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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 7, 1990     The Hinton News
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August 7, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i '+':i " Tues. Aug. 7, 1990 Hinton News- 7 i~, ~,E c+,,,_,!! REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL:ESTATE - Counties. Owner financing with oldtoys, gla~waye, quilts, potte.ry2 somepyma entsaslowas $8000. per oPie~e'cupvearcm't'n°ne466*52zz ..... month• 1 - 772-3510. r ~-zvwT. HN July 17 - TFN HN June 19 - TFN ~A i' ,I"#~ t-Y~t%'rlt l; | t WanttohuycopyofTheSummers C ,V IUI+ II tell IIIU! IV lt CountyHistory 1984I.IN July 31 - Aug~ Call 763-23527p • ATTENTION: GOVERNMENT ~-" SEIZED VEHICLES from $100• SFJ~IC[S, AV .ALAAAAAAAA_ _ Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, Chevys • - • Them son Construction New and • P Surp]us Buyers Grade (1) 602-838- • • • Used Remodahng. Licensed and 8885, Ext. A-1467. Insured. 484-7655. P. O. Box 235, HN July 17 - Aug. 7p Rainelle, W.Va. 25962. ~I' ' "' " " • HN Aug. 7- 14p l +ll F0R fALEi , ~ Reference. 466.2188 After 6:30 p.m. ATTENTION: GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM $1 (U-repair)! De- HN July 31 - Aug. 7p linquent tax property. Reposses- sions Call (I) 602-838-8885. Ext. "-~" ~.~,'+"- ~ ........ ~.~ ~'~7 mo ~umpnreys • • AIRPORT OB $22.00/HR "~--" ..... u 7 Ca11466-5500 HN July 17 - A g. p HN July 31-TFN BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE ~rv • -+ - • • . mcometaxana moz ep g - 4 lot at Restwood Memorial Park ...... , ..... 3 Ices• uorls Tnompson. ,L,to-,u'4/. $1500 for all 4. Call 919-725-801 " ~ .... July ~"I - "J.r-~"~" ......... • p .......... HN July 17 - Aug. 7p . Hinton Chain Saw Service now Specializes in well clean out and has Poulan & McCllough Chain, pump repair. ~ ~ Saws, parts, chains and accessories John Bostic, Operator in stock. We service what we sell. 445-7046 or 445-7103 .. . ~ 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee $9 99 Also Briggs parts. I-IN July 31-TFN :~ . ALL CLOSED SUNDAY & MONDAY 8 - 3:30 Tuesday & Wednesday PHONE SERVICE " • . , I FFICE JOBS $15.00/HR 8 - 12:00 Saturday 466-1427 -" on level fe + m,, ""-- TALCOTT AREA 3 BEECHRUN-2~I~ry, 4BR., 41 ACRES- Beautiful land, IQ~I U~,D WAnVDI BR.,furnished mobile home stone home, 2 baths, beautiful new fencing, fish pond, 2 i ~fl ~ | I | I-- I. | I. | with appliances. Bath, situ- k!tchen, demb full basement, barns, equipment shed with 2~ . • ated onl acre with river front- Fme home. Must see to appre- cargarage-3BR.,briekhome, ATTENTION: POSTAL JOBS! age. ciate. Also 2 car garage and 2 living room, dining room, Start $11.41/hour! For application ~. acrews, kitchen and den combinationinfo call (1) 602-838-8885, Ext. M- PIPESTEM-FmHAApproved. ~ withtfireplace. 3 baths, base- 1467, 6am - 10pro, 7 days. 3BR.,livingroom, kitchen, 11/CHESTNUT MT. - like new 2 men, 2 car garage. Home andHN July 31 - Aug. 21p 2 baths, garage• 1 acre levelBR., home• Living room, buildings like new. Perfect for lot. kitchen, water and bath on 3 retirement. Addressers wanted immediately! acres. Very private. . ' No experience necessary. Excellent AVIS - Commercial Building. ~ RT.30verlookingGreenbrier pay! Work at home. Call toll-free: 1- Excellent Condition. 12,000 sq. PIPESTEMe'~ I" D" 50 acres River. Nice $ BR., home, bath, 800-395-3283. ft. For sale or lease, with pond, ~U ~ .one home• kitchen with appliances, din- HN July 17 - Aug. 7p ing room, living room with -------------- __ 102 GREENBRIER DRIVE - 4 fireplace, basement, carport,. POSTAL JOBS 4BR.,bath, brick, livingroom,BR., Brick, livmg room, din- sun deck, fruit trees, paved $11.41to$14.90/hr.Forexamand diningroom, foyer, basement, ing room, modern kitchen drive.way 3/4 acre with river application information call (219) i new roof, outside patio• with dishwasher and stove, 2 frontage, 769-6649, ext. WV-137. , 1/2 baths, full basement with~ HN July 17 - Aug. 7p NIMITZ - 3 BR., brick and family room and wood stove. FORESTHILLAREA-quality stone. 3 baths, kitchqn with New carpet and roof. Large built 3 BI~., living room, 2 ATTENTION: EARN MONEY all appliances, family room carport and patio. Level lot.bathe, kitchen and dining READING BOOKS! $32,000/year with fireplace, great room Home and location excellent• combination, family room, income potential. Details. (1) 602- with fireplace, like new con.~ fireplace and eathederal ceil- 838-8885 Ext. Bk 1467. dition on 11/2 acre lot• Fruit PIPESTEM - 3 BR., 3 baths, ing. Full basement, 2 car ga- HN July 17 - Aug. 7p trees and out buildings• living room, kitchen, heat rage, eundeek, patio, likenew pump - cellar. 2 car garage condition on l 1/2 acre lot with J S 908 GREENBRIER DRIVE - 2 with utility room on I acre. beauhful vxew. NO EXP. TRAINING. FREE story, 3 BR., brick. Large |iv- ~ ~ TRAVEL inKroom with fireplace, din- 39 acres, 1/2 cleared• 6 rooms DOWNTOWN HINT N - CALL 24 hrs. 1-900-468-5323 Fee ing room, kitchen, breakfast and bath, fruit trees, sprmgs, story, 2 fam;~r~" apartment.a oa room, 11/2 baths, basement, 23 ponds. $45,000. building ~,~of, excellent ~ ..... porches, garage/carport. This~ location. ~ood rental prop-~v homehasbeautifuiwoodwork 21410th. AVE. - 2 story, 4 BR., erty.~l~. $16,000. NO EXP. TRAINING.CALL 24 "v r 2 baths, Hving~ room, modern ~ hrs. and lot goes to rt e . - "- kltchen,newcarpet,basement. BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 " 900-46853~3 F ~9 ^~ ..... Z- - Z ee ~ .~ 75 acres with 5 room cottage / Home in excellent condition• uK., living room, kitchen, i barn• $18,000. bath, on nice 1/3 acre lot. Pri- L CONSTRUCTION JOBS vats. $42,000. Nice place out. r $28/HR 103 MAIN STREET- 2 story, 2 1271/2 CROSSSTREET-4BP~, ~ I NOEXP.TRAINING.GROWTH family dwelling. Excellent brick, living room, formal 148 CROSS STREET-Corn- C rental property. $27,500. dining room, large kitchen pletely remodeled w~th alu with exposed beams, base- minus siding ana new roof. a I " " MADAMS CREEK- 3 BR., bath, ment~brick,garage, fine home BR., dining room, living room ~ 8 - 5:00 Thursday & Friday Ray IL Rudisill livingroomwithfireplace,eat- in excellent condition, w3th firep|ace, easement. 2I NO EXP. TRAINING. CALL 24 ; inkitchen, sundeck, outbuild ....... ' sun decks, fenced yard. 1 car I hrs. l mile up Madams Creek on Pluto H.N July 31-TFN ing, large lot+Excellent condi- NIMITZ - 3 BR., frame, livinggarage_ . House m excellent_ L 1-900-468-5323 Fee $999 Road. tion. room with fireplac~ath- sky condition and features plenty [ ................... 466-5338. Appliance Service, Spscializingin lightan~.~~'~]31/2bath, of storage space. PLANT JOBS $32.00/HR HN July 17 - TFN Sears Appliances. We stock parts. 13/4 ACRES .~rier River modern r_P. en, central air, ~ Tom's Repair Service. Tom Talbott. Lot.Hallo,~%~ttom.Well, sundeck. 3/4 acre lot. $49,500. noexp, training, call 24 HRS.All Snapper Lawn Mowers & Till- 466-2449. ers on Sale Now at Hinton ChainHN July 31-TFN septic system, travel trailer• ~ BELLEPOINT Walnut Street I 1-900-468-5323 FEE $9.99. HILLDALE - 3 BI~, living 3 BI~, living room,kitchen,t ~ Saw Service ..................... WILLOWWOOD ROA room, bath, modern kitchen, bath, basement. 123,000. ~ . Call 466 - 5338 Jimmy R. Wheeler ACROSS FROM SUMMERS large lot. FmHA Financing ...... [ ATTENTION GOVERNMENT HN July 17 - Aug. 7p Licensed Contractor COUNTY HOSPITAL. 2 BR., ~ HILLDALE - 3 BEL, rancher, [JOBS YOUR AREA' $17840 -~ Homerepaire, remodeling, build- Seeking Local Employmen~ ing. bath, living room, kitchen. BALLENGEEAREA-71/21evel eat.~im kitchen,~.., liwng" [~. room. / $69,485.Call(1)602-838-8885.ExtY' Safe, Professional Driver, 7,T. REASONABLE ............... acres, wi~n ca~nearal ceiang, aen [ R-1467. PIPESTEM , True Road ...... + ~ with wood stove, bath, also~ ...... "*"+ ~ ^" --U 14 accident/citationfree.Seeksemploy- 466-4121or 445'7~830 ++~ Completely rq~deled~q~P~, BROOKS AREA - 2 nice acres . . rtr~ umy z4 - A g. p extra lot. ThEe home m excel- sent In Raleigh, Summers, Mercer HN July 31-TFN • -2 baths utilii'~Ik~L~ ge with fish pond and rights to County area to spend more time with , _ ~kt~.~ .... lent condition. $42,500. / LPN Needed. Call 466 - 1243. kitcb~= ; W. 1"-~, sun room l-~ew ttlver, family. Team operator if needed. I]LA.C. Company ~" • • HN Aug 7 TFN on ,~k~e. Everythmg like ~ JUMPING BRANCH Colonial • " Shift work accepted. Salary neg0- Good clean and used appliances. new Possible owner financ- BELLEPOINT - Chestnut Manor Estate, Jumping l~|~lf~fnrf rfw~ I'tl'flT| tiable. Stable work history. 8 yr. Cal1466,3039or466-4S24. "n " Road 3BP~.frame, livingroom Branch. 2 nice lots. Will sell [| k,['=_Y~. | | MUIll D ruff Krll[I rent employment 3 wk OTR. CDL. ~ . g. • military, honorable discharge. Cur- HN May 22 - TFN with fireplace, family room one lot or both. ~ ~ ~ COMBO Air brakes Send informa- t'roleseiona~ ~ree "£nmmmg ana HILLDALE-kitchen, livingroom, denwith3BR-, split level, room,with exposed2 baths,beamS'utiHtydiningroom; 1107 TEMPLE STREET | FOR RENT: Pence Springs. 3 *' ~ l'ic tion to Jeff Davis 110 Removal Free Estimates Call 466- fireplace. 21/2 baths, great modern kitchen, patio, black ..... , . . "1 bedroom house, modern kitchen, ~:n~pPerp~ ~reet, Beckley. ~eave 2393.0r466~152~. aupJex on tne level, eacn ap~s. room with bar. 3 car garage, top driveway, ho--OUD k..+k~,;t.,h.,. I;.,;.~, | apphances, heat and water fur- message: 304-253-1947. tin Apr. o -rein beautiful landscaping and ~ ..-s,~u.~,,,~.,~..., ......... '''s | nished,$280.00amonth.Farmwork HN July 3 Aug 28p room aria atmng room, ~; ga shrubs. Home like new on FOREST~GREENVILLE .... ~ | at $4.00 an hour. Echo Valley Farm. * .... y~,','--+.*+e PRIVA~INVESTIGATOR- ++ rages, grea~ rental . ........... | Applym person Sunday 3:00 P.M. to Wanted to meet. Woman in her All types of !nvestigations. Do- approximately I acre. ROAD- nice 1 1/2 acre building preperzy.~ceauceu r~ ~z~,~. | 5"00 P M ..... lot. $5500. 30th. widowed, divorced or woman meetic - Body. Guard. Licensed & . with one small child, to live in South Bonded. 466.2546. 1106 TEMPLE STREET. nice 3 ~ 1305 ~ 3 i HN Aug. 7 - 14p i BR., bath, living room with 1018 SUMMERS STREET - I East Alaska. Has to be honest, HN Dec. 12 TFN fireplace, kitchen, dining completelyremodeled2story, BR.,llvingroom, diningroom, iFOR RENT: Nice 3 bedroom, 2healthy, good cook and housekseper. .. ~ kitchen, bath, utility room, at Pence S tin s All room, basement,2cargarage. 3 BR., home. 2 baths, new ....... 000 |bath, house P g" Write to: Herman Dobrovolsky, Box t-aln.~ng .... Completely remodeled, modern kitchen with oak garage, tm z ~z m~e. ~r~, " I appliancesfurnished. Call 466-4687, 1106, Petersburg, Alaska 99833. lnterior..~ tax.nor ~~ I HN Aug. 7 - TFN HN Jul" 17 Au- 7" ~ P~mams " $35,000• cabinets, den, living room, 2n .AVE. | ~ __ • 466-512 .r - s. v 6 ~-. new wiring, new plumbing , • Excellentbusine, frontwith,i FOR RENT 2 and 3: bedroom ~i~ HNJulyl0-Oct. 30p FOREST HILL AREA . con. new windows, plus off street race 3 BR apt UD Acce ted Some utih • " trailers. H P • ' "" I I I PIIi3I IU AIIL;IIUII I ventiely located on Rt. 12.41/ parking. 106 .... .... | tiesincluded. Depositand References ~ ~ Will do lands clearing, pond and 2 acres with 3 BR., log home• 1 ...... JAMES STREET- 2 story, | No Pets. Call 466-3775. Evenin~ Auction. Thursday. road construction, excavating and 1/2 baths, kitchen and diningi l0 ACRES JUMPING 4BR.,briek, den.Living room | "-~Jui • 24 TFN A, ,~t CJt~.f~fl ]3 ]V[ h~lrane' P.~' hauling.~abh~Ratee. 772-3510 b ......................." 0333 room, full basement with BRANCH.EllisenRidgeRoad, with fireplace, dining room, I -- y " "" ...... • or466. woodstove. $53,000. 3 BP~, living room, new sod- kitchen, sewingroom,2baths, | TOUR . dence, L0ckbr~dge Rd., Meadow ttr~ ..... duty z#:" ~',~ i, ~ [ern oak kitchen, new appli- full basement, garage. | Kiss"Hot In The Shade Tour will Bridge, W.V. Farm Equipmentd Air~u~ ,,-,3 .... +,, Compressor; Tools; Etc Monroe • • --._ t+ 30910th AvENUE - 2 story, 4 ances, including washer and ....... | be held Thurs. Nov. 1 at 7:30 PM at _:" .... Will do pasting and wallt.per- of BR., home. 2 baths, utility dryer, new bath, wood stove, GREEN'BRIER B~vVER LOT- | the Coliseum, Charleston Civic Meadows.^ .,, ........ Auctioneer +~. t-,tee ....... rag. ~u years experience, i~ree Jssti--" ',~ room, dining room, large |iv-and electric heat. New wiringwithlike n~k~, furnished I Center. ~ua~ for mtormation, J~rec~ons, mate. 466*2092. ~. ing room, new modern + and plumbing. $25,000. mobile hon'~.~,~o flooding, I Ticket prices are $19.50 all seats E~.. -- . I-IN July 10 - Aug. 7p • ~ kitchen. Partbasement, larg~ ' I reserved, n~ Aug. ~p . -- ~ • . .._ _, + lot with nice view. $35,000. !92 ACRES Ballengee Area GREENBRI~R RIVER- Log | Tickets are now on sale at Civic ........ Will haul and spread lime, 466- j with 2 BR. camp, creek cabin, 3 BB., 2baths, kitchen, | Center Box Office and all Ticket- " i WAHRg :., . 1356. . nt: I ilI I IIII I ~ .'" ,,,rl. -- .. ~ HILLDALE- 3 BR., living i through property, fenced, diningroom, livingroomwith | master locations, tu~ Pug. "~ - 14p "*" room, kitchen, 2 baths, base. I ............. fireplace. Screened in porch. | For ticket purchase call Ticket- WANTED:Babysitter withrsfer- - - ,-°x ment, fenced lot. $30,000. HILLDALE-3 BR., living Over2 aereemostly wood. | master: Charleston Area: 342-5757 ences in Hinton/Hillda]e area. Ca11466.5294. P0R nPnv.._..+.+ v. ~ room, kitchen, bath, den, out .... .. . -- ^ |" or Toll free in W.Va., Oh., and Ky.: 1- HN July 24 - 3 lo FOR RENT: Two bedrdbm apart- d ~tt. ~ fence ~prmge Area. z )it ~" . sent in town. HUD Approved. Call FOREST HIL! ~ 1/2 acres building. $37,000. ~n with mobi~L~- $19,000 .... -" BIL, home, llvingr~dlt-I 800-877-1212. y 787-9889 .... ~" Owner rmax.~mg available. " inkitchen, b~P~k],~tt~,out | RIVERBOAT MAN ~I I UfI F- . i HNM" 8 ~ NIMITZ.EilisenRidgeRoad" r+'..m-ce, a ,oI mverboat Man presented by I 11 P 0PE TY l HNMayg.~ 1011 BALLENGEESTREET-2 3 BR., 2 baths, living room, ea~t't. ~ash. I' LakeviewTheatrewillbeheldThurs. ~ ' FOR RENT: Apt. For further in- Lm. story, 3 BR. $15,000. dining room, kitchen, wood L-....,r. r~, STREET 8 BIL. ~ Aug. 23 and Fri. Aug. 24th at 8 PM Business Opportunities formation call 466.1243 between 9 stove, out building, 1/3 acre ~ ~w~..~. ~.'. , ' | at the Little Theatre. EARN MONEY typing at hornetand 4:30 weekdays. ~. GREENBRIERRLIVER- 2BP~, lot. $35,000. Irame, av3ngroom, tatenen, | Ticket Prices are: $10 Adults, $5 Up to $500/week possible. Many I-IN May 22 - ut*lity room, bath+ Contrat living room...~-~rt1~Gh, ! - " " - " h | Children 12 years and under. All companies in your area need help. rive ~L~ ~!~ t~l~.t~ tot. I I HALLOR~N~°~"I~ " heat and air, enclose pore • . . need lot. - sea~s reservea. Special recorded message reveals Pot+ Rent: I and 2 bedroom apart- "'+ Ii~ivSRLE Pt'uu"" - - KerrREALTO~''~'~''~~-ll+lestOn CivicCenterBOx OfficeOrl Tickets available at the Char- details. 404.681.6316.HNAug. 7p 4664127.mentlf°rrent'H-tJDAppr°ved'Ca]] HILLDALE "Pine Hill. 3 BP~, I |BROOI ..2BR.,mobilohome, james , I charge tickets by phone by calling ~,~ HN July 10- TPN living room with fireplace, ! | bath, li~'%T .T~ kitchen, ~ 0flk t ated at 1 | 345-SHOW.....~.o -., • I ~l | r'~/.l-~ J/~ If.' i FOR RENT: Nice house Talcott kitchen and bath. FmHA Fi- | | utility r~y~nd patio, I~; nancing. $36,OOO. II Hinton, W V I FOR SALE: 1982 Suzuki Motor- quirsd. $500.00 month in advance. FOREST I*~!i,~~1/2 1 1 James Kerr, R I ALTOR ! Equal Housing Opportunity | I :-~'(---e..~. ~ cycle in exce]]ent condition. Please Write: 20 Ma~i~s Br., J~ylett, Va. acres wood || m Office located at Phone 466-436P I contact Arthur E. Bal|, Jr. at the 23009. National Bank of Summers at 466- HN July 24 - Aug. 14p ' ~ _ __. | The nrst snip to pass z ro g James Kerr, REALTOR ,|| Rt. 3 Hilldale, Anytime I Peneme Cenel wes the Alex Levsi*" 3311 between 8:30 a'm'a nd 2:30 r • ~ Approved. Call 466-0386. • + Office located at | | ,~^L,o, Hlnton, W V P: -- I Icy on Jenue~ 7, 1914.. o.m. _+Nice 6 room house for rent. HUD I~ Rt.3Hilldale, :II Equal Housing Opportunity . =,~' HOST "Dry" Carpet Cleaner 1 ::l.U~l R rugmu HNJUlylT-T~N Hinton, W V II Phone 466-4369 The professional way to dry/ Equal Housing Opportunity | | Anyt,me" clean carpets yourself. Rent the/ LOST: Lost at the Family Dollar For Rent: 4 room downstairs un- Essy-To-Use HOST MACHINE. Store Aug. 3rd around 4:30 in the furnished apartment, Bellepoint. Phone 466-4369 | I .~.b-~. BRIERS, INC. evening a billford. Reward Offered. Call 466-8918. " Anytime 209 2nd Avenue If found contact Robert H, Mullins I'IN July 17-T~+ ~/~/i/~, [ IIinton, West Virginia at 466-2367. Phone 466-0691 HN Aug. 7p