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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 7, 1990     The Hinton News
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August 7, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - ]Kblton News Tues. Aug. 7, 1990 Jemj L. Cooper "" "- EA[ [!STAT IR 3 JIA PROPERTIES ! S-bedroom, large kitchen ! EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY AKSOCIATED PROPERTIES [ with built-in cabinets, elec- [ LISTEN TO THE QUIET Athens, West Virginia | trlc stove and refrigerator. [ Enjoy the refreshing evening [ Dining room, large breeze- [breeze this summer in the New River Rd, - 4 bedroom | waywithstormslidingdoors. | gazebo in the rear yard of the brick, 2 baths, family room, I Basement has range and re- [ shaded, 2.10 acre lot that is fireplace, 2 decks. New 2 car | frigerator. Fully electric heat | the setting of this ranch-style | pump (new), satellite dish,[home at Hi[[dale- only rain- garage, a level lots on New | garage. Young fruit trees on [ utes from the Golf River. [ 51/2 acres of rolling land. Has Course;S75,000.00 Madams Creek - 4 bedroom, 2 I well water. Three-tenths of a story house. Small cellar, alu. [ mile Mm Rt. 3 at Lowell turnI TEXAS SIZED miriam outbuilding. Very J off left on gravel road. Jack [Morethan2,500squarefeetof clean. 1 1/2 acres. | Smith Property.PRICED [heatedlivingarea, plusatwo. I REDUCED• [car, built-in garage; many Pilmstem- 61~ acres moun- [extras, such as a private tain land. Some level land | Six rooms, 8 bedrooms, walk- i [ powder room off the beth for suitable forcampsites.Owner | in closets, built in refr/gera- i I the master bedroom; conven- will finance. Situated on Rt. | tor. Formerly the Thompson lient location on a large level 20, 2 miles below P/pestem | place. Oil heating stove, 2501 |lot in lower Bellepoint, State Park $18,000.00• | gel tanks Newly remodeled, J J $98,000.00. call for an appoint- | wall to wall carpet, ] ]meat• Pipestem - 1 1/2 miles above | cabinets and other cabinets. ] l Bluestone Lake. 2 houses, 1 Back porch closed in I IEASY TO BUY garage, outbuilding, 4 lots on [ (seree~ted), part basement• [Affordable starter home or At. 20. $45 00.00. " l Also has garage, remodeled I [good rental investment . . . [to live in, with hot water, I [one-story, frame home on level Jumping Branch- 8 bedroom | bedroom, living room and ] ]lot ...only $12,000. flrephum, carpeted. Built in| dining room combination, i I kitchen with dishwasher, | wall to wall carpet, electric ] 1136 CROSS STREET range. 2nd house for rental | heat. Also sersened in frontI IS bedroom, frame home with property. $ outbuildings. 15| porch. Grape harbor, fruitI Ifull basement, in very neat acres land. Price Reduced. | trees, fenced in yard. Carte-[ ]condition, convenient loca. I ties of pine trees, out build- [ [tion; $20,000. MadamsCraek-5roomhouse I ings on Keatley Springs/Elk ] l and bath. 52 acres land. Make | Knob Read, 3 miles from [ ]MAIN LINE QUALITY good hunting camp. | Court House. REDUCED TO [ [Discover the quality of this' $30,000.00. | $32,500. [ [two- story, frame home with | Call Jesse R0manefl0 [ [brickfrontandfullhasement; [in excellent condition, and Lerona . Pine Grove Rd. I Real Estate Broker I Double wide mobile home, [conveniently located on a fireplace in LIt 2 wells, large |lJ~m~mAI• I [level, Temple Street near garden. 1.4 acres. $47,900.00. IHinton High School; 1537,500.00; A rare value; call i Lerona . Sunset Dr.- 3 bed. ~ ] today. rooms, carport, landscaped level corner lot• All appliances |LIKE TO FISH? go. $45,000.00. , • I [We ve got your wash! ! Inex-I [pensive river lot fronting Gravely Point Rd. - 5 room [ 100 ft. on Grsenbrier River;] house, 2 acre., garage con- i AND APPRAISALS ISZoo0.-H=Ty'! vetted to 4 room apartment• I Farms, Residential, Vacation / Large garden. Yard is fenced, INow offering complete anc. I screened porch. Close to Bull] and Commercial Properties [tion services; call now to book ] I Falls. Make nice summer I Member MLS [yourhome, farm, business, or [ camp. ~28,000.00. [estate auctions... Sell yours [ ',B ,hrick,2 fir. i.--AutreyRitc Broker[by-The Sound That sells"• I ]GRi, Certified Real Estate places, level lot 200 x 200. Well i Bent L o=,=.tory l ommercial st. bern. Too beautitul for words•°°lmtial with 10' s land, ,' 304-466-1111Hint°n' WVor2,5.!n R 46s.3760 / JERRY L. COOPER, GR, I I 466-..73;. | REALTOR- AUCTIONEER ] Mast see to appreciate. OR $110,000.00. / CHARLES W. SAUNDERS i Little Wolf Creek - 105 acre farm, 5 room house, barn, rl tNumberltowori foryou. / REALTOR-ASSOCIATE | pond, satellite dish. $69,900• f CENTURY 21 l 466.4274 Lowell on Greenbrier River- CHINAULT REALTY LEGAL NOTICE 6 room house, garage, 3/4 acre[.PETERSTOWN, WV 24963 ORDER OF PUBLICAION yard, shadetrees, garden spot• i (304) 753-4047 circuit. COURT OF SummersCOUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA Vends Kaye Harris HaSten Plaintiff v. i $32,000. PROPERTY IN SUMMERS Gregory Michael Hatton Defendant Civil Action No. COUNTY 90"C:l~e ebject of this suit is to ebtain a divorce from Hinton Brick Row - 2 story, 3 BR. home on 4 th*bonds matrimony) house living. 1600 sq. ft. of acres,oak floors, library, din- To thaAboveNamedDofendant: living space, $ bedroom, new ing room with chandelier and It appearing by affidavit filed |n this action that Gregory Michael Hatton it a non-rolld~t of the State k/tohen, microwave, new car- french doors,2 beths, elec•BS• or woxt virginia, it is ha~by o~l~ed that Grolery Michael Hatton esrve up0n l~vid L Pkrmer, Plaintiff's pet through0ut, dining room, BD & wood heat, well and attofney, whoeead isP, O. Box 39,Hinton, utility room, paved driveway• cistern water, fruit trees, an, fueling any rohi ~17" counter claim of defenm you may have to the com. If you fail to do so, thereafter judgment, upen proper '' W wh kerl. Broker GoodLocation.Mm'ie.$58,500. pl.,ntmedint~sacuonenor~r=.Aug~stSO, z~eo. bearing and trial, may be takmt against you for the 2 or 3 BR. double wide with ro.efdomanded in the complaint. 384-9261 add on, .62 acres, outbldg., A Wofoxid¢0m ,tmnb, ob nedf the flue, ASP. Shingle roof, nice.n u',is'n Clerk at hie L~ Forren Agent Ento~ by the Clerk of mid CO~ Ju~ =, 1~. location. Forest Hill $21,500• emth M. Mnador 466"2638 CLERK OF COURT LEGAL NOTICE ORDER O1;' PUBLICATION cDy~-urr COURT OF SUMid)~L,q COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA Ma~srk L Smith and O1~ Arnold Smith her htlm~t,~ S~ M0~ris, dn4~, and l~th. lma Am~ Hu/l~man mul italld~ H~, h~ hummed, Plaintiff v. tea Mm Am, ~ tu~ alugfa, James Xarl Mwm, ."~ and elngl=,Caro~n Jmn A.dor- .~ sml Oadand Amkmm, hw h=dm~l, &me l~llan M~ and Harry Mm&~s, h~r husband, Mm- d~nt Civil Aetlm No, ilO-C.l~ The ~a~st ~the above mtltled ~tkm is toimrti. of~n ~e~,e Mtmtt~tn the Cit~ ~H|~m, Sumumm M~, West VIrMnla known as 822 8urn- mere ~t, And It sppent#m~by an a/~isvlt filed in this action that yn m ~ to mk~ ~r snwm" including any ~ounl4M_atm or dd'en~ you may have to the potttist~ filed in this ~tion, it is ordm'ed that you do upon PwtT g, Mann, plaintiff's stumpy, w he~ a4d~ is P. O, B~ 1416, Hinte~ WV 2595L an answ~, er oth~ ddonm to the mmpisi~t filed lu this scrim m ar ~ ~tambw 1, itS0, oth~wtN jud~aumt by dog,it ~ be toksn a~ ~ ~ 8r~ Ud~d i~m Sm und~mlp~i M st his ~fli~ I~'~1 by tho C~wk of todd Cmtrt Aulpmt ~nd, 1900. gd~th M. Mmdm' C~k dCmsct. HN AuS. ?. 14~1 157 acres, large cement block bern, storage bldgs., stream, well, natural gas, fenced, on paved seminole Rd., 1 MI. off Rt. 12. Forest Hill. $75,000.. Evenings: E. Floyd Mann 753-9360 Melvin Chinault, Broker LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE To the Creditors and Beneficiarie¢ of the within named person ~ I have before me the settlements of the within deces~d persons which shall 8o before the Summers County Commission the 20th day of August, 1990, which esttlements have been presented by the fiduci- ary of such estates and have been approved: Clam GrimmeSt, l~dph Johnson, Fern Lilly, James Mead. owl, James Trail, Joseph Pox, Ocie Dillon, Lola Dick, K~lly Basham, Holley Pleaoxn tl. Sharon D~noxn,Don Bolen. Any p4non having an intar~t mey appear at place specified or elox may be forever barred from a~erting such inferrer. Given under my hand this 30th day of July, 1990. Ruth N~ble Fiduc~ry Supervimr HN Aug, 7 i I IH" "l" I I 'H " ,,, , ,,, SELLING YOUR REAL ESTATE? ,ii ii i , t md Foldl Offic Coast to Coast ERm1 to i Symm UNITED NA ONAL/ JONES REALTY mlJokm OFRCS: I OUT BROOMS AW ROAD/MADAMS CREEK ROAD III II IIIIII I I I I • iii iiiii ,,, ,,, ,, ,,,,, ,,i i i HN July 31, Aug. 7 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE THE UNDERSIGNED, David L. Parmer, sub.i- tuta Trustee under the Deed of Trust executed by Silly D. Phillipo and Anita O. Phillips, his wife, to David L. Parm~ and B~b P. Rkhmond, Trustees, of record in tim Summers County Cl~'s Offi~ in Trust Deed Book N¢~ 113 at Pstm 443, reports that default having been mdoin the payment of the hot.and obliptiom aslu~ured by th~aformaid deed oftrult and the under. signed substitute Trustee having been mq~e~M by the beneficiary and he/der of the note and obligation ~rad by utid deed of trust m to do. 1 will offe r for role at public attctie~ unto the Jdghest responsible bidder at the front door of the Summars County C~rthouse in the City of Hinten, Sum mar~ County, Woxt Virb~ nia, on August 18tb. ] 990,at the hear ofl0:30 A.M. 0,¢1o¢k. all of those certain tracts or parcels of land, together with improvements thereon and the appurtenanc~ thereunto belonging, si~ta in Pip.tam ~g~ct, Summers County, West Vitae/a, more port/cularly de~dbed as f~lowl: BEING LOT NO. 3 as shown on a map and plat of aid pro~rty prepared by R~mld p. Pink, LS, labeled "lubdtvlsien of part of I~epor~v mnveyed to Otto Bewlox and Emma Bhmehe B0wien. by R J~. Needy and g~t B. N~dy. Pil~etam D/strla, Seals 1' to 50", which ~d map was mmt~ed In the O~at tithe Clm~ of the County Court of Summ~ ~maty. West Viqlin/s, in Deed Book N~ 110 at Imp 476, to which mf~ is hem made for a re(we petticular doesri~ of oxid property. AND BEING the Imme prel~4~ty cenveyed unto the paftiox of the first I~trt by deed of Mary Jam Phillips and William H. Phi)lips, her hudm~, dam A ugust 7, 1981, of ~ in the afanumld ~'s Offitm in Deed Book 141 at Pa~ 50~, MR~ ~ AL~ to b~ ~I by thio eah a ~/~ain 1985 Vogue mobile home, Ssrlal No. NDP1API641M~l. REFERENCE is ~n~by made to Mid d~do and all prior dead8 of ~mvqmv~ ~mid md rotate ~ • more pertk~dar da~rlpUonofmld p¢~perty,•ny ~menta, and right~ of way and for all portimmt Imrpose~ THIS SALE IS MADE s.bjest to 8t~h on~man~ ri~ ~ way*, ~,ior~ mul ~z'enme~ts •s are ¢ontoined •mJ mt fecth in prior deeds of esnve~mce perhtJning ta mid nm] oetato. TERMS OF~: C~ in )m~d un d=y ~e •nd subject to tales ~¢ the years I~S0 and all subNquant ytmr~ I~N~E ta h~weby made to ~id d~td8 end all deeds of~v~a~e ofmkl real oxtato fer • more ~ r ticuis r do~rtp~ o~dd l~tq~, any ea~ente, and rights of way ~r all pertirmnt ~. THIS 8ALE is made m~ to wch ~ment~ rights of wty~•t/m~, m~l q~mmanto as c0ntained and eat forth in prior d,~k of ronveyan~ pertaining to -mid real ~tat~ TRUSTEE, DAVID I. PARMER HN July 31, Au~ 7, 14 m E, "WHITEY" II:AL 1 Kh Ave. 6 Room Cottage Good Carpet & Good well and septic tank. •TEMPLE STREET . Older This is on 2 Lots. Must see to |frame two story home, 14 appreciate. I rooms - 2 baths. Wrap around • porch. Reduced For Sale VA Tunnel Hill New .... • . taming. I Loan Assumable. 5 Room Cottage with bath. Good well and septic tank. I NEW RIVER - Acreage. This is on 2 Lots. Must see to I ~ appreciate. [ INTON 6th AVE.. 4 B1L, 2 l story, 1 1/2 baths, spaciousNimitz rooms Good Condition Good Gara e 40' x 60' on Bi Lot • . g g • Buy. $20,000. About 100 x 150 ft. ] PIPESTEM- 155 acres border- Summers St. ling Pipestem State Park. 1/2 7 Room House full basement. Iwooded, 1/2 cleared, prime Garage with Basement on big Iproperty. Lot. seen by Appointment. [BELLEPOINT. on Observa- Talcott [tion Road. Lovely tri-level, Next to store 8RoomHouse 2 IPart brick, part log. 4 BR., 3 baths on Nice Lot. Price Re- [baths, formal dining room, duced. ]family room, natural fire- [place. Lot is 200x 100 ft. land- Robin Roost Road Iscaped-FantasticviewofNew Nice split level 3 Bed room [River and mountains. BigFamily Reom.2 FullBaths. I "" Must see to appreciate /HINTON-3rd & Ballengee. 3 lstory apt. bldg., 6 apts. not Behind SummersCountyHos- [completed. Business on pital [groundfloorcompletelyreno- 46 Acres of woodland. Lot of [ rated. Central air and extrasGood Timber Ion the ground floor. Leased. - ......... [prge parking lot included. New River Road "" [Great Opportunity ! Let in- 3 bedroom camp on big Lot l l0 | come pay mortage payment x 180 ft. Also has excess to 400 $35,000. ft. of River Bank. Green Sulphur I TALCOTT - 250 acres 75% f 74 Acre 4 Room House Fenced [ rollingrestmountainous, goes IWater. 4 miles from 1 64. Good I to Greenbrier River. Great I Field, Fenced [view of river and surround- I [!ng mountains. Excellent for I Ramp Road ] ~:~ting and or developing.I 3/4 Acre Lot Ranch Style $66,000. I House. 4 Bedroom 3 baths. Can I " I be occupied now. [ bri'5 R L IJ• [ GREENBRIER RIVER I I 120 ft. frontage w/golf course [ WILLOWWOOD ROAD - A - I . view gee. store near by excel- | frame cott~tN~,~Greenbrier I [ lent location for camp. I River, fur,~.~'d. Deck over-I I [ looking river. $17,000. [ [ RETIREMENT/STARTER [ I | LOW MAINTENANCE [! INTON- 4 BR., 3baths, brick I I MOVE IN CONDITION [ and frame home on overlook- • I .................... "" ling river. Spacious rooms, 1 5 ACRE BEHIND HOSPITAL [beautifully decorated. | Nice & Level. Border Walnut is2 ,.o .i / .... ,st about 4oo ft. JAVI ,,-" [ Ideal Summer Recreational SALE PEflO[llU [Property II ers ~u.u.zg. / ..... " ...... [ - /"lx tvtouncaI.. 4 ttoom mouse • .................... /on 1 Acre. Good welL Hard • ~lr J~U O O UUU KU~JL~ -Kwer / ... ]lot. 50'x 142/ Price is $3,100. [top. Grea¢ view. [ Firm. [ [ r4 Miles From I 64 At Sand- [ BELLEPOINT . Spacious [stone. [ lovely brick home. 4 BR., 2 1/2 ~4 wooded Acres, 3 yr. old I baths, solarium, large lot. [Doublewide, 3 bedroom, 2 | Beautiful view of the -Green- baths. Trout Stream. Near by brier River.Price Reduced. Claypool. I TALCOTY-approximately200 35 Plus overlooking Sand. |acresoverlook; =_-', Yt ;er stone Falls. Log Cabin. [ Rive'{ t-D'el g . Springs I Great Investment TALCOI~r - 100 acres mostly Commercial Property Down- all cleared near Greenbrier townHinton.2 RentalUnits. 1 River. Can be sold in smaller Residence Above. Great Ass- tracts, taurant. Club Site. Very Rea- sonable Priced. AVIS - 3 BR., 2 story frame, ~---- fireplace, formal diningroom, Greenbrier River large front porch. Older home 2 plus acres high and prime with character. Good Loca- tion. Price Reduced. AVIS - 3 BR., frame, older home-Beautiful lot from street to street. $45,000. ......--............................_....... HIX - 50 acre farm. Lots of fruit trees and many Christ- mas pines. 2 BR., remodeled house. $48,000. GUN CLUB ROAD - U 1/2 wooded acres, near Willow- wood Club. BEAUTIFUL FARM. 140 acres more orless. Acres negotiable. Includes 2 story house, 3 BIL, I 1/2 baths, good condition, formal dining room, family room, wood burning fireplace, side porch. Includes 2 barns. Overlooking picturesque landscape and rolling fields. PIPEsTEM POINT . 2 BR., Rustic home• Double garage. 1 1/4 acre adjacent to P/pestem State Park. $50.000. Call for other listings. June McGraw, REALTOR, C.R.E . Home: 466-1767 George Rudge,Associate Broker, 466-2726 Wllma Rode~ ,466-II18 with 80 acres of lush timber- land ideal for multi home sites with mountain views. Madam's Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Mountain. Prime location/w big five rm house. Sandstone Falls 2 New Log Cabins. 1 - 2 Bed- room. 1 - 3 Bedrooms. Bath septic system, good well. Fire place. Good Lot. Good view of Sandstone Falls. Pleasant Street 5 Bedroom Cottage located on big Lot. Shown By Appoint- ment. 3 bedroom House. 2 baths, real on 5 acre ofland. Close to [4 4. Shown by Appointment. Eldridge Ellison, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Barr Sales Person Phone 4664)815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 466-5429 i Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, WeVa. 24918 BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 3 BR., house, with living room, bath, kitchen, utility room, sewing room or den, storm windows and doors, oil stove and tank. Out building include washer or canning room, cel- lar, storage building, grape harbor, located on approxi- mately 2 acres of land or 8 lots. Near Greenbrier River with river rights. Only dace d to .g21,000.00. B~ AREA- 140 acre farm with large 5 BR., fur- nished frame home; Two barns, hay shed, equipment shed, tool house, 6 ponds. One stocked with fish. 40 acres of meadow land, 40 acres of wood land, remaining in pasture. Plus 2 tractors and other farm equipment to operate the farm. Very Private. Located at end of hard top road. Eve- rything sailing for~ Reduced to $105,000.00 SANDSTONE - Green Sulphur Area near 1-64.2 or 3 hr., liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room, enclosed front porch and patio. Carpeted throughout. Situated on approx. 70 acres of land. 15 to 20 acres cleared. Balance in woodland. House is located on a nice level lot with good garden spot. Lots of hard road, on U.S. Rt. 20. Easy access to 1-64. TALCOTT AREA - Beautiful 3 BR., Home. Large LR., comb. DR. and Kitchen with built in ( berch cabinets), 2 full baths, full size finished basement with den or family room, car- peted through out, wood and elect, heat, city water, cable T.V.. Plus satellite dish, paved driveway, car port, patio. Brick & wood paneling. Plus much more in a very good location with large lot. Priced reduced to $58,000.00. PIPESTEM AREA - Between Pipestem State Park and Bluestone Dam. 11 acres land with house, 2 car new garage, 2 or 3 bedrooms, and fully furnished basement. Modern kitchen and nook. Bath and full shower. Fireplace, hard- wood and carpeted floors. New furnace. Very nice in a popular location off U.S. RL 20. Only $35,000.00. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime Paul "Buddy" L gfit Broker & Auctioneer Licensed No. 478 Gloria J. Meadows, Sales Assoc. 466-1925 After 4 P.t& mmmmmmmmmmmm~ ~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF ESTATE ACCOUNTS To the Creditors and Beneficiaries of the within decoxsed permnt: I have before me the estates of the following de- ceased pomnc and the accounts of the fiduciaries of their estates: Decedent: Gary Gwinn, l~duciary~ Gayla Gwlnn, Gee. Del., Lockbridge, WV" Decedent: Bonnie Ferrell, Fiduciary: Geraldine Brown, 406 N. Third SL, Priuceton, WV; Decedent: Norman Cole, St., Fiduci- ary: Margaret Cole, Box 29, Pipostem, W'V; Decede~k L.W.Hamm. Fiduciary: Glenda Helleme, 104 Temple St. WV;Decedent: R~he~ Carter, Piduciary: Kenneth K/amid, 630 Greenbrier Dr., Hinton, WV; ~n~ Jean Simms, Fiduclar~. Terry Payee, 409 Cedar Ave., Hint~m, WV; Decedent: Wands Tayl~', ~iductary: Wflma Wygal, 313 James St., Hinton, WV; Decedent" Mikel Cooper. Pidueiary: Dorothy Simms, P. O, ]3o• 391, A]darson, WV; Decedent: Wessie E]]ison, Fiduci- ary: Benny Paul El]ison, RL 87, Bog 12, Nimita, WV. Any permn having a claim against the estate of any named de¢ox~d pemn are notified to e.v~ibit tame, with legally verified vouchers, to fiduciary within 75 days, or not later than Octebef 21,1990. or to super- visor within 120 days, at addr~8 below, not lat~ than December 5, 1990; otherwise any or all such claims may he e~cluded from ell benefits of oxid estate. All henofleiariox of said e~.ato may appear hefare fiduciaWor suporvieor by datee ehown abrade ~mmm. ins claims and protect their interests. Given under my hand this 30th day of July. 1990. Ruth Neble Piducia~y Supervisor, County Clerk's Office HN Aug. 7, 14 A Word 11 ": Bill at !: !: 1c s[i i: ! t < i, /