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The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
July 16, 1991     The Hinton News
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July 16, 1991
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8 - Hasten News Tues. July 16, 1991 LEGAL NOTICE IOTICE: Yes am hareby mU0 that Uw Metro. u State Ct4  lndaNla uv/nt, 1&apos; is aplytnG for m immt und Stl llgb) 0 d tim rben Mase Tnmspartat/m A*t of 10it, as amended, • o aequLve €ommtmiest/4m equlpaumt to emUnou and t nd • demand respemlvo sorvlm within RaldSh, %rHPayAe (with a ton-mile rodJus of Routo IS with the  m.rn berdw  at h¢h and the elty Nmito of Oak Hlll and Psyottoville also included), umme (with a five-mile mdlns OF Route $ east to antes, a five-mile nidtutof Routa 20 north to (]fem .lphur Springs, and n five.mile rndlus of the inter- te at Green Sulphur rinp with tim entire ctt its of HintAm included) to poky/de transportation to meet the special needs of the elderly and/o€ henri,- sapped penmn,L The purpeee of thin notke io to odvlso all intorsetod neit and paretrensit epemtors d  planned within the arsa(s) d above, and to Insure that ch a Iaip*am would sat repvesont a dupli/tion of tu'tnt or   provided by ndetlng transit or pamtnmdt qltor tn the Ar intorsoted trsns/t, tad or other earrler within propmed servi eree may eemt ml the pcv,. posed eerviea by July $1, lJ01. CAmmonts should be • ubmlttnd to MK. with s copy be/ng ant to the Division at the iklrum below on or b['ore the diate steted above: Division of PulPit Tmmdt • , Delmriner.t of TrensportaUon Building 5. Room A-f040 • 4 Coptt Comea Chaffs,sou, West Virg/nia 2f0f,-O128 . HNJ, Ip LEGAL NOTICE ,' NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE  . Notkaisberebyl/vanthatbyvlrttmofadtultby Wdham Jev.ningeBriore,Jr. and SueBartan Brlet D/ B/A Rivertowna ('Dabts') under the terms of rhea esrtoin flrmne/n88tetomente and tmmrity sllveements dated October 21, lll8 and August 31, 1980, tht undersigned will ffor  eat. and well at publk au S all of its interest as smnid party Jr, end ta Dabto' mahlneey, equlpmont, furniture and fix. 5t urea, all attachmente, mrlso, partz, and tuuls dor4¢lng thereto w for ul in oommctn therewith now otnt any time htefre leased at 315 oond Avenue, Iilnt4m, Wso4 Vlr/inht, and ir.cludin/withmt Iimitatiun the following dmcribed personal prepty: (1) 40 Pt. Dehumidifor, S/N IN9030-7003,(!) 41 pL Dehumidifer. SN 28902-1422, (1) 41 Ft. Dehumid- €.er, S/N 28g02-14539, (I) Bakers Table. No. S/N, (I) olm Mashir, S/N AR-2860, ( D:iOqL Mix"Hdrt; S/N 102I&2. (I) BC Cbeppar'Hubart', 8/N 1902781, (1) Meat Chopper Olobert Attachment). No S/N, (I) South Bend (]as Stove, S/N 71N20, (1) Hand Sink, _ No S/N, (3) Baedn Sinks, No K, C Bssln Vegetable F rep Sinks, NoS/N.(1) Sods Fotmtsln Froemr Pan I, /N 763458, (I) Soda Fountain r Part 2, WN %. (1) Star #3W, NHS N..ho Chsom Warmer 3t,/th pump, heated spout md S/S bowl 8/N 010, .41) Duke #304-25 P 8team Table with enelomd bern, • Natural Gila, (I) Rubbermaid #2624 Rubbenmtld "'eeneKeepar.(I) RotoCoupaR-4X, S/N R4X01ZI07N, ) 8,"3 DrolIn Sink with T&S Sprayer, (1) Jackmn U ndereatm tar Dishwasher with Bo¢=ter and rack, 8,' N 19320, (2) Master-Bill eDD4t8 Dehum Dlpptn| Cabinets, (2) Mast,r-B/It #DW D/ppar Wells with in. stelletion kit& (2) Malger-Bilt IK)DH-8 Round Can elders and Overnight Can Carafe,(2) Master-Bflt PS-8 Removable Im hleld,, (I) Tandy 4000 [tomputer, SIN 71000825, with Printer, S/N 000484 l, 4Uy Board 8/N 060642 and Dik Drive, WN 0004841, (I) Frymastor, Gas, Model # MJ42.L,SD, 8/N my. YA2312EU, (I) Hehert Microwave, Model .I312TML2G62E3, 8/N ,13.204-11ll, (I) Visi-Ksol, lodel #47'2 (Leitmor Equlpmmt C). Any and all Debtor*" inventory lind supplim WIll likewisa be offered for male. The above property will be offered sepsretely and as a group and dd for the high, st total bid. The a aucthm will be imM at the mt- mnt formeHy owned by Debtors at 815  Ave- nua, HanSon, West Virginia on July 31,1991 at 12:30 p,m. Esstorn Time. or hler's ehk m the day of m. The . tved merves the right te bid at tm  d'n'arignod retlm tim right to  any and all bids and to adjourn the man llama Ume to time by oral precis marion. The property will be sold AS IS, WlIER IS, WITH ALL FAULTS, W ITIIOUT WARRANTY OP MERCHANTAB/LITy, FITNESS FOR A PART|U- LAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTItER WARRANTm8 WHATSOEVER. I LOCATION OF PROPERTY AND FUR1IIZAt [N FORxON The property derthed above i aerated at the restaurant formerly operated by the Debtors at 315 SerondAvenue, llinten, West Virginia.Aflranfptmento tJnspect and view the sublet property prier to ale at the above-mentioned los,tics may be mndeby tact- tr Thomac It. ]pin, at (304) 29181. Anyona desiring further information is reqtmlted W contact l'homa, Ii, Gilpin at the Ume number, . PIKEVILLE NATIONAL HANK AND TRUST COMPANY. P. O.Be S47 0 Pihevilin, KYqlfi01 By Thomas H. Gilpin, it* Attorney and Agent Phcme N (304)529-6181 ' HNJUly I6,23 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING Notke is hereby ivon that a public huarln r)udl tend ucea on certoin p tariff revisions filed by Mountaine' Gas Company with the PuMI¢ Sevlc Comm/uion of West Vlrinle (Commission). Them revised tariff cheats, originally filed by tim Company en January 8, lI, to be become effeeUve April I, 1991, included changes in certain Rulm and Reula* lions and in certain previsions of sorN elasoifi. Liens for furnishing sac service, By order enterod on Mmh 29,1991, the Commis- sion suonded the use of MountotnerGasCompanf, tariff shto until IZ0I a.m., b 27, IlI, unlmm otherwise ordered by the C.nmiseion, to pro- vide additional time for Commiseion Staff to review r:omPrOposod tariff revidons and make appropriate mendatlens atw such review. This public hsartng will be nduld on July 29, 1991, begtnnin 8 at 9:30 a,m., in the Commlm*ion's Hring Room, 201 Brooks 8tact, Charlsote Wut Virnia. Anyone deirin to prott Mountoinsor Gas Company's proposed tariff mvistuns may do so in writing, within ten (I0) days of publication of this Notice, to the Public Service Commission OF West Viqrlnia, P.O. Box 812, Charleston. WV Moun toineer Gu Company , .HNJuly16 *' LEGAL NOTICE , ORDER OF PUBLICATION TH CmCUIT cotter or svms COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA JOHN L GODEY Pleintiffv. MARY OODBEY nt C/vlI Aetlen No. 91-!. . l.Crhe object OF this suit Is to chicle a dJvetm from the bonds of matrimonyJ To the Above Named Dd,mt: It appoartnlr by nflSdvit filed in that dfligemoo has . used by the l|ntito air. fn wt ar.tX defendant s, without effect, and that his sddrms is unknown by the Pleint|ff, it is her,by ordered Umt MAY GODBky erve upon NED H. RAGLAND, JR. plaintiff's attorney, w he! address is 114 Main Street, BeckJey WV 801, an answer, including any related suuW-er cia/m or defense you may have to the com. pint filed in this action on or hefore Augnst SOth., t991. If you foil to de co, judgtmmt, upon proper bearing and trbl, may be ap|r.styou for the relief dmnanded Jn the mmphdnt. A copy of said complaint can be obtattted from the tmdn, igned Clark at his ooo. Entered .by the  of said Court Circuit of 8ummars C Edith M. Meador CLERK OF COURT HN Ju lS.2 LEGAL NOTICE .* FIDUCIARY NOTICE The fellewlr4 annual settlement is bofm me. Trelee E. Lilly, Guardian for Christ¢pher A. L/lly, T}ut fellowirq[ final settlement  before me: Dermid F. Mock, Jr., Committee for Robert A Ward. PEltRY E. MANN F*idtu:tltry CommlJionar HN July lS. nEA s00v, czs AND APPRAISALS Farms, Reslde.,tIM, VacaUon and Commercial Properties Member MLS Autrey Ritch, Broker GRI, Certified Real Estate Appraiser 5thAve. & Commercial St. Hinton, WV 25951 304-466-1111 or 466.0736 Call and List With Us Today! JONES REALTY IE8ch Office Independemtly Owned 466-4246 8t 86. B0x 99 Jumplno Branch, WV 25969 R. Eugene JOneS, Jr., Broker I II #267- Jumping Branch - 8BR on I Acre- private #270-  story farmhouse & 8 acres. Beech Run $45,000 #271- 50 acres . 2 older homes.very private $39,500 #269- 64 acres woodland w/ 8 BR home, $69500 #268- Jumping Branch, 15 acre farmette . 2 homes 11;55,000 #273- Near 1-64 Sandstone, 2 BR home, Workshop. trout stream $32,000 I I Staff To Be Here THIS ONE'S FOR YOU Supplement your income with rent from the one-bedroom efflcieqscy unit upstairs and llve comfortably in the two- bedroom unit downstairs with this two-story frame across st, eel from Hinton High School; only $22,000.00. WANTA BET? Who said you couldn't buy a one-story, frame home that's approximately 10 yrs. old and has off-street parking for less than $30,000.? This one's al- most half that - only $17,000 !! VALUE-PACKED Neat, one-sto;:ume home overlooking_ River; ga- zebo in rear yard;only $15,000. LERONA AREA 11.4 wooded acres near Pipestem Resort; Ideal site to build your new home ... $17,500. SMALL ACREAGE 5.3 acres at Lerona, near Pipestem l.(,.) deal site for new home... $'a-12,000. LETS TALK VALUE !!!l!! 1 1/2 story, brick home; full basement and detached ga- rage; assumable VA Loan; $37,500. FOR INVESTORS 2-story, brick apartment building in Hinton ttistorical District; fully occupied; $23,ooo. WILLOWWO()D ROAD 10o Ft. r'OLD; steep, but cheap; $2,... Make Offer !! U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, D- W.Va., announced that a member of his staffwill be in ten W.Va. coun- ties on July 24 and 25 to conduct constituent casework sessions for West Vimans with feder]!y re- ]ad pb|ems0rquestions. • Byrd, who will not be able to at- tend the meetings because the Sen- ate Will be in ]egislative session, said his caseworker Will be in the follow- ing ]ocations: Wed. July 24:2:00 pro-3:00 pm Greenbrier, Greenbrier County Courthouse, County Courtroom, Lewisburg. Thurs. July 25: 9:00am-10:00am Monroe, Monroe County Courthouse County Commission Room Union. 11:30am-12:30 pm Summers, Sum- mers County Courthouse, County Commission Room Hasten. Taking Applications The Summers Co. Board of Edu- cation has the following vacancy for a clerk of the works and is now ac- cepting applications. POSITION: Clerk of the Works for Construction Projects. QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants with Architectural or construction engineering experience preferred. Contractors with experience on major construction projects Will be considered upon interview. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: ' At start of construction (Approx. Aug. 1) and until our architect veri. ties substantial completion (approxi- mately Dec. 1). SALARY: $12.00 PeT Hour ( 2 hours day maximum). APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Submit application noisier than 3:30 p.m. on July 18 to: Mr. Charles R. Redes, Acting Superintendent, Summers Co. Schools, 116 Main St., Hinton, WV 25951.466-6006. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER As required by federal laws and regulations, the Summers County Board of Education does not dis- criminate on the basic of sex, race, color, religion, handicapping tend/- tics/marital status/or national ori- gin in employment or in its educa- tional programs and act/varies. In- quiries may be referred to Mr. Char- les R. Rod, Title IX Coordinator, Summers Co. Board of Education, 116 Main St., Hinton, WV 25951; or to Mr. Bill Ball, 504 Coordinator (same address) Phone 466-6016; or the Dept. of Education's Director of the Office for Civil Rights. Marriage is hardly a thing one can do now and then--excep in America. OSCAR WILDE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue 0fthe follow- ing deeds of trust: I.  of trust dated the 21st day of October, 1988, exesutod by Sue liarton llriers end William J. Briers, Jr.. her husband, D/LVA/ivertowne, to Perry E. Mann, Trustee, recorded in the Oflce of the Clerk of the County Commie, s/on of Summers County, West Virginia, in Trust led Bok No, 119, ut Page 584 ('Deed OF Trust No. 1"); nd 2. Deed of trust dated the 3] st day era  irt, 1989, made by Sue ltrton Briers and William J. l]riere, her humnd, D/li/A Rivertowne, to Perry g Mnn, Trus- tee, for the bcnefit of the Iqkeviile National lank and Trust Company, a national banking association, of record in the eforesaid Clerk' Ofl'ce in Trust l)eed Book No. 122st Page 32 ('Deed of Trst No. 2"). default having bccn made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigued, Tho- mas lt. Gilpin, Trustee, having been appointed as the sole Trustee under said deed of trust by instruments recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Oc nd having been required to do so by Pikeville National Bank and Trust Company, a national banking essociation, the owner and holder of the obligations ured by said deeds of trust, and having full and absolute power and authority/n the Promisas, will on Wednesday, the31st day of July, 1991, a t l 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time, offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash to the h!ghest bidder, at the main front door OF the Courthouse of Summers County, Wmt Virginia, the foRowing de- scribed property situated and being in the County of Summers, State of Wect Virginia end described as for Iow, All OF the following deribed property sittcd and being in the County of Summers, Stale of West Virginia, F[I-T: BEGINNING on Second Avenue at the corner of the alley 70 feet; thence at right angles to Second Avenue and parallel with the alley 72 feet to a point; then at right angles and parallel to Second Avenue 70 feet to an alley; thence at right angles and with the alley 72 fsot to the point of BEGINNING, and bein all of Parcel No. 123, and the nohern one-half of Parcel No, 122, of Map 3-A in the Asesr's Ofc AND BEING the me real estate conveyed unW Sue Barton Briers by deed doted the 22rid day of Feb- rtmry, 1988, from Shaili K Shammea end Brenda M, Shaman, hic wife, which deed is of reeerd in the Office of the Clerk of the Cotnty Commission of Summers County, WV., in Deed Book 159 at Page 431. SECOND: BEGINNING at tim comer of lot for- meHy owned P D. Rme and running back 140 feet wlth suid R. D, Rose's )or to an liey; thence with said alley 20 feet 6 inches; thence at right angles 140 feet to Temple Street and comer to the lot formerly owned by Wshbs; thence at right angles 20 feet and 6 inches to the place OF BEGINNING, Being part of Lot 4 in Block S of the map and plan of the City of HanSon, WV. TIIIRD: BEGINNING at the comer ofL<t 4 and S of Block S on Temple Street in the City of tiinton, thence with Templ e Street East 2-1.2 feet; thence parallel to the line between Lat 4 and 5, 46.67 feet; thimce west 2-1/2 feet to the line between Lots 4 and 5 46.67 feet to the paint of BEGINNING, end being the westerly 2.5 feet of Lot 5, Btock S, and consisl{ng of !16.68 feel AND theSecondandThit Aver  'it !,, **. Briers by deed dated the ls l.y , /.y, i8:i ,. ,a David L Ziegler and Billie Jean Csmara, Trustees o the PB. Cam,r, Trust, which deed is of record in the a fermaid Clerk's Ofl%e in Deed Book 160 at Page 361. TERMS OF SALE: I. Cash in hand paid and subject to any and a|l aseemmemta and taxes against said property, and all prior lions and encumbrances OF my nature whates- aver. 2. Subject to any and dl assessments and taxes apinst said property. The tnmtee reserves the right to offer the property doK rlbed above as a whole and to contingently accept the high*at bid thereon. Thereafter, bids will be token sapamtely and ntinntly eeptod on the ,daove desorfled parcels separately (the seared and third derlhed imrceds arc ooneidernd atone parcel). A/r the offfir. OF mid prOp/as stall.above provided, tha bid er blde sutlttod will he acpd in a manner that will reetdt in the highest total price for all such property. The Trustee further reesrvsa the right to sell oele OF the alive de:ribod patrols if a bid is remivnd for eithm' parcel in an amount sufficient to satisfy the ezpamm eftbe sale and the indebtedness eecured by the subject Deed of Trust The trube /Itrthar eves the right to adjourn the sale for a ma, or from time to time, without further notice by oral prtvdmnatlon st the time and paea of mile as hereinbe- fore Wit forth or any adjournment there,'. Gtvm und my hand this24th day of&me. 1991. Thomas H, Gilpin, St¢enor T it (304)Ji9-S181 HN July 2, 9,16, 23 321-3rd Ave. 466-1100 MADAMS CREEK. Beautiful Log Home- 3 BR. Rock Fire- place on 4 A. Deck overlooks Madams Creek. Picturesque. Can purchase 40A. more for hunting. NEW RIVER - Acreage. BLUESTONE PARK AREA - 50 A. 2 creeks, 2 springs excel- lent hunting. 1/2 level to roll. ing, rest woodland. BOWLING HAYNES THE- ATRE BLDG. - 2 apts., 2 Busi- nesses plus theatre- 68,000 . Good income property. BOWLING HAYNES APT. BLDG. - 16 apts., 3 Businesses. All occupied. Good condition - Good income property. SANDSTONE. lovely 3 BR., 2 baths, on 2 acres. Pond. 5 minutes from 1-64. FOREST HILL AREA. approx. 1 1/2 acre lot. Overlooks Green- brier River. PINE HH,I,. 3 BR frame house, niceSLE PEnlln HINTON - 2 or 3 BR., frame. $16,000. Will do owner financ- ing 10% down. PINE HILL- Attractive 3 BR., 2 1/2 baths. Frame - split level, fireplace, carpeted. Attached 2 car garage. Large corner lot. Excellent buy at $58,000. BARGER SPRINGS - near Greenbrier River. Large lot, 2 BR. - 200 yds. fr. new beat launch. Great fishing. Nice starter home or summer camp. $28,500. LOWELL  , on Greenbrim, River - 3 BR. - large new deck" on 3/4 A. Garage. Priced low at 32,000. MADAMS CREEK - Davis Rd. Nice 4 BR., 2 story frame on 1 1.2 A. 30,000. BELIPOINT - Pine St. 13A. Prime bldg. sites. A Bargain at $12,000. WILLOWWOOD- Greenbrier River lot 50 x 242. Priced $3200. TEMPLE STREET - store building with furnished apts. $85oo. NEW RIVE R - 2 BR., camp with 120' frontage on By-Pass 3 and 20. 120' frontage on the river. Good commercial property. Call for other listing& June McGraw, REALTOR, C,R.E.A. Home: 466-1767 Wflma Redes, Sales, 466-1118 Lind, Lyons, Sales, 466-2838 el,us Lyons, Sales, 466-2638 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COuNtrY, WEST VIRGINIA JOHN L. Plaintiff VS: MARY GODBEY, Defendant. CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-C-I08. TO THE ABOVE NAMED PARTIES: NOTICE OF FINAL IIEARING Please take notice that this sam has been ,chad- uled to be heard before the Honorable Edwin Wil, Family Lawmastar of the Circuit Court OF Summers County, West Virginia, at the Summers County Court- house, in tlinton, Summers County, West Virginia, on the 18th day OF September, 19!, at 1:16 o'clock lm., or as soon thereafter as may he heard, at which time and place testimony will he taken as to the evidonce in the case, at whkh hearing yeu may attired and preset your interest. You are also further advimd that in the event the heduled hearing cannot be heard or hi rat he*rd et the indicated time and date for any reason, then the hearing may be held upon any later data without further writter, notice teyou ofi ehedulin. JOHN L. GODBEY, Plaintiff Attorney: NED I1. RAGLAND, JR. 14 Main Street 1) lx 2,33 Beckh!y, WV 2802-0233 Tc!cphone: 25240G |IN July 16, 23 Dr. William H. Perrine OPTOMETRIST 217 4th. Ave. Hinton, WV Licensed Hearing Aid Center 466-2020 E. "WHITEY" ELLISON REAL ESTATE Behind Summers County Hospital 46 Acres of woodland. Lot of Good Timber. New River Road ft. of River Bank. Commercial Property for sale . Income producing, Downtown Hinton. Rut,u- rant - club site. Residence above. Reasonably priced. 88 acres more or lass, five bedroom homer built in kitchen, hardwood and par- quet floors. Good well, re,- sonable access. Sandstone area. Four to five bedroom home, level lot, on hard top, family room, two story, many fea- tures including walkin clos- ets and master beth-bedroom suite. Sandstone, Modern three bedroom, two bath mobile home on four wooded acres, good game, trout stream nearby, secluded with reasonable access. Meadow Creek. Twenty acres, woodlarid. Ramp Road. Good Price, w/ five ]eve] acres. Sandstone, on hardtop. 5 ACRES BEHIND HOSPITAL Nice & Level Border Walnut St. about 400 ft. Madams Creek 30 acre farm on Sunrise Moun- tain. Prime Iocation/w big five room house. 2.5 Aere8 on Creenbrier River. Prime location. Great Fish- ing Shallow Area For Swim. ming. Property Is High Land/ w Spring... Excellent Invest- ment. Rt. 1 Box 86 Ballard, W.Va. 24918 FOREST HILL AREA ON RT. 12. Beautiful 8 br, brick home, modern kitchen, dining room, large family room, €$ full beth00 Lots o, 00,XXX00ace. 1 large cedn,.OG,.v&.-Play room or g=  =d= paved drive- .T. | w,l. ,umace, commercial [hear pump, and fireplace. |Brick pump house and small Ibarn. This super quality brick home contains 26,035 sq. ft. and is situated on $ I/2 acres level land in a very desirable location with all modern con- venicnes. Call today. Price $96,000. PENCE SPRINGS AREA- on Greenbrier River. Extra n;e a BR. turni,had canK,, *ont room,, kitchen, beth= v,..ric and wood or f,.eat. Situated on larg,jly level lot. 130 ft. front and all the way beck to river with good fishing and boating. Also utility building, shade trees, picnic tables, etc. This is the camp you must see to appreciate. FORESTHILLAREA - Monroe County line. Beautiful 2 story 7 room home with 2 large hallways, 4 Bit, LR, DR, FR, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 1/2 base- merit. Completely remodeled, situated on approx. 30 acres of beautiful level to rolling land with stocked fish ponds. Day,loped springs. 5 acres woodland with large trees, bern, machine and hay shed, other outbuildings, plus 40x80 craft 8hop with a combina- tion cabinet and workshop. Excellent location with hard- top road frontage. This might be the one you have been look- ing for. You must see to appre. ciata the quality. Call today. Priced... $98,000. TALCOTT AREA.4 BR., 1 1/2 story home.• Large dining room and kitchen, bath, fron  and building. FOREST HILL AREA - 3 BR., brick home, kitchen with built in cabinets. DR., LR, 1 1/2 bathe, full basement, base. board hot water heat, quality built home with all oak trim situated on approximately 1 acre land in good location. Home is unfinished but sell- ing at reduced price, only 8,59,000.00. TALCOTT BALLENGEE AREA - 8 room frame home, 4 BR, LR., FR., kitchen, DR., small basement, front and back porch, wood shed, util- ity building. Situated on ap- proximately I acre level land, fruit trees, good garden spot, on hard top road. Only $32,0000. BARGER SPRINGS AREA . 16.88 aoru of mostly wood. land. Only I mile from Green. brier River. Secluded home cite approximately 5 acres esare on hard top road. Only 814,000.00. TALCOTT BALLENGEE AREA- Approximately 4 acre of land, good location wth fruit trees. Road front. age on two sides. Will sou in two traete or as a whole. 812,0000. For Listings Or Auction Sales Call 466-3210 Anytime *** We are neve00 can --ordy remember that we were so once. ALEXANDER SMITH ...t The W.Va. Bowhunters Assoeia. tion will hold their annual Summer Rendezvous at Lake St,phans again this year, starting Sun. July 20th. and Sun. July 21st. Spmdmrs will include C. Prod Adll (Hunting ed/tor ofBawhuntem Metudm, and President of the Pope and Young Club) and Jack Brobet. They will be doing mimm on both Sat. and Sun. Also avmilabl, will be. darm a ddm displa4, camping, water slide and beach. All this is free to the pttb]ie. We wi]l also haw a two ( day bow shoot which will inelud 28 &D big game targets. Cost i8 $.00 for membere and .00 for non-m- bore. For more info contact Norman Farley at 466-8196 Or Ran Miller at 965-6463. Sum/her Rendezvous Set Eldrldge Ell/son, Jr REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 466-1127 HINTON Andrea Barr Sales Person Phone 4$-0815 Arlane Rajah Sales Person Phone 48e442 912 Summers St 3 bedrooms Large Utility room. Eat in kitchen with Dining area. Must see to ap, preciate. We need small Fame. 25 to 80 acres, lets us list your Place. New River Road Nice 3 bedroom House or Camp. Nice Kitchen. Also big Living room with Fireplace. Lot Borders River. State St. 7 Room House. Nice carpet. Priced to soiL Must see to appreciate. WUlowwood Road Nice camp. Nice kitchen, new carpet, on Big Lot. PENCE SPRINGS AREA - approximately 17 acres mostly woodland, Overlook- ing Grsenbrier River. A good place to build camp, home, etc. Priced at only $11,000.