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2 - Hinton News Tues. Aug. 13, 1991
Pharmacy &
Your Health
; t'ietured back row:. Steve Lipscomb, Timmy Holland, Allen Grim-
, luett, Ronnie Bennett, Cindy Cales, and David Hersman. Front row:.
: ,Jack Woodrum, Mark Fox, Roger Williams, and Bobby Parker.
Responsible forFireworks
The W. Va. State Water Festival
ireworks Coordinators would at
tis time like to acknowledge and
:lank those persons responsible for
ie 1991 Water Festival Fireworks.
Steve Lipscomb - Project Head;
.iack Surin - Purchasing; Jack David
Voodrum- Shooter, all three licensed
yrotechnic Operators. Those re-
qonsible for Equipment Setup and
r ading: Bobby Parker, Roger Wil-
ams, Timmy Holland, David Hers-
,1an, Cindy D. Cales, Mark Fox,
Allen Grimmett, and Ronnie Ben-
Special thanks to: Sam Richmond,
Charles Surbaugh, and Michael
Martin, The W.Va. State Water
Festival Inc., The City of Hinton
Fire Dept., OH-9 Ambulance
Service,The City of Hinton, West
Virginia-American Water Co., Area
Police Dept., Mountaineer Sanita-
tiolService, and all those who do-
nated their time and money both
past and present, THANK YOU!
Taking Issue With
Those In Charge
To the Editor,
Recent statements and decisions
of those elected officials in charge of
things in this state have bothered
me in a most foreboding manner.
Judge Jolliffe and other judges
(allegedly) have publically stated
that instead of following the rules of
procedure and the legal require-
raents sefforth by the Supreme
Court, they would rather (cut cor-
ers and) do away with the require-
ments of researching and writing
opinions in cases before them; and,
s matter of fact, I can stand as a
itness, that the Honorable Judge
Jolliffe practices what he preaches
and so does Justice Neely, the Chief
Justice of our Supreme Court and
udge K, the newly elected circuit
00dge 00awha Co.
The aw lequires that a decision
of a Court contain both "findings of
fact" and "conclusions of law . Fed-
eral case history provides that any
case before an Appeals Court or the
Supreme Court of the U.S. will be
sent back to the lower Court to es-
tablish conclusions of law and find-
ings of fact.
Now, as I have stated before, =if
those in charge of us in the State of
W.Va. expect the citizens to strictly
follow the rules, then the Courts and
their officers should follow their own
Supreme Court rules, according
to the Constitution, =have the force
and effect of law'. To deliberately
fail to follow rules ofprocedure with-
o t thought of the public interest in
, case, (without reasonable legal
cause) is a violation of the Judicial
Code of Ethics and could quite possi-
bly be actions in criminal contempt.
Additionally, these judges and prose-
cutors can be sued for damages for
heir actions in a contempt proceed-
ing for deliberately misrepresenting
the laws of this State and Land.
I have found that through the
"power" of "misrepresentations"
:Imost anything is possible. All one
as to do is present ones self in a
,ositive manner, use the right words
,r push theright buttons, so to speak;
-,r, by carefully nurturing the victim
o .hink in certain terms, much can
-e accomplished, even illegal prose-
'utions before God Almightly and
werbody else. It's blasphamy, for
ur Constitutionisbased on the Word
,fGod, and incidently, we practice a
eparation of Church and State,
which, in my opinion, is grossly ille-
gal for the Constitution states, ...
,ne nation, under God, indivisible',
mthliberty and justice for all', which
includes Arabs and Blacks, Japa-
ese and Mexicans, I might add.
Another thing bothers me deeply,
:rod thatis I fail to find the reasoning
hind granting veterans preference
to members of the armed forces who
;,articipated in illegal declarations
:,f war in Grands, Panama and
'audia Arabia. Neither of these
,.ctions were taken with the consent
f the Congress pursuant to Article
I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.
It should be academic to note that
the President of the U.S. cannot, I
repeat, cannot declare war pursu-
mt to a United Nations Resolution,
for a resolution is not law, even ac-
cording to the W.Va. Constitution.
Due to a state wade practme ofnepo-
ti.,m, my name was removed from
tl:e preference list in Aug. of 1989,
and juvt recently, I lost my 1987
evaluated, I0 percent compensation
for acute high blood pressure'; a
permanent condition', for suppos-
edly failing to make a VA Hospital
appointment for an "initial evalu-
ation in Apr. of 1990.
There is no point in expressing
my disgust over the State House of
Delegates decision to support W.A.R.
is there? And it should be plainly
clear the real state of our union, the
President's contentions to the con-
trary, notwithstanding.
Many Thanks
By R C. Long
RIVER GO] GE; Conductor
John B. Lutz killed.
Like many pioneer people to the
New River Gorge, Mr. Peter Bowyer
came to New River from Pennsylva-
nia. He settled at a place where a
wagon read crossed New River near
the mouth of Mann's Creek and was
granted a right to operate a ferry by
the Virginia Legislature. The place
was known for many years as
Bowyer's Ferry.
With the coming of the Chesap-
eake and Ohio Rail way through the
gorge, Longdale Iron Company of
Longdale, Va.,in needofcoke, bought
several acres of coal land in the area
to mine coal and manufacture coke
for their blast furnace. The C. & O.
Railway built a depot and yard fa-
cilities there and named it Sewell
Station after the early explorer,
Steven Sewell who had left signs of
his having been in the area much
Soon afterward, Longdale Iron
Company employed John A.
McGuffin and John B. Wren, two
engineers for the C. & O.Iocating the
railway line through the gorge, to
oversee their enterprises at Sewell
Station. Mr. McGuffin located the
mine on the side of the mountain
some 940 feet above the railway and
Mr. Wren, with his gang of stonema-
sons, began building beehive coke
ovens to convert the coal into coke
for shipment to Longdale, Va.
A rope hauling incline was con-
structed from the mine entry to a
tipple alongside the railway track.
Not long after the mine went into
operation there was an accident on
the incline and was reported in
Hinton's newspaper, The Mountain
Herald, Jan. 29, 1874 as follows:
As the cars were going up the
incline at Sewell Station a few days
ago, one of the screws that holds the
bands gave away, and the three
empty cars going up were thrown
with such force against the landing
as to be broken all to atoms. One
piece struck Mr. Burke, the guide,
hitting him on the back of the head
with such force as to cause the belief
that he was killed, but he rallied
from the shock and when Dr. McCh-
esney arrived found him without a
fractured skull.
Phe three cars loaded with coal
that were coming down the incline
when the rope broke, jumped clear
on to the Chesapeake and Ohio rail-
road track emptying the coal and
falling on the opposite side, broke all
to pieces."
Coal, coke and lumber put Sewell
on the map and for several years was
the busiest and highest revenue
paying station for the C. & O. in the
New River Gorge.
A terrible accident occurred at
Sewell, Tuesday March 12, 1907
when John B. Lutz, a popular Hin-
ton resident and conductor for the C.
& O. was killed and brakeman Hugh
and gloom over the entire
Hinton populace. A short time after
the accident at Sewell, the =F.F.V."
fast passenger train No. 3, ran into a
slide at Powley's Creek in which
Engineer John W. Flanagan and
Fireman Michael Quinn were killed
but thats another story to follow
next week.
At 3:20 a.m., Tuesday March 12,
1907, Conductor John B. Lutz and
Brakeman Hugh Ratliff were in the
caboose of an eastbound coal train
being delayed at Sewell. The caboose
of their train was standing on the
bridge over Mann's Creek when they
observed the headlight of an east-
bound train approaching and clos-
ing in on the rear of their train.
Suddenly realizing the train was not
going to stop short of their caboose,
both attempted to vacate to safety.
Brakeman Ratliff quickly jumped
and landed in Mann's Creek about
thirty feet below the adbed. Con-
ductor Lutz was unable to get out
and was crushed to death when the
caboose was destroyed upon impact.
Mr. Lutz's body was brought to
Hinton on passenger train No. 4 and
taken to Vest Undertaking Rooms to
be prepared for burial. Hugh Ratliff
was taken to Hinton Hospital. His
injuries were minor cuts and bruises
and he was in danger of pneumonia
being thoroughly chilled from expo-
sure in the cold icy water of Mann's
John B. Lutz was born Oct. 15,
1866, killed March 12, 1907, age 41.
He lived in Avis with is wife and
seven small children who, along with
many friends and associates, grieve
his untimely death. He was born
into a large family of eight, four
brothers and two sisters living in
Florida. and two sisters, Mrs. Mollie
Burr and Mrs. Jere Whitlock of
Clifton Forge, Va.
A funeral service was held in First
Christian Church of Hinton located
on Ballengee St. across the street
from the school library, Minister D.
Editor, The Hinton News:
Recent newspaper reports that
Agriculture Commissioner Cleve
Benedict maintains an illegal open
dump on his farm in Greenbrier Co.
should be disturbing to all West
Virginians, particularly in light of
his recent statement in the Char-
leston Gazette that he is a friend of
the environment.
A limestone sinkhole is the worst
possible place to dump garbage.
Sinkholes are caused by the ground-
water dissolving the soft limestone
until the surface collapses. This is
the same process that created all of
the caves Greenbrier Co. is famous
for. If you put garbage in a sinkhole,
Dear Editor:
thanks you might as well be pouring your This accident was the first of two
M • for the a'clesyou h right into your (and your that would at dy; cati'ng
Since we are a profit , " ....
Deesn t a man who is Agriculture
corporation and are working with Commissioner, a man who claims to
low-income youth, as well as with
adults, this publicity really helps us.
Mr. Gaskins, Program Director of
the National Endownment for the
Arts in Washington, D.C., said that
our evaluation for 1991 was very
favorable, and that we qualify for
two grants -- one under Expansion
Arts, and the other(anew one) under
Education in the Arts. Of course
qualifying and getting are sometimes
two different things, since there are
always more applications than
money and it is then up to a commit-
tee to decide.
We hope to be able to work with
more youth throughout the year, and
to be able to go to more public schools
with our presentations, l'fwe get the
grants, we can better afford to do
Our performances for the public
are designed to aid us financially as
well as to gain recognition -- our
performances within the school sys-
tems are to build programs that will
aid the young people through build-
ing up their self.esteem.
Again, thanks.
Martha Fanlkner
Lewisburg, WV
Dear Editor:
I was in a bad auto accident in
1989 and am restricted as to how far
I can walk. (About I block) and since
that time I have observed people
who can walk without problems,
parking in handicapped parking
I wonder if they would like to go
through what some of us went
through, and go through yet to have
that parking privledge.
I think they need to be marked
plainer and fines imposed on people
who just don't care who they are
taking a parking place from that
really needs that shorter distance.
Elizabeth Schroeder
Hinton, WV
Thursdays at 8 startingJune 20th.
thru Aug. 22nd. Come to Pipestem
State Park Amphitheatre. Eco-
Theatre presents Scenes of W.Va.
West Virginia's Nonacting Actor:
Kathy Jackson, Martha Asbury -
Faullkner & troupe. Plus Judy
Walker with Sarge, Jim, Lana, &
Admission only $3.00.
be an environmentalist, know this?
Doesn't he know that having an open,
unlicensed dump on your property
has been illegal for years? Perhaps it
explains why he helped organize
farmers against our state's new
Groundwater Protection Law. Per-
haps he simply doesn't know or care
much about how to preserve our well
water, how to properly dispose of
garbage, or about our envionment.
DNR inspector Susan Kershner
should be commended for doing her
job without fear of stepping on the
toes of the mighty. Whenever we've
called her to look at a problem in
Summers Co., she has done a fine
and fair job.
After all, you can't ask a law en-
forcement officer to ignore a quar-
ter-acre of illegally dumped cars,
appliances, barrels, insulation, tires,
roofing and oil and cleaning fluid
containers, all oozing straight into
the groundwater, no matter how
important the dumper is.
Andrew Maier
Chairman, Summers County
Solid Waste Authority
WHAT: Meeting of the BLUE-
WV Head Injury Foundation, Inc.
WHEN: Tues. Aug. 13 6:30 - 8:00
WHERE: So. Hills Regional Re-
hab. Hospital, 1st Floor Conf. Rm.
Princeton, WV.
For more information, please
contact Bonnie Dorsey Shorter at
(304) 487.8000.
Letters are welcome, but no more
than one letter each month will be
accepted frem tbe ssme writer. Pref-
erence will be given to letters of 300
wordsor less. Longer letters may be
shortened or rejected. Letters must
be signed and must include an ad-
dress and phone number. The tele-
phone number will not be published.
Letters will be edited for grammer,
spelling, taste, syntax, and libel.
Names will not be withheld.
Addrem them to Letters to the
Editor, P. O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV
M. Walker officiating.
Burial was in Hill Top Cemetery
near Hinton, W.Va.
tO coast. North to south. Any way
The Summers County Sin, 'ng
Convention will be held in Aug. at
Hix, WV.
The Epilepsy Support Group will
meet Aug. 22, 6:00 - 8:00 PM; at
Mountain State Centers For Indpen-
dent Living, 329 Prince St., Beck]ey,
I INTO;q, WVa, PHONE 4$-
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Dental Floss: Selection
and Proper Use
Dental floss comes in a variety
of types, flavors, and colors. The
varieties stocked in most pharma-
cies and other outlets include
waxed, unwaxed, ribbon, and tape.
If you have not used dental floss,
discuss the different types with your
dentist or dental hygienist. Ac-
cording to the Handbook of Non-
prescription Drugs, studies show
no difference in plaque removal or
the prevention of gum disease from
the use of waxed or unwaxed den-
tal floss. TheAmericanDentalAs-
sociation offers six suggestions re-
garding the use of dental floss:
(1) Break off about 18 inches of
floss and wind it around one of
your middle fingers. Wind the rest
around the same finger of the
opposite hand. (2)Useyour thumbs
and forefingers with an inch of
floss between them to guide the
floss between your teeth. (3) Hold-
ing the floss tightly, use a gentle
sawing motion to insert the floss
between your teeth. (4) When the
floss reaches the gumline, curve it
into a C-shape against one tooth
and gently slide it into the space
between the gum and the tooth
until you feel resistance. (5) While
holding the floss tightly against the
tooth, move the floss away from
the gum and scrape the side of the
tooth. (6) Repeat this procedure on
the remaining teeth. Remember to
floss at in., that.(O l,:-{
ticles will nStYbfiaain een ,
teeth all nigh ..... ,
, ,, , [
you look at it. with Amtrak's great fares you
get terrific mileage from
your travel dollar, TO over
500 destlnatlons, we'll
give you a great deal for
your money.You will enjoy
priceless views of America
plus the fun, unique expe-
rience of atratn trip.
NtW Y011K $132
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are even sleep-
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Roomy seats, food
and beverage service
and our friendly staff
wlll go a long way
toward making your
trip as memorable as
It Is affordabie. There
Departs Su., We., Ft.:
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Amtrak Station,
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datlons on some trains. So call your travel
agent or Amtrak at
a pretty sectacular
Seats are limited. Children 2-15 travel half-fare and must be accompanied by an adult. Up to two children per adult fare.
Fares subject to change without notice. Other restrictions apply•
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