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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 10, 1999     The Hinton News
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August 10, 1999
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2 - Hlnton News Tues. Aug. 10. 1999 iota a-nd Mor--e'PeopleareRea'din--gour-Newspaper ]I Because a recent survey found that The HINTON NEWS is the favored source for three out of five for local news and advertising items. Save $$$ Call (304) 466-0005 Monday through Friday, or send this coupon to the sddrm below and we will bill you for your 52 week subscription. d , / tmm- ) L c. State Zip. TEAR & MAIL TO: THE HINTON NEWS P. O. BOX 1000 HINTON, WV 25951 Letter to the Editor CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS Dear Editor: 2) Executive Order 10997 - The American Constitution Provides for the takeover of all provides for three branches of electric power, petroleum, gas, fuels, government; they are the and minerals. Legislative, Executive and the Judicial branch. The Legislative writes the law, the Executive sign it into law and the Judidal examine the law for Constitutional violations. The Executive branch has found a way to got around the Constitution by a system called Executive Orders. In 1978, Samuel P. Huntington drafted for Jimmy Carter Presidential Memorandum 32, which led to the creation of FEMA in 1979. FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Consider the following Executive Orders under the authority of FEMA in case of any National emergency declare by the President. 1) Executive Order 10995 - Provides for the takeover of the communications media. Websites offer "E-postca_vds" Internet users can access the City of Hinton and the Summers County Convention & Visitors Bureau websites and send greetings via e- mail called E-Postcards. There are 12 pictures in all you can choose from on both sites," said Cindy Cooper, City Manager, "so if you want to sendsomeone a "hometown hello," it is as simple as clicking a button and your friend or relative can have a picture of home instantly. a Ms. Cooper said the pictures offer a variety of both Hinton and Summers County and were all taken and donated by Carla Leslie. "We have a good variety, including a picture of a steam engine, a picture of the lake, one of the dam, the John Henry monument, the Graham House, the courthouse, and some of the historic district. "A lot of people have mentioned to us that they would like to be able to share things on .the site with friends and loved ones, so now they can. Plus, this is a great way to attract more people to look at beth sites." Ms. Cooper said for the period of June 21 - July 20,1999 (a one month period), both the Hinton website and the Summers County CVB website combined remived 23,237 hits. "That means in one month 23,237 people have taken the time to visit historic Hinten & Summers County via the internet? Top countries who visit the sites are the US, followed by Canada, the UK, and Japan. Top states are Virginia, followed by West Vmrinia, Caiifomia, and Oregon as well as Alberta and Ontario, Canada. rathe Washington, D.CJ Vienna, Vhlnia area tops the list of cities for interact visitation," she said. The City of Hinton website address is: and the Summers County Convention & Waiters Bureau website address is:'Just click on the E-Postcard button and youl be ready to go," she said. 3) Executive order 10988 - Provides for the takeover of food resources and farms. 4) Executive Order 10999 - Provides for the takeover of all modes of transportation; control highways, seaports, etc. 5) Executive Order 11000 - Provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under the government supervision. 6) Executive Order 11001 - Provides for governmental takeover of all health, education, and welfare functions. 7) Executive Order 11002 - Designates the Postmaster General to operate a National Registration of all persons. 8) Executive Order 11004 - Provides for the Housing and Finance Authority ,to, relocate communities, designate .areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations. All of the above were combined into Executive Order 11490 and was signed by President Carter on July 20th, 1979 and is in fact la So ff H. R. 4079 passed and the President declares a National Emergency, such as a drug situation or the Y2K Problem (FEMA) then can implement all Executive Orders takeover all local, state and national government, suspend the Constitution and do whatever they want to do. Oh, what a difference from early Colonial preachers and today's preachers. Back then, church members got their Ecclesiastical and Political information from the pulpit. Today's preachecs are ahnost ignorant about governmental iuues and therefore, not able to be the watchman which God called them to be. (Ezek. 3:16-19) Listen, dear Baptists preachers, learn a lesson from the Presbyterian John Knox, who knew well that without free enterprise in Scotland, he could not have preached the gospel. We are losing our liberties in America and we need more John Knox's in our land to stand in the gap and cry aloud; "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land. May God help us." FIBROMYALG.IA SUPPORT GROUP Fibromyalgia Support Group hustings are held every third Friday ! of the month at the Summers County Community Wellness Cent, located on Temple St. at 6:00 p.m, New and old members are urged to attend. Everyone welcome. Disaster at Stillhouse Trestle. Reprint from The Train Dispatcher with perm/asion. On Sept. 27, 1903, No. 97, pulled by engine 1102, left Washington somewhat late, lost more time because of various delays on the 165- mile portion of the run between Washington and Monroe, Vs., and pulled into Monroe an hour behind time. Monroe was a division point, where the crew changed. The engineer scheduled to handle the train out of Monroe was Joseph A. Broady, nicknamed Steve after the well-publicized Steve Brodie who had reportedly won a bet several years before by jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. Broady had been working on the Southern only a month, having come from the Pocahontas Division of tne N&W. Broady's fireman that day was A. C. Clapp and a student fireman named Dodge was in the cab, learning the engine and the road. The conductor was Thomas Blair and the flagman was S. J. Needy. One verse of the song written after the wreck read, "They handed him his orders at Monroe, Virginia, Sayin"Steve, you're away behind time. This is not Thirty-eight but it's Old Ninety-seven; You must put ' er in Spencer on time,' From Monroe to Spencer is 166 miles and the train's running time was four hours and fifteen minutes. Broady was expected to maim up as much as he could of the hour-late he Letter to the Editor (Leviticus 25:10) Cail your Congreesman and indst that he/abe delivers into your hands a complete copy of H. R. 4079 immediately. Do not take no for an answer. Rud it and defeat it. Our very own liberties are at stake. Loule, Cordova Beck]ey l We take orders on Monday and dellver on Tuesday (Within Hinton Area) Conference Slated Dear Sir, Mining Your History Foundation in WV ( this is the State Genealogical group) is planning a nfetmceoto he helin Wheeling, WV, October 28, 29 and 30th. We would like to invite all those who are doing genealogical research, especially here in West Virginia to attend and share in this program. There will be 18 classes on both the 28th and 29th (a total of 36 classes) This event will be held at the McLure House Motel on 12th and Market Street in Wheeling. Speakers include: Fred Armstrong, Margaret Brennan, John B. Briley, Ken Craft Diane Davis Damley, Carrie Eldridge, Sister Joann Gonter, Pat Gouldy, Mary Lou Henderson, Dr. David Javersak, James Jeffrey, Larry Mclntyre, David McKain, John S. Mattox, Robert T. Messner, James R. Mitchell, Jean S. Morris, Knren Cartwright Nance, Kathleen Peot, Sheri Pettit, Edward Phillips, Gerald Reiliy, Joy Gilchrist Stalnaker, Philip Sturrm, Dr. Edward C. Wolf. You can either write to MYHF Conference 99, P.O. Box 6923, Charleston, WV 25362.0923 or go onto the web site for Brooke County Genealogy (one of the host groups) at http'J/www, angelfire .corn/wv/beg for details and relgistrations forms. Early registrations are due by September 15th. Vendors interested in participating can contact Wes Cochran at: 2515 10th Avenue, Parkersburg, WV 26101-5829 or use E Mail We do hope to see you in Wheel! Happy searching, Gwendolyn Mackey Hubbard Pres. Brooke County Genealogy P.O. Box 144 Beech Bottom, WV 26030-0144 Eddie's Market 201 Greenbrler Drive Hinton, W.VA. 466-6@81 SPECIAL CIGARETTES I PREMIUMS Rmt Class 811.N a oarton I Mnstm, Camel usa $12.zi a €on I K° & Smar"-d t20"49 a cltm Maverick $14. s carton I  ........................ stm Montclair $15.49 a ©arton i PACKSPECIJ.S: ooml m.macwt°nl  .. , .. , u .- , .- , n ,. , . ,r..., r.l mm l oo I Wlmm l Basic 116.49 1 uqoni I-"'--"-"--"--'-'----- Gi ll&00 a trton ! SPEC,AL S.U00 i I I PREMIUMS ...... Ridvod & ""-J,,ma 1 as i $ ! I SPECL CHEW I !o ...... ,,tn,€o, I ,... c,. . .,.,,i+ l -- "'"' ' ""' had inherited when he took over at the throttle. Experienced railroaders of that day said in view of curves, grades and track conditions it could have been utterly impossible to have made up an hour on the 4 1/2 hour run. Broady was described as a fast runner and something of a gambler, and as soon as he finished reading his orders, he took off the bridle and let the 1102 romp." On the outskirts of Danville, Va., there was a wooden structure known as Stillhouse Trestle which carried the track over Cherrystone Creek about 75 feet below. A combined curve and descending grade made Stillhouse Trestle one of the most dangerous spots in the White Oak Mountain area On approaches to each side of the trestle there were signs reading, "Slow Up, Trestle." But Broady, in his anxiety to make up time, disregarded those signs and is estimated to have taken the curve at full speed. Mountaineers in the area agreed later that it was precisely three o'clock that the locomotive's whistle let out a wild, piercing shriek, and it was apparently at that moment that the flanges of the locomotive wheels let go of the rails, and the entire train hurtled down into the gully. So great was the speed of the ten-wheeler locomotive that she jumped a full hundred feet forward from the spot where she left the track, before coming to a halt with her nose buried in the mud bank of the stream in a cow pasture below. Another verse of the song gives graphic description, as follows: "He Was going down the grade makin' ninety miles an hour When the whistle broke into a screal. He was found in the wreck with his hand on the throttle, And a- scalded to death by the steam." A telegrapher on the Southern's Danville Division at the time, Tom Acres, reported that those killed were engineer Broady, Firemen Clapp and Dodge, Cortducr Blair, FUND ESTABLISHID A fund for Brock Wright, son o Christy and Kevin Wright an( grandson of City Councilman Bobb. and Shirley Wheeler, has beex established at City National Ban] to aid in the expenses associatec with his Bone Marrow Transplant. Anyone wishing to make donation may do so by mailing it tc The Brock Wright Fund, c/o Cit: National Bank, P. O Box 220 Hinton, WV. 25951. 'revenoo agent." One story had it that he was working as a telegrapher at the time of the wreck, at Franklin Junction, VA. (now Gretna). Another version had him working as town constable at Gretna. He arrived at the disaster BABY ITEMS NEEDED REACHH is in need of all baby items. Such as clothes, bottles, pla pins, cribs. If you would like t donate such items. Call 466-4659 o , drop off at REACHH. scene while efforts were still being If you have borrowed any bab: made to rescue the injured, and ,items from REACHH and are n, reclaim the bodies of the dead. longer using them, please return t According to this own account, he thought up the words of the ditty I later to become known as "The i Wreck of Old '97," and wrote down the words that evening when he got home. He and one of his daughters set the words to the tune of an old song titled "The Ship that Never Returned," and the daughter used to sing it on numerous occasions. Twenty-three years later, in 1927, Dave George was driving a mule team through a village in Virginia and heard a phonograph blaring the song. He pulled up the team, exclaiming, "That's my song!" He went into the shack where the machine was playing and talked to the man who lived there. The stranger agreed with Dave that he ought to have some money coming to him for having written the song, but Dave, now an old man, did not know how to go about establishing a claim. Later he read in a Richmond, VA., newspaper that the Victor Talking Machine Company, maker of the record, was looking for the composer to pay him royalties on it. Dave filed a claim, along with many other persons who wanted to get in on the royalty money, but the Victor Company gave Dave no satisfaction, so in 1930 the elderly hillbilly took the case to court. ARer a lengthy civil trial in a Federal District Court, the court decided in March 1933 that David G. George was the original author of the ballad and ordered the Victor Company to pay Dave royalities on the 5 million records it had issued. His share was estimated to amount to $65,295. But Dave's elation was short-lived. The i Appeals Court reversed the decision, and Dave's attorney :took the case to REACHH. COR. d AVIL & TImT%g lrr. HINTOI, WVa, PHON 4 Mark i!+ Ellimn, :+::ii R. Ph. Polio Vaccine: Switch from the Oral Expected Vaccination is a measure we take to protect ourselves and our family members from conditions that can cause suffering and death. Polio vaccination protects against poliomyelitis and is a standard part of the immunization of children in the US and many other countries. A viral infection, polio can cause paralysis, respiratory failure, and death. Before the approval of the first polio vaccine in 1955, as many as 21,000 new cases of polio were reported each year in the US. The first polio vaccine was made from the inactivated virus (IPV) and was given by injection. Then, in the 1960s, an oral vaccine (OPV) became available. The OPV is placed on a sugar cube and taken by mouth. A problem with OPV is that a small number of children who receive it are tis+ k six postal clerks and 9e employee . the Supreme Court, which voversed of the Southeastern Express Co. the appellate court and sustained Seven postal clerks escaped the wreck with only injuries, and one clerk, W. F. Pinkhey, escaped without a scratch. Pinkney was so shaken, however, that he went directly to his home in Charlotte, N.C., and wrote out his resignation, observing that one train wreck was enough to last him for a lifetime. Two Among the hillbillies who gathered at the scene following the wreck, to assist in the rescue work, was an itinerant worker named Dave George. He had reportedly dabbled in various jobs as brakeman, farmer, boxer and even the lower court. But the Victor Company kept the matter in court and enmeshed in legal red tape. An impasse was finally reached which could only be settled by another appeal to the US. Supreme Court. This was in 1939, and this time the high court declined to again review the case. Thus it is that to this day, the authorship of "Old 97" remains a mystery, legally speaking. POLICY Letters are welco,% but no more than one letter each month will be acceptodlomthe same writer. Pref- erence will be given to letters of 300 words or lmm. Longer lettm may be shortened or rejected. Lettms must be signed and mut include an ad- drsu and pbene number. The tele- phone number will not be published. Lettm will be edited for grmnmar, spelling, taste, syntax, and libel Nm will not be wlthhdd. Addrsu them to Letters to the F, diter, 1). O. Box 1000, Hinton, WV 25951. of gtting polio from th,yacinc, Therisk ns estimated to be about I out of every 2.4 million doses. Up to 10 cases are reported annually. For this reason the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now recommending that children be vaccinated with the IPV only. The goal is to completely eliminate vaccine-related poliomyelitis. The American Academy of Pediatrics is expected to update their vacci- nation recommendations to match ' those of the CDC. EO_B__$AII00 10% o#.. Accessories in Stock Bar oil $3.29 gal. 2 for $5.95 Gas mix $1.20 ea. 6 for $5.95 16" Saw chains $12.95 ea. 2 for $24.00 Files $1.00 ea. 12 for $10.00 2 Riding Lawfi Mowers $425.00 ea. Hlnton Chain Saw Shop I mile up Madams Creek I Call 466-5338 Open Men., Tues. Thurs. and Fri. 8 - 5:00 Sat. 8 - 12:00. Closed Wed. Grandpa's General Store It's Our I Year Anniversary Come Celebrate With Us Fri. & Sat., Aug. 13 & 14 Grandpa & Company Says: Thank You Neighbors, Relatives, Old Friends & New Friends for your business, prayers and encouragement. Moore's Chips b/or n.. Full Servlee Gas Everyday Live bait, taekle, sportings goods Smiles Free Everyday Visit our new addition Grandpa's Gifts, Antiques & Colleetlbles Grandpa's General Store on the Hmton By-Pass L W fo /d H ol C 1 C4 Is li C, J( D K fo of of ot D tv el a] S P fo G Y s i v I I !