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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
August 6, 1991     The Hinton News
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August 6, 1991
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.. . [ ii{iiiiiii{ili{i!iiii{i{iii{iii!i{{iii!ii ! ..................... iiiii{i!ili!!iii{iiiiiiii!i{iii!iiii!i Reflections of Area Sporl,s ii::i::iiii::iiiiiiiiii::iii::ii::iii ..... ::! : :ii:ij :i:i:iiiiii::iii::ii:i:!i i% TALCOTr J H FOOTBALL Talcott will begin practice on Aug. 12 at 6 PM at the Talcott School. Coach Jerry Meadows said all play- ers are to report at this time. 1991 WV SENIOR ELKS GOLF TOURNAMENT The Golf Tournament on Aug. 23,24 and 25 at the Willowwood Country Club will feature Elk members from the entire State. The 1st 100 entries will be the cutoffand at this time we have 68 applications. For more information call Willow- wood at 466-3220. HINTON LITTLE LEAGUE PICNIC Tues. Aug. 6 from 4 to 6 PM the Hinton Little League will hold their annual picnic at the Hinton Side Track Park. This is for all girls and boys in this year's program. Tee ball, Minor, Little, Senior and Big League players and coaches are invited. Hot dogs and cold drinks will be provided. " ,brother ofthe bride, of Daniels, Drew Thurman, Mike Earehart, both of Beckley, Jon Bisognano, of Carlsfad, Ca., Paris Argy, of Boston, Ma. and Scott Ingersol, of Los Angeles, Ca. The guest book, and programs were attended by Barbra Spencer, of Beckley. Following the ceremony, a white rose was presented to loth mother's by the Bride and Groom. A din ner recepti on foll owed at the Black Knight Country Club. The bride is a graduate of Shady Spring High School and Concord College with a bachelor of science degree in secondary education. She is employed by American Airlines, as a flight attendant. The groom is a graduate of Catho- lic Memorial High School and Wen- tworth Institute of Technology with a civil engineering degree. Following the wedding trip to the Hawaiian Island's, the couple will reside in Boston, MA. FREE PROGRAMS Tues. Aug. 6, Summer s County Profile Ashby & Mary Mann By Sheri Benson Ashby was raised with two brothers Hilldale was once not long ago and three sisters; Mary Elizabeth known as "Pisgah'. This was the with two brothers. Mason Ford, her birth place ofAshby Coleman Mann. older brother still lives down the 1991 Hinton News - 5 road from where she now lives. Er- shal Mann; Ashby's brother lives as a next door neighbor. While Mary Elizabeth was a quiet child, nurtured by older, strict and loving parents, Ashby, too had car- ing parents but he was not so quiet. He relates, =I can remember me and my buddies, walking up and down the then dirt road of Hilldale, sing- ing to our hearts content -- in har- mony. We sang good, too. Once, I' recall we sang and sang ourselves to tiredness. Taking a break, we laid down on the bank and accidently fell asleep. The honking of a car's horn woke us, honking at us. I had chores to do at home, too, hoeing corn, farm work. Rabbit & groundhog hunting were pleasures, roaming the hills and woods. My father worked on the railroad, so we boys did most of the home chores. Our dogs, shephard/ hound mixes helped. They'd bring the cows home. When morn told my Continued On Page 8 II Fox Photographics His wife, Mary Elizabeth Mann (Ford) was born at the nearby "Coo- per Hospital" in Hinton, a hospital nolonger there. Ashby's parents were Coleman Jasper Mann and Rose Ellen Lilly Mann. Mary Elizabeth was born to Joseph Calvin Ford and his wife Mary Bertie Brown Ford. The parents have died, but their strengths live on in their children. WEDDING [ SCHOOL 'lllLdt? Aem,t. i lmEjll m COMMERCIAL ,.o,oo.,., 7/ \\; 466-5108] 217 R BALLENGEE ST. HINTON II II OFFERED F == == == == == == == == == == l == == i COUPONI l == l == m m ==l== The C°rps °f Engineers at l,.)  PAYING ' Bluestone Lake is offering free pro- grams for area young people. The programs will be offered every Fri. I at lpm throughout the summer. : '-]" Ljlu,,.. j CA S H i These programs are for 6-12 year • olds and will be held at the Belle- --* - i point Park Visitor Center. :t    Project Wild, a wildlife/environ- Local Auction d, 11 • ,' I mental program, Project Learning ee 1 Tree, Junior Ranger, and Water  Company Paying TOp 8 Safety are just a few of the topics  Dollar For Quality Antiques!  =-" : which will be offered. The programs Mr. & Mrs. William H. Conroy willlastapproximatelyonehourand Old Grey Stoneware With Blue Or Red Decoration. o ,,,,,,, are guaranteed to be fun for all kids. ! " K -Co r .... 00or'00oro int'ormation, call the .I Comer cupboards, pie Safes, depression glass, wrought ironbeds, oldtin or : • ro ,Res0t:cfes Manager's Office at I irontoys, old homemade quilts, blanket chests, wooden ice boxes, fancyoak U o n oy Bluestone Lake (304) 466-1234. 1 hJmiture, old advertising items, any odd or unusual items large or small. We l..,#l...,,a..,# MEETINGS  buy one piece, entire or partial estates and collections. 1 JanetLynnCrookandWilliamH. and satin bow extended to a full ResidentsopposingtheHighVolt- • Conroy, IV, bethofBoston,Ma.,were cathedral train which had re-era- age Powerline by APCO meet every i * • i unitedinmarriageMay25atMemo- broidered cut work appliques. Mon. night at 7:00 P.M. at the  RIVERBEND AUCTION CO rial Baptist Church, Beckley: The veil of imported English net Jumping Branch Fire House.   (304) 466-5212/445-2897/647-4374 i The bride is the daughter of Mr. was attached to a headband ofivory Any person opposing to the pow- m   Randy S. Burdette - Auctioneer, WV#927 m I and Mrs. Frank Crook, of Daniels. satin roses, and cascade of lilly of erline are asked to please attend I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COUPON  1 mm I mm I I 1 / I 1 1 1 1 " The groom is the son of Mrs. Valley, and seed pearls, these meetings. Bernadine A. Conroy, of Boston, Ma. She carried a cascading bouquet L The Summers County Solid Waste Authority reminds you that West Virginia Code 20-5f-4b says that every landfill in West Virginia must provide one (1) day each month when you can dump up to one (1) pick-up load of household trash for free. The monthly free days at nearby landfills are: Mercer County Landfill: 2nd Wednesday of each month. Raleigh County Landfill: 3rd Wednesday of each month. H.A.M. Landfill (Monroe County): 4th Tuesday of each month. Greenbrier County Landfill: (none) Remember: every household must dispose of its trash legally. So either subscribe to your local garbage hauler, or use the free day. Don't throw it over the hill.., take it to a legal landfill! Rodg ' Fa" ers 00rlea Subaru and GMC ',,;'oo RL 219, Fmrlea, WV 24902 645-2400 Z °° SUPER SUMMER SIZZLER SALE 11 Subaru Justy Retail $10,770 5 dr., 4X4, auto,  Discounl $1034 a=kU7 Sale Price $9,736 1991 Subaru Legacy Retail $17,652 Lt 4X4 Sedan Discount $1821 auto, r, cruise I:bte $1200 White, Blue Sale Sales Ret $17,5 Parts Lt 4X4SN, Ss Discount $1805 Rebate $1200 Pr, a Sale Financing 1991 GMC Sonoma TK Retail V6, auto, air, AM/FM Discount $597 casino, #1  70 Rebate $1000 Back & Grw Service and William H. Conroy, III, of Portsmouth, RI. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Lester Hall. Wedding music was provided by pianist Kim Beckett, of Shady Spring, and vocalist Darrell Mann, of White Oak. Escorted to the altar by her fa- ther, and given in marriage by her parents, the bride wore an Ivory satin gown, it featured a sweetheart neckline adorned with imported lace, sequins, and cascading pearls. The leg-of-mutton sleeves had imported lace, sequins, and pearls, and tapered to fingertip points. The V-back was enhanced with lace, sequins, and cascading pearls of calla lillies, accented Ivory roses, stephanotis, Ivy, from her mother's garden and streamers of pearls. Matron-of-honor was Karen Eare- hart, cousin of the bride, Maid-of- honor was Nellie Thurman, cousin of bride, both of Beckley. Bridesmaids were Vicky Dacal, Ginger George, both of Beaver, Lisa Cook, Donna Elswick, both of Char- lotte, N.C. and Karen Ingersol of Los Angeles,Ca. Flower girl was Miss Christine Jones, of Beaver. Ring-bearer was Master Nicholas Eareheart, of Beckley. Best Man was Paul Rufo of Bos- ton, MA. Groomsmen were Mark Crook, 10:00 a.m. From FOREST HILL take RL 12 North approximately 3 miles OR From HINTON take RL 12 South approximately 11 miles to 4-H Camp Road - RL 29 THEN 1 1/2 miles to Holly Grove Camp WATCH FOR SIGNS Antique lion's foot square table, wood breakfast set, old metal kitchen cabinet, 2 metal wardrobes, rope electric range, Maytag wringer washer, King Coal wood stove, recliner-rocker, refrigerator, antique oak wash stand, 2 chests, love seat and chair, wood bed, cherry vanity chair, color TV, 2 dressers with minors, old porch swing, card table, small tables, pole lamp, vacuum cleaner, small appliances, Marlin 22 auto rifle, 1100 Remington auto-full choke-30" mint condition, 870 Wingmaster 12- gauge pump, 2 door gun cabinet, 2 10-speed bikes, 1 - 20 inch bike, wooden step ladder, aluminum extension ladder, Homelight super XL12 saw, power tools, skill saw, sanders, drills, saber saw, pole axe, double axe, mechenical tools, shovel plow- 3 pt. cultivator, folding doors, steel traps, boxes of hand tools, 4-gallon churn with dasher, several pairs show chickens in cages, wood crafts, comer shelves, glassware - some antique, miscellaneous boxes, ceramic rooster and hen - 10", wooden towel racks, shelves. Many other Items too numerous to IisL ABSOLUTE AUCTION Selling the Estate of William Paul Martin Not Responsible for Accidents Food Available Terms: Cash or Good Checks Lloyd "GENE" Ayers, Auctioneer Lic. #946 Telephone: 253-1391 All New Subarus and GMCs On Sale Bring, A COpy Of This Ad For Extra $100 Off " Good Selection of Used Vehicles in Stock -k iii l US en ly hle ave "ing nee gal gis. dal lers tent La ;o to