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(Continuing the Hinton Daily News & The Weekend Leader)
Home of the W. Va. Water Festival
Volume 90 No. 16 Hinton, West Virginia Tuesday Aug. 13, 1991
23 Summons Issued for
II IIIlll'
25 Cents
Illegal Dumping
Don't dump your trash in Sum-
mers County," warns Larry Red-
mond, Supervisor of the Summers
County Solid Waste Authority. In
the last two months Redmond says
that he has obtained 23 summonses
ordering people to appear before a
county magistrate to answer charges
of allegedly dumping garbage in
Summers County. Another 20 have
been notified of a possible violation,
he maid, =which later may result in a
summons being issued."
According to Redmond, "almost
half of the violators are from other
counties in the state."
So far three have been convicted
in magistrate court for litter viola-
tions. Two of these, Redmond said,
were Raleigh County residents.
Richard James, of Daniels, en-
tered a no contest plea before
Magistrate Bill Jeffries and was fined
$150 plus $26 court cost.
Jerry Lee Miller, of Rhodell, en-
tered a =guilty" plea before Magis-
trato James E. Wootie" Beasley and
fined $150 plus $26 court cost.
dent with a Meadow Bridge address,
entered a =no contest" plea before
BNudey. Along with a $150 fine and
$26 court coet, Beasley sentenced
him to 3 days working with the
county cleanup program ecause
he lives in this countyfi Redmond
"We intend to bring everyone we
believe to be involved in litter viola-
tions to trial," Redmond said. =As we
cleanup the county we continue to
collect more names. Unfortunately,
because of the case load of both
magistrates, it will take a few months
before all litter violators are brought
to trial."
Redmond said names are being
collected daily as county prisoners
shift through mountains of trash
from illegal open dumps and debris
that has been scattered along the
highway and in rivers and streams.
In the past two months, Redmond
said, county prisoners have removed
a total of 34 illegal dumps through-
out the county. This has "resulted in
over 35,000 pounds of trash being
sent to a landfill and over 83,000
pounds that could be recycled."
Every major highway and most
secondary roads in Summers County
has been cleaned at least once, he
said. According to Redmond, in-
mates picked up over 125 bags of
trash in tp .da,bet.wn, ....
and Meadow Bridge. =It's unbeliev-
able the amount of garbage that as
been thrown along our highways.
We worked one day on Rt. 3 from the
Raleigh Co. line to the New River
Bridge at Hinton and picked up 61
bags of trash. People don't realize
how much trash is out there.
Special Day/Special Train
By Sheri Benson
Dozens of some of Summers
County's finest home craft talent
was on display Sat. in celebration of
a special event. The running of the
train organized by the Collis P.
Huntington Historical Railroad
SoCiety, from Huntington, WV,
pulled 31 cars into Hinton by diesel
engines, but was taken home by two
steam engines, the 765 (Nickeplate
Railroad) and the 1225 (Pere Mar-
quette) from Oh. People from Eng-
land, Australia and across the U.S.
Were among t' 1,099 aboard, arriv-
ing in Hinton around 5:00 p.m.
Enroute to Hinton, the two steam
engines made a stop-over at Meadow
.:Creek for watering and coaling pur-
pos before arriving for its fans in
Hinton at around 7:00 p.m. The
travelers were met by an enthusias-
tic and welcoming crowd. They were
prented plenty ofgood food, enter-
tainment and take home souvenis -
memories to take home, (by Sum-
mers County's refreshing hospital-
Bob Wheeler, a railroad special
agent (policeman) for 28 years said
that this =train days" type of event
has become festive and enjoyable,
having started out as simple refresh-
ments and wares offered to =Free-
dom Special = train arrivals at the
station. Now the whole community
is involved in the celebrating of train
But can anyone ride these special
passenger trains? Where are tickets
purchased? Brian Gessel, Commu-
nications Representative for the
Historical Railroad Society said, =Get
tickets well in advance, a ]east a
week before the scheduled trip. The
number to call is 304-522-6140. Weql
sond you a trips borchure on re-
quest. Some of the ones planned soon
are Sept. 1, a trip from St. Albans
aboard the 765 to Cincinnati to see
the Reds vs. the Mete baseball game;
pt. 7 - front.Logan to Huntington
for the inaugraticm of the new sta-
diumEtMi;and the New River
Train from St, Albans to Hinton on
Oct. 12, ] 3, 19, 20, 26, 27."
What makes riding the 765 or the
But the people that live along
these roads appreciate what the
inmates are doing for the county and
=have been very cooperative in watch-
ing areas where dumps have been
cleaned," Redmond said, =and re-
porting 'litter violator' to me, the
Sheriffs Dept. and to local Conser-
vation Omcdrs."
County prisoners that volunteer
for the cleanup program, sponsored
by the Sum&ers County Solid Waste
Authority, receive one day off their
prison sentence for each day worked.
Except for one minor nail puncture
to a foot, a few insect bits and minor
scratches, no injuries have been
=It's hard work for everyone and
we still have a lot of dumps in the
county to clean, but we intend to get
to all of them as soon as possible,"
Redmond said.
Many people deserve a =special
thanks for making the cleanup
program a success, Redmond said.
"I want to recognize Bobby Joe
Maddy and Jim Ri©hmond of the
1225 steam engine trains special?
They are the only two steam engines
still operational.
and drivers to pick ul we
have collected. The inmates at the
Summers County Jaithat have
volunteered for the pff
Tom Briers and his staff,
Magistrate's Bill Jeffries and
"Wootie" Beasley, the Solid Waste
Authority which is he by An-
drew Maier, president, and Steve
'Dusty' Trail, vice prnidont, and
everyone involved in the 'Adopt a
Highway Program in Summers
County.' We are all striving to make
Summers County the cleanliest
county in the state."
Settlement Reached, in
Students Lunch Suit
By Fred Long
A federal civil rights suit against
the county Board of Education,
brought by Hinton High School stu-
dents that suffered "public humili-
ation = when their names were posted
on a list of unpaid school lunch bills;
ended, yesterday, with an out of court
settlement for an undisclosed
Three students eligible for free
lunch at the Hinton High School
filed suit against the school board in
May 1990 after being ordered to pay
for "milkshakes which would other-
wise be free to them," according to
the suit.
These students, the suit says,
suffered =embarrassment and pub-
lic humiliation" when they had their
names placed on a =deadbeat" list
that was posted at as many as 30
locations throughout the school.
They were also told, the suit says,
that %eniors will not be permitted to
graduate with unpaid bills..."
The three students, one a senior,
the other a junior and the third a
sophomore, filed the federal civil
rights complaint, which alsoincluded
their parents, Jack Harvey and
Janice Shrader, in Beckley U. S.
District Court claiming the school
system violated the National School
Lunch Act which provides for free
and reduced meals under certain
Named as defendants in the suit
is School Board members John Lilly,
Bill Dillon, Bud Shanks, Bill
Mathews and former board member
Billy Joe Lilly, former superinten-
dent Jim Tassos, acting euperinten.
dent tichie" Redes and Hinton High
School principal Lynn Crowder. The
suit sought $30,000 from each of
According to the court settlement,
=the defendants are enjoined (for-
bidden) from posting lists in public
view of students who owe money to
the school lunch program" and =the
defendants and their agents are
enjoined from engaging in reprimls
or threats ofreprisals in other school
areas for failure to pay bills alleg-
edly owed to the school lunch pro-
=To me," Harvey said following
the settlement, =this is just another
embarrassment for Summers
County. How very sad that a parent
or student has to appeal to thecourts
on a matter such as this and that the
judge has to tell the leaders of our
school system that it's wrong to
humiliate children, to deny them
their rights and also wrong to
threaten them and engage in repri-
sals when children stand up for their
The settlement also states: "...
students participating in the school
lunch program at Hinton Hi gh School
shall be notified of thel right to
request a hearing prior t termina-
tion of eligibility for the lunch pro.
gram as provided for ih Federal
Statutes and RegulationS;
"... studenteat I-linton High School
shall he notified of their right to a
hearing prior to being prohibited
from attending the Junlor/Senior
Prom as a consequence 4f a delin-
quent account with the school lunch
program or other p roblemh with the
program of like nature;
"... students at Hin ton High hool
shall be notified of their Hght to a
hearing prior to having gr report
cards and graduation /rivtle
withheld a oonNqtmn, af a do,
linquent account with t hool
lunch program " other roblems
with the program of like rmture.
County inmates worked hard last month remov-
ing garbage from open dumps and from along the
highway in the second month of the Summers
County Solid Waste Authority cleanup program.
Larry Redmond, supervisor, said the successful
cleanup operation could not have been possible
without the cooperation of county road supervi-
sor Bobby Joe Maddy and Jim Richmond of the
county highway dept. According to Redmond
ways dept. lie said, of that amount, 83,000 lbs.
could be recycled. Shown in the photo above, on
the DOH truck, is Tom Stennett, left, one of the
supervisors, and inmate Darrell Weikle. On the
ground are inmates (left to right) [Ienry Ruff, Jr.,
David Weikle, Leslie Weikle, Roger Dale Ham-
monde and Randy Cox. The below photo shows
the inmates on the Pie Hollow Rd. where over
42,000 lbs. of trash was removed during a five day
over 118,000 lbs. of trash was hauled to a landf'dl in cleanup campaign late last month.
June and July by trucks furnished by the high-
A total of 277 bags of
trash, 34 appliances,
several vehicles and
vehicle parts were re-
moved from open dumps
on the Pie Hollow Rd. by
nine county prisoners
that have volunteered to
work in the county
cleanup program. For
each day a prisoner
works they become eli-
gible for one day offtheir
sentence. According to
Larry Redmond, Super-
visor, inmates spent five
days on the Pie Hollow
Rd. cleaning up and re-
moving the unsightly
trash that has been ac-
cumulating along the
road for a number of
years. All photos by
Larry Redmond.
Inmates David Weikle, left, and Brad Lester found four venomous
copperheads while cleaning up tons of trash at one of three open
dumps on the Pie Hollow Road at Talcott late last month. Larry
Redmond, Supervisor, said these sites were selected for early
cleanup because they could be seen from the Talcott schooL
County Prosecutor's
Arraignment Scheduled
By Fred Long
County Prosecutor Joe Aucre-
manne is scheduled to be arraigned
on Aug. 29 on felony charges that he
allegedly injured a Pennsylvania
man during an altercation near
Aucremanne's farm on July 20, ac-
cording to magistrate court records.
Charges of malicious assault were
iseued against Aucremanne based
on a complaint filed by Paul Witiw,
of Phili4v|phia, Pa., before Magis-
trate Bill Jeffries.
According to Witiw's complaint,
the alleged struggle occurred after
Aucremanne called police to investi-
gate gunfire. =I was talking to
Trooper (R. C.) Jones when Aucre-
manne arrived.
Witiw claims he =approached
Aucremanne to speak with him, in a
non threatening manner." At that
point, Witiw alleges Aucremanne
"grabbed me and threw me to the
ground. I hit my head on a reck."
According to the complaint, Witiw
was allegedly treated the next day
at a Princeton hospital and released.
=The Dr. said that I had a possible
concussion, Witiw alleges.
Both county Magistrates have
removed themselves from hearing
the charge =to avoid the appearance
of impropriety and Louis L. Longs-
nacre, a Greenbrier County Magis.
trate, has been appointed a special
magistrate to hear the Summers
County complaint. The arraignment
is scheduled to begin at 10 am. '
Upon conviction, malicious as,
sault charges carry a possible two to
10 year prison sentence. "