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Newspaper Archive of
The Hinton News
Hinton, West Virginia
July 3, 1990     The Hinton News
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July 3, 1990
Newspaper Archive of The Hinton News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hinton News Tues. July 3, 1990 Jem/L. C00per II ,TI ',tEAt, t :STAT ! ] ROPERTIES !!1,1u I LISTEN TO THE QUIET :|Athens, West Virginia [ / &Nn APPRAISALS breeze this summer in the l ,.IL-., i ................... e = ., : gazebo in the rear yard o!th I / "-Residentl,,Vacatt0n shaded, 2.10 acre lot that isl ibrick 2 baths fireplace tam"y i i and Commercial Pr0pertles , ,thesettingofthisranch-stylei .~,2decks, 2cargarage,~ | | Hamk~P itlL~ I |home at Hi//dale- only min-| ~j~'vel lots overlooking New | | m~,,it~, ,., ~ I lutes from the Golf| I /Autrey.Ritch, Broker I I I ! IGm, Cert,.ed.Real Estate I house ,p. al-- I / Appraiser ! |Morethan2,SOOsquarefostof| ~R~m/numoutbuilding, ll/2acree | l- .... ' " ........ , ^. I |heatedllvingarea, plusatwo-| I ] mAve. a t 0mmercm, L] icar, garage; manyI ................ [/ Hinton, WV25951 I lextra., such as a privatel w, em - el.=, acres moun- -~ pe powder room off the hath for [ or [ f,,, [ I Ca, List W; US Today/I l ient lo=atio, on a large leveli ........ ....... ....... " |lot in lower Bellepoint,| ..... ! , I $g8,000.00"eallforanappoint'l nee Springs-2bedroomlog i I ,q ^ • • i L i i l /N I i ment. i ~situatedonGreenbrier [ | rlUIVI/4I E;I.I-UI I River. I I ....... _ -I I PENCE SPRINGAREA I ! Pip.tug. s ho.. gauge, I I I i Approx. 88 acre==; good home| I ...o , site,~omepasture.dhalancea ~bove _Blu-~tone Lake on Rt. I I ~g~__.~,: ! I woo,,-.d; =or. than 120;I 120. 4s, oo.oo. I I I I feet hard road frontage and[ [ .... .[ | mg doors, tiasemen= ha,I I easy aces= from Hungart's/ [ Ell|son Ridge Rd. - 8 bedroom [ | range and refri ,erator. I I -- /" "|brick fuel oil furnace full | | Fully electric~Xe~ pump[ I / P|~b~isement. 42,000.00. [ | (new). as t~'-dish, ga- [ | EASY TO BUY | I -- - I : it trees on I l Affordable starter home orl Jura mg Branch 8 bedroom | Jumping Branch- 8 bedroom | | K of romn land. I ! good rental investment • • .| -~ce carpeted, ' Built in I I r li-water. T ree -I l one.story, frame home on level [ ~~~th dishwasher | ~ ~~l~m Rt .q i [ lot.., only $12,000. [ ~fr~ gn e. 2nd. house for rental | I ~~" ~'~t"~= ] [ " | property 8 outbuildings 15 sa lp:pe:Yd pOrtb d :g,d. I I| . R°oSSZ= ;omewithI |-= | 1"rop])~ ]REDUCED I | full basement, in very neat[ damsCreek 5 room house PRICE REDUC ~ d~k- 5 roomhous~ [ PRICE REDUCED I | condition; convenient loca- [ :t!/~dbathon,++-o--+000O001 ca,, Jess e. ane,0 i,,o.,=000 I - Pine Grove Rd. I Real Estate Broker II MAINLINE QUALITY / I Double mohm, home I A A A II Di. over the quaUty of thisI place tn LR, 2 wells, large i w J.~f~repl cea in L 2R, wells, large [ ~OUi~Uq'U I | two. story, frame home ith[ ~en.l.4acres.47,900.00. [ ....... ~ | brick front and full basement; I -~ sn excellent condztzon, and Madams Creek t level LEGAL NOTICE I l conveniently located on ., ~a~res . ~k~ SEALED BID SALE AT Hinton High School, HINTON PROPERTY II "| I I I"::;°°'" ... v.,.e, °'"1 I I STATE OF WEST WRGINIA I ! "--'" I [ I~rona - Sunset Drive - 3 | DEPARTNIENT OF ~ " I ~ I LIKE TO FISH? [ [ bedrooms, carport |and-I ADMINISTRATION I i We've got your wish! ! Inex-| [~aped level corner lot.| .............. ,a ~eu -=~. ........... I x ne west: v~rgmxa ~r.a..~.I | pensive river lot fronting | ,|~,000.00. [ AgencyforSurp]usPropertyw3]] [ i 100 ft. on Greenbrier River;[ ~I_~ ......... I open sealed bids for all State II s 0oo.. Hurrv t I / ~oi=t~Rd ,,&J~o~m|, property, lncludingoffice ,hT:. I1- .................. " ....I | house 2 acres,, garage con-| ture and equipment ana bther l | Now offering complete aue-| | verted ~ 4 room apartmen=t,| miscellaneous merchandise, Is- l| ,: .... icew call now to book [ i l~..Yard isfenced.| I a ........ , " • Large garden Iaro zs lento , ~~a zs ~ence?: I ~ated at the Surplus Property I / your home, farm+, business, orl .:L re .e o h_Close to Bu. i Temporary st.bution Center I I e, te ..ction • • Sell you. I ~,~alls~Make nice mummer| (HintonArmory).epproximately I I "The Seu.d That Sells". l o|1 pj~mp. $28,000.00. | 2 miles east of Hinton, WV, on I l " l | ~'" | State Road Route 3. The sealed ] | ~ SERVICE-FULL TIME | True Road 4 BIL, brzck, 2 I ~- Bib, brick, 2| bids will be open Monday through ] | ~ _ L | -1 fireplaees, level lot. 200 x 200- [ Wednesday, July16-18,1990, at// I IJ I 0 .dt]~ell kept house. $79,500.00. 2:00PMeachday.Official awards I | a6,. 3-..g- 7r, n ~l 0t:~llkepth°use'$79'600100_" I of property will be made by 3:00L| ~E~L'O~ ~" ~| :~re sssve company wsth 8 ~gressive eompa.ny with 81 PM daily. I l JERRY L. COOPER, GRI l ents servmg Southern West ~g " All property sold through this " for ou OR • ~tt4y for you. | be State Property Only and will | | -- [ " " " e is" CHARLES W. SAUNDERS Broker I be sold on an as IS, wher I l ...... / ]-"IN. ~. Vflllttaa~;, . " u, un~, I ........ t I I REALTOR -ASSOCIA'I'I~ I • ~q;~, warns. NL awarded proper~y mus 384-9261 466-4274 384-9261_ . I be paid for and removed by the ] / / . II i Unda Forren- Agent [ c]osingofCenteronJuly 18,1990, [ --lr • TnmiCE .... 46fP2638 - [ ..less prior arrangement have | n ,~l~J ~. ,i' " ~'* - - been made with SURPLUS per-| NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE w ~'~'~ A 11" "krrtrrwd~i1~ sonnel. Sealed bid forms and | PUBLIC AUCTION JI.aJ~a~,lr~IkJLa l~l~.~XJt~J~=nv=lnn=~willh~nvnilnhi~.atthe Jlncomldiancowithecortointru|tdeed~uted ................... • ~ ...... r ................ l by M r. and M~. Charles D. Laces to Wiilidm D. Levine .. Jq~urrtul~ TO UUP~'|'ttAU'IX~tt~ Hinton Armory July 16-18, 1990. | end J. We. st Clair oa Suhetituto True fer Jim ~DT,~f,~ A on~ J^.,..'~- ,:.. +i... r,,..,.~ oCa [ Wsltorllomm. ln¢.,bsaringdatoMsrehO, iM9ana • / .... Wear r~ .~v-w u~W==,~, ~== ~,,== ,v, ,,, . . J ,~orded in the office of the Clerk Of the C.~ty -::~ .S .~ied prepmll~ll he rece,vou by the _ . checkormonevorderlsrequlred [ Commi~mionofSummemCounty, WutYiqpni.a, in v ~qn.m Uelmrtment e~ zmMpermtmn, t~v~mon o~ ,, T st Deed Book 121 at P • 81 default having men • ~/~,~I,~, ,t ~te om~ in charge,to., w.t vlr~nl., with each bid Cashis not acce t- r.,~ ...... ~ ........ , t~ ....~. ,,= ~...~ om~- .,,,m,.; ~- ,-m 10 . P [ ma~e In theImyment mme u~,t .-~=-: , :'~":..~,~.]~'-';]'7~;V~llbey . .able. For moreinformafion, con- / the bereft,to "u'ndar|ignedeither°fw -h'*e~* .~m.layart'ettherequestof will miler pubi.csu~tton at the'tat • W~ ~ a~ ~d ,mme~aFly t~r~ ~r tact WVSASP at (304) 768-7303. / ~ent door sigh: co=~o~ orSummers County. o~ tr~tiono~mez¢~mw~ngpre~ertonStatel g~ atHeism WsatVi ms ;~ " of West Vi 'nia re July~s 19soat|1:~a.m. " , ~ ' , way~ . .. . .. , _ J the followmg dNcnhed rml : . • The State rg~ - ' ' ,,~,~ 8tatoPr~eetR08gREM/GR-9I VafiousCountieL serves the ngn¢ m accept or re- i All of that certain lot, tract or psrcol el. lonG, lnatalktim e¢ l~pl~e Otmrdrail in Dtstri~ Nine on ;~et =.u ~r .11 bids / together with all improvements t .he~m. arm. Varleua Rout~. d ..... ] v ... • , __ l manta and appurtonancos thereto belonlpng, mttmte - - , il be, ,l,ed p, --imed Co.. No bid will be conmdered un- l ,mar the village of Marie. in Forest Hill District of atmet~only, gsehlr-r~muitheacoompaniedby less submitted on forms -re l SummeraCounty, WestVirlpnia, and more p~rtieu" Bid ~Sond, Cssbi(!r'~ Check or Certified Cheek for ~ , , F | lariyde~Hhedas fellows: BEG INNIN~ onacod.mton ;'~)~,~0er5%eftotolbld, whichevermgraater, The scribed by and available from [ !~__~y~.~.t~'~rnT~st~r~.t='y=.~2"~ "'* ~" ~'~' ..... II |a --- ...... -- l N 01 -b4i I~ 31.W tt~t Ir~m arm ¢orlmr m ~n~qPm a" w~rw~mto,~/t~nye~a p~.~- : - the West Vlrgmza ~tate ,Agency / Pe~,thoncowtththemddStmet;N64"GIW~'|00.00fsat ~stts~g sad publ~ly qmaing pmpmah far any Wo~. eat desi~natod In this ndvertlmmant' wlth~t the ne- ~lidm~ewtr~ such ~iNment. All bidder* bidding p¢oposais will be netifled of lUSh propo~l~ Wig be ret~,fed ena pub|Jew oparm~ The Divisto. erHlghways hereby net|flea ill bid- 4~l]~t it will sfflfmatively insure that in any con- .~'~ttored into pursuant to this edvertia~a~t, ~tti/~W budn~m enterprises will be afforded ~ll ~ft~lty to m~bmit bids in rupenm to this invtta- "t~ '~ ~ill rot he ditntmtnated ei~tinat en the Ireundsofrsm,¢oler, relt~an, mzer national origin in eenddemtlml fer an award. j.+~I.~ISION OF HIGHWAYS "I~INESS MA~AO~a lO LEGAL NOTICE FIDUCIARY NOTICE The fall.wing m~te m new before me: 1. Final mtUement Of D~nver C. Richmend, St., Guardian for Bobby L. Riehme~d, Jr, aml Audrey Ann Richmeed. 2. Annual Nttl~aont ofTrelee E. Lilly. O~il~in for Christoph,~r A, Lilly. Pe~/E. Mann Pidtwlary Ca~mlutoner HN July 3, 10 made a part Of the daeertptiou at mid weperty. AND BEING • part e~ly of that certain Imrcel of foul state hertofore conveyed by Jewell MeN.u" Blgeny and others to Jams H. Blues,and l~ul E. Light end John A. Allen by deed dated the 3rd day of April. 1984, and of record in the africa of the Clerk oftha County Court of Summers County, Wet Virgin| Deed Book 148. pa~ 179, and thereafter the said John H. Allen and Christine Allen, his wife, deed their e~e-tbird undi- vided intamt in and to mid propm, ty to Jmes H. Blues and Paul E. Li|ht' by deed dated the 1st day of August' 1984, and d reseed in celd Cleek's Office in Deed Beok 149 it page 104. Terms of ale: Cuh: William D. Levtne. Trusts J. W. St Clair, Trustee HN June 26. July S, 10 tTED NATIONAL/ REALTY RL ~6 B0x 99 JumplnO Branch, WV 2S969 ~tOFRCE: I MiLE OUT BROOMS~RAW ROAD I MADAMS CREEK RO,IgD LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST ~INIA IN RE: FrfflNrlON OF ANN REITIO, ADMINIffI'RATRIX OF THE l~rl'ATg OFTONYL]~RK"r~G & GUARDIAN OF AMANDAEL~ ~J~'110 CIV~ ACTION NO. ~I-P.I$I NOTICE Y~ •re hereby liven Notice that the undendlnnd wil~ apgenronthe 10th day Of July, 19~0, at 10:00a.m., b~em the Jndipt Of the Cl~ult Ceuft of Smnmem C~mty, fee the Im~0m Of moving the Circuit Cet~t of 8urns•re County to tcetwfer the lands held ~m" the hemfit of the mid infant' Am•ndl Ellmheth RettilL from • midant guardian to a nan fro|dent ipmrdian and that the said msid~t luardian be dieeharl~d ~m the eonditiens of h~ hend, at wideh time you may appear to taks any act|an which yeu dcmm rag~y to lZmt~t yeur inferrer. Stm Am~ bttil By Ceunml RlCitAim M. OUNNO~ gemMm ~ ~mso~ 110 Jmam 8test m~ wv ~mt H~ J~e ~, July S Rt. 1 Box 86 BARGER SPRINGS- on the I Ballard, W, Va, 24918 Greenbrier River mummer [ | "vv ....... | BARGER SPRINGS AREA- 3 cottage or permanent home. 3 I I I BR., house, with living room, BR., wood burning fireplace, I I I includes 5 roo~.~)ffurniture | | ~~"~.~'~ "~'" ."-','" | bath, kitchen, utility room, ingood c, ~ .. About 1/2 I! I sewing oo= or den, store windows and doors, oil stove acre,, lapel lot near II .............. I andtank.Outbuildinginclude (Turn Hole). Excellent swim- | [ -vt- ........ | washer or canning room, cel- ming and fishing. Priced II ~ I lar, storage building, grape harbor, located on approxi- Reduced. [ [ :./, :.con .,, mately 2 acres of land or 8 TEMPLE STREET - Older [| ............. ... [ lots. Near Greenbrier River frame two story home, 14 [ |~ [ with river rights. Only rooms.2batlu~.Wraparound I ...... , I g)£k; .Reducedto porch. Reduced For Sele.VA I I '~~;~Z¥= I ~s2t,000.00. Loan Assumable. I BALLARD AREA- 140 acre NEW Rm. Acreage. J .... [ farm with large 5 BR., fur- ~ nished frame home; Two BLUESTO~REA-18acres, | |~'~"~-'_.'~.~-'~'- | barns, hay shed, equipment mobile L 'BP , 2 baths, °n Lot. I shed, tool house, 6 ponds. One workshop, garage and pond. | | uu .... I stocked with fish. 40 acres of II I meadow land, 40 acres ofwood mNTON eth AVE.- 4 BIL, 2 I I ~°o~..~, ~" I Plusland'2 tractorsremainingandinotherPaSture'farm story, 1 112 baths, ~pociousI ....... I equipment to operate the rooms. Good Condition. Good | |" ...... vt, ...... [ farm• Very Private. Located ....0,000. | ]~+_=~o;~o.I at end of hard top road. Eve- rything sailing for~e.;00~__~. PIPESTEM-l~acresborder- [ [ ~.., ~ ~ ~kl~'T-, ~ [ Reduced to $105,000.00 ing Pip, stem State Park. 1/2 1 I - .......... I wooded, 1/2 cleared, prime ~ |~u~-.,~t,~r. .... ] SANDSTONE.GreenSuI~ur Iproperty" / I ~:w ~:~:~o~_ ~,., _,,, o IingArea nearroom, diningI'64" 2 or 3room, br~"/iV'large |BELL|POINT- on Observa- II ~;~Z='~I kitchen, bath, utility room, It|on Road. Lovely tri-level, [ [ .......... | enclosed front porch and [ part brick, part log. 4 BR., 3 [ | ~ .... ~ ........ [ patio. Carpeted throughout. [ baths, formal dining room, | [ ~ -- I Situated on approx. 70 acres Ifamily room, natural fire-ll=:q :L"+. ..... ofland. 15 to 20 acres cleared. [ place. Lot is 200x 100 ft. land- [ [ ~~..'~ ~_?~ [ Balance in woodland. House [ scaped.FantasticviewofNew II ............. I is located on a nice level lot River and mountains, with good garden spot. Lots of I HINTON.Srd & Rellengee. 3 I I I access to 1-64. [,tory apt. bldg., 6 apts. not II ~Z=,'~Y;L'~ I I completed. Business on [| ~~ ............ ] BELLEPOINTAREA-Nelson I gr°undfl°°roompletelyren°" II .... ........ I Street extra nice 2 story, 3 I rated. Central air and extras I [ ~~, I BR., home. LR-DR, modern I on the ground floor. Leased. I | ~'~-:" ~'~,, _.. ~ TI l~..u I kitchen with new appliances. I Large parking lot included. I ~~~ D.t.t~?? I Bath, hotwater baseboard IGreat Opportunity I Let in- II °TSP.t., ........... heat with new furnace, new I come pay mortage payment II ~u~ ~ale. insulated doors & windows, i*~'°~ i i ~'" hardwood & carpeted floors, I II ~-~'~'+°m" 1 - 4 all new wiring. Full finished basement, 2 car garage plus iTALCOTT - acres i rollingrestmotmtainou~goe~ i |GREENBRIER RIVER way. 100 x 110 lot. with nice [ to Greenbrler+ JBLiyer._~| i I 120 ft. frontage w/golf course garden sport, grape arbor, i view of river led su~aNmd- I ! view gen. store near by excel- strawberry patch.Avery good Iing mountains. Excellent for I I lent location for camp. location. All selling for only $ [hunting and or developing, l i 58,5oo I I i RETIREMENT/STARTER I I I LOW MAINTENANCE For Listings Or Auction Sales ibri, SALETAr -+'-- PEn DInG'n'• II M°VE IN CONDITION. ..... [ Call 466-3210 Anytime | ||_ ACRE_BEmN _2# [U L [ Paul "Buddy" Light I WmLOWWOOD ROAD - A - I I Nice & '..,, V. Ifreme ottage .......... I Broker & Auctioneer I River, furnis~k]k Deck over- I I ............. I looking river. $17,000. I I I Licensed No. 478 i i i Ideal Summer Recreational [ Gloria J. Meadows, Sales ASSOC. IHINTON'4BR-,3baths,brick IIProperty. • [ 466-1925 After 4 I and frame home on overlook- I I Hix Mountain. 4 Room House i ing river. Spacious rooms, I I on 1 Acre. Good well. Hard [beautifully decorated. I I toP" Great View LEGAL NOTICE I $27,000. --I I NOTICE TO CO VwroRs I i ~l~ will be received by the West I 4Miles From I 64 At Sand- Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of m .(~ tho .,~1~I TT .... " d -- ' IAVI. - "-" -- n. I ! stone. .ighways at its office in Charleston, West Virginia, Room A-148, Capitol Complex, Building Five, until 10 Ennl woo er~]SFIL£ P iS4 wooded Acres, 3 yr. old .... Tuesday,July|7,1990endesidproposalswiilhe | | Doublewide, 3 bedroom, 2 publicly opened and read immediately thereef~er for the construction of the following project on State liigh- | WILLOWWOOD ROAD - River | [ baths. Trout Stream. Near by .~ys: llot. ~0'x 142.' Price is $3,100. IIClaypool. FederalAidProjectF-0020(080)L(S345•20-15.69) | |[35 Plus overlooking Sand- conc~. |BELLEPOINT - Spacious ||stone Falls. Log Cabin. Propceals will be received from Praqualified Con- tractors only. Each proposal must be accompanied by Ilovely brick home. 4 BR., 2 1/2 II Springs. s Bid Bend, Cashier's Check or Certified Check for |hath|, solarium, large lot. II ~ $500.(~ or 5% of tetal bid, whicbeverisgraater. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals, iReau view of the Green- |iGreat Investment .If the above projeet ha .... at.risk before the pro~eet nomber, it has a Catagory'W" Proqualifieation |brier RiverJPrice Reduced. I! C°mm__ercial pert_y_D°wn" R, tins end t~ contrac~ra with .uch rating ma~ be iltown Hi"t°n" 2 Rental Units" z eli bie to bi, The Division of llighways reserves the right to |TALCOTr~approxim~t--~'.,30 |I Residenee Above. Great Res- defer, delay or po.tpone fro~ ti~etotimeth~dateror |acreg ....= ~ ml~ ]'t ~[~L~,r taurant Club Site. Very Rea-ectreceivingand publicly opening proposals for any proS-designated in this advertisement, witbout then~ r ir~ t- coesity o| renewing such advertisement. All bidders ,a,mg view. sonablePriced., holdingvalidbiddingpcoposalswil]benotifiedofst~:h ~,000. * deferment' delay or p~tponement and the date that Eldridge Ell|son, Jr p posel, be ei,ed and p licly TAIX~OTT - 100 acres mostly RW. AT, ESTATE The Divisionof Highwayc herebynotifies all bid- dera that it will affirmatively insure that in any con- all cleared near Greenbrier --'~--" tract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, River. Can be sold in smaller BROKER minority business mlterpri~es will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in responec to this |spits- tracts. PHONE 466-1127 tion and will not he dO.criminated against on the grounds of race,color, religion, sex or national origin in ' HINTON coo,deration for .n AVIS - 8 BR., 2 story frame, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS fireplace, formal dining room, Andrea Barr JAMES J. HALEY large front porch. Older home Sales Person ttNBUSINESSjune 26,MANAGERjuly 3 with character. Good Loca- Phone 466-0815 tics. Arlene Reich LEGAL NOTICE Sales Person ORDER OF PUBLICATION AVIS - 8 BR, frame, older Phone 466-5429 cmcurr COURT OF SUMMERS COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA CLARENCE C. IlAYES, JR, Plain- home.Beautiful lot from street LEGAL NOTICE t+, V. NANA KINCAID, VIRGINIA MCGRAW, to street. $45,000. MYRTLE GILL,GRADYMcGRAW, LOYE MCGRAW, NOTICE OF FILING OF SHERMAN MCGRAW, LEON MCGRAW, MAR~" MCGRAW DIAZ, BRENDA MCGRAW BENNE'['r, PIPESTEM POINT - 2 BP,., ESTATE ACCOUN2~J MARYMGRAWPENNINGTON, DEANAMcGRAW To the Creditors and Beneficiaries of the within MCCOIN, VIBGINIA SUE MCGRAW SURFACE, Ru~tic home. Double garage.1 de=,=sedpereen¢: LINDA MCGRAW GODDARD, KATHERINE 1/4 acre - 5 sin. from Pip.stem ] have before me the esta tea of the following de- MCGRAW and MARY" PUG' MCGRAW. Defondant~ coued penmns and the accounts of the fiducianes of Civil Action N~ 90-P-89. State Park. $80,000. tludre~tate~=Decedent~ JcoThempson,Jr,, Fiduciary: Theobject of the aboveentitled action is to obtain Lyndia Thompson, rJe Kelly Mitchell, 1740 Garden the partition of 10.93 acres, more or less, situate at Dr., Virginia Beach, Va. 23454, Decedent: John M~r- Little Mcedows. Green Sulphur District, Summera nty,Pid~-iary:Mar~ieMurray,414SummeraSt-,llln- County, WeSt Virginia, Of which AIUm Jonninp ton,WV; Decadent: Virginia Letter, Fidu¢lery: Char- M¢C-raw died aeiud and po~mmed of, intestate, by lm L*ster, RL 1, Boa 143F. Hinton, WV; Dee.dent: judicial sale and to distribute the net proceeds of said Call for other Ustings. ~e He|land, Fiduciary: Robert Holland, Rt. 1, Box sale to the heirs ofAtton J. McGraw or thel ..... ra 7513. Sandstone. WV; Dee.dent: Shirley Matovieh, Fi- and desires as their intersete lie. June McGraw, Pres., dudary'.MkbaelMatovich, Jr..P.O.Box602.Hint~m, Anditappe~ringbyanaffidavitflledinthisaetior' WV; D~md~nt: Wilbur Farley, Fidu~tery: Annie Par- that Virginia McGraw, Myrtle Gill, Loye McGraw, CeR~ ]ey.HASR. Be~ ~. Pip, Item. WV; Dec.den t" A]fi'ed W. Sherman McGraw,Leon McG raw,Mary McGraw Disg, Chi|d¢, Fidt~isry: William M. Child., Pluto Rt., Bog Mary McGraw Ponnington, Virginia Sue S~ Home: 466-1767 72,Hinto~,WV;D~edent:Rov~IdRudisill,Fidu¢iarY: McGraw, Linda McGraw Goddard and Mdry McGraw are all non-ramdents of the State of West Vir- ~t~orge l~d~ I~Mll~tr, 4~ Melm Rudildl|, P. O. Bed 23A, Tal¢ott. ~ • ~inia, and m ust be marred netice o f refit bY publicoti°n Any permn having a claim against the estate of in a newspaper of genecel circulation as provided by Wflma Rodes, Balm, 468-1118 any named decsaNd person are notified te exhibit liw, itilordoredthattheyd01mrveuponJouphAuere" • mme.withlegallyverifiedvouehera, tefiducia~jwithin manne of, plaintiffs atterney, whose address is P. O,, - 75days, or not later than September 16, 1990,or to su. Box 669, Hinton, WV 2~9~I, an answer or other de-: per'visor within 1lg) day¢, at addre~ below, net later fen~ to the coml~aint flied in this ection on or before thanOetober31,1990;otl~erwiseanyorallsuehclaims July. 1990, otherwise jud~ament by default will be may be sacludad fre~ all benefits of said estate, taken against them at any time thereafter. A copy Of All ben.fie|afire of mid estate may appear before said complaint can be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at his office. fiduciary or supervi~• ~ =d toexam- Entered by the Clerk of said Cou--t June 21, 1990. ine chdme and protect ~e~ m~crssts. Edith M. Mender Given under my hand this 2~th day of May, 19~0. Clerk of Court Ruth Neble Piduciary Supervilor. County Clerk's Office }IN June 26, July 3 HN July 3, I0 f, ...... +.+- + ............ +++~L ..... _