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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 7, 1990     The Hinton News
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August 7, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o i MARY E. FRANKLIN Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Franklin, 69, formerly of Kincaid, died Men. July 30, at a Newark, Del. hospital, following a short illness. Born Mar. 8, 1921, in W.Va., she was the daughter of the late Chester Henry and Zizzy Mae Aliff Mead- OWS. Mrs. Franklin was a seamstress with 23 years of ssrvice for the Dela- ware Home and Hospital in Smyrna, Del., having retired in 1985 and was union steward for 12 years with the State County and Municiple Em- ployees and was a member of the Edgehill Community Church of God at Dover, Del. She was preceded in death by a son, Roy Lee Franklin in 1952; a sister, Grace Meadows and three brothers, Barger, Paul C. and James Meadows. Survivors include her husband, William Roy Franklin; two sons, Paul Mark and James S. Franklin, both of Townsend; a daughter, Linda Gayle Wise ofBerryviUe, Va., and six grand- children. Services were held Sat. Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. at the Tyree Funeral Home Chapel in Oak Hill with the Rev. Ben Franklin officiating. Burial fol- lowed in the High Lawn Memorial *Park at Oak Hill. The body was at the Tyree Fu- neral Home in Oak Hill. MILDRED E. LIGHT Mrs. Mildred Elizaheth Light, 75, of 501 E. St., South Charleston, formelry of Hinton, died Thurs. Aug. 2 at a South Charleston hospital, following a long illness. Born Nov. 10, 1914, at Hinton, she was the daughter of the late George L. and Nannie Meadows Breen. Mrs. Light was a homemaker and a member of the South Charleston Church and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star of South Charleston and had lived in South Charleston since 1948. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Heggie Light in Feb. of 1973; two brothers, James H. and Glen M. Breen and three sisters, Lillian and Ola Breen and Lelia Bert Hatcher. Survivors include a son, Larry Jackson Light of South Charleston; a brother, Harry Breen of Hinton, and two sisters, Nell Reed of Hinton and Joyce Musgrave of South Char- leston. Services were held Sat. Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. at the South Charleston Christian Church. The body was at the Keller Fu- neral Home in South Charleston. Additional services were held Sun. Aug. 5 at 2 p.m. at the E. M. Mead- ows Funeral Home in Hinton with the Rev. Robert Moore officiating. Burial followed in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Ballengee. The body was at the E. M. Mead- ows Funeral Home in Hinton on Sat. Aug. 4. ~ i TENNIE W. LILLY Tennie Wilson Lilly, 80, formerly of Nimitz, died Thurs. July 26, in a Chula Vista hospital in California, following a long illness. Born July 3, 1910, at Hinton, he was the son of the late Sanford and Vevie Lilly. Mr. Lilly had been a 15-year resi- dent of Chula Vista, was a retired engineer for the Pennsylvania Rail- road and was a member of the Ma- sonic Lodge in Alexandria, Va. and was a 1933 graduate of Hinton High School. Survivors include his wife of 58 years, Mary Lilly; two sons, Harold Lilly of ChulaVista and Mickey Lilly of Centreville, Va.; a daughter, Velma Richter of Chula Vista; five brothers, Corbett Lilly of Nimitz, Emery Lilly of Chula Vista, Jon- athan Lilly of Beaver, Dempsey Lilly of King, N.C. and Burkey Lilly of Morgantown; two sisters, Pearl Lilly of Ellison and Maxine Burroughs of Cleveland, Ohio, and six grandchil- dren. Services were held Thurs. Aug. 2 at 1 p.m. at the Ronald Meadows Funeral Parlors Chapel in Hinton with the Rev. Dan Spencer officiat- ing. Burial followed in the Crew Cemetery at Nimitz. The body was at the Ronald Meadows Fune Parlors in Hin- ton. DALLAS C. PLUMLEY Low Price! Low Price! Low Price! Dallas Charles Plumley, 71, of !!'~ Greensboro, N.C., formerly of H in- ton, died Sat. July 28, at he home of ~. "his daughter, following a long ill- " ess. Born in Hinton, he was the son of the late Charles and Josephine Gill .: Plumley. .i" Mr. Plumley had lived most of his life in Summers County, was of the ~i! Baptist faith,a nd was a retired ~i~ brakeman for the C & O Railway Co. ~". He was preceded in death by three ~i!~ sons, Harold, Dorsey, and Dallas ii Plumley, Jr.; a sister, Flora Ro- ~i~: manello and. a brother, Ryan Flumley. Survivors include a daughter, Garnette Smith of Greensboro, N.C.; a brother, Dempsey Plumley of Morrell, Ohio; a sister, Wanda Grim- mett Peters of Hinton; seven grand- children and four great-grandchil- dren. Services were held Wed. Aug. I at 2 p.m. at the Ronald Meadows Fu- neral Parlors Chapel in Hinton with the Rev. Lawrence Bennett officiat- ing. Burial followed in the Upland Cemetery near Hinton. EUGENE SCOTT Eugene (Scotty Boy) Scott, 68, of 219 A St., Beckley, died Wed. Aug. 1, at a Beckley hospital, following a long illness. Born Jan. 31, 1922, at Hinton, he was the son of the late Eugene W. and Ophelia Ruth Scott. Mr. Scott was a retired miner and a World War II veteran. He was preceded in death by four brothers, Wendell, Vernon, Law- rence and Leonard Scott and three sisters, Helen Major, Gertrude Gra- ham and Linnie Martin. Survivors include his wife, Ber- tha Edwards Scott; a son, Lorenzo Lilly of Beckley; four daughters, Jackie Lewis of Beckley, Leoda Boomer of Camden, NJ., Regina Brown of Mullens and Charlotte Hawthorn of Beckley; a sister, Beulah Motley of Beckley; 14 grand- children and nine great-grandchil- dren. Services were held Sat. Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. at the Ritchie and Johnson Funeral Parlor Chapel in Beckley with the Elder James Denson and Rev. Nelson Staples III officiating. Burial followed in the Greenwood Memorial Park at Beckley. The body was at the Ritchie and Johnson Funeral Parlor Chapel in Beckley. IDA WILSON WEBER Ida Wilson Weber, 83, of Beverly, W.Va. died Thurs. Aug. 2 at Davis Memorial Hospital in Elkins. Mrs. Weber was born at Cass, W.Va. on Feb. 18, 1907~ She was the daughter of Edward Jackson and Beun~ Kelly Jackson. Mrs. Weber was a school teacher and coach of Women's Basketball. She was of the Presbyterian faith. She was preceded in death by three children. Survivors include her husband, William Weber; one brother, Ben Jackson of Houston, Texas; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sun. Aug. 5 at 2:00 p.m. in Elkins with the Rev. Meade Guthshal and Rev. Doctor John Franklin officiating. Burial followed in the Beverely Cemetery at Beverely, W.Va. HOWARD E. WIIX,EY Howard E. Willey, 72, died Men. July 30, at 12:45 p.m., in a Hinton hospital following a short illness. Born Dec. 17, 1917, in Summers County, he was the son of the late William W. and Eliza Harvey Willey. Mr. Willey was a retired mainte- nance supervisor for the Pipestem State Park, was a lifelong electri- cian, a World War II veteran and was a member of the Spruce Run Tues. Aug. 7, 1990 Hinton News - 3 COOK BOOKS FOR SALE The Jumping Branch - Nimitz Chapel at Forest Hill. Extension Homemakers Club have He was preceded in death by four a 259 page Cook Book for sale. brothers and two sisters. This collection of recipes is a proj- Survivors include his wife, ect of the Beckley Area Extension Homemakers, the proceeds from this Frankie Belling Willey; three sons, project will be used to refurbish the JerryWilleyofPittsburgh, Pa.,Fred Southeastern Learning Center ( Willey of Atlanta, Ga., and Steve formerly the Sewing Center) at Willey of St. Cloud, Fla.; a stepson, Jackson's Mill. Mike Curtis of Houston, Texas; two To order please contact the Sum- daughters, Pare Ratliff of Nimitz and Debbie Wykle of Hilldale; a brother, Alvin Willey of Hinton; a sister, Madaline Peyton of Roanoke, Va.; 11 grandchildren, and four stepgrandchildren. Services were held Thurs. Aug. 2 at 2 p.m. at the E.M. Me~idows Funeral Home Chapel in Hinton with the Rev. Elmo Alderman officiating. Burial followed in the Fairview Baptist Church at Forest Hill. . The body was at the E. M~ Mead- ows Funeral Home in Hinton. Pallbearers were Odell and Gary Crawford, Dennis Clayton, Atlee Bowyer, John Johnson, and Alvie Harvey. mers County Extension Office - 466- 3711; Virginia Vaughn - 466-0254 or. Erma Meadows - 466-3907. RAILROAD RgrmEMENT BOARD SCHEDULE OF SERVICE FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1990 Hinton, WV (Wed.)" Aug. 8 & 22; Sept. 5 & 19; Oct. 3 & 24; Nov. 7 &14,and Dec.: 5& 12. A representative will be at the ~Summers County Memorial Build- ing First & James Street (basement) at 12:30 P.M. on the dates shown above. CHIP-A-DOODLE-DOO - 18 OZ. PKG. C5oc. Chip KURTZ - 32 OZ. BTL J. HIGGS 4 LB. BAG - GOL CUTS PARTY w, CHICKEN 'n RIBS - REG. or SPICY - 28 OZ. BAR-B-ClUE SAUCE BTL. 64 OZ. - SEALTEST COUNTRY BRAND - 12 OZ. PKG. COUNTRY LEGEND- 103A OZ. -- IMITATION HILLSHIRE FARMS LB. 13 OZ. CTN. MRS. WEAVER'S 12 OZ, PKG. JENNIE-O We reserve the right to limit all quantities. Some items may not be ovailoble in all tocotlons. WE WELCOME • Persorml C:hecks (~or Ju~mt of Purc~se} • rood Stamps I EASTON'S - 24 OZ. JAR KURTZ - 24 OZ, .PURE .TR. 3TL KINDLE - 20 LB. BAG 32 OZ. CHARCOAL LIGHTER FLUID .................. 48 OZ. PKG. RIB EYE ONE DOZEN 16 OZ. PKG. 1 99 HEARTLAND FARMS 24 OZ. CTN. 28 OZ. BOX BANQUET ONE • ~ GAL. QUALITY $tOIII MON.-SAT. SUNDAY m 9am-9pm lOa - om # #