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6 - Hinton News Tues. July 8, 2003
Freezeland Mountain School,
Hogan School, ad Alex Richmond
Family Reunion will be on Saturday,
July 19th., at the Little League Ball
Park in Bellepoint, Hinton, WV., at
Recreation Area #1. Plan to be there
around noon and eat around 1:00
Bring a covered dish. Paper goods
are furnished.
Hearing Aids
Houses &
For Rent or Sale
John Wayne Ramsey H
Angela Dawn Barker Ramsey
Accepted Into WVU
Graduate Program
John Wayne Ramsey II will be
attending the WVU Graduate
Program of Education this coming
spring. John will graduate cum
lauds from Concord College this fall
with a Bachelor of Science in
Elementary Education upon
completion of his student teaching
in Morgantown.
As a student at Concord College,
John has participated in the college's
rekional geography bowl in
Richmond, Virginia, Project Wild,
and has won the award of
"Honorable Mention" in an art
competition held by the college. John
is also a member of Maranatha
Baptist Church. John has worked as
a student assistant at the Concord
College Bookstore and the Marsh
John is the husband of Angela
Ramsey of Princeton and the son of
John & Teresa Ramsey of Lerona.
His paternal grandparents are the
late Woodrow & Julia Ramsey of
Page, WV. His maternal
grandparents are Ralph & Georgia
Frazier of Elyria, Ohio:
John is a 1999 graduate of
Summers County High School.
July 12th., at the Summers County
4-H camp in Hinton, WV., starting
at 11:00 a.m.
Please invite family and friends.
Bring a covered dish enough for your
family, a dessert and drinks. Paper
products and ice will be provided.
There will be music, swimming,
door prizes and guessing games.
Again this year we will be having
the auction. We count on you
bringing items to be auctioned for
another successful year. The
proceeds from the auction are used
to pay for camp rental, pool,
lifequard, door prizes, paper
products and flower fund.
For more informationor
directions, please contact Samuel
Smith 304-466-1956, Ronnie Smith
304-466-1257 or Marie Ratliff 304-
Looking forward to seeing you
The Summers County Soup
Kitchen urgently needs volunteers
to cook and serve. Come help please!
• ..does not permit us to publish items of
commercial nature which would be classified
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Higher newsprint and other costs; plus
longer press runs for circulation; dictate that
strict editorial judgement must prevail.
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The closiog date and the deadline for
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eyond our control. , _
Local Student
Accepted Into WVU
College of Law
Angela Dawn Barker Ramsey will
be attending WVU College of Law
this coming fall. Angela graduated
summa cum laude from Concord
College on May 17th., with a
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
and Finance.
As a student at Concord College,
Angela was a member of Alpha Chi
National Honor Society, the WV
Society of CPA's, the Student
Business Advisory Committee, and
President of Phi Beta Lambda.
Angela is also a member of
Maranatha Baptist Church. Angela
has won awards such as "Most
Outstanding Business Student of
the Year" (2003), Class Agent,
Runner-Up at the Alpha Chi
Regional Graduate Competitions,
1st. Place in Accounting for
Professionals & Human Resource
Management at the Phi Beta
Lambda State Leadership
Conference, and Outstanding
Performance in Public Speaking.
Angela has also worked as a student
assistant at the Concord College
Human Resources Department, the
Marsh Library, and has interned
with attorney Debbie Curry.
Angela is the wife of John Wayne
Ramsey II of Princeton and the
daughter of Steve & Vicki Barker of
Forest Hill. Her paternal
grandparents are Charles & Betty
Summers County
Council On Aging
Section 00010
Notice Of Request For
Construction Bids
The Summers County Council on Aging,
(hereinafter called =OWNER") invites contractors to
submit sealed bids for masonry repair for the Summers
County Council on Aging in Hinton, West Vrginia
Sealed bids will be received at the offices of the
OWNER, located at 120 Second Avenue, Hinton, West
Virginia until 2:00 p.m. local prevailing time, on
August 1, 2003, and then and there the bids will be
publicly opened and read.
The work of this project consists of the following
Lump Sum contract:
1. Contract 1GC - General Construction includes,
but is not limited to: All work described in the plans
and specifications related to tuck pointing masonry.
Contract Documents are available for inspection
during regular working hours at the office of the
Architect • J. Dan Sncad & Associates, Inc., 3049
Robert C. Byrd Drive, Suite 101, Beckley, West
Virginia, 25801 (telephone: 304/252-6630) and the
McGrawhill Dodge Construction Planroom, 2333
MacCorkle Avenue, SW. Suite 203, SL Albans, West
Virginia 25177 (telephone: 304-727-7267).
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at the
office of the Owner on July 22, 2003 at 2:00 p.m.
Bids shall be submitted on the required Bid Form.
All blank spaces on the bid forms must be filled in, in
typewritten form, and the Bid Form must be fully
completed and executed when submitted. An
acceptable Bid Bond, made payable to the OWNER,
in the amount drive percent (5%) of the total bid, must
accompany each Bid. West Virginia State Contractor's
License will be required of all bidders.
The parties to whom Contracts are awarded will
be required to execute the Agreement and obtain the
required Performance Bonds and Labor and Materials
Payment Bonds within ten (10) calendar days from
the date of Notice of Award.
Note: State of West Virginia Prevailing Wage Rates
are applicable to this project.
The OWNER reserves the right to waive any
informalities, to reject any or all Bids and to award
'the contract based on contractor stipulated time of
completion. Any Bid may be withdrawn prior to the
above scheduled time for the opening of Bids or
authorized postponement thereof. Any Bid received
after the time and date specified will not be considered.
No bidder may withdraw a Bid within sixty (60) days
after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should
there be reasons why the Contract cannot be awarded
within the specified period, the time may be extended
. . -Bdde€ ,'w=,=:=.
rHlaf'ncrcnm-t %nnacP-q /$- Senioices Appalachiand,reaAgeqfyo .m.Aging
other t and [sedl reSources, and donations. The
Angela was a salutatorian of the Summers County Council on Aging is an equal
class of 1999 of Summers County
High School.
The Summers Co., WV. Historical
Society will meet on Tues., July 8th.
at the Dairy Queen near Hinton at
4:30 p.m. for dinner on your own and
a business meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Publishing of the Cemetery Book
wil be discussed. Please remember
the deadline for submitting material
to be used is July 1st.
National Register Historic Places
Pence Springs
Casual and Fine Dining - Lounge
Country Inn Lodging includes Breakfast
Weddings - Groups - All Occasions
445-2100 or 888-675-1700
Cider Press Lounge open
Fri. & Set.
Located on Rts. 3/12 **Pence Springs
opportunity employer and does not discriminate
regardless of raco, creed, handicap or national origin.
Dated July 1, 2003
By: Lin Coins
Executive Director'
HN July 8, 15
Clerk of Summers County
P. O. Box 97
Hinton, WV 25951
Applications for the Civil Service Examination for
the position of Summers County Deputy Sheriff will
be available beginning, July 1, 2003.
Application packages shall be received from and
returned to Mary Beth Merritt, Clerk of Summers
County Commission, Office of the County Clerk,
Summers County Courthosue, Hinton, WV. 25951.
All perosns interested in this position must make
apllication by July 18, 2003.
PhysicalAgility test will be conducted at 10:00 a.m.
on Saturday, August 9, 2003 at the Summers County
High School Track by the Summers County Sheriff's
Persons successfully completing the Physical
Agility test will be notified of the time, date and
location of the Civil Service Examination.
The Summers County Commission is an Equal
Opportunity Employer. Discrimination is prohibited
due to race, color, religion, sex, orientation or national
origin. Applications for Deputy Sheriff must be 18
years old and not more than 45 years old on date of
HN July 1, 8
I have befor me the foll0wing deceased parsons
and the accotmt of tle Yluciarie oi" their estates:
Decedent: Ariel AlvlsBnmett,,Fiduciary: Mary
Houchins, HC 76,Bot59,umping Branch, WV.;
Decedent: Everetf Lee.Chattin; Fiduciary: Frances
Jean Chattin, PO Box 34, Talcott, WV.; Decodent: Viola
Ruth Davis; Fiduciary: Ernest Eugene Davis, 515
Cedar Ave., Hinton, WV.; Decedent: Betty Ann Fix;
Fiduciary: Robert S. Fix, 1,36 Starling St., Princeton,
WV.; Decedent: Kathryn Susanne Keffer; Fiduciary:
Kathryn D. Keaton, RR2, BOx 177, Lewisburg, WV.;
Decedent: George Henry Ruff, Fiduciary: Carmella
Denise Gill, PO Box 332, nton, WV.; Decedent:
Marguerite Jane SWore/and; Fiduciary: Gerald G.
Swoveland, RR # 1 BOx 145, Hinton, WV.; Decedent:
Lillian Mae Turner, Fiduciary: Kenneth D. Turner, HC
76 Box 113, Nimitz, WV.
All persons having a,claim against the estate of
any of the above-named deceased persons, whether
due or not, are notified to exhibit same with vouchers
thereof, legally verified, to the fiduciary of such
deceased persons as shown within 45 days of the
publication hereof or no later than August 15, 2003;
or if not so exhibited to such fiduciary by that date, to
exhibit the same at the office of the undersigned
fiduciary suparviser.within 90 days or not later than
September 29, 2003; otherwise any or all such claims
may by law be excluded from all benefits of said estate.
All beneficiaries of said estate may appear either before
the above named fiduciary by the date first shown or
thereafter before the fiduciary superVisor by the date
shown to examine claims and otherwise protect their
Given under my hand this lt. day of July, 2003.
Norma Lilly
Fiduciary Supervisor for Summers County
County Clerk's Office
HN July 1, 8
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Real Estate
#828 HILLDALE - 3 br., 2 1/2 baths
on acre lot. Private setting, full
basm't, Sun rooms and covered
porch, carport. $98,000.
#814 MARIE AREA - 2 br.
furnished home on 2 acres.
Private setting, pond, garden
space, outbuilding. $49,500.
#811 WAYSIDE-- 3 acre w/small
one room cabin, adjoining creek.
Private & mostly wooded--
#778 36 ACRE FARM, Raleigh Co.
- 10 minutes from Lester Square.
Mix of pasture, hay fields and
woodland. Fenced. 6 year old
home. Private. View. $99,500.
Historic 2 stow home has been
converted into 2 living units. Also
has garage and apartment behind
home. Selling entire package for
#812 PIPESTEM- 3BR home on
1 level acres, 2 car garage &
carport-- $73,000.
2 baths, CapeCod style home on
large lot. Central heat & A/C,
sundeck, fireplace, custom
kitchen. . $98,500.
iii!i ::....- ::;: ;: ....
ff86 PENCE SPRINGS. 13 room
ranch style home on large level
lot. Garage w/shed, storage
building. 4 brs. 1 1/2 baths, family
room and more. Close to river but
no flooding. Garden space .....
Sales Associate
• i
; :. :
• : "t!!i "
Sales Associate
HC 85 Box 99 Broomstraw Ridge Road, Jumping Branch, WV 25969
Call For Our Latest
FREE Brochures & Catalogs OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE:
Ab ()ne lt:ou:" 7"/e Coun,,o,L.e IVe l)oLt
#752 522 SUMMERS STREET - 3
br., 2 story, corner lot w/new
privacy fence. $39,500.
Pipestem area, 221 acres of
fenced pasture, hayfield and
woodland. Great hunting,
adjoining gov't, land near New
River. Rustic contemporary home
has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2
fkeplaces, rec. room and more.
Panoramic views from the house
overlooks several counties and
into Virginia. A very private
setting also has additional cabin,
2 log barns, log outbuildings and
pond. Shown by appointment this
very unique and special property
is an outstanding property.
#825 "Newly Remolded"
Commercial Location. New floors,
roof, fenced, paved parking lot.
Good location few miles out of
town on Rt. 3. River frontage,
suitable for many types of
businesses. "Former Juby's
Bldg." $315,000.
#826 1104 WALNUT ST.
(Bellepoint) 3 br., brick on 6 lots.
Ig. LR, with fireplace, basm't,
screened porch, sundeck, nice
view. $99,500.
#788 NIMITZ - 1 112 acre level lot
with 3 br., 2 bath, home. 2 story
detached garage. $54,000.
#823 204 SUMMERS ST. - 3 story
Brick apt. building, Income
producing. $39,900.
#820 JUMPING BRANCH - across
from J. B. School. Brick home
with full basm't. Features 6 br., 4
baths, 2 kitchens and more. 2
acres of level land, oversized
garage with breezeway. Too many
features to list... Call for
appointment. $350,000.
#821 MARIE AREA - 3 br., 2 baths
manufactured home, with log
siding on I 1/2 acre lot. Nice home
and country setting, 1 mlle from
riven Cellar and 2 storage bldgs.,
carport, paved driveway, sun
deck and front porch. $89,500.
#783 NEW RIVER ROAD - 2 stow
duplex, 1 unit rental, view of New
River. $35,000.
#818 MADAMS CREEK - 3 br.
home on large lot, house sits on
full basm't., wraparound sun
deck, g a. carport,
outbuildin .U.s above ground
pool. "Parklike setting," with
creek flowing thru property.
2,400 sq. ft. 2 story home on
private acre wooded lot, only 3
miles to Pipestem Resort Golf
Course and Lodge/Full bsm't, 4
BR., 2 Baths, spacious kitchen,
den with fireplace. $99,500.
#781 - FOREST HILL- 3 br., 2 bath,
double wide on 3 plus acres. 2 car
detached garage. Very nice home.
Family room w/FP. $75,000.
R. Eugene Jones, Jr.
Ph: 466-4246
Beautiful older, 2 story brick
home. View of Greenbrier River
from wraparound porch. 3 br., 3
baths, plus formal dining,
spacious living room, den end
custom kitchen. Full basement,
fenced yard, off street parking. "If
you like quality older homes, this
one is special." $150,000.
#816 418 JAMES STREET - older
2 story home, needs work.
#766 HINTON BY-PASS, Prime
location on New River, this 46" x
20' building would make a nice
business location or nice camp.
Newly remodeled but needs some
finish work....$32,000.
#775- Older 2 stow house, two
layer porches provide great view
of New River & Hinton. S,-.. n(d
porch on back w/$t<'.'Li ' dr g
Room, Kitche.e.e.e.''plianc( s &
1/2 bath q--. ¢.J level. Upstairs
featu'dR s, utility room w/
wash,-%' and dryer, large bath
w/closet Off street parking - lot
approx. 90'x275' $36,000.
... ,!.-..,'$!$!][]]: '.-..'..i" "
>. :-..:.:.:::: j : '¢.:.:
.z.> .:4z:'.:.:.:,'.: .:':.''" "
Commercial Building, Fenced
Lot, Paved Parking, 3-Phase
Power. $160,000.
Sales Associate Sales Associate
Jennifer Kaleb
Gore Lively
466-2331 573-6463