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8 - Hinton News Tues. Aug. 7, 1990
Aug. 10 - Fri.. 6pro - Sidetrack
Waterslide Park
The City of Hinton, many local
Businesses, the First National Bank
of Hinton and various individuals
throughout Summers County chal-
ton, WV 25951.
Doris Yates.Membership Chair-
Clara Burton - Co-Chairman.
National Runners-Up
Southern West Virginia AAU-
YBOA 12-year olds recently won
runner - up in the 1990 Youth Bas-
ketball of America National in Flor-
ment in Huntington. The team de-
feated SWV 13, Parkarsburg and 2
teams from Charleston in raising
their record to 11-5. Patricia Sea of
lenge to a game of volley ball!
The registration fee is $2.00 per
person. After your team plays, cool
off at the waterslide. The first place
team will be awarded a trophy, and
pizza and beverages, while the run-
ners- up will receive the pizza and
For more information on these
events, or to make reservations,
plemm call the Sidetrack Reetaru-
ant at 466.1600.
The W.Va. State Water Festival
Program Booklet will be available to
the public, beginning Aug. 1. The
books will be located in various
businesses in and around Hinton.
We will be asking a one dollar (per
booklet) donation, to help defray
The Water Festival program
committee thanks everyone for their
interest and support.
Pre-register now to enter the WV
Water Festival Quilt Show being
held in the Memorial Building, Aug.
8 - 12, by calling Erma Meadows
466-3907 or Lou Pack 466-3657.
5:30 p.m.
Ten Percent of all Sales goes to
the Water Festival. Ribbons will be
awarded for first, w ond and third
place in each category. A $50. sav-
ings bend will be awarded to q3est of
Anyone may enter. There is a
$1.00 entry fee.
The Annual Homecoming of the
Low Gap Methodist Church will be
held Sun. Aug. 12th.
Ray. Darrell Harem, will be the
guest speaker at 11:00 A.M., after-
which a picnic will be served.
The public is cordially invited.
Friends of Sunrise present 5th
Annual Antiques Show & Sale.
55 dealers.
Sept. 8-9 at the Charleston Civic
Sat. 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and
Sun. Noon to 5:00 p.m.
$3.50 Admission and children
under 12 free.
The regular monthly meeting of
the New River Parkway Authority
scheduled for Mon. Aug. 13, will
include a special slide presentation
and progress report on the southern
segment concept plan.
The southern portion of the park-
way will eventually extend from
Hinton into Mercer County andlink
with 1-77.
Consul tents who have been work-
ing on this phase of the project will
present their findings to date and
solitict comments from Authority
members and citizens in attendance.
The meeting will be held in Con-
ference Room C of Concord College
Student Center in Athens beginning
at 7:00 p.m. Those persons inter-
ested in the New River Parkway,
particularly the southern end, are
encouraged to attend.
Bluestone Lake -Garden Club will
meet Aug. 13th at 12:30 P.M. for a
covered dish dinner at the home of
Miss Clifford Meadows, Lighffoot
All members please bring their
favorite wildflowar for flower ar-
Now forming W.Va. Regional
Blinded Veterans Organization.
Service connected or non sorvi¢
Please contact Orville Bragg,
Route 1, Box 10-A, Hinton or 304-
The Degree of Honor will meet
Thurs. Aug. 9 at 1:30 at the Diner.
All members please attend.
"Pne 1990-91 membership dues are
now being accepted by the Summers
County Association of Retirsd School
Membership is open to any one
interested in improving the purpom
of education. The State dues are
$5.00 annually; County dues and
Asmociate dues $2.00 annually.
Please make checks payable to S
C A R S E and mall to Marilyn
Faulkner, 202 Riverside Dr., Hin-
The armmd reunion of the decen-, "ida.
dents of Shields Ballard Jones will,
be held this year at the Summers
County 4-H Camp on Sun. Sept. 9th.
This has been changed from Aug.'
26 and the location changed from
the Camp of Ralph & RhodettaJones
at Riverside Rest.
Please call your friends and faro-
fly and notify them of these changes.
For more information call Eugene
Jones at 466-4246 or Ralph Jones at
From page 1
come out and be surprised, she said
with a smile.
Other activities planned for
Downtown Hinton include that
annual Firsman's Parade at 8 pm
Friday which will be followed by a
three hour Street Dance on the Post
Office Parking Lot.
Another popular annual event will
be the Street Fair located outside
the Memorial Building and inside
people will find the Quilt Show and
Arts & Crafts show. Thirty plus
quilts will be on display," Liakos
said, and the crafts will include silk
flower arrangements, handmade
animals and dolls and docks, wood-
crafts, acrylic paintings and water-
colors, crocheted itsms, Air Brush T-
shirts, Christmas ornaments,
wooden music boxes & banks & pic-
tures, and porcelain dolls. A lot of
nich things."
But the big event that everyone is
talking about is the Fireworks from
Cantrell Island at 9:30 pm Friday.
Don't miss it.
Following is a summary of the
1990 YBOANational Championship.
SWV 12 yr. old girls finished
National Runners-up.
On July 2 SWV received a 25-
point, 10 rebound effort from Joetta
Cales of Hinton Jr. High as they
defeated ICBA, of Orlando, FI. 75-40
to win the first game in pool play.
Lesley Schumacher of Glenwood
Jr. High added 12 points and dished
out 10 assists and Shelly Fogarty of
Morgantown also hit double-figures
with 12 points. Farrah Lilly of Hin-
ton Jr. High pulled down a game
high 12 rebounds.
July 3 SWV continues to roll with
a 47-19 win over St. Louis, Mo. Joetta
Cales scored 12 points and pulled
down 10 rebounds and Farrah Lilly
again has 12 rebounds for SWV.
Lori Shafer of Sandstone also
chipped in with 10 steals in the vic-
July 4 saw SWVlose a hard fought
41-40 decision to Kenner, La. South-
ern ralled from 10 points down with
3 minutes to go but couldn't pull out
the victory.
Lori Sharer led the way with 14
points and 13 steals and Erica Wil-
liams of Talcott Jr. High, pulled down
12 rebounds.
July 5 would see SWV defeat St.
Louis in the National Quarter fi-
nal•. Micah Lewis of White Sulphur
Springs scored 10 points and Erica
Williams grabbed 10 rebounds.
Also, Lori Sharer made 13 of 15
free throws to advance to the finals
of the free-throw competition, as did
Lesley Schumacher who also ad-
vanced to the finals of the 3-point
W. Va. Water Festival 5K
Talcott and Lori Shader of Sand-
stone made the All-Tournament
Apr. 14 SWV lines to Mercer
County 13 yr.olds 58-52. Joetta Cales
again leads with 12 points. Erica
Williams of Talcott scored I I points,
Loft Shafer and Farrah Lilly added
10 p nts. Season Record 11-6.
Apr. 16 SWV loess to Virginia 13
yr. old State Champion 34-30.
Roanoke broke open a close game
midway through the 3rd quarter.
Regular season record 11-7.
Apr. 20 SWV defeats Eastern
Greenbrier 13yr. olds 57-43 Patricia
Sea scored 15 points, Joetta Cales
adds 12 and Lasley Schumacher
Pictured is Vines Gilbert and Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion Region I Administrator William T. Russell.
Races Scheduled
The W.V& Water Festival New
River Run will be held in Hinton on
Thurs. Aug. 9 at 7 P.M. There will be
classes for male and female in the
following age groupe: 14 and under;
15 19; 20 to 29; 30 to 39; 40 to 49;
50 to 59; and 60 and over. ere will
be both a 5K run and walk.
The races will begin at Bellepoint
Park beside Bluestone Dam where
registration and check-in will take
place from 5:45 to 6:45 P.M. Regis-
tration fee is $10.00. T.shirts will be
given toall participants and awards
will be presented to the top finishers
in each age group.
For more information please call
New River Gorge National River
Hinton Visitor Center at 466-0417
between 9:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M.
During the recent Legislative
Special Session, an Enrolled Com-
mittee Substitute for House Bill 201,
relating to the property tax Home-
stead Exemption, was passed and
signed into law. This legislation
reduced the residency requirement
from five (5) years to two (2) years,
removed the requirement for proof
of payment of previous property taxes
on owner-occupied residencies, and
allow the residency requirements to
apply favorably to former residents
who return to W.Va. having lived in
W.Va. at least two (2) of the previous
ten (10) years.
If you have previously signed up
for Homestead l xemption, there is
no need to resign unless your resi-
dence has changed since 7-1-89.
The Cover Girls will bring out all
of their beauty and glamour of the
fashion world and combine it with
their musical talent to entrance the
grandstand crowds at the State Fair
of W.Va., Sat. Aug. 18, at I p.m.
The Cover Girls concept was cre-
ated in 1987 by Fever Records' Presi-
dent, Sal Abbatiello and producer,
Andy Tripoli. The group's success
with their debut album, "SHOW
ME', established them as a top
danoe/pop group. The glamorous trip
are posted nation wide on billboards,
calendars, and Ceca Cola commer-
The group consists of three girls
with beauty, style, and talent. Lou-
ise Sabater aka "Angel', Margo
Urban, and Caroline Jackson have
proved themselves to be a top notch
dance and pop group.
The State Fair will host the beau-
tiful and talented Cover Girls Sat.
s rnoon along with Stevie B. For
ticket information call: (304) 647-
3247 or write: State Fair of W.Va.,
P.O. Box986, Lewieburg, WV 24901.
Vince Gilbert has received a Sen-
scores 10. Regular season record 12- ior Reactor Operator's License with
7" Apr. 26, 27 and 28 would see SWV Quilt Show
12 yr. olds lose to the Morgantown North Bend State Park cordially
Dragons 48-44 and finish 2nd in the invites all quilters and quilt admir-
12yr. oldYouth Basketball of Amer- ere to its annual quilt show Aug. 17-
ice Stats Tournament. Although the 18. The following are the hours for
team finished second in the tourna- the quilt show: 5:00 P.M. to 9:00
ment, it received an at-large-bid to P.M. and Sat., 9:00A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
the National Tournament in and Sun., 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., the
Orlando, Fl. Season record 16-8. judging for the quilts will be from
Apr. 30-May 6 SWV finishes 5th 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Fri. Aug.
in the AAU 13rd. old State Tourna- 24.
ment in a 13 team field. The team North Bend will have many dif-
had a 3-2 record in the tournament ferent categories of quilts with rib-
with one of the Imsos coming to bons given to Best of Show, Judges
eventual State Champion Hunting- Decision, Most Intricate Quilting,
ton. Season record 19-9. Most Unusual and People's Choice.
June 9 and 10 The People's Choice will be awarded
shivC, amesfor 14vr.oldsSWVwins on Sun. at 2:30 P.M., Aug. 26.
this tournament with victories over For more information, you may
Mercer County 13 yr. olde, Tazeweil write North Bend State Park, Cairo,
14yr.olds, Bluefieldl4yr.oldsSWV WN. 26337 or call Lois Cokeley at
finished the regular season with a (304) 643-2931Or l -800-CALL-WVA
record of 23-9. and ask for North Bend State Park.
Members of the SWV team are: Upcoming events at North Bend
Marie Lindsay. Beckley Jr. High; State Park include Labor Day Cele-
July 6 SWV comes from behind to Micah Lewis - White Sulphur bration, Sept. 1-3, Autumn Adven-
defeat Seattle, Wa. 57-54 in the Springs Jr. High; Patricia Sea - tures, Sept. 10-12, and Nature
YBOANationalSemi-finals.Thetwo Talcott Jr. High; Lesley Schuma. Wonder Weekend, Sept. 14-16.
teams traded baskets for much of char - Glenwood Jr. High; Cheryl WariTlwater Fish
Cooper - Hinton Jr. High; Joetta
Cales - Hinton Jr. High; Farrah Lilly Stocking
- Hinton Jr. High; Loft Sharer - Bluestone Lake has received its
Sandstone Jr. High; Susan Turner - annual allotment of hybrid striped
Talcott Jr. High; Erica Will|ares - bass finglerlings, a spokesman for
Talcott Jr. High; Beth Farley- Belle- the Dept. of Natural Resource• Dis-
point Elementary;, Sharon Kessler - trict IV said. A total of 30,000 finger-
Hinton Jr, High; Shelly Fog wty- linge were released during May.
Morgantown; and Tonya Allen - Hybrid striped bass were first
Hinton Area Elementary. stocked in 1976 and have been
Keller Photos on
Display at Hinton
Visitor Center of the
New River Gorge
National River
stocked in Bluestone Lake 11 of the
last 14 years. These hybrid finger-
linge have produced a good fishery
throughout the New and Kanawha
Rivers and have fast become one of
West Virginia's most sought-after
Musky fingerlings were •rocked
in three local rivers during the month
of June. The Meadow River,
Bluestone River, and Gauley River
received stockings of 300, 350 and
600 fingerlings, respectively. All
three of these rivers have been
stocked annually for at least the last
ten years and have produced some
excellent musky fishing during that
Pipestem Resort State Park is
currently accepting donations for the
parks arboretum.
Pipestem's arboretum, a living
laboratory where trees and shrubs
may be viewed and studied, was
Fifty rare photographs from the
collection of Robert Ripley Keller of
Summers County will be on display
at National Park Service Visitor
Center located on the Bypass, Routes
The exhibition will be open to the
public 9-5 daily, now through Aug.
12, in conjunction with the W.Va.
State Water Festival.
The photographs depict rural
Appalachian subjects in and around
Summers, Wyoming and Fayette
counties during the early 1900's. The
photographs, which are asstl tica]ly
pleamng and which capture the es-
sence of a way of life now gone for-
ever, were recently developed from
Keller's original negatives donated
to the W.Va. Dept. of Culture and
History by his daughter, Barbara started in 1980 and concentrates a
Keller. ---' fi number of native West Virginia trees
The project, funded by a $1,000 and shrubs and some naturalized
grant from the Humanities Founda- species in an area where they can be
tion of W.Va., is sponsored by the compared and appreciated.
Summers County Historic Land- Any donation made can be done
mark Commission with a istance soinmemoryorhonorofalovedone.
from the W.Va. Division of Culture A plaque will be installed with the
and history, appropriate inscription at the do-
nated plant.
For information about how to
make a donation of native plants or
a donation for the purchase of a
plant contact Pipestem Resort State
Park, Pipeetem, WV25979, or phone
(304) 466-2780.
Ksthedne Hepburn has been nomk
noted for 11 Aclde V Awards.
more than mW Othw s or.
IU. 20 SPEEDWAY 'Ph. 384.7
ADK R L- tT. $ 00 Pm 0N
SUN. $S.00 ckq LOAD
Aug. 10-11-12
R mlR
AUg. 10-11-12
the final 2 minutes but SWV pulled
away to earn the victory. SWV was
led by the 22 point 10 rebound effort
by Joetta Cales.
Lori Sharer added 13 points and
I0 steals. Shelly Fogerty and Erica
Williams also had 10 rebounds a
piece. Patricia Sea of Talcott Jr. High
had 8 points and 10 steals. Six foot
two inch Tukisha Jackson led the
way for Seattle its first-ever Na-
tional Championship Game.
Also as a sideline, Lesley Schu-
macher won the National 3.point
and Free Throw contests in her age
division. Lori Sharer finished a close
second as each contestant from
Southern made 23 of 30 free throws
with the final days free throws as
the deciding factor.
On July 7 National Champion-
ship - SWV loses to Kenner, La. for
the second time in the tournament
33-28 as beth teams suffer through
horrid shooting games.
Southern again fights back from
a late 10 point deficit and with 1
mi:mte to go was only down 4 with
the ball. That is as close as Southern
would get.
SWV finished its season 27 - 12 as
National Runners-Up. Joetta Cales
and Farrah Lilly were named to the
All-Tournament team and Lori
Sharer received the Heart and Hustle
1990 Regular Season Summary
The Southern West Virginia 12
yr. old girls team finished the regu-
lar season with a 23-9 record. The
team was sponsored by Ames of
Hinton and a summary ofthe season
is below:
Mar. 16. 17. and 18 pizza Hut
Suoreme Shootout for 13 yr. olds of
Athens. team finished in 3rd
place in the 6 team field including
wins over SWV 13 yr olds and East-
ern Greenbrier. Season Record 2.3.
Mar. 23. 24. and 25th Pizza Hut
Suoreme Shootout for 12vrd. olds of
Hinton. The team won the tourna-
ment defeating the Morgantown
Hurricans 82-77 for the champion-
ship. Season Record 6-4.
Mar. 28 SWV defeats Mercer
County 52-35. Joetta Cales and Lori
Shafer had 14 points apiece and
Patricia Sea of Talcott Jr. High also
added 10 points in the win season
record 7-4.
Aor. 6-7. and 8 Huntington tune-
uo Tournament for 13 yr. olds. SWV
wins their first 13 yr. old tourna-
William H. Perrino
:! i
217 411. Ave., Him, W.VL
tkme hn! AU cam/
the presentation being made by
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Region I Administrator William T.
Vince Gilbert is a shift supervisor
at Philadelphia Electric Company's
Peach Bottom Nuclear Plant. Peach
Bottom Atomic Power Station has
two Boiling Water Reactor Units
which are rated at 1070 Megawatts
electric. The plant is located in Delta,
Vince and his wife, Pat reside in
Lancaster, Pa., with their childr~,~
Jeffrey, 13; Anna, 8; and Raymond,
2. Vince is the son of Martha Gilbert
of Hinton and the late Raymond
Gilbert and the grandson of Eva
Light of Hinton House. l
~ tool
George ,Jones To i;
a I
Perform At StateI bicl
I oth
Legendary country music per-
former George Jones will be at the
State Fair of W.Va. on Fri. Aug. 17,
at 6:30 and 9 p.m.
Jone• ha• spent more than half
his life on the road but his heart and
his mu•ic never really left the Texas
honky-tonks where his career be-
gan. "He is so awesome and elemen-
tary human that his music can be
not just heard, but felt to issue from
flesh and hot blood," said syndicated
columnist Jack Hurst.
Jones' many awards over the last
30 years are an impressive testa-
ment to the singer's longevity a~d
the timeless appeal of his music. He
was named ~Vlale Vocalist of the
Year" by the Country Music Associa-
tion in 1962 and 1963 and again in
1980 and 1981. In 1986 he won the
CMA's"Video of the Year~ award for
his hit song, "Who's Gonna Fill Their
Jones recorded with four differ-
ent record companies before settling
with Epic in 1971. His more than 40
albums on the Epic label have con-
sistently produced hit single after
hit single, including numerous duets
with Tammy Wynette andhis tra~
mark song, ~He Stopped Loving Her
Today." His current album is en-
titled, "One Woman Man."
Jones and his wife, Nancy, live in
Colmesneil, Tx., not far from where
it all began for this world famous
To order tickets for the George
Jones concert please call (304) 647-
3247 or write Tickets: State Fair of
W.Va., P.O. Box 986, Lewisburg, WV
CALL 466-4349
Honaker, Box 207, Hinton, WV
Lowest prices & we deliver
S. J. Neathawk
Lumber, Inc.
U. S. 219 N.
For Sale or Rent or Trade
10 Room House with
3 Baths & 3 Kitchens
Large corner Lot 110' x 140'
Garage and cellar.
419 James St., Hinton, W.Va.
$29,500.00 Total Price
$500.00 down; Monthly
P /ment $40 .so
:i alz~
if I