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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 7, 1990     The Hinton News
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August 7, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r~ a, f 2 - Hlnton News Tues. Aug. 7, 1990 . . Expanded Hours Momandiom-Peo 'e-are ad ao lewsM r i , Reynolds Aluminum Recycling ! .------~ ~ .-':~'=~:'~~~ t~-~,~ II'~lmR~llM , /I hours of operation for its recycling ', ~. *~ ;: "~ )~',~ "i, 1~~ :~~ ~1~ ! I center in Hinton. The center, located I '[~'-~t I°'.'.~:i'"il':~;'~'*:~]~ I 1 'next to the Dairy Queen on the i:'" 6~ I ~ ~;~,~~~"~,,.~ I | | Hinton Bypass ( Route 3 and Route ,~ Jt I ~ ~ ff~~-~ J~ • I | 20), is now open the following days . fo , -~ ~ ~~~~~r~r.~/~ , . | ~ and times: '. /], ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ' ~/~~ ~1 ! - " ' ¢ Tues. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. w, ! J~ ¢~'~ ~ -~4t~ ~~1~ ~lJ . I t~J* .. ,,.,__ Wed. 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. H I • I ,~ y ISJ~ Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 12i30 p.m. o, I Because a recent survey found that The I -- ~ Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I HINTON NEWS is the favored source I C & O RAILWAY CROSSING "It having been brought to the contribute the sum ofTen Thousand Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 12:80 p.m. w I for three out of five for local news and I IN AVIS REPLACED BY attention of the Court that the C. & Dollars ($I0,000.00) toward the In addition to aluminum cans, w [ sflwpr||eina Items i OVERI'~AD BRIDGE: Part I. O. Railroad Company had prepared purchase of the necessary right of Reynolds purchases used aluminum " D i ........... ~ ,,~.,,,o. ~ When the main section of Hinton plans for the construction ofan over- way and property damage for the such as pie plates, foil, frozen food m ! ~B ~ l A ILl II ~ • • I~ I was Front Street, the only route for headbridgeatorneartheAviscross- constructionofsaidbridge, provided and dinner trays, and dip, pudding . $I ] [ | ~|~N ~m I]~ ] wagons, horeebackridersandpe-ing and that it, when completed, theC.&O. Railway Company will and meat containers. Reynolds also pl I ~-._.r ~=~. ,m sws-i ~e • Idestrians to Hinton from Avis and would become a part of State Route erect the same as proposed or as may purchases items such as siding, E ~na me s tu. year of THE HINTON NEWS (52 ' No 21from Huntm ntoAlderson r gutters, storm door and window I ............. l pointe east was over the railroad• • " gto , be equired or as may be agreed . al I ISSUeS} al lne low DaSlC SUDSCrlptlon rate of $11.50 ~tracks in Avie and up the 14percent and that the C. & O. Railway Corn- between it and the State Roadframes, and lawn furniture tubing• , (In gate resldents add 69 cents state tSX.) !grade, known as Avis Hill. As early pany and State Road CommissionCommission, and further provided Such aluminum must be cut into s( I Name [as the 1880% people began di$¢uml- wouldreachanamicableadjustmentthe State Road Commission will manageable lengths. Aluminum si l ...... ,.~--..-m, Iing the need for a bridge over the u to the character and location of make a sufficient contribution out of castings including pots and pans, bl l .... [railroad tracks at Avis Crouing. the bri~re,., and it further aoDearin==~_ o the funds due to Summers Countyv power lawn ,m°wer housings and i I~ I Address Followingthegreatbuildingboom that there is a heavy traffic over the from the bonds already sold or to be barbrecue galls also are purchased i of early 1900% and when the C. & O. presentcrossingwith the approaches sold equal to the total cost of neces- by the company. i City State " Zlp._.~ yardtrackswereconstructedinAvis, tothesamebeingondangerousgradesary rights of way and property CONCERT N . M" -a,,ment is enclosed Iagitation began in earnest to secure and buildings so constructed that damage and that this Court, if nee- Milli Vanilli Concert with special T I I ~' • ~ [an overhead bridge to eliminate the the approach of trains is easily con- essary, willinstitutesuchcondemna, guestsYoungMCandSeductionwill • _~ be I Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery of the first copy [dangerous crossing. There wasgreat cealed making the crossing a men- tions proceedings as may be neces- held Tues. Aug. 14 at 7:30 P.M. at c] ] TEAR & MAIL TO" THE HINTON NEW -- delaysbecauseofthecrossingbeing ace toall those usingthe same, and sarytoacquiresuchrightofwayand the Co}Jseum. " P O BOX 1000 " blocked by trains pulling into yard that the interests of the people not will take such action as soon as as- Ticket prices: $17.50 All Seats 1 : u,~;~e~;T,7,'L~L~, tracks and by the yard engines only of the citizens of Hinton and surances are given ~o it by the C. & Reserved. C L.-_ -_ __ ___.~., __•~.~,~_[~,.~,~--v=,~o.~.~o_,__= -- --. -- ..... switching over the grade crossing. Avis but the surrounding country O. Railway Company and the State For ticket purchase call Ticket- P .......... " There was also great danger to life demandsthatthisbridgebebuiltfor Road Commission that the terms of MasterinCharlestonArea342-5757 ][.]~.~]~ r~ ~ ]~_]rlltr~ because of buildings going up near the protection as well as the conven- this order are acceptable to each." or toll free in W.Va., Oh., and Ky.,1- JLaJL~ .,. ,, J~Jt~, J~J ,, =JLL~ JUaUJt Jl.,the cresting blocking the view of ience of those using the same. (Sourceofinformation,HintonDaily 800-877-1212. those attempting to cross the rail. ~It is therefore ordered that this News and Leader, July 16, 1924) ~ ,. n Summers County Wake Up! ~d tracks. Courtiswillingandherebyagreesto Continued next week. , i , ~ ~'~ ~ ............... ¢ *- Hob n Marks remembers work- : ............... _ . . • . " . * • =============================================== ::: ::::::; ::::::: : :- : ::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~:::::::: ',:: ::::: • ::: • Dear Editor. to continue our hopes and dreams mg for the i~ company m Avis in : I I I " 0 I ~< O1 • • "V "¢':':~':':+:':':¢':':+:'::':':':':':':':':':'::':':':':':':':"::+:':': :: :': ::':':':':':+:'