valvoline  )Year, :nth 40-Wt. Or Oil e/|r Kits 50-Wt. Treatment ( s oz.) Each Racing Oil Buy 2 at regular price. 33900n' 1.19 Mail-ln rebate for cost 60=Month of one, plus Richard Battery , #Mb Petty collectib;e 34 88 QUART trading Cards FREE. l .z, ..... 4.99 Price Thereafter" See Store For Detoi;s Each Exch Motorcraft from Ford EXCIE TI.,IIIE NEIrD 10W30 Or 10W40 Motor Oil ........ .89 Je_..:.:._.y.._.. J Y°or I /Cost ........ • lF  Each Quart After Mail-In Rebate t ................... LIMIT 1 CASE / Reg. Price Theea. S rk Each Resistor Or Non-Resistor UMIT 16 / Reg. Price Thereafter Treatment, Brake Fluid, Power Steering Fluid Or Puncture Seal Tire Repair & Inflator Each YOUR CHOICE LIMIT 4 Reg. Price Therfeafter 72-Month Dual Terminal" Conquer 410CCA'. 29.88 34, 49, 64, 65 & 78 - "'- 59.88 875 CCA's e Pdoes Good Through Saturday August 17th 1991 • We ReserveThe Right To Limit Quantities • ..........  r Comptete Warranty Information Available At All Advance Auto Parts Stores. STOH HOUHS J €,! 1 Monday - Saturday J'k  206 MAIN STREET A&& E L E  8 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. I Sunday wT:]IBII HINTON, WV IUV m V & lOa.m.-Sp.m,.._.,.__.___. ] E :d .-- **'1 ".J =[el ¥ I like] , ] : :l.v.l =1 :{el : F±  I ] g :i f, IlJ :J =[q II Ie][,1._ l =1 "J , [el =gl III I I IIIII I I I II I I I w,b w 9.99 ,o 39.99