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Hinton, West Virginia
August 6, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 6, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - Hinton News Tues. Aug. 6, 1991 REAL ESTATE SE&apos;RVICES AND APPRAISALS Farms, Residential, Vacation and Commercial Properties Member MLS Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5th Ave. & Commercial St. Hinton, WV 25951 304-466-1111 or 466.0736 Charles (Abraham) Lilly Jr. Call and List With Us Today! :Area Student 00!amed Bonner Scholars At Concord College JONES REALTY A new world of learning and ". Each Office Independently Owned mmunity service will open up m 1__:4 bug. for 31 area freshmen enrolling 66-4246 a the first class ofBonner Scholars | \\; RL86-B0x99 at Concord College. The students were selected to Jumping Branch, WV 25969 re<eive scholarships amounting to R. Eugene Jones, Jr., Broker as much as $3,700 per year in return i for a commitment to involve them- #267- Jumping Branch - selves in ten hours of community 8BR on 1 Acre- private @rvice per week during the ace- $39,500 @sic year, and between six and #270-2storyfarmhouse&8 eight weeks in some form of service acres - Beech Run $45,000 program during the summer. #271- 50 acres - 2 older . Sponsored by the Corella and homes-veryprivate$39,500 Bertram F. Bonnet Foundation of #269- 64 acres woodland w/ Princeton, NI., the Bonner Schol- 3 BR home, $69,500 are Program has taken as its motto, #268- Jumping Branch, 15 Changing the world through serv- acre farmette - 2 homes ice." It is based on the premises that $55,000 yung people care about others and, #273- Near 1-64 Sandstone, given the opportunity, will become 2 BR home, Workshop - trout active and involved in the commu- stream $32,000 ni ty. Concord is the only public college chosen for the expansion of the Bonner Scholars effort from its pilot project last year at Berea College in Guidelines Ky., cr'Once on the Athens campus, Announced Con o d s Bonner Scholars will re- ceive orientation and enrichment programs in addition to the finan- The Humpty Dumpty Day Care, cial support. Inc. announces the sponsorship of Gharles Lilly of Summers County the Child Care Food Progra'h iddaong the 31 new Bonner ScHdl- ' "   ' r same meals will be availabl  l r: enrolled participants at no separate CHARLES A. LILLY JR. of H in- charge regardless of race, color. mn has been a youth camp coun- handicap, sex, age or national ori- lor, tutor for high school students, gin, and there is no discrimination singer in church choir, church plan- in the course of the meal service. isVorganist, volunteernursinghome Participants or potential partici- worker, volunteer for Muscular pants who feel that they have been Dystrophy Drive, winner of the citi- discriminated against should write zpnshipaward, andamemberofthe to the Secretary of Agriculture, National Honor Society at Hinton Washington, D.C. 20250. [Sigh School. He was also named to Eligibility for free and reduced the Honors Bands, lead role in a price meal reimbursement is based ,chool musical, and drum major in on the following income scales effec- his high school band. tive through June 30, 1992: ltis parents are Charles and Linda GUIDELINES TO DETERMINE [illy, PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY FOR Accepting FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS Applications School Year 1991-92 t 'J he Summers County Board of  N U FAMILY INCOME ]ducation has the followingvacancy BEFORE DEDUCTIONS for a secondary reading lab teacher FAMILYSIZE: ONE; ELIGIBLE for the fiscal year 1991-92 and is FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE now accepting applications for this MILK; $8,606; ELIGIBLE FOR position. REDUCED PRICE MEALS; :POSITION: ECIA Chapter I $12,247. Reading Lab Teacher 7-9 at Talcott FAMILYSIZE:TWO; ELIGIBLE Jr. High. FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE tQUALIFICATIONS: Applicants MILK; 11,544; ELIGIBLE FOR st hold W.Va. Teaching Certifi- REDUCEDPRICEMEALS; 16,428. e with appropriate endorsement FAMILY SIZE: THREE; ELI- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR Reading Specialist OR Remedial FREE MILK; 14,482; ELIGIBLE Reading Authorization. FOR REDUCED PRICE MEALS; SALARY: State Scale. TERM: 10 months (200 days) 20,609. FAMILY SIZE: FOUR; ELI- TO ASSUME DUTIES: Aug. 27th. GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR APPLICATION PROCEDURE: FREE MILK; 17,420; ELIGIBLE Submit application no later than FOR REDUCED PRICE MEALS; 12:00 noon, Wed., Aug. 7th to: Mr. 24,790. harles R. Redes, Acting Superin- FAMILYSIZE: FIVE;ELIGIBLE tendent, Summers countyschools, FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE 116 Main St. Hinton, WV 25951, MILK; 20,358; ELIGIBLE FOR 466-6000. REDUCED PRICE MEALS; 28,971. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FAMILY SIZE: SIX; ELIGIBLE EMPLOYER oAS required by federal laws and FOR FREE MEALS OR FREE glations, the Summers County MILK; 23,296; ELIGIBLE FOR ard of Education does not dis- REDUCED PRIcE MEALS; 33,152. FAMILY SIZE: SEVEN; ELI- criminate on the basis of sex, race, GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR color, religion, handicapping condi. FREE MILK; 26,234; ELIGIBLE tion/marital status,/ornationalori- FOR REDUCED PRICE MEALS; gin in employment or in its educa- 37,333. tional programs and activities. In- FAMILY SIZE: EIGHT; ELI- quiriesmaybereferredtoMr.Char- GIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR les R. Redes, Title IX, Coordinator, FREE MILK; 29,172; ELIGIBLE Summers County Board of Educa- FOR FREE REDUCED' PRICE tion, P. O. Box 430, Hinton, WV 25951. Phone # 466-6000; or the MEALS; 41,514. FOR EACH ADDITIONAL Dept of Education's Director of the Of Sce for Civil Rights. FAMILY MEMBER, ADD 2,938, ELIGIBLE FOR FREE MEALS OR COUNCIL The Consumer Advocacy and MILK; 4,181 ELIGIBLE FOR " REDUCED PRICE MEALS. Advisory Council for persons with Meals will be provided at the fa- disabilities will meet on Aug. 13, at 6:00 PM, at Mountain State Centers  cilities listed below: For Independent Living, 329 Prince Facility(s) Name(s) Humpty S. Beckley, V. Dumpty Day Care. ,For more information call 255- Address ofeach facility 246 Main 0'122 or 1-800-545-2245. Street, Hinton, WV. THIS ONE'S FOR YOU Supplement your income with rent from the one.bedroom efficiency unit upstairs and live comfortably in the two- bedroom unit downstairs with this two.story h-ame across stleet rom Hinton High School; only $22,000.00. WANTA Bgl Who said you couldn't buy a i one-story, frame home that's approximately 10 yrs. old and has off-street parking for less than $30,000.? This one's al- most half that - only $17,000 II VALUE-PACKED Neat, one-sto;tame home overlooking. River;, ga- zebo in rearyard;only $15,000. LERONA AREA 11.4 wooded acres near Pipestem Resort; Ideal site to build your new home ... $17,500. SMALL ACREAGE 5.3 acres at Lerona, near lr) deal site for Pipestem new home-'v" -'... $12,000. LET'S TALK VALUE ll!!ll 1 1/2 story, brick home; full basement and detached ga- rage; assumable VA Loan; $37,500. ,FOR INVESTORS 2-story, brick apartment buildingin Hinton Historical District; fully occupied; $23,000. WILLOWWOOD ROAD 100 Ft. r(.Dt; steep, but cheap; $2,'.. • Make Offer l! LEGAL NOTICE IN TIlE CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA ELMER ADKINS and CAROL ADKINS, his wife, ELDON ADKINS and PATRICIA ADKINS, hi, will. EDSELADKINSand GLORIA ADKINS, his wi re,and ELDRIDGE ADKINS, Petitioners vL ANTOINETTE NORDELLA FARLEY, JOIIN GLENN FARLEY and ELAINE FAIUY. his wife, CARL FARLEY and KATIIERINE PARIY, his wife, DELORES FAR- LEY MORRIS and WILLIAM MORRIS, her hu,hend, CLARA FARLEY MOEPF, JOllN FARLEY and REBECCA F. FARLEY. his wife. RICHARD FARLEY and CATIIY FARTILE FARLEY, his wife, GLENNA EUCKER and TiiOMAS EUCKER, her husband, ROBERT LEE FARLEY and CARLA CRITEZ FAR- LEY, his wife. and ell otherknown nnd unknown heirs of Ashley Parley, Respondents CIVIL ACTION NO. 90-C232. NOTICR OF BALE PURSUANT to a decree of the Circuit Court Summers County,West Virginie, made and entered on the 28th day of June, 1991. in the case styled Elmer Adkins and Carol Adkins, his wife, et els., versus Antoinette Nordella Parley, et sls., we will on August 9,199 I. at the hour of 10:00a.m. at the front dear of the Coorthoum of Summere County, Wt Virginia, offer far sale to the highest bidder, the following dcocribed real estate: BEGINNING at a pest on Crewford Itne and in center of old read. thence N 67 E 10 pm; N 76 E 7 poles: N 82 E 10 polos; S 88 E 6 polos; N 58 E 10 polos; N 62 E 10 pole= to • hickory sapling S 53 E 11 poles, N 25 E 11 polos; N 71 E 18 poles; S 42 E 10 1/2 poise: N 41 E 8 polu; N 62 E 5 potos; N 87 E 13 poles; N22 E 5 I/2 polos: N 84 E 8 poles; to a station by old road. corner also to Fred Meadows lot; with one line of .mid Meadows ]st and through the surey, S 9 30' E 149 polos to a station on Meadows line and earner to lot conveyed to Brown and Ashwerth; with one line of same, S 73 W 112 polco to a walnut at eernor effield; thence with outrode line N 49 W 18 poles to • white oak; N 64 N 11 poles to o hickery at ¢onrmr of field; N 28 W 19 pole to a white oak; N 8 W 18 poles to s lerust on a point; N 33 E 12 polos to a Iust; N 19 E 21 polea to another 10oust; N 7 W 62 poles to the place of BEGIN- NING, containing 114 end 2/3 acres, moee or less. TIIIS BEING the same msl cetsto cenveynd unto Margaret A. West Dillon by deed dated Aunt 13, 1937. from GAl. tlumphrey, Trmmm, of rord in the Office of the Clerk of the County Court of Summers County, West Virginia. in Deed Book 68 at Page 41& TERMS OP SALE: I0 down on day of sale, balunea within ten days. Given under my hand this lSth day of July, 1991. KELLY K. KEMP, Spedal CommiMioner DAVID L. ZIEGLER, Speeial Cemmlionor I, Edith M. Meador. Clerk of the Cirt Court of Summare County, West Virginie, do hereby certify that the abovo named Kelly K. Kemp and David L. Ziegler, have given bond as required by the said decree with security approved by me. EDITH M. MEADOR. CLERK IIN July 23, 30, Aug. 6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING OF ESTATE ACCOUNTS To the Cceditm and Benefldarico of the within deemmd permn I lmve me tl foUowlng &ued and the accounto of the flductnrlm of their cototo¢ t: Dwifht Harris, liudat John Hmrris, E. 11918 Skyview AVL,  WA 0; Dsnt: Robert MCey, I. ldutr MarU  and William M..oy, 11, DI M ills" Ave, ,Hinton, WV: dmt: Uh Packer, lductadE W.C. Parker, Jr. and Phyllis  Beg 146. Hinton, WV; I)ocodenk Robort l.d uda t. Betty F/x, Rt. I, Box 118, Hinton. WV; D¢ndnt:  Nlckell, FIdu¢iry: Nmn Nidml, 445 Bru Way, LIIbm'n, . 0#AT; Dmkmt: Frank Russell, Ftdut'ia: Helen Rumtl. Rt. 1, lt 194A, Hint4m, WV; De.dent: Relmrt Webb, ll u. HaMI Dlmm,Bg411.Hlng WV;Dmmk MtmMl. om, Ftdu¢im. Bunnie Bm Adkim Rt. 0, Bm 1. MIIhtrd Wtll. P.O, Be 1/, Hlntea, WV. Any poon luwing a ekim qubug the eetatee( any nmmad Immm m mgif to Mbit mm, dth lII verffied vhees, to fldut within 75 dy, or not later than Octob $0, 10i or to suporvieor within 10 d, at mddm bele, not ht than Decomher 4, 1991; ethetwim mW w all  ekims may he ucluded Im g]l bonito *4"ukl satoto. ' 321-3rd Ave. 466- I I O0 NEW RIVER-Acreage. iBLUESTONE PARK AREA - 50 A. 2 creeks, 2 springs excel- lent hunting. 1/2 level to roll- ing, rest woodland. RT. 20 to PIPESTE_-..°,R., From e. i,.0. C.  to .U: BOWLING HAYNES THE- ATRE BLDG. - 2 apts., 2 Busi- nesses plus theatre- 66,000 - Good income property. BOWLING HAYNES APT. BLDG. - 16 apts., 3 Businesses. All occupied. Good condition - Good income property. SANDSTONE - lovely 3 BR., 2 baths, on 2 acres. Pond. 5 minutes from 1-64. FOREST HILL AREA- approx. 11/2 acre lot. Overlooks Green- brier River. n" ice-'00SaL P- PEnDInG' HINTON - 2 or 3 BR., frame. $16,000. Will do owner financ- ing 10% down. PINE HILL- Attractive 3 BR., 2 1/2 baths. Frame - split level, fh-eplace, carpeted. Attached 2 car garage. Large corner lot. Excellent buy at $58,000. BARGER SPRINGS - near Greenbrier River. Large lot, 2 BR. - 200 yds. fr. new boat Lunch. Great fishing. Nice starter home or summer camp. $28,500. LOWELL - on Greenbrier River - 3 BR. - large new deck on 3/4 A. Garage. Priced low at 32,000. MADAMS CREEK - Davis Rd. Nice 4 BR., 2 story frame on 1 1.2 A. 30,000. "BELLEPOINT- Pine St. 13A. Prime bldg. sites. A Bargain at $12,000. TEMPLE STREET - store building with furnished apts. $300. NEW RIVER- 2 BR., camp with 120' frontage on By-Pass 3 and 20. 120' frontage on the river. Good commercial property. LITTLE WOLF CREEK- farm, 105 acres, barn and shed. 2 BR., frame house, pond. $69,000. 215 8th AVENUE - attractive 2 story frame, 3 BR., bath. Combination kitchen/dining room. Tastefully decorated, nice quite neighborhood. $37,500. Call for other listings. June McGraw, REALTOR, C.R.E.A. Home: 466.1767 WUma Redes, Sales, 466-1118 Linda Lyons, Sales, 466-2638 Olaus Lyons, Sales, 466-2638 LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY SUPERVISOR To the Creditors and Benefiiorim of the within decessnd permns: I have before me the sattlemente of the within deceased poreone which shall go before the Summers County Commisffiton the 19th day of August, 1991, which uttlememto hevo heen preeented by the fidud- cry of such estates and have been approved: Zada Hayes,  lshem, John Deedt St., William Mitchell, Lillian Crewfol, Christine Lilly, Ann Whaler, Eva L/ghL Any pereon having an intoreat may appear at place ,pecJflnd or else may be forever barred from auarting such intoreak Oivtm under my hand this 29th day of Jy, 1991. Ruth Nede lductry Supervimr HN Aug. 6 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER OF PUBLICATION CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA DAVID L. PARMER, Substitute Adminiotreter efthe Estate OfH.W. Ballard, St. Plein- tiffv. H.W; BALLARD, JR., single, JO ANN BABRR and RONALD M. BABER. her huslmnd; DONALD R. BALLARD and DORIS BALLARD, his wife; VIR. GINIA GILL and EDWARD L. GILL, her husband; DOUGLAS  ond PATRIC[A ANN BAL- LARD, his wife; and NORMA J. BECKNER, widow, RespOndents. Civil Action No. 90-P-110. The objt of the above entitled action is to obtain an autherltion from the Circuit Court of Smere County to pay ereditm's of Annie Bllard and to make di'flmtlon ef the remaining estate mumt It epng by un affidavit filed in this action that M. Edward Gill is s nen-rosident ef the 8tato of West Virginia and midea at .361 tlarredswoed Read, Fnmk fort, ion lucky 4006.,it Is erdered that Respon- dents do 'e upon David I. Parmer, plaintiff attor- ney, whu *ddrm is PO Bo 39, Hinton. WV 25951, an a w other defonm to the cemplaint filed in thisecUon on orbefere 30deys, otherwise judgment by default will he taken against ceapondonto et any time All bfl,darl ofmld tts may aplMu" Im . thmflm'. A copy of maid ©omploint can he obtained fiduciary or supervisor by datum shown to aminm daime and  thMr integrate. m the undetgned Clerk at his ofl3ce Gtwm undor my hand this 3lot day of July, 199L Itored by the Clerk of said Court July 30, 1981. Ruth Ndde Edith M. Mouder Pidneiary Supm'vl., County CIos O Clerk of Court HN Aug. 6, 18 HN Aug. 6, 13, 20 E. "WHITEY" ELLISON REAL ESTATE Behind Summers County Hospital 46 Acres of woodland. Lot of Good Timber. Commercial Property for sale - Income producing. Downtown Hinton. Restau- rant - club site. Residence above. Reasonably priced. 38 acres more or less, five bedroom home, built in kitchen, hardwood and par- quet floors. Good well, rea- sonable access. Sandstone area. Four to five bedroom home, level lot, on hard top, family room, two story, many fea- tures including welkin clos- ets and master bath-bedroom suite. Sandstone. ,dern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded acres, good game, trout stream nearby, secluded with reasonable access. Meadow Creek. Twenty acres, woodland. Ramp Read. Good Price, w/ five level acres. Sandstone, on hardtop. 5 ACRES BEHIND HOSPITAL Nice & Level. Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. Madams Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime location/w big five room house. 2.5 Acres on Greenbrier River. Prime location - Great Fish- ing Shallow Area For Swim- ming. Property Is High Land/ w Spring... Excellent Invest- ment. Taylor St. 3 Bedroom Br; -ce Family NitrOS.ten on Big Room. lot. New River Road Nice 3 bedroom House or Camp. Nice Kitchen. Also big Living room with Fireplace. Lot Borders River. State St. 7 Room House. Nice carpet. Priced to sell. Must see to appreciate. Willowwood Road Nice camp. Nice kitchen, new carpet, on Big Lot. 912 Summers St 3 bedrooms Large Utility room. Eat in kitchen with Dining area. Must see to ap- preciate. We need small Farms. 25 to 30 acres, lets us list your Place. Eldridge Ellison, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Barr Sales Person Phone 466-0815 Arlene Reich Sales Person Phone 466-5429 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Chapter 3, Article 8 of the Official Code of Wcet Virginia, 1931, as ammdad, entitled "The Uni form Dispod lion of Unclaimed Pceperty Act," notke is hereby given that the persons listed below appear to he the Owners of abmdolmd pemnal l'Op erty. Information concerning the amount o€ da*crilP lion of the property and the name and addreu of the holder may he obtained by inquiry to the Office of the State Treasurer, to the attention of Dwight Smith, Dirtier of Ur:leimed Property, giving name, addreas, and aotmt number. Larrie Bailey, State Treasurer. Summers County #45: Summers County Clinic.Terreco St.,Hinton, WV, 295L Act# 67807, Hold#11731. National Bank of Summers, B 220, Hinton. WV, 2691. Aoct# 68737, Held# 11855. Adkins, D., 107 Main St., Apt. 3, Hinton, WV 25951. Aeet# 68404, Hold • 11. Ballon4ee, Walter, Temple St-, HInton, WV m961. Acet# #4106, Hold # 11183. Bawlos, DWoyno &, Beg 104, 8andetem, V" Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, W.Va. 24918 FOREST HILL AREA ON RT. 12- Beautiful 3 br., brick home, modern kitchen, dining room, large family room, and 3 full baths. Lots of closet space. 1 large cedar closet. PLy room or garage with paved drive- way. Oil furna$-ommercial heat pm=O,-, fireplace. Brick pum house and small barn. This super quality brick home contains 26,035 sq. ft. and is situated on 3 1/2 acres level Lnd in a very desirable location with all modern con- venicnes. Call today. Price $,000. FORESTHILLAREA - Monroe County line. Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 BR, LR, DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- ment. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres i of beautiful level to rolling[ land with stocked fish ponds. Developed springs. 5 acres I woodland with large trees, barn, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft shop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. Excellent location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for.You must see to appre- ciate the quality. Call today. Priced... $98,000. TALCOTT AREA-4 BR., 1 1/2 story home. Large dining room and kitchen, bath, front porch. Garage and utility building. Situated on large lot. T.V. cable, public water. Very $ient location. Only .Reduced to $30,000. PENCE SPRINGS AREA - approximately 17 acres, mostly woodland. Overlook- ing Greenbrier River. A good place to build camp, home, etc. Priced at only $11,000. FOREST HILL AREA - 3 BR., brick home, kitchen with built in cabinets. DR., LR., 1 1/2 baths, o fult sement,, baJe,-. board hot war, heat, quality built home ;i all oak trim situated on approximately 1 acre land in good location. Home is unfinished but sell- ing at reduced price, only $39,000.00. TALCOTT BALLENGEE AREA - 8 room frame home, 4 BR., LR., FR., kitchen, DR., small basement, front and back porch, wood shed, util- ity building. Situated on ap- proximately I acre level land, fruit trees, good garden spot, on hard top road. Only $32,000.00. BARGER SPRINGS AREA - 16.33 acres of mostly wood- Lnd. Only I mile from Green- brier River. Secluded home site approximately 5 acres cleared, on hard top road. Only $14,000.00. TALCOTT BALLENGEE AREA - Approximately 4 acre tract of Lad, good location with fruit trees. Road front- age on two sides. Will sell in  two tracts or as a whole, $12,000.00. BELLEPOINT AREA - Nelson Street, beautiful 2 story 3 BR home, modern kitchen with new appliances, LR with fire place, DR, bath, hotwater baseboard heat with new fur- nace, carpeted throughout, new insulated windows, all new wiring, new hot water tank, 2 car garage plus room for boat, full finished base- meat, paved driveway. Nice garden and grape arbor, plus much more. This super nice home must be seen to appreci, ate. Call today. 215985. Aeet,# 68036, Hold # 11803. For Listings Or Auction Sales Cutts, Alice' 900 Temple t" HInt4m WV' 595|' I ! ct. , Ho. 11. Call 466-3210 Anytime Helher% Virgin/aL.,20I Ro,mSt.,Hinton, WV [Paul ',Buddy" Light I 25951. At# 68986, Held # 11886. Smith, Lois, P O Box 638, Hinton, WV 1. ,.,, ,,,,. , .,,. [ Bke r I Smith.Preston, POB809,Hint,WV25961. ro r & Auctlonee At# 67081, Hold # 11631. smlth.rlore.eOl,Jumnge,h, WV | Licensed N0.478 | ' :* 25969. A¢t#68671, Hold # 11847. I Ju so, Aug. 8. I Clots J. Me*dows, Sale, ASSOC. I LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I have before me the mounto ofKenneth Kinadd u Cemi ttoe for Bace M. Catrto, IncemPetont, and of Prances Corker, Commlttoo fb¢ Euhmle Hall, Incem- petmL Gtvon under my hand this 29th day of July, 1991. Ruth Noble Fiduciary tporvitm" HN Aug. 6, 18 FIDUCAIRY NOTICE I hero bofore me the munte ul'Mlllal or Wills as Committee for Hanto Ntble, In¢omlmtenL OIvon under my hand this 0th day of July, 19i. Ruth Noble HN Aug. 6, 13 ii,