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July 16, 1991 The Hinton News | |
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July 16, 1991 |
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Mrs. Winifred Thelma Bostic, 84,
formerly of Monroe Co., died Thurs.
July 11, in a Ronceverte care center,
following a long illness.
Born Apr. 23, 1907, in Summers
Co., she was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. George Porterfiald.
Mrs. Bostic was a lifelong resi-
dent of Monroe Co., was a member of
the Union Methodist Church and
was a homemaker.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, William H. Bostic and a
son, Paul Bestic.
Survivors include five sons, Pete
Bostic of Richmond, Vs., Jack Bostic
of St. Albans, George Bostic of Ron-
ceverte, Bobby Bostic of Myrtle
Beach, S.C. and Ronnie Bostic of
Staunton, Vs.; three brothers, Jim
andPoweli Porterfield'both of Picka-
way and Bob Porterfield of Lorain,
Oh.; 15 grandchildren, and throe
Services were held at 11 a.m. Sat.
July 13 at the Longanacre Funeral
Home, Fort Spring with the Rev.
Mark Flynn officiating. Burial fol-
lowed in the Groenhill Cemetery,
Mrs. Hester Frances Lindbery, of
McKoesport, Pa., died at 5 a.m. Mon.
July 8th., in McKoesport Hospital.
Born July 14,1904 in Hinton, she
was a daughter of the late John M.
and Blanche Wimbish Doyle. She
was a member of the Wesley Meth-
odist Church, Methodist Women,
Sunday School teacher, and Church
library Volunteer.
She was preceded in death by
husband Floyd Lindberg Feb. 1988;
sisters, Mabel 1907, Gertrude Clif-
ford 1977.
Surviving:. daughter, Roberta of
Waverly, Oh.; brothers, John, James,
Robert and sister Mildred Meador
all of Hinton; several nieces and
Friends were received in the
Jaycox-Jawaski Funeral Home.
Services conductedby Rev. Kenneth
Jones and interment in McKeesport-
Versailles Cemetery.
Mrs. Florence McMillen, 86, died
Thurs. July 11, in a Hinton hospital,
following a short illness.
Born Sept. 3, 1904, at Meadow
wer f the
anL *
Mrs. McMillen was a homemaker,
acharter member of the ]ne United
Methodist Church of Meadow Bridge
and for the last 20 years, she at-
tended the Central Baptist Church
of Hinton.
She was preceded in death by her
husband, Sidney McMillen, on Nov.
10, 1966; a son, Ray McMillen, in
Sept. of 1958; two sisters, Lelia
Zickafoo and Anise Gwinn; three
brothers, Elmore and Howard
Gwinn; a stillborn infant; and a
grandson, David Crane.
Survivors include three daugh-
ters, Glenna Crane of Elton, Norms
Coins of Hinton and Juanita
Campbell of Charleston; four sons,
Russell McMillen of Grafton, Vs.,
!I Garland "Joe" McMillon of Meadow
Bridge, Elbert McMillen of Char-
leston and Aaron McMillen of Dun-
bar; six sisters, Irene Gwinn of White
Sulphur Springs, Viola Sifers of
Meadow Bridge, Blanche Martin of
Rupert, Gracie Dotson of Bradley,
Macie Henson of Springdale and
Virgie Callison of San Jose, Calif.,
three brothers, Woodrow Gwinn of
Cleveland, Oh., Grover Gwinn of
New Jersey and Olen Gwinn of
Meadow Bridge; 18 grandchildren;
• and 10 great-grandchildren.
Services were held at I p.m. Sun.
July 14 at the Wallace and Wallace
Funeral Home, Rainalle, with the
Revs. Robert L. Moore and Homer
Elkins officiating. Burial followed in
the Wallace Memorial Cemetery,
Grandsons served as pallbearers.
Kenny Thomas Miller, 38, of
: JumpingBranch, SummersCounty,
formerlyofHolly Hills, Fairdale, died
" Sat. July 13, from iuries received
in a motorcycle accident.
Born Nov. 24, 1952, at Glen Ro-
gers, he was the son of Sam J. and
" Fannie McCoy MillerofHoUy Hills,
• Mr. Miller was a 15 year employee
of U.S. Steel, Shawnee Mines at
Pinnacle Creek Complex, Pineville
where he was a shop mechanice
electrician. He was a member of the
UMW and local number 2426 at
Pineville and was a two year veteran
: of the US Naval Reserve where he
served as a medic. He was a 1970
i graduate of River High at Hanable,
Oh. a 1971 graduate of Barber Col-
'- lege in Wheeling and attended the
Hollywood Baptist Church at
Other survivors include his wife
of three weeks, Tammy Miller;, two
sons, Samuel Miller and Dakota
(Cody) Gardner, both of the home; a
daughter, Samantha Gardner, of the
home and two sisters, Mrs. Estil
(Shirley) Bailey of Holly Hills,
Fairdale and Mrs. Steve (Margaret)
Kolsrud of Phoenix, Ariz.
Services will be 3 p.m. Tues. at
the Melton Mortuary Chapel, Beck-
ley with the Rev. Samuel Blaylock
officiating. Burial will follow in the
Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens
Cemetery at Prosperity.
Pallbearers will be Connie and
Franklin Bailey, Jerry Evans, Kelly
Brooks, Peyton Hale, RickGuy, Sam
Blizzard and Lawrence Sizemore.
Mrs. Bessie Mac Thomas, 89, of
Charleston, formerly of Summers
County, died Sun. July 7, in a Char-
leston hospital, following a long ill-
Born Nov. 12, 1901, in Summers
County, she was the daughter of the
late Elbert and Edna Farley Young.
Mrs. Thomas had lived most of
her life in Charleston and was a
retired practical nurse.
She was preceded in death by four
brothers, Gilbert, Prince, Ned and
Claude Young and four sisters,
Blanche Burkeheimer, Elizabeth
Eller, Maude Young and Elsie
Survivors include several nieces
and nephews.
Scrvices were held at 11a.m. Wed.
July 10th. at the Ronald Meadows
Funeral Parlor Chapel, Hinton,
with the Rev. Elmo Alderman offici-
ating. Burial followed in the
Restwood Memorial Gardens, Hin-
The body was at the Ronald
,Meadows Funeral Parlors, Hinton.
Mrs. Rose M. "Rose Lyons"
Withrow, 87, died at 12:03 a.m., Sun.
July 14, in a Summers County hos-
pital, following a long illness.
Born Oct. 7, 1903, in Summers
County, she was the daughter of the
late Granville and Lula Wickline
Mrs. Withrow was a lifelong resi-
dent of Summers County, was a
member of the Church of the Naza-
rene in Hinton and had worked as a
She was preceded in death by her
=Jesus and You at Camp Can Do"
Laurel Crock Baptist Church on
Ramp Road - Sandstone.
July 22 - 26. Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 -
11:30, Fri. - 9:00 - 12:30.
Thursdays at 8 starting June 20th.
thru Aug. 22nd. Come to Pipestem
State Park Amphitheatre. Eco-
Theatre presents Scenes of W.Va.
West Virginia's Nonacting Actors:
Kathy Jackson, Martha Asbury -
Faullkner & troupe. Plus Judy
Walker with Sarge, Jim, Lana, &
Admission only $3.00.
S'OF 72
The HHS Class of 1972 will have
a meeting on July 20th. at 4:00 p.m.
at the Dairy Queen in Hinton.
All interested class members are
urged to attend. Plans for a twenty-
year reunion will be discussed.
annual reunion at the Little Beaver
State Park, Daniels, WV on Aug.
24th. Sponsored by Camp Raleigh.
All persons connected with the C
C C are invited to attend. Bring
family and friends. For further info
contact Robell B. Clark, 107 Lynn
St., Danie]s, WV 25832 or phone 1-
It has come to my attention that a
group of children, who as of.yet are
unknown to me, is going door to door
in the Hinton area collecting dona-
tions for the Church of the Naza-
Please let it be known that they
are NOT doing this for the church,
but for their own self-gain. Rev.
Robert Wiseman, 1602 Temple St.,
This is to notify all Summers
County Taxpayers that the Asses-
NOTICE sors Office will be open Saturdays
To the Jumping Branch-Nimitz from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon for
PSD water customers. We have individuaiswhomayneedassistance
available at our office the results of in reporting their 1991-1992 per-
four quarters VOC testing as re- sonal property and real estate re-
quired by the State Health Dept. port.
William D. Farley
and the EPA.
The results can be reviewed at the
water office.
Mustard Greens, Pickling Cucum-
bers, Yellow Onions, and Lettuce.
All you need. Bring your own
containers or bags. Everyone is eli-
gible. MWF 10 A- 2 P, 127 Ballengee
The Summers County Chapter
A.A.R.P. will meet on Thurs. the
18th. at the Hinton House Commu-
nity Room, Time 1:30 P.M.
There will be a special group from
Monroe County as guests. All mem-
bers and guests are urged to attend.
The alumni of the Civilian Con-
servation Corp will hold its 5th
Summers County Assessor
first husband' Streeter A. Graham; l! m
her second husband, Dorsey Lyons; [| , , , /
her third husband, Paul Whvow; d "t]]' ,,r, ;::,r /
Survors include a daughter,
Freda Evans of Detroit, Mich.; a
sister, Hazel Pettrey of Columbus,
Oh.; 13 grandchildren; 34 great-
grandchildren; 17 great-great-
grandchildren, and 11 step:children
which she reared.
Services will be 2 p.m. Tues. at
the Ronald Meadows Funeral Par-
lor Chapel, Hinton, with the Rev.
Robert Wiseman officiating. Burial
will follow in the Oak Grove Ceme-
tery at Ballengse.
Carrie L. Talbott
Image Consultant
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lalcot! WV 24981
1-800624 4573
• Color Analysis
• Skin Care and Cosmetics
• Instant Image Makeover
• Personal Image Profile
• Corporate Presentations
Pretty Baby
The WNa. State Water Festival
Pretty Baby Contest, sponsored by
the Hinton Kroger Employees, will
be held Tues. July 30th., in the
Krogsr Parkinglocated at the Coun-
try Roads Plaza. Entry fee $3.00.
There will be four catagories: 0-6
months; 7 months to 1year; I year to
2 years; 2 years to 3 years.
Trophies for 1st. Place and rib-
bons for 2nd. and 3rd. place winners
will be awarded in each category for
male and female babies.
Registration will be Saturdays
July 20th. and 27th. in front of Kro-
ger. Babies can be registered at the
Information Deskinside Kroger until
July 27th. Deadline is July 27th. at
11:00 P.M.
Chairperson - Amanda Beth
Cales. Krogers Employees - Linda
Brandon, Royce Brown, Chris Bur-
gess, Martha Pack, and Fmen Young.
Ina Fox Bess, formerly of Ramp,
W.Va. traveled to Indianapolis,
Indiana on Apr. 22nd., to celebrate
the five generations with her daugh-
ter, Claudine Johnson Humphries,
her grand-daughter, Linda Carls of
Oh., her great grandson, Jack Carls
and great-great grandson Zackery
Cads all of Oh.
Mrs. Bess presently lives in
Radford, Vs., with her husband,
Charles M. Bess, formerly of Sum-
mers Co.
Bingo every Thurs. night, start-
ing at 7:00 P.M. at the Moose Lodge.
Concession available. Mini and
maxi jackpot.
Children can play if accompanied
by an adult.
Tues. July 16. 1991 Hlnton -
Arts and Crafts Show will beheld
at the Memorial Building Aug. Ist.,
2nd. and 3rd.
Please call Ruth Pivont at 466-
0822 or 0257 for more details.
Anyone knowing anything about
the missing public address and score-
board system at the Football Field
contact Mrs. Crowder or Buzz
The Summers County Servico
Unit of the Black DiamondGirl Scout
Council will be offering a Summer
Day Program the week of Aug. 5th.
through 9th. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
at the Little League Park in Belle-
The cost is $15.00 for registered
Girl Scouts and $17.50 for those not
registered as Girl Scouts. Deadline
for registration is July 15th.
You must pre-register so don't
wait till the last minute. Applica-
tions and other information may be
obtained by writing Cathy
Richmond, Camp Director, HC62
Box 35B, Talcott, W.Va. 24981 or by
calling 466-0610.
First Lady wV 'r-
Visit Stuimers
Spend an wih Fi ,
Lady Rachel Worb": *he P':l,,
Springs Hotel on ' 2t:'. f,-,',
2 P.M. to 4 P/. ' '
Special guest /ll:" ,:€ '..
lfreshments will serxe. -,--
mission $5.
Call members Svmma: ,
County DurJo't m:u ti \\;', ' :r.
mitt for tickem. mts wil ai:
be available at the .
ccc smmN
The 14th Annual C ,', ,:
Chapter #I will be ld t (:=:!
Woodlne, Richwood, W.V. S A:
17th. this year. In cuel'r,u t wq:!
be switchedtoRiehwmmHigb ,e,e h,:,,
same day.
All CCC alumni, all 'est ervic..
and dept. of Natural urc ;
sonell, fsmili and d r, i,
vited to attend, pl1rig -4cu
Come on down andnjoy r,h. fi,c,
fun, live band enttalnme,t an,!
above all Good Fellowtp.
i ii I11 i,r--- '
Bluestone Satellite SytNtns [
We sell the Best! Plpeetem. W.V • ': |
General Instrument . |
Drake ,.
Uniden ]" [
and Sales & Service , | |
Descramblers Benny Wills 466-844 |
II ..... ll'II ,,, ,-
Qualified Staff' "
, r I
Quiet & Efficient Servi00 i,,
Pivont Funeral Ser00e
E.M. Meadows Funeral ,,
100 Park Ave,, Hinton 426!i
new fr
t come
We at Heiner's Bakery have proudly served the West Virginia,
Kentucky and Ohio area with quality bakery products for over 85
years• Now, we are really happy to be able to add to our circle of
friends and customers..• the good people of Lewisburg, White
Sulphur Springs and Union communities•
We know you'll like our wide variety of delicious fresh bread and
bun products. Anyway, what better welcome could we be given
than for you to put a fresh loaf of Heiner's Enriched Bread on
your table?
Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs
and Union: good communities...
good people...and good things
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