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Hinton, West Virginia
August 7, 1990     The Hinton News
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August 7, 1990
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/ J ,H ,f S t ,f i- te it a R ct" High School Football has started in Summers County this week. The Hinton High Bobcats began practic- ing July 30 with 43 players out for the team. This is the largest group of Bobcats for several years with all of the communities of Summers County represented. Second year head Coach Buzzy Richmondis very hope- ful and excited about the upcoming season. The coaching staff for the 1990 season has added Coach Ed Cales. Coach Cales has been the Jr. High coach for the last several years and knows the players for the varsity team very well. The coaches consisting of Coach Richmond, Coach Mike Miller and Coach Cales have a total of 39 years of coaching experience with the Hinton Jr. High and varsity football team s. Head Coach Richmond will take care of the offensive and defensive backfields with Coach Miller taking s HINTON HIGH BOBCAT 1990 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Oceans Home Aug. 24 ( Hall of Fame) Independence Away Aug. 31 Pocahontas Home Sept. 7 Baileysville Home Sept. 14 Peterstown Home Sept. 21 Greenbrier West Away Sept. 28 Oct. 5 --- Open Richwood Home Oct. 12 (Homecoming) Shady Spring Home Oct. 19 Midland Trail Away Oct. 26 Union Away Nov. 2 ALL G_AMES AT 7:30 PM. To Perform At State Fair Garth Brooks has been catego- State Fair ofW.Va, on Mon. Aug. 13, rizedas a nee-traditionalist but this at 8 p.m. singer-songwriter from Oklahoma For more information or to order can take any song, old or new, and tickets call (304) 647-3247. make it completely and unmistaka- blyhis own. His deep reasonant voice Rubber Ducky Race wraps itself around a song produc- TO Benefit Murrell ing a heartfelt sound reminiscent of suchcountrylegendsasGeorgeJ°nes House And Water and Merle Haggard. Yet, despite the similarities, his style of music is Festival unique and easilyi dentifiable among those stars from whom he received What is a Rubber Ducky Race? his early inspiration. Come to the banks of New River Brooks first came to Nashville in across from Kroger and Hinton ! 1985 and lasted all of 23 hours. Far House in Hinton at 5:00 pm on Aug. : from beaten, he returned to Music 11, and see. On that day rubber City again in 1987. He was signed by ducks will race from behind Pizza Capitol Records after executives Hut to a finish line just below Hin- heard him perform at a Nashville ton House. The person with the Entertainment Association show- winning duck will winaminimumof case. $300.00 and probably a lot more. His first LP entitled, "Garth Brooks", has produced several top How do you enter the race? You 10 hits. His debut single, =Much Too can pay a five dollar(S5.00)entry fee Young ( To Feel This Damned Old)," at variousbusiness locations around made it to number eight on Bill- town. This entry fee will enter a boards charts. Garth says this self- prenumberedrubberduckin therace penned single, co-written with for you. Randy Taylor, "best represents me - real cowboy music." If the duck with your number =If Tomorrow Never Comes", his crosses the finish line first you will second single, was co-written with win the grand prize of 25% of the Kent Blazy and went all the went to gross proceeds from the entry fees or number one. $300.00 whichever is greater. His current single called simply =The Dances, is a heart-wrenching Other prizes will be awarded for . n ballardofloveandloss. TheDance other place finishes. Come to the has held a spot in the top ten for race on race day to cheer on your ' several weeks and is presently at duck, or just to watch the fun. Pay • number two. your entry fee today and help sup- ' Come and experience a =Tradi- port the Murrell House Foundation * tionofPeopleandPride,~withoneof and the WV Water Festival. country music's fastest rising stars. Race may be rescheduled for high Garth Brooks will perform at the water. care of the offensive and defensive lines. Coach Cales will handle the offensive receivers and defensive linebackers. The team consists of seven sen- iors, sixteen juniors, sixteen so- phmores and three freshmen. Re- turning will be twelve lettermen and nine starters from the 1989 team. • The 1989 team finished the sea- son 4-6 by winning the last 4 out of 5 games and were beaten by Midland Trail with a last second rlail Marl pass that enabled Midland Trail to advance to the state play-off. The 1990 team began condition- ing practices and will continue until August 10 at which time contact drills will take place. The Bobcats have scheduled a controlled scrim- mage for August 15 at 10 am against Fayetteville at the Summers County Athletic Facility. Other Summers County sports notes are: The Talcott Junior High football program will get under way August 6 at 9 am at the Talcott gym, The Hinton Junior High will report to the Summers County Athletic Field August 8 at 8:30 am. The Hinton High Varsity Lady Cats wi,llbegin practice August 13 at 9 am in the Hinton High School gym. The Lady Cats have just returned from Marshall University Basket- ball Ca np and finished first in a field of 14 varsity teams. The Junior High Girls Basketball program for Sandstone, Talcott and Hinton will begin practice August 20. The Hinton High School Golf team are also getting started. All inter- ested golfers for the High School team should report on August 9 at 11 am to Dr. Steve Richman's office for physicals. The first golf match will be held August 15 at Clear Fork against Oceans. The golf Coach Tom Bumgardner wouldlike to thank Dr. Richman for his assistance with the physicals'and the Hinton Elks Lodge for their $100 donation to the team. Any other organizations or individu- als who would be willing to help in any way would be appreciated. For local sports info- check the "Reflections of Area Sports" each week in the Hinton News. Arts and Crafts Festival Announced The 1990 Appalachian Arts and Crafts Festival, sponsored by the Beckley.Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce, will be held Aug. 24, 25 and 26 at the Raleigh County Ar- mory-Civic Center. Approximately 150 artisans and craftspeople are scheduled to par- ticipate. This year's festival will feature a Gallery of Appalachian Arts with works in oil, watercolor and pen- and-ink, as well as photography, on display. Craft demonstrations are sched- uled to include candlemaking, weav- ing, woodcarving, blacksmithing, and the making of stained glass, wooden toys, musical instruments and leather goods. Free musdcal entertainment will be provided and foods and snacks will be on sale. Hours are Fri. and Sat. 10 AM to 10 PM, Sun. 10AM to 6 PM. Admis- sion is $2.50 for adults, $2.00 for senior citizens and students. Special tour rates are available on request. For more information, call the Beck- lay-Raleigh County Chamber of Commerce at 252-7328. HINTON AMERICAN LEGION POST For several years there has been no American Legion Post in Hinton. There is a need for strong veterans organizations to help retain the benefits for all veterans. The Post would be very beneficial to the corn- munity through the many programs the American Legion supports. Any one interested in helping to reactivate the Cook Beasley Fan" Post American Legion in Hinton call Charles Skid•ore. Phone 466-5090. A meeting will be set up soon for veterans interested. SINGING IN THE Tues. Aug. 7, 1990 Hi•ton News - 5 MOUNTAINS GOSPEL SING The Annual Summersville Gos- palSingwillbeheldAug. 10,11,and LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 12th. The event is held at Sum- NOTICE OF TRU S 8ALE mersville Music Park, Summersville, vmxmmmm, I. W.Va. Exit from Rt. 19 on to Rt. 41 und moVmdofTru e md L n.G m- North at traffic light (McDonald's -au Du uun.G m U,m ,eehdoed.t trnet was a~mmnd by Canndl A. B--kslman ~ Ju4y Restaurant). Then 11/2 miles, p. s~,~u~ m wifo, ~ ~ ~ i. ~-t~ Oc~ 22, lMa#md is mewdnd in the Summers Among the many performers Countyclerk'sOf~einTt~mtDnedBnek18QatPqe scheduled to appear are: The Primi- isend is in the amount of ]For~, The•mad Nine Hundred Dollar. ( t4o~oo,co); repem that dab•It rive Quartet, Inspirations, The hav~mgbnanmad•in~lmymente/'thsnetosand obilpt~erm am sacumd by the eforsneid deed of ~ Spencer Family, Florida Boys, The und .ndonqmdtmotouha heanr.qmt.d Better Way Quartet, McGlothlins, t ws h oftham a tims secured by mid d~ of truer ou tod~ I v/dl o~or for sale Dixie Melody Boys, The Singing .t licu untot hi#,otb tw.tth. r t Cookes, The Hoppers, Sorrow Faro- of the s =ers c.unty In Xinton, Summers County, WV, on the ~5 day ofA~ 19g0, ily, The Easter Brothers, Liberty .t th. he-r of of Quartet, Spearsmans, The Bishops, or w le of Impm U thereunto bdunsin~, ~ttmto in Taloutt District of Brighter Side, McKameys, Doyle S,mm county, rt dm da. Lawson & Quicksilver, The Lester foil= ALL that ceetoin nml eel•to situate in Tttlcott Family, Christian Quartet, Hayes DIstrict, SummereCounty, WV, eontolnlN[inthe88 Family, Hilda Perry (TV Ch. 4), smptto s8a,d mm or e,d adjoining the hmd fro'mealy owned by William T. Redeemed Quartet, The Gospel Tide, Plumley. jr., Gemlps Roach, Georp Washington Heirs Joy•ires, The Isacce, Lee Smith andJ k mm t d ham FIRST:. A tract containing 43 !/2 8cm8, moro of Singers, Singing Echoes, Sheppard less. Brothers, The Pattens, Chuck Wagon SECOND: A tract ¢ontsining 12 acres, mote or Gang, Stanley Family, Mountain l.,, THIRD: A tree• mntaininl 21 ~m and 32 pal•. Four. Singing Servants. The Re- =o o ise FOURTH: A tmcr ~ntoining 12 scrst, more or deemers, The Principles, The Suttle ,... Family, The Disciples, Living Wa- And ~ is ~. ~,w*d a ,~t of,~y. tar, Blue Ridge Quartet, The Acord AND BEING the mmemsl satatomrtv ItmJunt Curtail A. B~k~man and Judy P. Boek~man, his Family,and others ......... wif.. by of V-,-M G --Ht The hours are Fri. I0 a.m. - 12 andLan C /mmott.h hu nd,dat IO ahorgth. l~88,ofr~ecdin the SumammCotmty clerk's oi~sa In midnight, Sat. 9 a.m. - 12 midnight, ~ auk mut png~ ~s. Sun. 9:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Singing is REJq~ZNCE Is Jw.l~sy mad* to --id dud, continuous each day. and all prior doedsofeanvey~nce of~id rssd satoto far • more particular &meripti~ of mid Im'o~ety, any Free rampingis available. No dogs eumu eats, and right• of 8nd all pertinent put. or pets and no drugs or alcohol per- THIS SALE IS MADE subjezt to such easements, mitted. Food is available. Be sure to rssarvutlon und ngremmto ,, bring lawn chairs. There is shelter •nd .t In in case of rain. Security 24 hours a i,i idmlo t TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand on day of ale and day. subject to tmum for the year 1990 and for all oubm. For Information Call: (304) 872- quentyaltrs. DAVID L. PARMER, Tasks 3145. HNA . 7, ]4, Announces Cheri Haag :;:::::::::::::::: : Loretta Budd After a nearly two month long WV, and a graduate ofOhio Univer- experiment, WVVA-TV in Bluefield sity with a Bachelor's degree in has formally announced a change in communications. theiron airlineup. Veteran reporter/ Haag has been replaced at 11 by anchor Cheri Haag has been pro- NewsCenter 6 reporter Loretta meted to managing editor, and re- Budd. Buddjoined the team in July, porter Loretta Budd has been moved 1989, coming from ABC an affiliate uptoproducerandanchorofWVVA's in Kirksville, Missouri. oretta's NewsCenter 6 Tonight at 11 pro. anchoring experience in the Mid- =It started back in the first week west, and a solid year offield report- of Juneasanexperiment,'saidNews ing for us made her the ideal choice Director Bill Huffman, "but it's for the job, according to Huffman. workedsowell we decidedtomakeit "There are lots of people in televi- permanent." siGn news who struggle with person- As Managing Editor, Haag has ality on camera, but not Loretta. assumed the operational responsi- Herwritingandreportingskillswon bilities of WVVA News. "Cheri's a Lorettathejobin the first place. The real natural," said Huffman. "She fact that she is one of the most natu- knows our system probably better rally personable folks youql ever than I do, and her news judgement is meet is just the icing on the cake. excellent. It's easy to shift responsi- Budd is a Communications gradu- bility when you have someone like ate of Northeast Missouri State Cheri to take controlY University. Haag is a native of Parkersburg, "If I Were An Angel" By: Steve A. Smith Oh, only if I were an angel, I would hold you with my wings and keep you everlasting, through- out all eternity. A cloud would be your pillow and the stars would be your light, I would give you all my moonbeams to guide you through the night. You would walk on bouncy snowdrifts and never feel .the cold, your highways and your byways would be ankle deep in gold. Oh only if I were an angel, my halo I would proudly give, to have you for my very own, for as long as we beth would live! NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The undonil~ed Tnmtm, by vlrtu* of the •uthor- I~ wm¢4d in Mm by that main dou¢l of mt egor utod by I~DWARD RICHARD ~ JR. and SUSAN ~ hiswtf~ to tha undersigned Trustee, the 8~M clay of N~emhor, 1989Jmd of record in th00f~e~ of that•st Doud Book 128 at page 137, and wh/sh t|'tl~t ~ w88 ~l,~lm to ~ •ha payment o f = emqmln neim therein doorribnd, the mid I~rtles having ~k~kMM in the Im~ment of mid nets, and the under* dpnd ha~hean mq~ by thehenefldary the~ m tedeb NOW, ~, L P~RRY R. MANN, Trus- t4~ will pressed t~ eedi ~t public suction to the highest blddor at b~t I~font do~" of •ha Com'thoum of Summere County. Hi•ton, Wmt Virsinla, on the 17th day of Atqpmt, 1900, at the hour of I0:00 A A~J., the following dmmAhad ml store dttmto in Greonbrler District, Summers C4mnty, Wmt Virginia, with all the appurte- thm~t~ b~nglng, and more imrticularly de- PARCEL NO. 10, ~toinin8 6.6 scrss, more or I~ l~nml No. 15 m~alnt~ 8.5 acre, ~,eept/ng, however, Um pmrtkm ofl~rc,l No. 13 lying on the east side d the lmmmmt read; topth~ with the old mad rijht o(w~, as shown on the he•in•fret mentioned E. W. IAI~ Farm ump, sem~nd to Diamond and Jewell Wood, by Nito Durham end Alfred Durham, h& hue, band, by ~ dot~ the ~Rh day ~ August, 1949, and of ~ In the ~ of the Clerk of the County Court o4rlk~am~'s C@unty, W~Vlrgtnla, in ~ Bouk 84 at ~ that imrtion ofPareal Ne. 14 ~veynd to the mid Nlt~ Durham mad Alfred Durham, her husband, by the 8boys memUoned Diamond Woad •rid Jewell, his wif~ by the last ahew mantloned dmd of re¢oN in the aforeneid Clm*k's offSsa In Deed Book 84 at pese 39 ( helng an m©ehange of pt.opertles);, and all of Parcel No. 12 containing 19.6 acts•, with the exception of 3 acres of real mtoto, m ss'lem, conveyed to Orby A. llicks by Nlto Durham and A]fl'ed Durham, her husband, in Dned Beok Sl at ~ge 478. The real estate hereby oonveyed eontoins 8 urn, more or less, and said Imn~ls of rnel estate are more fully d~ribed on the map and i~un of tha E. W. Lllly Farm, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's omsa in Deed Book 74 at pale 233, • ~'~ to which map is hem had f~¢• more complete d~e~tien of the real mtoto hereby cenveyed. AND BEING the same property conveyed unto the mid Edvmrd Blchard liuyor, Jr. and Susan Diane Huyss', his wifo.fl'om AII~ J. Stone and Goraldinc Strum, his wifo, by druid datod November 3, 1989. and in the Offiec of the Clerk of the County Court, of ~umlmt~ County, Welg VIrgini•. in Deed Book 165 at pep 88& TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand on day of sale. Given under my hand this 17th day of July, 1990. PERRY E. MANN HN July 31, Aug. 7 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN PARTITION CJrsuit COURTOF Summers COUNTY, WEST VI~GINIA BONNIE GILL MCGU[RE and CARMEN MCGUIRE, her hu~nd, JOHN GILL and TAMMY GILL, his wife PetiUoners vs. ROGER FOX, widower of Janiee Gill Fox, dseeamd, JEFFREYFOX and LOR~ FOX, his wife, MICHAEL FOX, single, LISA FOX PITZER. and TOMMY PrI~ER. her htmhend, RO~ FOX, JR., single, heirs of Janice Gill Fox. BERNICE GILL HARTWELL •nd ROGER HARTWELL, her hudmnd, BILLY R. GILL and 8FA~NE OILI~ his wife, 8~IERRY GILL WILLS and RuasI~J~WILLS, her hnehand, DOTTIEG1LL GRAY • nd CURTIS GRAY, her hmdmnd, WANDA GILL FARGO and DALE FARO0, her hu,~end R4mpon- dent& Civil Actlon N~ V0-P.100 The ebj~t oftha ~ antltled 8otis• is to par•i- tlen sman~ them enUtlnd thereto the following de- scHb~ lands of which said Arnold Gill died sei~d in•sat•to: Certo|n ml egato eitnato in Greenbrier Rural Distrkt~ Sums• County, West Virsinia, containing app~dmatoly 19.8 •am. more particularly described in the petition of •cord in t~e Circuit Clerk's ofllce. It appeari~4 by •ffidavit filed in this action that Bid Wa~ Gill l~tqlo and Dale Far~o, her huN~md • rs mmreaidonto of the State of West Virginia; that the~ am e¢ may be psr~ns other than those named above us INantiff•nd defendant- whe are heir* of said Arnold Gill and In~ in said lands, whom names amtmknown to•ha plaintiff, and who are made parties to the mml~•int filed in this aetlen by.general dossrtption of Unknewn dole•do nts; it is o~e~d thit neeh ~tham do serve up~ David L. Parser; plaintiffs attorney, wh~ 8dd~le Be• 39, Hi•ton, WV 2596 I, an •neww ~ other dofonsa to the eomplsint filed in this action on or b~om 8~temher 4, I~0, otherwise jucl/ment by de~ult will he token apinot them •t any time thema/~ar. A mpy of said compl•int can he oh- totnnd from the undorstSned Clerk at his office. E~tensd by the clerk of.mid Court Au~st 3, 1990. F~ith M. ~r Clerk of Court HN Aug. 7, 14, 21 LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE The annual mr•lament fee Kenneth Kinaid as CommittN for Besa Cortez and Rebert C•rter are now bofore me~ The final sattlemont for Robert Cart~ (da4utased) le m before m~ GivWl under my hand this 30th day of July, lt~0. Ruth Noble PIducia~ 8Ulmrvimr HN Aug. 7, 14 Replacement Windows DEALER OF W. K GLASS John Houchins, Conlractors In 32 Yearn "Photographics 466-5108 217 R BALLENGEE ST. HINTON There are two novels buried in the 1939 New York Wodd's Foir time capsule: Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, and Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis. [ !"" Bluestone Satemte Systems We sell the Bestl Pilmstem. W.V. General Instrument Drake Unlden and 8ales & Service De mmMem Benny Wills 466-5409 I I II I I Lesia Campbell- 255-0907 @ e Jeannle Richmond Allide @ Member, ASID. 253-4161 @